The BEST Wireless Mic of 2024?

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so which wireless mic Reigns Supreme today we're reviewing both the newer CM 28 and the Hol land LM 2 you probably weren't asking but I'm going to answer the question anyways which one is better which one should you spend the money on and why is one better than the other it's up to you to decide at the end of the day now unfortunately because I'm not a large Channel yet neither of these products were sent to me I paid for them myself I wish that I hadn't because it's a lot of money that I didn't need to spend but I did so anyways because I wanted to make this video because I myself was curious which brand was better and is it worth spending more money or less money to get better or worse quality usually when you spend less money quality is not as good so in this case today we're reviewing these two and we're going to see which one has what it takes to win so first and foremost obviously both of these mics this one being the hollyland lm2 super tiny about about an inch in diameter versus the newer CM 28 side by side side not much of a difference even though I'm not holding them the same they're both really good mics I've tested them both out I've tested them in an office setting like this studio I've also tested them outside so I think that I have what it takes to say which one in my opinion is better at the end of the day it's my opinion I'm not really professional this hints kind of the channel name you know besides the point hollyland is known for producing really good stuff if you've been on YouTube in the last week 2 weeks 3 weeks you've probably seen this mic pop up on your for you page is that what we call it is it a landing page maybe I'm thinking of the other app but you've seen this specific one pop up at least half a dozen times if not more this mic is extremely popular but funny enough I've had this for probably 3 months now I saw it on Amazon and I loved it just because of the form factor and I just had to buy it so like I said no one sent this out to me but hollyland if you are watching this you can send me stuff in the future I'll give you my address then last night I was looking at the newer CM 28 that's these ones I like them they kind of look like maybe a DJI knockoff if maybe the case wasn't translucent so maybe like a version one but I really like these it's super compact not as compact as you know the lar M2 obviously but they are still relatively compact it's a fully internal design you know you have the mic up top versus the mic up top so I mean kind of different in that sense but both of them work in that way the only big thing and I think this is where you know it could be a dealbreaker for some but maybe not for others this one the newer has a port for you to plug in a Laval mic whereas the hollyland does not so that is where the newer shines the hollyland Do Not unfortunately I really like the hollyland but I couldn't care less about a lavalier myself so I'm still sticking with this one at least as far as the intro of this video goes now H going first I bought this as a combo so in the Box you do end up getting a wireless transmitter to receiver microphones those little quarter looking things two of these cool clamps they are magnetic on the back which is great you also get two I'm going to call them dead cats some people call them wind muffs I'm a dog person so take that how you want to you also get a 3.5 mm cable jack that plugs in directly to the transmitter to your camera as well as two lanyards they have magnets on them but with the combo you also get these cool little receivers one of them is a USBC so for most Android phones as well as the iPhone 15 and up and then you have one for the older iPhone style which is a lightning port with this you also get a carry case powered by a USBC cable on the back side which you do receive a USBC to usba Cable in your bag and this is kind of the little bag that it all comes with it's kind of nice but in my opinion the newer bag is nicer and that's where we're going next now in my extremely professional opinion I think the bag itself is nicer but inside obviously you get one transmitter two receivers you also get the two adapters so one again being USBC you also get a lightning Port the thing that I want to Circle back to is the transmitter the transmitter on the newer CM 28 is a wireless one however it has an LCD screen on it so that shows you the different inputs the different levels of your audio power for each microphone as well as the transmitter itself if they're connected all of these mics right out of the box are automatically paired with their respective receivers you also have a button that indicates the decibal level it's a lot nicer of a setup than the hollyland but it's not a selling point additionally in the bag you do get two dead cat you get a 3.5 mm Jack you get a USBC to usba charger that again you plug into the back of the newer charging case this charging case it says it's for 40 hours whereas the other one says that it's for 30 hours this means that theoretically you could get four charges however the receivers in this are only rated for 8 hours whereas the transmitter is rated for 9 hours so yeah now that we've kind of sped through everything let's break down the key differences between the newer and the Holly Land and see which one kind of stands up to you know what we're testing now similarity wise they both offer some form of noise cancellation I believe based on what I've read and the little amount of time that I've had them that the newer kind of excels when it comes to noise cancellation over the hollyland it's not a big difference but it should be enough to show that there is some room for improvement for hollyland additionally they both offer both mono and two channel recording that way if you want to split things up so if you want to record two different tracks that way you can edit them separately at a later time you can do so or if you're cool with having one continuous track for both forms of input you can do that as well which is great when it comes to battery life they're both relatively comparable I believe that the newer will last a little bit less than the hollyland which is surprising considering that the hollyland is a much smaller form factor but because in my opinion without doing enough research I think because of the noise cancellation properties of the newer it doesn't last as long because it does more processing power on a hardware scale versus the hollyland which is more on a software side I could be corrected so if I'm wrong please let me know in the comments below I would love to be corrected at least to an extent now if you're buying a wireless mic the biggest reason that you want one is because you can walk away and it will still transmit receive to the camera that way it works better than say a shotgun mic like what we're currently using in this setting so for example the Hol land lar M2 is rated for 300 M which rounding up again in American terms is roughly 1,000 ft whereas the newer kind of Falls a little bit short it's only rated for 200 M which comes out to be about 650 ft again American terms but that translates well for both audiences I think so the newer and the hollyland they're both rated for those but they have to be in a straight line of sight nothing can be in the middle of the two of them so if you were talking between a brick wall it's not going to work too well but if you are in an open environment so if you're in a park or if you're filming something out in a large open area you may be able to actually reach those however I have seen from other reviewers like myself that sometimes even though they're advertised for that distance they don't always stack up the last two big ones is obviously as we mentioned in the beginning of this only the newer offers a lavalier input which you know most people when you're running and gunning you just want to be able to slap this on that's why they're great because they both have magnets that you can do or you can use the clips that way if you want to clip them to the Tyler hat like I do later in this video or if you want to you know just slap it on your shirt or use the lanyard if you're using Hol lands it's super easy the lavalier is great in a proper setting but for most people in that environment you don't really need one which kind of brings me to the next point and this is probably the last point I'm glad we're ending on it is weight so the hollyland is rated at 9 G the newer is rated at 21 G so the newer obviously sizes everything with that one they are larger visually you can tell but because of that they do weigh more so the Holly Land in that sense they do shine so if you need something that's super lightweight and super simple the Holly Land might be your best bet whereas if size isn't an issue and you're not being prioritized by size then the newer at that point might be your better option so at this point we've been recording everything on the road video mro 2 which I have linked above if you haven't seen that video you should definitely check it out granted not right now you can always finish this video and then go back and watch that video afterwards but you know if you do want to see that that is linked so you get the idea but now we're actually going to step into what these each sound like so first we're going to start with the newer then we're going to do the hollyland then we're going to go outside and you'll get the idea we're talking fast so let's go okay so it wouldn't be a proper wireless mic review if I wasn't actually using them wirelessly so right now I do have it currently sitting on my chest as you can see I do have the wind muffler on because as I was switching from the shotgun mic to this mic I did remember that I accidentally left my fan on in the last clip so I do apologize if the audio was a little wonky for that but I have turned it off but this is how it sounds so what's great is I can sit here and talk to you like this or I can sit as far as I am back here and still talk to you and it still sounds the exact same because we have that wireless receiver this mic does offer noise cancellation we're currently just using the normal mode we're not doing anything crazy but in my opinion this sounds very nice very clear very crisp there's no weird popping sounds there's no Distortion it sounds very professional which is what you would expect for a mic of this caliber now if we switch it into noise cancellation mode this is kind of what it starts to sound like you know the audio is a little bit more refined um in some ways some people may even say it sounds a little bit more robotic I personally don't believe so but that is something that I have read online on new's website as well as Amazon's personally I haven't found that to be the case however you know with noise cancellation it does take a lot out of the specific tones that you know noise cancellation does I don't fully understand how the technology works but that's the general idea now in an effort to keep things fair this is the Holly Land Lark M2 I also have it mounted about you know mid top chest it's about yay ooh it's about yay far away from my my mouth so this is a very good comparison again we're not putting a dead cat on it you can hear my dog in the background which is just to prove you know there is no active noise cancellation currently so again if you wanted to sit here or if you wanted to sit all the way back here the audio should sound the exact same regardless of the distance to the camera because again These Are Wireless this is the receiver on the camera is the transmitter super super simple I do want to make sure that I click this because I noticed that I attempted this once already but it didn't actually go into the noise isolation mode mode so now you should see that the button the button the light the light itself on the receiver is green so when the light is green it means you're in noise cancellation mode now the catch is with these microphones I have found in the three months of using them that sometimes in noise isolation or noise cancellation or whatever you want to call it mode you do sometimes on occasion lose audio at the beginning and the end of the clip I've learned or maybe this is just a trick is to start talking a little bit before what you need to actually say and then to keep talking a little bit after what you think think you need to end with if you don't do one or the other then on occasion you do lose a little bit of audio I have seen similar to the newer that on occasion it can come across as a little robotic but in most cases it does take out a lot of the background sounds they're not perfect by any means but if you want perfect you can use adobe's podcast AI that is something that I will demonstrate later in this video and that will take out a lot of the background noise in your audio which is great it's not a perfect tool by any means as AI is still progressing however it is a good useful resource I am not sponsored or endorsed by Adobe so this is just my personal opinion on that tool so this is a test you know with the Road video micro 2 so at this point this is just me walking and talking shotgun mic on top uh so whatever that audio sounds like that's going to be our Baseline and now we're going to switch the Lark M2 all right so this is audio with the Lark M2 this is not using any noise cancellation that's just me walking around so you know I'm in a park right now there's some background noise obviously there's bug noise is that what it is there's bug noise there's kids walking around and playing there's people just doing yard work so that's all the audio so now when I click this button now we should be in noise cancellation mode so this is with the lm2 noise cancellation I mean usually this makes a good difference sometimes it doesn't but really you know it's it's not the end of the world it does help a lot but you can enhance this more in postprocess I like to use adobe's podcast AI it's free software that you can use you just drag and drop the audio file in and then cleans it up so I'll show you a clip of that this is now a clip with the podcast AI enhance so this is additional steps to you know take out some of that background audio and now we're going to switch to the newer CM 28 so this is now using the uh newer CM 28 as you can see on my chest obviously this mic is substantially larger but in my opinion I think for the price that you pay this mic sounds really good so this is not using any wind Muffler uh I did unfortunately leave those back in my bag but this is just normal audio thankfully right now they're doing a little bit of lawn care underneath me I'm actually on a on a bridge for whatever that's worth but yeah this is that audio so you can hear the bugs in the background maybe or maybe not you know we'll find out and post but that's what this audio sounds like then we're also going to throw this in the podcast AI enhancer so that's this so now we're using the podcast Ai and that's kind of what this sounds like you know it cleans it up a good bit obviously it's not perfect AI is never going to be perfect at least not for a few years but the audio sounds pretty good I personally really like this mic the only thing o excuse me that we need to work on now is strengthening my arms so this footage Isn't So St Shake staky staky shaky shaky staky shaky footage so yeah what do you guys think do you like this one or do you like the lm2 now I'm not quite sure how I did it but somewhere between the park and my house I lost the uh I lost the magnet for the back of this and I'm not sure where it was so I'm going to have to check my vehicle later to see where I misplaced it it would be really unfortunate if I lost it already a because I don't know if they sell replacement magnets but if they do I don't know that I want to have to buy one granted I will probably never use in the setting where I use a magnet I will probably end up clipping it to something because the clip for this one is built in whereas on the Larks it's just a magnet that clicks onto the back so I do like this mounting style personally this is my personal preference of mounting Choice additionally because I can put it up on my head but that is that is a little unfortunate so I'm now learning that you can in fact lose these magnets very easily so you may want to Sharpie them in or something because they will be on like the inside of your shirt that way you don't misplace them because having black doesn't seem to work out the biggest thing and the reason that you click this video is because you are interested in picking up one or the other of these microphones and if you do want to pick them up obviously they do cost money the Holly Land Lark M2 on average cost $179 I'm going to round up for conversation sake and say it's 180 bucks now for the newer CM 28 on average they are $140 but at the time of recording and posting this video it is now Friday at which point they are still on sale newer is running a 30% off sale on their website as well as on Amazon so these things are technically marked down to about 100ish and then in addition to that Amazon has marked down additionally another $20 which brings it to I want to say like8 something dollars before tax I want to say that I paid $90 after tax so if I paid $90 then it makes the newer half the cost of the hollyland but with that I don't know that it's worth paying double for the name brand being hollyland hollyland is a great company they make some really cool stuff again I would love to work with them at some point in the future however in this specific setting if you are just starting out and you don't need to buy something that is named brand then maybe you can get away with just using the newer ones in my opinion I really like how the sound quality is on the newer microphones the hollyland lands are great like I said earlier I've had them now for 3 months I've been using them in a lot of my videos both on here as well as in my work life and I personally think that they are a great budget microphone especially when compared to the likes of road or DJI or something that's higher end those mics are all great but this for the form factor and the size is perfect again it's the size of a quarter you really can't beat it n g Flawless microphone but the newer does shine in a lot of ways because if you want to be able to use that lavalier setup you have that option you know you can put the little receiver in your back pocket run the lav layer up your shirt clip it onto your collar right here and just carry on with your day look professional sound professional be professional that's what we're all about even though we're all amateurs here so if you want to know which one you should choose I think if you want to buy the newer CM 28 you're buying it because you really you care about saving your money saving your pennies we all work hard for that money so we want to be able to use it and spend it wisely additionally if you think that the newer has better noise cancellation abilities then maybe that would be better for you the newer is slightly larger and and if you're not really concerned about you know super name brand things then it's fine because the larger offers few other features that obviously the smaller form factor doesn't but with that you know there's the obvious trade-offs if you're leaning more towards the hollyland it's probably because you like the brand you like the name you like what they stand for additionally you like the small form factor and you are willing to spend just a little bit more money because again if you pick up the newer on sale they're half the cost of the Hol land on a normal day if you do want to pick those up that would kind of be the reason Reon that I would lean towards the hollyland again these have been my go-to they will probably still remain my go-to if I'm traveling or out and about I will more than likely end up just putting them in my go bag so if you're running gun Lark if you are you know ready to set up and spend 5 to 10 minutes to really get the perfect sound and shot then maybe it's worth spending a little bit less in buying the newers unfortunately the newer doesn't come default with the lavalier mics those are a separate purchase they do offer a bundle where you can get them but I did not opt for that simply because they did not get here until I want to say it was like Saturday or later so I just got them without and again like I said earlier I will probably never use them myself so I didn't see them fit ultimately at the end of the day the decision is yours to make I personally believe that the Holly Land is a great purchase however if you want to save a little money then I think the newer is also a great option personally the newer has kind of outshined the Hol in a few aspects I'm genuinely surprised I went into this thinking oh surely it's cheaper it's not going to sound as good but I was blown away by the fact of how good they sound now granted when they're not on sale it's only a $40 difference what is $40 to you it's kind of worth spinning a little bit more because you know that you're buying quality with a name but if they're on sale newer all day long I again I'm so surprised by these like this genuinely look at this like it's beautiful I might take the the logo off just because that's my aesthetic but they're they're great I I have no complaints the audio sounds great they're crisp they're clear dare I say that I almost like the more so I don't know what is your opinion what are what are you going to end up picking up at the end of this video are you going to go and buy the newers or you going to go and buy the Holly lands let me know what you think in the comments below also if you like what you saw today make sure you like the video obviously that tells me that I did my job and I showed you what I think my opinion is and whether or not it resonates with you the end user at the end of the day additionally if you want to stay up to date with videos like this or if you want to see future videos that aren't like this make sure you subscribe click the notification Bell that will send you notifications every time I make an upload which is generally on Fridays or at least that's what I'm shooting for so thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one peace out
Channel: Novice Media
Views: 1,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novice media, entry level, beginner, ametuer, photography, videography, filming, film for beginners, intro to film, reviews, product reviews, cameras, sony, sony a6700, viltrox 13mm, aps-c, rode mic, microphone, rode videomicro II, rode videomicro 2, rode microphone, video microphone, vlogging microhpone, budget mic, vlogging mic, neewer, neewer cm28, cm28, hollyland, hollyland lark m2, lark m2, DJI, DJI wireless, wireless microphone, wireless mic, best wireless mic, cheap wireless mic
Id: ok08ncZTQT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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