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okay I'm G to make a video that actually doesn't have anything to do about records uh it was a video that I was hoping never to have to make uh it's an awkward video this is a very awkward video to make uh [Music] so I don't even know where to begin to be honest Hest it's a weird situation to be in because so many people know uh me and they know a lot about me and you know I just I thought I could kind of not say anything for months and months and months and maybe everybody would forget and I could just go on but I did a live stream this past weekend and that was made very clear that that was not going to be possible and it something that hasn't been possible the whole time and you're saying to yourself well Mike the hell are you on about okay so me and Angel got divorced six months ago I think it was six months ago yeah we got separated about a year ago and you know we remained somewhat friendly not that we're not friendly now we don't really speak to each other uh but we remain friendly throughout the divorce and you kind of might have seen her in the store you might have kind of seen you know I went a few places with her we don't hate each other or anything that's not the case but you know yeah what does one say very few people actually know this uh there's a couple of my friends I don't even know half the employees almost none of the employees at the shop even know about this you know I told people a while back that she just stopped working there which you know uh she did but not a lie but yeah that was the case so I figured rather than having this conversation with 300 people and then constantly have this conversation one after another after another on live streams and in the comment section and just forever I just thought to myself well I feel like I need to put out a video I a horrible thing to put out a video on I'd rather be talking about records but this needs to be said and it you know it's it is what it is uh and I'm sure a lot of people are going to say oh you guys bickering and it wasn't even that wasn't the case you know wasn't people referenced on the live streams quite a bit oh this is a this is a divorce in progress and really that wasn't it you know it really boiled down to we got together in our very early 20s 22 23 years old and the person you are at 22 23 years old is not the person that you are when you're 40 so uh things kept you know like I guess she kind of would go on and do her thing and she kind of grew her way and I kind of grew mine you know when we first were together we did things much differently I was in a different type of business that allowed me to spend a lot of time with her spend a lot you know do a lot of things with her specifically go a lot of places a lot of vacations at I'm to be honest in a situation now where I'm kind of a kind of tied down to the records store and I could have probably stopped cancelled just sold the record store sold the S you know I could have stopped doing that and that probably would have truth be told saved our marriage uh that was never going to happen uh that wouldn't have made me happy uh and that in turn would make her not happy because then I would have to make her unhappy for me me unhappy so that was never a possibility but that theoretically I think would have changed the outcome of things but uh yeah very weird very weird conversation it's very weird to be sitting in a room staring in front of a camera and I know there there are many many people that talk it got to the point I had customers coming in hey Mike you know we talked about going out to dinner me you and Angel what's going on you know and probably Allan probably took it personally uh like Mike don't like me m doesn't want to it wasn't the case other people have invited me out on trips with them and to go places with them and meet up for dinner I have had gentlemen reach out to me from overseas and say hey I work with such and such ban i' like to invite you an angel I didn't respond you know and then I get to live streams Hey where's Angel weird going Angel and then I'm sitting there at a live stream like oh my God you know and it kind of distracted me on this last live stream to the point where uh I'm like I gotta say something so so yeah this kind of took place maybe my birthday last summer this is kind of when everything went down it was right around that time right around August uh you know we were divorced very very end of the year very the beginning of the year you know it's been about 6 months over six months we were divorced like I said might have lot of people off because she did come in the store occasionally I went on a couple of trips with her you know we we spent a lot of time together we had not kids together but we raised kids together uh so there was kind of loose ense to tie up so yeah that's kind of where that's at is a horrible video me have I me I mention that this is not a good video I don't like this video I don't want to be making this video uh yeah but it needed to make it you know I don't have to have this conversation no more so have somebody in the future who says hey Mike such and such Angel drop them hyperlink like oh this thing here so yeah I'm not going to really mention Angel per se uh I'm hoping not to have this conversation what happened trying to move on it's working and you know new start you know Angel was great spent a lot of time together hopefully the next one's great uh you know there's things I can ask ahead of time you know in the future hey how do you feel about jazz you know Fresh Start so yeah that's uh that's where that is uh on a side note I encourage everybody to shop uh at the ing grove.com uh got to give her a lot of money so you know do your best to support that small Independent Record Storey exwife uh yeah trying to think if I said everything I need to say checklist in my head more or less I'm not even going to film this twice normally something like this I might even film a couple of time try to get my thoughts cohesively put this a little bit more together sometimes once I get thinking once I do one of these videos and I get talking I kind of sometimes will do it and then think to myself you know I could do better the second time I don't want to talk about this no more so I'm not even going to do a second time so hopefully the audio on this is coming in otherwise uh might be another two months before I put this video no but I got I had to do this like I said it's I'm not a public figure per se but but I'm publish to where many many people many people want to know where Angela so you know so that's it I don't know what I'm gonna do with the live streams I might do live streams that involve other people uh more like panel type discussions got some cool video things coming up this is the last video also you will ever see in this room I built a dedicated uh video studio in my house with my recent space that I've achieved not so recently it has been a while but uh you know recent my recentish space uh you know recent space so I'm looking forward to the future and God am I am I starting over I kind of feel like I am a bit yeah didn't really want to be doing this at 40 but uh you know is what it is yes all right the most important thing out of all this alimony the in grp.com equipment records we sell things I make a lot of videos in the future I've got more free time on my hands so uh yeah until next time
Channel: The 'In' Groove
Views: 46,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yj7nrCORhfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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