AVENGERS ENDGAME Trailer Breakdown! "Special Look" CGI Explained!

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hi I'm Eric Vossen of interest in games celebrated its Internet breaking opening day of ticket sales with a new trailer oh you know just a 1 minute special look that's somehow reveals more from the movie the past full-length trailers combined you trust me I do yeah I don't the directors warned us that this promo footage could be CGI trickery to keep us guessing so as I break down this trailer frame by frame for all the details that you might have missed I'm gonna be on high alert for the stuff that might be faked they're not fooling us this time Russo's spoiler warning in case they accidentally predict anything great ruin your life let's get started if we do this we'd be going in short-handed yeah you mean cuz he killed all that front we owe this to everyone who's not in this room to try okay this trailer opens with an exterior shot of Avengers HQ this is the same gate that Scott Lang showed up at in security camera footage in the first endgame trailer this could be that moment he arrives having recently escaped from the quantum realm somehow and let's not forget that footage was labeled archive suggesting that we could be looking at some kind of timeline Medlin inside Bruce Banner and the other Avengers debate taking another shot at danos in the aftermath of the snap and other videos have suggested that the first act of endgame could feature some rushed payback attempt by the Avengers and it could actually make their situation a lot worse another failure to further humiliate them by we'd be going in short-handed banner could be implying that in addition to half their fighters he's also still experiencing Hulk performance anxiety bringing up the question when will the whole comeback could he be in semi-intelligent professor Hulk form let me know in the comments below what you think the trigger moment will be meanwhile for carbs up with a bowl of what looks like Kings Hawaiian sweet rolls and a can of beer zoom in Hansel that bad boy and you could see it's an Athena from the creature comforts brewery in Athens Georgia not far from the Atlanta Pinewood Studios lot where these movies are filmed I imagine a lot of the actors and crew people like drinking from this local brewery I just hope this whole sob fest ends with Thor shotgunning the beer crushing it shouting another there's also a shot of natasha moping in the rain and judging from the official black widow hair clock it's looking mostly red with the blonde being flushed out of the tips suggesting that this is after other events when her hair is shorter and blonder meaning this moping could be after some early loss and our other hair clock is the rug on CAPS face and in the shot of him at the mirror he appears to have just shaved the rug meaning that this could be even earlier before some act 1 mission let's move on it's not about how much we lost it's about how much we have left [Music] wizzy ventures we gotta finish this okay a quick shot of a Quinjet over tokyo that we've seen before is it probably Natasha going to Japan to find Hawkeye then a shot of rocket holding nebulas hand showing that a waste of parts can feel there on the ramp at the Benatar and judging from the shot of pepper hugging Tony this could be the moment that Tony and nebula returned to Earth they could be what Kat Natasha banner and Rhodey and digitally removed character we're looking up at on the lawn digitally removed character or just Drax standing very still Karen Gillan hinted months ago that she would have a new BFF an end game and it looks like rocket is her new shoulder to cry on it's especially sad when you consider that this is the moment when the two surviving guardians of the galaxy learned about the casualties on the other side like nebula is realizing Groot has dusted and rocket is realizing quill Gamora mantis and Drax are all gone these two aren't really known for physical affection but Rockets heartbreak leads him to reach out in a very similar way that Drax reached out to consult him at the end of the first guardians then there's a shot of Iron Man and his new mark 85 armor it's thicker and its shoulders arms and legs are gold coloured similar to Iron Man's throwback classic armor and the Silver Age comics but I'm more curious about the context of this scene Iron Man is flying high enough that he's probably up near Avengers tower also the background of New York looks bright relatively normal a definite contrast with the dreary apocalyptic Manhattan that we saw in past trailers it's covered in the dust of Mets fans there's also the fact that Iron Man's armor is the mark 85 like the last suit we saw was the mark 50 the sleek nanotech suit that he worn infinity Wars oh why is Tony iPhone X eNOS to me this brings me back to the timeline Medlin theory suggesting that the Avengers will use some quantum technology maybe to change the timeline and revisit past MCU moments like the Battle of New York in the first Avengers movie so we could be seeing stark reliving his moment with Selvig and Loki at the top of Avengers Tower in that battle but another angle on this theory is that the adventures could already be in a time loop established by Doctor Strange one that will require them to lose up to over 14 million times until they figure out the one sequence of history in which they beat Thanos this could justify the movie's 3 hour runtime and why Tony would have burned through so many generations of Iron Man armored I liked this theory I think I'll go into it more in a future video there's also a shot of Clint Barton Hawkeye his arm is now covered with the sleeve tattoo let's zoom in enhance on this fine print you could definitely make out a skill inside Japanese warrior armor this reflects Clint's new role as Ronin the Japanese lone warrior from Marvel Comics the skull could symbolize how he's dead inside perhaps from seeing his party of five dust down into a party of one during this footage we hear the voice of Tony Stark was he's injured we can finish this now audio in general and trailers is almost always manipulated dubbed in from other scenes but Tony's more tears sound especially familiar that's because his weird The Avengers is actually the exact audio lifted from his line in Avengers age of Ultron with Avengers risky ventures and this was an especially significant moment to call back to because listen to the full clip with Avengers we can bust arms to which all the live long day but that up there that's that's in game that's right this was the first time the word end game came up as stark warned about cosmic threats like Thanos also people were telling me that the German version of this trailer features Tony saying a different lion in the scene I told you we would lose but you said we would do that together which would also be a callback to the final exchange of the same scene an Ultron will lose then we'll do that together too now I know the Russos admitted to using footage and audio from past films for these trailers but I have a feeling that this age of Ultron moment wasn't a coincidence but I will also dig in this more in that other video there's a shot of Natasha followed by a new angle of Thor's summoning Stormbreaker passing unflinching Captain Marvel doesn't even blink and then this solemn group shot of the survivors and Avengers HQ are all together Hawkeye Rhodey stark cap nebula rocket Scott Lang and Natasha but I gotta say this shot just looks really posed to me everyone's standing facing the same direction with the same bland look on their faces like there's a goddamn Backstreet Boys I'm sure they could be facing other characters not in this angle like the war in Captain Marvel just saying on the other side of the room maybe or maybe this is from the end of the movie and all the dusted are fading back into the timeline like notice on Natasha is holding our shoulder like she saw or did like after a fight but yeah my instinct is telling me that this whole lineup could just be the end game equivalent of that whole group jog from the infinity war trailer that ended up not being in the movie but let's move on to the next clip you trust me I do you could not live with your own failure okay let's dig into a lad named Jasmine here Stark and cap appear to be in New York maybe even the Battle of it you can see emergency lights in the background and as sweet as it is to see these two frenemies finally shake hands and make up something definitely seems off about it I'm about to throw up all over it look at cap he appears to be wearing his dark blue torn suit that he had an infinity war which would be a little odd because in other shots cap wears his winter soldier stealth suit also another suit that looks a bit new maybe a bit retro now some are saying the shot of a handshake could be a different character but I think we're just seeing a different cap and this could be some of that CGI trickery that the Russos were talking about just look at his suit again it looks a bit off the scales are kind of different the surfaces are smoother a bit more rubbery and that strap buckle could be a feature on a ready player one avatar may be Marvel's VFX artist painted this infinity war-era suit over a different cap suit and if we are talking timeline Medlen stark could be talking to a younger Captain America who remember did have a much brighter suit during the Battle of New York stark could be trying to convince him to trust this much older Tony Stark to help this old man grab both the tesseract and Loki's scepter because it's old crazy start from the futures babbling on out there actually Infinity stones he needs to erase them from history Gandhi trust me right I do there's actually another possible clue of this whole theory in the next shot showing the Bennet are jumping into Lightspeed now you can barely make out a few people sitting in the back seats of that cockpit but actually take a closer look at what planet they're departing now before I assume this could just be Tony and nebula finally figuring out how to jumpstart the benitar and return to Earth but that purplish planet behind them with the multiple moons that looks a lot like Morag the abandoned planet at the beginning of the first guardians of the galaxy why is Morag important well the temple on this planet was the resting place of the orb containing the power stone before Peter quill removed it so in the same way that the surviving Avengers could revisit the events of the first Avengers movie to retrieve those Infinity stones they might do the same with the events of guardians of the galaxy in all of the past Marvel films that featured the stones now this shot of the benatar cuts to a different shot of the same featuring rocket and Captain Marvel and the pilot and co-pilot seats cap Thor roadie and Natasha I think nebula might be somewhere back there too but check it in with our hair clock Black Widow still has it's short and blond suggesting that this would take place shortly after the events of the snap and shortly after they team up with Captain Marvel early on in the film so like notice how banner and Tony are not joining them suggesting that this might be a haphazard assault that the more intellectual Avengers might prefer to sit out and back this group so trigger-happy that poor doesn't even bother to wear a seat belt oh maybe he's like Drax and his sensitive nipples actually think that this is the mission that CAPA Natasha were embarking on in the first endgame trailer the desperate one that Steve wouldn't know what to do if it failed and we see a possible destination for that mission here with the shot of Thanos his ship the sanctuary - surrounded by various cue ships notice the red lights on that ship they could be the same red lights that lit the tunnel that Hawkeye appeared in in the last trailer the one that we've realized recently was filled without writers assuming that some of the Avengers do try to strike back against Thanos in the first act I don't really feel good about all of them coming back alive especially Captain Marvel we've seen her alive and Avengers HQ and co-piloting the [ __ ] but that's it the early loss of the Avengers biggest ace-in-the-hole could plunge their rock bottom even lower and make their eventual victory over Thanos hopefully that much more earned there's also a shot of stark looking at this photo of him in Peter Parker and it looks like they're holding Peters Stark Industries certificate may be the one that start told Aunt May that Peter won in order to discreetly recruit him back in Civil War but notice how they're holding it upside down now the bar behind Tony looks a little similar to his penthouse bar the one that was a top of interest tower also the shirt he's wearing kind of looks like his Black Sabbath shirt that he was also wearing during that confrontation with Loki which if they do revisit it in this movie would be another interesting moment that foreshadowed the events to come and the MCU if we can't protect the Earth could be damn well sure we'll avenge it let's move on to the final clip where did that bring you [Music] back to me [Music] okay here there's a quick shot of Thor in a similar location to where we saw him in the Super Bowl promo but then there's this interesting shot of rocket look at the pattern on the floor behind him it looks a lot like the pattern on the floor if they a nurse's throne room in the sanctuary to which we saw in that scene between Thanos and Gamora here rocket looks particularly sad notice also the sparks that float past him like I'm wondering if he's witnessing the fiery death of one of his companions or maybe he has an emotional reaction to fan OHS for a different reason Rockets origin is still very much a mystery his bio-data and Guardians Volume one listed his home planet as half world but he was cybernetically engineered by some cruel scientist and the movies have never established who that was one theory that I brought it before is that it could have been phantoms and that rocket could be one of the children of Thanos I couldn't be why rocket chose to go with Thor to help him get his new god-killer weapon instead of facing thinest directly with the other guardians in a deleted scene set in Thanos's throne room Thanos uses the reality stone to project a memory in which Gamora served as a loyal child of Thanos maybe endgame will feature a similar flashback in the setting for rocket but except there's this shot of cap struggling on the ground with his classic shield this could be right before he gets to his feet and tightens his strap that we've seen in the other shots now overall this footage the voice of Thanos rings out taunting us you could not live on with your own failure and where did that bring you back to me the exact words of every pizza box says it flaps open as they go back for another piece and we finally see the mad Titan here but there are two interesting details about him in the shot first he's back in his armor remember if Thanos removed his battle armor at the beginning of infinity war because once he acquired the power stone and the space stone getting the final stones was more of a spiritual quest for him than one that he needed to physically fight through seeing him back in his armor now suggests that he feels threatened that he's afraid of getting hurt that he's worried that he has something to lose but there's another clue that he might not have the full power of the Infinity Gauntlet way he arrives with the space stone Thanos could open a wormhole a portal in space and teleport wherever he wanted but now it's different he beams in now some are describing this as the Bifrost that Thor uses to get around but I don't think this is the Bifrost the Bifrost is a rainbow II color to it this beam is pure blue actually this is exactly how we saw the black order beamed down from the queue ship the fact that thinness has to do this along with its need to wear armor suggests that the Avengers that probably made some headway at getting at least some of the stones away from him then we see stark in his Iron Man armor walking among some smokey rebel it looks like the same battlefield as the one that we saw cap and the others fighting on the trailers money shot joins him with cap and Thor Marvel Trinity as they marched upon Thanos you can see him sitting in the background there perhaps a bit similar to the way Doctor Strange did as he waited for Thanos on Titan but was really setting the trap for him beside Thanos is his new weapon a double-sided sword blade thingy that we saw in concept art and in some toy releases it's there's always in the toys and people closely could see up Diana's hung his helmet on top of that but where is this battle taking place the rubble looks like some construction scaffolding meaning this is probably somewhere on earth and it looks like there will be one battle scene set at Avengers HQ suggesting that Thanos could attack the facility as the Avengers start to make progress against him but another theory that a lot of you have brought up to me is that if we are looking at a replay of the Battle of New York timeline Medlin this Medlin could lead to a ripple effect in which that nuke that was fired at the city rather than being carried up to the wormhole by Iron Man and thrown at the Chitauri could instead detonate over New York and reduce the city to rubble and if you're looking for a high stakes backdrop for the Avengers final confrontation with Thanos the ashes of New York City is a pretty bleak option then again folks all this footage is rumored to just be from the first act of the movie and the Russo's might have just CGI'd all of it to screw with us so comment down below with your favorite moment from this trailer follow me on Instagram and on Twitter at EA boss hey and if you plan to go to VidCon this year please tweet at VidCon to let them know that you'd love to see us in a panel a live show a meet-and-greet so that we can thank you guys in person for all of your support and if you live in the LA area you can come check out my live comedy show darkest timeline comedy with me mod Philip and Sam this Friday April 5th and every first Friday of the month thereafter ticket info in the description below and if you consider yourself a nerd you gotta be there because I didn't spend a hundred bucks on this and wear it for the entire video for nothing snap [Music]
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 2,031,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avengers endgame, avengers, avengers endgame trailer, avengers endgame trailer breakdown, avengers endgame special look, avengers endgame tickets, avengers endgame movie, avengers endgame opening scene, avengers endgame final scene, avengers endgame explained, avengers endgame post credit, avengers infinity war, thanos, infinity gauntlet, infinity stone, captain america, iron man, tony stark, spiderman, captain marvel, thor, avengers endgame easter egg, new rockstars, erik voss
Id: HFI-3snFk2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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