Spider-Man Far From Home Breakdown! NEW Easter Eggs You Missed! | Infinity Saga Rewatch

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welcome back to new rockstars i'm eric voss and spiderman far from home swung the mcu to a bright future where no one can believe anything ever with this being the final film of our infinity saga rewatch series let us break down all the subtle visual details and easter eggs we missed in past reviews to explore the endless lengths mysterio and this film as a whole so effectively messed with our heads the opening scene immediately hits us with a ton of lies the monster that destroyed this mexican town isn't a sand man as you might deduce from that few easter egg on the license plate 463 for spider-man 4 released in 1963 the debut of sandman flint marco because director john watts knew that we would look at the license plates after homecoming so now 463 is just a misdirect that he deliberately included in trailer footage even even nick fury and maria hill are lies they're actually the skrulls talos and soren hinted at by hill's line here nick this was a tragedy but it's not why we're here in captain marvel fury clarified that no one calls him nick everybody calls me fury not nicholas not joseph not nick just fury and that is how he first spotted taylors excellent work nicholas later in this movie hill calls fury nick again secret information nick satellites are picking up an em pulse now sure people have called fury nick plenty of other times in the mcu and maybe hill is just more familiar with him but these are the first prominent violations of the rule after it was established in captain marvel like we can't fault past movies for not knowing captain marvel would set that rule in the future but far from home is going out of its way to violate it now and quintin beck arrives you don't want any part of this he always tells them to stay back and let him be the hero you should get some more safe fury i don't see this ending well i appreciate your concern but i never leave my men behind because fury and telos know that strength comes from cooperation teamwork not one man alone trying to fix things the midtown morning news blip recap shows the moment the marching band undusted and i love how the basketball gets passed directly into the tuba and skews its note in the news there's a boom in the shot and we get betty's eye line fail as we draw this year to a close it's time to move on to a new phase of our lives one of the few nods to marvel moving on to phase four some people move on but not youtube channels trying to make content despite marvel production delays peter and ed's classroom is filled with iron man tribute art like the murals that keep reappearing throughout this movie constantly reminding peter that this is all a feud over stark's legacy does stark's tech go to the beneficiary he chose despite him being kind of a dope or should it go to smarter adults who worked their asses off for it but you know are kind of evil happy's big check is from stark industries signed by pepper potts suggesting the company is still active but also visible here is an old wrestling poster listing crusher hogan the wrestler peter tested his powers against in the comics but also bone saw mcgraw the rainy movie version of that character played by matchman randy savage i got you for three minutes three minutes of plea time oh yeah one of a few very interesting tie-ins between the mcu and the rainy verse that i pray gets whipped together in a spider-verse one of spider-man's fans holds up the photo of peter coming out of the porta-potty the same one that the news used as a stock photo of him in homecoming peter's phone screen is cracked again not as spider-webby as the end of homecoming but he's still got some of that wed slinging in him and his suitcase is labeled bfp belonging to his uncle ben parker may hits him with a banana hungry so sorry i thought that you could sense that with your peter tingle peter's spidey sense is still recovering from the trauma of him sensing his dusty and infinity war does it start i don't feel so good peter is flying blind in this movie especially vulnerable to the deeper theme of far from home the danger of misperception it may haunts him with this shame forcing peter to carry it with him to europe also notice how peter taped over his light switch he's forcing it to stay on always because it's connected to the outlet below notice how he runs all of his stuff through that power strip and the light switch has to stay on to keep his iron spider charger running that energy bill must be rough peter's in-flight movie selections include the snap directed by paul greengrass suggesting a captain phillips or united 93 style take on the events of infinity war finding wakanda hunt and hydra and nova directed by thor's favorite astrophysicist and band from stonehenge dr eric selvig there's also a title called heart of iron the tony stark story which i have wondered could be a nod to iron hearts riri williams mit student and stark follower who might have been in the crowd for that barf presentation when ned plays b slayers his avatar looks like him and he wins by using the halberd weapon later in the tower of london he corrects happy regarding the same kind of weapon give me the spear that's a helper in venice the kids take a selfie a pizza time now to peter parker as the delivery guy and rainey's spider-man 2 pizza time mr harrington drops his phone actually the end credits show the last photo taken as he dropped it which might have been automatic because you know he wasn't holding it or maybe a drone took the photo and again mysterio's deception is everywhere i pointed out last year how quentin beck hides in plain sight as a tourist behind peter and later creeping behind peter and mj is gutermin to mysterious screenwriter gootz mysterio's water monster rises from drones in the canals but mysterio himself first appears literally out of thin air since you know he's just a projection when peter holds the bell tower from falling he's keeping it from crushing an orphanage oh not the orphans especially since you know peter is one flash says buzzfeed says there's a sailor named morris bench who was exposed to an experimental underwater generator and got hydro powers ah maury bench is the classic comics origin of spidey villain hydra man but mj is right to tell him not to believe everything he reads on the internet a movie about misperception but mj's just as prone to conspiracy theories because she says this about eiffel tower i read it was secretly built as a mind control antenna to create an army of the insane a bit of foreshadowing setting up how mysterio will use eiffel tower to try to control peter's mind and drive him insane taylor slash fury drops another clue about his off-world origin uh mr bett is from earth just not yours the line that was changed from hours in promotional footage back is from earth just not ours and then beck explains this is earth dimension 616. i'm from earth 833 earth 616 is the main marvel comics universe the marvel cinematic universe is technically earth19999 earth 833 is the comics universe home to spider uk maybe a nod to peter's battles in london in the final act of this movie the hollow projection forms this halo around beck's head making the shape of his fishbowl style helmet they also show mythological figures from real human history that beck says the elementals were based on the way thor was rooted in human norse mythology of course beck's story is [ __ ] but just like the multiverse is still a real thing in the marvel world these actual mythological figures could be linked with the upcoming eternals the venice street names are all nods to spiderman comics writers and artists project d g is for jerry conway who gave us the death of gwen stacey bienvendisto is for brian michael bendis miles morales co-creator long time comics writer d michellenio is for david michelini venom creator campo de r sterno is for roger stern creator of hobgoblin and caille desloto is for spider-man writer dan slott peter puts on tony's glasses similar to frames tony war infinity war and links with edith and this key prop of the movie is another example of the misperception motif peter flying blind wants the insight tony stark had but he has not yet proven himself worthy to inherit that vision edith shows everyone's screens mr dell is looking up witchcraft after suspecting mysterio to be witch-related mr harrington is texting someone finally some good luck a poor guy another student texas mom for more money dimitri's is encrypted brad is searching for romantic spots in prague just like peter was doing moments earlier and flash texts that he hasn't heard from his parents and at the end of the movie they don't pick him up from the airport we've made a couple theories about that but really i just think he could just be rich and his parents don't care about him peter gets a new stealth suit which he later describes as he's a little tight around the old web shooter parker well since this suit came from fury slash talos and since that unit was infiltrated by team mysterio it is possible that mysterio could have corrupted the suit to make peter easier to manipulate if we think about it it is a stealth suit certainly sets a mysterio to be the flashier hero have all the cameras point to him and also worth noting that peter has to lose this suit and make his own new suit in order to defeat mysterio in the end of the movie when peter distracts everyone on the bus away from him jumping up to take out the drone mj has not leaned over to look out the window so peter would be in her eye line and notice how her suspicious eye is directly on him when he lands and i didn't notice this before he takes out the drone by firing a web grenade past it shooting the cliff side so that another web strings forward to catch a drone and yank it back in prague beck gives peter a rooftop heart to heart just like tony stark did for him on a rooftop at homecoming tempting peter to share those stark legacy frames with quentin beck while at the same time frames are also used to lure peter back to his teenage life with mj offering to share opera binoculars with him even though they're definitely seated close enough to the stage to need opera glasses mysterio's fire elemental attacks and fury and he'll drive up in a car with a license plate asm 28965 a nod to the comic amazing spider-man released in september 1965 the debut of molten man which is similar to this elemental monster but mysterio's not expecting them to roll up so soon so when they pass in front of beck's laser bullet holes appear in the windshield since the drones are using bullets and pulse blasts to create damage mysterio fakes a dramatic sacrifice right in front of peter making a power-up and a snap gesture recreating tony's i am iron man moment but before i continue thanks to bang energy for sponsoring this video it scares me every time to crack it open but oh yes tastes so good every can of bang is 16 ounces it contains 300 milligrams of caffeine it's sugar-free and has zero calories and yet it tastes great with over 20 different flavors to choose from one of those great flavors is blue razz the razz stands for razzmatazz which is what raspberries taste like also blue on those days when i'm feeling real slow sluggish a can of bang energy helps pick me up so that i start to feel like i have spidey scents which is just what feeling energetic feels like i think check out bang on instagram you can get 25 off your order at bang energy.com and use the code newrockstars25 there you can buy cans of bang energy including their sweet tea and keto coffee flavors you can also get clothing fitness supplements all kinds of stuff to be your best bang self thanks again to bang energy for sponsoring this video get 25 off at bang energy.com using the code new rockstars25 and as peter parker mispronounces when he does zero trips proust prost probably and that leads to this bar which is all set up to dc peter in fact in the opening establishing shot you can see william guinta gintariva peering out at us from under the taps like if you happen to be looking at that corner of the screen and remembered peter billingsley was in iron man one with a box of scraps he'd be like wait and the music that's playing is town called malice by the jam lyrics describing the feeling of missed opportunity being stuck in a bad place instead of living the life you want reminding peter how he is being forced to grow up and be an avenger instead of living his desired life as a teenager team mysterio also strategically placed military medals and a photo of glasses right over beck's shoulder to subliminally trick peter into seeing beck as a noble soldier who deserves the edith glasses and then another team member pickpockets peter to make him think he carelessly dropped the glasses oh my god thank you so much what are those are those the edith glasses yeah they were just on the floor so we learned that beck invented barf which in civil war tony described as an extremely costly method of hijacking the hippocampus at hijacks the brain justifying how these drones are so deceptive actually in the next episode of the big question tommy and i break down the full functionality and implications of mysterious tech you're gonna want to check it out see mysterio's victory plays out over a vigil mural of iron man with tony stark's face inlaid inside it a reminder that it's not the suit some man inside the suit peter just handed off that legacy to the worst person idiot i love how after peter reveals himself to mj the camera pans around to reveal ned shocked in the corner just like the gag in homecoming when ned found out about peter himself beck wears a mocap suit reminding us that this whole group is really just a filmmaking crew beck is the lead actor and director boxcraft's william is the cinematographer and visual effects artist gootz it's a screenwriter victoria stages these electrical impulses in specific areas to trick satellites so she's kind of the location manager and janus is the wardrobe designer and little miss pickpocket is your amc a-list app fury picks up peter in a car tagged mtu 83779 a nod to marvel team up issue 83 released in july 1979 which teams up nick fury and peter parker but again it's another lie in fact all this is a mysterio illusion it's kind of insane to break down all the little creativity that went into this fakery let's do this one last time for this series a fake down mysterio includes the detail of fake fury reacting to hill being an illusion to trick peter into later trusting fake fury thinking he's not part of the illusion mysterio projects peter back in his high school in his past suit triggering peter's anxiety over balancing high school with avenging he punches the wall where he thinks mysterio is cracking it which the vfx artist based on the truman show when truman be manipulated crashes into a wall that he thought was sky mysterio uses peter's eiffel tower mj plan against him here tricking him into diving into a shallower drop than he thought it was and then peter asked if on a bullet train zips over to queens a threat by mysterio that their next target could be his home peter touches the mirror gets stuck to it which the vfx team based on the matrix and the spider-man clones dog pile on him like smith on neo in matrix reloaded there are these massive crumbled statues these are actually the four avengers who died or retired during the infinity war in-game movies cap has crumbled on the ground beside peter peter's actually standing on his shield black widow and vision are still standing stark's head is on the ground while his body remains standing with his gauntlet outstretched then peter's at tony stark's grave triggering peter's survivor's guilt and then iron man zombie crawls toward him yikes kind of like the legless ultron sentry or something out of the evil dead and then peter stuck inside the snow globe of new york with avengers tower the pile of snowys on is actually the pile of gravel in the construction site outside and then behind fake fury the swat officers are frozen because they're parts of the illusion still and then the truth hits peter like a train a literal train which peter doesn't see coming because earlier when he moved like a bullet train that was an illusion this time it's real he is all messed up and that disorientation lasts through him seeing happy happy is that you is it me yeah of course it's me yeah those vibrant flowers are likely further throwing peter off what are we in midsummer everything's colorful this can't be real holland and holland what flash's instagram feed shows that his account name is spidey number one fan and if you look at the comments most of them are bots this poor guy has to buy his followers now in the suit lab on the jet include alternate designs including the spider armor mark 1 the superior spider-man suit his homecoming suit the iron spider suit from infinity warden game and what looks like the secret war stealth suit and then later he makes his new suit for what looks like the spider armor mark ii and the spider armor mark iii i think yet notice that he does not add the waste web fluid storage that his past suit had which leads to him running out of webbing in london oh great no webs and peter reaches into the hollow gauntlet just like tony did with this kind of tech in iron man reminding happy of his old boss so he plays back in black by led ziplob the ac dc and just as happy to open the slab he uses this pinky and thumb making the spiderman wedslinger gesture there's another scroll clue here i thought cree having sleeper cells was top secret information nick yeah crease sleeper cells sounds like a concern of someone involved in a cree scroll war one final clue comes later after the battle appearances can be deceiving of course setting up the post-credits scene reveal in a car tagged hnm 6 2011 hawkeye and mockingbird number six released in 2011 which included a scroll posing as fury my guess is that the real fury was working with the skrulls on the sword space station called the peak after increasing his taser web voltage peter uses this function to take out the drones from the inside out then after his cool flip he gets hit with a sonic cannon confirmed to be the same tech from the stark designed sonic cannon used on hulk and equipped on war machine civil war on the bridge there's a car tagged m95 xlv xlv being roman numerals for 45 for the astonishing spider-man number 45 released in 1995 which was the debut of she-venom and since mj's running past it it could be a nod to mj's future possibly an infected patient from a symbiote now there's a drone that chases them into the tower of london notice its thermal scanner tml there is inactive explaining why it can't detect their body heat meanwhile peter uses the bridge sign as a shield and the explosive drone piece flinging it up at him similar to cap and in-game holding his shield out while swinging mjolnir by the strap up at thanos peter rediscovers his tingle he blindfolds himself to trust his instincts and break through mysterio's misperception why aren't these drones firing you're in the strike zone the chance of getting the fire all the drones now now he's clearly behind the drones like peter caused them to get hit otherwise he wasn't in their strike zone in that moment really beck wasn't this far down the hallway he was actually much closer to peter within the line of fire either strike zone warning was a clue that this back at the end of the hallway is another projection and notice how beck points his glasses at peter like a gun his finger around a trigger there his final words are haunting people need to believe and nowadays they'll believe anything and peter never does get literal confirmation that he's dead is he is this real [Music] all illusions are down peter the misperception lives on peter kisses mj beside an upside down mercedes tagged tsam143 that's for the amazing spider-man issue 143 which featured peter's first kiss with mj the car being inverted could be a night of that upside down kiss of toby and mj and then pull my neck in the final scene peter glides through a new atrium constructed into avengers tower which many of us believe could be in the process of being remodeled into the baxter building in the fantastic four actually as peter approaches on the lower terrace there is definitely an orangish blur with a bit of blue in there which you know in my head canon could be and definitely is ben grimm or you know a squirrel pretending to be him on the street level there's a barrier wall that reads we are so excited to show you what comes next with a timeline showing the numbers one two three and what comes next i think it's four for likely referring to phase four or the fantastic four hopefully both g jonah jameson shows up played by jk simmons as he was in the rainy movies this spider-verse is getting real interesting the daily bugle is now an infowars style conspiracy show airing mysterio's doctored footage framing and outing peter spider-man's name is peter parker calling back aunt may's final line in homecoming what the [ __ ] yeah it's one of the darker endings of the infinity saga like sure peter overcame mysterio to regain his tingle and inherit tony's vision but misperception as a whole wins the day it's a reminder that after all this we still live in a world of false narratives in which privacy is a thing of the past and so concludes our infinity soggery watch thank you so much for joining me for this ride it's been amazing eye opening content providing actually stay tuned for my official ranking of all 23 mcu films also some deeper theories for upcoming marvel films based on the new clues we found during this process there's been a lot of stuff and of course more rewatches coming your way starting with sam raimi's spider-man you can join these watch-alongs on discord by becoming a patron at patreon.comrockstars follow me on instagram ea boss follow new rockstars and be sure to subscribe because you are not ready for what comes [Music] next [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 2,379,586
Rating: 4.8887906 out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, spiderman, spider-man, spider-man far from home, far from home full movie, spider-man far from home breakdown, spider-man far from home easter egg, spider-man far from home post credit, spider-man far from home scene, peter parker, nick fury, mysterio, quentin beck, tony stark, iron man, marvel, spider-man homecoming, mysterio scene, spider-man mysterio, fantastic four, j jonah jameson, tom holland, infinity saga
Id: fd_0XYF1KGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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