Avengers Infinity War Breakdown! NEW EASTER EGGS FOUND! | Infinity Saga Rewatch

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welcome back to new rockstars I'm Erik Bosse and Avengers infinity war left us with infinite heartbreak both its ending and it's heroes even after the countless times I've Doctor Strange through this thing this infinity saga rewatch has turned up a whole bunch of new stuff that I somehow missed let's get started with a new breakdown of this movie with the opening words the word director Kenneth Branagh cameos as this voice and if you think about it this film actually bookends with the distress call from another director director Nick Fury welcome haffley as guardians did escape this attack including Valkyrie Korg and me we know arrived at new Asgard an endgame but you can actually see them fleeing here in the grandmasters pleasure craft from thor ragnarok Thanos preaches I know what it's like to lose Co so desperately that you're right yet to fail nonetheless turns the legs to jelly you talk too much at 29 minutes Thanos has the most screen time of any character in this film the war by comparison has only half that 14 and a half minutes the framing here reflects that disparity with the Avengers so small and defeated that we initially don't even recognize him at Thanos his feet the writers framed Thanos as the true protagonist of this story it's his journey making the war structurally his antagonist like head Thor gone for the head he'd be the Euro of infinity war instead he's this movie's crazy ax murderer also that idea of failure turning the legs to jelly dark and cap wobble off their feet at the end of this movie and when Thanos fails in endgame he's all jelly to Loki calls back Tony and Avengers we have the hawk we have a Hulk Thanos defeats Hulk deliberately not using the power stone it's the last we're seen of Conqueror Thanos he now removes his armor retiring to a spiritual quest josh brolin based his performance on Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now both of them delusional baldies actually stubble is visible on Thanos his head it's suggesting that like Brando he shaves it out of similar dogmatic commitment evany ma says my personage vows before your brandy yeah we get it he's a boss but he's actually directly quoting Mephisto Thanos's right-hand demon in the Infinity Gauntlet comics he's yet to make an appearance in the MCU other than a barely readable line back in Avengers Loki's death is preceded with his memory of Odin's recent death an acknowledgment of him as a son I Sons I've been waiting for you i Loki Prince of Asgard rode in son he even turns to the left with the same training an expression he'll never turn again because his you know his neck did this until he shows up in a different timeline and Loki thanks to the time heist with the same thing that he just died for I used to think infinity war was a story of sacrifice and to be fair it is we don't trade lives but on a deeper level Loki and Heimdall shocking early deaths here established this as a movie about mourning how do we accept the deaths of loved ones what kind of monster would think that watching a loved one die would make things better in any way well Thanos that's who now Thanos is a psycho Malthusian eco-terrorist and he's wrong on so many levels but the Avengers stubborn refusal to let any of them die ever that's naive so yeah in this movie they're taught a brutal lesson in triage sometimes you just gotta let go so that we can all move forward it's not evil that's just like human existence it's an awesome dark lesson to which the Avengers say [Music] using Captain Marvel and quantum ground [ __ ] an end game actually Tommy and I will answer all your quantum realm questions in the next episode of the big question check it out now hoax Bifrost trajectory takes him past the Sun first then past the moon to earth there's a redditor who charted this out to propose that there was a solar eclipse at this moment which ancient Norse peoples interpreted as a sign of the coming Ragnarok apocalypse and had this diagram pasted the eclipse over Norway as it would need to be for that prophecy to be true Hulk's vector would have landed him on the eastern seaboard so maybe there's something to this banner of course lands in the sanctum with his warning as Silver Surfer doesn't comics notice the cloak of levitation wraps around strange later banner appears to be wearing some strangest casual clothes poor guy always just needs to borrow some clothes Tony tells pepper about his vivid dream of their kid named Morgan a dream that comes true an end game but only after his haunting nightmare of Earth's doom from age of Ultron comes to pass Tony Vickers was strange did you seriously just say hither 200m seriously leaning up knowledge of the cosmos never next one the comics strange uses the cauldron of the cosmos to help spider-man look backwards in time as strange as cryptic one plan will require the Avengers to do they mentioned making balloon animals with just a nod to dr. Strange's jimmy kimmel bits also been in Cherry's ice cream flavor a hunka-hunka burning fudge which Banner eats in endgame Tony pulls out the old flip phone cap FedEx to Tony stank and Civil War that 2011 18 to 21 days envelope icon means that there is an unopened text here indicating that cap must have text Tony something on this phone that he never read wouldn't been another text anyone else had this number maybe it was a check-in on mission since cap and its crew was tailing him to keep an eye on him Peter Parker's spidey sense triggers his arm hairs just like the tiny hairs real-life spiders used to send fibration sorry pet spiders scared you he takes off from Stanley's school bus wearing a shirt reading let's just the taste of sadness and he'll get a big mouthful of lettuce as this movie ends Tony's new mark 50 nanotech armor absorbs his sunglasses as he takes them off meaning that they could have just absorbed it around his face he just took him off as an intimidating tactic evany mob burns his hand on the eye of agamotto just like that Raiders not see with a headpiece and when Wong severs Culp Citians hand on the other side of that portal Bruce Banner had his fists up ready to go Tony shoots up to st. Peter inside to his helmet you can see his nanotech preparing to assemble into that foot booster later on and tighten that does the same thing you can see the nanobots prepping into the missiles that he's about to fire at Thanos but here this foot booster was an upgrade after Tony's failure to catch up to Rudy in the Civil War lose never forget the guardians of the galaxy sing along to rubberband man a song written for the spinners producers son to cheer him up for being teased about his weight and if you think about this song would be on yondu's Zune and in the next scene quill hits fat-shamed so this is his real daddy cheering up that kid who to him it was always small I'm good for thievin panteth by the way is always hilarious to watch in the background of these movies after Peter tells them to put on their mean faces you can see her practising Nash super teeth for several minutes and later on in nowhere she creeps in with her hands and fingers folded downward like a praying mantis when Thor grabs Gamora shoulder she reaches for her sword instinctively that swords got Slayer by the way to slay this god if she needs to however she wants to wanda scans visions mind stone visually foreshadowing the way she'll last this thing out of his head later just fili you that line also foreshadowing visions final words to her I just feel you that saves them he is torn off the star emblem from his suit because he's now a man without a country the Nomad version of himself well not exactly but you get it and through the tears on a suit underneath cap is still wearing older scale armor natasha has gone blonde and wears this gray vest same one that yalena Bulova is wearing and puts the upcoming Black Widow so I think we can assume it'll shed light on Nets two-year period between Civil War and now and why she's probably killed her friend and took her top and her hair color in nowhere one of the collections of the background is a blue man an awed by the Russos to their work on Arrested Development it's also worth noting that this intact version of the bolt is actually a reality stone illusion Michael so Thanos conjured this blue man from his own imagination in another reality stone clue that fan spotted a couple years ago when the blue ray came out when Gamora stabs Thanos and pulls a dagger back that dagger doesn't have any Atlantis's blood on it back in Avengers HQ stephen mcfeely co-writer the movie cameos is one of secretary Ross's aides invision makes his most useful contribution to the MCU Tanis threatens off the universe one life cannot stand in the way of defeating it but it should we don't trade lives yes the adventures could have just skipped ahead two visions faint ripping out that USB Drive without exporting it but there's stubbornness to like surgically go around and try to sustain his soul gives Thanos just enough time to get the time stone and then reverse all this their refusal to trade lives costs everyone everything and it will force them to trade lives nonetheless into Warren evany mod tortures Doctor Strange they were originally designed for my procedure cruel irony restrained whose pre sorcerer days were spent doing micro surgery like this and recently the writers revealed an alternate version of the scene where Tony saves strange by putting him in the mark 50 nanotech armor strange tells them if it comes to saving you or the kid or the time stone I'm not hesitate to let either of you die yeah finally someone is speaking some sense the other Avengers losses of loved ones and mentors felt like avoidable mistakes to them every battle since they've been trying to fix what they thought they did wrong but strange lost the ancient one and she taught him that death gives life meaning so yeah strange is totally willing to sacrifice others also sacrifice the time stone itself because he knows it could lead to a winning in the game have rewatching a great movie like this makes me appreciate the filmmaking process and its 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think an evil supervillain would learn how to properly lie and an endgame she echos Thanos his whole lying policy my father has many things liars not Thor rocket and Groot find the ruins of middle ear in a tree who forged the Infinity Gauntlet with a mold the screenwriters recently interpreted that the gauntlet Thanos had in the age of Ultron post-credit scene was a practice gauntlet and thank God because that clears up actually it makes things a lot more confusing because now we have four gauntlets but they assemble a new weapon in theory it could even summon the Bifrost did have a name Stormbreaker Stormbreaker is the name of the battle ax beta ray bill carries there in his time is Thor and yes it does have buy/price powers you can notice how this mold is engraved with the symbol of the Bifrost that it scorches into the ground strange cushions a crash landing for Tony and Peter oh you want yes one that Tony will get strange the one out of 40 million 605 features that they succeed in and the one sacrifice play that strange reminds him of in endgame and he always trembles his hand he also does it here when confronting the Guardians and went surrendering the time stone which I pointed out in the Doctor Strange breakdown is some really solid acting continuity by Benedict Cumberbatch since his hands were never fully healed the gravity on titan is reduced mantas bounces and Drax yawns which might not just me because he's bored but because reduce gravity makes the air thinner resulting in yeah I mean to get more oxygen yeah you just gone didn't you nanostick more encounter you know puts his hand back to keep gomorrah behind him a protective instinct setting up his coming sacrifice of her is even more heartbreaking also the fact that reticle identified her as daughter of Thanos despite him not be her real father he kidnapped her but it means that he was still the truest paternal figure to her soul the analyst his father was others an eternal rumor has it the upcoming eternals film might show us a young Thanos and maybe that history will be explored further during this whole sequence Thanos caries gamora's all things balance dagger in his belt we only realized that when she snatches it to try to kill herself but it's another pose reality stone illusion meaning he kept it there as a trick to keep gomorrah on the line thinking she had a fail-safe to take her own life but she had to it's one final lesson using this dagger as a symbol for his whole dark balance philosophy and I love how panis is true love tear trickles right into the trench on his cheek as if this guy was designed naturally selected to be the universe's top mortar T'Challa tells the Black Order Thanos would have nothing but dust and not yeah solid foreshadowing Thanos does get his dust and the blood of those he left wounded and again that victory comes from Fanus is willingness to trade lives killing themselves Tosh is concerned look signals her dread she gets it we don't trade lives but they do they're gonna win the wakandans chant the war cry that translates to hold or hold fast and we actually heard this first in black panther it's the river tribes call T'Challa is saluting and paying respects to his loved Nakia T'Challa in cap lead the charge they both have enhanced speed but T'Challa is a step ahead the last time they sprinted in a scene together one was chasing the other it's civil war now they run together side by side cat on his left a tree smashes a storm breaker molds meaning this weapon could never be forged again now this molten arrow also appears to flow into a second Forge which at first I thought was for the back half of the hammer but you can see both pieces are beside each other in that one mold maybe it's the missing handle but that wood be a weird thing to also make out of guru I'm just pointing out a tree might be using the company printer ink for personal projects along the blade of the edge of Stormbreaker Asgardian runes translate to loose the dogs of war a famous paraphrase from Julius Caesar cry havoc and let slip the dogs war Groot winces as his branches singe cuts off his arm or the handle so Groot like strange gets that personal sacrifice is key to victory and now anytime Thor swings Stormbreaker group will be by his side the three ride the Bifrost ooh Wakanda rallying the others notice Rudy's war machine armor is now marked for an upgrade after his mark 3 well you know on Titan Thanos begins to use the stones in interesting combinations so he uses the power stone to blast through Tony's debris and then the reality stone to turn it into bats and then he combines the power stone and the space stone to harness fire from Tony's explosives and then redirect it as a flamethrower he stops quill Drax and nebula with the power stone when we cut back to him his soul stone is weirdly glowing maybe he spared gomorrah's soul here I don't see why he'd want to do that maybe he needed to combine with the soul stone since quill is a half celestial quill uses as gravity snare on Thanos the same device he used to hook the Power Stone Orban guardians vol 1 using it again years to regain stone possession but thanks to quell they fail and feyo's uses another stone combination the power stone to smash up a nearby moon into chunks and in the space stone to spike all the chunks down atom we come back to a condo rocket again shows his obsession with spare body parts and banner uses his handy Hulkbuster arm to clamp out a call obsidian stump from his severed arm earlier blasting him off to his death and vision also comes full circle and his killing of Corvus glaive surprise impaling him with the same weapon an attack he used on him back in Edinburgh now the writer said that they based a nose and Strange's wizard duel on the Vincent Price Boris Karloff duel in the Raven strange tries to trap the notes on the mirror dimension Thanos turns it into a black hole strange turns that enough butterflies a sweeter version of the Thanos bat spell earlier the writers also reveal that strange was originally going to drag fan o's into a vision of the bones of his victims and a trial with the Living Tribunal judging him guilty strange uses is in of icons fell from the comics but Thanos sees the soul stone again to identify which strange was a real one Tony and Thanos his fight echoes Tony's past foes in reverse order so he has a thruster powered hook like his shotgun armor against Killian and Iron Man 3 this cuts Thanos know that true drop of blood echoing Iron Man 2 with Flash's line if you could make God bleed people will cease to believe in him and after stabbing Tony Baldy tilts over paralyzed Tony just like Baldy oh but I stain did in the first Iron Man and Wakanda cap briefly holds back the nose Brolin includes a subtle look of surprise and respect Thor blinded by vengeance surrenders the hero title to Thanos because victory would have been his neither seemed a little higher gone for the head who loved Thor's no I get any crazy antagonist in a movie the moment they get defeated danos portals away in a couple years back I pointed out how you could see a green glow on that wound suggesting he might be using the time stone to reverse the injury but you watching it there's also some red in there to suggest that he could be using the reality stone to also work the wound really all the stones are glowing and you can see all six of those colors in the wound suggesting that it takes all six tones combined the shakeout storm breaker and the dusting begins the VFX artist settled on desaturated dust to connect with these spiritual ashes ashes dust to dust concept but also to make it easy for the particles to blend in and disappear in the background so it's not just like clumps and piles of ash it's dust scattered amongst the soil and God James Gunn later tweeted that groups final I am Groot to Rocket translates to dad Wanda throws her head back in anguish her last thoughts being her murdered love untighten Dave Bautista delivers this heartbreakingly high-pitched well as his final word and Peter spidey sense gets one last devastating news sensing the oncoming pain did you start I don't feel so good afterward Tony looks at his hand and he holds it to his face as if trying to embrace that dust that just slipped through his fingers on his garden barn Thanos watches the Sun Rise just as he promised earlier and then what I finally rest watched the Sun Rise on a grateful universe a God resting on the seventh day in the corner his armor hangs as a scarecrow just like farmer Danis in the comics everyone ends this movie on their butts The Avengers feel the sting of the lives they fought so hard to never have to trade but now nevertheless dead in their hands but Thanos also feels that pain of sacrifice didn't cost him but he wins because he faces the morning join our next MC watch long on discord by becoming a patron at patreon.com slash new rock stars follow me on instagram and twitter 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Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 1,665,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, avengers, infinity war, avengers infinity war, infinity war breakdown, endgame, avengers endgame, thanos, infinity war easter egg, infinity stone, infinity war ending, infinity war snap, infinity war dust, tony stark, iron man, spiderman, spider-man dies, infinity war spider-man, spider-man death, peter parker death, guardians of the galaxy, thor, hulk, battle of wakanda, infinity war final scene, infinity saga
Id: pQjH7vXCmXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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