Doctor Strange Breakdown! Avengers Endgame Connections & New Hidden Details!

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welcome back to new rockstars I'm Eric Voss and dr. streams introduced the MCA de magic sass and ways to defeat villains without a Hulk smashed the madness of Stevie strange has been a mystery I've explored those a fourteen million six hundred and five times ever since the old days of my 2016 breakdown but YouTube took that down much music so I'm back and I've come to bargain because I found a ton of new miserable details to open our eye to the source of Supremes future in the multiverse of madness film opens in comer Tosh kuselias steals the page of the book of Cagliostro and these sacred books have glowing cover pieces almost as if they're alive when kycilia slits it thud to the floor it's almost like two souls in this library lost chunks the ancient one blocks their escape hypocrite his charge is because she uses energy from the Dark Dimension to manipulate reality something she masks with her hood here later we see the Dark Dimension forehead symbol that she was hiding composer Michael Giacchino's music builds to a cacophony of horns [Music] really like the essence of am I looking at he's evoking dawn Davis's score from the matrix that films an inspiration brow this movie later compares the rules of reality to programs in source code kycilia soap it's a portal and he looked closely one of his zealots falls right past missing it into this guy for it our first shots of our heroes Stephen strange shows his hands giving those of us in May 2020 and EPS a in this film strangest hands are a synecdoche of parts of him that represents his whole self and his character evolution in act one he's so goddamn proud of these ticklers reflecting his ego until the hands are shattered along with this pride in act two his multiverse confusion is reflected with infinite hands and an act three a hand close-up reflects him finally connecting with his mentor's wisdom followed by a return to the hand washed and close-up to wash her blood off his hands and his hands come in the face of the woman he mistreated strange shows off his mastery of album released years and he makes west cover his watch as he operates this film is obsessed with time of course to foreshadow the big reveal the time stone but also to establish this film's deeper meaning as a story about conquering death itself strangest goal in this moment isn't really to save a life it's to save you to inevitable mortality but a ticking clock reminds him that he is finite a lesson that serves him well as he joins the infinity saga hey if you were given a chance to be the hero of your own fantasy you take that chance right of course you would that's why you should play raid shadow legends it's where dark fantasy meets realism and then those two things have a baby and the baby is a game where you can be a door fight and a lizard man raid is free to download and play and available on both mobile and PC I like to play the dungeon battles where you get a squad of your champions and you get to take on a boss and 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there strangest fancy home like it's them to Tony Stark who's former residents of Avengers tower we can see in the skyline here we linger on strangest collection of watches similar to the one Tony Stark had and Iron Man 2 but where's that movie show Tony's selling off the watch given to him by Obadiah Stane strange keeps his watches like prize 2 heirlooms a poor attempt to master time throughout all this he keeps his watch from Christine similarly to Steve Rogers Peggy compass it's his guiding force that breaks to reflect his break from his ticking clock obsession his award is dated 2016 as it's his watch specific day February 2nd at 2016 making this yes Groundhog Day which I pointed out four years ago foreshadows the Groundhog Day style time loops of this movie's climax to get a good sense of the timeline in this movie the tree in the Kamaraj courtyard tells the passage of time from spring to autumn to winter suggesting that strange spent the time in 2016 2017 during Civil War secluded in Wizard training strength listens to interstellar overdrive' by Pink Floyd a band who actually used Doctor Strange artwork in their album art for a Saucerful of Secrets later strange wears a shirt from Pink Floyd's Syd Barrett's solo album the madcap laughs' his assistant passes along some cases I've got a 35 year old airforce Colonel crushed his lower spine and sometimes terminal Armour mid thoracic burst fracture many thought this could have been referring to Air Force Colonel James Rhodes who boomed out his back during civil war director scott derrickson said no but it could also refer to the hammer test pilot in Iron Man 2 but I guess that would mean that patient went like several years without surgery the next patient I have a 68 year old female with an advanced brainstem glioma yeah want me to screw up my perfect record streams dick Ashley says an elderly woman isn't worth operating on yet later in this film he does everything he can to save an ancient woman even when her death does technically ruin his record and the final patients how about a 22 year old female with an electronic implant in her brain to control schizophrenia struck by lightning that does sound interesting [Applause] at one point we wondered if this could have been Carol Danvers who'd in schizophrenia type false memories implanted in her brain by decree of course her origin was in 1989 but there was this long gap in her timeline from 1995 through 2018 they will see some future side story wearing 2016 she and storm got in a fight here ex due to distracted driving the end credits actually have a PSA about distracted driving which is a fun nod to strangers later joke about warnings coming too late too you know you really should have stone the whole book because the warnings the warnings come after the spouse stranger struggles to write his name and image lifted directly from a J michael Straczynski comics panel and he finds miracle patient Jonathan Payne born the plays a bball gotta be an in-joke to Benjamin brats a previous superhero movie [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa in Nepal more dough takes strange to meet the ancient one who was expecting him isn't that why you're here you've undergone many procedures seven right mm-hmm an endgame she confirms that she had been waiting for him since at least 2012 you're about five years too early Stephen strange is currently performing surgery about 20 blocks that way but stranger skeptical no such thing as spirit we are made of matter nothing more you're just another tiny momentary speck within an indifferent universe these words will be repeated exactly by strangest future enemy what about the people you killed the moment I respect within an additional universe strangers biggest enemy it's his own ego ancient one knocks him to the astral plane a move repeated with Hulk and endgame she said some spiraling through the multiverse we got a breakdown this accent trip frame by frame with a trip down it begins with the ancient one saying he's referring to the third eye concept the eye that opens the spirit to divine consciousness but it's also a clue for how strange will conquer death by opening his eye of agamotto like Tony Stark strange breaks from Earth's atmosphere freaked out and then he taps this butterfly which if you think about it it's the final evolved stage of the requried cocoon imagery throughout marble face - we don't need to be protected they need to evolve everything in the MCU has evolved towards the multiverse being real and now that cocoon is hatching derrickson confirmed influences like Stanley Kubrick's dimension travel a 2001 a Space Odyssey and the wormhole travel in contact which you can see in the wormhole design in the background and the way strangest face bends and then pulls from reality just like Jodie Foster's did at one point strange disintegrates into dust and then reforms much like he'll do an infinity war and when he returns an in-game and a note that the sexy hand he'll is initially a cavern with strangest face all over the walls his hands represent itself and right now his self is infinite and confused strange briefly floats through the quantum realm that ant-man recently visited the Ancient Ones vo calls this example of a dimension that's some benevolent and life-giving in ant-man and the wasp they get quantum healing energy from here and there's some subatomic life with a hidden civilization and of course the Avengers use the time vortexes in this realm to restore the lives Santos took we also got our first look at the Dark Dimension and drama mu which was based on Steve Ditko's comic artwork in a black light painting the derrickson had in his office the camera Taj Wi-Fi password is Shambala a nod to into Shambhala a Doctor Strange graphic novel that deals with the death of the ancient one as he will in this film new librarian is Wong who in the comics is actually the son of Amir the Hermit master come here in this movie Trainz compares is one name name to beyond saved Wong listens to later Wong's surrender to the material world is just one of my favorite recurring bits I want to say no to a tomb and again the rare books hang in these chains our friend Lin a sear on discord put it out during our watch along in this movie how books are chained up like this in medieval scriptorium Xin an Oxford's current library you should join our discord by the way it's fun and beneath the book of Cagliostro there's an another empty spot for some book that's been removed many believe this could have been the dark hold the Marvel spell book that showed up in agents of shield strange man escapes down to a goatee is look in the comics there's actually based on Vincent Price that's why Stephen strange is middle name is Vincent Mordo teacher strange about relics this is the staff of the Living Tribunal the real Living Tribunal is a giant deity who judges the multiverse there's actually gonna be a scene infinity war in which dr. Strange's wizard duel with Thanos would have featured a Living Tribunal cameo and trial that would have judged Thanos says beauty but this staff just seems to be named after the figure because again he's a giant he also shows off the bull team boots of bull tour based on the vapors of altar or maybe the Vipers of volt or in the comics strange uses these again infinity war with Peter quill strange uses the eye of agamotto to manipulate time with this Apple it progresses like a flipbook with each bite taken out of it accompanied by a munch sound effect a munch that they reverse munch when it goes in Reverse filmmakers chose the Apple symbol to symbolize the forbidden fruit essence of strange stealing this ancient godly wisdom this also shows us how time loops were localized to whatever you're focusing on so when Thanos rewinds the clock on Wanda destroying the mind stone doesn't rewind all of time and all of his past actions before that he just reminds a red juicy flesh he wants to take a bite out of more dough and Wong berate him temporal manipulation can create bran is unstable dimensional openings special paradoxes time loops you want to get stuck reliving the same moment over and over forever or never having existed at all these are the same rules a time travel that forced the Avengers to return the Infinity stones back to their places of origin in the timeline and in-game the relics in the New York sanctum include a helmet that looks like Black Knights like nineties a legacy hero of Dean Whitman in the upcoming eternals film kycilia skills Daniel drum who in the comics is brother - Jericho drama cave brother voodoo strange tries to use the breezier of bomb galiyev which of the comics is used for transportation and concealment when they're hiding from it disto actually shows up in the collectors vault on guardians mission breakout ride at Disneyland strange binds Casillas in this kinky device confirmed to be the crimson bands of cyttorak which in the comics is a red lasso spell case alias Rance de strange and stirs his desire to conquer death for well beyond son because time is one of slaves his time he's an insult strains first cy Wong previously slayed about to Ramu and he hungers for us most of all the fact that our dimension has time and that things die is what makes us unique and desirable two of those other dimensions like I say Lee's grins which one is that uselessly this sneaky jewel snatching gotcha is a similar trick that strange hints to Tony in endgame when Tony slips the weapon off Thanos his fingers to get the last laugh strange also mirrors start by having his lady fix his heart the image of estriol strange watching over his physical body get operated on was lifted from the o'the comics strangely sky silliest in a trippy foot chase this starts with him reaching an impossible intersection then the camera swoops around to reveal that cross street is on a higher plane and then back into the close-up it's actually similar to the impossible staircase shot in Inception case Ilyas comes to behind him shoving mirror wall shards out of his way and then he rotates the city so that strange and weird Oh smack into a bus with Stanley he raids Aldous Huxley's the doors of perception and essay on a psychedelic drug trip when many writings that inspired the Doctor Strange comics they run up the side of a building that bins and waves kind of like the building Trinity's helicopter crashes into in the matrix Avengers tower once again shows up in a little detail here on the folded Street a cab cuts off another car by turning into the wrong lane I guess drivers are a-holes in every dimension the ancient one assembles this game board made up of city surfaces including the train platforms of Wall Street Church Street Columbus Circle in the Museum of Natural History Buckeye cilia stabs through his own zealot to killer and she pulls the ancient one beautifully slows her final moments I spent so many years peering through time looking at this exact moment but I can't see past it I've prevented countless terrible futures and after each one there's always another and they all lead here but never further I never saw your future only its possibilities strange could see past his dusting because there remained at least one future possibility in which the Avengers brought him back and Stark made sure he'd stayed back but that's not the case for her so she can't see past her death she leaves them with this critical lesson he's not about you I saw the cameras swings around the ancient one to show how strange is finally seeing through her mind and shifting his perspective about his own ego the final battle Wong gears up with the other sorcerers he bears the one that would tomb an artifact from the comics he's also a shot here of Tina manaro mother of Nico Minoru who in the comics kycilia Rives with some zealots notice their portal came from the Saharan desert earlier strange trapped one of these zealots in that desert location meaning case Elias leaves no zealot behind except ones that fall up forever Mordo feels betrayed well she drew on its power to steal centuries of life she did what she thought was right the bill comes to you he's quoting the 2016 comics in which strange received warnings like this for Wiggly magic attracting anti magic scientists the empirical hoody powered sorcerers of Earth which is what Mordo claims as his new mo in the post-credits scene saucers strange uses the time stone to rewind the destruction of Hong Kong and to match this reverse motion Shiki no score plays in Reverse as well the reversing chaos create some awesome obstacles strange and Kai silliest get pushed back by reassembling barrels as elet fighting morto it's distracted by a flaming gas line so she doesn't see the returning manhole cover that had exploded off it and that dummy gets flushed back in with the waters of a ruptured lobster tank youch Mordo watches as a boot of a crash victim gushes back into the guy's head as he flies back into the car he just crashed out of this helps Mordo get a bearing of what's going on so that he can use this environment trapping ones eyelet on the other side of glass and kai sillies behind a wall so unlike past movies where the goal is to close a portal to keep the chaos out derrickson wanted to explore what would happen if the hero flies through the portal to stop the chaos in a different way I've come to bargain after hearing Kai sillies repeat how Dormammu is attached from time Eve remembers the Ancient Ones final words we don't get to choose our time death is what gives life meaning to know your days are numbered your time is short yes death in time are not our worlds weaknesses they are what make our world powerful so strange weaponize this time using a groundhog day style time loop to drive Dormammu insane notice on the second loop we don't cut from strange and a new strange just hops up in the same frame because this is how it looks from dormammu's point of view it's confusing there's no cut it's just one endless hell moment with an immortal whack Amole in total strange dies 12 times on screen but like in Groundhog Day it is implied that it could have been thousands he was an old friend by the way Dormammu is voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch again strangest battle in this movie is between him and his Mon ego also they didn't want to pay another actor when they had Smaug already on payroll yeah and he ends up not defeating Dormammu but bargaining with him to stay the hell away because as the ancient one said we never lose our demons moody we only learn to live above them Wong confirms eye of agamotto holds the time stone in a post-credits scene in duck strange into the Infinity saga in a clip from thor ragnarok strange now wears his yellow gloves from the comics and I love the practical sleight of hand with the T turning to the full pint glass in the same shot being a stagehand to be right at a frame to do that switch but the film's final moments show strange with christine's watch his face is still broken his hand still scarred and trembling he never fully healed his flesh but he conquered death by deciding that pain is an old friend that he could live with Cumberbatch maintains this tremble every time he returns a strange down and he signaled stark in endgame and that Avengers partnership is hidden in the final shot looking down on the Sancta sanctorum on Bleecker Street with New York's financial district in the background that makes this shot coming from the Northeast exactly the angle of Avengers tower in Midtown as if we are standing on its observation deck looking down to Bleecker Street wondering what is that strange window now The Avengers have moved upstate by now but the beacon that ended the first Avengers now shines down on the newest protector of this reality quick reminder that to offset our small businesses financial struggles we have Bernard with a wonderful hand sanitiser just a nice thing you can do to help us companies stay alive follow me on Instagram and Twitter I da boss follow new rockstars it subscribe to see me dig through that big old corpse pile and Guardians vol 2 and a pretty sure James Gunn is just using to drive me insane [Music]
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 1,083,642
Rating: 4.9099092 out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars
Id: dFxw-4NmPA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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