The Exact Moment KANG KILLED CAPTAIN AMERICA Steve Rogers Revealed!

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welcome back to New rockstars I'm Eric Boss and if Kang the Conqueror killed all the Avengers in some past timeline when exactly did he kill Captain America Steve Rogers One crucial detail in quantumania and one now very Grim detail in Loki May point to the answer because it turns out Captain Rogers cannot do this all day [Music] and I will burn them out of time and this video is brought to you by Squarespace more on them later this wind gang killed series is something that we've been doing here at new Rockstar since November to pinpoint the precise moments in the lives of each major MCU figure that spawned these Nexus events in which they'd be most vulnerable to Kang targeting them for pruning like when they made a specific choice to alter history on their timeline that presented a danger to Kang or ruptured their timeline to create an incursion which we know came to conqueror it hates and so next on our list after Thor last month was Captain America Steve Rogers cap is obviously a Man Out of Time whose very existence is defined by being displaced from its rightful path through history he already burned himself at a time or we should say froze himself out of it but there is one choice that Steve made that Kang would be like oh yes right there by the way if you're going to WonderCon this year I will be doing a panel with other new Rockstar's hosts on Friday March 24th at 2 30 room 213 a b come hang out with us so let's break down the exact moment Kang killed Steve Rogers let's start by looping back to the moment Kang first talked to Scott Lang in Quantum media I'm an Avenger have I killed you before what they all blow together after a while you're not the one with the hammer it's Thor the one with the hammer now I zeroed in on this line when we discussed when Kang might have killed Thor and I do believe it was mjolnir's Final zap that Frankenstein visioned life in age Voltron that would be a pretty good option but let's be real for a second would Kang have forgotten Thor and Asgardian God the kind of conqueror from history and mythology that this Kang in particular Fashions himself as as I'm sure you've already realized Thor ain't the only Avenger who has used mjolnir in fact if you were to ask most Marvel fans the most iconic usage of that hammer would be when it was wielded by Steve Rogers in Avengers end game the one with the hammer could have just as likely referred to Captain America who from King's Point of View bears at least a bit more of a resemblance to Scott Lang in that full body suit the short haircut their shared Plucky American resilience Scott Lang and Steve Rogers are kind of like Sebastian Stan and Richard Madden squint your eyes at Bucky and Icarus and it's easy enough to durable mcdill at them so is this Dylan McDermott or kit McDermott you know what F you so would Kang and prune cap the moment he picked up mjolnir to fight Thanos to the Battle of Earth hell no you know Kang was munching on popcorn watching cap kid the business to his big bad predecessor Thanos with a super smash hammer hey King the Conqueror would have wanted the Avengers to beat up Thanos I think that's one thing all Kang variants even the rivals with each other could agree upon because we know the TBA and therefore he remains made an exception for The Avengers using the time Heights to reverse the snap and beat Thanos we're not here to talk about the Avengers oh no no what they did was supposed to happen you escaping was not for all Kings to be powerful they can't really be competing for power with Thanos but there was another moment when cap wielded the hammer that Kang the Conqueror would have been more sensitive to in which you could forgive Kang for mixing them up with Scott Lang the end of Avengers end game when Steve walked up on that rebuilt Quantum tunnel platform suited up in that red and white Quantum suit carrying in one hand the briefcase with the Infinity Stones and in the other the hammer and to go on this journey cap would have had to go alone through the quantum rom-time vortexes wearing a helmeted pimtech Quantum suit modeled on the ones hang pin designed for himself and Scott Lang to navigate the quantum realm isn't it possible that Kang would have gotten Ant-Man here make mixed up with that guy look we're gonna get back to the video in one second but I gotta tell you about Squarespace not only are they making it possible for me to make this video they could also be making it possible for you to do honestly whatever you want to do online that's because Squarespace makes it easy to make an awesome website that lets you engage with your audience and sell anything you need your products the content you create even your time Squarespace is the all-in-one platform for building your brand and growing your business online if you're into making videos Squarespace can help you create Pro level videos effortlessly the Squarespace video studio app will help you make and share engaging videos to 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time Stone to the Ancient One in 2012 the Power Stone in the orbit to the Morag temple in 2014 and the space Stone tesseracted The Shield storage in 1970 at Camp Lehigh that no problem but returning the Mind Stone scepter to the hands of Hydra in 2012 less admirable but doable but then reinserting the reality Stone ether to Jane Foster's body in asgarden 2013. that's super Shady But ultimately returning the Soul Stone to Red Skull on Vermeer how there's obviously a whole other history that happened with this guy but this Steve Rogers could not have been pruned from the infinity Saga sacred timeline because we saw him successfully make it to Peggy and we saw his elderly form after that life with Peggy make it back to Bucky and Sam whether you subscribe to the Russo Brothers interpretation of that ending so that Steve must have come back to this timeline from the branch timeline he formed by staying with Peggy or the screenwriters Marcus mcfeely's odd take that this deed continued to live in the background of this MCU History either way if old Steve shows up at the end of end game he could not have gotten pruned or killed but if we look at the Steve who walked on that Quantum tunnel platform who went back in time on that return Journey not just as one man in one timeline only doing this but as an infinite number of Steves across every timeline now things get interesting the infinity Saga MCU sacred timeline where old Steve survives would have been the only one that came the Conqueror couldn't touch because it was protected by he remains in the tva's intact Clockwork but Steve Rogers is from other timelines who went back to return the Infinity Stones in mjolnir not as lucky because by doing this Steve Rogers creates a variant branch that just goes on and on and on never gets pruned snaking into another reality creating an incursion old Steve at the end of end game got away with another crack in the damn of the Multiverse no wonder why he didn't want to talk about it fact that could explain why in episode 1 of Loki in the background of the TVA we saw a detained variant who looked a lot like Peggy Carter that could have been one of the pruned peggies from one of the other Steve Rogers who got targeted old Steve represents the exception he remains made for the Avengers timeline Shenanigans and I just don't see Kang the Conqueror letting every Steve get away with that now again this confrontation between Kang and Steve Rogers would have happened off-screen it's not something that old Steven endgame had gone through I'm inviting you to consider another universe's Steve one who instead of getting free Passage through the quantum realm time Vortex is to return everything this guy's Voyage was hijacked by Kang the Conqueror who thanks to the events of Loki was now freed by Sylvie killing he remains so Kang and Steve tumble through history 2014 Morag 2014 vort Mir 2013 Asgard 2012 battle in New York an 1870 Camp Lehigh and then maybe roll punching each other at Peggy Carter's front doorstep in the late 40s they're duking it out cap says I could do this all day Kang says that's what the last Steve said and then snaps his neck in front of Peggy and sends the TBA in to take her away so I think this need one of his variants wearing the quantum suit about to dive into Kang territory the one with the hammer about to try to get away with a massive incursion this is the exact moment that Kang kills cap we have a whole new channel called The Deep dive where I do a crazy in-depth analysis of Loki season 1 and a lot of other pointed investigations that I think you'll love so please subscribe to that and support our growing Network by grabbing something from the deep dive collection at you can follow me on Instagram and Twitter at EA boss follow me rockstars And subscribe to new rockstars for more analysis of everything you love thanks for watching bye [Music] thank you
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 662,455
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Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, marvel, Kang, endgame captain America, ant man and wasp, he who remains, avengers, Kang Killed avengers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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