Avatar: Sub-Element Bending Is Actually Mixed Bending

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water earth fire air those are the four main elements making up the avatar universe for a long time they've been thought to represent separate elements living in harmony and never mixing the construction of a public city in the legend of korra changed it all in terms of creating a unique blend of mixed citizens living under one roof if you think about it in terms of mixing the same applies for sub bending like ice or metal these elements are not just subcategories of water and earth they're mixed elemental bending in this video i'll go over each principle element and show how their sub skills are in fact only possible through their interactions now hop on your flying bison because you're in for a ride yet before i turn to our first element of discussion water bending i want to begin by taking a look at the powerful skill that is energy bending according to legends it is said that energy bending predates all other elemental bending arts the birth of the four nations and even the first avatar one if you remember correctly the skill first appears in the series during aang and that nasty lord ozai's epic final battle after being gifted with the knowledge of energy bending by the last living lion turtle aang probably being jetlagged by all that travel understands his new abilities meaning a few moments just before the end of the fight and that my little benders allowed aang to take away the phoenix king's fire bending for good that'll teach him but what actually happened inside lordo's eye's body and soul for his fire bending to just disappear without a trace to understand this we have to go back to a time where the representative of good rava ran free and humans lived on giant line turtles before the avatar was even a thing humans were given the ability to use one of the four elemental bending styles to go hunt and pick fruits outside of town as long as they came back to give the power back and as you know by now juan broke that one simple rule starting the avatar lineage okay how does this transfer of power actually work to put it in simple words the lion turtle has to bend the receiver's inner energy this means that for a short time the host's whole being is reconfigured now are we talking about a physical or a spiritual change this was left a bit unclear in avatar until an evil waterbender stirred some trouble in the legend of korra enter amman amman aka noahtalk or that creepy masked guy who should have bought waterproof makeup has the ability to take away people's bending now wait a minute isn't he supposed to be a waterbender does that mean waterbenders can energy bend well if you think about it healing through waterbending is a sort of energy bending right when cora is found unconscious on a beach in the episode beginnings part 1 she is pulled down into a pool of spirit water in order to be healed from the dark spirit that has been infecting her so here we have it my little fire ferrets energy bending affects both body and soul now let's go back to the equalists leader oman for a minute it is revealed that a mom learned from dearest dad how to bloodbend and through this now illegal technique succeeded in severing people's bending connection it's sort of like tailee's chi blocking technique but like really creepy and the effects are well permanent this makes water bending linked to energy bending to some degree and since energy bending is the source to all types of bending it's not crazy to think that they're all linked in some way or another and can be mixed together to create whole new forms of bending let's take the classic example of ice bending shall we as we know this freezing ability is practiced by waterbenders but how exactly do they create ice granted ice is made out of water obviously but to make it solid you need a good cold breeze don't you this makes ice bending a mixed type of bending between water and air a good example supporting this claim would be the breath of ice technique which literally shows the waterbender blowing air towards a target enveloping it with ice a waterbender can also use a mix between water and fire to create a form of mist or steam to blind their enemies or put on a show just like that time katara disguised herself as the ghostly painted lady to scare off fire nation soldiers out of the small fishing village jang hui now i could go on and on about water bending but let's make a stop in the earth kingdom to mix things up a little [Music] earth bending must be one of the most versatile of the bending arts after all it is the element that holds everything together this fact makes it easier to mix with other elements let's turn to our favorite self-proclaimed best earth bender in the world the one and only the boulder no i'm just kidding i'm talking about toff bae fong while being trapped in a steel box by her kidnappers toff invented what would become republic city's police force's favorite metal bending how is metal bending linked to other elements you ask well one good example would be how metal benders can liquefy metal remember when coral was learning how to metal bend and sueyon's shoulder a small metal boulder was floating between toff's daughter's hands as she liquefied it into various shapes metal as we know it can be liquefied under a lot of heat this would mean that an amount of fire bending is involved in the process mixed bending as we know it so far uses one main element while adding a bit of another to create new skills just think about those retractable metal wires republic city police officers use to swing around town or catch criminals the metal is heated subtly using fire bending to liquefy it then hardens when it reaches its aim and back to a malleable metal before hardening once more firebending seems to go hand in hand with earthbending in the series we've seen the jolly earthbender bolin and the evil gazan but also avatar roku and avatar kiyoshi use lava bending on a few occasions i don't think i need to go into great detail to explain this one just look at this boiling fiery pile of lava touch it and let me know if you feel some fire bending in there or maybe don't as was explained in the cbr video a new sub-bending skill is revealed glass bending a sub-skill of sand bending is also the direct result of mixed bending i strongly encourage you to check it out after this video because we're now moving to fire bending while earthbending seems to have quite an attraction to firebending when it comes to mixing the elements firebending chooses air the first example that comes to mind is combustion bending a rare technique used by the originally named combustion man and the scary looking lady plea this technique involves channeling qi through the forehead both combustion benders had a very weird looking third eye tattoo inked right in the middle of their face whether it helps them focus the transparent beam that comes out of it or they just think it looks really cool is yet to be confirmed although technically firebenders no flame really comes out of that head of theirs then why are they called firebenders well because of the explosion that results in the impact of the beam when it hits something it all goes boom what happens is that the surrounding air super heats which produces this dynamite like energy believe me you don't want to get in its way so here we have air pressure and fire mixed into one of the most explosive bending types pun intended now let's get to lightning bending which is often referred to as lightning generation i've been in a constant struggle about this one so i'll need your help in the comments below for sure we know it's mainly practiced by firebenders but at the heart of its nature does it even involve fire i think lightning generation is more of a cultural thing that the fire nation mastered instead of a bending art limited to firebenders hear me out lightning bending is produced by separating the bender's internal positive and negative energies and transforming these polar energies into one deadly lightning bolt the user needs to be in a total state of peace unless he wants his body to go kaboom the key word i want you to focus on right now is energy doesn't it then link lightning generation to energy bending in some ways do we have a mixed bending between energy and fire or something more pure beyond the four elements if this is true then any bender type could learn how to use lightning generation and since republic city now uses the technique to power the town i would not be surprised to see more of those types pop up in the future we have almost arrived at the end of our destination but before we say our goodbyes let's talk about airbending as we've explained recently at cbr with our video why is airbending so deadly airbending is quite the versatile art while we haven't seen any fire tornadoes yet commonly called fire nato's nor any snow storms uncommonly called snorms there is one rare ability that airbenders use i believe is mixed bending when zahir loses the life of his life plea it is believed that he gained the ability to fly by renouncing his earthly attachments what we have here is a form of mixed spirit or energy bending with air but that's not all unlike genora's spiritual or astral projection abilities zahir's physical body floats through the air with ease the fact that unlike cora who uses fire to propel herself he defies the laws of gravity means that he could be using what i would call let's say gravity bending think about it while he floats through the air he doesn't really need wind to navigate this means that his body controls the pull of earth's rotation talk about an op skill unfortunately for us zahir was captured just a bit after acquiring the ability who knows where zaheer could have taken this just like lightning generation used to be a thing of legend flight could eventually become more widespread and it could even evolve into something much much bigger and dangerous with the revival of the airbenders due to the harmonic convergence there's no telling what else is in store for the air nomads gravity bending in the wrong hands could be devastating or even apocalyptic like i explained before each element not only has a connection to the spirit but also to the body of the bender if we take genetics into account and the mixing of cultures in the avatar universe we clearly could end up with fire earth benders or what airbenders come to think of it i've got a feeling that bolin might actually be one of the first type remember that moment he saved the day by suddenly bending gazon's lava without ever training for it i honestly find it quite suspicious but after all his father son was originally from the earth nation and his mother naoki from the fire nation while his brother mako clearly inherited from his mother's side do you think bolin might have inherited from both i believe so myself this could change the whole future of the franchise and open up to pardon my french a plethora of new cultures and powers imagine plant benders light benders mind benders sound benders anything you want benders the sky's the limit wow you guys were on fire with that latest glass bending reveal video spoiler alert this is not the last bending reveal we've got in store for you what kind of other bending do you think is out there keep the discussion going in the comments below and see you soon
Channel: CBR
Views: 167,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Avatar The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, glassbending, earthbending, waterbending, firebending, Zuko, Katara, Aang, Korra, bending, anime, cartoon, Nickelodeon, kyoshi
Id: eLnPQFg79Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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