#Autumn Peter Rabbit - Secret Passageways | Cartoons for Kids

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i don't know how we're going to get out of this one peter neither do i but a good rabbit never gives up don't let me my cake or me lily whistle as loud as you can quick uh okay [Applause] [Music] you thought some loud whistle would stop us that really takes the cake and so do i get them what's all that whistling mr mcgregor look at the run oh wow that was such a clever plan peter i didn't know why you wanted me to whistle at first but then i did wrestle and that brought out mr mcgregor and samuel was like ah run away genius talking now good cause there's still one tiny little problem [Music] your heart is pounding so close to you what can you do [Music] come back here show yourselves robots [Music] it's no use even if we keep hiding from mr mcgregor we can't get out of the garden not if every way out is blocked by someone who wants to eat us then we'll just have to get them to move won't we this is bad this is very bad just be ready to trap them under here when i leave them to you okay peter wait did he just say leave them to us oh a worm oh getting hungry no yes maybe wanted to you oh i was just thinking what a shame it is that when mr mcgregor catches us you won't get to eat us oh yeah i suppose that's true and rabbits go so well with worms too oh a nice big juicy one give it here you want it come and get it no nothing here not a thing [Music] who's there i know i heard something ah well [Music] huh that's odd a son must be getting to me [Music] i really thought that was it this key is nothing but trouble peter oh it's all dirty is what it is hmm i never noticed this before noticed what a flying fox looks an awful lot like mr todd [Music] why would your father have the key for something in mr todd's lair i don't know but there's only one way to find out [Music] from it's brave it's a brave not home the cabinet doesn't fit how about the one under the sink maybe the box on the mantelpiece [Music] benjamin here climb on us oh happy day it's a rabbit kebab the window [Music] quick leaving so soon [Music] there's no time for that we can't go left right or down what else is there um you slippery little ones you won't be turning back now ah rooftop dining my favorite can't go down that way [Music] or down that way we're trapped [Music] no it's those rowdy rabbits again i'll teach them to wake me does it hurt hurts no of course not [Music] do you think you can get back on the cart the cart peter the car's what got him hurt in the first place um that was just bad luck next time this will be perfect um can i say something ouchy hmm i think you sprained your paw is that bad you've just got to keep it still and you'll be all right one of us should get my dad he's a doctor he'll know what to do it's all brown [Music] quick under the court [Music] let's run for it run for it i can't even walk wait peter down there that looks like one of your dad's secret escape tunnels good old dad quick before brown spot sauce not the chords again it's the only way to get you there benjamin come on i won't let anything else happen to you [Music] how convenient run away if you must a good chase will help me work up an appetite [Music] phew we're safe yeah except for that [Music] oh no [Applause] wow [Music] maybe we need a deeper hole ouch not a single worm benjamin's is so much trouble here while we're waiting make yourself useful and give these a polish [Music] hurry peter i'm telling you peter there's no such thing as a flying worm but i just saw one shh [Music] sorry mr fisher that's all right young peter rabbit just relieved you weren't a giant fish i feared i was a goner for a moment mr fisher we need some worms for tommy brock fast oh um let's see well this worm is my last piece of bait but you're most welcome to it it's a start [Music] i know your father always said there's only one place to go if you want to find worms he did where let's hope your dad was right about worms being in mr mcgregor's garden i know but look the sun's nearly at its highest benjamin's depending on us come on what else can you do while we're waiting for your friends to come back that is if they come back [Music] oh boring can't you liven it up a bit uh okay [Music] now that's what i call a show it's almost my lunch time i hope your friends are better at catching worms than you are at juggling um peter and lily are the best worm catchers in the whole woods you'll see they'll do it we're never going to do it a good rabbit never gives up lily look at this it's a whopper uh peter [Music] hmm who am i fooling i can't catch worms i'm a rabbit not a bird stomp again huh maybe we should be birds this stomping brings the worms out i know that for a fact great idea sorry about that my friend once again my squirrely exuberance got the best of me and cause untold heartache watch this [Music] you can open your eyes now benjamin we're on the ground uh uh i knew that um i was just doing an extra long blink the radishes are gone the radish robber must have followed us here too i say we could hold our breath dive to the bottom of the river and eat our radishes there or i know a perfect spot at hilltop farm we should tie it to a bird and eat it in the sky oh we should bury it until next summer hey huh what if we just you know eat it right now brilliant i tell you what though if i ever get my paws on whoever took our radishes there'll be a furry mr todd three little rabbits out in the woods all alone you shouldn't sneak up like that i'm a fox sneaking is sort of what i do oh and what's this a radish hmm i am quite keen on the peppery flavor of raphanus sativus as it happens maybe he's the reddish robber ah come come peter rabbit even your father never tried to out fox a fox that secret escape good old dad very well mr todd ah you may have captured our last radish but you won't catch us [Music] ah well the main dish may have escaped but the salad is intact cheer up we'll just get more radishes from mr mcgregor's tomorrow hey can you smell that [Music] it can't be it is fresh soup that's right little cottontail brought them home she just found them lying around in the woods our radishes yeah you've been taking all our radishes yes well done cottontail good scavenging much less dangerous than say taking them from mr mcgregor's garden so how do you like your first taste of [Music] [Music] radishes we have to get that egg before sammy whiskers does there he is [Music] we're too late [Music] oh i really don't like cats think of the cake think of the cake this is hopeless a rat is bad enough but a cat too it's not over yet benjamin would you do the honors [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not breaking it's hatching the duckling is on the way we'd better get it home to his mommy then [Music] it won't be long now hurry [Music] but what are we going to tell everyone peter they still think it was you who took the egg we'll tell them the truth they'll believe us tell them the truth will you ha that bunch they'll believe anything i tell them like the way they believed i found those lost rattles or that lost music or this silly egg but it was me who took them all along me samuel jeremiah bartholomew edmund cornelius whiskers and why are you all smiling [Music] oh yes well um um i suppose you uh heard all that yes yes i'm afraid we did mr whiskers oh please send me to my friends no yeah well i didn't want any of your horrid party cake anyway you best run along sammy whiskers or you'll be feeling the sharp end of my spines you cheeky eggs feeling rascal oh angry hedgehog i do so like pretending to be fierce [Music] wait for me [Music] wow it's fine [Music] cottontail [Music] it didn't just break this roof cut [Music] is everyone okay who cut the rope maybe it was the fierce bad rabbit well we tried i'm going home no way a good rabbit never gives up let's keep going look [Music] uh why are those rocks moving all by themselves it's the first bad rabbit moving them this way quick come on i can't get stuck who never tasted dandelions now we're trapped no trapped is not good cottontail hmm i know we can work this out stand back everyone why don't we all push idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] quick let's go [Music] look the sweetest dandelions in the whole [Music] [Applause] [Music] world we're not going fishing we're going to help peter we are i mean of course we are [Music] don't let go don't let go almost down hold on tight benjamin this mixture seems awfully watery for our cakes hmm it's almost perfect just needs one more thing the lid oh no you don't you leave mrs puddle duck alone or roush peter rabbit what a surprise and just in time to join us for oat cakes yes peter do stay for dinner i insist now i wonder who to have for the main [Music] course [Laughter] me oh my oh my poor nerves and just look at all this mess rule one of cooking mr todd keep a tidy kitchen no this won't do good day to you dizzy duck oh thanks to you duck is off the menu but it's a good thing i prefer rabbits oh no peter he might be bigger than us but wait quicker let's hop to it [Music] hey mr todd over here [Music] to get you through [Music] heat up let's get out of here hi mrs puddle duck oh fancy seeing you again we have something to tell you mrs puzzle duck don't we peter [Music] we were the ones who ate your oat cakes we're sorry we made you some more though oh they might be a bit burnt and please mrs puddle duck if a fox ever offers you oat cakes again don't take them he was going to eat you ate me a nice gentleman like mr todd stuff and nonsense oh well we tried yum crispy just the way i like them just look at them [Music] they're wonderful let's get a jar full for cottontail no time to lose you best be on your way [Music] the golden reach is waiting there for [Music] you there that's the last of them it's the perfect nightlight you know glow worms really do help you feel less afraid of the dark i mean if i were scared they would which i'm definitely not why would you think i'm scared [Music] okay then let's take them home to cottontail don't worry i'll lead the way these woods don't scare me what is that smell oh it smells almost as bad as that budget [Music] who's stealing my dinner dinner you eat glow worms of course i do they're the only bugs he can find tonight what sorry you're right not funny this glow room's for my little sister she's afraid of the dark and she needs them give them to him peter there are enough glowworms for everyone give them here you have to catch us first ow you rotten rabbits wait it's one of my dad's hiding places in here there's hope to it my dinner oh no brook's coming straight for us how does he know we are it's the light from the jar he can see it right abandoned log catcher [Music] benjamin [Applause] he'll never be able to track us through here [Music] never say never this is no place for knitting lily i'm not knitting it's in case we get lost we can just follow the wall to find our way back we're not going to get lost benjamin has been busy i don't think benjamin douglas question is who did i'll tell you dug these tunnels my dad see they match wow your dad really did all this good old dad [Music] i'm not lost i'm not lost [Music] i'm not lost i'm not lost i'm so lost and there goes my dinner alarm luckily whoa excuse me [Music] okay what would peter do he'd find a way out all i need to do is concentrate oh what a struggle [Music] [Music] thanks benjamin peter don't take this the wrong way but these tunnels your dad made well they're not very good are they yeah well they're old oh look blackberries you boys all you ever think about is food uh no i mean wasn't benjamin eating blackberries yeah so so he must have dropped these if we follow the trail we'll find him oh yes let's hop to it [Music] help help which way that's easy this way benjamin benjamin stay there we're coming uh can we just talk about the plan first this time of course shake on it [Music] hey my paw is feeling much better [Music] now admit it that was fun adventures [Music]
Channel: Peter Rabbit
Views: 2,188,006
Rating: 3.6937432 out of 5
Keywords: Peter Rabbit (Fictional Character), Peter Rabit cartoon, Peter rabbit full episodes, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter, Kids TV Show, Rabbits, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, Tom Kitten, Squirrel Nutkin, family fun adventure, Peter rabbit movie, Peter rabbit trailer, cartoons for kids
Id: Ito6OBSpy3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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