Peter Rabbit - The Great Squirrel Rescue Mission | Cartoons for Kids

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the tale of the brothers de pie [Music] he's gonna make it he's gonna make it I don't know it's gonna be close [Music] he didn't make it they're closed this is what happens when you forget that it's Mother's Day and leave your shopping to the last minute [Music] for the record I definitely did not forget that today is Mother's Day I just remembered - nice hustle a brand new apron I picked out myself yes but I chose the color and look who made quilts turnips scented candles the candles were my idea mum yes but I picked on it I hope girls you should even it'll come tell Matt you have presents the only present any mother needs a Mother's Day is a hug from her children thank you everyone looks like someone forgot who me oh I didn't forget did I Benjamin haha no um he just sort of remembered too late he remembered that it would be better to give you your Mother's Day present later right Peter uh-huh later I just I need to put the finishing touches on it that's all finishing touches on what exactly only on the best Mother's Day present ever and so I guess I better go do that right now bye [Music] what are you doing looking for my dad's Journal I saw something once aha found it good old dad he put all his best ideas in here Wow instructions on how to make bombs favorite treated the whole world wild strawberry pie nice Mother's Day walk through the countryside well I suppose that does sound rather nice where should we go anyway enjoy yourself in fact why don't you take the whole day you wouldn't by any chance be trying to get rid of us with you care it if you haha get rid of you me to tell you yes curtail a nice walk yeah hop to it we got to make that pie before mom gets back right we just need to gather all the ingredients your dad wrote down in the journal one cup of sugar 2 cups of cream one stick of butter Benjamin we need a mixing bowl at large spoon rolling pin low measuring cups and Pilate slow down my brains too full Oh we'll be right back we're going to get the rest of the ingredients [Applause] [Music] I'm trying to loose you best be on your way [Music] cuz you can't afford to fancy dance Oh see with camping fast eh and Josephine and what you're trying to do so up you go you should know the [Music] for you Thanks bye and last but not least four cups of berries Oh No the berries they're all gone [Music] now berry pie means no present for mum whoa what happened in here Hugh this spoon just did not want to be found thanks Benjamin but without berries we can't make a pie oh it looks so yummy - [Music] what's that whoa it's magic no it's some kind of invisible ink it's the lemon juice it's making the words appear it's not just words it looks like dad's on a secret map a map yes and it leads to a wild strawberry bush one with the biggest and juiciest berries ever [Music] Wow there it is just like the picture thanks Ted um Peter there's just one thing the map didn't tell us the first with the biggest and juicies berries ever is in mr. Todd's toilet garden we have to get out of here no way without the berries no hostelry pie and I am NOT going back without a gift for Mother's Day it's awfully dangerous Peter mr. Todd might catch us ah but he won't she never expected the three of us would ever be this callous crazy I was going to say this closed is berry bush now we're going to need something to carry all of these keep picking and stay out of sight I'll be right back [Music] [Music] we really should be eating right now leaving so soon oh no no no I really must insist you both stay for dinner I got his basket and there's no sign of mr. Todd Lily Benjamin wild strawberry pie you say that's right in fact if you let us go we'd be happy to make one for you wouldn't we Benjamin yes you'll probably be so full that you wouldn't even have room to eat you know my rabbit dinner nice try but I can always find room for rabbit now I just need to check the seasoning and rosemary thyme Peter Rabbit so far rabbits not off the menu yet try the steps I'm sorry Peter the berries will know I had to trip him with I guess that means no pie for your mum Peter sorry it's my fault no yours I know it even got too much mother snake Peter where have you been and who left the kitchen in such a dreadful mess Peter are you all right yeah I'm fine I thought I could make you a wild strawberry pie for Mother's Day [Music] I tried but well we couldn't get the berries really really sorry mum Oh Peter I told you the only present any mother needs on Mother's Day is a hug from her children and it looks like the only thing that your pie here needs ah the berries wild strawberry jam what can I say it's my favorite happy Mother's Day let's make that pie the tale of the mystery policies faster yes is the plum really as juicy as you say imagine the juices plum in the world and then imagine one even juicier what are you doing Benjamin I was imagining the juices plum in the whole world Never Say Never well there was some nice easy to reach cabbages over there we didn't come to mr. McGregor's garden for cabbages we came for the last plum [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there must be a way to get past a fence and a ditch underneath what was that about a net well I have this friend who wants to get a plum for mr. McGregor's garden I see but the tree has a fence around it and a ditch and don't forget the net mm-hmm so would you tell my friend about how to get past all that stuff you're a friend huh I would tell your friend not to try something so dangerous right well thanks anyway oh well she doesn't really know about stuff like that she's just a mom after all just a mom a my fence Baltic Bowl check climbing Roman right juicy plum here we come [Music] [Music] it's gone you mean my plum look at that whoever stole it was very clever let's catch that thief then we could snatch the plum from him catch that's fun I'd certainly like to know who it was come on then hop to it he must have gone that way let's go [Music] [Music] huh it's not real a decoy Wow this blonde thief is so cover I wish I knew who he was me too but we'll never find out unless we catch him we can cover more ground if we split up let's go Benjamin I said split up you didn't say how far okay okay [Applause] [Music] cos you can't afford to fancy proceed with camping faster today and Josephine and what you're trying to do you should know wages waiting there for you [Music] sorry I thought you know it's no good we'll never catch up that plum thief is just too clever and too fast my dad always said a good rabbit never gives up but I know what we need a shortcut look the plum thief we'll have to go down this Valley up ahead and this shortcut leads to the far end of it it's that path right there and if we take it we can be at the other end of the valley waiting for him when he gets there so the thief will run right into us that's brilliant yeah let's go wait writing to us what am I saying why are you sure this is a good idea yes of course you are just be quiet sorry Tommy's hungry well it won't be long before we're feasting on that sweet juicy plum and we finally find out who we've been chasing he should be coming down the valley any minute now [Music] look he's got my club okay next habits huh I've got to hand it to you it was pretty impressive how you got through mr. McGregor's fencing ditch and the net yes and the net and got to that plum plum plum the one you're holding behind your back right there come on what do you take me for some kind of nuts huh oh sorry no kid I was sure it was the plum so if Nutkins not the thief then who is the thief clumsy oh why didn't you say so that must be who I saw running out of the woods and onto the path back there the path but now it's back in the other direction oh it's no use Peter we'll never catch up now no one runs and outsmart Peter Rabbit clue got you well well what have we here but you can't be the plums ease Lum what would I want with something easily fruit what I can have a delicious Oh make that an extra-large rabbit pie could that be another one it's my lucky day I'll have enough for a full-blown rabbit stew [Music] it must have been the plum chief he saved us wow it's getting late can we please go home now Benjamin's right I know I just really wanted that plum we can always try to find the thief and get that plum tomorrow and if anyone can find someone who nice finding it's Peter Robbins I suppose is everything all right Peter yes maybe not really remember that friend I told you about who wanted to get that plum from mr. McGregor's tree here was me you really I'm sorry mum how I'm about to get it but someone really fast really clever and really brave got there first now I'll never know who the thief was and I never get to eat that plum uh-uh-uh Never Say Never Peter Rabbit plum pie YUM wait a minute fast clever brave you it was you all along it's best if you eat it while it's still warm good the best the tale of the unguarded garden [Music] [Music] nobody move we're being followed are you sure Peter positive followed by what Fox no not a fox a little sister who won't stay home I knew it was Cottontail all along I just wanted to UM practice my diving huh how did she creep up on us like that she's super sneaky runs in the family Peter play sorry Cottontail can't play peek-a-boo right now we're on an extra dangerous adventure we are I mean yeah we are mm-hmm we've completely run out of radishes oh you'd better run home Cottontail before anything dangerous comes our way [Music] um something dangerous is already coming away quick height [Music] well well well mr. McGregor yes she was trapped in that basket huh I wonder where mr. mcgregor is going who cares where he's going the important thing is he's gone and that means of course of course what no I think he's gone [Music] [Applause] [Music] across the fields come on now what do you say [Music] [Music] delicious amazing oops excuse me I wish mr. McGregor would go away every day he - maybe we should be stocking up on food while we can Lilly's right we can feed all our families for a week if we get enough food make four piles roots fruits greens and beads let's hop to it [Music] [Music] how unusual a song about food son by Oh baby later green bean you've been great Cottontail but better even it's worse now okay [Music] have we got enough I hope so if I have to dig up any more radishes I might turn into mr. McGregor could be back at any second don't worry Lily we're safe in fact why do we have some lunch you took the words right out of my mouth [Music] nevermind there's plenty of other rabbits [Music] excellent hiding Lily I'm new to Strawberry I'm Alyssa strawberry how considerate providing your own strawberry garnish stop that [Music] not on the tweed we can't leave without quarter to but you don't tag along today did they [Music] [Applause] Pizza Rahil Oh whose rabbits hiding you come out come out wherever you are there's no way we can all get past mr. Todd we're trapped a good rabbit never gives up Peter look who's back no Cottontail not yay if the cat's back that means mr. McGregor's back too and he's even more dangerous than a four I know that for a fact yes that's it we get mr. McGregor to scare off mr. Todd for us that's right we get mr. McGregor to wait what it's easy we wake the cat the cat alerts mr. McGregor but how do we get close enough we can't but I bet someone small and super sneaky could get through that gap [Music] wanna play peek-a-boo with a kitty cat Cottontail smell rabbit you're pretty stinky yourself it seems our little game of hide-and-seek is over yeah but cotton tears gave peekaboo is about to start let me explain a little something about the natural order young Peter rabbits are scared of foxes fact that's true mr. Tod foxes are scared of Agra gardeners fact Oh what angry gardener stop [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I mean I was so remember you know few shame we never got any food though never [Music] good job mr. McGregor yep lucky for us he's better at growing that is a throwing let's go home looks like we're having a feast tonight who's hungry [Applause] [Music] [Music] detail of the great breakout okay Louis crummy radishes here will come [Music] where did all the radishes go there were plenty here last time well Benjamin I guess we ate them all okay how about we find some carrots my tummy's in a bad mood today wait I I can smell a radish somewhere this way [Music] we can't go up there but Peters right that's where the radish smelling come on Benjamin we can do this we've got to get it it's gigantic we can't touch the fence without mr. McGregor hearing the bells I know that for a fact and then he'll catch us and make a giant rabbit pie to go as his young radish we're not quitting yet we can't climb over the fence but we can get under it Benjamin start digging okay good the face just keeps going down and down and down forever you've got to hand it to mr. McGregor no rabbits could ever get in there no rabbit but maybe someone else could someone who could steer clear of those alarms Matt is really good at climbing [Music] I mean spirit rating very important keep it and bending veggies just what we're looking for there's a join radish in mr. McGregor's garden but is behind the big fence with alarm bells oh we saw a rope over the branch of the apple tree like this then we lower you inside the fence well you pluck the radish and we pull you out tada I colored that in by the way but it is incredibly nice coloring in what I'll pass that's too bad because mr. Magoo is the most thank you giant radish here I come popping hazelnuts my forgotten how great this place was so much stuff to break [Music] bringing knockin is the best idea ever let's stay alert make it fast and above all keep quiet [Music] bringing knockin was the worst idea ever he's the greatest Acrobat who ever lived he's just having a little fun [Music] [Music] no squirrels [Music] [Music] that's amazingly acrobatic enough for you go ahead I like feedback was I brilliant oh very brilliant oh I forgot the giant radish inside silly squirrel you would be so lucky next Fame which woke with a run but it was too slow for the courageous acrobats who ever knew you make out now my dad always said a good rabbit never gives up all we need is another plan to get that radish if it's a plan you want Wow just a little something I figured out so we throw the rope over the tree and lastly the radish I like it no burrs wall meets Cullerton tomorrow we'll get that right this time do it alone Peter we are not alone Peter I had to come back for the giant radish last time I failed you my friend so this time no Kate we have to go mr. McGregor will be here soon [Music] [Music] the golden regions no kid this is really dangerous if mr. McGregor catches my okay okay we're right behind you just one more radish where did everybody go but by the way did you see where my squirrel tribe went no not him we haven't seen them I don't understand I didn't see them leave and I've got good eyes I don't miss a thing [Music] well you wouldn't be bothering me this is all my fault it was my idea to make not gonna log in the first place I've got to get him out we need the great outdoors gets very sweaty and confined spaces don't worry I've got a plan operation reduce rules is it go [Music] I don't ever get to taste you ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everyone to the woods no time to lose ran for you Oh like see they've already come [Applause] after all that we still didn't get to taste the giant radish nevermind it was only one radish there'll be others surprise I felt so bad about you losing out on that giant radish that's like went out and found this have you ever seen a radish like it isn't this a little hard for a radish that kid did you paint a really big hazelnut to look like a radish what I don't know how you could accuse me of something slow so so yes yes that's exactly what I did but it was Felix's idea well mister thought that counts Wow look at the size of that radish [Music]
Channel: Peter Rabbit
Views: 5,227,988
Rating: 3.8357494 out of 5
Keywords: Peter Rabbit (Fictional Character), Peter Rabit cartoon, Peter rabbit full episodes, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter, Kids TV Show, Rabbits, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, Tom Kitten, Squirrel Nutkin, family fun adventure, Peter rabbit movie, Peter rabbit trailer, cartoons for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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