#Halloween @Peter Rabbit - One Hour Special! 🎃 | Action-Packed Adventures | Wizz Cartoons

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it is too far to swim it's too far to roam don't worry i think we're almost there how do you no because rocky island is always surrounded by mist and i know that for a fact [Music] wait a second i think i see something look old rusty's signal this way [Music] are you sure the signal was coming from over here trust me it's this way or maybe that way i don't understand the signal was coming from right here peter [Music] excuse me old rusty is that you hello [Music] there's something written on the side what does it say peter old rusty loudest whistle in the world old rusty is a whistle lost to the island forever just like it said in your dad's journal wow that's even louder than your whistling lily all this way for a silly old whistle oh shiny uh i think maybe we should storm's coming back to the boats [Music] this is your shortcut what was that looks like rain no rabbit hunting today then we can't get past mr todd without him seeing us we'll have to try a different way we don't have time here goes [Music] let's get that blanket hang on a minute i smell rabbits heading that way storm or no storm it's a rabbit hunting i will go got it cottontails blanket [Applause] whoa that storm must be right on top of us that's not the storm that's mr todd well hello eeny meeny miny [Music] run like those feet are sounding so close to you what [Music] i can't run anymore that blanket will get soaked you can run but you can't hide little rabbits quick benjamin come back here now what i know uh come on ah finally the moment i've been waiting for peter [Music] uh very thoughtful of you keep me dry while i eat you i don't think so come on guys what wait you wretched creatures [Music] wait for me [Music] wow it's fine [Music] cottontail [Music] it didn't just break this roofing cut [Music] is everyone okay who cut the rope maybe it was the fierce bad rabbit well we tried i'm going home no way a good rabbit never gives up let's keep going look [Music] uh why are those rocks moving all by themselves it's the first bad rabbit moving them this way quick come on i can't get stuck we'll never taste the dandelions now we're trapped no trapped is not good cottontail hmm i know we can work this out stand back everyone why don't we all push oh great idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] quick let's go [Music] look wow the sweetest dandelions in the whole [Music] [Applause] [Music] world can we go home now wait i think i've got him yes that's him at least we know the rod works if you're fishing for boots what we need is to find something fish like eating like worms fish love you too i know that for a fact then let's hop to it [Music] there don't seem to be any worms here peter i say you go home and forget about fishing [Music] maybe we could borrow some worms from tommy brock no way [Music] how many do you think we need a big fish like jack sharp is going to be hungry let's take them all wait we're gonna catch a mean fish with worms we're taking from a nasty badger sounds like a bad idea to me relax benjamin tommy brock is sleeping what could possibly go [Music] hmm wrong up peter you wake him up [Music] oh [Music] [Music] that was fun [Music] okay so we stick the one on the end like this now we should be able to catch the fish it's a really big fish the biggest fish ever [Music] we need to go further out on the lake yes further out wait are you sure this is no place for knitting lily i'm not knitting it's in case we get lost we can just follow the wall to find our way back we're not going to get lost benjamin has been busy i don't think benjamin douglas question is who did i'll tell you dug these tunnels my dad see they match wow your dad really did all this good old dad [Music] i'm not lost i'm not lost [Music] i'm not lost i'm not lost i'm so lost and there goes my dinner alarm luckily whoa excuse me [Music] okay what would peter do he'd find a way out all i need to do is concentrate oh what a struggle [Music] benjamin [Music] thanks benjamin peter don't take this the wrong way but these tunnels your dad made well they're not very good are they yeah well they're old oh look blackberries you boys all you ever think about is food uh no i mean wasn't benjamin eating blackberries yeah so so he must have dropped these if we follow the trail we'll find him oh yes let's hop to it [Music] which way that's easy this way benjamin benjamin stay there we're coming uh can we just talk about the plan first this time of course shake on it [Music] hey my paw is feeling much better off now admit it that was fun [Music] not likely i like rabbits in the pot but it does peas nice and hot wait you're going to have to be quick this time peter really quick [Music] what are you waiting for hop to it well hobble to us anyway [Music] you're a smart rabbit i'll give you that i can hear you you rascals [Music] but not smart enough no open it do you know the other thing your father would never have done peter he'd have never trusted a fox you lied what can i say i'm a fox i confess i've always wanted to catch you peter but it seems i must leave that honor to mr mcgregor i imagine he'd rather enjoy you in a pie [Music] cheerio [Music] oh one of dad's secret tunnels [Music] that's the last time you tricked me mr todd two can play that game hmm [Music] yes i'm out peter rabbit oh i should have known you'd get away [Music] help eat you up what on earth [Music] wait why are you so jumpy today peter it's that rat sammy whiskers every time something goes missing he just happens to be there i think he's lucky every time he finds something someone gives him a sweet treat as a reward that's because it's a con a plot a scheme to get treats ah maybe we should try that stop worrying peter we're gonna go to the party and have fun oh i can't wait till mrs puddle duck's egg catches come on hatches imagine if something that precious went missing oh think of the sweet reward i'll get when i find it [Music] oh so exciting it's a wonderful wonderful thing well do you mind buddy what's the latest do i hear the widdle waddle of duckling feet yet oh not yet mrs teague winkle but my egg will hatch soon oh i just know it now if you'll all excuse me i really must check on my darling egg mr fisher is going to play some music aren't you [Music] oh we couldn't have asked for a lovely day could we i'm telling you if one more thing goes missing today oh my god oh dear oh dear oh please try not to worry i told you i've got to stop him you stay there my beauty soon i'll pretend i found you and get my reward caught you you've been stealing things all along mrs puddle ducks worried sick give me that egg back just get get thank you middling rabbit or else i'll have to think right now you wouldn't dare try me fine i'll just go and tell everyone what you've been doing no one will give you any cakes then get back here you oh no no he's gonna blow my whole scheme aha what do we have here a duck egg for lunch yes that will do nicely [Music] hey actually this is kind of fun [Music] oh tail feathers [Music] this is all your fault if your kite was easier to steer benjamin could escape if your kite was faster or brown would never catch him [Music] we have to separate the strings to bring [Music] [Music] [Applause] stop moving about don't let go [Music] we have to start working together if we're going to save him let's do it got any ideas yes but we're going to need friends in high places [Music] [Applause] [Music] but you yeah hide little rabbit wow [Music] knocking peter old brown's after benjamin i know and mr todd's following him on the ground mr tort is after benjamin too you've got to help us look in against old brown and mr todd i'd rather lose my tail again no way there is nothing nothing you can say to change my mind uh we'll let you fly our kites later let's do this great come on hog turrets squirrels don't harp [Music] [Music] it's up to knock it now what a sneaky thing to do i must tell them how impressed i am just before i eat them [Music] and i found an exciting new sound for my musical masterpiece [Music] mr fisher this is bad this is very very bad quick benjamin the fishing rod i might not be able to catch a fish but i can definitely tickle one [Music] how i wish i had um terribly sorry to intrude mr todd i hope i haven't spoiled your lovely picnic spoil it on the country you've improved it not again oh we'll never rescue him this time a good rabbit never gives up we need that fishing rod again benjamin sorry i lifted the lake we can make one i've got some string it happen we could use as a hook just in case bucket just in case i really must be getting back oh no i absolutely insist that you stay for lunch it wouldn't be the same without you oh i say where are you going come down here at once i think i might hang about up here if it's all the same what now you can't hold him forever and mr todd will still get him if he drop him leave that to me hold tight he's up be careful frogs aren't supposed to fly and foxes aren't supposed to stand on tables [Music] not so fast peter i think i found another exciting musical sound [Applause] la la la la la la la la creek london be careful too fast it's a bit marvelous peter [Music] why does this always happen to me and so all we have to do is crawl in through the fence here sneak along the onions and tell uh we're in mr mcgregor strawberry patch with millions and squillions of the biggest berries you've ever seen i have to admit benjamin that's a pretty good plan it should be i've been working on it for three whole nights all those strawberries it's too good to be true i say let's do it and i say since his benjamin's plan he should be leader yes i should be leader wait what no i can't i mean i can but i can't but no but benjamin you'll be great hmm yeah you're right i will be great excuse me that was really sweet of you peter do you think he can handle it it's just an easy strawberry raid what could possibly go wrong [Music] this is it just like on my map so what do we do boss let's hop to it i've always wanted to say that i think i'll say it again let's hop to okay okay leaders first [Music] um maybe if i go feet first no arms no i know sideways no wait backwards and sideways at the same hey look one of my dad's secret tunnels we could get in that way let's go wait give benjamin a chance peter you said he's the leader today remember yeah but this tunnel is much wider and he's stuck tight this way do you think mr mcgregor heard us let's hope not or he'll put us in a pie for sure i just say that i think my strawberry road plan is going really really well [Music] [Laughter] [Music] each of you must pass one test who will climb the shaky tree [Music] come on benjamin you can do it um okay am i there yet how much further uh [Music] benjamin i just need a running stop that's all okay little further wow i did it so happy about that help me ah never seen it done like that before first test past well done benjamin seriously help me down and now who dares enter the web of terror and being really good at not for falling off stuff is there a shorter word for all of that balance thank you oh do it peter i've got this come on you can do it [Music] yes i'm not surprised few squirrels have mastered the web let alone a rabbit [Music] not bad for a rabbit huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] two tests down one to go that tree house is as good as ours all right moving on behold the really really big long gap that's really why that oh good idea the big gap [Music] i've got this one you don't have to do this you know if peter says he can do it he can do it um you can do it can't you i have to if i do this one last thing we'll get that tree house and we'll finally have a place to hide from mr todd here goes he's going to do it hopping hazelnuts [Music] is he okay did i make it final test failed oh sorry my friends seems only squirrels belong in trees oh still you russian rabbit [Music] [Music] go now why would rabbits be gathering nuts those silly squirrels must have sent them oh maybe if we add them with some sort of sauce [Music] where did you get all of those we just popped over to owl island we wanted to make up for destroying your nut stash helping your friends is a sort of rabbity thing to do owl island eh that was a really up a really really really bad idea incoming i knew it you are working with the squirrels i've got an idea hope it's better than your last one just keep on busy [Music] surrender [Music] goodbye cruel world [Music] am i supposed to be scared what is that thing anyway tell him guys it's my dad's automated nut gatherer perfect for gathering up unwanted tools pencils nuts taking care of unwanted owls [Applause] [Music] i'm not sure this is such a good idea nutkin launch me blast me into the sky [Music] uh boys we have a small overheating issue again am i flying [Laughter] you've got to help us knock in against old brown and mr todd i'd rather lose my tail again no way there is nothing nothing you can say to change my mind uh we'll let you fly our kites later let's do this great come on hog turrets squirrels don't hop [Music] out [Music] oh it's up to lucky now what a sneaky thing to do i must tell them how impressed i am just before i eat them i need to see we both need to see [Music] together [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're a good friend i really thought i was in trouble any time benjamin can't hold on forever i've got to do something we've got to do something you're right [Music] wow that's one unlucky rabbit you'd have to grow wings to get him out of there looking you're a genius we need to grow wings let's use the kites kites for wings great idea peter but we're going to have to work together [Music] if we put your kite there we'll be able to control it and if we use your kite here it'll go as fast as a hawk oh better hurry mr todd is looking really [Music] hungry [Music] maybe we need a deeper hole ouch not a single worm benjamin's is so much trouble here while we're waiting make yourself useful and give these a polish hurry peter i'm telling you peter there's no such thing as a flying worm but i just saw one shhh sorry mr fisher that's all right young peter rabbit just relieved you weren't a giant fish i feared i was a goner for a moment mr fisher we need some worms for tommy brock fast oh um let's see well this worm is my last piece of bait but you're most welcome to it it's a start [Music] i know your father always said there's only one place to go if you want to find worms he did where let's hope your dad was right about worms being in mr mcgregor's garden i know but look the sun's nearly at its highest benjamin's depending on us come on what else can you do while we're waiting for your friends to come back that is if they come back oh boring can't you lighten it up a bit uh okay [Music] now that's what i call a show it's almost my lunch time i hope your friends are better at catching worms than you are at juggling um peter and lily are the best worm catches in the whole woods you'll see they'll do it we're never going to do it a good rabbit never gives up lily look at this it's a whopper uh [Music] peter hmm who am i fooling i can't catch worms i'm a rabbit not a a bird stomp again huh maybe we should be birds this stomping brings the worms out i know that for a fact great idea [Music] we have to get that egg before sammy whiskers does there he is [Music] we're too late [Music] oh i really don't like cats think of the cake think of the cake this is hopeless a rat is bad enough but a cat too it's not over yet benjamin would you do the honors [Music] [Music] no [Music] oh no it's breaking [Music] it's not breaking it's hatching the duckling is on the way we'd better get it home to his mommy then [Music] it won't be long now hurry [Music] but what are we going to tell everyone peter they still think it was you who took the egg we'll tell them the truth they'll believe us tell them the truth will you ha that bunch they'll believe anything i tell them like the way they believed i found those lost rattles or that lost music or this silly egg but it was me who took them all along me samuel jeremiah bartholomew edmund cornelius whiskers and why are you all smiling [Music] um i suppose you uh heard all that yes yes i'm afraid we did mr whiskers oh please send me to my friends no yeah well i didn't want any of your horrid party cake anyway you best run along sammy whiskers or you'll be feeling the sharp end of my spines you cheeky eggs feeling rascal oh angry hedgehog i do so like pretending to be fierce delicious amazing oops excuse me i wish mr mcgregor would go away every day me too maybe we should be stocking up on food while we can lily's right we could feed all our families for a week if we get enough food make four piles roots fruits greens and beans let's hop to it [Music] fruits fruits and beans [Music] how unusual a song about food sung by food [Music] [Music] you've been great cottontail but better leave it to us now okay [Music] have we got enough i hope so if i have to dig up any more radishes i might turn into one mr mcgregor could be back at any second don't worry lily we're safe in fact why do we have some lunch you took the words right out of my mouth mr todd never mind there's plenty of other rabbits now where are they [Music] excellent hiding lily [Music] how considerate providing your own strawberry garnish don't stop that [Music] ah not on the tweed hopping hazelnuts i've forgotten how great this place was so much stuff to break i mean play with bringing nutkin is the best idea ever let's stay alert make it fast and above all keep quiet [Music] actually bringing nutkin was the worst idea ever he's the greatest acrobat who ever lived he's just having a little fun [Music] wow don't forget the radish watch this [Music] no squirrels no kid [Music] come back here let's do that again please [Music] so was that amazingly acrobatic enough for you go ahead i like feedback was i brilliant or very brilliant oh i forgot the giant radish didn't i silly squirrel you won't be so lucky next [Music] dived over the time cat beast which woke with a roar but it was too slow for the greatest acrobat who ever lived that's me you may clap now my dad always said a good rabbit never gives up all we need is another plan to get that radish if it's a plan you want wow just a little something i figured out so we throw the rope over the tree and lassie the radish i like it not bad um want me to color it in tomorrow we'll get that radish this time do it alone uh peter we are not alone not kid what are you doing here peter i had to come back for the giant radish last time i failed you my friend so this time [Music] we have to go mr mcgregor will be here soon [Music] please [Music] is waiting there for you [Music] there it is that's journal [Music] i've got a better idea it's a hazelnut catapult we can knock the journal down [Music] okay here we go one two don't miss okay peter yes thanks one two and you don't want to wear cole brown do you yes i know stop interrupting mm-hmm one two do you want to take a practice sorry it's okay let's go find some more hazelnuts [Music] nutkin i'm not here so your secret mission was stealing all of old brown's hazelnuts huh who told you was it felix i bet it was oh he's such a blabbermouth we're here to get peter's journal back oh brown stole it that grumpy old owl stole your journal i have had it with him old brown has been an enemy of the squirrel tribe for generations first he steals my tail and now he steals your journal we've got to do something [Music] okay i'll do it myself come on nutkin really you don't have to do this it's my problem you want your journal back you'll have it back the secret is to be fast sneaky and very very quiet i say i did it [Music] we have to help him but how huh come on do you hear that [Music] huh it's not real a decoy wow this plum thief is so clever i wish i knew who he was me too but we'll never find out unless we catch him we can cover more ground if we split up let's go benjamin i said split up you didn't say how far okay okay [Music] fast stay away and you'll succeed at what you're trying to do so off you go and you should know the goals and reach is waiting there for you [Music] sorry i thought you were the plumbing it's no good we'll never catch up that plum thief is just too clever and too fast my dad always said a good rabbit never gives up but i know what we need a shortcut look the plum thief will have to go down this valley up ahead and this shortcut leads to the far end of it it's that path right there [Music] and if we take it we can be at the other end of the valley waiting for him when he gets there so the thief will run right into us that's brilliant yeah let's go wait write in to us what am i saying wait are you sure this is a good idea yes of course you are just be quiet sorry tubby's hungry well it won't be long before we're feasting on that sweet juicy plum and we finally find out who we've been chasing he should be coming down the valley any minute now squirrel nutkin he's the plum must be look he's got my plum okay let's have it huh i've got to hand it to you it was pretty impressive how you got through mr mcgregor's fence and ditch and the net yes and the net and got to that plum plum oh plum the one you're holding behind your back no it's good i wasn't asleep i was just uh resting my eyes come on we have to find the egg let's paint a face on it a big pink face no i found it it should be yellow i saw it first stop it flopsy it's mine yes you found it okay hand it over no we found it and we're not giving it to you [Music] now what no flopsy mopsy if you give me the egg benjamin will stay here with you and you can paint his face instead that's right wait what okay i'll hand it over no i'll hand it over [Music] the egg not [Music] [Music] today [Music] oh what a disaster oh woe is me no fodder no grub no tasty nibbles looks like another nourishing bowl of nothing for me tonight oh pennies and petty caught an egg in a fox's lair what to do what to do don't worry mrs tiggy winkle i'll get it a good puppet never gives up peter you can't go in there what about mr todd how very curious where did this tooth some tit bit come from don't drat who can that be [Music] what's that who's there show yourself well well peter rabbit what better way to follow a nice egg than with rabbit stew ah this belongs to mrs puddle duck and you're not having egg or rabbit for dinner [Music] you
Channel: Wizz Cartoons
Views: 260,911
Rating: 3.7615283 out of 5
Keywords: Wizz Cartoons, Peter Rabbit (Fictional Character), Peter Rabit cartoon, Peter rabbit full episodes, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter, Kids TV Show, Rabbits, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, Tom Kitten, Squirrel Nutkin, family fun adventure, Peter rabbit movie, Peter rabbit trailer, cartoons for kids, Action Packed Adventures, halloween, one hour peter rabbit, peter rabbit halloween, peter rabbit halloween special
Id: Ojd0p8mzWF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 29sec (3749 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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