Episode 3. KITCHEN | 3Ds Max + Corona Render Tutorial Series for Beginners

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hello everyone and let's start our Workshop it's a third Already episode put pluses into the comment and we'll get it started in the previous two series uh we had uh already um bedroom and bathroom made and now we're going to create kitchen and as more as you are going through your project as easy as become because uh you can use some objects you can use some materials you already know how the light you going to customize so the more rooms you make the more easy it will be make and continue working on your project so I hope so far you're enjoying this series and we're going to create this kitchen okay hello I'm waiting for the more pluses and we'll get started so I'll make sure that you can hear me well I see my scream and everything else and also I remind you that you can find in description uh the material that I'm using on this Workshop so you can use them as well but as usual not all of them in this scene so you can find the main scene that we already made uh this one but with some um some object will be missing like uh plants uh some furniture and some Decor but everything else will be there also if you can see uh those uh black um views in your viewport and you don't want to be it like that I will show you how you can improve it okay I don't see much pluses okay but I hope everything is well so let me know yeah yeah hi guys so so if I'll show you how you can get rid of this black uh thing and to see all the objects in Gray so you can click here on standard uh going to viewport configuration no not this one they always change the name so active viewport settings and here um you can switch to two default lights uh in 2023 you need to click save and it will appear all gray and it will be easier for you to work also I saw the question that um how to make this kind of uh ceiling um it's nothing complicated actually if you want I can show you like super fast for example we have here uh like greed and uh all this technical stuff inside I made it in the other way but it's more complicated um move the modeling stuff I'm showing on the course but uh so far um the easiest way how you can put something in the object um in the easiest way you can create for example a rectangle maybe it was snap and then you can select your object that you need to put inside for example those not this one isolate them and then you need to create uh two more splines one rectangle and one Circle so you can do the same so we snap rectangle and circle the most important thing that uh every single object have to be on the same height so you make sure that it's all on the same height so for example the first rectangle that you create it's on the 3100 uh because of that snap three because it was snapped by uh to the existing ceiling but uh for example if you're going to snap with a 2.5 it will be created on the Zero coordinate and it's better to create it because everything will be on zero coordinate and then you won't be confused with extrude and other you also should check so yeah you can see that the next rectangle is in the other height so I can change it to 100 300 3100 and also here so everything will be the same okay this one I can make a little smaller and now you need to attach them all and then extrude and that's all you need to do with such a ceilings okay so I'm going to convert to editable spline and I just need to attach multi those two objects okay attached and extrude and your ceiling is ready but of course it's supposed to be on the right height so make sure that you extrude um the height that you need and then you move where it should be and here we go ready okay so I can delete this one and we can start to work with our kitchen but first I'll tell you story about uh how it was made and how it was compilated and what we going to create so as usual we generate the Main Kitchen view in AI so far as we did for the two previous so we got two pictures that we liked so the first one was this one is quite warm and it would fit to our main project so it was kind of good option and another one was this one so also really nice really good also fit to our project um white wood oh everything is perfect and then the research and um found another picture that we'll find create the mood board so that's what we found different kind of Island should we change it should be not this kind of Island this kind of should be a wooden or white what is better will fit for it so you search for different options then you complete compil it and uh got your own kitchen as you can see different one but everything in the same mood I like this one like but it's totally white totally Stone not exactly about me but it would fit to our bathroom as well so why not in some option could be so you can say I can compile it everything some colors but we're going to create exactly well not exactly but the main that we found because it's a good composition good color scheme um good lighting so nice um and so far we already use those materials so it will be way more faster and easier to create this kitchen so let's get started hello who just joined and let's create some lighting uh first we'll make um a base material Corona Legacy MTL and we're starting with the outer saving oh that's not the one I wanted this one I'll select everything and assign new material and we'll start the same as usual so um 90 applied diffuse a one for reflection lotion is 0.6 and reflection color middle somewhere okay and uh for this project I'm going to uh use this uh RZR map it's actually one of my favorite I use it a lot it gives really nice uh Shadows really nice lighting uh it gives the color of The Shining is uh blue and nice maybe it's sometimes it's too blue but you always can use a color correction to get rid of it so we going to use this one and um open render setup seem single map and let's select it in Corona bitmap of course so Clarence Clarence 2K is enough we don't need uh it being visible outside so and the quality is doesn't really matter we just need lighting from it okay come on a bitmap instance and guys um I want to remind me please uh keep your question till then so I'll show you the main topic and then I'll answer all your questions so just you can do some notes if something you didn't understand or you want me to explain something and um ask me uh in the end thank you and let's start interactive render okay super dark super nice why not beautiful sky seam okay uh tone mapping I'll just increase for now exposure I don't even want to turn off the the noisy the noise um interactive the noise because the pictures look very clear very nice uh we didn't have like super small object that extremely badly blurred by this denoiser so it's good okay uh what else we can do we can of course rotate a little bit our um map to see if we can catch some nicer lighting and actually even if the zero was quite nice well a little too much warm color here in zero and a bit too dark so yeah I think would be nicer to rotate it 100 150 oh this one is super super nice okay 200 and this one is already um dark so I'm going back 180 170. 150 and I think we'll stuck with 150. yeah gives nice lighting impression of our picture which is really really good okay what else we can do we can add some contrast I think yeah we can oh yeah hello is it is uh reduce our nice Lighting in the scene so let me turn it off and here we go now we need to compress our um exposure because it's too strong um as usual my favorite uh filmic highlight compress a little bit not helping much okay let's go to Advanced filmic it should works better but don't forget that our floor will be darker so it's fine if we have some overexposure here um it won't be good too good if we have like extremely strong overexposure in this area but we don't have it we have only here so it's not too bad also I can increase a little shoulder length so it will spread more uh compression but not too strong because our picture become like um too dark I mean too dark by um it will compress in general all the light color in all the pictures so we don't need to edit too much okay also uh if we want to for example get more shadow in this area we have window on the left um and if you want to more shadow in this area you don't like for example that light you always can um add some extra object that will prevent light going through so we can try and do the same oh cancel after saves for now I hope everything will be good so let me create some books and I'll show you what I mean so for example instead of window we have a wall here instead just instead I'll make it super super high let me show you you can see like it's higher than it was well it can be the same it doesn't really matter and you can see that we got more Shadow here in some cases can be um if you want to if not always depend on you but uh there can be for example some balcon some terrorists some something else some other building which give this Shadow uh we're not building their arounding and environment around our apartment and building but uh you should keep in mind that something going on some reflection come coming from the other building and uh coming to your room some uh prevents like building trees everything um which is covering the light from outside so everything is possible I'm just showing you the way how you can um find and get some Shadows so if I'll hide it you can see this area is mullet it's actually not giving much result but a little bit darker and a little bit more contrasting this Theory it actually nice but all depends I think we can keep it we can not keep it I think it's a little darker looks nicer okay uh what else well actually actually actually we can add some fish will make what else we can do I think we need more contrast we can add some toy here for example you can see that the Shadows become more darker but don't extremely because it the shadow will be burnt which is not really good and when you add materials it will be like extremely burnt textures on the object which is awesome not good at also always be careful with um with parameters okay that looks nice and we can add our colors so we have three calls um light um kind of white I think it's a little more warmer but also a color can be um from the floor and gives this Warmness so maybe it will be just white we have black and some green which not really visible so main actually uh two three colors white um wooden color and black that's all we need okay let's start with floor I think so let me move here uh I'll select floor and this kitchen part because it's more or less the same color I'll make a copy of the base material and assign it and we can add some saturation here more yellow more saturation more saturation and darker yeah that's probably two yellow let me move my picture to the right screen so I will see what we need to get okay so maybe even a little more reddish well not that strong and maybe slightly less of color and probably darker looks good I think so I believe we can keep like that nice let's create black material I'll make another copy of a shift and now we can select all the black objects so it's a ways it's a faux sets it's um um for the kitchen Parts I hope I'll select everything um okay so we have like one object that we need to separate otherwise all the kitchen will be black so let me assign for those parts first and we'll see what we got so let me make it darker okay now we need the black color for the um bottom part as well but it's a one object this one so it created just from the box nothing complicated as you can see just regular books but all we need is select one of the polygons on the bottom I'll switch here in perspective so you will see um actually this part is not too necessary because there will be um another model but we can select just in case so any light part will be visible so also those as well and all we need to do is just assign this material and it will be black you can see that it's assigned only on the selected um polygons and the last part which is black is this one okay let me see on the render also we can already add some more reflection for this object but this material uh well actually yeah for all this object would be nice uh if it will be too much we always can create a copy and add another material for faucets and everything else okay but so far I can increase glossiness well probably that's a bit too much well we always can do the double reflection but I think we can customize it later or we can customize it now like since we almost reach for materials I think we already can start slightly customize all of the materials so double reflection uh is really cool stuff you can use it for such objects for such objects for a floor for example at the bottom um material of the floor or of the black part of the kitchen will be not that a glossy that you add another material with super glossy and then you mix them and you uh get a nice and Rich reflection in it which is really really good so let's try to do that I'll select this material uh right click change material map type and here I'll select kernel layered MTL keep alt so we can keep this material and now I can just make a copy of this one assigned to plug it into layer one this material is already applied to all the objects that was the first material you just change it to another type so no need to assign it anymore and now the second material is override it fully the previous one and if I'll change the glossiness here you can see it become like super super gloss so we can see only only the second material but I think we don't need that strong reflection let me create region here maybe just a bit more yeah something like that maybe slightly more and now we can mix the second one and the first one in some cases um the first one can be even less glossy uh let me show you how it can be so you might see the difference more strongly we actually do need a lot of reflection but I'll show you the difference so and now we're going to current alert MTL and that's where connected the second material which we see now and now you can just um lower the influence of this material and you can see it mix it with the first one with the super nut glossy material and if I'll turn it off you can see that we can see super not gloss the first material and turn on and it mixed with it now for 58 but as I said we don't need that strong so let me back to glossium like it was before so it will be slightly difference between them and maybe I'll lower it even more so it will be slightly too glossy but not too strong okay turn off and you can see with slightly uh better seeing the frame of the windows which is good also you can vary it with reflection that you can see on the kitchen so you can go to render setup and here you can customize your reflection but be very careful with that because it will include not just this area but all reflection in them scene so for example if you add some other rgr map it on reflection you will got the Reflection from the um from another rgr map not from the main one so what do I mean uh here you can find the overrides and you can find the reflection and if I'll turn it on you can see that reflection overrided to black color and you can see at everything that we got in reflection become super super black also the reflection on the part of the kitchen as well if you switch it to white color everything will be more nicer more whiter so here you can find the best way you can for example add some blue color maybe but I think not in our case but actually not too bad I think you can start with just a white color or you can turn it off at all so otherwise this one or this one also can work oh the pants what exactly you want to get I think in this case our ceiling is extremely uh highlighted but well in um in the ceiling we can a little reduce our reflection but well I think we can stack with this variant for now maybe we'll change it later we'll see okido Kim so yeah actually I do like more floor now because it's less um overexposure because with this one it was yeah way more overexposure so I think we can uh stack with this override okay good and let's go next so uh also the Contour top of the kitchen and the island is more reflective so we can change reflection as well let me select it um actually I can select this pipette too it's a main base material um or maybe we should change a little color of the kitchen first I think we should add a little bit warmer color and the countertop should be the same so yeah first we'll customize the main color of the kitchen and then a reflection on the countertop so let me make a copy of the base material also uh this part and also everything for the kitchen I hope everything so let's see and the top one is well so let me check just in case yeah good I don't need that much color but some color I do need for sure but more yellow I believe should we make it lighter actually it's white but maybe a little bit and even more saturation I think we should get into a slightly warmer color oh I forget about the stool um chairs and table they should be black as well but let's finish first kitchen and then we'll back to chairs I think this one is nice oh I forget about this one because it's way more dark enough I didn't assign material there so also I should do that so same material as kitchen okay now it's too warm I think so we can get through those situations slightly good okay let's assign the black material for the chair and table I'll just make a copy of this one it's definitely not supposed to be that glossy so uh I'll make a copy of the material and now we can assign it yeah let's lower glossiness let me create a small region here yeah looks good maybe even a little darker reflection color so it won't be like that wide on the top of the objects and let that looks really really good okay let's go to uh countertop materials so as I said the colors should be more or less the same all we need is customize reflection so I'll make a copy of the Contour top material and now I need to one more time select those object so one and here let me check it yeah it's one the main base part of the kitchen so we need to assign to element material so I'll go to element select it and assign new material and now we can increase glossiness well maybe not uh one but something similar let me zoom in in camera so we'll see more detail it oh that's not what I wanted let me turn it off I just want to come closer so we'll see this part of reflection oh actually it's not that strong maybe uh maybe even more okay now it's too strong so let's lower it guys please keep your question till the day and and I'll answer them okay yeah I think something like that would be nice um I do like sometimes it for for reflection noise to the bomb it gives um not that strong lines of reflection you can see like it's super strong in some cases perfectly it worked perfectly fine in some cases you want more interesting Reflections so we can do that um I'm going to General Maps noise and I'll just plug in this noise to bump and you can see what happened the Shadows the reflection become like super wavy of course we don't need that strong but uh for example we can change the size of it so you can play around so you can make it bigger for example maybe in some cases would be interesting to see this kind of reflection but I think not in our case so let me make it smaller oh this one is too small now so 100 200 yeah I think around 100 maybe 120 140 something like that would be nice maybe 150 uh but uh to customize this intensity of reflection you can customize by a bump so if you go to material go down to the maps tab of the saving and find bump here you can see the intensity so by default's eyes one but you can lower it 0.5 oh still strong 0.2 [Music] now it's better way more better I would say but probably we even don't need that strong just slightly so it will be more interesting and you can compare like it was before like super straight and a little with bump gives a nice little details and also you can check here let me turn off the uh region so we will see it more clearly yeah you can see slightly lines here and I believe is really really good also we can add some white material for uh those Decor because for now it's too gray um so I can copy the kitchen material for example so those two actually all of them I think but for those two I think they should be more lighter okay without those for now so let me assign and I'll make it just lighter and we probably don't need the color there so they will be just white white and Light good perfect okay and now for another part of the course I'll make a copy again from the kitchen material uh select those assign yeah and I'll make them also lighter I think but the color is nice maybe just a little darker and is good all right what else um yeah for the lighting for sure we need to add some black color too because they're just gray for now so I can make a copy of them I think chair and table material but it should be a little more glossy than uh the chairs and table but we can customize it so I can select the lights assign oh the middle part definitely not supposed to be white so let me check them uh ID number three okay it's selected already I don't need to even oh actually it's two so it's two or three no it's three three okay good so well actually I can try just assigned to uh selected element so I can copy a base material we'll start with this one and a sign oh yeah it's work um I don't think that we need to do something extra here because we not turning on them so they turn it off so I believe even like that is enough okay let me have a look in general so far so really really um good but yeah we need to customize ceiling because uh too much of reflection because we turn on the overrides and also we need to make it lighter because now it's like way more darker than the kitchen which is not exactly what we need so well ceiling is always slightly darker but not that strong um I'll copy based material and now we need to select all the parts of the ceiling we have a lot of here well actually all the details technical stuff also uh will be light and I believe six object I hope so we'll see so let me assign it I'll create region and let me make the reflection color darker and yeah it's become way more dark you know but the color will make lighter oh maybe not that strong but definitely like that is way more nicer but yeah glossing is all probably lower as well maybe not actually it was nice here so might be let's see which do we like more with reflection or without it maybe something in the middle 55 I think it's good also uh if you have for example some extra colors from RDR map on new ceiling you always can get treated of it if you don't like it sometimes uh you select the map with rgm app with a green grass and all green color coming to your ceiling which you don't want definitely so you can do next I'm not so sure that we need to do it here but we'll see uh we don't have like super extra color there and we don't have like some dark Parts here so in general our ceiling looks nice but in some cases can be so what you can do is go on a top view and create huge plane in the area where you have Windows well I'll start with the corner so the windows we have here and you can see the color of the plane is Blue and everything becomes blue so if you need to override some colors on the top part of your interior you always can do this thing uh bun make sure that your plane is under the floor because for now it's overrated and covered our floor so I need to lower it let me sucked and just put it down and now it's perfect and of course we need to change the color so I'll just assign them uh base material for it oh it can be the same material as we assigned for the ceiling but it's already like too light I think so you can check how this plane and how without plane which do you like more so this one is this plane let me hide it and yeah you can see that we got more color in some cases it's good and some not too good well actually I want some color so I can um I can I can I can I can take the material from the kitchen for example if you need some color and just assign them this material to the plane outside and it gives you slightly main color for all the ceiling so I can select kitchen material I can make a copy assign it and you can see that it's become a little move warm and I said I think is really good looking okay and let's go to the material that left actually left only the core plant and the floor with a wooden kitchen uh so since we already create two of the rooms and we have the floor there well actually we have a floor on bedroom so I'm going to this scene or you can create the library for materials for example for this project I'm usually just open the scene and copy the object that I need and uh paste it in the scene that I'm currently working so that's what I'm doing I'll suck the floor I have um copy to script which I installed here um it's just free one I think you can find it somewhere in Internet so copy two script 3ds Max yeah this one so all you need is just um download it somewhere here and drag into the viewport but if you have for example two um 3ds Max open then you need to drag both of them if you have only one then once drop it it install it and you will have it so I'll select a floor right click you can copy to here wait till it's going it's saving to buffer it takes some time so it all depends how much of the geometry you're saving and it takes some time okay then you open your current scene right click and paste from and let's say that I already have the object with the same name so I just out rename it and it will apply another name and yeah it's appears somewhere in the middle so I can isolate it and all I need is just material from this floor so I'll select it and it's also needs some time since it gets rid get used to our scene so um I don't think that we need layer it until I think it's too complicated material so I can delete second one I can delete layer it and just keep the main one it we will need it we will always connect it it will be two minutes of work and that's all I need this material I don't need the floor anymore so I can delete it um select our floor and assign material and let's see what we got here and you remember it was like that so we should get the same result I'll just in case move closer our main base uh color so we'll see and always can compare or you can just uh copy the color paste it here and if so you always can turn off compare and so on and so and so on okay selected floor assign material and yeah start render oh yeah uh so yeah definitely we need to make it darker for sure so let's customize the color also the color correction since you can see that uh reflection is uh customize it but in some cases sometimes you need to recustomize it but for now for now it's not too bad well maybe we'll return to as there are my perfection and the floor will look differently but for now I'll just customize and have a look on the color Okay gamma three let go to one um I definitely don't need that much color so I'll over it and I think we need to move a bit more to Red here should we make it even darker well actually we can actually we can in general so we can also lower a bit of exposure I think is too strong and now I can see that too strong of um contrast as well so let me lower it here you can see how it burned the material which is not really nice so I definitely want to lower it now okay that looks way more nicer um what else we can do maybe even less color I think should we make it darker actually it's not supposed to be that super dark we can compare oh it was before after oh actually almost perfect yeah I think we should make it darker just a bit and let's turn on the previous reflection that we had maybe it would looks better with it yeah I think this one is better um yeah we do have some uh override here and also if you don't like for example this part um in this case this is the best way how to customize well it's a little double work but uh sometimes it's really worth it so for example you do like this uh floor you do like uh but you do like a reflection uh from override reflection and you want this area more um not that overrided like not that uh over exposure in this case you will need to do to render so the main one the first one that you uh do um here and the second one when you or maybe even three for example three yeah it can be two if it's if it will be enough if not then three so one for uh those reflection and another for the floor well usually what I can do is way more darker floor like extremely dark and also um darker reflection color so it will get less reflection and then you just uh combine those two renders in Photoshop and you will get the perfect result so in some cases you really need to do that it's not like super often but as you can see here is definitely needed because I really love this uh flooring but I don't really love this overexposure and also here would be nicer I think white color okay but um I'm happy with the floor and we can customize the wooden material for the kitchen since we didn't customize the material of the wood in bedroom we can do it here from the scratch so let me make a copy of the base material I hope it's a base actually it doesn't really matter oh actually why why we do need base materials since we have the color of the kitchen right and I'm going to use for the wood the same texture that I'm using for the floor but um but but I combine it in Photoshop which I really love to do so the texture of the floor is just the planks oh where I do have it do I have it somewhere no I don't so let me show it so it's one by one texture like a lot of them you can see like the huge and for each of the uh planks separated texture for the kitchen I just took those planks and combine it in Photoshop and got a one texture which really high quality and really um nice looking so this one texture I got you also can use this to get a really good quality wooden texture so um assign it to diffuse color and remember that we need to reach the same um color and it should fit our floor for sure so color correction and let's customize color first and then reflection so reflection saturation lower not reflection but diffuse saturation lower and probably even lower let me create some region here maybe a little darker should we make it and maybe a little into a yellow side so move heel first probably a little more saturation should they make it dark or not let's try so Advanced 0.9 and now lower reflection lower saturation well in this area really good here I think we just need to get more flexion and then it will perfectly fit but uh so far in this area like super super super super cool so let's work with the reflection I'll just add another color correction uh plugin map uh make it fully distributed for wood for most of the reflection uh besides um metallic material it's always should be fully desaturated and connect to reflection color and don't forget about output map where we can customize our curves so output enable Karma color mop add Point busy as smooth to make it smoother and make it lighter to get lighter this area of the cabinets [Music] more contrasted we always can come closer In Too Deep on mod so you can activate it by pressing plus and here or you can customize the hot button for it like I did okay I believe it's time to turn off the ah okay I wanted to turn off the denoiser but one minute later it's already uh fine okay should we make it even more contrasted I think we can a little bit to see more clearly the wooden lines and yeah I'm going to turn off the performance fast preview the noise so we'll get the noisy picture but the lines will be more clear okay so even more contrasted here and I believe we can add the map to our reflection glossiness also output yeah as usual we need to twice copy it to get normal um curves and let's connect to reflection glossiness and yeah now you can see the light part extremely visible that's not exactly what we need to get so let me lower a little bit and also I'll decrease the influence of this map because it's over over overdo it of this map so also like material go to maps and lower gloss and so 19 Maybe 18. Maybe 70. okay it's more calm down now um I think we can no actually it's too strong still so let me make it not that contrasted I think because it's too too strong I don't need that strong red I need nice beautiful wooden texture probably even lower than but I still need to keep lightness of the kitchen this impression but yeah this one is a bit better let me back to a reflection curves and what can I do here maybe more contrasted should I no I don't like it that's strong but slightly we can and let's work maybe a little darker we'll see maybe lighter which result we do like more I think this one is really really good but also I'll um change the influence of this map I think just a little bit so it won't have a hundred percent but the color of reflection will work also so I think 90 and now we can make the reflection color lighter maybe even less of the map then so it will be more visible with the lightness of the light reflection color and yeah let's see from the camera do we like everything about this wood or we don't think we should make color a lighter I believe it's and maybe reflection awesome lighter I want more lightness in this area so output of the reflection let me make it somewhere here oh yeah that's way more nicer also the color the color the color should we try a little bit too yellow I think it's too much of the red for now and yeah I believe this one looks exactly what we need to get if it's too much of the texture you always can lower a little bit of diffusal so if you want to or keep it like that up to you we can try for example for 90 a little bit so it won't be that strong and return 200 and see which result do you like more option 19 is good we can keep it perfect so let's go to the core it will be also fast and you can see how fast we customize everything like super fast lighting super fast colors materials we already have some so let's add some texture for the core um do I have it here yeah it's just regular texture like with the name of it you can make it in Photoshop if you want to um it's very not complicated uh oh yeah and I hope we had oh we had um off the safe but for now I can read your questions if you have uh next time please exterior the exterior visualize we I don't do exterior of doing Terror visualize and modeling was on the first episode so you can watch it as well okay let's check what our uh off the back was saved so it was 11. oh it was long time ago did they cancel everything that's not nice but well this time we'll make it super fast because we know what to do oh boy okay so let's paste our floor one more time oh maybe we do have floor already let me check maybe the material is already there oh yeah okay we don't need customize floor that's a good let me use ah no we need to customize it because um it's just appear here and not customize it but well uh once is good twice is even better so you will definitely know what to do so what we had there um I think it was zero nine or something right uh less saturation and more red color and I think even less of saturation yeah I think it's exactly what we had maybe a little lighter now um okay good and now the kitchen material see two minutes of the material like extremely fast so texture I'm not even sure why it happened because all we did is just drag this texture to the material editor but well 3ds Max sometimes is very unpredictable software so better not cancel out the saves like I did okay let's do it as well extremely fast Advanced um I think we don't need actually do that build over a little bit the diffuse right for 90. and we customize reflection let's do that so saturation reflection output super fast curves enable everything like we did somewhere here and more contrasted right oh so we mix it with color for I think 80. and make the color lighter good almost like we had but yeah I think we will need to customize the color a little bit more but for now we'll be oh this time the second copy was perfect probably it's apologize to me since it's turn it off switch it off so this one will be lower not that contrasted and lower influence okay and the last step is customize the color and I think the advanced filmic is too strong here we didn't yeah we need to lower it okay and the last is color so a little of yellow maybe even a less of saturation and a bit darker I think we should make it good good good good see two minutes and we already back at the same stage as we was before so nothing serious happened should we travel one more time with the Floor and Decor let me just in case save this scene just in case maybe it will appear and Crush one more time which I don't really want to so max 3 plus save okay one more time let's go to the Core a little longer saving okay so let's select it the material from viewport wait no not this one with pipette tool yeah the light one it's only on this bottle so we actually don't need to make a copy and oh okay let's go no Crush nice accidentally happen but not this time and assign the texture show in the viewport let's come closer to see where is it and um the texture is like extremely white I think we didn't had that white you can see that the main color was a little lower and a lot of the texture that you have on already made texture is can be like super super wide it doesn't mean that you have to um plug exactly the texture that you have so you can work with them and get the color exactly what you need to so I'm going to diffuse color and plug it into mix amount and instead of the second color the white one in mix I'll just add our color that's all we need so copying diffuse color go to mix map right click paste and now it's like perfectly fine all I need to do actually not need but I want to do is add more reflection so glossing is higher so we'll get nice reflection in this area and I believe it's perfect I'm not so sure should it be like that or not we can try to add some smooth modifier for the top part for example so smooth or Turbo smooth yeah to smooth yeah Auto smoothies enough so just modify if you have the and see the edges sometimes you just need to um add some smooth modifier uh for those we can well actually we need to change the texture for the second one so I'll just copy the whole material and drag the second mop here all I need is just change them up and assign the material for the second object so here for example oh well and actually we need to move it a little bit because it's higher which is not really nice so I'll suck this texture and just let me show in the view part all over it I think lower it so it will be more or less on the same line which is way more good okay perfect let's go to those uh let's create some something for them um yeah actually we can use the same map for example as we used for bathroom walls remember we add for a composite map to get more nice detection so why not we can use the same map so as you can see you don't use a lot of different materials all the same same but different to get a perfect nice materials even like that it looks like super super nice um but I think it should be lighter a little bit so we can add color correction here a little lighter and do we have normal map there let me check yeah this one good so it won't be just straight but some um nice bumps we got connect to Corona normal add gamma to input never forget about it and bump uh one thing that I would do probably is I want some maybe dirtiness in inside of the edges so I can connect on diffuse L map to get this so air map here to unincluded color and you can see it's become way more dark and well actually the result is quite interesting maybe even like that but uh let me make it a little smaller so we get more of the light Parts maybe even less Authority looks really nice we got some darkness in this area dark here a little light on the bottom so perfect okay and what left I am the plant um the plant I use exactly the same that I used on the bath the same plant the same exactly composition maybe I rotate it a little bit but everything is exactly the same so we can take the material from the bath I don't have the open scene but I can merge from the scene here but wait till after seeing will save and let's file import merge now I need to open it um it was number two right yeah the last one and now I need to I think those one yeah Lords is exactly what I need I'll I'll rename it because I have already those plants here let me move it somewhere and all I need is just material so pp2 and now I can delete them now we need to select our plant one two three I hope that's all let me see here yeah and assign our plant material let me have a look on the render let's turn off uh the noise one more time but I believe the color and material is like looks good um one more thing that I would do is probably the walls a little lighter and maybe the color as kitchen so I think for now it's like base material let me sucked yeah it's a base material so I can just change it because we have on everything that left it um and I need kitchen kitchen material I think this one just in case I'll check yeah this one I'll just copy this material and assign in the base material instead of the gray one and our walls become more warmer um probably a little less of the saturation I would make and let's try to a little get rid of this over exposure let me add one more brain hard compression maybe it will help um it's like super strong for all the picture no I don't like it what else do we have curves we can try to lower them curves okay turn curves we can try highlight here and we can back our overrides because it back like it was before I'm not so sure which of which one I do like more this one or without it both of them like quite interesting okay let's stay with this one but for now I want to wouldn't actually oh no actually it's good um so let's try to work with those over exposure but you can see that when I tool over it it's too burnt which is not good so the best way is do like I did so do two renders one with the main floor with the normal one and the second one with a dark floor way more darker reflection so this area won't be over exposure and then combined in Photoshop so lights lights darks let me see in general the whole picture what we need to add yeah actually I want a little dark can we do something here nope I don't like it maybe a little bit filmic yeah this one is cute also we can add some vignette here uh to darken them around here I am to get nice impression of the picture and it looks perfectly fine but yeah I really really want to lower situation for this uh kitchen part so I can't I can't sorry but I should also a little yellow would be nice nope darker yes perfect okay guys so that was super fast Workshop I hope you enjoy it you can prepare your questions um I hope you like it and next time will be something more interesting um maybe you can write maybe you're interested how to set requests into mid Journey For example to get more and I say picture or if you're not interested you can write that I know already I don't need it and I'll show you more 3ds Max um for now I'm going to turn on Direct visibility here so outside will be just white color and turn on Final render so we'll see the final result without noise um all I need is just growing the high quality end the size I'll change to a little smaller for three thousand so it will render faster I'm waiting for your questions but I should say that we have a course for beginners some of you know about it some of you not know about it but here we cover a lot of aspects of 3DS marks such as a lot of modeling a lot of lighting settings a lot of composition a lot of materials so we work on every single stage very detailed very accurate and the course start soon um soon actually in a week in a week or in a two I think uh when it starts yeah 29 of May so really really really soon we're going to create this intro from the very very beginning so this course is perfect for people who didn't work never ever in today's Maxwell open but have no clue what to do with it and for people who have a chaotic knowledge of everything and not sure what exactly you have to do to reach a super cool result of your visualization so we're starting from the very beginning so from the very very basic and slowly step by step we're going to next stage cover all aspects all questions all you needed tools that you need in the work and then go to the next one and cover all the needed parameters suspects knowledge of the next stage then we go to materials also we work with different kind of material not only in the scene also I'm showing another type of the material what you should use how you can use where you have to use um how you can customize more complicated material with a few materials inside a few Maps inside how you can combine it what kind of maps you can combine to get a nice and re Rich result of your materials to get the really really nice and beautiful and realistic visualization of your projects and after all we'll do post-production for the shop um it's like a cherry on the cake um it's not the main part of the world because main part we do exactly in 3DS monks uh so in 3ds Max you get and reach result exactly like it should likes uh like it should looks like and Photoshop you just slightly some details you can accent uh some of the uh plants some of the colors maybe maybe some of the contrast maybe nothing at all maybe you will be extremely happy with just result in previous marks and Photoshop is no needed at all also happened a lot so guys see if you want to know and um get a structured knowledge of 3DS marks of the lighting of materials you can join you can apply to the course tomorrow we'll connect with you and help you to join the course also we work with compositions so you will be able to customize your own shows and the cameras and get a nice view of your interior and this knowledge you can move to your own project in the future and you will know already what you should do how you should do and get a nice result so your customer will be happy that's our team we all are trying and give you the best as we can uh we trying to give all the knowledge that we have so you will know as much as we can give usually people say that we got too much information so they need to rewatch it or watch it one more time one more time till it will be all are put in your hand and you can move it and realize it in your own project but the course is intensive but uh you will get a really really a lot knowledge very interesting tricks um aspects technique materials uh lighting and everything that we know so guys waiting for you if you want to know more if you want to improve your skills in modeling in the lighting in materials welcome welcome I'll be happy to have you I'll be happy to teach you I'll be happy to implement you our step-by-step system so you will work accurately um nicely and without much correction from your customer in the future if you will implement this system to your projects and here is our uh pipeline you can uh read all of it Anthony send you a link um this is me hello um here you can read the reviews from our students uh which uh already was on our course before courses before and here is their work you can read what they talk about us what they say about us um you can watch their results that they reach in the end of the course um and see how strong and beautiful works are they got what they say um and you can be here as well so you can apply now we have a special um a special price for people who was on this Workshop so if you apply till the midnight you will get a nice and uh good price if you apply now and in the end you will get diploma if you will finish your work so you will be happy with your work with your new portfolio and also with them nice diploma that you will get in the end okay let's go to the questions if you have some but I don't see that you have a lot of them but maybe maybe okay so um model together things uh we did modeling in the first episode so you can watch it and also implement it thank you so much God bless you thank you a lot you're welcome happy to have you here Brazil hello Brazil uh do we need to come on and off uh what do you mean about the gamma I'm not so sure in the material over thank you as always looking for the next one yeah the next one will be next week so I hope you will join what type of glass geometry do you use for interior um the normal one I usually use just the box I don't do like a lot of glasses inside of the window if that's what you asking one is enough I don't think that you need extra a lot of um geometry there so box is more than enough oh nice work thank you what the difference between monochrome and this situation in color correction uh monochromic like food fully saturated uh desaturated so the difference uh it's all the same I can stop the vendor now we have two percent of the noise uh it will be all the same if you put the saturation to minus hundred all the same but if you don't need like fully saturated then better to use saturation so for example we've all select this map twice and put here monochrome and here uh fully saturated you can see that it's exactly the same wow this one looks a bit darker but same same but different I mean thank you okay guys so since no question I'm waiting for uh you on the course and uh then see you on next workshop on our course and everywhere so I hope you enjoy it you like the result that we got uh we got a really really nice picture here uh with nice not complicated materials as you can see the wooden floor the wooden kitchen and a nice country top as well so I hope you enjoyed and see you next time bye bye
Channel: render.camp
Views: 11,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, visualization, vizualization, render, rendering, 3ds max, render.camp, 3d render, render camp, 3ds max tutorial, autodesk 3ds max, 3d visualization, cgi, 3dsmax, 3ds max rendering, composition, 3d max, architecture visualization, archvis, archviz education, architectural visualization, interior design, interior rendering, corona render, interior visualization, corona renderer, kitchen
Id: yTbFVW5UwkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 55sec (4675 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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