From Zero To Hero 8. How To Create Realistic Render for beginners I 3Ds MAX + Corona Renderer

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hello everyone let's started our workshop today so put some pluses into the comments so you can hear me well see my screen and we'll get it started i hope you're all in a good mood so we'll spend some amazing time to create a beautiful interior the one is this one so we are going to work with uh this render with this scene we create this beautiful green interior and no daylight so we will work only with artificial lights and i hope you enjoy it so i won't start before i will see some pluses from you i know that we have some delays so i'll wait a little bit my name is irena palakola uh if someone don't know uh if someone is new and just join never see our workshops you can subscribe to our channel and you will find a lot of interesting information there so don't forget to share the link in your social media and tag us in instagram and facebook everywhere so everyone will know what you're watching also subscribe to our channel as i said if you still didn't do that so i see some pluses in here good so i'll just remind you some stuff if you don't know or forget uh so you can find all material that i will use in this workshop in description to this video but the first one the next one is the record of this webinar will be on our channel so you can rewatch it later and don't repeat after me because i'll do it like super fast uh and also also your questions so if you have any questions please keep them until the end of the masterclass and i will answer them all so i won't be distract from the main topic okay i hope it's all clear so i see some pluses not so many maybe someone didn't put some okay but we can start our workshop for today and let's do that so basically you will have this scene without some stuff in it you want to have this uh lamp you won't have some of the stuff but i'm sure you can replace it with something or use the link and download it from the links i think i didn't put the lamp but i can add it later but it mix it with two models so i'm sure you can find something similar if not i will put uh so basically a lot of people think that if you don't have daylight in your interior it's like super hard to create light in your scene uh well usually it's not um basically you just need to replicate the real light from interior so if you have no windows in your interior and you have just spots you have to put the light in that spot and there will be all light in your scene so not complicated at all and i hope you will enjoy um the way we will do that so let's start it so i'm starting with just general uh light i'm going to lights don't forget to select the corona render system as render system and we'll select corona corona light um shape we can use rectangle what's wrong with my columns i need to make them bigger yeah much better now okay rectangle in here and let's create first one so the size of it should be the same like the spots maybe a little bigger maybe a little smaller but in general you don't have to create like for half room one light just one for one spot that's it so i'm going to change the size well usually it's like 100 between 100 200 maybe sometimes bit bigger i'll create the small ones like 100 to 100 that will be the first one i'll just lift it up to the ceiling where it have to be and we can start our interactive render but uh first i need to create the base material for our scene so i'm going to open material editor and create new material correlation tl i'll select all the objects in my scene and assign material oh next one i need to add some reflection in here glossiness like as usual 1 0.6 in middle gray color for reflection uh next as the color of the base material usually depends of the base tone of your scene so we have kind of dark interior so we should create like even darker than middle gray color so we'll do the diffuse color somewhere in here probably i'll keep it in here we'll see maybe we'll make it darker or brighter we'll see so let's start in direction render now okay we have something in here like it's super dark so first we shoot uh-huh we should lock this viewport for our render so i'm going to open render setup select the viewport and locked it and also i will turn off the interactive denoiser next i'll select our light and make it lighter so it will be much lighter in our scene and i don't need this reflection on the wall so i'll turn off the visible in reflection and it will disappear much better now and what else um the light is coming like directly almost from the floors like um it started like for 90 degrees from all the uh wall i need uh light more directly like the sport when you have in the ceiling they are like super more direct in some point on your interior so we'll do the same you can use uh direct directionally in your light and just increase the amount till you'll get the result that you like well that's too much probably but in general you see the light is much more direct than your shadows in the strong now but we don't need that strong we need a little light in here probably that's not now we can move somewhere to get the shadow that we like well in general is good you can [Music] put it a bit further you can move it and you can see the direction of the light is changing so that the first one if you look at the picture you can see that it's double shadows it's shadow from here so it means one light in here one live light in the left side also we have light in the shower and as you can see the walls in front are light as well so definitely the light in the hallway as well in this area so we need to replicate it so i'll make a copy of this slide move it we can use instant i think they will have the same amount and just move as you like i can create the region in here so it will render much faster i think that's fine right and we got the beautiful double shadows next we should add another light in the shower so make another copy and move it in here like in real life we have two spots in the sink area spot in the shower and spot in the other area of the interior so i'll make an instance and we got the shut off from the shower stuff i think that's fine and as i say we need another one in this area as well so i'll make another copy i'm just moving here let me see and we got the shadow from decoration from the hooks and as well you can move it and get the shadow as you like probably somewhere in here in the middle like that logically in this area right so let's look at the oh light in here so i'll probably need more darker shadows so i will what i'm going to do i'll make the base color darker if you want to get more intensive shadow always make the base color darker and we got it maybe even more oh nice one i like these dark areas um next one probably i'll make a little less intensive the lights i just can select the one and change intensity because all the lights are instance and it will change automatically in every each of them i think it's good also we can use exposure we can increase it to make it lighter we can decrease it if we want to not that's super strong and more shadows so probably i'll decrease it a little bit in here and also i want to add some contrast so well i can use contrast i can add some filmic mapping and increase for example reach shadows and we got much more rich shadows as you can see is the floor has the same material let me check yeah it is okay uh so what do i need i will probably create the glass material for the shower door because we need some more um air in this area so um i'll create the new material uh select door probably i will select so just frame selected so i'll invert selection edit select invert and it's a the middle part of the door and i'll just apply the new material it become the white and i'll just create the basic glass material so diffuse black reflection one end refraction one as well uh probably i'll make the reflection color darker so it won't be super reflective i think that's good enough and now we can add the color so the main color of course for this interior is green so i'll change the base material to green color and we'll see what we will get so base material and i will add some saturation here i'll add some hue in here probably situation much higher oh that's too greeny something like this i think red yeah maybe a little lighter okay and that's something we got um next i probably will create the light for lamp as i said you should just need to replicate the real light of your interior so we have the light in this lamp so we should add it first i need to create the glass material for the lamp because otherwise we won't see anything i'll just create a copy of the glass material and we need to select it let me open the group yeah and i will apply new material here probably for the middle lamp as well probably i just need to select it let me select it okay that's a group another group i need to open it as well and this one that i need um [Music] okay i'll apply the same material for now we'll see maybe we will change it later and we will need to add some color in here maybe now maybe a little later because um now our shadows has become much more translucent so probably we'll add some um dark area on the sides of this material but for now we'll create just uh the light so i will need kernel light as well and i will select the cylinder shape and we'll create it in here so in the middle of our light let me lift it up so the size probably should be kind of the same um i'll make the it higher maybe i'll make it um the radius inside of the lamp we'll see maybe and let me see what we got oh okay we get something but probably it's too strong i'll make it less light and i'll change the color so the color should be much more warmer not just white color i'm going to change it so i will need some saturation in here i will need some color in here maybe more situation let me check maybe less situation not that much probably something like that um but i will turn off the visible in refraction because i can see it and also i don't need the visible director so i don't need to see that light at all because we will have some part um inside of the boob so i'll just turn off the visible directly and visible in refraction okay now we don't see the light but we got light from it and it kind of good as i said we need to add some more dark uh color into like lampsides uh because our shadows disappear and i want them back so uh that's the material for our no that's not this one so i'll probably separate the materials yeah because in the middle part of the lamp the same material so i'll just make a copy and select it again and assign new material so now we need to create some dark side you can use um [Music] observation color but observation color will add some color for your glass material but it will be on the whole um object if you want to get on the side for the vases for the lamp and stuff you should use falloff falloff as always gives beautiful results for the glass material so i'm going to use falloff and i will plug into observation color in here i don't see anything yet because we need to add some distance for observation color so i'll suck the material um i need volumetric and sss and i will add some distance and we got something that's probably too strong but we can see the result of the falloff the middle part is a dark and sides are white that means that the dark the front color is in the middle and we need to swap it so we'll get the dark color in the sides so i'm going to swap it and that's much better uh probably i will change some curves so i'll get more dark parts in the lamp so how can i do that the dark is in here so i need to change this color i think yeah this one i'll just change to busier corner and make it more darker well later we will change it to the name the color that we need it's a little brownish but for now that's enough and will get a bit more intensive shadows in this area so let me see what we got maybe i'll increase a little intensity of the lights just a little bit okay good on the next step we should separate for the color so we have the main green color now we can add the white parts so the walls floor and separate for dark parts as well so we have some dark [Music] for the table for the frames for the baseboard and so let's do that i'll just create a copy of the base material this will be white one i won't change anything yet i will just select all the object in the scene so i will need the walls probably the floor sink and toilet and towels what else is white i think that's it um this little part and now i can assign this material so let's see how strong white color should be um it definitely shouldn't be like super de-saturated you should keep some color in it definitely so the first i will probably increase the value make situation less and in general it could be enough even uh maybe a little less of saturation maybe a bit darker well maybe not maybe even lighter oh also we didn't we need the ceiling ceiling is white as well so assigned for ceiling as well now it's much better and [Music] maybe a bit more reddish maybe not that strong situation [Music] oh a little situation i will keep um okay the next one will be our dark parts so i'll make a copy of the this material and select all my dark stuff so this one i'll probably selecting some front views um maybe in here will be easier so i need the legs i need these parts i need this one what else this one okay let me add this material and i'll make it darker immediately let me see and i'll definitely need to make it much more darker so it's like black black black um i'll make the reflection color dark as well so the color will be more intensive or also i i need these frames and this part as well so i thought i selected oh i did and i even applied okay i thought i didn't do that okay so the frames for the mirror and for the door let's select it so the door will be first i need to invert selection again edit select invert and i'll just assign this material and we'll do the same for the mirror so i need the frame i'll go to polygons and i'll select the middle part it will be easier invert selection and now i can assign this material for selected parts let me check okay that's good uh probably i'll make it even darker like five four i think that's enough also we can assign for these bottles as well and probably for this part two it's not black but i think it will be okay okay uh would be great but we have uh much more colors in our floor because now white floor looks a bit weird out of place so we should separate the colors for the floor as well we have well uh blue green dark blue green and less a little lighter color for the small parts so let's create these colors in here um what should i do i'll probably create the copy of the white material i'll select the floor and assign this material now i need to separate it for the id my floor has different ids for each parts so you can see that the middle part it's the number one the dark one the small rectangles is number two and other parts is number three so we need to create ids for it as well uh so since we have one material we assign it now we can change it to multi-sub object material so right click change material map type um multi-sub-object okay keep old material yes and we need to just unplug in from number one in plug-in to number three so now the white parts are white and we need to add other materials are the colors for other parts of the floor uh so let's do that i'll make a copy of the green material so this one will be for uh for the first one and it's immediately applied for the floor since we assigned this material and let's make it darker change the color somewhere in here well situation probably less and probably even more darker and more oh that's too much i think i think that's okay maybe a little more color good i think so yeah i think it's good okay let's make a copy of it and i'll plug into number two we need to just make it lighter um maybe a little greenish let me check now even blue not green we need more blue color probe the situation a little higher oh someone just joined welcome i need more blue color in here yeah i think it's good oh next one oh baseboard we forgot about the baseboard hi yay so i'll just saw the black material select the baseboard and assign it and finally the next step is materials but um well this part the black one i think as well will be for now but in general you can see the general mood of the picture so that's how you create your interior first you just put the big areas with the colors um customize the light and only after that you're going to create the materials only uh if you will work with stage by stage you will get the great results so i hope you will do the same and you will use it in your project and it will help you to create cool pictures and you will enjoy them okay let's create some materials so what do we need we don't need actually a lot so we can start with the walls um general it's almost ready uh we have the color uh we should we can add some um probably bump in here and also i'll probably make the reflection color a little less because it's like too reflective in here in this area so i can do it now i'll just suck this material and i will make the reflection color darker so it won't be that super reflective and one more thing for the walls i just need to add some bump in here so it will be more i really have have some relief in it so i need to select it from here um this is one of my favorite from texturescom terracotta plain um i like to use it for the walls you can find the link for it um in the description to this video uh i'll just edit and i need to uh plug into normal corona normal map so current normal plug into normal and now i can connect it to the bump uh this says we need to add gamma to input so if you see this error you need to uh tick this box okay next step oh actually i can see it already uh you should look the size of the bump so i mean how the map look on your walls if it's okay this won't count we don't need the uv map for the mirror and just the same material we will replace it for the mirror material but you need to look at the size of the map on your walls if you don't see the some sides of your walls you can change um the lights on your viewport so you can go to the standard uh pair pu presets and change to two default lights and you will see all the parts of your scene in the viewport so the size is probably fine uh but the intensity of the map is too high so i will make it much less so it probably will be 0.3 i just need a little bit i don't need some strong intensive bump maybe a little more 0.5 and probably i'll make the reflection even less all the material so something like that and intense gel change 0.5 4 case good and let's move to the next one so the easiest material ever so let's reflection add some bump and go to the next material we should add some marble for the walls um so this one is our white color is on our all objects we don't need it everywhere i just need the marble on the wall so i'll make a copy of it and assign it again so i need to select them with the walls and assigned material okay good next i will need some texture for it um i found something like that kalakata just an internet i add the link in description you can find it and download it and i will plug into diffuse color the same stuff you need to check how your texture look on your object so in the shower it's almost fine maybe i'll make it a little wider and here you don't see it at all so just show this map in the viewport right click show shaded material just click in here it doesn't matter and now we should add some uv map just basic mapping for our object so it's a group you can add for the group as well that's what i will uh do so select it uh add make a box and i don't see oh okay it's super narrow i need to change the height of it and now i can see it a bit and change the size that you like pop level i will rotate it because uh the map is vertical and i needed horizontal well i can do that by gizmo rotate it but i think will be much easier if i will do that in the map um that's what i mean the vertical and we need horizontal so i'll just rotate it in here and now i can change the side size so probably something like that will be enough let me check yeah this looks good now we should add some uvv uh for this wall as well uh box two the box is not super necessary but now i need to move with gizmo so we'll get some nice pattern in here maybe something like that looks good right maybe a bit higher i don't uh move the object you just need to move by gizmo not the object maybe a little wider i like this uh picture let me check in the render yeah i think it's good why it's so loud in here today uh okay let's work with material so what do we need we need to make it a little more intensive so probably i'll make it darker so it will be more contrasted so i'm going to add color correction in here and advance change the gamma much darker way that's too much that's not what i mean hmm not bad maybe a little less okay maybe we can try to work a bit with curves um i'll try i'll add some output in here um maybe i'll make some light parts more light um so i just need to move this point a little higher should we or not let me check yeah actually this looks good um but i'll change the color correction make it a little darker i want some more contrast between the colors yeah that's one is nice uh next one since we have this uh uh tile on the walls so um to make them more visible in the edges we can add some uh ale map so i will select the corona corona ao and into an included color now we can see the edges much more intensive uh well yeah so weird shape okay i can change it come on one it's not so important okay i'll zoom in a little bit to see um what kind of size do i need for this map so i can change the distance usually 100 is too much you can put some 20 50 it will be better only on the edges one go further for the object so 50 30 10 that will be enough and probably i will change the back color to more softer so probably something brownish um i'll just select it and i can select from this tool maybe a little darker yeah and it's much more softer it looks good i think okay let's move on i definitely need some some more contrast i want to make the picture a little lighter um i can add some curves in it like in general to change the picture uh so just satin here curves and i will work with it so i want a bit lighter parts lighter and darker well darker maybe not we'll see so i can oh yeah that's what i wanted but probably dark we need to uh keep the same yeah that's much better i want this color to work a bit because it's too yellowish i want to add more orange color in this area but this one i like much more and probably after i had the curves now i want to distribute a little picture so i can i'll use this destruction so i won't change so i don't need to change all colors in my scene and just use this this situation just a little bit so let me check yeah i think that's good okay let's go uh also we can apply the same material the same white material to the floor maybe now it's too whitish i'll make it a little darker so i can just uh put down output a little bit probably yeah this one is better um floor so the white color is kind of the same marble maybe we will work with um gamma or something um just in case i'll create the copy of this material just in case if we need to change it and i'll just plug into number three to our our floor yeah probably i need to make it a little darker um i'll do it probably in output and just put down a little more this part that's enough i think well we can make it dark in um color correction as well if we need it uh but probably i even make it a little less saturated so that's too much color in here um should we make it darker no i don't think so because it's add just more pattern for our marble streaks and we don't need a button jinger looks good okay since we started work with some full worm we should add another parts for it um so i'm going to use the texture from textures comb i found the beautiful marble texture in there the marble stuff slab slab and we can use it for the floor so i'll just add it in here and plug into the map so the first one probably is too dark i'll make it a little lighter i need color correction for it now let me check the size yeah i think the size is fine and you can see the [Music] pattern of the marble on each part are different uh that means that i create the unwrap for for the floor so everyone is individual not the same like you can see the picture of the marble everywhere are different that's very important don't use just a uv map or something for one and make a copy you should use for every single floor the different one so i'll make it a little lighter oh that's too much 1.1 actually no i thought we need to make it lighter but probably not no i think it's fine okay we don't need color correction in here okay ah so i'll probably make a copy of this maps and plug into the next one and this one we will change for sure because it's much lighter so this one i'll make later i want lighter not darker come on okay let me change it by hands 1.2 no not enough 1.5 maybe maybe more saturation in here and also i need to change check the side size of it oh maybe fine well we can change the side just for instance like so it won't be the same as the middle one so i can make the bigger tiling like 0.5 0.5 guys please keep your questions till the end of the master class i will answer them all okay um maybe a little lighter and more saturation i think 1.7 no more situation oh i think that's fine and probably i'll change more tiling in here 1.3 oh 0.3 sorry now this one i like the streaks okay okay much better uh probably some more reflection for the wall material so i need to find it first this one if you're not sure which one material for which of the objects you can always rename them and you will be sure also you can select the tool and it will show where which material on the which part of the objects uh okay so i want add some more flexion in here well i can change um the color reflection as well and now it's much more reflective okay maybe a little more okay now we can see some floor in there okay good let's move on what we need to create next one uh probably the table for the sink so let's do that uh i will need some stone for this part as well so i'm going to select this material make a copy and assign it for it i will use travertine for it this texture you can find in the description so just move in here and plug into my new material to diffuse color so nothing complicated well we definitely need to change the uv map for it so i need to add some uv map box and change the height of it so probably that will be enough and we need to change the color a bit so i'll add some color correction make darker advanced gamma uh probably more reflection so i will um increase the glossiness so it will be more reflective and i will add some um more bright color for reflection and now it's much more glossy i can see the discussion about the compact and slate material so the guys the slate material uh editor is much more easier and more useful to work in it because you can see all the maps in one um field when you use compact editor uh you have to move from one tab to another tab to another tab so when you create like a lot of maps when each one connect to each other it's much complicated to work with in slate you can see every map that you connect in every single slot so definitely it's easier but all up to you uh okay a little off topic and i can see the shelf is green so i need to add the green color in here as well so i'll suck the black material in a sign here boy it was double not the shelf i need this part okay now it's much better okay if you want to create this part this side of the top more darker you can use falloff as well so it will help you to do that so i'll just select it if you want to so the top one will be a lighter color and the bottom the side will be dark if you will use falloff so if you um select it plug into diffuse color you will see that the white color on the top and the color to 90 degrees from the camera is the black one so that's how work uh falloff and we can use it uh for this kind of object if we need to create this difference uh in color so i'll plug into map one that will be my dark color i will make a copy because there have to be a difference um in colors that's what the reason why we added and now i can make the first one on the map one on the black color make it darker so the side will be much darker and the top one we can create lighter and you can see there are much more difference between the color than it was before yeah we can make it even more darker the top one i mean the top map one okay good um okay what next uh probably we should work with reflection for the mixers for the shower for the mixer in this area so i need to select the black material i'll make a copy and just suck these parts make sure that i select them assign the new material and i will work with reflection for this part so i'll come closer with zoom um zoom mode i have in the shortcuts uh but you can use this plus and select the two pawn zoom mode if you want to close uh come closer in render so i will need to add some glossiness i'll need some uh reflection color lighter ah okay what else do i need well i can use some anisotropy it will stretch my reflection and i will probably will see in this area let me check maybe not well i don't see it did i assign this material i did i don't see reflection only on the sides i want to see it in here so problem uh increase here okay uh well for metallic material you can increase uh fresnel as well so if i'll add four okay i can see some reflection but that's not what i wanted okay i need a trophy oh maybe i will decrease the glossiness let me check well it depends of the light of course how it comes let me check the shower how it looks like oh the shower looks good i think we can keep it yeah shower looks fine maybe even darker the reflection color so it won't be super light and i'll probably increase the glossiness a bit okay good let me check the whole picture so guys if you like this video so far you can put some thumb ups to it so i will see that you enjoy it and still you while you're doing it we're going to the next material so let's work with um stubbles probably so i need to select this material the white one and i will make a copy what's going on material is going on we create some bathroom in here so i'll suck the towels and i will assign you material we don't need much stuff in here i think we need some falloff since it's a fabric material and i will use some um bump or displacement to create some visible stuff on it so i'll select falloff i'll plug into diffuse color since it's not velvet fabrics i'll change it falloff type to fresnel and i need to add some colors so i will just select the material and copy the diffuse color so it will be easier to customize the main color so it will be on the instead of black color here the white one well the white one i think can be maybe well i can i don't want to make it super dark so i probably will keep it so it will be on the same tone as the walls so i think it's all right so next one we should add some well bump displacement i think probably the displacement um i use displacement for these towels from the base model so there was this kind of texture like the real towel so i'll just use it for displacement and the result should be fine i can add for all of it in one time and i need to add this texture to the field and plug it into no map slot in corona displacement uh mod modifier uh but i need to see how this texture look on our object because it can be like super big or super small so you can just plug into displacement in the material and show it in the viewport but i think it's fine right i don't think we should change the size we just need to change the intensity of it so i can well max level two minus level minus two should we add more or not i'll just uh restart the render just in case because in interactive displacement can work not super properly but i think that's enough we don't need like super strong maybe even less but i think in general looks pretty good maybe a little less maybe uh one and a half minus one and a half in mid level and one and a half in max level maybe that will be better yeah i think so um also we can add some bum probably for different specific result um for more bumps so far um so i'm going to use yeah this bumpy texture will be fine that's from quixil from megascans i probably didn't add the link from it but you can find it in the previous workshop but i will add it after it never mind so you can use or you can use some other one it doesn't really matter you just need to be satisfied with the result you i'm just showing you the process and you can use different maps to get different kind of results so i need to plug into normal carbon normal and into and into bump add gamma to input and i'll click in here so i'll see only a only uh plugin slots and i need to see this texture in the viewport and this one is huge is definitely huge so i'll change the size to i can turn off the displacement so i will see only the normal map how it works um probably even smaller i need to make it so eight three five okay five if i think is all right maybe i'll increase intensity a bit for two i don't want to add like super strong yeah two is too much so 1.5 maybe no maybe i'll return to one no that's fine okay uh currently displacing mod is on maybe even less displacement now or i can decrease a bit bump 0.8 well probably will decrease displacement as well so 1.21 so it won't be too strong okay that's good what next what next i want to add some mirror in here so i'll create the basic mirror material it's like super easy like the same with the glass material so what do i need for the glass material so mtl override sorry entail um not mtl oh i got current mtl um just basic material i need to select the polygons for the mirror so we had the frame i need to invert the selection and i will assign new material okay good um now i need to start the same as with the glass material so the diffuse color is black reflection color is one okay and uh add some fresnel like for the metal material we can increase phenol for um chromium it's usually like start from four uh for the mirror material is like around 12 12 is usually enough you don't need any more so we can decrease a little of color or flexion and will be great also we need to do this door so the frame is white so just make a copy of the white material and i need this door let me find it where is the main door adding this one yeah let me check is if it has some uh ids on it and we should create the um multi-sub-object materials or we don't need to so let me check yeah id2 let me select okay probably i will create just um multi-sub-object material for two numbers i just need two of them so the first one and the second one let me assign this material for the door and now i can check uh where which id is there so i'm going to polygon and i can select the number two it's a frame and number one is the middle part so for number two the white is fine for number one uh we need to create some glass material some um add isolation and we can create some glass material well probably we could use some of this yeah i can make a copy of uh the main glass material i'll delete the first one and just plug into number one but the problem is the door is black because we don't have anything around the walls no any um rooms nothing so we need to imitate it probably um so i'll create some wool outside and we got something in there well the height can be the same the color we can make it gray but that's not enough that's not enough because we have some light in the rooms of course so we should add some lights as well since we imitate the rooms in there um so how can i do that i can just go to the kernel light create the rectangle maybe it's from door from somewhere you know it can from this side it can be from this side well we definitely need to rotate it we don't need the light on this wall we need to light up probably only this wall so it will give us effect for the door so just rotate it uh and that's too intensive i need to make it intense to less and directional probably we don't need it at all so no direction nollie just intensity and that's much better yep that's enough i think let me check yeah i think that's enough maybe a little more intense too yeah that's fine okay good um next one we should work with the lamp as i said we need to add some brown colors uh for the boop and some light inside and some gold material for them uh for the top stuff so let's do that i'll zoom here to stock the material and now we can work with that so we just need to work with falloff that's it we need to change the black color to more colored one so i'll add some i need to make it lighter a bit even like that it looks better right yeah actually yeah uh probably i will change more the curve so the black part will be even more in this area maybe a bit more color in here also i can well i can make it a bit darker but i'll change the white color so it won't be like super um uh light in this area and i can copy this one paste in here you can see that it's solid color now but i can make it lighter and will got some difference in the color so it won't be like super light and we got much more interesting um glass material also problem i decrease the reflection color and if you don't like this uh points light points on the light i think it's from the [Music] ceiling lights you can turn off the visible in refraction yeah and now it's not appear in the lamp and also i said that i want to change a bit of color of the main light color in the lamp so i'll select it and i can make it a bit lighter i can add some color in here and maybe a little in here so it will be more colored and i think it's much more interesting now maybe even a bit more saturation let me check from the uh main camera not just from the zoom so it will looks good yeah um yeah i think it's good so let's um set up the light material in the middle of the lamp so i need this part so which one light come from um and i'll probably create just new material so corona mtl i'll sign it um well we can use self-illumination oh it's not here it's in advanced adoption and increase self-elimination and it will light up okay let me come closer so i will see some details hey why my pawn zoom don't work work it okay now it's working fine uh let me check in render well usually this kind of material i'll create with falloff uh help because if you use just color of the self illumination it will give you fine result you can increase the intensity but when you use falloff it will help you with a more soft color comes not just one color and it looks much better so we can try it and also this part is black one i don't like it so i'll probably just add the glass material for it since it should be like glassy i can sell just general glass material and i just need to select this part let me show the vice frame and i need to select this part i'll come on i just need this part no not this one this one right yeah i think so and this one as well let me check if i select them all yeah i think so so now i can assign the glass material for it and it will be much more better yeah not super intensive okay and let's back to the light material so here we go let's select some falloff from general falloff and i will um plug into self elimination slot here is it and now i can set up the color well i can copy this one since i started to customize it and you can see the difference so the middle part will be more intensive the side part will be less if you need to change it you can always change it so for example you can add some color in here and color here and well i can increase multiply a bit so it will be more lighty and now i can change the difference of the color so probably this one i'll make much more intensive yeah maybe a little darker and this one probably will make even lighter maybe a little less color okay and i'll probably maybe even more color in here situation up okay and i will increase um elimination multiplier now it's super lighting nicey but something is missed i want the boob will be light as well so probably we should change this glossy material to something else hmm okay let's try i'll select this one the main lamp inside i'll try to create the new material maybe we can try to use um okay let me see i'll just sign it and i'll select this falloff or maybe not we'll see i can use just opacity so it won't be the glass material will be just opacity so the light will come through it and probably maybe will be better let me check so i'll just use falloff and uh plug into a plastic color and i hope it will help yeah yeah that's what what i wanted but i don't need that super strong intensive light in here uh so i'll work with the curve or maybe i can try to swap the colors let me see what will happen yeah that's good um but i need to change the colors as well so let me remove all regions i'll create the region only in here um i can make this black i'll keep and the white one i'll make probably darker [Music] yeah and no so um let me try to add some curves i'll change it so the dark one so it the light will be on the sides let me try with busy a corner should help we'll see okay probably i need to return the light one yeah um and also the black one will make a little gray not that black probably it will help okay good and what else i need to decrease the intensity of the middle material so the light one so decrease it something is missing actually is fine um well i can increase the size of the main light so just put it down okay it's reflection so it's fine i think in general it should be fine let me check them from the camera and now our glass material is like super dark hmm i need to change the falloff now so let me select this material and i'll make the light one lighter yeah and change the curve okay much better now okay good um well we can add later uh bloom and glare so it will be more shiny but in general it looks pretty good so let's do some gold material for the top stuff and probably for these tubes i think uh so carolyn mtl and guys how are you doing if is useful content for you if you enjoyed if you like the result we got we almost finished it so a little more time and we will be done so i hope you enjoyed if you enjoyed just like the video and hello mary mustard color well almost yeah yeah so the gold uh metal material create the same at the first at the beginning like the glass material and like the mirror material so it's always the black diffuse color reflection one and we need to increase the fresnel so it starts from usually from four um and the color of the metal you use the reflection color so you when you will change the color reflection it will give you the color of the gold or cooper or something like that so i'll select this part assign this material and we need to decrease glossiness and change the color to more warm color and i'm probably increasing for now more lotion is higher lighter the color i can increase fresnel so it will be more lighter until i will get the result that i like situation probably less um maybe more but i want to make it more yellowish not greenish yeah something like that i think will be enough okay if you want to add some dirt part you can always use some mask and work with mask this one or another one or this one and it will add some oldness for the lamp so you can just [Music] make a mix map apply to the mix amount um select the color from the reflection and add in the mix and it will mix with these two colors but probably we need the top one make darker yeah something like that well you can always change curve if you don't like so just select the map enable color mop at some point into the curve and make it more contrast for example or something like that so you will get more um [Music] visible pattern of your map and now you can apply into reflect color well we should check how the map looks on this part and it looks fine what is this part i don't like this glass something wrong with it so maybe i should return the i mean the the middle one okay let me end the metal one and we'll return to the glass material so i can decrease the intensity of the map so it won't be that visible just a little bit and that will be enough and let's return to this glass material where is it opacity this one well maybe i should swap the colors maybe it will help let me well it definitely better yeah yeah yeah this one is better now it won't fill the middle part so the dark part in here and now i can change it and probably i'll change the white color to more darkish yeah it's better now let me remove there okay um make it darker oh yeah that's better okay so curves of this falloff maybe less we'll see maybe i should be at some self-elimination here well we can try we will see come on but we need to change the intensity i'm not sure maybe we don't need it at all gives us a result or not i think it's not that i tried well actually it gives on the bottom one so probably yeah we should keep it but not that intensive i mean the bottom part it's starting to light up because it was super dark so we'll keep it maybe i'll let me try to change the color so it won't be like super strong difference okay maybe i need to change the light one not the black one guys are you alive or not oh meditation time okay zero um okay i'll try to make it darker we'll see okay and this one why is not light up so let me increase them oh my multiply and now it's much better much better okay that's too much and keep your questions till the end we're almost finished so a little more patient and actually i think we should add just the gold one in here um do you want to see how to create these bottles oh it will be fine so basically it's the same material as on the lamp so you can try to do it by yourself if not i can show you of course how to create it but nothing complicated i'll just need the gold material from here i can just make a copy and apply to tubes oh even like that it looks beautiful come on i'll probably create some glass material for the sides um it's probably different ids oh it's five ideas at least well i'll create a multi-sub material for it um then select the black material oh i did something wrong where is my new material okay here's it i just need the black one from here i think still alive good that's good i'm great thank you for asking so um five four three two one for the bottles one two all selected and assign this material not the black one now i need to check the id for the main bottle id number two two two two two number two okay so i need just well i can cheat a bit and just make a copy of the lamp material a little cheat but it's totally legal i'm sure and apply to number two and it's you can see the glass material here but definitely we need to rework it a bit so the falloff is not enough uh so what do i need i need to change the distance so make it darker oh maybe even more darker so 0.1 even like that it looks good maybe 0.2 uh also i'll change the reflection color so make it darker so it won't be like super glossy maybe distance i'll change a little bit um three and even like that it looks good also we can select i can see some liquid inside ah but i need to know what number for uh id of this liquid let me well i can just make something like that too to make it easy so i won't just try to suck the polygons uh number three looks like oh no it's a ticket for this one and the liquid for this one ah that's not fair oh come on okay i need another copy for another bottle so i'll suck this bottle right and assign the new material so this one for this one so we know the number three is for this paper uh stuff so i need probably this one diffuse color and it should appear okay and probably we need to rotate to 90 degrees okay minus 90. oh who did these bottles i need to move it somewhere okay that looks fine for etiquette next one this one so uh liquid actually even the gray color is fine well we can use the liquid as well i'll just make a copy of the glass material for the main bottle and probably i will delete this falloff and i will just work with the color so i'll plug into number three we can see it appears somehow but i'll make it lighter so probably three four ten okay i can make it lighter i need some color in here oh come on appear i want some liquid okay now it's better maybe even more 200 yeah now it's um more visible than it was before okay that's could be maybe even less so it won't be like super transparent and we need this stuff for etiquette um this one i can check the id so polygons number one okay so the egg ticket should be black and white okay black and white uh we have another one so the letters should be white and the main paper should be black so we have uh opposite in here so i can use the mix map to invert it or just you can invert the map it doesn't really matter i'll swap the colors and we got the white letters and black background and now i can make a copy of this material i assign to diffuse color and i need to plug into number one so somewhere in here let me order this material and the same so probably i will need to rotate this map minus 90. and you can move it wherever you want oh come on not comfortable to move it well i can make it easier so i'll just select this um polygons and just apply uv map and do the side that i want to not just move it in the map will be much easier great okay something like that will be okay then you can convert into editable pulley and we'll see the result of the main picture so we can work it a bit with um tone mapping so i'll probably make the exposure a little darker i can change the curve so it won't be like super light or maybe i can just make dark colors a bit darker uh maybe saturation a little less okay uh what else do we need to change the filmic shadow no i think it's fine i wanted to add some bloom and glare so it will be a little more shiny in here did it add something on it let me check yeah a little bit [Music] glittery in this area it's enough you don't need like this kind of stuff it won't be good oh it's not even showing come on well this one oh actually not bad you can add a bit but in general good so guys um that's it what i wanted to show you for today i hope you enjoyed this uh workshop if you enjoyed you can subscribe to our channel um also put some likes for this video so i'll see that you really like it because we want to do a good content for you so it will be useful and i hope you enjoy it um you can prepare your questions i will answer it in a few minutes i will start the render so we'll see the final result of this picture i think it will render super fast um so the size 3000 uh is enough so i'll just add some uh denoising um currently high quality and we can start interactive render and i saw that someone asked how i can teach you uh to currently render so we have the big intensive uh course for beginners who just start to work with current render with 3ds max um and it starts um on august 8th um we will create this beautiful interior uh you can create your own frames after all after you will work with modeling after you will work with lighting with materials i will explain you like super uh super slowly super um informative it will be much more slower that i explained in the workshop i will show you all the tales details from the very beginning from the all buttons from the viewport how you should start what you should use which button you should use for not super that's super fast like in the workshop um it will be more understandable if you just start working with 3ds max so we will work on this scene from the very very very beginning we will do modeling for it we will work with light we can do different materials and i will show you how you can apply to your project different kind of scenario of the light different materials uh how the best way to create them what you should use for what kind of materials and so so there will be a lot of information that's like super intensive so if you want to uh start work in 3ds max much faster than just work by us learn by yourself you should apply to our course and i will show you how you can do that because i will explain it it will be super intense you will have some homework i will check it every single day during the week and after my comments you will rework with your mistakes or if you don't have mistakes you will go to the next homework so there will be a lot of work but the result will be ooh no sound i'm a noob see so i don't know which part um i lost my sound but as i said we will work in different uh situation and you can apply it uh later to your project um so in the end of the course if you will work hard you will get this kind of result and you can show it to your customer to your future co-workers bosses and put into your portfolio and get this kind of result and when you will practice more you will able to work on your own uh projects and create the beautiful cool works by yourself so uh courses varying course is very intensive if you will work hard you will get the great result uh so this is our team this is me this is my co-workers anthony send you the link so you can read um all this by yourself we will start from very beginnings from very beginning from each buttons that you uh should start until the very end so we will work in photoshop we will do post-production and every single stage so the interface now you should work in the viewports how you should modeling your objects how you can customize the light in different uh kind of situation how you should create the materials different kind of the wooden the stone the fabric how you should create the floor and so and of course the post-production is the final final step but um the main stuff the main work you will do in 3ds max so the most work you will do in the 3ds max in post production you will just add some accent that will make you work even better but the main work will be in 3ds max and current render will work and as i said the course is very intensive there will be four weeks and every week we will have four lessons the lessons will be online and i will show you a lot of interesting stuff also we will have um the chat for the students where we will answer all the questions there will be me and other my co-workers that will help you to get faster result if you have some issues with your work so if you have any issues you can ask in the chat and we'll reply you immediately so you can foster faster rework it and get your result uh so there is a stage that we will do that's me you can read the reviews from our students from different courses that's all work from our students that's all they do by themselves and you can read what they say about us so the result is good so if you want to learn fast and learn good and get a lot of knowledge that you will use in your future project you can apply to our course you can click on this button and tomorrow we will connect to you and answer your questions if you will have about this course or we will help you to join it so the start will be super soon in august 8th so don't hesitate just apply it and you will get the beautiful diploma if you will do your work so i hope you enjoyed our workshop now i will answer your questions and we have i forget to say one important thing so if you will apply for this course uh today till midnight we will give you a special offer special price it will be lower than on the side and you can um get it for less price i think that's a good news so let me check the render how many percent do we have like five percent kind of good a little more um should be rendered i will answer your questions and we will see the final final result that we'll got today and let me see what you ask show me how to use corona scatter piranha 7 do i need corona 8 for scatter to work well corona 7 has it owen scatter as well um they rework it in corona 8 but in my work i don't use corona scatter at all we use forest pack it has more much more tools much more possibilities to work so um corona scatter is much easier i think um but yeah i think it better work in corona 8 they work it well so it's easier to use it and have a little more tool than it was before hello from the other side hi um what does the chrono eo map do so basically the corona you add the dirt on the edges between the objects so if you have some deep on your object it will make it darker so uh the distance um will uh make bigger gradient uh from dark to white or when you decrease the distance it will shorter and it will be on the deep of the edges so basically it's at um it make edges more visible that's the easiest way to explain i think so it's good to use for this kind of stuff of baseboard for some uh moldings and this kind of stuff so if you need to show little edges more detailed you should use ao can we learn for free well we have a lot of workshops so of course you can um watch the workshops and learn from it we have uh we will we add a lot of information here yeah the sound sound sound uh how to make this kind of light situation to not look flat because the light is coming just from seeing and there is any window that's what i show you today so you basically replicate the uh real light in your interior so you probably have the spots in the ceiling so down lights and you just uh add some light in the place where it should be in that's how you'll get this kind of situation without any daylight lighting so here's we have four spots and on this places we just put uh light to the ceiling and got this kind of uh result that's actually what we got well four four percent of the noise um could be uh render a little more we have a little light person here well the best uh way to render till two or three percent but in general it's fine i think so i can show you what we got today and it's super beautiful well the baseboard could be less reflective but can be in general looks really really good i hope you enjoyed the result of today masterclass master clothes workshop can you take workshop for uv unwrapping um well maybe we will do some day for someone wrapping but in general it's nothing complicated you just need to understand how to open your object so just imagine that you have well for example candle uh candy so when it's wrapped on the pepper when you unwrap it it's like whole main paper so that's basically you what you need to do with your object you need to open it to create one piece or few pieces and then you can apply the texture for it so you just need to do the right cuts on the object and it will open and you will get the result that you need why it's not free the workshops is free it's all the time oh what the attack crime oh map i replied the falloff um it's basically work for uh nine um it depends how the camera looks like so it gives you opportunity to customize the color of the object so the falloff has two colors right so the black one and the white one let me create some books in here so we will see how it works so if i'll create the new material and apply to diffuse color and assign this material let me start the interact render now oh no our render will disappear so you can see that the the dark color is on the 90 degrees how the camera looks it all depends how the camera looks e i'll rotate my camera the color will change this angle so um usually i fall off the most useful fellow for the fabric stuff so this kind of velvet material and so and you will get this kind of result when it's more shiny some parts and it will replicate the fabric [Music] effect so if i'll change the colors for example for the red one for the blue one you will see where which color is hell the blue one ah it's starting to work like super slowly now so if i'll um for example select the camera and make a copy of it a i don't want to make a copy come on okay right click clone copy now i have a second camera so if i'll rotate the camera now for example like that you will see that the right red color on the top but i need to [Music] turn off the automatically tilt so all depends how the camera look on your object so for example if you have the sofa [Music] on the one frame for this angle of the camera probably you will need to change the falloff if you rotate the camera so that's how it works and for example like we did for the top if you need some part of the sides of your objects like make more darker you can also use uh falloff usually i use it for some wooden object for the stone object as well when you need to front or side make darker so if you look at the object for 90 degree they will be the dark part another one will be lighter i hope it's more clear now how to make sheen curtain in last workshop i forgot to ask shin i'm not too sure what the shin means uh but curtains all kind of the same you can use falloff uh if you mean the super opacity curtain you can apply follow for opacity color and it will be like super transparent if that's what you mean if not please re-ask how we can use gpu along with cpu just like corona work only with cpu so you can't use gpu vray has gpu but we usually not use it we work on cpu the better uh gpu render system is f storm it works much faster but karana works only on cpu uh is it possible to make the light behind the glass door more realistic um what do you mean well you can do whatever you like um i'm not too sure what you mean i just followed their reference that we had so it's kind of similar result we got well we can make it lighter if you want to but in general you can create the new room and set up the light in there all up of the result that you want to get how do we handle this scene if you also have to use es lighting in ceiling um not so sure what do you mean well you can add some es maps for the lights if you want some pattern from the lights so you just select it and add some yes map from corona yes or from somewhere else all depends and you got yes but you need to rework the directional you need to work intensity and probably rework old light so if you want to apply some es you need to work all the light on the stage where you didn't have the materials not now but you can select the es map and apply it in here just need to select the right one oh this kind of similar that we got without es well the blue man gear is super intensive but now it's like super strong so just add es map in here and you will get it thank you so much for your work welcome victoria so guys if you enjoy this master class you know what to do subscribe to our channel put some likes to the video and we will see you in the next week i have a question why do we use es lite it is necessary to use it or it's optional and what is purpose on it uh it's optional as you can see i didn't use es mapping here it only if you need some pattern of the light so you can use it it's all depends on you if you like it you can use it if you don't you can use without any yes so you can i just show you how you can use it in the light which is the best time for lighting before the external after texturing i think someone is not watching the workshop at all so the stages are always like modeling you finish fully modeling after modeling you start and set up the lighting on the grade material after you set up your light on the gray material you can add some color for it so if like we had in here um the green color we apply whole green color in our interior and then continue to customize our light after we customize fully customize our light we ate some base colors to our objects so separately for green for whites for black and only after that when we were satisfied with the result we like the light we like the colors only after that we go to the material stage only if you will use um these stages on your work you will get the good result if you will apply some textures some materials and try to customize light this process can take ages till you get the final good results so always better to create one stage after another not jumping from modeling to materials um immediately and after there at some colors set some lights and some everything so only uh one stage after and nothing and you will get the result that you will be satisfied so guys if you enjoy this workshop um i hope you will come for the next one you can subscribe to our channel you can put some likes also apply to our course if you want to learn more and more detail it and get much more information on our course for beginners it will be good for people who just start in work in 3ds max and also for the people who want to order the cows in their head and order the information that they have about the 3ds max and get much more um understand of the work process in 3ds max how to work with projects how to work with modeling lighting and materials so join today and you will get the special offer for the schools so i hope you enjoyed i was glad to see you all and i hope you will get a great evening today and see you next time okay bye bye
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Keywords: 3d, visualization, vizualization, визуализация, render, rendering, 3ds max,, рендер кэмп, уроки 3ds max, 3d визуализация, обучение 3d max, corona render 3ds max, 3d render, уроки по визуализации 3d max, render camp, 3ds max tutorial, autodesk 3ds max, corona renderer, 3d visualization, cgi, 3dsmax, 3ds max rendering, composition, 3d max, corona render, interior visualization, irena poliakova, 3d max beginners, beginners tutorial, bathroom
Id: Gu7urqqZjaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 13sec (7093 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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