Automation Dev Reacts to Lets Game It Out Twist a Few Belts

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hello and welcome to the channel I'm Kraken fall for this week's reaction we're going to be watching another let's game it out video returning to satisfactory we're gonna watch what happens when you let a maniac build a factory before we get started I wanted to address a few things first the last episode of the Oreo the will of the Wisps playthrough is out on the channel so be sure to check that out I'm working on the Vlog for Pax West and it's taking a little bit longer than I hoped so subscribe and hit the Bell to get notified when that comes out if you're interested I'm still working on other videos for the channel but I've got so many things that I want to do here uh they're taking a while so subscribe lastly I've gotten a few comments that I'm sus for how many job titles I have like am I a software Dev an automation engineer a software tester like what am I I'm all of them no I I went to school for mechanical engineering I switched to math and computer science got a job as a software tester at an engineering company noticed a bunch of processes that I could automate and so they made me a development operations engineer there I made a bunch of software to help the whole whole development process go faster and be more efficient among other things since then I've moved on to a similar but different job that kind of works at a higher level which you know maybe you'll see that one in the title I don't know I've been out of school for a while so I've had a lot of jobs I mean you might see former GameStop employee or you know former lawnmower or amateur pressure washer or you know whatever whatever makes the algorithm happy because honestly I realize the algorithm rules us all but whatever I call myself in the title I I appreciate you clicking on it and watching it and enjoying this with me so let's get started so I will say I have started satisfactory it's really fun I wasn't sure if I'd like it because you know just having a factory that I build and that's it doesn't sound very appealing to me but this scratches all the right itches this to me feels like a lot of these open World Games with like Base building and stuff like that but everything has a purpose you have the power to make everything more convenient it more efficient and I love it so one thing I am playing it on Stream So if you want to get in on that that's krakenfall chat has been helping me figure it out a lot faster than I probably would alone Chad told me spaghetti factories are a thing like when you first start out everything that you make is like unplanned and so it just gets all intermingled and and twisted and will be interested to see how a maniac would make that worse I I also haven't really seen too much of the game I've only automated the basic production and I've started to build the space elevator so that's about as far as I am only my Milestone tier two I think yeah let's check it out hey everybody welcome back to Let's game it out I am Josh and today we are checking out satisfactory coffee stain Studios thank you so much for the key so this is kind of a like Factory building assembly line kind of game I think the first thing you're going to try to do is just discover the game together understand how it works and then we'll do the thing that we always do where we try to play the game not exactly as intended so let's get right into it new game session name probably a mistake uh we appear to be in space and just like every Factory job starts you get dropped out of orbit onto a planet hope I can breathe I'll be taking this flashlight as possible I'm holding my little taser rod and looks like we've got some uh looks like the locals are not exactly excited to see me so we're gonna take care of them for someone told me they're called speed limits oh geez okay that's one of you did I get you oh I got you all right oh paleberries huh what can I do with this pile can I okay it's inside me now gave me a little Health what might this be it's inside me oh oh it's a creature oh it didn't like oh all right fine look sir I just want to start my factory and you're stopping me you can kill me and there's a little icon telling me where to go oh yeah we're getting better at this oh now I got a taste for blood come here you no don't hurt him arms tiny little Hawk face come here in the butt can I take him out oh yeah are you stuck on the landscape come here oh yeah oh yeah this feels kind of bad actually this is like a factory building game he does have a country like innocent creature torment oh well now I feel bad oh oh there he goes whoa oh hey is it a conscience if you only feel bad after the deed is done I don't know hey look at that you can bounce off this dude oh this is gonna get me killed that's all that's gonna happen here is this is just this is how I die oh no oh no oh my legs oh I deserved it hey what's this you're lucky he just wants to kill everything doesn't it I guess we should make a factory yeah give me it Caleb when you're Mining and it has that Rhythm I've been singing We Will Rock You Because that's the song that comes to mind let me know down in the comments What song comes to your mind if a song comes to your mind at all let's build the Hub the heart of your factory okay well sure we'll put it right here it's probably a horrible spot so let's do it done Tada check it out okay we're selecting Hub upgrade one it needs some iron rods to make iron rods we need iron ingots to make iron ingots can just make them because I have iron ore oh there you go you just hold down the button I just crafted forever now we need 10 iron rods so that's what I'm making apparently you can press the space bar instead of holding the button with the mouse which is very nice thanks Chad now take those 10 iron rods put them back over here half 10 iron rods upgrade Hub done and done things are starting to look a little bit Spruce around here so we're looking for copper ore now so we're gonna switch our scanner over here to Copper ta-da finding a lot of iron ore here still looking for the copper ore though Limestone okay this looks like something beautiful silver huh all right I'm sure all this stuff will come in handy this is one of those games where you kind of have to start out slow where you're mining everything yourself but as you start to automate everything it gets a lot more exciting because you spend most your time just trying to find ways to streamline the process which I guarantee you is more fun than it sounds now that we have enough copper we can go back and actually start crafting some other stuff and let's make some copper Ingot one of the things that for me is really satisfying is just having all of these tasks and as you're upgrading the Milestones they're like progress bars so like you get the resources and then you just throw it into the Hub and it shoots off the little drop pod and it's really I don't know it's cathartic I guess it's it's just like it's like little bursts of yeah you did something which I don't know for me is very satisfying because I make them you can see how much wire I can make okay so now let's make some wire so now we're making the iron rods now let's go ahead and take a bunch of that stuff put it into this guy here 10 of those 10 iron plates 50 copper wire upgrade oh well would you look at that huh and now I have enough stuff to upgrade this guy again upgrade the Hub Tada look at that look how complete this thing is looking huh we've actually got like a living quarter now with two beds I don't know if I can use any of this stuff but I'm glad it's here I just want to figure out is how do I get this to get over to this without me having to do anything we are going to replace it with this Miner here we're gonna put it right there like that there we go let's go ahead and make some more conveyor belts so that's gonna go from there over I love the conveyor belts they're so satisfying to set down the way you can just like link them together and make it whatever shape you want and raise them and lower them it's just very satisfying to there like that see there we go now it's just gonna mine that and I don't have to do anything so while this production is going on I think it would behoove me to find some copper ore around here 100 meters and some change away this one up here is as close as we're gonna get so first let's get the good stuff out of the way here yeah you know that's not too far away we'll just you know conveyor belt it all the way over there okay so that was kind of a taste how the game is supposed to be played but I think with this next machine we can find a way to make it a little bit more um our style let's go on a magical journey okay let's take it to about there oh yeah how stupid will this game let me get like can I just run this around it's like no don't stop it so let's see if I like put it like that there we go okay so we'll put that like that and I'll use you to turn great now we're talking yeah yep yep yep don't fight me on this wouldn't it be awesome if you could make what's that called a 360 ramp so you make it go up and then around like uh you know like the Hot Wheels or or the skateboard ramps that are at Full Circle that would be fun okay okay I love watching it catch up with me too oh can I thread the needle under it oh yeah we can wait can I have it oh that's just the finest you can rest a conveyor belt on another conveyor belt compliments to the chef this might take a little doing because the game wants to do this the correct way okay okay so I think that's pretty good yeah there we go okay let's put it right there like that obviously it should have to loop back around and through we'll go ahead and connect the conveyor belt in the most roundabout way possible here okay let's turn on the machine and I'll tell you how long it takes it's coming to life here comes the first piece of ore it's already been a minute 45 and this is how far the ore has gotten all you got to do when you're making these conveyor belts you have to ask yourself what would an LA freeway look like here we are three minutes in the most beautiful copper ore you've ever seen I'm really pleased to see it's able to clear this little hump here here we go if you've ever done yard work you have an extension cord for your like Mower electric handheld thing or whatever he's like the guy that instead of untangling the extension cord and all the knots and loops and and all that crap he's the one that puts it into a tangle and then uses it so he's got this like Rat's Nest of an extension cable that he's like tugging around the yard to like actually makes stuff work why here we go here we go this is the very first piece of ore to make it you want to know how long it took to get here five minutes 15 seconds oh and its Journey isn't done yet the Journey of these spools is a cruel one they need to get up to that little container up there their Journey takes them all the way over here past this goes right up around here nice tight little Bend right there back down all the way over here and finally to their home I feel right that makes all the sense in the world doesn't it let's go ahead and finally finish Hub upgrade five we've only really touched upon some of the things that we can do here but let me know if you want to see more satisfactory this game is a blast I want to promise to you that I won't make everything look this stupid in the future but I think we all know we're just gonna try and make it look even dumber and hey we can say what we want but it totally works kinda so that's gonna do it for this episode of let's game it out as always I am Josh and I will see you next time all right well that was a lot shorter than I thought it would be and a lot more basic I'm basically at the point where Josh is I've played for eight hours now like I said I I only automated the basic production materials so iron rods and iron plates and concrete and I just wanted to have a ton of materials so I I rigged up everything around it sorry I I rigged up all the mining spots around my Hub and and that's all I've done I am on update five this was released in 2019 so I'm guessing that there's been a ton of content ton of changes like just some of the menus and stuff he was going through were different than what I'm doing now so the game is really enjoyable I'm like pretty surprised that I missed this I don't know how that happened I did find that I actually had already bought it on a steam sale at some point so I did notice it this year but I just completely forgot about it and I definitely didn't know about it when it first came out probably because it was early access and you know I tend to ignore those until they're more developed or released for my build I am planning on not doing a super chaotic build but I generally do more creative things in open World sandbox games so Minecraft I'll pick some crazy build and then just do a bunch of grinding to get that done I try to make it as convenient as possible but with Minecraft sometimes like if you have a super crazy idea it's just gonna look cool but not be the most practical thing here in satisfactory you can make it automated and there's Transportation I've heard hopefully whatever I do I can just go Hog Wild and then make it super easy to get from place to place I am looking forward to playing this game a heck of a lot more I am going to be releasing the let's play for satisfactory sooner than I thought I've still got the spirit fair play through to finish on the channel we played later alligator and then the other videos that I've been working on but I think I will be bumping up the satisfactory videos on my editing maclock which is huge if you like this video please click like And subscribe hit the bell for notifications hit up the twitch at slash krakenfall to hang out I stream Thursdays at 6 PM Pacific and 8 PM for asthma phobia on weekends if I can twitch is the only place you can get access to the Discord which is exclamation Discord in the twitch chat I am looking into working on a community server I just got to make sure that it doesn't mess up my current server which I think it doesn't thanks for hanging out with me today I hope you have a wonderful life thank you for watching and I'll see you next time bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Krakenfall
Views: 125,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Video Games, Streamer, Small channel, Chill, Relax, Chill out, let's game it out, lgio, lgio reaction, reaction, professional, software developer, automation, software tester, video game, let's game it out satisfactory, let's game it out satisfactory reaction, satisfactory, sandbox
Id: 8htzrqf7G_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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