Autodesk Inventor 2018 : 0 : Basics in 30 min

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okay so we're here in a Autodesk Inventor 2018 okay so we have our splash screen here and we're gonna go ahead and close this now this is just 2018 kind of in a nutshell so we're just gonna review basically the whole thing in like five or ten minutes okay so so it's gonna give a good solid overview to using inventor all right so inventor basically has so when we close that splash screen inventor basically has just a few file types all right and you can get to those you have a couple new options for files but if you go to this top one right here you see the four basic file types okay presentation you would use at the very end as to make like a video of your assembly a part is the basic thing that you're gonna work on okay so if you can imagine like if a keyboard was drawn an inventor each key would be a part file okay and then we have an assembly and that would be like if you took all the key files put them together into the full assembled keyboard right okay so essentially though you know the top of the holder the bottom of the holder all the keys that would be an assembly okay one individual key that would be a part alright drawing is like a classic plan drawing so if you're if you're familiar with the multi view drawings that's a drawing okay and so basically what what the process here is is that we draw parts individually okay then we take and then we put those parts together into an assembly and then we can make drawings of the parts or the assemblies kind of automatically once we have them modeled in three dimensions once you get good at drawing okay so initially you're gonna make parts and put them together and assembly after you get more adept at using inventor you will just work in an assembly essentially you'll start in an assembly you'll make parts in an assembly and make parts like interact with each other in the assembly okay and it's it's really very it's a lot easier when you're doing something complicated because the fact that the parts you can you can see the other parts that you're working with and kind of use those dimensions of the other parts okay so let's go ahead and get started so basically we're gonna make a part file okay so to make a new part file we're going to click part okay the the extension on part two file is a dot IPT okay inventor that all the information is stored in IP t files ok so similar it's kind of similar to if you make like a project in like a video editing software you or you have all your clips in a folder and then basically you put them all together in the video editing software but if you move those clips anywhere everything goes awry ok the same thing is true with inventor's so basically what you want to do is you want to store all of your IPT files in one folder with the assembly with the drawings and then never move them ok so basically because when you look and once you once you innocent once you assemble all the part files it's gonna refer to a place on the hard drive it's gonna load them from the hard drive if you start moving files around it's gonna tote you're gonna have to go find them or recreate them ok so essentially when you think of an assembly with a bunch of part files you have to think of it in terms of ok it's all in one folder or where are they located on the hard drive alright so in order to do that so basically when we start an i PT the very first thing we're gonna do is go save as we're gonna choose a folder so in this case we're just gonna make a new folder and documents and call it project ok and remember this this review here is just a simplest most straightforward way to do it ok we're gonna call this part 1 we're gonna call this block ok and I'm gonna go ahead and click Save ok so now we have this block IPT alright and if you'll notice here basically nothing is on the screen ok so the first thing we're gonna do so now we're working in a part file an IP T file the very first thing we're gonna do is that we're gonna make a 2d sketch ok and we're working in three dimensions right so there are three planes in three dimensions right there's the X you know there's what we can look at them so so basically we're gonna start this 2d sketch whoops so we're gonna click start 2d sketch okay now notice these planes come up so we have the Y Z we have the XY and we have the XZ plane ok now this would matter if you're like if you're planning on putting things together you can make your life easier by using one over the other it has no benefit it you know it doesn't matter which one you start on if you're just making a couple of parts right so so basically we click that start 2d sketch we choose a plane and we click on it ok now we are in sketch mode so when we're working in IPT we have two modes we've got two team ode okay that we can draw in that I'm about to draw on and then we have 3d mode that's where we apply a 3d feature to a 2d sketch alright so in this case we're gonna go ahead and make a rectangle okay now in some drawing programs you click and drag to draw a rectangle but not an inventor okay you click move the mouse and then you click again okay that's how you draw ok click move the mouse click to set the point all right now you'll notice that inventor automatically made this rectangle using what are called to 2d constraints alright now we're not going to go into those now but notice these things that are drawn here see that this is a is a parallel line here a parallel line here parallel here parallel here and then this is a perpendicular constraint ok so it made a rectangle based upon those constraints all right now you don't need to we don't need to know that now but just be aware of it okay the reason why I say that is if you start here if you put your cursor here on the very center point and draw a rectangle it will lock it to that center point it will cause you problems later on ok so don't start on the center point just avoid it all right okay the very next thing we always do you must dimension in two dimensions if you do not dimension it is gonna come back to haunt you okay you're gonna try to assemble your stuff nothing's gonna fit if you don't dimension right off the bat you're doing it the wrong way okay seriously because because we don't know how big this rectangle is is the size of a football field is it the bit as site the size of the state of Delaware is it as big as France is this a biggest Texas how big are all of those things I don't know okay but but we don't know is it mid millimeters is in inches we don't know okay so we have to dimension it so we're gonna how we're gonna dimension is that we go into the dimensioning tool we're gonna click to mention then we click on a line okay we click move the mouse up click again and then we're gonna enter the dimension okay in this case we're gonna make it four inches okay four inches enter alright and then I'm gonna wheel Mouse so I'm gonna wheel Mouse back out okay notice how it disappeared okay this is gonna happen to you a lot in inventor okay there's a couple different ways to do it you can wheel out or you can go over here on the right-hand side of the screen and you can do view all okay now it's set to view all already or sorry zoom all okay zoom all is gonna put it back on the screen for you okay so if you lose your drawing put zoom all okay it's gonna go right back okay we're gonna dimension the side now right okay so we're gonna click on the line move out click again and we're gonna make this 2 inches all right so now we have a 2 by 4 square I can wheel I can wheel on the mouse also to click out now there are a couple of things that you're gonna try to do when you first start you're gonna try to over dimension okay now now we can't do this watch when I pull it out and click oh whoops okay it gave me an error okay it says oh you can make a driven dimension that's because this is already too remember I talked about the 2d constraints it's already constrained to be equal or I'm sorry parallel and perpendicular meaning that these two lines by definition are equal okay so but we can't add a new dimension because we're all they're already equal basically right the other thing we can do with dimensions is this we can use dimensions we can actually just use math to dimension them right okay so let's say that I always want the height to be half the width I can go I can click on the dimension I can click on another dimension so now it's d0 right that's like a variable referencing the other dimension and I can oh divided by 2 and hit enter now what I get is if I were to change the top dimension to be 8 inches the bottom dimension would change also okay so essentially what you can get if you're slick enough you can basically draw an entire thing that if you change one dimension it just springs the whole thing in the exact proportions that you want all right so it's very very useful okay we're gonna not go into this anymore dimensioning tool is really useful okay you can actually do things like this we can make you know we can do between two lines we do from one line to another okay so we wanted to say oh not that you know not to mention the line but from one line to another we can do that as well but the other thing that people get stuck in is that they don't realize okay oh now I'm clicking and nothing's happening there no dimensions well now I'm out of the dimensioning tool okay so once I'm in the dimensioning tool how do I get out of it well I right-click and I click either okay or I click cancel okay this is called the heads-up display and what it is is basically you can right-click holding down the right-click you can go over to a command and then you can release the right-click and so instead of it to a click move click it's a click drag release okay it's just faster basically all right okay now so we have this 2d dimension do we have this 2d drawing done it's been dimensioned okay but now we want to turn it into a three dimensional object all right well how do we do that well we can't do it in the 2d mode so we're in 2d drawing mode we have to get out of it and how we do that is we click this finish sketch right here okay so we click finish sketch now the easiest way to know and then we click zoom all the easiest way to know that we are out of a 2d sketch is that you notice the lines are gone so we don't have any of those gridlines if you see gridlines you're probably in a sketch mode all right all right now the other thing that people starting out don't realize is that they don't realize this is not a hodgepodge of stuff okay it's not a bunch of random stuff piled in here everything that's in here is reflected in this browser bar over here so right now we have sketch one a very common thing when people are starting is that they create sketch after sketch after sketch with different objects and different sketches okay that's not how you do it all right so you create a sketch if you want to go back and edit the sketch you go over to the browser bar and double-click on the sketch you want to edit now we're back in the sketch mode and now we can go and change this let's say we decided oh the dimension was wrong we want to change the four inches and now we finished sketch again okay now we're back out into 3d mode all right so we have this rectangle that we've done the next thing that people often get wrong about inventor is they think they can do a bunch of stuff in one sketch like say that we want to put holes in a block like a block with holes in it okay like we're going to do right now they would draw the the wreck tangle and the circle and everything in one thing and then want to make a bunch of different stuff in 1/3 like a bunch of different features in one sketch that's not how it works ok so basically you make one sketch that sketch is consumed by the 3d feature as I'm about to show you ok so now we're gonna make it into three dimensions we click extrude extrude is like the most basic thing okay it's the most useful and most basic thing in Inventor we click extrude ok and basically that's it now this will auto select so because I only had one sketch on here this auto selects all right now if I'm going to make a circle in here the easiest way to make a circle in here would be just to do what I'm about to do next ok so this would have been an extrusion let's say that I wanted a circle hole in the middle of this block the easiest way to make that circle would have been just to put it in the sketch so I'm gonna go back in and double click the sketch I'm gonna make a circle in the middle of the block right click ok I'm gonna go ahead and dimension that circle click pull out click again I want a one-inch dimension okay I want the middle of this circle whoops sorry I want this I want this circle from this middle of the circle to the side I want that to be half of this of my width okay I also want from the middle of the circle to the top I want this to be half my height okay / - right okay so now everything is proportional we're gonna go ahead and click finish sketch ok so now what I have here let's say I wanted to put a circle in the middle of this block right now I'm gonna click extrude and notice I can either select the circle or I can select the outside of the block in this place place I'm gonna in this case I'm going to select the area outside the circle okay and notice that if I use this view cube up here view cube or to turn it around notice that all I'm getting is the block with a hole in it now okay okay so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and click OK all right so that is at the most basic that is a block now let say I wanted to put other 3d features on here can now be careful because remember that the the IPT is supposed to be simple it's supposed to be one piece so if I was making a keyboard I wouldn't put all the keys on here right I would make one key right and then in the assembly I would duplicate all of the identical parts in that in the assembly so I just make one key now obviously on a lot of keyboards all the keys aren't identical but some are right so basically I'd make one IPT and I duplicate it for all the identical keys but let's say we do want to make something a little bit more complicated on here all right for example let's say we want to put another hole in some other side of the cube all right well what will you do in that case is we'd actually start a second sketch in the IPT and that sketch can live anywhere on any one of these surfaces all right so let's go ahead and we're gonna make a second sketch so start 2d sketch we're gonna put it on the side here and notice that now that's this sketch lives on the side of this rectangle okay and all we're gonna do in this case is we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna put we're gonna make a rectangle so we're gonna click here it's easiest to draw when you're looking straight on okay so if we click on this cube here it's easiest to draw when we're looking straight on and we can dimension from from the from the sides and top here so in this case we're gonna make this one inch we're gonna make this side one inch we can actually just make it the same right as the top oops glad I made it not that okay we're gonna make it point five all right and then we're gonna go ahead and make these two things we're gonna make this one inch actually we're gonna make it 0.50 I got myself into a problem didn't I I guess I know okay okay so what we can do is we can do you can actually do a complicated math in here so you can do two minus 0.5 you can actually do two - and then / - okay so basically I took that I took the width of it and then subtracted the this value whatever that is and then divided by two now obviously it's not totally proportional because I used because I didn't make the width proportional also but you get the point okay so the last dimension we put in would be from the top to the top here's gonna be fully dimension din I'm just gonna accept it okay so now we're gonna go ahead and the other thing I want to kind of show you here is in two dimensions we're gonna click fillet okay I'm just gonna tell you that nothing is absolutely square if you look at everything you buy nothing is an absolute square rectangle so please as you're working in invent or do us all a favor don't make a bunch of rectangles okay seriously okay thank you all right okay so let's say we want a 2d to play this okay notice that we have this side here and and okay so a fillet is basically okay and then we're gonna right click okay and there we get it just rounds off the corner there if you can see okay so we're gonna go finish sketch now we're gonna go ahead and extrude is really useful because the fact you can either add material so let's go ahead we're gonna extrude it we're gonna select this profile here now notice that we can either extrude it okay we can extrude eight a distance we can extrude it to next between all or distance from face okay we can also cut okay so that means we're gonna make a hole right and we can extrude some distance into the shape we can also use an intersection okay so that means that we're gonna just just leave what intersects okay if that makes sense all right so extrude is really versatile and very very useful in this case we're gonna go to next alright and so basically what that's gonna do is it's going to cut through to the circle right there okay I'm gonna go ahead and click OK all right so that's our eye PT so we're gonna go ahead and save it alright so that's saved now we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna make a second IPT alright okay and all this one's gonna be we're gonna do another part we're gonna immediately save it we're gonna call it pig okay remember we're gonna start our 2d sketch we're gonna choose a plane click on it now we're in sketch mode we're gonna make a circle okay we're gonna dimension this circle to be one inch okay now in a lot of cases you're gonna be actually fabricating these so remember that in reality two things cannot be identically sized and have something fit in another thing okay it's not it seems possible but it's not okay so it has to be slightly smaller right okay so we're gonna go ahead and finish sketch then we're gonna go ahead and extrude okay and we're gonna make this we're gonna extrude it four inches and basically we're gonna get a 4 inch peg okay I'm gonna click zoom all over here okay so we have a four inch pick I'm gonna go ahead and save that all right now we're gonna go ahead and do an assembly so we're gonna go ahead and click assembly okay so now we're gonna put these two parts together all right so you went ahead and clicked assembly okay now what we're gonna do is we're gonna click you can either click place or create so remember I said that usually eventually people get to the point where they're just creating IPTS from inside and assembly initially though don't do that create your IPT separately so we're gonna click place we're gonna go find our IPT okay in this case block and basically if you click it'll place it right ok you can click again you can click a third time okay you click as many times as you want parts okay in the end you're gonna right-click and click OK all right now notice that we can move these around if you don't want it to move you can right-click on it in the browser and click grounded okay if you choose all right you can also delete these the easiest way is to use a pleat key you can also right-click and delete okay all right so we have this we have this IPT the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna place our second part which is our peg okay so that's our peg now notice that so that's our second thing right there all right right click OK to finish placing now what a lot of people do when they start is they just put it put this peg right in here or they don't realize where they're moving things all right so a lot of times that what's easiest to do is to move it in two dimensions so basically click on the viewcube move it to where you want it in one dimension then move it around and move it to where you want the second dimension okay but moving things around and place them as a mistake what we want to do is we want to constrain things okay so let's take a look at constraints constraints mean to limit where a thing can move all right where where a part can move all right so in this case we're gonna constrain and we're actually gonna constrain the center lines now I'm not going to go into this now but just know that use constraints okay so we're gonna just constrain the center line of this peg to the center line of this hole you hear the sound we click apply okay and now notice what we have is that peg now even though I'm dragging it all over the place it cannot move away from that center line okay so when you're putting things together everything should get locked in the other thing that we can do is we can we can do another constraint and we can lock the top of the peg notice that in this case we're going to use a flush constraint okay mate flush we can lock the top of the peg to the top of the block and click apply all right okay now okay so that's an assembly so let's go ahead and let's finally do let's do go ahead and do our drawing okay so we're gonna go ahead and open a drawing now this is where we want to make plans that we're gonna send off to have something fabricated for us a common thing for this would be if somebody if you wanted to have something made in a machine shop or something like that this would be a case where you would make make you know this these are the types of drawings that you would send okay so basically what we have here is we have a drawing now this remember the common thing that people forget here is that this drawing is a giant okay the paper that is the default paper here is giant it will not print out on your printer all right so the very first thing that we want to do actually is we want to change the properties of sheet 1 and go edit sheet and the size we're gonna change it from size D we're gonna change that to a four okay and that's like a standard printer size of paper all right okay there we go I also just go ahead and delete this whole thing down here usually but we're gonna leave it there for now okay mainly because we're not drawing professional drawings you know we're drawing it for a class so you know we don't we don't need a title block really though a lot of times people do like to like to have it in there so there we go you just delete it okay the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna take a bit of base view here okay and we're gonna go ahead and choose instead of assembly one notice anything that's open will just be a drop down menu right here otherwise you have to go and find it we can take this block view here okay we're gonna make the scale one two one alright and we're just gonna go ahead whoops gonna hit go ahead and move it down here alright then we're gonna go click projected we're gonna go up to the side and then we're gonna make an isometric view on the top okay when you're done click create and that's basically it then then the other thing that you can do now this the annotations basically you're supposed to put you know you're supposed to label everything correctly all the measurements you can actually do this automatically and it gets quite a lot of a quite a lot of them in there okay I'm not gonna go in there now into this now but basically to add dimensions you know you need to go in and basically add in dimensions where they're supposed to be and you don't want to over or under dimension and if you start talking to especially like people that are professional draftsman they will have a lot of opinions on what on what is correct dimensioning and you can have people arguing over correct dimensioning for a very long time all right what I will say though is that is the automatic dimensioning in here is pretty good okay so you start off with automatic dimensioning you get a long way to to getting the correct dimensioning okay so that is okay so the last one we're going to do is we're gonna do a presentation oh we never saved our assembly doing whoops okay I should have saved the assembly that was my mistake we're gonna save as assembly one we're gonna call this lock and pig did I type black and pig okay all right there we go all right okay we're gonna insert model and we're gonna go black and PEG okay and and so basically what we're gonna do here is that this is where you would create essentially a video if you've ever seen a video of like parts exploding out this is where you would create that video of the explosion of the parts or something like that some demo you can also do things where you can get very complicated with constraints and whatnot to be where you can really make a realistic demo in here there are a lot of things you can do with inventor that we haven't gotten into but this will get you a long way down the road to doing inventors so those are the four basic types of files and that's you know taking from a 2d drawing with dimensions up through an individual part 3d part and then combining those 3d parts into assemblies so best of luck
Channel: Education Public
Views: 390,360
Rating: 4.7579618 out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk Inventor 2018
Id: msXjD96ayIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2017
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