Authority In The Name of Jesus by Keith Malcomson

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praise god we're turned to the word of god this morning and continuing with this series on spiritual warfare but before we do um i i just want to commend you mothers in our gathering we don't stand on ritual and special dates and events but it's always wonderful to be able to think of the mothers in the church those that have given birth to children and especially raising them in the things of christ here in the church and we really pray for you it's a wonderful task and the message i'm going to preach this morning i can assure you i learned this truth not from reading the bible not from hearing a preacher but at my mother's knee i owe so much to my mother i i can't even begin to tell you how much i owe my mother concerning the things of god and all of you are benefiting from a mother who taught me well prayed well open up the scriptures and and pointed me constantly to the lord jesus christ mothers run this race well you don't know the child that you're raising you you you never know what god's plan our purpose is for that child and and so give yourself to it i know it's hard i know there's a real devil but be assured we're in a spiritual warfare one of your great warfares of your life could be to raise those children or that child and not let the devil get his hands upon them preach to them lay your hands on them pray for them plead the blood of jesus over them tell them about the power that is in jesus name it is a great calling and here today we do give thanks for all the mothers and especially those that have taught taught their children and will in the days ahead concerning the lord jesus christ it's a wonderful task a wonderful colon and it's greatly diminished in this art but we don't diminish the place of women in our midst there is an order and there is a way for a woman to behave herself and act in the home and in the church but you know what i i have the highest regard and respect for women i'll never dishonor a woman belittler or traitor wrongly that that is a shame on the gospel but we honor a woman and the calling of jesus christ amen please turn with me here this morning as we go to the word and i i wasn't planning this but certainly what a message i'm gonna preach this morning is in honor of my mother assuredly because she taught me these truths from her knee what a precious thing turn into mark chapter 16 and read in there this morning my message authority in the name of jesus reading from mark chapter 16 and verse 15 and this is jesus speaking and he said unto them and he said unto him go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved he that believeth and he that believeth not shall be damned and these signs shall follow them that believe listen carefully in my name shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover my message authority in the name of jesus this is part four of our series on spiritual warfare and i can assure you that knowing the authority in jesus name is a vital part of this warfare will you pray with me this morning as a church as the saints of god let's agree together let's pray in that name let's pray in the authority of that name through the virtue of that name through the provision of that name all that that name means we come in prayer i'm not praying but on my own basis i'm not asking him to answer me because of me or because of you but i'm asking that he answers our prayer this morning because of jesus name the authority that is in that name father we come unto you not in any other name but the name of jesus christ we know the authority is in that name we have been commanded to pray unto you in the name of jesus according to your will and lord god we approach you because of jesus on the basis of jesus christ by his virtue by his holiness by his power by his grace by his provision we approach unto you in that name and we pray that you speak unto us today that you show us that we have authority over all the power of satan that even as a church that you'd make us to rise up in this city of limerick to take authority in jesus name to stand in the authority of jesus christ we know that there's powers of darkness in this city we know that the devil has come to destroy our families we know oh god that he's destroying people in our workplaces and in in around us where we live but father we pray that from this day we are going to begin to fight in the authority in the name and in the power of jesus name even as we have sung already this morning in jesus mighty name in the power in the virtue of that name we ask it that you be glorified amen my name my message this morning authority in the name of jesus it says there in mark chapter 16 and verse 17 and these signs notice they are signs indicators pointing to jesus when these signs operate it turns the eyes upon jesus these things honor jesus point to jesus and bring glory to jesus and these signs shall follow them that believe all those that believe you don't need to be great or mighty you don't need to be rich or famous all those who believe if you believe these signs will follow you there are signs that follow a believer and he's about to list some of these signs here these signs shall follow a believer why does god give signs he gives signs to verify the message he gives signs to show that there's a power involved with the preaching of the gospel he gives signs to show that he is in the midst of the church of jesus christ signs are there to indicate that jesus has risen from the dead signs are there to show that he is in the midst signs are there to reveal and to prove that he is seated at the right hand of the father it says these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils notice here that the casting out of devils is in the name of jesus only in the precious name my message authority in the name of jesus they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover all these precious promises are signs given to those that believe saints just believe this morning let us be a church that believes that these signs shall follow the preaching of the gospel where this is preached and believed these things happen where people say these things are not for today they do not happen show me a church that says healing doesn't happen today nobody gets healed show me a church are people that say i believe healing is for today and someone in that gathering is gonna get healed i promise you faith cometh by hearing it's not a believing without the word of god but when the word of god is preached we believe since i want to tell you there's authority in the name of jesus these signs shall follow them that believe but if we do away with these teachings none of these signs will point to jesus christ now there's a great controversy over mark chapter 16 many modern day scholars who actually proclaim themselves expert on ancient manuscripts say that the last 12 verses of mark from verse 9 to verse 20 should not be in our bibles what they say in some of your bibles i hope it doesn't say it you need a new bible but there are bibles in this are and it will be written there that these verses are not in the most ancient and reliable manuscripts if that is written in the margin of your bible it's time to get yourself a new bible my bible says and jesus said these signs shall follow them that believe why do they say that these precious 12 verses should not be in our bible they go back to two manuscripts the sonaticus and the vaticanus and they give them preeminence above all other manuscripts do you know that there's 620 manuscripts of mark chapter 16 620 guess how many these verses are missing in only two first of all this sinaticus that was um found over 150 years ago in an old monastery in sinai just as it was about to be thrown in the flames the second manuscript was found in the vatican libraries it's called the vaticanus these two manuscripts are the most corrupt manuscripts in all of the world and yet these two manuscripts were recovered and brought out and have changed many translations of the bible can i tell you mark chapter 16 is used by 31 ancient christian writers just after the days of the apostles also many of the translations of the bible into early languages all had this in them but there's only two corrupt manuscripts the vaticanus given to the born-again church by the vatican and the papacy and another one rescued from a waste bin about to be burned and these two manuscripts were used to change many modern bibles until the year 1870 nobody questioned mark chapter 16 and yet since that time many have said this should not be in our bibles since i want to tell you that i believe that was an attack of the devil on the authority of scripture he wanted to remove a very precious verse here that says in my name shall they cast out devils i believe that this scripture stirred up the anger of hell and the devil said i want to move that eye and so raised up two corrupt manuscripts even though all the others have this in there be very careful who you listen to in this generation be very careful of listening to experts who say they know what they're talking about and yet they rip our bibles apart the same goes with fasting you know how in mark chapter 9 the apostles had power they'd seen the sick heal demons cast out and yet when they went to pray for a young boy they bind they shouted they prayed they laid hands on and yet they had no power to cast that demon out of the little boy the father was tormented went to jesus and said why could your disciples not do this listen to what jesus said in mark 9 29 this kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting again in the modern translations of the bible that word fasting has been taken out it wouldn't make sense for jesus to say this demon doesn't come out of the boy but by prayer that's what most translations have it wouldn't make sense of course they were praying but jesus said it doesn't come out but by prayer and fasting if i was the devil there's certain scriptures i want to remove from the bible most of the new versions of the bible remove the word fasting from matthew 17 21 from mark chapter 9 29 from acts chapter 10 and verse 30 and from 1 corinthians 7 and verse 5 then they changed the word fasting for hunger in second corinthians chapter six and verse five and again in second corinthians 11 and 27 but fasting is different than hunger very very different these six verses on fasting to break the power of satan have been removed from many or most of the new bible versions the sonaticus and vaticanus have removed all of these scriptures some bible translations remove the word fasting others like the niv remove the entire verse when you go there you'll see that it is gone since i tell you that there has been an onslaught of hell against the reality of the teaching of the authority of the bible i believe there is authority in the name of jesus and if hell can steal that truth from you it will my message this morning authority in the name of jesus and my first point the highest name you must know this before i tell you about your authority through the name of jesus i've got to first tell you about the authority of that name it says here in verse 7 and mark 16 in my name shall i cast out devils jesus promotes his own name he said there's only one name that will defeat the devil one name that you can stand upon in coming against the devil or resisting the devil in my name jesus says only in my name if you're gonna face the devil it better be in my name you better discover the power of my name you better realize that my name is more powerful than the devil i don't care if there's a six thousand demons in an individual i don't care if it's a prince of uh the the prince of persia or the prince of grace i don't care if it's the devil himself there is power in the name of jesus in my name you will cast our devils i want to assure you that you don't want to play games with the devil you don't want to mock them you don't want to call them names you don't want to get involved with the devil unless you know the authority of jesus name you would play a very dangerous game and we as a church we as a church here need to understand to believe to study the word of god to find out the authority invested in jesus name do you know god the father has put all authority i mean supreme authority absolute authority sovereign authority in the name of jesus he says in matthew 28 verse 18 and jesus came and spake unto them the disciples saying all power the word power there is exousia and i'm going to explain it to you it's very important to realize that when we talk about the name of jesus we're talking about authority authority there is no authority apart from his name jesus said all power all authority is given unto me in heaven and in earth that's what jesus said god the father has given me all authority there is nothing that can stand against me authority is given that word power where jesus said all power is given unto me and listen carefully is the word exousia you've got to understand this word exousia we know in the bible in acts 1 and verse 8 is the word dunamis you shall receive power that's dunamis that's the power of the holy spirit this word is a different greek word it is the word exousia power is given unto him in heaven and earth igsuzi is used in our new testament 103 times the greek word exousia is translated as power 69 times as authority 29 times what does xuzia mean what does this greek word exousia mean it means authority all authority has been given to jesus in heaven and on earth there is nothing outside of that authority nothing greater than that authority jesus has supreme authority no power of hell can compete with them no power of hell can touch him no power of hell can stand against that name there is supreme power or exclusion or authority given unto jesus what does exousium mean it means authority it means the legal right when it talks about this power in jesus name it means there's the legal right or the lawful right when jesus is given all authority he has a lawful authority lots of people in our world claim to have authority but very often it's illegal it's against the law of the land or in the church it's against the teaching of scripture they claim to have authority but yet they contradict so much in the bible it shows me they have no true authority it's illegitimate but the word exousia means a legitimate authority a lawful authority a authority that has been given by permission it means you're given a jurisdiction of responsibility or the right to exercise certain powers and privileges it means you have the right to command to govern to rule to take charge or to carry responsibility never separate responsibility from authority if i've been given a task as a mother to raise children then i do have authority if you're a man to lead your home and family there's a responsibility but there is also authority you have been given a legitimate god-given right i as a preacher in this church i've been given exousia i've been given certain privileges and responsibilities there is there is an authority in that that's given from god to rule the church to take charge in the church or to preach with all authority you see the power this word exousia means the power our authority to occupy a position and to take up that position by the right of god saint i'm telling you that jesus christ by his own name has been given ultimate exousia in other words christ has a legitimate authority given by god the father he has supreme authority to reign to rule to take charge to take command and when you know that you have such an exousia such an authority you know what the devil isn't going to play games with you jesus christ proclaimed he knew that he had all authority in heaven the devil never played games with him again it says in acts chapter 4 and 12 neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved ultimate authority has been given to the name of jesus there is no other higher name there is no other name by which we can be saved the name mary does not even get a looking the name muhammad doesn't even get a mention you know the gospel of christ the person of christ the real jesus is utterly exclusive there's no other room for any other name there's no other room for any other religion the ecumenical movement is out the churches together movement is out where you just join everything together other religions do not get a looking there is salvation in no other name do you realize how offensive the name of jesus is gonna be to this generation do you realize why this age is starting to turn against the real gospel they're not sitting at ease with it anymore you know why the name jesus is exclusive you can't get saved by any other name there's no power to be saved from your sin outside of the lord jesus christ jesus excludes all other religion only by him only in him is there salvation why is salvation in his name alone why is it that a sinner has to call on the lord jesus to be saved it's because his name has been given supreme authority anyone else who tries to say you need to pray in this name or to this person or you need to include some other name or you mustn't mention the name of jesus you know all of that is illegitimate we don't even recognize it it's not even worth to argue about jesus alone has all power he alone has all authority he alone is legitimate authority in ephesians 1 20 it says that god the father has set jesus at his own right hand in heavenly places far above all principality power might dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but in not which is to come and have put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head of all things to the church which is the body since you need to learn the authority of jesus name you need to realize he has absolute authority no name can challenge him no power of hell no devil no demon no bondage no addiction no demonic spiritual influence can hold sway in his presence when jesus moves when his name is exalted there is a break-in of the power of the devil do you realize every single name every name of a demon or an angel has to be subject to the name of jesus every name that is named amongst men must be submitted there is no higher authority and this same jesus is given to be ahead of the local church the body there is authority in his name there is no higher name he has supreme authority and you know what all authority has to submit to him all other authority that is not in right relationship with him whether it's a government in the home or in the church it is illegitimate unless it is in right relationship with him the authority in his name in philippians chapter 2 and verse 9. it says wherefore god also hath highly exalted him that is jesus and given him a name which is above every other name that at the name of jesus every knee should buy of things notice the three areas things in heaven things on earth and things under the earth three realms where his name is given as utterly supreme and every tongue should confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father before i even talk about the authority that you and i have and the church has in jesus name we've got to see supreme absolute authority rests in jesus christ there is no competition he is not competing with any name or any power or any authority or any dominion every power of hell acknowledges his authority when he walked in the earth as soon as he walked into the synagogue demon screamed out and says why have you come to tremendous thy son of the most high god jesus told them be silent because they are revealing who he was wherever he went the devil acknowledged who he was the religious system wanted to crucify him the political power won the crucified but the demons of hell pleaded with them don't cast us into hell before our time do you know the kingdom of satan acknowledges his power the kingdom of satan and the devil acknowledges they reverence the authority of jesus name this world of ours might not laugh at his name but not the devil not demon powers not principalities they tremble at that name they revere that name they acknowledge that name and you know what a church or a christian who knows the authority of jesus name that demonic world recognizes him you see the devil knows those who understand authority who operate in authority that's why in your home if you don't have authority function you're very foolish the devil will play games with that a church that doesn't have right authority in order the the devil is going to play with that christians who don't honor the king the government even when they're wrong and give them due respect i assure you the devil knows all about that the devil knows all about authority structure submission and he can recognize men who submit themselves to authority who acknowledge authority and who know how to use authority second of all the delegated authority of the believer christ has supreme exousia he has supreme power he has the supreme legal right to rule over all powers and dominions when you begin to realize who jesus says i don't care if you're a very new christian i don't care if you're a child i i as a child love jesus i never feared the devil you know when i was young like old children like many adults i didn't like the dark my mother used to ask me at night will you go out and get the coal for the fire well we didn't have lights we were in the countryside no lights outside and i would go out the door the wind would be blowing it's dark i had to go up the side of the house round the back into the dark coal house get the coal and come back well i was only a young boy and like all young boys i'm scared of the dark my heart would begin debate i would begin to imagine that someone is hiding there about to jump out but you know what i was born again saved as a child i love jesus and i knew he had all authority you know what i'd done as a child no one taught told me to do this my mother didn't i would tell myself speak to myself said keith stop being stupid if jesus is for you who can be against you you know what i would do i would walk half the speed because i said there's nothing there the angels of heaven guard me on the left and the right jesus is with me and he dwells in this heart i've got nothing to fear all authority is given unto jesus you know this little boy gained a victory over the fear of darkness over the thoughts of his mind he faced his fears and trauma you know why it wasn't because i thought i had great authority it was because i knew the authority that was in jesus all power is given to him the devil cannot contend with him my second point the delegated authority of the believer it says here again in march 16 17 and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they shall cast out devils notice here that jesus gives to those that believe not to preachers not to apostles but those that believe he said these signs shall follow them that believe it's time we began to believe things we've got a lost world to reach a city to evangelize there there is powers of darkness playing games with your families while we sit back powerless i want to tell you jesus has given his authority his exusia to you do you know what he says the devil is behind all that drugs or all of that blindness all of that deception the devil does work in the midst of darkness but jesus says in my name shall i cast out devils in other words jesus gives his authority to believers those who believe are going to have authority over the devil they can cast the devil out if an individual is demon possessed a real believer a real christian can cast out that demon if they're demon possessed and they can't hear can't speak or their bodies in torment do you realize you have authority in susie if you don't believe that you most certainly won't operate in it you won't have the courage you won't have the ability like that young boy if you don't believe this you're gonna run to the coal house and you're gonna run back very fast before anything jumps out of the darkness but when you know there's an authority it affects your actions you know when you believe this that in his name you will cast out demons he didn't say i'll do it you will do it in my name through my name by the power of my name it's not by your power it's not your authority it's not by your own name it's by my name cast out demons in my name my name has authority my name is illegal power my name has supreme authority above every other name that's why when we come against the devil we come in the name of jesus there's no fear when you know who it is that you're standing in there is no despondency when you realize it's a warfare and you come in the name of the lord jesus christ they shall take up serpents it says in luke chapter 10 and 17 concerning that when jesus sent out the 70 to preach to go and from village to village to preach the gospel and it says the 70 returned again with joy saying lord and they're amazed here even the devils are subject unto us through thy name this was their first experience there was a time when these 70 disciples experienced for the very first time in their life they'd seen the master do it they'd heard about it but for the first time they themselves experienced he sent them out he stayed there but he sent them and when they come back they come back with the testimony we find out we experience as we stood in the authority of thy name you sent us we went we preached we cast our demons you told us to you commanded us and they're in awe they have great joy they've never seen this before they came back with testimonies of experiences involving people getting set and free from the devil that they'd never experienced before even devils are subject to us through thy name we weren't scared of the devils we didn't run from the devils we didn't hide from the devils we didn't get discouraged because the devil wouldn't move you know what they returned with joy rejoicing sin even devils are subject unto us how through thy name they used the name of jesus and they found that the devil respected that name the devil had to go because of the authority in jesus name never you pray in your own authority never you come against the devil in your own authority you need to fight the devil in your family with the name of jesus you say i come in the authority of jesus i come and not name high above all else i am tired of the devil destroying my family my children my parents my loved ones losing my workplace when are you going to get stirred church of god to say i've had enough of the devil it's time for believers to stand in the authority and for the first time to experience there's power there's power even the devils will be subject to you through jesus name and he said unto me gave them a warning i beheld satan fallen as lightning from heaven he was saying be careful of pride it's wonderful that you've discovered the power in this name but never forget that humility must always stand with power and authority never separate exousia from a humble heart a careful heart you know there's many that teach what i'm telling you spiritual warfare and they go off and did many strange things they've forgotten the danger of pride in the heart they discover spiritual reality they discover spiritual ministry and all of a sudden they get exalted in their own thoughts they think too much of themselves they forget that they are nothing they're a hell-deserving sinner there's no good thing in their flesh that apart from the grace of god what hope would there be but you know what these disciples jesus warned them and he said behold i give unto you power you need to remember where the power is any authority you have any power you have anything of the working of god you know what i give you the power the word power there again is exclusive it means authority i give unto you power excuse you to tread on serpents he's not on about physical literal serpents he's talking about spiritual powers of darkness do you know there's powers of darkness in our city that are playing games with our family they are serpents and they are scorpions i give you exusia to tread on serpents and scorpions when are you going to start doing this church when are you going to stop running from the devil when are you going to start sin i've got authority through jesus christ he has given me exousia to trample over the enemy and listen over all the power of the enemy we have been given an exousia by jesus christ in his name over all the exousia of the devil are you awed by the power of the devil are you standing there noting how he can come in on your life or on this church or in this city or in your family members and the devil has authority to play games what about you a certain authority has he not given you authority over all the authority of the devil do you believe that you might say yes preacher you have that no i'm telling you here i don't care if your saved days i don't care if you're a child god has given authority over the enemy do not be afraid of the devil and talk about spiritual warfare we are in a real warfare it is a real battle thoughts are very real temptations are real we're commanded don't give any foothold don't give any place in your life to the devil don't don't let them come in in that life of yours but listen to me there is authority in jesus name in that name of jesus there is authority jesus goes on to say notwithstanding in this rejoice not that spirits are subject unto you but rather rejoice because your name is written in heaven that's what you ought to be glad about that's always the best way to stay humble is to remember that you're a sinner saved by grace our generation talks a lot about a good self-esteem feeling good about yourself i've never believed that do you know what there's nothing good about you you were a hell deserving sinner i want to tell you i i don't feel good about my self-esteem i feel good that jesus christ died for the sinner i didn't deserve it there was nothing good in me but on a tree on golgotha's held 2000 years ago jesus died for me why would he love such as me i don't know but he loved me he drew me he saved me he changed me you want a good self-worth and high esteem find yourself stand saying there's nothing good in me i was a hell disturbance sinner but on that tree god sent his only begotten son to share his blood that i could be forgiven since that's what you ought to rejoice in it is that truth that your name is written in the lamb's book of life there is a thing called delegated authority that a believer has in other words christ's authority is given to the christian the authority of his name over all the powers of darkness has been given to individual christians and members of the body of christ in fact you'd be shocked if you begin reading the new testament looking for all the verses that talk about what we have through the name of jesus you'll suddenly find that you can't operate as a christian or a church you can't do anything apart from that name listen to a few of these things authority to pray you don't even have the right to pray apart from the name of jesus you can't approach unto god you won't get any answers to prayer apart from the authority the exousia that's in the name jesus is not just something we tag on the end of a prayer it's in that authority that i pray when i pray my eyes are on jesus you know why some of yous are defeated is because your eyes are on yourself on your past on your future on your prayers on your faith when you come to pray that's where you're looking no wonder you're defeated you know where our eyes ought to be our eyes ought to be on the lord jesus christ at the right hand of the father that is where the authority to prayer to pray comes from i don't just say in jesus name as a tag on i'm reminding myself it's by that name listen in john 14 and 13 jesus speaking whoso whatsoever he shall ask in my name that will i do that the father may be glorified in the son if he shall ask anything in my name i will do it or again in verse 26 but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name do you see that the holy spirit was sent under the church in the name of jesus we don't even have the holy spirit in the church apart from the exousia the authority of jesus name john 15 16 whose whatsoever ye shall ask of the father in my name that he may give it to you it's in the name of jesus john 16 23 and in that day you shall ask me nothing that means jesus directly verily verily i say unto you whatsoever ye ask the father in my name he will give it to you hitherto have you asked nothing in my name asked and ye shall receive that your joy may be full and again in john 16 26 at that day you shall ask in my name and i shall say unto you that i will pray the father for you all prayer is in the name of jesus in his authority saints when you come to pray you need to realize there is an authority i have authority in prayer i'm not whimpering wrong i'm not begging i'm coming here saying father it's in the name of jesus jesus told me to come he commanded me to come he said it was in his authority in his name to see his will done i'm not asking myself i want answered prayers that his name is glorified saints it's all about the beautiful name of jesus christ i pray seeking for his name to be glorified there's authority to gather as the church in matthew 18 20 for where two or three are gathered together notice in my name there am i in the midst when we gather in the exusia the power the authority the character the nature of jesus christ it's as we gather in that name jesus said i will be there you know what it's a legitimate pattern it is a legal gathering it's an a gathering of two or three with real authority and you know what jesus himself acknowledges it you may say but there's only two or three of us but are you gathered in his name is it according to his will is it recognizing we're submitted to his authority we believe in the power of his name then christ is there christ is there we are told that we should even give a glass of water in the name of jesus christ and to receive children in jesus name by his name we also baptize people in water by the name of jesus are in the authority of that name saints do you know when we use the name of jesus this is another thing that use in the name of jesus means we're representing him we're representing him when i get into those baptism waters and i'm baptizing someone else i'm not there in my own name i'm doing this for jesus i'm standing there i have a delegated authority i'm standing here baptizing someone in authority sam i'm not standing i can't baptize people out of my own authority i don't have any but i stand here in the authority of jesus he said go preach then baptize in my name that's why when i get down to the the waters of baptism it doesn't mean that i'm near sin in jesus name be baptized it means you're gonna do it in the authority of jesus name lay hands on the sick in jesus name i don't even need to say the name jesus but it's in his authority i'm representing jesus christ he's at the right hand of the father we're his body in your workplace you represent them in your family you represent them on your street you represent them since you need to begin to get gripped by this i represent the lord jesus christ in the name of jesus i have delegated authority over all the power of satan and hell there's authority to preach in matthew 28 verse 18 and jesus came and speak unto them saying all power all powers given unto me in heaven and on earth go ye therefore and teach all nations what did he say all powers given unto me therefore go preach to all nations go teach them go disciple them do you realize the great commission has exusia behind it the exousia or authority of christ i'm telling all of you in this church you have authority to go preach this gospel in your workplace in your families someone says who who are you who do you think you are you say i'm a newberry i'm a nobody i don't need to impress you but i met this jesus he saved me he changed me he told me to come and tell you that you could be forgiven that you could be made whole that there's power for him to set your life free to restore your mind to make you whole some people don't preach healing because they don't think they've got power to heal some don't preach that a man with a lost mind can be set free you know why their eyes are on them we need to begin to understand we've got to preach i can't save anyone but i'll preach you if you believe in christ i don't care if you're a heroin addict you're gonna walk free today you're gonna walk free i have authority to preach that i believe it i believe that if you believe in christ you'll be free from those drugs god can restore your mind he'll wash you from your sin you'll never go back to that bed of fornication you're gonna run from it you say we need to preach the gospel with authority go into the dark places go to the most impossible cases and preach repent for the kingdom of god is at hand you realize that satan is the god of this world has blinded the minds of them that believe not your family your work friends you need to start going into those places and say i've got authority i have been sent here by jesus christ to this family if you're the only one saved in your family that is in the will of god some of yous are praying for family no one else will pray for that family you're the only one in that family circle you've been given authority to pray to preach to evangelize and to stand there to it was delegated authority do you know that you have authority do you know you've been given authority and if you begin to recognize it the devil will know that you actually stand in that authority it's so real but authority to cast out demons as well here in mark 16 17 in my name shall i cast our devils this is an incident where a demon is inhabiting an individual and destroying their life do you know you've got power and authority don't be scared don't look for someone else you have authority in that place and not environment of the world since we ought to be invading the dark places praying in jesus name for the breaking of the power of satan in matthew 10 verse 1 and he called unto him the twelve disciples and he gave them power excuse me against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manners of sickness mark chapter 3 verse 15 and 2 and to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out devils do you remember paul in acts chapter 16 and 18 of that lady when they went to philippi that small town that small community and paul and his team went there to evangelize to preach on the streets and as they did there was a lady began to follow them around the streets and should cry out these are the servants of the most high god do you realize the devil recognizes who we are do you realize the devil and limerick knows who limerick city church is the other churches may not the other churches may scorn this preacher i want to tell you the devil in limerick knows exactly who keith malcomson is this name is known in hell you know why because i know the authority in jesus name it's not because of me i've got nothing to boost in i've got no claim but i do know there's delegated authority and the devil knows that well this little lady followed paul around until finally be engraved in heart he turned and said to the spirit i command thee in the name of jesus to come out of her and he that is the demon came out the same hour and when her master saw that the hope of their game was gone they caught paul and silas and drew them into the marketplace and had them thrown into prison you know that lady was a fortune teller that power if it's supernatural is a demon when the spirit was he just turned around it had nothing to do with her she wasn't asking for it she wasn't in a place to receive it but paul cast that spirit out and she lost all of her demonic power don't tell me this isn't real don't tell me there's not demons out there deceiving people in limerick with power telling them things that only a a demon power could know you know the church instead of running around tr uh being defeated it needs to begin to realize it has authority in jesus name we are soldiers in an army listen to me we are soldiers in an army each one of you get up begin to act like soldiers you're not a casualty you're not a fatality in a hospital we are soldiers on the battlefield some christians many churches you walk into them everyone's lying there complaining grumbling moaning fearful defeated moon and i can't get victory nothing ever good happens they're in a hospital bed we are called to be soldiers in the field we are to outwardly resist the devil not to be concentrating on what he's doing inside us the battle is to be fought from a place of standing in victory not us trying to gain a place of victory the great commission in the great commission we are commander cast out demons not to be focused on self-deliverance on all of this foolishness a lot of christians they're more concerned about the devil jumping on them than going and invading the places of darkness jesus commissioned us this is a basic commission for all believers go and cast out demons in my name they shouldn't be invading your home a lot of christians i'm sad to say the devil has invaded their home destroying their children breaking up their marriage tormenting their minds when are you going to get sick of that you don't know your authority you don't know the authority in jesus christ you haven't understood what is really going on it's time you realize there is a power look at mary magdalene what a testimony she had in the church of jesus christ she had a testimony that say mary will you testify i sure will i had seven devils cast out of me i was never the same again that's when i got born again i got saved not throughout my christian walk never had to have it happen again i got delivered from seven demons and i fell in love with jesus christ what a testimony many years ago i was a soldier in germany in an army camp fifteen hundred soldiers i was a young man twenty years old i've been there two years fasting praying disarmed evangelize no one got saved no one got healed no one got delivered but i loved jesus with all my heart i lived right walked right i prayed i sought the lord put him first read the scriptures had a good witness and testimony but for two years i'm wrestling in prayer why no souls if i'm not affecting him they must be affecting me i went through a terrible battle because nothing was happening not in my room not my workplace not in my friends nothing was changing it seemed like i was having no influence i was deeply burdened and i was praying asking the lord will you show me what is happening will you you show me what to do here 20 years old i go into the cellar of the big block the big building where 150 guys live 1500 on the camp worked and i go in there and pray shut the door and seek the lord well i went to a meeting this night and jackie pollinger and that lady missionary who ministered in carloon city in hong kong to the drug addict she was there i was so burdened so discouraged i went up and spoke to her at the end and she said keith listen to me keep doing what you're doing stan the way you're standing and she says a breakthrough is about to come very shortly very soon it's going to come and she told me she says keith you need to stand in the authority of jesus name that hit my heart so strong for a period of time i've been going through my bible marking everywhere in the gospels where the name of jesus was mentioned i still got that bible downstairs all through the new testament i've marked the name of jesus i was studying this well i got back onto that army camp and every morning she actually said you stand first thing in the morning and take authority and stand and not authority god has put you in that camp of 1500 men on their way to hell you represent christ you're there in jesus name you do have power and authority there there are souls to be rich well i went back there and i every morning i went down to that cellar and after reading and praying i'd stand and i'd say i insult the name of jesus i take authority on this camp christ has given me all power and authority within two weeks a breakthrough come i'm not into strategies or anything like that and i'm not telling you this is a strategy i'm just telling you what happened two weeks later all hell got stirred up in that army camp i'm in all hell every single week from two weeks after that all across that camp there were demonic manifestations broke out all over that camp i never saw one apparition i never felt anything i didn't get scared you know what i knew this table this power is saying i'm 20 years old saints do you hear what i'm telling you go into that workplace it's time for you to make a stand in your family we want souls a harvest of souls out of the city we are fighting a real devil we're not fighting against flesh and blood it's not flesh and blood that's destroying your family members your loved ones you're wrestling with powers and principalities and you've got to stand the devil knows if you believe this or not he knows if you believe in the authority that christ has given you well all across my camp there were guys sitting in the room on a saturday afternoon all of a sudden all the books started flying off their shelves there were others i won't go into all the details here i don't want to scare anyone all across that camp there were demonic manifestations suddenly broke out i never saw a thing one guy walked in the room next door to me and the curtains are hovering in that room there's no breeze no draft no window open and he ran out and ran into my room there was another man who used to hate me he he would slam the door if i mentioned the name jesus he hated me hated the gospel but all of a sudden he come knocking on my door he says i need to speak to you do you believe in exorcism he'd had an apparition in his room never believed in any spiritual all across our room uh that that camp that army camp every single week i'd be walking down the street some uh guy from across the camp would walk over to me said are you malcomson yes i'm malcomson i got told that i could come speak to you about this it led to open doors evangelism people getting saved of wonderful testimonies of what god can do i could keep you here for an hour telling you about testimonies of life's healed people delivered people receiving the gospel you know what i'm not camp a young man began to realize there's authority in this this name i'm the only church that's on this camp i'm the only christian amongst 1500 i'm the only person to represent jesus christ here i'm a young guy i'm working as a soldier i have a nine to five job i'm surrounded by sin but i can tell you there's authority and not that name my room was the only room that didn't have dirty pictures on the outside of those lockers five years in the army and that's the only soldier's room that i ever saw like that i didn't open my mouth didn't say anything but those young men in the room with me they they put it on the inside of their lockers but wouldn't put a naked woman on the outside out you know why there is an authority there's a power there's an influence we are salt tonight since i'm talking about spiritual warfare it has to invade the workplace and the family and the high street and your house and area are are we gonna go to war or be mere victims you're all caught up in the devil playing games in your family you're feeling defeated you're letting them run over you how long are you gonna let that happen how long are you gonna allow the devil to play games with you he knows you've got authority and you don't know it you're not making a stand and he'll push this as far as he can but when are you going to start making a stand our message here is authority in the lord jesus christ when i was in scotland a young preacher started looking after a church six years would run those meetings in six years every time we evangelized on the streets when i was there nothing ever went wrong every time without fail i wasn't there some incident would happen someone would come and punch someone or some other situation in that local church if i wasn't there the devil rose up and things happen do you know why i believe that didn't happen the devil knew to respect me the devil knew that i knew about authority and submission i was a submitted man i obeyed the word of god i believed in jesus christ i was submitted to him i was submitted to the authority of scriptures i wasn't a compromised soldier and no in those paragraphs i didn't drink their beer didn't run after their girls didn't curse like them didn't listen to their dirty stories i would stand as a witness for jesus christ and the devil honored that same with that local church when i would be away you'd get some stranger walking and begin to try and prophesy they never done it when i was there the same folk when i was there was very quiet i was a young guy in my early twenties you know what it is it's an issue of authority authority exousia delegated authority in the name of the lord jesus christ i'm exhorting you we're a church at war since the war is raging all around it's not hard to find it but are you gonna stand as a good soldier of jesus christ in the supreme authority i'm nothing i'm a sinner saved by grace washed from all of my sin i don't have great knowledge i don't have great power i don't have great wealth i have nothing to boast and of my own self but i do know there's virtue and authority in the name of jesus christ will you not make your stand here this morning as a church of the lord jesus christ let's pray together here as we close this morning church it's time to take the battle to the field to invade the dark places it's the devil holding your friends your family those around you in darkness powers of darkness it is the god of this world that blinds the minds of them that do not believe last this glorious light of the gospel should shine onto them you need to stand in authority and preach when you share the gospel it's not arguments it's not debates it's not intellectually fighting with that person you preach you need to be born again god loves you jesus died for you you need to do this with authority it's not the power of the words you know what it's the authority of jesus where you say if you believe in him you'll be free right now you'll be free saints take authority pray in the authority of that name preach in the authority of that name stand against the devil in the authority of that name pray with me father i pray for my friends that you raise up saints and homes in the dark places on the high street in neighborhoods and house and estates lord god in families where the devil is running over individuals lord god i pray raise up mothers who are going to stand with the authority of jesus name that are going to resist the devil and say enough is enough you're not having my children you're not have my grandchildren you're not having my parents you're not playing games in this house of mine nor god will you stir up parents men and women to stand until and to submit themselves to the authority the susie of christ that christ might reign in their house lord god i pray for this church lord god that that there will be a breakthrough a mighty breakthrough in this city of evangelism of reaching souls of seeing the power of hell broken drug addicts set free the immoral made clean lord god all through the power of jesus name we are not in this city by our own power we don't represent ourselves we're not here to present our own sermons my god we're here in your name you've commissioned us you sent us to this city you put us here to preach and to teach the word of god and lord god this morning i stand in the divine exousia of the lord jesus christ i preach with that authority and all hell must submit to that authority lord god we love you because you raised us up out of the dunghill to be seated with princes on high we love you lord jesus because you loved us when we're sinners we are utterly in awe that you love such as us and save us out of darkness will you raise up a mary magdalene in this city of limerick delivered of seven demons who's going to testify to the reality and the power of these things in jesus name amen
Views: 1,892
Rating: 4.848485 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Malcomson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 32sec (4112 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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