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[Music] here we'll take a look at this one nice oh yeah um so i've got another chance to win it totally stuffed it up yesterday i'll tell you what okay so let's let's go for this thing here um i mean it looks a little bit like a cross it's sort of sideways it should be sort of the other way around but it's on stacked on these coins you can see it on that end there um so the whole thing is on on top of these little little what do you call those little pillars let's call them pillars anyway i've tried to count how much is in there i got no idea i got to about 600 and lost count so uh coins on the bottom look very light coins on the top look great 50 coins some people have been asking me why don't i start with 100 coins well that's quite simple really do the math um if i start with twice the amount of coins that's going to cost me 500 bucks but if i sell back 100 coins it's only worth 300 i lose 200 bucks so it's it's i mean if i started with 100 coins i'll tell you what i'd hardly ever lose [Music] but yeah i mean i'd be losing a lot of money each time i did it so all right so nothing shifting as i predicted or as i thought i didn't say it okay get a little bit of movement on the right hand side but it is small [Music] oh that's not too bad [Music] [Music] oh nice [Music] come on push it off push it off oh no oh thank you oh wow thank you i don't reckon this thing's gonna be too hard to push over oh yes now i've got two coins left yeah i know not much has fallen and that's really where i didn't want it to land oh wow look at that okay let's tell it up see what i got [Music] well it makes me a little bit nervous especially after yesterday's game um so there's about 20 ish so uh yesterday's game i think as a gambler as like i mean i gamble everywhere if you didn't know oh nice i think sometimes it's good to lose i think it puts puts things into perspective for you so i meant and i reckon that's what it did [Music] all right don't be double stacking dice you haven't not got the coins for that [Music] oh i got one more coin and i want to wait for it to go into the middle ish i'll take it you little ripper well that little stack got a little bit bigger didn't it 25 coins so i had another comment there um do i ever lose yes i do i try not to i do my best not to but yes i do lose [Music] as yesterday's game clearly stated [Music] i'm thinking right now the middle is probably my best option and i'm not sure why i'm thinking that oh come on i was supposed to put two coins in then i do apologize [Music] oh oh wow see that push i pushed all of these coins [Music] okay that was my last two coins nice all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] [Applause] 45 to 50 coins yeah i [Music] [Applause] all reckon let's speed the game up just a tiny bit i'd like to speed the game up um going for how many coins i'm holding [Music] [Music] ah okay that's my last two [Music] come on come on give me something all right let's tally it up see what i got we got the 50 coins yep very nice there's probably more coins in here than that it's probably closer to 60 i reckon [Music] [Music] you can all see what i did there i'm going to do it again probably won't work because there's not too many many coins on the top [Music] oh i missed it gee that was loud all right ready here we go that's my last three oh my god i'll take it all right let's heal it up see what i got okay there's my suck up flowers and there's backup sucker flowers with 60 coins and i say back up suck up flowers because i'm not drinking today i am back on my diet all right [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] well this is going to be louder if it goes over one hit [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna go for hail mary [Music] well that didn't work did it a little bit it sort of worked all right let's tell it up so what i got there's got to be 80 coins there plus 30 bucks hey nice i'm not getting too excited though because that game yesterday sort of gave me a bunch of coins and i thought i was all safe from [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh i'm getting closer and what i'm talking about is this clump right here [Music] so [Music] oops yeah i don't think my timing's good enough to be doing that right now [Music] [Music] oh there's all my coins that was nice but yep the clump remains 130 bucks nice 110 coins nicer all right i want to see if i can get that clump out of here and what i'm talking about the clump i'm not talking about the stuff on top um that will fall in its own right i'm talking about all the coins underneath it there's a stack of coins underneath it although right now i'm probably sitting on about 110 coins i'm still always looking for more coins [Music] oh that's so close [Music] [Music] so [Music] this [Music] [Music] so okay i've got a bit of a problem happening [Music] okay not only is that you can see it building on both sides of it now um so i need to remove this because this is actually creating a bit of a bit of an issue for me so in order for me to do that i'm going to do a quick coin dump it's not that many coins it's probably maybe 50 coins here and if it works it should remove that [Music] [Music] [Music] hello my coins oh i'm so close come on [Music] no way all right this time [Music] um totally forgot how much 150 bucks i think [Music] 100 coins let's have a look so for everybody out there i can hold 100 coins without dropping them but it's very close um i reckon i can probably fit another 10 more coins on there to be sitting pretty so maybe 90 coins all right come on [Music] all right what i don't want to happen is i don't want to start building it all back up again i have it on the move but the only way to keep it on the move is another little coin done so i'm going to do that just until i shift it and i'll slow back down again [Music] [Music] wow [Music] come on i missed it again wow okay i totally missed that i'll slow down again so basically now i'm just going to do a bit of coin removal off the top i'll get a slight build up on the left-hand side there's definitely a build up on the right-hand side [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] there's my last coin [Music] all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] 280 bucks nice i'll take it i will definitely take it [Applause] oh yeah um just quickly uh laurent um i'm not 100 sure if i'm allowed to say any of this but i'll say it anyway uh but i'll be careful on what i say lauren asked me um well i don't know how the conversation started actually it was all it all started via email and um sorry i'm getting sidetracked uh and he asked me a question about the silver coins oh i can't actually remember even how it started so um but anyway um it looks like laurent bought himself six australian um are they all silver is one supposed to be gold it's very hard to tell in the photo um i mean it looks goldish but i'm not sure anyway let's call it five silver coins uh was one of these in there no one of these weren't in there so it was it was the one with the australia was on one of those were in there and he asked me he doesn't think they're real look apart from having a silver tester there um there is another way you can do it to give you an idea take the coin out okay so it's just a coin get a magnet put it on a 45 angle so a 45 angle like that all right so obviously half of 90 45 okay put on a 45 angle and put the magnet on top uh on the coin itself try to get the flattest part of the coin i've done this on the bar uh just to muck around with it and the magnet if it if this is legit if if this is real the magnet will go down slowly okay um so probably about that fast all right it'll just go down like that um if it's fake let me grab a coin let's call this the magnet huh so that's on a 45 angle like this if that is the magnet basically if this is fake it will go like that all right straight off okay um i gotta find i can see it so yeah so that gives you a bit of an indication if it's real or not real so um but yeah anything like this uh if you want to buy them buy them from a mint i would never ever buy a silver coin online never there are so many fakes out there and i couldn't tell the difference um i was actually uh oh sorry so there's probably like 99 coins here and one's on the floor down there in fact i'm gonna grab that all right i got it there's about 100 coins ish if not take it to a jeweler and get them to test it they should be able to test it for you and give you an indication but if any of you if any of you want coins like that like silver coins and all that sort of stuff as long as the perth mints seldom um let us know the only problem is i know it costs a lot of money to send stuff so but if you really want something then let me know and i'll work out exactly how much it's gonna how much it's gonna cost for me to go down there and buy it or for me to go down there and then to buy it and then to send it it's probably easier just doing it doing that all yourself but if you're not sure yeah yell out always happy to help [Music] but it won't be any of my silvers that i'll be sending [Music] it was funny we had to get together last night everyone came around to the house and uh i was telling my son about how much you know what type of silvers that he's putting in he wanted to have a look at my coins and that so i showed him he goes right he goes this one i said yeah when i'm dead so trust me if i'm not going to give them to my own son i'm not going to give me out to anybody but i will go and buy one i'm going to buy them if you want if that's what you want [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay looks like we're building up along the entire bottom again [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] wow okay that was all my coins okay that's getting a little bit stuck it just moved a little bit then let's hope i can keep it moving 40 bucks yep it all adds up now i've given this the hand check and there's more than 100 coins in there so i'm calling 110. [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so uh it seems like every time i take the foot off the accelerator it starts building up again so there's probably 50 coins there time for another queen dump i'm gonna empty this off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so that was all my coins okay i have to admit i reckon i'm getting a little bit better with dropping so many coins in flat probably 120 coins i definitely think we gained [Music] so i need to play the left [Music] oh come on [Music] there always seems to be a stubborn part on this game like most of the time it's on this side or up the top tray or you know up over here somewhere some reason this part's now giving me the shits [Music] i'm trying not to do coin dumps if i can help it but i just don't want to be uh wasting coins [Music] how close was that [Music] nice now i hope it doesn't take me half an hour to get that off [Music] so [Music] [Applause] okay those last three coins all right it's building again i could be sideways [Music] 60 bucks yep 11. [Music] now that's not too good is it let's do the hand check [Music] oh wow [Music] all right i'm gonna have to go as far as saying there's probably 75 coins as you can see it's building up and it's building up about halfway through you can see that i've done these two this one here is going okay i'm at a little mountain but not much so i've got to get that to move if i don't get that to move i'm going to lose so many coins so this is where the risk is what do you do do you drop coins in fast chances you're going to double stack them and hoping that you're going to get a good push well that's how i play [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] that's my last coin [Music] all right so those last two pushes i got the whole whole bottom tree started shifting and i'm really happy about that because i'm getting too many coins at the top yeah there's probably 90 coins there [Applause] uh maybe 80 coins [Music] so [Music] okay i've got the whole thing moving problem is i've got to keep dropping coins in fast to keep it moving and i just know i'm getting eye rolls from dead [Music] oh thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so i'm trying not to play the uh the left hand side too much i mean there is a stack of coins on the right hand side thank you [Music] [Music] oh come on chase totally meant that and that's the last two coins i'm putting in [Music] i'll take them that's all i had left so um i don't know what is there anyway it's like roughly five ten twelve-ish [Music] nah there's not even 12 coins overhanging so you'd have to be a madman to uh to want to put them in so and i'm not a madman remember all right i'm going to tell you everything up and i'm going to get back to you [Music] okay first things first nice um if anyone's wondering my wife does not get these so these are mine i put my foot down any silver's coming out of here i said it's mine you can keep the gold but i'm keeping the silver keep your little mitts off so um wow beautiful coin so sami is not complaining that's for sure okay so the telly goes i've got 100 in notes i've got 680 bucks in chips i end up 114 coins now i'm not going to call the coins in this one because i'm going to use them in the game next to me but 114 coins is 342. yeah something like that so the 680 and 100 780 minus the 250 that i pay to play 530 bucks and i get a free game next to me so uh not bad not bad at all i'll be back in a flash i'm gonna go catch that one in yep you little guilty new little guilty i nearly bought a bourbon too while i was up there no not allowed to have a bourbon so what i've done 500 bucks right there nice um one [Music] so yeah 30 bucks to the jar and uh yeah nice anyway uh if you like what you see give us a thumbs up and you want to see more subscribe if you haven't don't forget to leave me a comment and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 4,428
Rating: 4.9654427 out of 5
Id: ZHFMco5Qc0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 6sec (2406 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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