August 4, 2021 Wednesday Bible Study [Elder Everton Bailey]

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amen bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord all my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name you know it's a privilege to be here tonight to you know share in a little word that you know is resting on my spirit and it's you know it's a good thing you know i give the lord thanks just to be here to share with us another time you know my prayer is that um you know when we are true tonight that you know somebody will be edified and somebody will be lifted you know because you know we're not doing anything of ourselves we're trying to you know make sure that we are in the will of god amen so welcome one and all welcome one and all and you know we pray a god blessing upon each and every one of us let us just bow our heads before we even read the passage or the passages and then we see where god would lead us lord we come before you this evening we want to give you thanks for your money full blessing we want to thank you for all that you have done for us we want to thank you for all that you will be doing we want to thank you for your love and your mercies father god it's another wednesday evening god and we are about to break bread we ask mighty god that you will feed your people lord jesus god i'm just here as a vessel between you and your people god we ask god that you don't load in my spirit tonight what it is that you want your people to hear god we pray lord jesus christ that the words as they go forth that you will cause them to reach hearts to reach spirits and that god they will not return unto your void have it your way in this bible study as we give your thanks right now in jesus name amen amen as i said welcome one and all again i greet you in the name of jesus christ i would like to i would like us to look at two passages of scripture um this evening and the first one is taken from first timothy chapter four from verses one through to verse three and then the second one will be from second timothy chapter four and it will be from verse one through to verse four amen so first timothy four verses one the spirit speak it expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving he to seducing spirits and doctrine of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meat which god created to be received thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth amen first timothy let us look at second timothy chapter four one two four i charge so this was no in chapter one in in in in first timothy one verse chapter four you know and if you read all through timothy you recognize how how many times paul mentioned the word doctrine within you know both epistles and as he wrote to timothy and you know he spoke with him i spoke to him and he said look here beware you know because the spirits speak expressly and in the lack of time many shall depart from the faith and here now in second timothy chapter four the apostle was no charging timothy him say i charged the thee therefore before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove re-broke exhort with our lung suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not end your sound doctrine you see that it's two times in this short passage that the apostle mentioned the word doctrine you know you said for the time will come when they will not end your sound doctrine but after their own loss shall they heap to themselves teachers have been itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned onto fables amen amen so this evening we just want to take a quick look at doctrine you know we want to you know look at the importance of doctrine as we read through the passage we recognize that the apostle um in first timothy chapter four he mentioned the word doctrine and then no in second timothy again chapter four in this short passage two times he mentioned the word doctrine you know it tells us then that doctrine is important right and we want to spend a little bit of time and we just want to look at doctrine in you know as the bible speaks about doctrine what makes a good doctrine um what makes biblical doctrine biblical doctrine why is doctrine important you know these are things that we need to look at we are to be careful about what we believe and present as truth first the motive 4 verses 16 says take heed unto the doctrine continuing them for in doing this though shall save both thyself and them that hear thee right take it unto thyself and unto the doctrine because in doing so you shall see both yourself and them that hear you so i want us to know that doctrine is important we would not have a church without doctrine and doctrine is important in the book of acts the bible said they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine so you know as as christians we must be aware that you know doctrine is important and we want to just take a look at you know what the bible say about doctrine we want to look a little bit about the apostles doctrine we know that as a church and as a body um we know and we teach and we emphasize our doctrine right we know about um repentance what a baptism in jesus name in finland and the holy ghost we know about here oh israel the lord our god is one lord so we know about our one god and nobody can tell us anything about that you know i am not going to go in depth with all of that because you know we are well afraid of all of that but you know i might just brush a little bit over it just to re-emphasize the the doctrine the the belief that we hold as a church and why we hold that and that is important because what we are seeing nowadays and i don't want to jump by that myself but what we are seeing nowadays is that saints are leaving the truth for that which is a lie so the scripture that we read earlier on first timothy 4 verses 16 it says take heed to the doctrine which doctrine is he talking about is it any doctrine so you know you just want to take a look at that to see you know what the bible tells us about doctrine and we want to look a little bit in some of the other doctrines that the bible talk about because whether you believe it yes or no you knew it yes i know the bible talks about doctrine if you look in the book of revelation chapter 2 and verses 20. the bible talks about the doctrine of jezebel and it's important that we understand the doctrine of jezebel and see how the spirit that goes with that doctrine operates and then we if we are able to understand the doctrine we can be able to identify if such a spirit is in the church as we know it and then there is what we call the doctrine of bialam the bible talks about that jesus when he walks the earth you know when he walked the earth he talked about the doctrine of the pharisees and the sadducees what are these doctrine so as we go through we want to look at you know some of these scriptures and and some of these passages and look at you know what the bible really have to say about doctrine you know we want to look at the apostles doctrine and we want to look at some of the other doctrines that the bible talk about and the other doctrines that the bible talk about what the bible was saying that look here you need to steer away from these yes doctrine is a serious thing you know it is a serious thing and when we look at what the apostles say the apostles said in galilean said though we are an e angel preach any other gospel unto you let him be a curse and he repeated the same saying a second time for emphasis it means therefore as children of god we must understand the importance of doctrine and we must know what we believe in so you know i hope that as we get into this topic of doctrine you know we will be edified as individual we will be um firmly grounded you know because sometimes you know it just takes us listening to one person and just listening to that one person it might rock you a little bit because we are not so certain of the doctrine or we are not certain of what we embrace as individuals so when we look around us within the church arena many things are happening we have false teachers on the rise we have false preachers on the rise and while this is not just happening no we must recognize that no more than ever we have seen an increase in persons who say that they are serving and worshipping god but they are leading forks to a devil's hell i want us to understand that the devil satan himself is is much smarter than we are and gone after this when the church started he persecuted the church and the more we persecute the church is the more the gospel spread what he's doing now and his tactics that he's doing no right he's not persecuting but what is do we know is having people preaching and teaching as if they are preaching the truth and teaching the truth and seeing that if they are working miracles but in in essence they are leading souls to hell so we have seen our rise we have seen an increase in in in in preachers and teachers and and and false prophets apart people everybody know is an apostle everywhere you turn there is an apostle if somebody just gets saved give him two months and he's an apostle give him two months and his profit so and so but i have not so learned christ i remember the bible says that that the apostle paul the apostle paul had an experience with christ he was going to persecute the church and god smote him off his house and on his knees got talked to him says saul saul why do his dog kick against the prick and he said who are though and he said i am jesus who are persecuted and paul had an experience with the lord no after paul received his sight he went to study three years in the desert and then he came and he confirmed what the lord gave him with what the other apostles had so how is it and that is what i'm saying and i i don't learn christ that way how is it that somebody just gets saved don't understand the word and give him two months and he's a person and he's prophet and his teacher this and and and i have not so learned christ the by lying open line and precepts open precept and that is why it is important i will look a little bit at doctrine and find out some of the things that the bible say so that we can be better guided as individuals so we have seen an increase in this time of you know everybody is is is is he's just doing the thing and one of the things the coronavirus is another thing that we must look at one of the things that this pandemic is doing is to destabilize the sins of the most high god pastors have spent years preaching teaching from the bible and all of a sudden we can't have church anymore yes we're trying to do something online but it's not the cm we we look at our church we had a prior meeting on wednesday with bible study monday night or tuesday night you might have some from an auxiliary meeting so you're at church you're gathering together then friday night you have a youth service saturday some of the youths come together and they play football we're talking about gathering and coming together they know you have on a sunday morning we gather into sunday school then sunday morning worship then sunday night worship so as a child of god you would find that you spend a whole lot of time in church the bible says iron shark net iron but no we get less time together let us look at the bible um what it says in hebrews 10 verses 25 so we get less time together we used to come to bible study come to prayer meeting come to auxiliary meeting go to youth service sunday school sunday morning sunday morning worship sunday night worship so even if there is a little bit destruction you kind of have something that forces you to come out to church and when you come to church no this is what the bible says here hebrews 10 verses 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together and this is what the coronavirus is doing you know it is causing us not to be able to gather together as the same manner of some is but exhorting one another you see when we come to church and come together i can't just be passing you anger just give me a word in my spirit you know and with yourself look here sister our brother you know the lord just give me a word for you i'll tell you but yes when you're not gathering together how is it that you are going to exert each other unless we have the telephone number that we can talk to each other but this virus this pandemic it is working against the church and as christians we need to wake up and realize what is happening so it is easy when we come together don't forget the assembling of the bridging and we come together we get our word oh god and we get our word and we give our brother it's easy when we can greet each other and and the bible says greet each other with a holy culture we're going to really greet with kiss but we agree with alec hung up and we agreed with a sheikah no we have to be socially stands in can you imagine when we had and what we were able to greet folks and folks and look here based on how they were greeted they never felt such love and no persons come to church and they just weaved there and i would say god bless you that kind of thing that that makes it what we want because we are social being is just not there and we have to pay attention to what this coronavirus is doing also while we have a drive to have service online because this is what the virus has caused us to do and then what the government implement no we are not able to have services under the tabernacle but we are able to know have services online what is happening now is that you have preachers from everywhere you have teachers from everywhere you have prophets and apostles and you can name them from everywhere that is having services online and if we are not careful we will sit and we will absorb and and listen to some of these speakers and before you know it you are caught believing a lie you are caught turning your back on god you are caught disrespecting the leaders that god establish to watch over your soul because we sit and we listen so the years that your bishop your pastor spend and nurturing do you know that just by sitting for five minutes and listening something can can contaminate everything that you your your ministers try to to to instill in you just by five minutes of listening to somebody that calls himself apostle that calls himself profit and when we look at what is happening our souls are being destroyed there is a burden in my spirit you know for souls i want those who know the name of jesus those who are called by the name of jesus to remain safe you know it is a hard task to keep those who are saved see if persons have got to be determined in this time to remain safe there's a burden like i say because persons are not adhering to stone doctrine anymore but are being led astray and has become worshipers of satan you might be saying brother billy what i mean by being a worshiper of satan i am not worshiping satan worshiping satan don't necessarily mean that you're going take a hurt and swear allegiance to him but what it means is that if you are not walking in the principles and the status of the lord because if it's not god it must be the devil and we wha one of the way to the soul is the things that come within our hearing and when that thing come within our hearing it resides it resides in our souls and when it resides in our soul one of the things that happens it can either bring our soul to a place that is closer to god or it can corrupt our souls and when we sit and we listen to certain folks and i am not telling us who to listen to because god has given us the spirit where we can discern god has given us the word where we can understand that he that confesses that christ has come in the flesh is the true son of god so we know how to decipher so as individuals as our church we can't allow forks and we can't just sit and just listen anything because i rather let me tell you this i'd rather to be in church and to see one of our young people one of our young persons come up and give our word as exaltation i don't have to go listen to any big preacher some of these folks they come and and and and it's about getting the letter right it's about pronunciating the words right it is about and i'm not saying that allah that is not important you know but there is no anointing there is no directive to tell somebody say look here this is how you this is the way to salvation you listen to some folks you never hear them one time yet say look here you need to repent and get baptized in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sin that is what we are called to preach so i am saying that what is happening now in the church arena and i'm spending some time you know i was taking my time what is happening in the church arena we must be aware of it false teachers right around and the bible warned us of that and the bible also warned us that in the last years that many shall depart on the face from the faith and giving heed to the spirits seducing spirits and doctrine of demons don't want to run out of myself just taking my time another thing that we must be aware of what is happening in this time is that there is a call within the christian fraternity at the christian arena for unity and this is not anything new we know about this but there is a call for unity while we welcome unity let us look at psalms 133 verses 1 while we welcome unity in the body of christ and we try to maintain the unity because the bible tells us behold how good and how pleasant it is for bridging to dwell together in unity how good and unpleasant it is for bridging to dwell together in unity so while we welcome yes we welcome unity in the church it is also important to know what we believe in so this car that i'm talking about that near is increasing it is not the call to say look here unity among the bridging but this car that i'm talking about is that roman catholic anglican pentecostals apostolics evangelical charismatic baptist you name the different denominations and this is what they are saying in other words they are saying look here put aside that chain though we are an angel preach any other gospel to you because if you understand the gospel you will know that the gospel is really a part of the overarching that we embrace as christian so what they're saying no is that put away the doctrine the apostle paul said two times in galileation for emphasis what was taught to you in other words you know this is what they are saying what was taught to you by your forefathers what was taught you by your elders and your bishop who loved the lord and uphold holiness and of whole righteousness put away that which was taught and let us come together as god's children put away what was taught to you by the apostles we have more in common than what separates us we all believe in jesus christ so like something that satan would say you know he said we all believe in jesus christ we sing the same songs we read from the same bible we go to the same seminary for training we have more in common than what separates us let us put away the differences and unite our efforts for world peace look here church we are in serious times in 2022 don't have a german note in 2022 they will launch as a matter of fact they are presently building the temples right now and in 2022 they will launch chris lamb so slowly and slowly and surely what they are doing is taking away the pope visited in the middle east and when the pope left they start building this temple so christians jews arabs are going to be going to the one place to worship what is happening no this apostle's doctrine this doctrine that was left to us by our founders they are telling us that we need to come together and and and forget about your doctrine let us just come forget about the things that separate us because the things that separate us are are minutes we have more together and more in common than what is separating us and as a church we have got to be vigilant we have got to be aware of what is happening because and we have got to hold on to what has been taught to us it's important then that we know what we believe and why we believe it as christian as christians we often believe things because they are taught to us and majority of those who come to church will hear the word presented and believe it and and that is understandable because when i got cf i heard the word and i believe but i didn't stop there because i wanted to know and this is very important i wanted to know if what i was involving is the truth so you must know why you believe what you believe so as christians like i said we tend to believe the things that are taught to us and sometimes we don't ask questions it could be from our local pastor a local bishop could be from just a teacher but the things are taught to us and we accept what is taught to us it could be teaching from our denomination and we teach people about the oneness and baptism in jesus name and and we indoctrinate people we hear it thought and accept it as truth and never really take the time to understand the issue and to know why we believe what we believe we hear it thought and accept it as truth and never really take the time to understand the issue and to know why we believe what we believe there are so many varied beliefs and many topics in church it is important for us to be willing to look at these issues for ourselves so that we can have a better understanding of why we believe what we believe the bible in second timothy 2 verses 15. it's important saint of god even after i go through what i'm going through this evening i am telling you don't take my words for it take your time out go to the bible and see what the bible say see if what i am telling you is what the bible says talk to god and get an understanding for yourself you need to be persuaded why you believe what you believe if somebody come to you and ask you the question why is it that you believe what you believe why is it that you go to that church why is it that you're baptizing jesus name why is it that you believe that somebody is not safe if they don't receive the holy ghost what would your answer be are you able to give a reason why you believe what you believe the bible in second timothy 2 verses 15 is a study to show thyself approved unto god it's a word man that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth study a lot of time what befalls us as christians is that we do not study the word of god we do not study the word of god but what we do we take the word of god somebody teaches us and we take what they teach somebody preaches to us and we hold on and i'm not saying that we're muslim you know but how is it that we are going to know if what the person is saying is truth so we need to study the word of god so that we can give an answer saints are not studying the word and i am not saying that you have to go to a bible school i am not saying i'm saying that look here if a scripture is mentioned you don't understand the scripture you don't understand the principle that govern the scripture what is it that you need to do you need to ask somebody you need to do a little research we are in the age of technology and the age of information so everybody have a smartphone chances are you're in wi-fi range already it can't be that we are on whatsapp and we are on social media and we have a scripture that is in our spirit and we don't spend some time to try to understand what the scripture is saying to us so because if we're not studying no the bible tells us also that we will be tossed to and fro with every wind of that train sometimes some people in church and they look like that like a tower in church you know and they seem like a torah but just a little blue of a certain kind of doctrine blew upon us and see what happened they run the blue gun with it and i am saying to us as children of god i am saying to us who are looking to make it into the rapture that if ever a time that we need to stand up it is no it's ever a time that we need to know the word of god know what is being said to us then it is no so because we don't know we believe anything and we are tossed to and fro with every win of doctrine the apostle peter he admonishes the people that he wrote to in first peter 3 verses 15 and 16. but sanctify the lord your god in your hearts and what be ready always to give an answer to every man that accepts you a reason of the hope that is it in you with meekness and fear having a good conscience that we're as they speak evil of you as of evildoers there may be a shame that far falsely accuse your good conversation with christ so so if we look at the passage of paul it's not just saying that by our mouth we must be able to give a a answer to every man but by our lifestyle having a good conscience we are off they speak evil of you as if you do as they might be ashamed that falsely accuse you and that is just by a lifestyle oh god if you believe it you're going to leave it hallelujah if you believe it you're going to live it if you don't believe it you're not going to leave it and that is why so many folks that are in church tell me why is it i like me bishop we should not really have any trouble with me yes you know i mean i really get trouble as i see it but why is it that as preachers and teachers right you have to keep on preaching about certain things and it is not new converter preaching to these things about you know is persons in church that should be seasoned but because we are in church for years and we are not convinced about what we believe in we don't know the reason why we believe what we believe and as people of god we are at the point where we must believe and is able to give a reason why we are in what we are in not just by what we say but by our lifestyles our life that should testify to men the reason why we are doing what we are doing so the apostles said if we are asked it tells us that we are dmi comma time when we are asked why we do what we do why we go to church why we worship the lord if you are asked what you believe what would you say we should be able to give an answer are you convinced that what you believe is the truth are you convinced that what you are in right now are you convinced that that is the truth that is a question that i need you to answer and you need to know this if you are not convinced try and be convinced because if you are not convinced sooner or later you will be blown away with a new doctrine that comes along i have been in church yes a good little while i've seen persons come to church coming to church for years i come church and i see some people and one of the time they were saying that if the name yesterday baptized in jesus name we almost said baptized in the name of jesus christ and i say people leave out at church because they must say we don't baptize and say in the in the name of jesus christ i have been in church for years and i've seen people leave out a church because woman must not preach woman must not teach can you imagine just some farmers almighty some folks in church but they are not completely convinced of what they are involving are you convinced tonight are you convinced tonight of what you are involving the the bible in the book of luke luke wrote to a man called cheerful us tia philos was a friend of luke and tia philos wanted to know he wanted to be convinced of what he was involved in and look wrote to him and tell him all the things that happen with jesus and all the things that jesus did and then in the book of acts because acts was written to tear philosophy and in the book of acts they they look wrote again and telling the other things that happened tell him oh about baptism tell him about infilling the holy ghost tell him about the power of god so what luke did was to to to talk to tear for us to get him at the point where he can be completely convinced that what he was involving is the truth because tear philos was searching and he wanted to know that what he was involving is the truth are you convinced ask it another time are you convinced that what you are in is the truth if you are not convinced i am telling you that another doctrine another win of that time is going to blow and you are going to be moved out of your place hallelujah and when you are moved out of your place it is going to be hard for you to come back into that place i say all of this all of this i say all of that that you have the corona virus to contain with you have the the call for everything in christendom to come together you have the call for persons to be convinced of what they are involving i say all of that to say that doctrine is important anything other than the doctrine of the apostles is a lie and sometimes it might look like but it is not and i say all of that so that we can be careful not to find ourselves in hell that is the main thing careful not to find ourselves in hell because if it is not the apostles doctrine if it's not what the bible teaches if it's not what the bible put forward to us then you're going to find yourself in trouble and a lot of folks no ideas have been itching ears and and because the preacher is telling you that you can do certain things and because he's telling you that you can wear certain things that is the type of preacher you want to hear but when preachers come to talk about holiness and righteousness and living by the principles and the commandment of the lord people don't want to hear that but you want something that line up with your conscience not what the holy ghost are not what god is preaching you about but you want something that will line up with your conscience and your belief not so with god that is why he enrolled himself in flesh come this earth and walk and teach men taught men and have men to understand his requirements and these men afterwards preach and teach and wrote epistles so that we can use it as people of god to guide our way of living god bless the name of jesus first timothy 4 1-3 so these are the passages that we start reading and i'll give you all of that introduction you know so that we can get don't know into you know what the scripture is saying and what the scripture is talking about doctrine and if you go through the book of timothy first and second timothy you will read the amount of time the apostle talked about doctrine to timothy doctrine church is important don't let anybody tell you that your deduction is not important doctrine farms are part of our belief system first timothy four one two three saw the two passage that we read booed me and mentioned of doctrine the apostle taught talked to timothy first timothy four one two three he said no the spirit speaks expressly capital is near so it's not the spirit of man what is the spirit of god the holy spirit speak expressly speak though it might not be in similar words but it is written and you can look at mark chapter 13 verses 22 but the spirit speaks especially that in the of times some shall depart from defeat why because they will give heed to seducing spirits oh god and doctrine of devils so when the opposite said the spirit speaks especially if you look in the book of mark chapter 13 22 christ said it himself for a false christ and false prophets don't in the introduction that is what i was saying to you jesus when he wore the earth said it false christ and false prophet shall rise and shall show signs and a lot of people like to say the signs you know like to say the signs and say look here if sign if if this man is able to heal dear so is where i want to go and wonders to soduce if it were possible even the very jesus said it's you know even the very elect would be deceived so the apostle in the new testament was saying oh that the spirit speaks and what jesus said was what the apostle paul was saying no the spirit speak expressly that in latter times some shall depart from the field i want us to know that some are departing from the feet even no because they are giving heat to sodus and spirits these spirits will solute and and these doctrines from satan himself it might look like it this is it but it is not hit you are not going to know that that is a devil that is preaching you think satan going home and the bible says that him transform himself as the angel of light so you look on the man out there and i'm preaching i'm doing something like miracles what is not miracle because a kingdom no cannot fight against itself so it might look like a miracle what is not a miracle what is our way to captivate individuals because jesus say no a whole lot of people looking for a sign so when somebody say a man's turn about our wheelchair problem can't stand up long time but him just coming at the cam in at the tenth another convocation in our wheelchair nobody don't know him from adams and him coming at the convocation with a wheelchair and the preacher lift him up when it was something that was planned i'm just saying right so you are not going to know that it is a devil that is preaching you are not going to know that it is a devil that is teaching because they are going to come as an angel of light it is only by knowing the word of god that you are going to differentiate if it is from hell or if it is of god only by knowing the word thy word have i eaten my heart that i might not sin against thee we're talking about doctrine so you will not know and you will sit and you will listen you get to love this preacher and then you love this teacher and everything that he says my god i was wrecking the yard the other day and i was listening to somebody playing something a teacher i was teaching an apostle was teaching almighty god and i'm saying that some of the things that he was saying is not biblical but if you don't know the word you are going to have an issue no the spirit speak it expressly that in the latter time some shall depart from the faith giving heathers on using spirits and doctrine of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with an iron speaking lies having a conscience remember no you know when we get the holy ghost our conscience no becomes alive because the conscience now becomes alive to the holy spirit that is how the holy spirit guide us and lead us so when the conscience is seared it is not lively again to the holy spirit second timothy four i charge you i charge you therefore before god and the lord jesus christ whom shall judge the quick and the dead at is appearing and kingdom what he was saying to timothy no you say i charge you know because if you don't do it you know this seemed god that shall judge the quick and the dead will judge you at his appearance if you feel to preach the word so as i preach it be it instant incest no look here the word of god don't ever seized you know but what he was saying including that there is not a season preach it and if there's a caesar priest so he was saying that at all times you're supposed to preach the word are you website all you must do with the word reprove rebuke exhort with our lung suffering and doctrine that is why wait till i say you have to know the word if you know the word you will know sound action you will know someone teaching for the time and this is why i'm tell timothy him say for the time will come when they will not end your sound action but after their own loss they heap to themselves teachers having eaten ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall turn onto fables do you know child of god do you know that the good that you would many times you do not and that which you would not that you do do you know that even on your very mountain top you can find yourself in sin you can find yourself falling so it is important that we know the word i will hold on to song doctrine so real reduction is important if the apostle spends the apostles spend so much time talking about doctrine jesus spoke about doctrine even in the book of revelation it talks about doctrine it means therefore then that doctrine is important so what is doctrine what is doctrine the word that translate doctrine means instructions especially as it applies to lifestyle application in other words doctrine is teaching imparted by an authoritative source no it depends on who you consider the authoritative source in our church the the the bishop the pastor the leaders can be considered as authoritative source so it's really teaching imparted by an authoritative source no when you take time out for yourself and you look at the word no if you are listening a person preaching and teaching for years and then know you take time out most of the time look at what the person is saying line it up with the word and you realize that look here what he's saying no man is sown it comes from the bible then chances are after a time you can take what he says because you know the principle that governs the individual life so it depends on who you consider as authoritative in the bible the word doctrine always refer to spiritually related field of study right the bible says of itself that the word is profitable for what doctrine and that is found in second timothy 3 verses 16. the word is profitable for doctrine for reprove for correction for instruction in righteousness so we are to be careful then about what we believe and present as truth first timothy 4 verses 16. we read it ready but let us read it another time it says take eid first timothy 4 verses 16 it says take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine continue in them for in doing so in doing this though shall see both thy selves thyself and them that hear thee so there can be true and false doctrine yes we would have come to that conclusion based on what was said earlier on but there can be true and false doctrine the word doctrine can be referred to refer to the biblical teachings teachings that come from the bible and are aligned with the teachings of christ they are aligned with the teaching of the apostle this is what i consider to be true doctrine it comes from the bible comes from the word of god it can be backed up by scripture by two or three weeks it can be backed up by that but false doctrine in the case of first timothy 4 verse 1 are the ungodly teachings of satan those who follow the doctrines of demon and so using spirits will fall away from grace that is those who take heed in the doctrine of demons is a serious matter because it involves a departure from the gospel of christ the bible says that we can't serve two master say you're going to hit one and you're going to love the other so if somebody is giving heed no to seducing spirits introduction of demand automatically he is going to leave turn his back stop following the truth like i said the teaching of these demons are so luring are so appealing that before you come to your spiritual sense you're swept away the song says what your eyes what your eyes what they see don't see but watch your ears what your ears what the ear don't hear i don't listen because i said it earlier on if you spend five minutes and listen to certain things it can so much corrupt your spirit it can so much corrupt the spirit that what your bishop and your leader spend years trying to cultivate becomes totally destroyed just for listening something for five minutes like i said these false prophets and teachers and apostles false you cannot look upon them and know but you can know if they are talking the truth if you know the word of god when can a doctrine so when can a doctrine be considered to be truly biblical a doctrine can only be considered truly biblical when it explicitly when it is explicitly taught in the bible so there are different issues a issue could be unbiblical unbiblical meaning opposed it is opposed to the teaching of the bible it can be extra biblical outside are not mentioned in the bible it can be biblically abuse meaning that it connects to the teaching of the bible or it can be biblical so when you have issues issues in life is using how we live it can fall in one of these categories can be unbiblical it can be extra biblical it can be biblical or it can be biblical so what when can adoption be truly biblical an unbiblical doctrine is any teaching that stands opposed to the clear teaching of the bible so going forward from here on no we can understand what are when somebody say something and it is unbiblical can be good for a doctrine it is unbiblical meaning that the teachings can oppose the clear teaching of the bible for example i believe that jesus sinned is unbiblical it stands in direct contrast of what the bible teaches and it teaches so in many places hebrews 4 verses 15. people will ask the question how is it that jesus waterman and and he was without sin and people want to make that introduction but the bible says because if we're going from the bible you know if we're going from our christian world view the bible says we have one who has been tempted in every way just as we were yet he did not sin we have one who has not who has been tempted in every way but yet without sin or so might jesus did not rules from the dead but the bible clearly teaches us that he rose from the dead so it is unbiblical because the bible does not support it and it contradicts everything that the bible teaches in mark 16 verses 16 16 verses 6 but he said to them do not be alarmed you seek jesus of nazareth who was crucified he is risen is not here see the place where they lay him so if somebody said that look here jesus did not rose that is unbiblical it's it's in the bible we can also look at luke 24 6 and 7 is not here but is risen remember how is speak unto you when he was yet in galilee the son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and the third day rise again so we get the unbiblical it is not mentioned in scripture it is opposing to what the bible says and that is what we consider um it's an unbiblical doctrine then there is what we call extra biblical doctrine extra biblical induction would be anything or any teaching that is not directly taught in the bible it can either be good or bad so it's extra biblical doctrine it is something that is not directly taught in the bible it can be either good or bad for example when it comes to voting some denomination teaches that you should not vote because voting is wrong and voting is sin then there is some that teaches that you can vote because it is your democratic right to to to give you know an impact in who runs the country right so some folks will say that look here don't vote voting is wrong and some folks will say look here it is you're right but the bible don't teach us answer look here vote out of what so it is what we call extra biblical you know the bible don't directly teach about the thing right on the other hand so we said that there are some that will teach and some that will not teach they know we have biblical based doctrine and this is other teaching that can be based on biblical principles no i want to make a little point here because sometimes you know we are saying that look here this thing is not in the bible but not because it is not in the bible means that we can do it because if the holy ghost guide our conscience and the holy ghost convict us and say don't do it then we have got to answer too but then there are biblical base principles so these are things that we should live by for example the bible don't say to us say look here don't smoke let us look at first corinthians 6 19-20 the bible alone said to us um don't smoke but as christians we know that smoking is wrong first corinthians 6 so so while the bible tell us don't smoke we can look at the passage and this is what we call a biblically based doctrine so we can look at what the the bible and is able to say look you're based upon the scripture we should not do this what first corinthians 6 verses 19 says it says your what knowing not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you which he have of god and ye are not your own for you are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are gods so in other words what the bible is saying to us that while it don't say don't smoke a split don't smoke a cigarette what the bible is saying is that your body is the temple of god and if your smoke is destroyed you're going to destroy the body if your heat unhealthy is destroyed you're destroying the body what does it pertain to smoking while the bible said don't smoke because you are bought with a price the bible said glorify god in your body if you smoke cannot glorify god in your body and in your spirit which belongs to god so that is what we call biblical beasts so though the scripture the scripture don't speak i say i'll say don't smoke but there are scriptures here and principles in scripture that we can use to say look here smoking is wrong because your body is the temple of the lord and then there is what we call biblical doctrine and biblical doctrines are teachings because the doctrine is really teaching right it is teaching that are explicitly taught in the bible for example if you look at genesis 1 verse 1 when we talk about the creation the bible say it is god that created the heaven and the earth but we have a whole like a force he's saying that look here somebody cannot speak and the world created like that something must happen and some other folks are saying that look here it is out of an explosion that the heaven and earth was formed even if it is out of an explosion that the world was formed it is still god that says and the bible says from our christian world view this is how we view the world this is how we view things if the bible say so i saw it go because we believe in the word of god remember now we read first timothy 3 verse 6 the word of god is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction and if the doctrine say it is god that creates the world it is god that do it so some folks are even troubled in your mind and spirit because i'm saying look here some challenge word i got an innocent sure if if you have a world view and a world view from the bible look here from the bible state i saw it go what about the sinfulness of people because how is it you know and they are saying that how is it that that that that because i want man the bible said that because our one man's sin entered the world romans chapter three you said we age enough sin is that what the gift of god is eternal life if you say all of sin unfair chart of the glory is the bible say it hallelujah so some folks will say look here who you mean by i'll sin because i don't know the sinful what the bible said that look here we're born with our sinful nature so it is biblical this when we talk about biblical doctrine it is biblically based when the bible talks about the virgin birth is that the bible say i believe it this is my worldview so anybody who have something to say that look here virgin can't have baby it is in the bible and look here i just feel like to say it because you know sometimes people question everything and they talk everything but how is it that somebody that was so sinful get the holy ghost you know not know the next language and you're able to talk in tongues as the spirit of god departures the bible said it and if the bible say it and it happened then anything else the bible said we can go with it too just my reasoning so the bible talks about now listen the resurrection oh god how is it that people are saying right and look at first corinthians 15 3-11 when when the bible talks about resurrection how is it that people supposed to say when you're dead you're dead and you're not come back and people say look here burn me spread me ashes all over the sea because you're going to have a ruler and when people do that and i say look here no resurrection and evie resurrection come god kian put paddy stand together you have a rude awakening because if god was able to say let there be under your words what are who are you the son to say look you're farm by who you were before and didn't give you the judgment so what what i'm saying here is that the biblical reduction we if we get abduction i would say it's biblical it must be bible obese so just one more point if the bible says that your qia do nothing ephesians 2 verses 8 and 9. but if the bible says that you can't do anything to see of yourself what is it that you are going to try who is it that people are saying and they are telling you something that is unbiblical that the good works that you do can save you for by grace the bible says ephesians 2 verses 8. if so far by grace are received through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works lest any man should boast so i want us to know that when we talk about biblical doctrine it must come from the bible it must line up with the bible it must line up with the principles and the status of god when we talk about the character of god and we mentioned about doctrine reduction must line up back with the character of god so if you hear no people talking things and it can line up with the bible it can be biblical and we can't be drawn away by people saying things and it's not biblical as children of god we have got to come to the point and come to the understanding where we know that doctrine is real and acting is important and the apostles made emphasis on it and if we are going to make it in to the kingdom of god we have got to hold the sound doctrine oh glory to god we have got to hold on to doctrine the bible says galileation though we are an angel preach any other gospel unto you let him be a curse and he repeated it a second time though we are an angel preach any other gospel unto you let him be occurs so it's important then that we understand that this doctrine the apostrophe the up deduction that we embrace the um deduction that we hold on to it's important that we understand that we don't let it go for anything at all while the new wind of dark in blue and you just want to to to what you have hold on to what god give you look if you have a document that the breeze blew fast but who will learn to repentance hold on to what a baptism in the name of jesus hold on to infilling of the holy ghost who will learn to holiness hold on to one god make everything else blow because this is what we believe in we have much more to say but you know i want to just rest right here for tonight and then next week we can continue but you know doctrine i mean is just so important i'm going to get down in it we're going to brush over a little bit over the the the repentance and you know because there are some things in repentance i believe that you know there are some things in repentance that persons must know you know and we don't we're not going to touch everything in repentance but something like restitution because some people don't understand how important restitution is as it pertains to repentance and i have seen an individual for years don't get the holy ghost and god give me a word remember knowing you see it we said don't forget that i see i'm blowing up the virgin and god gave me a word i'm gonna go to the person and say look here the lord says restitution are not the problem you know and i might tell you that story and it it just worked the person to get the holy ghost i mean i said god so so there are some simple things we're going to touch over and talk over some simple things in baptism because you know some folks are saying that look here if we sprinkle water upon you you're baptized it is not biblical so how is it that we we we we we listening to those things the doctrine reduction of sprinkling it's it's unbiblical the bible says that that that they went to a nun to baptize because there was much water but when one of them something yeah but why not brush over a little bit that thing and just polish me up so that we know that look here with all everything that is blowing with us with those who knows i remember bishop grizzly used to say you know this guitar man so when all the other people were moving up the key it was just on this one string and they said look here oh you're not moving mr look here i find it man but you looking for it i found the thing man this apostle's doctrine so when people been blown away and move away i find the thing i don't have to listen to anybody who have who have a holy perfolate i rather to listen to somebody that you know is is of our congregation even one of the youngsters and and that alone will minister to my soul but look here the doctrine will learn what you have hold on to the apostles doctrine god bless you tonight thank you for tuning in so god willing next week you know we can continue with this doctrine um study on the doctrine and we will continue to look at you know what makes that doctrine and you know the important we don't even touch the important adoption yet right so we're just going to look at some of these things and you know we just wish that god bless you in jesus name just bow your heads while i just close in prayer lord we thank you again for what was said we thank you for your love and your mercies we thank you for your blessings god you are worthy to be praised you are worthy of praise we pray lord jesus god that you will bless your people that you will help us to stand in this time when there are so much preachers and teachers god and persons who are saying that they are of christ and they are not we pray oh god that you will help us as your people to to to no truth to to to be able to be attached to truth and to embrace truth we ask god that you guide us your people lord jesus lord for every person that is tuning in that is not safe we ask god that you touch their hearts that you bring them to repentance and that you will save their souls we ask god that for those who are saved but god they are a bit wavering they are not sure about certain things we pray god that you will reveal yourself to them have it your way tonight as we give your thanks in jesus name amen by way of announcement um remember no last sunday was group three and group four and we had communion now it's time for group one and group two so the service is going to be done similarly we are going to ask the new converts those who are eligible for the right and of a fellowship again that they come out and that you know we introduce them to group one and to group two we're gonna ask the leaders to come out as well you know because you know the the new converts need to know and at the same time we greet you know the new converts on behalf of the entire body they know the restriction and all that but god bless you again and we thank you for tuning in amen and amen you
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 1,203
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Chapel, Gospel, Good, preaching, anointing, Holy, Ghost, Ministry, bible, study
Id: yvFrEUJNrxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 37sec (5437 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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