May 2, 2021 Ignite 2021 Sunday Morning [Minister Romane Sohan]

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oh [Music] his presence near come down [Music] ah just singing one more time do we mean it you are [Music] you are [Music] you alone [Music] does my spirit [Music] [Music] tried and true [Music] hallelujah [Music] lord prepare me lord [Music] [Music] i'll be for you one more time [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh for you he is [Music] [Music] it's the only voice i hear that makes a difference [Music] [Music] hallelujah is [Music] he releases [Music] that makes a [Music] no difference one more time one more [Music] time it's the only force i hear [Music] [Music] one [Music] praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody those who at home praise the lord everybody praise god praise god praise god we're gonna pray we're gonna pray i'm gonna pray for today's service we're gonna pray for a move hallelujah let us all bore heads and let us all pray jesus name o god we thank you for your mercy thank you for your grace and your love your love god we don't deserve we don't deserve you chasing after us we're not worth it but god you still do it jesus to prove your love to us you went and died on the cross mighty god i put today's service before you i pray that your anointing will fall down and flow through the stream i pray jesus for a move today we want to hear we want to hear the good report we want to hear something good that happened because of your move wanna hear jesus that souls be saved because of the move jesus we want to feel you in the realest way today come down and touch us afresh those whose walls lord god seem like they can't move jesus come down and do something about it mighty god move by your spirit and chew your weight around in this place not just in this place but each and every home mighty god we want to feel you we want to feel a touch from your jesus but we can't go on without you is your voice that makes the difference you speak and it relieves our troubled mind so we want to hear a word from you tonight to this afternoon and tonight almighty god we need a word a word that will save us a word that will tear down our walls a world that would encourage us to go on for the rest of this week for we are weak without you we are nothing without your righteousness is like filthy rags mighty god there is nothing good within us nothing we need something from you today we need a holy ghost move we don't want to see the normal today we want to go beyond the ordinary we want to see a move that you have never moved before lord god within the restrictions i know that you can do it and you have done it before and i know you can do it again touch the musicians touch the singers touch their voices let them play skillfully mighty god touch each and every person under this tent mighty god let us worship and worship and worship and worship and worship till the place come down mighty god we ask these things and more we ask of you when we beg of you it not makes sense we come here and you're not here it makes sense to come here and something don't happen we want to see something happen i have come with an expectation for something great today mighty god we thank you for being god thank you for being good in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah let us all just worship him thank him thank him thank you thank you hallelujah hallelujah you are wonderful you are wonderful there is none like you praise god praise god praise god i see jesus high and lifted up mighty god praise god praise god he is wonderful let's sing that song is one the [Music] from the rising [Music] [Music] jesus praise praise him jesus is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] he's worthy to be [Music] jesus worthy he's worthy to be praised [Music] [Applause] he's praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody praise god can we turn our bibles to romans five romans 5 praise god we're starting from verse 1. therefore being justified by faith okay everybody found it everybody find it praise god amen amen therefore being justified by faith we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of god and not only so but we glory in tribulation also knowing that tribulation worketh patients and patients experience and experience hope and who make it not ashamed because the love of god is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost which is given unto us for when we were yet without strength in due time christ died for the ungodly and scarcely for the righteous man with one die will one die yet pray adventure for a good man some would even dare to die but god commended his love let me read let me read verse six again and verse let me read again for when we were yet without strength in due time christ died for the ungodly for scarcely for a righteous man a man will one die yet pre-adventure a good man some would even dare to die but god commanded his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners christ died for us much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath from wrath through him for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to god by the death of his son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life and not only so but we also joy in god through our lord jesus christ by whom we have now received the atonement praise god my sins were higher than the mountain and the lord sanctified me my sins were flowing like a river and the lord sanctified me oh glory hallelujah when the fire came when the fire came when the fire oh glory hallelujah when the fire came [Music] and the lord sanctified me my sins were flowing like the river and the lord sanctified me oh glory oh glory hallelujah [Music] like a river and the lord said he find me oh glory hallelujah when the fire came when the fire came when the fire [Applause] [Music] one more time hallelujah oh when the fire came when the fire came oh glory hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah oh is [Music] [Applause] hallelujah glory of the lord is coming down let's hallelujah about victory victories is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is lift up your hands where you are wherever you are lift up your hands everybody worship the king of kings and the lord of lords hallelujah feel victory already in this place come on young people this service is for you i just sense victory i was off last night saying god what's gonna happen today and all i heard was victory something is gonna happen the world is gonna come it's gonna be about victory i don't know somebody is hearing me today i'm telling you victory is on its way victory is on its way you seen it yes it is yes it is it's on its way i don't know what you've been going through there's a young person watching maybe there's a few and you're going through a rough time but i'm here to tell you you have an expected end hallelujah god has put hope in you there's lots of things that is set out for you to prosper you to give you what an expected end whoa you haven't expected end i don't know who needs to hear it it's not gonna just work out just you know any in any way there's a specific way that god is gonna do it for you whoa i don't know what you came and turn on your stream forward when i'm telling you victory is on its way can we sing it one more time [Music] victory victory oh one more time but before we sing it i want to turn to somebody beside you and tell them everybody in this tent has victory upon their life and if you're watching turn to somebody in your house and say everybody under this house has victory over their life come turn and do it no no no no [Music] come wrong go find somebody in the kitchen and tell them if you don't have anybody who say to yourself [Music] say victories in my house victory is under this tent i don't care what kind of battle go through god is gonna fight for your victory victory is [Music] is victory victory come on everybody everybody everywhere see richard on [Music] is [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] wherever you are [Music] clap your [Music] hallelujah i want everybody we worship the king of kings and the lord of lords he's worthy we're not start worship yet we're gonna steal worship but that's when i pause and invite bishop to come and just leave a word of greeting to every young person who is tuning in today i really want that when we leave this service the anointing is so strong on this recording on this live stream that somebody just touch it and as they start playing whenever their work the holy ghost move upon them you don't believe it's as possible of course it is the bible said the word is sharp piercing one with them turn and they must touch the stream and as you read your first song the spirit of god does move in a powerful way come on somebody can lift up the fear with me now anybody tuning in this thing would know the holy ghost if they hear it they said no mom and even go inside of the room no one just find someone to pray for me come on somebody to be fit with me right now we're believing that for some young person in this service watching this stream whoa bishop come and leave your greetings first in jesus is one more time [Music] [Music] yes oh what a great god what a great god what a great god many many men you know we must fight you know we cannot lose this thing we can't go under some might as well we stick to the world and fight whatever comes fight because you're gonna win if you don't fight you're going to lose but if you're in this thing and you're on the lord's side just push and fight you're coming through can i can i remind somebody you're coming through on the victory side you are an overcomer can i tell some young person in the house or at home or wherever you are you're a victor you're an overcomer you are a more than conqueror you can do it you can make it you can overcome just persevere and fight understand obstacles will be in the way but i've learned that god has a way even at the last moment he'll open it apart the waters and cause the people to go over and just fight push and be brave somebody give a shout of praise to the most high god this morning somebody give a shout of praise to the king of kings and the lord of lords somebody give a shout of praise to the conquering lion of the tribe of judah the one who makes a way the one who never lost a battle the one who will always overcome shout to the king one more time he is worthy to be praised praise god praise god amen minister could i just go one more time you know do this part slowly first but i feel that those of us who are fighting need to still be reminded that the way will always be open so that even if obstacles are there god has a way of pushing down mountains even if obstacles are in the way god has a way of parting oceans even if obstacles are in the way if he doesn't kick it down he allows us to scale whatever hurdles are in the way and so the song the quorum says when israel out of bondage came a sea before them lay that's always the testimony that's always the situation with us you know and we're always going to see obstacles and red seas and river jordans and all of those things but then god has a way when things seems impossible he stretched forth his mighty hands [Music] and he roll open make a way every time and let me tell you something you know sister brother courtney and sister everdeen [Music] don't worry don't think that god has failed many times he opens the red sea and we go over in dry land but then many times he allows us to go in the fiery furnace the deliverance will come another way another time but god is in charge and i want to encourage you and i want to encourage others in the house wherever you are in the church in your homes wherever you are right now that god is going to come through for you it may take long but he's coming through it may not be in the way that you expect but he's coming through because he's god and he said it and he's not a man that he should lie and so i challenge some folks in the house i challenge some young person don't be captivated by the things of the world you hold your seat in zion keep your place keep steadfast unmovable always abounding because god is the great deliverer and he will open doors for you when israel out of bondage came a sea before them lay singers those at home [Music] i see before them [Music] where is when is oh away [Music] oh oh hallelujah with a conquering trend we will push [Music] yes and he will roll the sea away [Music] always win always will amen amen amen i greet the household of faith i greet all god's children this morning in the wonderful exalted name of our lord and savior jesus christ whether you are here in the tabernacle this morning in limited numbers whether you're at home in your car in your at the workplace i should say wherever you are [Music] whether here in jamaica overseas to all my father's children i greet you this morning in the exalted precious holy name of our lord and savior jesus christ it is so very good amen to be gathered again another morning like this to glorify the great god of heaven and it is a great feeling amen to be in ignite one more time one more year a man amen youth convocation youth conference amen where the youth are in charge and they are on fire amen and they have a a new desire to push on i i really want to say to all our young people that you know the lord bless you richly you are precious you are amen the next at the the well we should say the next leg of the race and in a little while you're going to see those of us amen on the the more mature side coming around the bend with the baton in our hands to pass on you represent the next generation you represent the next leg of the race amen and we recognize that and so we pray much for you amen and we we we really pour out upon you with the blessings of almighty god and say god richly bless you we applaud you we applaud the work of the young people amen we applaud our youth president and the team amen that's right put your hands together on the team that work with him praise god tremendous work they are doing and i do pray and ask all our young people amen just to pull all the stops and under god throw your support amen behind their president unless let's move on and conquer new grounds and you have it inside of your young people you are just awesome and let me tell you none of us and that includes you young persons none of us are perfect you understand so you're going to find that as you push on this journey of christian walk from time to time you're going to block your toes any young person have ever booked their toes before any young person have you ever bruised your knees before yeah have you ever felt down and it feels like this is it and you're gonna have to throw in the toe and no one hello can i ask you can i urge you even under the covet environment we are unable to meet in the house of god and so you are at your home isolated in your room your bedroom or your living room and you don't have the support of your brethren wrong about you and it feels like you're free now to do anything but remember young people god is in that room with you god is on that phone where you are and i urge you and i implore you and i cheer you along you can make it and we are praying for you we love every one of you and i don't know youth president how we are going to do it but maybe after today we should have been the end of ignite we might put in one extra week so another set of young persons can call you know we want to see the young folks out it was good seeing a few last week it is good seeing some more this week and i want to see more next week so probably for the next two sundays are so and then we revert probably we give amen brother brother wholeness a chance tomorrow here what he has to say maybe he hold it up a little bit more but if brother hold he said we're going to continue like this then all we will do is just rotate it and allow some more young persons before we bring the other saints in because youth you young person you re represent amen the future i say the lord bless you if you fall down don't stay down get up the writers say we fall down and we get up get up keep pushing keep pressing you are overcomers you can make it you will make it and we are praying for you the lord bless every one of you young people to the saints to the the the the other sins the more mature saints and to the elderly amen i greet all of you i don't know how to do it but i want to use the opportunity right now to express to all the saints who have been missing for so long i want you all to know that we miss you pastor miss you i miss you so much when i come here and it's just me and a few persons i appreciate a few persons you know i tell them all the time what i just miss is everybody being here yeah i miss sister mcgregor mother mcgregor i'm miss our miss i mean sister wilson amen i miss i miss you i miss all the brothers and the sisters and the elders and the young people and we're in church over everybody just run go to somebody over there and the young little ones run come and say pastor can i talk to you i miss talking to you i miss you you're making me tired i miss i miss you stopping me from go home seriously i miss it i miss her i have to tell you i said look here i can't talk to nobody i have to leave no i miss it i miss you miss you miss you i pray that lift the thing bother me again a warrior take up my time again i want you to stop me from go home again and i'll never complain neither have i complained serious i'll never complain not that i'm doing it but sometimes i tired and i said no more i'm not going to say no more again tired me out but i miss you and god bless every one of you and if you're watching i love you we love you the ministers love you amen my wife told me last night to call every saint i said everything i can't do that it's both 800 people are bs under the numbers there's one thousand people this is a call 50 every day just spread it out cause not now 50 10 call 10 people every day you say and in like 20 weeks you will cover everybody 10 10 days 50 a week she's saying about you know about 20 weeks you cover everybody so i'll go and try it i still know i said not practical it's not possible but you know she always tell you impossible things i'm going to try it but i miss you but god bless every one of you and those of you over in america and canada and england and germany and india we love you amen minister dave our youth president is coming at this time you know you president i i applaud you he's a man that tries a lot of new things and come up with a lot of new ideas and every now and then he calls you know bishop i don't wanna bother you know but i have this in mind and how it's sewn and it's just good and i appreciate you sir and i applaud you the team that work with you i asked the church amen to recognize our young people and to stand with this young man amen let's give him our full hundred percent support because we have in his hands the young people of our church our young people are precious people you know precious precious pressures and i pray that you continue to see god you know the leaders we are praying for you and for the young people but you have the hands-on responsibility yes to point and carve and set things up so that they are integrated and they can expand and move forward and so we ask that you continue to look to the lord and push with all your might god bless you all in the wonderful name of jesus i'm happy to be a part amen to all the ministers to all the musicians to all the singers to all the teams the ushers the media the sound everyone i greet you in jesus name let's continue to serve the lord with gladness and to come continually before his presence with sin god bless you in jesus name singers help me if you know the lord is keeping you hallelujah if you know the lord is keeping you what you're gonna worry about if you know the lord is keeping you why won't you sing and shout glory hallelujah every day [Music] if you know [Music] [Music] why won't you sing is ignite 2021 the underwater hallelujah hallelujah and this time i just want to share with my young people whether under the tent or online young people in particular i want to tell you about my walls a world that i had if i should run a survey online in oath and ask persons where did they receive the holy ghost i am certain well not without a doubt but the statistic will say maybe above 90 percent at some church service within church and all of that but brethren hallelujah my experience was not such i received the holy ghost one summer in the country in an outside bathroom hallelujah hallelujah and i got it so good got it so so so good that when i start giving myself trouble no you know turning into a man you know feel i could becoming a man because i received the holy ghost that i tend to age but growing up now things start coming at me and um start giving myself some trouble and i recall this particular church service where my pastor then instructed the church to march around walk around seven times march around seven times and clear some things and bridge and i was so full of myself i sat down and while everyone was walking around i just sat down i was just in a rebellious state um i never bothered with education i'm never hungry so you know i thought that i can depend on me me me and knowing my grandmother then and discussion that we had after when they were marching around the church walking around the church and declaring things she was just declaring some things over my life and just breaking down some strong holes i'm bridging i want to tell you when everybody finished their march and they sat down at that time i just feel myself jump up and may start running out work you know but not much you know may run running church and i couldn't stop myself when i was about the third time i saw a church sister i know everything was happening this experience i tell you i will never forget it i saw a church system hold on on to her and my grandmother come and say let him go let him go let him go and i march around the church and everything that was hanging over me bridging after that service i was free hallelujah i say this to say parents parents in the host guardians your kids there might be a problem lift up your feet walk around them march on them declare some things tear down some strongholds be sure hallelujah much time we forget you that you might have your struggle lift up your feet sir march on your situation hallelujah declare some things tear them down singers i know you two have your struggles march around them tear things down young people may know i know i know the depression i know the different circumstances that you are facing hallelujah i'm telling you today online viewers lift up your feet hallelujah hallelujah walk around and walk around him and say hallelujah i declare any stronghold in my life to be turned on hallelujah i declare any world that is stopping me from going further into god being tore down hallelujah i be clear hallelujah that i will live i will not die hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so for the remaining of ignite hallelujah as i i gave a challenge to the young people to think about your walls hallelujah we are making it practical hallelujah young people stand up you have any problem you have been a problem just go on go in a circle and start declare some things hallelujah i will survive hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus jesus hallelujah i don't see nobody marching man i'm not walking we're not a problem hallelujah tear them down come on man if your viewers at home parents get up get up get up i know you might have your struggles kids giving trouble man march around hallelujah start declaring some things hallelujah start giving god the glory hallelujah we're believing in faith that was coming down even though hallelujah was coming down hallelujah i see the words coming down jesus hallelujah that person that we're giving a problem hallelujah lift up your fears hallelujah start declaring the things start marching the road hallelujah just just leave the world to god hallelujah holly requires is for you to just lift your faith and just believe in him just give him praise hallelujah and just watch your walls torn down get tear down hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah we believe that persons who don't want to come to christ today is the day today's the day those walls are going to be torn down hallelujah the spirit of rebellion don't don't don't don't don't don't hallelujah hallelujah persons who can't seem to reach out and touch god to get the infilling of the holy ghost don't don't whatever in the heart must fear we're tearing it down don't don't don't don't don't don't hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah we're declaring victory in ignite hallelujah where the walls are don't don't don't we're going into victory victory victory victory hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah come on man come on the walls the walls the walls they have to come downstairs they have to come down don't don't don't in jesus name hallelujah give him glory hallelujah lift your faith if your faith watch was there no we're not leaving ignite as usual you know we're not going home we're not going home as we come hallelujah the problem at home live up your faith no hallelujah hallelujah you need that house you need that house hallelujah walk around your house man walk on your side give god thanks to yours hallelujah you don't know where the money i come from but hallelujah god will send it god will send me do you need that car hallelujah does that glorify god man hallelujah hallelujah hello just watch god work for you hallelujah hallelujah we are declaring for ignite all worlds every walls hallelujah that is in our life that is blocking us hallelujah for accessing the raw tangible hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah energy spirit that fulfillment hallelujah the joy the peace of god hallelujah be tore down in jesus name hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] someone said worthy [Music] god we're not walking away from our picture today we're gonna praise you for it hope we can't steal this victory is [Music] is [Applause] are you [Music] [Music] is [Music] who wants to believe for their victory the god who will the god who wants the god will be [Music] forever is is oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] is oh is [Music] oh [Music] ah hungry do something blue you are [Music] [Music] my battles young people you might fear some stuff some wars might come before you but guess what god is able to give you more in the next seven months of the year and you lost in the last 10 years of your life don't walk away from your victory if you're just tuning into the street and you'll feel the power of god coming through your for you [Music] come on somebody have a fight the victory is right around the corner set the atmosphere for the man i gotta go preach man somebody need to hear something from god to confirm that god is gonna make a way for them [Music] but he's already done it [Music] cause no one else will do lord we will wait for you cause no one else will do yes we will wait for you cause no one else will do lord we will wait for you cause no one else i'm gonna sing with me lord we will wake us we will wait [Applause] cause nothing else is lift up your hands somebody somewhere if you're listening on the stream you're watching this pause for two seconds call it 10 seconds just pause right now put your situation before god right now lift up your faith hallelujah hallelujah when i ask but come on just to come he's going to share his testimony but while you're listening put put your situation before god he's gonna speak to you today hallelujah the victory is already there it's already on its way hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he's gonna make a way for you [Music] bless the lord everybody bless god um i didn't feel well yesterday and um you know i was really feeling as if i wasn't bothered going come to church and everything and um you know someone just said to me why not they just pray you know just pray about how you're feeling and i just went and i spent an hour in prayer not not feeling well and um i can really a test and testify that god really does work miracle when we pray you know it doesn't matter how you feel it doesn't matter the kind of illness you might be having just pray to god and he will provide a weird show guarded to this uh bless the lord everybody um i know for these almost a year no you know we've been in quarantine since you know a discovery thing and i really want to thank god for being a keeper you know because you know i'm not going to say that you know all throughout this time that i've been constantly living you know i'm praying as oh i should be praying but you know even when i mess up you know god still loves me you know and i'm so grateful that and i'm so thankful that despite everything that i do and you know whatever happens that he still loves me and he will still be there for me so i just want to encourage someone you know no matter what you think and no matter how you feel you know god is god don't don't count yourself out god still loves you and god still wants to see the best for you so i'm encouraging you to just find that place you know where you god will just lead you and just you know bring you to where you are to be and that is my testimony i'm gonna be inviting brother terrain just to come and leave his testimony as well you know cause i was on the cameras and stuff so i swear i just gave you know what i want to thank the lord for you know waiting for me as sangata says and i'm quoting the songwriter i want to thank the lord for waiting for me because you know it's been quite a long time where i feel like i was you know out of the way i feel like i was undeserving and all these things and i can truly say that god waited for me you know and when i was at the place where i felt you know that conviction to reach out and grab him he was there to hold my hand when i was you know when i was ready so thank you jesus bless the lord it's truly a privilege to be in the house of the lord many times i felt like i would give up but god never gave up on me his promises are sure even in the midst of a pandemic um your prayers are being answered it might be delayed but you are not denied by jesus praise god we'll be collecting our offering right now i'm going to be asking all those persons who are able to give online do login not to the account that's passing on the screen and give freely as the lord directs you we're going to be asking sister take a seaters to come and minister in song let me just pray god's blessing over offering right now mighty god we give you glory honor and praise thank you for your mercies and all you've allowed us to have in this life god we give back a portion of what you've blessed us with god undeserving we are but we say thank you blessed lord and use it for your glory in the mighty name of jesus we pray amen hallelujah thank you jesus we worship your name mighty god we bless you jesus you are awesome mighty god you deserve the glory hallelujah jesus oh lord you are [Music] and no one can worship you for me all the things you've done for me so no one can worship you for me here's my worship all of my worship receive my words [Music] that no one can worship you for me all the things you've done for me no one can worship [Music] all of my worship [Music] is is [Music] of [Music] is [Music] [Music] i will not be silent is you was oh [Music] jesus i [Music] hallelujah [Music] is mighty god as long as i am breathing jesus i will always worship you hallelujah despite what the enemy throws in my way as long as i live i will always always worship you command of abortion jesus as long as i will always [Music] [Music] yes [Music] all of my worship jesus jesus mighty god here's my worship jesus jesus christ receive my worship i [Music] [Applause] am is [Laughter] [Music] i really really want to just encourage one young person who you know your your life isn't where it's supposed to be [Music] before the start of march last year you were you were closer to god but this year came and lost your past and you felt you know you're far away hallelujah you literally stopped fighting hallelujah but i want to remind you the battle is not yours if you can just admit that you're weak and that you need that strength that you will have the victory if you just admit that you are nothing and your strength is only made perfect then you will have the victory if your life is in a vaccine state young person you don't even have to be young if you're listening you know steve and listeners come on and listen cause we used to come to church and you can't come again but you know you're back you know god is speaking to your heart come back to him the church is not a building [Music] you don't need to be under the tent right now find your placing now the disciples are to ruin our hide [Music] holy spirit i'm gonna allow the church to grow when they were persecuted god showed up he's gonna show up for you yeah church god keep the regular we know but god will still show up for you if you feel persecuted you feel far from him don't stop fighting he's he's reaching his arms onto you okay bow your heart down to him and submit to his will he's calling you back home young person [Music] come on everybody lift up your hands there's a holy anointing that feels a little different than this this service i don't know what god is about to do but it just feels different i don't know maybe it's because young people in charge i don't know what exactly i'll tell you when god is ready to move him just move hallelujah just feel like somebody can tune in this week and re-watch this service hey i'm just watching because you're catching something through the speaker to the earphone hallelujah arrest somebody today don't let them turn off the stream till they get the victory [Music] hallelujah i'm gonna be obedient to the spirit of god i feel that the man of god has something important to say right now something i invite bishop just to come and introduce the speaker because i have a strong feeling that someone needs to hear what the man of god has to say today so i'm gonna ask you please open up your hearts and your ears to what is about to happen hallelujah something is going to happen you can feel it setting up in the atmosphere hallelujah don't hinder your victory today [Music] [Music] praise praise god praise god what a great presence of the lord what a great presence of god in the it is that is in the house today we really appreciate him we really honor the lord give him thanks for being here with us in the house today praise god can we lift our hands everywhere one more time just wave them to heaven in the tabernacle here just lift your hands and wave them you're at home church at home lift your hands and wave them to heaven right now appreciate him one more time hallelujah what a great savior yes wherever you are across the globe right now and you're tuned into this service just lift your hands right now magnify the great king o hallelujah glory glory glory glory we bless you lord we honor you lord we magnify you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth oh we glorify your god you are good you are great you're gracious you're precious you are awesome you're all together lovely hallelujah we magnify your jesus yes lord we magnify you we magnify you oh hallelujah what a good god what a great god what a great savior praise god praise god praise god amen just before i amen invite the minister to come i want to take this time out to let sister gordon brother and sister gordon you know they're together as one and sister gordon just recently lost her mom and within a matter of within a day she lost her brother and you know we have been praying for her we have been praying for the family but i really want to take the time this morning so via this means reach out sister gordon family and let you know that we are praying for you this happened a few weeks ago and we thank god for those the saints who were able to join them amen in the service of thanksgiving uh thursday past amen and we want you to know sister gordon brother gordon we're praying for you yes you will always be in our prayers for the rest of the family those that came down all of you we want you to know that this church is praying for you the lord continue to keep your comfort here amen embrace you amen and may his light continue to shine on you brother and sister god and then the entire family those who don't know him it's a good time praise god to surrender to the living god god bless you sister gordon brother gordon amen in the name of the lord jesus praise god what a great time we have been having amen in ignite 2021 last week sunday morning amen we had a grand time right in the tabernacle here we had visiting with us ministering the word amen minister qc gray and then in the night we had minister youth pastor mikhail solomon amen and our hearts were truly blessed with the word and with worship amen and we magnify god amen today this morning we have amen visiting with us minister romain sohan a man a fine young man now i'm telling you something i'm learning i'm getting to see more and hear more and appreciate more of the young people from different assemblies um last week sunday night and uh brother gail i i'd love to meet that sister that son on sunday night even without the the music you know it was as if music was built into her voice and together it just came across a little bit differently just seem like a fine country girl that's a christian and just sing naturally and love the lord so i'm learning to appreciate that there are young people and people that love god in different assemblies even though we might not know these churches but they are powerful assemblies across this island and we have great pastors that help to mold these young people and we appreciate them amen minister sohan at the age of nine receive baptism in jesus name and by he was 12 years of age he received the baptism of the holy ghost over there in lakovia in saint elizabeth at the emmanuel apostolic church amen and what a god it is that at from age nine a young man following the lord i tell you there's something about god he can keep you right through your lifetime i don't know how old minister amen so and he is now but the fact is from nine to where he is now that's a reasonably good time to say god is a keeping god god is a great savior he came into town here and worshiped the worships now at the bethel born-again apostolic church over there at oakland road amen pastored by at this time pastor evan codner and that church has a tremendous heritage it is one of those way back long time pentecostal church before i got saved when i got saved at about 1983 prior to that i would have been tuning in to the radio to hear about three men that always seemed to hit at me at first i didn't like them but i grew to love them bishop s.u thomas was one bishop ira d thompson was another four of them bishop jeffrey johnson was one and then bishop luther martin allison from oakland road was the other and these men every time you want to read it they tell you about baptizing jesus name and i just dislike them but then i grew to love them because they just stole you from their hearts and so minister sohan is from the bethel born again church i remember that church from bishop allison and then bishop codner and now pastor cardinal so you're coming from amen our great heritage sir and we appreciate that at about 1983 i remember coming being there there was a sister she sang beautifully at the time young person like myself at the time her name is michelle was michelle michelle burrows i wonder if that she was at oakland road that was like 1983 just past near once you might not know that person but i remember that person but a grand heritage a powerful heritage and to see a young man coming out of that ministry we are happy to have you around this pulpit please greet pastor codna on your return and i will try to reach out to her also but it is over the light ladies and gentlemen it is our delight brothers and sisters saints that are here to have at this time this young man minister romain sohan coming to this pulpit to minister to the few that are here and the many that are joined to us via the world wide web in this our ignite youth conference 2021 can we at this time brothers and sisters saints everywhere receive the man for the moment minister roh romain sohan and the holy ghost in jesus name need them [Music] oh [Music] put your hands together and give him praise he is worthy to be praised [Music] let's read and then i will do protocol thereafter turn your bibles with me to the book of hebrews chapter 11 which is your theme text for this meeting we'll be reading verses 1 through 3 and then we will go to verse 30 which is your theme scripture now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by faith the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear verse 30. by faith the walls of jericho fell down after they were compassed about seven days bow your heads lord here we are another time in your presence you are great you are wonderful you know all we need even before we ask lord and so as i stand as an oracle today to bring forth your word hide me behind the veil where no flesh can glory lord let your power let your anointing have its way in this house may your words go forth with power with authority and with clarity and that you alone get all glory in jesus name amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord greetings in the exalted name the name of jesus the name which is above every other name the name at which every knee must bow every tongue must confess that he is lord greetings to your illustrious bishop bishop daily god bless you sir and your wife god bless you you are doing a tremendous job on this side of the vineyard may i hear you put your hands together for your leader all right so you don't know me this is the first time you're seeing me i didn't say put your hands together for me said put your hands together for your leader [Applause] you see oftentimes elder martin i tell people that jesus had 12 disciples and one was a devil he's leading thousands i'm not calling anybody devil bishop and i won't do that but there are many who are giving you problems but you still love them so sir we got to tell you we appreciate the job you are doing amen to elder martin first time meeting him in person but i've seen him on various platforms ministering before a wonderful gift to the body of christ put your hands together for him [Applause] to the board of deacons ministers elders youth leaders god bless you in your respective positions to the wonderful angelic voices the praise team god bless you praise god keep singing for the lord to the musicians keep playing to those in the technical area god bless you to the young people to all of god's wonderful people under the hearing of my voice and those watching via your social media platforms god bless you praise god to brother gail and sister gail praise the name of the lord jesus keep working sir god bless you your reward will be great praise god accept greetings from my beautiful wife who is watching lady kadisha sohan and my beautiful daughter sanaya choice praise god god bless you praise the name of the lord jesus it's an honor to be here today it should have been last week but the lord knows all things best and we dare not question his sovereignty when i look at your theme and i sought the lord earnestly for a word to speak to your hearts on this morning the lord told me to tell you that if your walls are going to come down it's by faith alone look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor neighbor by faith alone by faith alone it is the american theologian warren wesby who said and i quote the great achievers in history have been men and women who could see the invisible and strive to reach it explorers inventors liberators and pioneers in every field have always been characterized by the steady eye that sees the invisible and strives to reach for the seemingly impossible brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen we i'm seeing my brother brother reverend qc great god bless you sir we hold as truth and absolute the things we can see with our natural eye the things we can use our sensory perceptions and prove we hold to those as dare and true we hold them as fact brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen on the contrary we find it particularly difficult to hold to the reality or the existence of things which we cannot associate with our sensory perception this is a particular challenge that we have today brothers and sisters because we want to see in order to believe but that's not what the bible said the bible said we must i believe to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living brothers and sisters when it is that we cannot touch or see a thing to prove its reality we then are quick to question the veracity of the word of god but the devil is a liar i came here to tell somebody this morning that i don't need to see it to believe it because it's coming from a source that tried tested and proven you better say something in here hallelujah i'ma preach to some young people in here who feel as though because you can't see it it doesn't exist the devil is a liar god sent me here to tell you this morning that my faith alone you shall receive it i'mma take my time you just tell me when my time is up and i'll give back the microphone but i want somebody to get this word in their spirit the challenge has become more persuasive brothers and sisters within this era because bishop the truth is this era is characterized by continual losses we have lots of families loss of jobs lots of homes increased divorce rates lord god a great level of people losing hope lack of trust and confidence in the word of god people turning away from the truth of god's word people turning away from god to that which they can prove even though that which they can prove cannot satisfy lord have mercy understand then that people are quick in this era to turn to the visible things than to the invisible god our lord friends family members ladies and gentlemen in this building and on social media can i tell you that you should not allow the lure of temporary breakthrough to rob you of the permanence of your breakout some of us we only want a breakthrough elder martin but god wants to give you a breakout [Music] can i preach a lot of feelings oh lord you're pushing me hard already so let me dig understand that your breakthrough is temporary but your breakout is permanent because when you ask for a breakthrough you only ask for a breakthrough for this situation but when god gives you a breakout he gives you a break out of every situation i'm here to tell somebody online i'm looking to the camera right now and i'm telling you that the lord is about to give you a breakout i don't know what you are in i don't know what you are going through but the lord is gonna give you a break out mrs sound man give me something better on the monitors let me preach in luck i feel it understand then brothers and sisters it is critical then beloved that we get to understand that the promises of god for our lives are true i want to tell the body of christ this morning it doesn't matter your current outlook on life the promises of god must come to pass it is a time characterized by consistent loss i suggest to you that in this season the only way you're going to make it it's by faith alone [Music] it is only by faith that we will triumph over our obstacles bishop you see we got to be honest we got to be honest because we are humans and the human part of us is still active so we get to a point where faith is a little difficult to waste to manifest yes i don't know about you but sometimes i'm faced with some situations where faith is i is the last thing i want to hear about don't tell me to believe when i have a dead baby in front of me ah lord can i preach to you up here i got some honest folks up here some real folks up here don't tell me about faith when you know tomorrow i lose my house i lose my job don't tell me about faith when i'm in the midst of losing my mind but can i tell you the very thing that you don't want to hear about is the thing that will pull you out of that which you are in a feeling or preaching like i feel it understand then that it is against this background the background of your debilitating reality that god sent me here to tell you this morning your life has been characterized by a downward spiral your life has been characterized by stagnation or you feel like you're not going anywhere for many of us our lived experiences has caused us to be in permanent fear and hopelessness but i want to tell you that god wants to change your lived experience god wants to change that which you are going through i'm here to tell you this morning that your lived experience is not your permanent condition your lived experience is just a part of the process that god is putting you through for you to gain your promise i'm here to tell you then that god wants to give you beautiful ashes he wants to give you the oil of joy for mourning he wants to give you the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness is there anybody in here who wants to say i shall not die but i shall live and declare the word of the lord oh lord have mercy elder martin can i tell you that many of us we have issues trusting the promise of god and i'm going to take my time through here because it's going to be a little rough through here many of us have challenges holding to the promises of god and trusting the word of god why elder martin because we are dependent on men to speak a word to us so the fact that an apostle oh lord let me let me hide bishop because somebody might stole me the fact that a prophet ella martin the fact that somebody who we see as super spiritual has not spoken that word to us we don't believe it oh but the devil is alive i'm here to tell you then that as i prayerfully oh lord son the lord the lord said to tell the body this morning that you don't need another prophet you don't need another apostle what you need is a word from god and that word is in the house this morning he said to tell you it's by faith alone if it's not coming from one of those sources we don't think it's authentic we don't think it's worth holding on to it's all right but the bible captures it this way when he says in hebrews 1 the god who in sundress time and diver's manner spoke in time past unto our fathers the prophets in these last days he is speaking to us through his son who he has appointed us here of all things yes true faith then comes from the message of jesus christ through true faith comes from the sacrifice of jesus christ the death the perial and the resurrection of the lord jesus christ because jesus has triumphed every obstacle that you could go through so you don't need another word from a prophet i wish somebody would shout i don't need a prophet just give me a word from god ah somebody might ask why do i need to trust god you can trust god because his character can be trusted i heard the bible said in numbers 23 and verse 19 god is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent he has said it [Music] shall he not do it or he had spoken it shall he not make it good oh i feel like telling somebody right here that god is about to make good that which he has promised you god is about to bring to pass the promise he has spoken to you i heard him saying in hebrews chapter 6 verse 18 that by two immutable things it is impossible for god to lie we might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us i heard him saying in isaiah 55 and verse 11 so my word be that goeth out from my mouth it shall not return on to me void but it shall accomplish with that which i plead and it shall prosper in the thing we which are scented i'm here to tell somebody when god said it you can take it to the bank because it must come to pass i don't know what is the word that god has given you but get ready because the seed that's planted is about to burst from the ground you better tell your neighbor neighbor god's word for my life is germinating and at any point you will see the evidence of it at any point you will see my breakthrough at any point you will see my deliverance at any point you will see my promotion at any point you will see my new house at any point you will see my new car i wish somebody would shout until your neighbor my seed is about to burst from the ground you might have given up on the seed but god said ants can't touch the seed god said no term i can't touch your seed because the seed must come to pass a feel like telling somebody shout hallelujah [Applause] i still got a little way to go you might ask me preacher why do i need to trust god you need to trust god because his capacity is limitless and that makes his promises sure god's promises are not bounded by time they are not bonded by geographical location they are not bounded by people so tell your haters tell the biters tell the hypocrites tell the backstabbers you can stop this this is unstoppable because it's coming from a god that's unstoppable i heard the bible said that god can serve you a three-course meal in the presence of your haters because he said thou preparers a table is there anybody that's ready for a three-course meal in the midst of the hypocrites is there anybody that's ready for your three-course meal in the midst of your backstabbers is there anybody who is ready for your three-course meal in the midst of those who spoke bad about you [Music] before me in the presence of my enemies that anointed my head with oil my copper runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow i feel like which shall follow me all the days of my life keep talking haters keep talking hypocrites keep talking about biters [Applause] bishop i just heard in my spirit to tell somebody in here that god is about to give your enemies something to talk about [Applause] they have exhausted what they used to talk about about you [Applause] feel the anointing but god in ignite 20 21 god is about to give your haters a new conversation because his promise is about [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're worried about some enemies enemies can't stop what god has for you the only person who can stop what god has for you is you [Music] and the only way you can stop it is by not having faith for it i feel the anointing in this tent right now my shutter somebody they talk about what you were they talk about where you used to live but god said a moment let them talk about where you are living now let me run on because i feel this thing in my belly if your faith is not bonded then the manifestation is unrestrained i wish somebody would write that in the chap if your faith is not bounded then the manifestation is on restraint if your faith is faith is the currency of heaven so when you have faith it unlocks heaven harmonies oh lord as we look at borders this morning within the context of your theme i want to look at borders as every obstacle that stands in the way of the fulfillment of the word of god in your life some of us it is our inability to see the bigger picture some of us it's our human tradition because we don't believe we can be healed without somebody laying hands on us we don't believe we can get a breakthrough without coming to the altar and somebody pushing us over the devil is a liar i'm here to tell you that when the obstacles are broken the promise will be revealed some of us it's our human traditions some of us it's our fear some of us it's our insecurities because we don't believe that god loves us so much that he would do that much for us i'm here to tell you don't doubt god's love for you and his love will push him beyond the limits to ensure that that which he has promised you shall come to pass i'm here to tell you push beyond your obstacles push beyond the barriers push beyond the borders if you understood what your barriers were you would push beyond them and so you said picture you said by faith alone then what is faith i'm happy you asked me that question because now i'm going into the crooks of the matter faith bishop the bible never defines faith because faith is too broad to be defined the bible gives a description of faith lord have mercy and that description is summed up profoundly in hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 for faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen how much time do i have left i got to work through this part a little bit yes practically faith then consists of taking god at his word and acting accordingly faith develops an assurance about the things which do not exist somebody might say preacher you sound a little bit delusional yes i'm delusional that's all right call me delusional if you please but my faith is already holding to the reality of my promise the idea of being proud sure provides the conviction that what we hope for will happen not because we can make it happen but because god can make it happen faith then also provides the certainty of the things which we do not see just as the physical eyesight provides evidence about the physical things faith provides evidence about the invisible things faith proves the reality of what we cannot see faith then enables the believer to live obediently to fail to live victoriously yes hebrew 11 then applaud some examples of faith which included abel enoch noah abraham isaac jacob moses hallelujah gideon david samuel isaiah rehab all these lived by faith placing their faith their trust their confidence in the things which they could not see eyesight provides conviction about the physical world faith provides conviction about the invisible world faith shows itself by producing the assurance that things will happen faith also provides insight into the realities that would otherwise remain unseen is there anybody in this building or online who wants to take and look beyond your walls to see what faith is saying i just heard in my spirit let me tell you what i heard eyes have not seen years have not heard neither have it entered into the hearts of men the things which god has prepared for them that love him somebody i'm here to tell you i just take a look into your future and your future looks better your future looks bright you're greater it's better i'm here to tell you overcome your fear overcome your failure someone's territory is about to be enlarged someone's border is about to be removed i just see a new ministry birthing i just see a new job birthing i'll just see a new car i just see a next level anointing i just see a next level worship or just your next level dance somebody open up your mouth and shout faith let me get to my text shortly and then i wrap it up hebrews 11 1-2 then tells us about the necessity of faith faith is very necessary because without faith we cannot please god without faith we cannot access god without faith we cannot get anything from god and so when you look at the word faith in this text it speaks of a greek word hypostasis hypostasis is substance which is the essence of something substance also here speaks of the foundation of something so then your faith can be looked on as the foundation upon which your hope is built lord have mercy and so when you look then at faith within the context of the scripture elder martin it speaks of what is called in the legal fraternity a title deed oh lord i feel like preaching right here now if you understand what a title deed is a title deed is a legal document that you have the right or that you own a property even though you're not living on it i wonder if you get it i wonder if you get it so faith then tells me that i am the legal owner of the promises of god even though i'm is there anybody in here who knows that you have the legal rights the legal rights to a new anointing a fresh anointing to a new job to a promotion to that husband you've been praying for to that wife that you've been praying for yes you have the legal rights to that business that you have envisioned what are you then saying preacher i'm telling you this morning to get up and possess it if you don't live on it then you might have encroaches on it i feel like telling somebody for too long we have allowed people to encroach on our promises for too long we have allowed people to encroach on that which god has promised us it's time to get the encroachers off and live in the promise of god live on the promise of god the second word in that text is evidence which comes from another greek word eclectus which is evidence in the sense of proof which results in conviction faith as a substance involves future hope hear this faith as an evidence involves your present reality so then what faith does as an evidence is pull what's in your future and bring it into your present reality oh my shut up i feel like telling ignite 2021 that god is pulling some stuff from in your future and he's bringing it into your present somebody needs to open up your mouth and shout i heard jesus said blessed are they which have not seen but believe i've got to get to my text and take my seat yes when you look at the text that we read it speaks brothers and sisters yes to the people of israel who wanted to go back to that which they could see because they could not trust that which they could not see so the book of hebrews write to the believers and said you don't need to go back to that which you can see you just need to hold to that which you cannot see can i ask you in here this morning if that which you can see has not brought you satisfaction has not brought you sufficiency has not brought you hope has not brought you comfort why do you still hold to it give something else a try isn't that just frank if you're holding to it for years no bishop and it has not brought you anything why don't you try something else oh lamb of god they could not trust it because they could not see it does that sound like any of us in here today does it sound like anybody online today oh lord [Music] we think it's easier to hold to now because we don't think now can get better but i'm here to tell you that there is a greater in your future you just need to let go of now and hold to the great ah somebody on the platform somebody in this building you're saying it's better to hold to the report of the medics because you can see the medics and you can trust the medics but i'm here to tell you it's better to believe in jesus christ yes because if you have faith at the size of the muslim scene it is the guarantee for that which you believe for elder martin brother gail there is one thing one common thread that runs through the hall of faith that we see in the book of hebrews and it is that they were limited by that which was visible they were not so much focused on what they could see they were focused on who they could not see i want you to get that before you go home today if you don't leave here with anything don't focus on the what that you see focus on the who that you don't see because the who that you don't see is greater than the what that you could ever see can i tell you who you see who i'm telling you to see i'm telling you to see who everything that you see here that the heavens declare its glory it wasn't like this i'm telling you to trust an urban planner who take nothing and turn it into something and telling you to touch to believe in an interior decorator who took the sea and put it where it should be who took the land and put it where it should be who took the trees and put it where it should be can i tell you a little bit a little bit more about him yes can i tell you who you should believe in i i wish the musicians would help me here now i'm telling you to believe in somebody who took a man and said abram i'm gonna make you the father of many nations but abraham said lord i have passed that stage is there anybody in here who feels you're past the stage where your promise can't demand that that double shutter can still be fulfilled god said you don't know anything about me i'm a specialist but i only specialize in impossibilities i'm here to tell you to trust a specialist but he only specializes [Applause] [Music] shaku can i tell you what happened can i tell you what happened he took a man who was 100. he took a woman who was 19. not only that she was 90 but she was barren i feel that faith is about to open a barren womb so the promise of i feel mad in here now so the promise of god can come true i feel god is about to open the womb and bring promise from it so let me bring it to you the man take a golden ager the golden age had to take out him then him dentures because him couldn't believe the promise of god that was about to hit him i'm ashamed god took this calm and discouraged a barren woman because baroness in that time was a curse lord jesus christ i feel the anointing in hearing oh man the man take a boring womb yes answer me i got put so many nights i just i just got an enlightenment bishop god says what he's going to put in you is not only for you but it's transgenerational [Music] what in sarah [Music] isaac jacob you want to check jesus genealogy [Music] you want to check how you become a hero i feel the anointing in my belly you want to check why you can dance in this full and free salvation it's because a dead man took the promise of god and believed in it you want to know why you can say hallelujah you know why you can't say whom the sun set freeze friendly it's because a dead man took the word by faith and connected it with his dead body i heard the bible said abraham started not but he hope against hope believing in hope is there anybody in here who wants to believe against hope god is able to do exceedingly abundantly above see too many of us we are going to the wrong specialists [Music] we are going to the oncologist we are going to the gynecologist we are going to the dermatologist we are going to the dentist we are going to every kind of specialist but we're not going to the right specialist but i'm here to tell you can i can i tell you what the lord told me just now the lord told me to tell somebody in this building and on social media that the reason why this specialist that you went to gave you that report is for you to check the real specialists and how you check the real specialists by faith this specialist lord god i don't know why god dealing with me like this under the attention of bishop the real specialist wait until your specialist can do nothing about you about your situation my specialist wait until it's four days late but he's still on time marsha my specialist i feel the anointing in my belly my specialist wait until red seas before you theron is army behind you on both sides and you got no weird [Music] is there anybody in here [Music] you are being chased by your enemies a red sea is before you mountains on both sides and you say lord this is it now somebody need to write this down that faith only works where it is conducive to work faith only works where it's conducive to work and where is faith conducive to work where you have no other option but to believe i came by i know my time is up i'm going to give you the mic soon i came by ignite 2021 to tell you that when all around my soul gives away even is all my hope and [Music] [Music] i say this and i take it home i promise you this time i promise you this time i'll take it home i'll take it home so your particular text deals with a wall that was seemingly impregnable impenetrable unconquerable i think it was 11 feet high 14 feet wide or something like that it was a fortified wall you know bishop when i really read the text and did some analysis of the text i don't know about you but i wouldn't be fooled enough to go stand in front of not even a wall without steel to shout and think it can drop down but god said i am giving you one command and that command will unlock the promises what is the command god go and march around an 11 feet high 14 feet wide wall for six times and on the seventh you shout god are you crazy do i have an excavator in my mouth do i have a bulldozer coming from my mouth god are you crazy can i tell you that it was not so much the short that made the wall fail it was following the instruction of god that made the wall fell too many of us want to do it or away and expect god to respond the devil is a liar the only time god will respond is when we do it his way and so they marched sixth time what do you do when you march the first time and nothing happened what do you do when you march three four five times and nothing happens when you march the sixth time and you think it's gonna fall now i think you got a bit exhausted i think you lost a little bit of hope but god said to tell you your marching isn't the crazy part what's the crazy part of your faith is the shouting what's the crazy part of your faith is opening up your mouth and declaring that which i have said for you to declare and so at the seventh time they opened their mouth and they shouted i'm here to tell somebody if you have little faith it will do big things little faith who will do big things can i tell you then and i'm closing now come with me musicians yes their faith was rewarded the seemingly impregnable wall crumbled before them we all been going through some rough times there is no end to your sorrow and the pain that you're feeling but god told me to tell you when the walk is by the way i leave it and the furnace of the land i'll see thee and the mansion in the sky i'll tv and the high place and a high place and a high place and a high i'll bring them down is there anybody in here who has some high place yes hold on let me let me give bishop an instruction because when i was praying the lord sent me to tell you this [Music] lord said to tell you get ready to bless car keys get ready to bless hoskies get ready to bless [Music] the lord told me to tell somebody online i don't know what you're going through but some of your friends and when the lord said this to me i quit because i felt it in my spirit some of your friends will be coming to look for you at lordy bar after the pandemic they'll be coming to look for you at lowry bar but tell them give give them give them an sos give them an sos you won't find me at loribar you got to come to the king's table [Music] my faith is going to propel me from a place of nothingness to a place of prominence and providence i'm here to tell you while i attain my seat that lordy bar isn't for you i feel like telling some young people you better send out that application to university you don't know where the fee is coming from you don't know where the tuition is coming from but god said to tell you i'm bringing about a shift your faith is gonna shift you your faith is gonna shift you your faith it's gonna shift you i hear the lord said weeping may endure for a night i don't know who needs to hear this [Music] but when faith stretches the limit of your human abilities then it invokes the manifestation of the impossibilities when faith stretches you beyond your human abilities then you will experience impossibilities young people of faith apostolic ministers those who are watching online from wherever you are by faith alone you must conquer and experience an encounter by faith alone you must conquer and experience an encounter ella martin you know they didn't shout on empty promises they didn't shout and empty promises because if you go back to joshua chapter six to get the context the lord told them before he said show that i have already given you the city i have already given you jericho so god why am i why do i need to show you need to shout because that which you hope for must become your evidence your reality so it is only after your shout that you will experience the reality [Music] it may seem as though what the doctor said it's gonna come to pass but i ask you whose report do you believe we shall believe the report of the lord [Music] you better shout until it happens your shout is an act of faith [Music] shout until cancer dries up shout until that wayward child comes back home shout until that back slide in husband come back short until that backsliding wife comes back short until you get the breakthrough short until you get the job short until you get the promotion shoot until you get the increase [Music] shout until the god makes your enemies your footstool somebody you may have been your host right now and you're looking at the kitchen but nothing is in the cupboard god said if you shout by faith by the time you're through shouting provision will be made in the name of jesus [Music] shout because the lord has granted you victory shout because you're an overcomer shout because you're triumphing shout because you are more than a conqueror i don't know who you are but right across this building in here stand everybody in this house stan i'm done preaching now if you're online you can participate in this we go shout seven times in here and i don't want you to shout because i asked you to show i want you to show up because you genuinely believe that by faith alone you shall make it [Music] i hear the sound what sound you hear preacher i hear a sound of abundance of rain i hear the power of jesus in here i hear the power of jesus in here i hear the prayer of travis in here oh lord that thou doest [Music] enlarge my territory remove my border [Music] everybody close your eyes lift your hands we go shout jesus seven times in here if you have a mama if you have a situation in here i promise you if you shout by faith before tomorrow this time you'll have a testimony marco [Music] shire everybody get your faith already now picture that wall above our shire picture that wall now ma i feel it now my mosha at the count of two we're gonna shout jesus sometimes in here i feel a breakthrough i feel a breakthrough i feel a breakthrough one two shout yes yes open up your mouse one more time one more time one two three pitch it pitch it yes yes yes it's yours it's yours yes that's it that's it that's it take it take it take it take it take [Music] every hunting must come down every stronghold i hear it i hear it i hear it i hear it i hear it you got legal rights to it i say you got legal rights to it own it you overcome you overcome somebody you're watching online you're in the sanctuary [Music] you got some high things standing in front of you [Music] but god says by faith alone it must come down [Music] i see some people walking into their promise right now because the obstacle between you and your promise is crumbling [Music] in your car pull it down in this house pull it down in your kitchen pull it down in the back you'll pull it down shall we you [Music] bishop can i take two minutes [Music] this dance is a dance of triumph we're going to take a praise break right here got to tell you you've cried long enough you've mourned long enough you've weeped long enough he said after you have suffered a little while he shall establish you [Music] hallelujah before i'll make it right me me but there's nothing that can hurt by the way guess what there is there is is me straight when is if you're listening and you feel the anointing and you need somebody to pray for you i'm asking you just to look on the screen right now there's a zoom link going across please just enter that zoom to conversation right now they can break a vehicle till you feel god moving like the preacher said just come come into the zoom right now find the link everybody have zoom on the phone like yourself in about you for five minutes the high place is gonna come down is me is oh jesus oh is is do you love do you love me i love it i yeah jesus i love jesus i love it i love it do you love me i love it well oh oh jesus jesus christ holy oh i jesus jesus foreign the name of jesus last week couple people got the holy ghost in the breakout room i think god can do more than he did last week somebody else can be saved today somebody else can claim their break out come on if you just jump on you can come right now just go on this room link there are people already waiting to pray with you right there in private nobody have to hear what you're saying people china will deliver we can do more climbing and climbing moving moving up the narrow way i might lose some weight lose feet you're dragging with this oh driving up in our way is what is up wow this watch foreign hallelujah [Music] i've got confidence oh baby i know it's gonna fix it for me mighty goddess will give you glory give your heart i'll give you praise we are undeserving of all that you've given us god but i pray lord for those persons who took the opportunity to go into the breakout room god and even though as the saints are praying with them lord speak to their hearts convict them god through the word that was preached and caused a transformation everybody who walked in under the tent god today those who have not yet god been transformed by the renewing of their mind i pray all you will help them to not leave the same way but to walk out with something new in their spirit god with a deeper hunger to feel more of you god i pray lord you will confirm your word in their lives and as they step through their gate they'll feel something different god that you went before them god because every person every young person especially god have not you to fight and to have faith to believe god for the things they do not see to live for god as if you have already done it to control over the situations around them and the things that they can't even touch and even control and to be brave god against the evils around them now you know god that they already have the victory help them to claim oh god your promises and stand on your deed believing that you have already done it because you say god in your word lord your promises are sure promises and thoughts towards us of good not of evil to give us unexpected and we believe and accept what you have said about us and for us god as we do our power god the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart that sets us before you god our god lives to align with what we read god about you in jesus name we pray amen amen [Music] do you
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 4,702
Rating: 4.8632479 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Chapel, Gospel, Good, preaching, anointing, Holy, Ghost, Ministry, bible, study, ignite
Id: liFYzBi2J5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 57sec (10857 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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