September 22, 2021 Wednesday Bible Study [Elder Everton Bailey] "Doctrine"

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hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah to god be the glory great things he has done amen and i welcome us tonight to another bible study god bless you in the name of jesus we welcome everyone that is tuning in wherever you're tuning in from and we pray you know that the will of god be done tonight as we proceed i like to just breathe our word our prayer and then we get straight into the word of the lord lord we i come before you one more time father god we appreciate you we thank you for your love we thank you for your mercies we thank you for your manifold blessings upon us we thank you for life almighty god we are here in the land of the living oh god as we are here tonight to get into your word we pray god that you'll be in our midst we pray god that you will touch our hearts that you touch our minds you touch our spirits and that jesus christ you will surround us god we pray oh tonight that as the words come forth that it will not be words of a man but it will be words mighty god from your throne room that which you want your people to hear we pray god that you use this word to save souls use this word to keep souls and let your will be done as we give you thanks in jesus name amen amen amen thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you for your love thank you for your mercies amen we bless your name we bless your name we give you glory hallelujah we thank you we thank you we thank you amen amen so we have been dealing with doctrine and we have look at what doctrine what the meaning of doctrine is is really the teachings and we look at how we can identify false teaching and we look now at the apostles doctrine and the bible says in acts that they continue steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and then we look at the main aspects of what the apostles preach and teach and they we said that these five things are faith belief in god and repentance recognizing that you're a sinner turning from that sin turn to god dedicating yourself to god the bible says he that confess it and forsake at his sin shall have mercy then we look at water baptism in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and we look at the mood and the formula and we then went into the infilling of the holy spirit romans 8 verses verse 9 without the spirit of god you are none of us and then we look at holiness last week and we just want to recap a little bit on holiness and then we will get into the doctrine as we go forward we will be looking now at the different doctrines and remember we said earlier on in the lesson that the the bible said that we should embrace the apostles doctrine and that we should stand in their pastor's doctrine but then there are some doctrines that the bible said that we must shown that we must not accept them that we must detest them amen and we want to just spend some time look at this doctrine look at what they are about and then be able know to tell us that the reason why the bible tells us that we should shun these doctrines amen because if you know really if we accept this teaching this false teaching then it would push us or force us to turn our backs on god and we really don't want to turn our backs on god we want to serve the true and living god now you know the scriptures we have been reading first timothy 4 from verse 1 to verse 3 know the spirits speak it expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the feet giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrine of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats which god had created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth and then we go down to second timothy four from verse one through to verse four amen i charge thee therefore before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with our lung suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not end your sound doctrine but after their own loss shall they heap to themselves teachers have been itching years and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned to fables amen so we said last week now we look at holiness and we start by looking at first peter 1 13 to 16 wherefore gird up the lines of your mind and the bible is telling us that holiness really has to do with our mind amen and we talk about the apostle in romans chapter 12 and when he said that that we should not be conformed to the world but we should be transformed by the renewing of our mind no i mentioned and it's important that we understand that it's within our mind it's with the mind that we worship god and it's in the mind that we come to the conclusion that we are going to whatever it takes live the life pleasing to god as i have been saying none of us is perfect and there are times when we will fall but the bible says if any man's sinning we have an advocate with the father but as much as possible amen we should try to live for god god has given us the holy spirit so that we can live above sin so the apostle said gird of the lines of your mind be sober and hope and hope to the end of grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of jesus christ as obedient children not fashioning yourselves according to the formal loss in your ignorance but as he which i call you is holy so be only in all manner of conversation and we said that word conversation there mean lifestyle so be holy in all manner of lifestyle because it is written be holy for i am holy and so again it starts in our mind and while we might teach what the bible tells us about holiness and and until the scenes what god requires amen it's important that we understand that it is the individual who has to make up in his mind to live holy without you having that made up mind to live holy you're going to find yourself doing anything and you're going to find yourself often time coming before the altar of god yes we want to come before the heart of god to talk to him and every time we come before him because of his holiness we have to recognize and we have to ask god to lord look here forgive me of my sins and your bible says we sin when we think it not but we don't want to come before god up with anything repetitive and we do it today we do it tomorrow and every time we come before god we are asking god for forgiveness god wants us to to to move beyond that he wants us to move past that and get to the point where we can stand and make the decision to say that we are going to live for him so it is important that we know that it is the individual bishop can teach all he wants to teach and and minister martin can can preach and teach how he wants but it is the individuals who have got to make up their minds that they are going to live for god i want us to know as i mentioned that god has only one standard for holiness and that is his standard um the standard that he has is not your standard amen because your standard will tend towards sinning but the standard that god has for holiness is his standard be holy the bible says for i the lord your god i'm holy we also established last week that god is holy and we look at some scriptures like exodus 15 11 who is like unto you among the gods oh lord who is like you majestic in holiness awesome in praise and working wonders first samuel 2 and 2 there is no one holy like the lord indeed there is no one besides you nor is there any rock like our god isaiah 6 verse 2 and 3 these are the angels we said that were before the lord they were in his presence day and night amen and the bible says above the throne stood seraphims and each had six wings between they cover their face and between they covered their feet and we twained they did fly and one cried unto another holy holy holy is the lord god almighty whose glory filled the earth in revelation we look at the scripture and the bible says that the four unliving creature did um cry before the throne day and night holy holy these are angels and they are before the throne of god and all they do is this is just how the holiness of god is all amen you can't put a measure to it your words cannot express oh holy god is so there is a call to be holy god has called every individual to live a life that is holy amen just as what we call folks in the old testament so it is that today in the the church area god called people to be holy amen leviticus 11 44-45 god instructed moses and aaron and he said say to the children of israel he was instructing them on the things that they should eat to be different from the other nations around remember you know they were on their journey they were the same clothes like the other nation they were standards like the other nation they they live in tents like folks from the other nation so god had to do some things to separate them amen and what he did was give them some things and they said look here this is all you're supposed to eat these are the things that you're supposed to do and if you do them then i will consider you as my own and i will consider you as be being holy i want us to know that god was specific for i am the lord your god you shall therefore sanctify yourselves and it shall be holy for i am holy neither shall you defile yourselves and you shall be holy for i am holding it not actually defile yourselves with any man of creeping things that creep it upon the earth for i am the lord that bringeth you up out of the land of egypt to be your god he shall therefore be holy for i am holy so he was specific it was a call to the children of israel to separate themselves from the nations around them the thing that god told them to do the thing that he told them to eat and not to eat and the way all they worship made them different from the other nations around them there is a call and god called who he wants a call and he called the children of israel so look here separate yourself live holy because i am your god and i am a holy god and i want you to be holy the call when we look in the new testament romans 12 verse 1 i beseech you by the mercies therefore brethren by the mercies of god that he presents your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god which is your reasonable it's not even a a good a good enough you know it's a reasonable service amen and god wants us to give him our best and if our best is just reasonable that is what god wants so paul say i beseech you present your body as living sacrifice and pleasing to god paul admonition to the believers in rome was to sacrifice themselves to god not as a sacrifice that was put on the altar under the mosaic law amen but sacrifice yourself deny yourself and live to please the lord the born again believer must heal his entire being must heal his entire self to the lord as an instrument of righteousness therefore let self be slain and we all become the children of god is no longer about us i must decrease amen and jesus christ increase it's not about you but it's about the god in you and if we find ourselves denying ourselves and pleasing the lord in our work we'll find that our christian life will be be a better christian life we'll find that we will work in authority we will find that we will have more power in the holy ghost to operate and to do what the holy ghost wants us to do first thessalonians 4 verse 7 for god are not called us to impurity but in holiness so god has not called us to anything impure amen and he's called us to holiness he has called us to righteousness second corinthians six verse 17 therefore come out from among them oh god and be inseparable lord touch not the unclean thing and i will receive you come out from among them and be separated the lord and touch not the unclean things and i will receive you amen we said that holiness the dictionary said that it's purity it's integrity but we last week work with a definition which says that it's a call to separation amen so holiness is a call to separation so the bible says come on from among them and be separate say the lord come on from among who amen so though we are in the world we are not of the world we get we are called by god to be an example when he called the children of israel he called them to be an example to the other nations around them to show them that there is a god and this god is the only god to be worshiped i want us to know that in this dispensation in this time it is the same call god call us we are in the world but we are not of the world and what he wants to do is for our lives to shine that others might see and glorify him who is in heaven so there is a call for us to live only when peter repeats the lord word in first peter 1 verse 16 it is written b e only for i am holy he is taking he is talking specifically to believers as believers we need to be set apart from the world unto the lord we need to be living by god's standards god status god's principles god's precept and make sure that the word of the lord abide in us god is calling us to separating ourselves from the world love not the world neither the things of the world if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him for all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life and the world pass it away and the lost thereof but he that dwight the will of god the bible says abided forever i want to implore again as i did last week church make sure that we endeavor to do the will of god it's only when we do the will of god then we will abide forever praise god amen so in order for anything to be all you know we did say that in order for anything to be holy must be connected to the source and god is the source of holiness revelation 15 4 says who shall not fear you o lord and glorify and him glorify your name for you alone are holy nothing is holy except god presence is in that place except god presence is over that thing we said that when moses went to that spotter groan he said moses take off your shoes because where you're standing is holy grown i want you to understand that probably moses had went to that place many times before but no god came to meet him at that place and he had to take off his shoes because once the presence of god came there the place was look here it's it's it's that is how god is anywhere he goes it it you just become holy that is all holy god is amen first peter 2 9 but you're a chosen generation so you are not any normal person know that god chose you know that you accept this way and you come to know him you are no ordinary person and you're most clear connected to the source if you are going to remain holy if you are going to continue to live holy you must be connected to the source holy remain connected to the source we said it and we preach it we teach it all the time you must have a consistent prior life with the lord and your most satisfied idea of fasting amen and and evil when you feel tired you are still trying to give god yes you must get the rest and sometimes it's better you get terrorism and when you get up you know you can't give god something amen and sometimes you have to switch your prior time because sometimes the adversary is there waiting on your buy time you're good on them just bombarding with sleep but you a switch our time when him come that time you are sleeping amen and you have to just you have to remain connected to the source we also said that which is holy is separated unto god for opposition the bible says that we are bought with a price so if we are bought with a price we are no longer ours we belong to god and guess what if we belong to god god then should be able to do what he wants to do with his possession so anything god wants to tell us anywhere god wants to direct us you can say look here this is where i want you to go this is who i wanted to marry because god has control anything that is separated unto god god own it and god own you and god want me amen and god should be able to do whatever he wants to us i want us to get to that place i want to get to that place where wherever god wants of me amen that is what i am willing to do because i am not my own i belong to god to be holy we must obey the word of god if we are going to live holy we must obey the word of the lord leviticus 27 20 verse 7 and 8 teaches us that there is an inseparable relationship between holiness and obedience to scriptures god said sanctify yourselves therefore and be holy for i am the lord your god again in leviticus 22 31 to 32 you shall keep my commandments and do them i am the lord and you shall not profane my holy name but i will sanctify i will be sanctified among the sons of israel i am the lord who sanctifies you in the same break god commands us to be holy he commands us to obey his word therefore holiness is displayed by us being obedient to the word of god if you want to live holy you must be obedient to the written word to the directives why should i live holy because god says so god could have probably said anything but himself we must live holy so it's not according to what we want but according to what the lord wants why should i leave holy because the command be only for i the lord your god is holy why should i be holy because it is a requirement why should i live holy it is how we follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see god you shall see him but probably as a frowning judge so it's important that if we want to get to that place that we live holy as people of god living holy means that we must separate ourselves from the things of the world the music of the world amen the these things that carry our minds to some place that our mind should not be we need to separate ourselves and how we dress or we are tie ourselves what is on the inside will ultimately show on the outside so as people of god living for god it's important that we be separate and apart we must live holy if we are going to get to that place amen and so like we said last week we are going to know focus on the different doctrines and we want to look at each probably not in the entirety because that would take some time but but just to point out some important points because as people of god we are living in a time right now where the spirits of this doctrine are alive i want you to understand that that before long the adversary will be the the antichrist will be on the scene i want you to know that the antichrist will have a lot of false prophets around him and i want you to know that the spirit of the spirit of the false prophet is here so you might be hearing some people saying some things and you say oh yes this person is prophet so and so i want us to understand that we must be careful of who we listen to we must be careful of what we believe else we are going to find ourselves drifting from the lord and so the bible warns us that we should hold our groan continue in the apostles doctrine amen and stand on the shore foundation but the bible also warned us that we should shun every appearance of evil false doctrine are evil us amen they come from the adversary himself and the bible wants us to stay away from them no as we continue like i say and we look at these different doctrine we want to start with the doctrines of the pharisees and the sadducees as we go through this doctrine from here on we will go through the practices and we will point out to us the reason why we should avoid them and the reason why we should live pleasing to the lord so i want to just make this point that as we talk about the apostles doctrine we spoke about the apostles doctrine we only mentioned five things and but there are other things that we could look at that the apostles preach on but as we go through this that you know and you're gonna see the kind of behavior and you're gonna see how god requires us to believe and we're gonna put them together and say look here that can't work because this is what god wants amen so jesus spoke about believing let us turn to matthew 16 verse 6. so jesus spoke of the leave of the pharisees and sadducees then jesus said unto them take heed and beware of the leaving of the pharisees and of the sadducees then let's go to mark it and verse 15. and they charge them saying take heed beware of the leaving of the pharisees and the leaven of herod let's look at luke 12 verse 1. in the meantime when they were gathered together in an innumerable multitude of people in so much that they throwed one upon another he began to say unto his disciples first of all beware e of the leaven of the pharisees which is hypocrisy as in any of jesus's teaching he use everyday item to bring across this point in this case leaving our yeast to demonstrate a spiritual truth in luke 12 verse 1 that we read jesus refers to the ease of the pharisees which is hypocrisy jesus point was that the teaching of the pharisees were pervasive in that they they exist existing are to spread throughout every part of something and to produce hypocrisy so jesus was saying all that the teaching of the pharisees the teaching of the sadducees that what the what it does you receive it and then it just spread and when it's pregnant it becomes hypocrisy and jesus won his disciple against the hypocrisy of the pharisees and the sadducees let us look at matthew 16 6-11 so as we look at this this passage when the disciples heard jesus comment about the leaving of the pharisees they concluded and say among themselves it is because we did not bring any bread then jesus said unto them take heed and beware of the leaving of the pharisees and of the sadducees and they reason among themselves saying it is because we have taken no bread which when jesus perceived he said unto them oh he have little faith why reason he among yourselves because he have brought no bread do we not understand neither remember the five loaves of five thousand and how many baskets he took up neither the seven loaves of the four thousand and how many baskets he took up how is it that he do not understand that i speak it not to you concerning bread that he should be aware of the leaven of the pharisees and of the sadducees jesus had to remind them about the two miracles are feeding five thousand and the four thousand and emphasized that they did not need to worry about food jesus was not speaking about the physical living he was however speaking about the spiritually and the physic the spiritual man must be fed but what you feed the spiritual man with is important the doctrine of the pharisees and the sadducees we might not have the pharisees and the sadducees teaching today but the spirit of the doctrine is still alive today just as jesus warned his disciples i want to warn us tonight to beware of the doctrines of the pharisees and the sadducees the gospel refer to the sadducees and sadness and pharisees as jesus fulfilled his early ministry he was in almost constant conflict with them as his doctrine was different for the most part and opposing to their they were always asking questions to put him in a spot to tempt him the bible says and he always provide a response that is that dismisses them the fact that jesus used the word leave to warn his disciples beware of the leaving of the pharisees and the sadducees both statements used leaving as us old testament all the new testament used living as a symbol of sin because of what it does to a lump they say i like to live and leave alone once he's entered the door it immediately begins to spread by breaking down it to react to the door's sugar and producing a gas that puffs up the bread like leaving when sin enters a person's life it begins to corrupt and fill him with vanity a person will become enslaved by a habitual sin and we have a difficult time growing up overcome a difficult time abiding in the grace and knowledge of jesus christ because i've seen corrupting influence sin defiles and can permanently destroy a relationship with god i want you to know one of the reasons why we need to be aware a little even leave so once you begin to start listening and then you start accepting what the false teachers the fall preachers are saying before long you're gonna find yourself amen outside of god and christ before long you're gonna find yourself doing things that you would not dream that you would do i want you to be aware and to understand that the adversary so subtle is thinking so subtle and if you are not careful you will find yourself on the outside by warning the disciples against the hypocrisy or the leaving of the pharisees jesus sought to keep his followers from proceeding in a gradual subtle way so let us look at some of the practices during the time of jesus ministry the sadducees and the pharisees they comprise of the ruling class when we look at both groups closely we recognize that there are some similarities between both but there are also some important differences between them as well both groups are not moses and allah so when it comes to moses and allah they honor him they say yes moses is the man god gave him the law he led the people the children of israel out of out of egypt and led them to to to the border of the promised land amen so they honor moses and they under the law they respect it both also had a measure of political power the sanhedrin which was the 70 member supreme court in asia israel had members from both the sadducees and the pharisees the difference between bordeaux are known to us from a couple of passages religiously the sadducees were more conservative in one area or another they insisted on a literal interpretation of the scriptures so they said you see you say look here if the bible said go down the road that is what the bible means a literal interpretation not looking at any spiritual interpretation they're looking at a literal thing amen and it's the same thing that we have been talking about for a couple of weeks now for some folks like we said if it's not written in the bible amen if it's not written in the bible word for word then they will dismiss it as man-made show me where it's written in the bible and i will do what it says but if it's not written in the bible and this is what the sadducees say i want you to understand that the spirit of the sadducees is still alive and folks that are in church are saying that if it's not written verbatim then they are not going to do it they will go as far to say that this is the tradition of men i want to warn us to be aware of the doctrine of the sadducees if it's not written in the bible i am not going to do it but the principles are there and if the principles are there it is good to obey and we said it amen and so this is one of the things that the sadducees said if it's not written i am not going to do it so look at this scripture first timothy 2 verse 9 and 10 verses 9 and 10. if it's not dear i am not going to do it in like manner also that woman adorned themselves in modest apparel with shame-facedness and sobriety soberity not with brightened ear or ghoul our prayers are costly arrays but which becomet woman professing godliness with good works now let me read from the english stanza english standard version likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel with modesty and self-control not with braided ear and gold or pearls or costly attire but with what is proper for a woman who professed godliness with godly works so the bible did not say amen the bible did not say don't show your legs it did not say don't show your cleavage but the bible said that women must dress modestly what people in church would argue amen and i don't know why the holy spirit use the scripture but people in church will argue and say look here it's not there modesty is leave up to my interpretation so if the thing is above minion and when i sit down i i having problem i have to do all kind of thing you're not comfortable then why you're still weird but look here i want you to know that it it is not up to you the bible says jesus modesty dress modestly in a manner that is not elaborate are indecent so now your bishop tell you do not weird things that is too short and do not wear the things that suck on or hug you up and that you can see everything amen you can see everything and the bishop tell you that i am no saying that because the bishop says so he's not in the bible so i'm not doing it so the bishop said men don't wear the pants are tied till squeeze or your front buff up don't wear it and you're saying that look here that is not in the bible somebody can wear a tight pants so though it is not their word for word the principle is near to govern what the leader under god tells us to do very important i want you to understand that when the lord wrote to the church in revelation and said right unto the angel of the church the angel is the pastor are the bishop in our case is the same man that has to answer for your soul and the principles you will understand if him says something and you know that it's far from scripture that is the time you're supposed to run but if the man is trying to get us to live right and to live holy don't say that it is not in the bible verbatim so you're not doing it the bible says that we should adorn ourselves modestly so god put the principle there move upon the heart of his leader and said this is all i wanted to do it this is what i wanted to tell the people and we are saying that look here if it's not in the bible it will not it it's just not going to work i will say this that if we find it hard to obey the leader that god plays above us it's probably better we find somewhere else that we can work with and that is why the bible says that they are going to find they are going to find persons that will minister to what they want to hear they are going to find persons that will allow them to do what they want to do the bible said the first scripture that we read in timothy that's what it says the time will come when they will not endure sown doctrine so the sadducees they said if it's not written in the bible amen that they're not going to obey it and i want to want to be aware of the leaving of the sadducees i want to warn the church beware of the spirit of the sadducees not because it is not there remember we also said some weeks ago that the lord said that i am going to write the laws on the tables of your heart and so even if the bishop don't say it there is a spirit that one-on-one connection and god put the holy ghost in you and the holy ghost will not convict you and say look here that thing is wrong hallelujah and you have got to be aware of the leaving of the sadducees so given that the pharisees and the sadducees have different views it is no surprise that they argued over certain teachings the scientists saddus is rejected they rejected the resurrection of the dead they said that liquor no person can raise from the dead let us look at matthew 22 verses 23 to 34. the sadducees rejected a belief in the resurrection of the dead the same deal came to him the sadducees which say that there is no resurrection and asks him saying master moses said if a man die having no children his brother shall marry to his wife and raise a seed unto his brother and behold there was a great nordia was with a seven brethren and the first when he had married a wife deceased having no children left unto his brothers likewise the second also and the third unto the seventh and the last of all the woman died also therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven for they all harder jesus answered and said unto them he do air not knowing the scriptures nor the power of god for in the resurrection they they neither marry nor given in marriage but as the angels of god in heaven but as touching the resurrection of the dead he have not read that which was spoken unto you by god saying i am the god of the living and when the multitude heard this they were astonished at this doctrine but when the pharisees heard that he had put the sadducees to silence they gathered together in other words they said the pharisees were happy that jesus put them togeth the passage tell us that the sadducees did not believe in the resurrection this was the reason why they asked that kind of a question trying to cheat jesus but jesus said you don't understand the resurrection because when the resurrection happened they they are they they are like the ian jails so there is no marriage not giving into marriage they are like the angel so jesus dismissed them the fact that they did not believe in the resurrection meant that they would discredit the resurrection of jesus christ i would see it in scriptures after they successfully sent jesus to the cross the members of the son sanhedrin feared that his disciple would sneak in and steal his body so they asked and received soldiers to guard the tomb although they did not believe that such thing look here they did not believe that such thing could happen they took jesus claim that he would rise again three days in a literal sense you see the iron of it they did not believe but yet they put so just there because they say we don't want anybody to come and steal the body but in the back of their minds they were saying we have god there so if he marries we're going no now in matthew 28 1-6 mary magdalene the bible says and the other mary went to see the tomb and behold there was a great earthquake and the angel of the lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat on it so it's not any man ruler with a stone it was the and it was a big stone so a good amount of men would have to come and roll away the stone he appeared and was like lightning and his clothing was white as snow and fear fell upon the guards i want us to listen to this you know the guards trembled and became like as dead men but the angels said unto the woman do not be afraid for i know that you seek jesus who was crucified he is not here for he has risen and as he said come and see where he lived let us now look at matthew 28 11-15 so the angel said to them go and tell them that the lord has risen while they were going no behold some of the god went into the city and told the chief priests all that to are taking place so look here they tell the chief priests you know that jesus rose you know nobody took his body and angel killed him and ruled away the stone because they got outside you know i angel came and rode away the stone until both mirrors that the lord is risen the gods heard it and the bible says they came and told the chief priests all that are taking place and when they had assembly with the elders and taking counsel they gave a sufficient sum of money to the soldiers and said tell the people his disciple came by night and stole him away while we were asleep and if this comes to the governor ears we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble so they took the money and they were directed and as this story has been spread among the jews unto this deer the bible says so story spread is reportedly commonly reported among the jews until this day until this day some of the jews said that the message the messiah has not yet arrived i want you to understand that the spirit that goes with the doctrine of the sadducees is a wicked and dreadful spirit i want you to also note that there are modern days pharisees and sadducees that teaches that hell is a place is not a place of eternal suffering but is rather a common grave so what they're teaching you know is that when the person dies that is hell they're going to degree of the grave that they put in is hell modern dear pharisees and sadducees they are modern-day and pharisees and sadducees who teaches that the soul is simply the life force within a person so when a person dies the life force of leave the body and that is it oh glory to god there are mother and dear pharisees and sadducees who teaches that jesus resurrection from the dead was not physical but a spiritual one when all the evidence says that jesus wrote physically thomas reached thinner thy finger and behold my hands reach thy hand into my side and be not fearless but believing they are mother named sadducees and pharisees who will tell you that there is no such thing as the resurrection mother and the sadducees will tell you that there is no such thing as the resurrection the apostle paul says that if christ is not risen then our preaching is vain and your faith is all soviet so what we preach and what we teach and what we believe is hinged upon the resurrection of jesus christ if the devil can get you to evil wonder if jesus really get up from the grave if he can cause you to do that then you will doubt your salvation you will do it your eternal redemption and you will even doubt that you are saved beware of the leave of the sadducees oh glory to god beware of the leave of the sadducees first corinthians 15 12 to 18. now if christ be preached that he rose from the dead who says some among you that there is no resurrection look here i want you to understand that it is not just know that folks have not have been saying that jesus didn't raise uh it is not just know that folks are saying that will that there will be no resurrection they have been saying it from a long time and when the apostle writes to the corinthians him say no if christ be preached that he rose from the dead who says some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead before if you read further up in corinthians you will see where elise taught a set of people who were eyewitnessed at the resurrection of jesus and he did that to convince the folks at corinth that look here you need to do away with the doctrine of the saga sees the doctrine of the sadducees will cause you to doubt your eternal redemption christ is coming to redeem us from this body of death and if you doubt amen the resurrection you're gonna find yourself left behind and that is all conniving and wicked the spirit is that is preaching to people today and telling them that the meeks are the mixer in any in every earth but a new heaven and a new earth amen and i want you to understand the scriptures tonight i don't know about you but i have no shadow of an adult that as christian as a child of god christ is risen from the dead i have no doubt so the apostle said if there be no resurrection of the dead then christ is not risen then is your preaching vein and your faith also v and it means that look here is veen is nothing might as well you know you know but uh with this christian work if christ did not raise from the dead because everything that we believe is hinged upon that yeah and we are found false witnesses of god so if christ did not reason we are found far so when we come and we preach christ we are false witnesses because we have testified of god that he reels up christ whom he raised not up if so be that the dead rise not for if the dead rise not then is not christ's race and if christ be not raised your faith is veen he are yet in your so if christ did is not reason you're still in sin oh jesus hallelujah you're still in sin and i want you to under uh look here when we when we read the scripture i know jesus said be we're after leaving we need to understand these d what these men practice what these men thought what they believe and they believe in knowing is is a wicked thing not to believe that there is a resurrection and if christ be not raised your faith amen is v and you are stealing your sins you're not saved then they also which are falling asleep in christ are perish it means that those who are not dead in christ don't have any hope of being raised amen but himself if in this life only we have hope then we are of all men most miserable what we have tonight church is inch upon the resurrection of jesus christ i knew without a shadow of a doubt that jesus is risen from the dead i don't know about you i know without a shadow of a doubt christ has risen from the dead nevertheless look at this scripture saint john 16 verse 7 hallelujah never the less i tell you the truth oh jesus nevertheless i tell you the truth it is experience for you that i go up is jesus saying this no we know nevertheless i tell you the truth it is expedient for you that i go away for if i go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if i depart i will send him unto you in other words because jesus went away the holy ghost came and because i am a recipient of the holy ghost i knew without a shadow of the doubt amen that the resurrection is is real i come against the spirit that is troubling the minds of the people of god there are some forks who are doubting amen whether they are saved or not but once you have the holy ghost you should not have any shadow of doubt amen whether you are saved or not you should not have any shadow of a doubt that christ is going to come and redeem you from this body of death i have gone to prepare a place for you that where i am dear we will be also a man i come against his spirit amen that is telling people in the name of jesus christ that there will be no resurrection it's a lie from the pit of hell there is going to be a resurrection let us look at first thessalonians 4 verse 14. let's go from 14 to 17. for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so then also with sleep in jesus will god bring with him for this we say unto you by the word of the lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the arch in jail and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together to meet him in the ear let me just pause here remember last week when we two weeks ago when we talk about the the baptism of the holy ghost we say that if you don't have the holy ghost you will not have that changing agent that will cause you to know change unto me the lord in the ear no i said that i'm sure a while ago that i that the resurrection is real why because i have the holy spirit a lot of time people doubt amen and if the devil can cause you to doubt amen that you're you have the holy spirit have you now look hallelujah but i want somebody to know tonight that you must be confident in god and and confident in the work that god has done you can't reach a point where you're doubting that the holy ghost lives in your life the holy ghost dwell in you no man you must be sure you must have that relationship with god amen and you must go down and pray and the holy ghost make intercession and you know that some one is living in you well you're coming the adversary god caused an adult he did it with eve did the lord say that you shall surely die and he just woke up with that and the adversary will try to walk us cause you to doubt your salvation look here i don't know a person instead of serving god and them said go to our alter them have the holy ghost oh you know boy go to the altar and pray on the man tell me of the holy ghost there must be something tangible even though you can't see it i want you to understand i can't see but i can feel him moving on the inside this holy what is real the resurrection is real for if we believe that jesus is died and rose again even saw them which also sleep in jesus will god bring with him for this we say then unto you by the word of god that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clothes to meet the lord in the ear and so shall we ever be with the lord mighty god look here it's bible reading i will have holy ghost let spirit connect to spirit and you understand what the adversary is trying to do it is trying to destroy the people of god by causing you not to believe in the resurrection amen i come against that one more time in the name of jesus christ so those who die in christ will rise again and those who die outside of christ will rise to be judged of god i want to encourage anyone and employ anyone who is watching right now you're not saved i want you to listen the word of god there is going to be a resurrection if you live a life that is acceptable in the sight of god and you die on earth god is going to raise you up if you live a life of sin god is going to raise you up and judge you don't follow the spirit of the sadducees that says there is going to be no resurrection and that when you die amen this the the the the life has gone and that is it no there is god is going to raise up the sinners and he's going to judge them and he's going to give them the reward that they deserve the life that you leave now determines where you're going to spend eternity and i encourage you i implore you make sure that you're right with god john 5 28 and 29 marvel not at this for the over is coming in which all that are in the grave shall hear his voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the resurrection look here i am warning somebody tonight amen i am one and so look here i'm warning somebody that has received the baptism of the holy spirit but guess what you're leaving your toe in the line i want you to understand that if you die in sin you are going to raise and be judged and be condemned but if you live pleasing to god if you live pleasing and acceptable in the sight of god amen you're going to be resurrected unto life bless the name of jesus listen this a quarter so there were some pools that were done in the u.s and pools that were done in great britain um because you know when when it comes easter time they talk about the resurrection so they want to get a idea of folks who believe in the resurrection and this was done in 2010 by bbc radio 17 of all people that were called believe the bible word for word 31 of christians believe word for word the bible reason the total to 50 57 percent among active christians those who go to service one time per month two times for a month exactly now listen this exactly a half of all the people survey did not believe in the resurrection 46 percent of people say they believe in some form of life after death and 46 percent did not believe in life after that they did not believe in any form of resurrection this number is too much why because the spirit of the sadducees of blinded dear minds have blinded their hearts and has caused them not to believe that there is going to be a resurrection church i want you to understand that these are souls and if there is no belief that there is going to be a resurrection and that people will be judged then there will be no effort for a person to get their life right in america it is not so bad because 66 percent of those who were interviewed believe in the resurrection so there's another 34 percent that don't believe in the resurrection and this number is too much these numbers are too much not to believe in the resurrection people will not take the necessary steps to get their life right beware of the leaving of the sadducees the sadducees says there will be no resurrection and i want you to know today that there will be a resurrection amen so from matthew 22 verse 23 that we have read we can also that we read we could also deduce that the pharisees believe in the resurrection because the same scripture when jesus dismissed the sadducees the bible says that the pharisees came together so they believe in the resurrection so they're not so bad amen so the pharisees believe in the resurrection and the sadducees denied the afterlife who willing that a soul perish at death but the pharisees believed in an afterlife and in an appropriate reward for punishment for individuals the scientists reject the idea of an unseen spiritual world amen they reject this and there are persons even no ideas that will tell you and when we preach and say look here we will fight in a spiritual battle they will tell you that look you're not spiritual but what the apostles tell you is furry wrestle not against flesh and blood but again principalities against powers and against look here the apostle tells us what dear our forks the sadducees rejected an unseen spiritual world but look here even man is made of body spirit and soul and god is a spirit so so if you so look here if you deny the of a spiritual world god is a spirit and they that worship he must worship him in spirit and in truth if you dismiss the spiritual world you will eventually dismiss that there is a god believe of the sadducees but the pharisees start the existence of angels demons and the spiritual rep so the pharisees not really so bad but the study sees man amen so jesus did many miracles yet the pharisees and sadducees and the herodian as mentioned in mark 8 15 still did not believe in him shortly before jesus one is disciple of the leave of the pharisees and the sadducees the pharisees and the sadducees came to jesus and tested him by asking him show us a sign listen what matthew chapter 16 verses 1 to five says the pharisees also witness taxes so what the bible is saying is that the pharisees will know take the lead on this one the sadducees have their time when they ask their question like like the earlier passage when we read when they asked about the man that died and his brother took to see a woman whose woman will she be her wife will she be when they get there so the sadducees took the lead on that one amen and they asked the question based on what they believe no the pharisees no is taking the lead and this one so the bible says the pharisees also with the sadducees so the saddest sees come along to hear what the pharisees going to ask and tempting desire him that he would show them a sign from heaven and he answered and said unto them when it is evening he say it will be fair weather for the sky is red and in the morning it will be fall weather to the day for the sky is red and lowering ho he hypocrites he can discern the fears of the sky but he can but can he not discern the signs of the time a wicked and unadulterous generation seek after a sign and there shall no sign be given unto it but the sign of the prophet jonas and he left them and departed so jesus refused to give them a sign if jesus had given them a sign probably they would have believed that this is really the messiah they say give us a sign from heaven and if you had given them the sign they would say well this man must be made the messiah but jesus said only sign shall be given unto you with a sign of jonah i want us to know that this exchange gives significant context to jesus is mentioned mentioning of the leave it was after this that he said beware of the leaving of the pharisees the living of the pharisees was subtle yet pervasive influence the pharisees exerted over the people those who followed the pharisees might demand signs but they would gradually increase in unbelief they had hardened their hearts just like the pharisees so do the pharisees believe some of the things as it pertains to the resurrection and as it pertains so to the principles you don't have to be there verbatim the pharisees believe that but the pharisees want to see a sign and jesus said a wicked and adulterous generation seek it after a sign in the time that we are living in people are seeking a sign if you have a church and you're not telling people that when they come near man getting up water wheelchair when they come near they're going to be blessed so to speak if you're not telling them certain things they don't want to come they want a sign and guess what they are given signs the false teachers and false prophets and false teachers they have power from the enemy to give sign i want you to understand that the spirit of the antichrist preceding the antichrist is of antichrist he's a false christ the bible said that he will have no need for a woman amen so the spirit of the antichrist is here hence there is an increase in far teachers and preachers and men who have received power from demons to give signs and people are running down and you're going to get signed if you're running down a sign you're going get it a wicked and an adulterous generation seek a sign let us look at second thessalonians 2 verses 8 and 9. and then shall that wicked one be revealed whom the lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming even him who's coming is after the working of satan with what all power and signs and lying wonders when when the antichrist gets here he's gonna be the chief among them that is here already the spirit is here but when he come he's going to be the chief among them the closer we get to is coming and revealing himself is the more you're going to see some last pass and you're going to see some things that support homosexuality today i hear that they have a new agenda don't read it i need to do something you haven't you can imagine god made meal and the spirit of the antichrist is here so it is with the false prophets he is he has given them power by the operation of demons to work wonders to work signs and people are drawn away amen by these signs beware of the leave of the pharisees the pharisees want to see a sign i want to tell the church don't run long no sign amen if i invite you to church and you're sick i can't tell you that when you come god won't heal you but i can tell you that all you need to do to lift your feet the bible says call for the illness and when they pray the prayer of faith if it is god's will then god will heal but we can't promise a healing there are some folks that put on a convocation and saying when you come it's a miracle convocation how him can guarantee your miracle and it's the lord's doing we can pray and we can fast and pray about the doing is god's and they promise your miracles they promise you sign and people these are the things that people want and it's a spirit that is driving people to think this way but it's the spirit of the pharisees the pharisees wanted sign and there's a wicked generation that seek a sign beware church don't seek a sign first corinthians 1 24 to 30. for the jews require but unto them which are called both jews and greeks christ the power of god and the wisdom of god for the jews require a sign and the greek seek after wisdom but we preach christ crucified unto the jews of stumbling block and unto the greeks foolishness but unto them which are called both jews and greeks christ the power of god and the wisdom of god for the tools require a sign and this is one of the reasons why they know jesus you know because jesus didn't give them a sign any greek seek after wisdom but we preach we not promise anybody promising anybody any sign we will continue to preach jesus and preach him crucified i'm not going to tell you to come to my church amen because we're full of power i will fool our sign i will full of wonder no we come and we preach the truth to preach the death burial resurrection and ascension of jesus christ you need to lift your feet in order to be saved so the pharisees seek a sign jesus didn't give them any and today they are folks that are still seeking signs and they will not be given a sign you will see line wonders and you will believe it that look you this must be the man of god because him doing so much things not recognizing that there's a spirit at work behind him again let's go to matthew chapter 23 23. look at starting from yes verse 1. then speak jesus to the multitude unto his disciples saying the scribes and the pharisees sit in moses seat all therefore whatever they beat you to observe that observe and do so christ christ talk about what the pharisees preaching on him say observe and do what they tell you to observe but do not eat after their works for they say and do not they will tell you to do what is passing here they will tell you to do but they will not do it they will tell you that holiness is a requirement unto god but they will not live holy there are many scandals right now in the even evangelical circles even here in our local church look at our country our church the churches that are in our country you recognize that there are so many scandals and preachers come and they preach and they say live holy but they themselves not living holy is a spirit of the pharisees they will tell you to do what is written in the book but they themselves will not do it if you are a leader you must lead by example paul says follow me as i follow christ so how is it that you're going to lead and you're not setting the example the same thing that the leader does is the same thing that will trickle down in the congregation because the spirit that is upon the leader will influence his congregation and if the leader is not doing the right thing then the congregation will end up not doing the right thing because if bishop would do it then it all right for me do it nobody can't talk to me you can't bishop and do it nobody can't talk to me because bishop wife i do it hallelujah the spirit of the pharisee of the pharisees they will tell you to do tell you from scripture but they're not doing it and we must be aware so the life of the leader must be transparent amen he must be able to relate to the church and the church must relate to him so do what the pharisees said to do do what the scribe said to do but don't do what they do and church you know you will know when your leader is leaving for god and if your leader is living for god follow him as he follows christ beware of the leave of the pharisees verse 4 for they bind heavy burdens no so they tell you to to do it but they're not doing it and they're buying heavy burdens and grievous and grievous to be born and lay them on men's shoulder but they themselves will not move them with one of their finger so not even a lick of finger they will tell you to do some things you know live wholly deny any flesh try and do this and not even with your little thing that they will try to do the same thing that they're preaching and tell you to do the spirit of the pharisee what are their works they do for what to be seen of men they make brother electric philosophies fill ups tourists and enlarge the borders of their garments and love the uppermost rooms at feasts and the chief's seat in the synagogue and greetings in the markets and to be call of man rabbi rabbi look here i i went to i visit churches when we were able to visit churches and promise somebody that i would visit and when i called the person and i say to them you know i was there they say oh i didn't see you because they want ministers to come and sit up in the chief look here i don't have to go up there for anybody to say minister bill i am all right at the back of the church the pharisees have a spirit that they want to do everything to be seen they want to do everything to be seen verse five but all their works they know to be seen of men we are living in a time of social media and folks want to be seen you have some folks on instagram if they're going to the bathroom the instagram or whatever they're doing i said okay i'm going to the bathroom if they're going to be and they say look here i am going to have a shower and texture in the bathroom everything they just want to be seeing it the time of the social media and people want to be seen let us look at second timothy 3 1 to 5. but people want to be seen and everything they do their unknowns in it and it is coming from the forest it is a spirit of the pharisees they're doing the thing you know preaching the word of god but they want to see the amount of people give them likes and they want to see how many people viewing and they want to see look and they're just it's just a time where people just want to be served to be seen this knew also that in the last days perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves convictions boosters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truth bearers false accusers incontinent fears despisers of those that are good traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power of the earth from such turn away it was the same thing that made ananias and sapphira are we mentioning they sold the parcel of land they want to be seen you know spirit of the pharisees everything they do they want to be seen they're standing up they want to pray they're standing up in church everybody have to hear what they pray and say and jesus said look here if you come in your closet and whisper amen your god is fearful to hear our answer but the pharisees want to be seen want to be sir yes sir so ananias and they sold their land and if they sold it for fifteen thousand they could have said apostle say ten years a process of five years but because they want to be seen and they want to look like oh i'm brother and sister ananias and sapphira they swollen and they give everything let us give them a clap because they give everything to the church so they come and they lie to the apostle because they want to be seen and when they come and tell the lie they drop down dead i want to tell the church and tell individuals that if you want to be seen you're not going to go nowhere you're not going to get anywhere if you want to be seen you will be seen but not by god and ananias and sapphire want wanted to be seen almighty god and they come before the apostle and they lie and they fell down dead i want to tell the people of god just to humble yourselves just to remain humble if you humble yourself god will exalt you no matter if anybody's here and you're known by people are no be those humble yourself and god will do the rest beware of the leave of the pharisees look here if you if you follow these doctrines the teachings and the doings of the pharisees and the sadnesses if you follow it away and find yourself in hell and jesus warned his disciple amen to be aware of the doctrine of the pharisees and sadducees amen amen amen amen so a whole lot of folks they they they they're giving to some organization they want to announce it that they're giving to organization they just want to be seen and we are living in that time where people want to be seen but i want to encourage the church tonight that let us just remain humble let us just remain under the microscope of god we don't have to broadcast anything we don't have to anybody don't have to see us but remember god himself sees us amen so beware after leaving of the pharisees and the sadducees god bless you tonight in the name of jesus christ so next week when we come back we will continue amen and we will continue to look at the direction we look now at the doctrine of demons because when we read in first timothy chapter four it mentioned about reduction of demons and we are going to look into it and to see what the bible the bible made some mention of some things there you know you say they will tell us that you must eat this and it is and god said anything you make is not unclean and good and we're going to go in the scriptures we're going to look at it and we'll talk about this doctrine and talk why we should as we have been doing with the doctrine trends of the pharisees and the sadducees god bless you tonight in the name of jesus god willing next week same time same place we will continue with doctrines amen just bowl your heads lord we again come to you and we appreciate you tonight we thank you heavenly father for everything that was said we pray almighty god that we will accept these words oh god and that we will keep them in mind we pray oh god that they will accomplish what you want them to accomplish lord it's all about saving our souls it's all about the keeping of souls is all about the guardian great god of the hearts of your people in such a time like this god where the spirits are there god to snatch to destroy the souls of men but we pray god for your people tonight that we will remain strong remain unmovable almighty god always abounding in truth we thank you for your love and your mercies let your will be done guide us as we go through the waste of this week as we give thanks lord in jesus name amen amen god bless you again thank you for tuning in god bless you thank you for tuning in just lift your hands just lift your hands and weave them unto the lord amen let's wave them unto the lord and give him thanks thank you jesus we bless your name hallelujah we bless your name jesus we worship and adore you tonight hallelujah you are alone outwardly jesus amen amen amen god bless you god bless you
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 750
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Chapel, Gospel, Good, preaching, anointing, Holy, Ghost, Ministry, bible, study
Id: VDbeJ9oCaFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 44sec (6044 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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