August 18, 2021 Wednesday Bible Study [Deacon Everton Bailey] "Doctrine"

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amen amen bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name let me welcome each and everyone that is tuning in tonight to another session of bible story amen and we you know pray that you know the spirit of god be with us and we pray god that his anointing be upon us you know to just talk to the hearts of his people because you know we are living in serious times you know we are going through a pandemic right now and at the same time i believe that there is a pandemic as it pertains to lack of the truth not lack of you know preachers preaching and teaching the truth and you know we we have a scarcity of the word so to speak you know because men you know in this time you know rather to preach something that will cause individuals to shout and to feel good rather than telling people about what jesus wants them to hear as we get in the word tonight we just want to open with prayer so just bow your heads and just pray with me you know and even as we go through the study i want to encourage you know those watching in and those who are tuning in to you know just breathe out like a prayer now and then you know because you know you present the word you're going to be under attack so just breathe our word our prayer let us pray right now father we want to thank you again jesus for bringing us here today lord god you have speared us yet again lord from tropical storm grace oh god we pray right now jesus that you will just continue to bless us your people and continue to bless us even as a country and we pray god that as a people we will embrace your words and that we will embrace truth and that will stand up god for this faith god that you has called us into lord we are living in a time where many great jesus fall prophet and fall teachers and fall preachers god has set up themselves lord jesus they are set up by the enemy god to receive many but we pray mighty god that you will keep our hearts and that lord we will not be pulled away by a lie but we will hold to your unchanging hands we pray god that as we get in the story tonight that you will accomplish your will lord that you will speak to every heart god give us great lift our faith strengthen us that we can hold on to truth let your will be done tonight as we indulge in this topic and we give you thanks right now in jesus name amen amen all right so as usual you know we're going to do a little bit of recap you know god is extremely good you know yesterday we had some rain you know i was wondering if we would have bible study but god is a good god um nothing major you know some roads um got digged up and we understand that you know that will happen when we have so much rain but you know god is a good god amen you know so earthquake in another country and so many lives were lost and you know god keeps peering us and god keeps peering us and even when something comes it is not that detrimental and i believe that as a country we are a praying country and i believe that you know there are people in this country that knows the true and living god and i believe that we should continue to pray continue to you know talk to god on the behalf of our country of our leaders and even those who you know we consider a menace to society we you know just want to bear them in prayer because you know it is not his will the bible says for any to perish but that all should come to repentance amen so we want to get in the word tonight and we want to look at the scriptures amen and the first scripture that we are going to look at is taken from first timothy chapter 4. now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving he to seduce in spirit and doctrines of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meat which god had created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth then we don't know at second timothy four verses one so paul you know he was talking to tomothy and we have went through would have talked about it already that you know paul as he spoke to timothy you know he was telling him that you know there is going to come a time where men you know will move away from the faith and that they will give heed and to the doctrine of seducing spirit but then here now in second timothy 4 we read where no the personal charge timothy and he said i charge thee therefore before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with our lung suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not end your sound doctrine but after your own loss shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned onto fables amen so we have been talking about doctrine and [Music] you know we have been saying many things last week we really talked about you know i mentioned that i like what the bible says you know when the bible will tell us what to do jesus will tell us what to do through his word but one thing he will not force us to do it amen he will not force us you know that we should make a choice and we mention the scripture last week when we talk about the bible the bible says that enter e through the narrow gate for white is the gate and broad is the way that lead to destruction and there are many that go by it because narrow is the gate the bible says and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few that be that find it i want to encourage the church tonight that you make sure that you will be in the field that find the narrow way you make sure that you are in the fuel that stands in the narrow way because it is the narrow way that is going to lead to life eternal the bible says enter the narrow gate you know and i like the bible tells us what to do and it's the same thing with doctrines the bible tell us the different type of doctrines that exist and then the bible also tells us about the apostles doctrine and the bible tells us that we should choose the apostle doctrine choose truth follow truth right if you want to know truth then you must know jesus christ because he's truth amen until we look last week and we talked about they they they to be able to identify you know true doctrine from false blockchain or sound doctrine from false doctrine you know because as individuals we should be able to identify right what is true from what is false what is true from what is a lie and it's important that as church as people that are called by the name of jesus christ that we be able to you know talk about the truth but that we'll be able to identify when truth come to us and a way that we can identify truth is by the word but we look at the true true versus the false doctrine and you know we must be aware in luke 22 31 to 32 the lord said simon simon behold satan at desire to sift you as wheat but i have prayed for you i want the church to know tonight that wherever you are in the world and you are watching and you are a part of the church i want you to know that the devil desire to see few like we but i have been praying there is a burden in my spirit and i have been praying and i've been saying god keep us your people help us not to entertain any kind of false teaching any kind of false doctrine because we can be swayed and we will find ourselves being involved in things that we should not be involved in when you are around a lie you will find that you know you will do things that will cause you to walk outside of the presence of god and you want to make sure that you're able to identify you know what these false teachers and what false doctrine enters and what true doctrine entails but i want you to know that the lord said peter the devil desire to sift you like wheat but he said i have prayed for you i want us those who are praying people those who know how to pray to continue to pray for the church to continue to pray for the saints you know and and just before i'm just going a little bit as i feel in my spirit you know like we said two weeks ago that one of the things that the pandemic is doing is that is keeping the scenes away from the church and i'm feeling in my spirit i have to be trying my very best to to make sure that i get the thing together because i don't want when the rapture sounds that i am not in it and if we are not careful we're not we're not coming out to church as we used to and you'll find that folks are falling away and and and giving heed to doctrine of seducing spirit and we have got to be a weird church in times like these as children of god we must be able to identify you know false teachers and false teaching and to do so we must know what to look for and as we just do a quick recap you know we said one of the things that we should look for and we mentioned it last week that you know we should look for the origin where does the doctrine originate from we said that sound doctrine originates with god right the apostle when you wrote to the galatians we said when true great lent to to have them to understand that look here what he was preaching to them was not of his self but it was of god and we mentioned that scripture in galatians 1 11 to 12 for i would have you know brothers that the gospel that was preached by me is not man's gospel for i did not receive it of any man nor was i taught it but i receive it through a revelation of jesus christ so we said that if you want to know true doctrine you must look where it originated from this apostles doctrine that we embrace as apostolics i want you to know that it comes straight from god it comes straight from jesus christ straight to the apostles and the apostles leave this heritage for us and as christians we have got to stand in this heritage and we have got to be prepared to fight to maintain what was handed down to us so true doctrine then originates with god and then we said false doctrine originates with anything else other than god so it can be by spirits or it can be by a man that is influenced by still come down to a spirit so just as true doctrine is marked by its divine origin false doctrine is marked by its worldly origin in colossians paul make mention to the colossians wherefore if he be dead with christ from the rudiments of the world why as though living in the world we are subjected to ordinances touch not tears not handle not which all are to perish with the using after the commandments of and doctrine of men so we will find that there will be doctrines that come from men and and just as all the holy spirit will inspire men to write and and inspire men to to research and to preach and to teach so it is that men get their inspiration from demons and they come up with these type of doctrines that is there to sway people away from the truth but if you want to know the true doctrine from the false doctrine then you first must look at its origin and the true doctrine originates with god and the false doctrine originate with anything else other than god the second thing that we mentioned that we must look at is the authority the authority of sound doctrine is grounded in scriptures amen the word of god the bible is sufficient it's complete it's authoritative right and it's from which true doctrine can be established we mentioned the scripture in second timothy 3 16 and 17. all scripture is given by the inspiration of god and is profitable for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of god may be thoroughly furnished equipped for every good work so sun doctrine it originates in the thought it originates in the mind of god and its authority lies with god also in first thessalonians 2 verses 13 and we also thank god constantly for this that when he received the word of god which you heard from us you accepted it as the word of god and not of men amen so the authority that the doctrine comes from is from the word and the authority is come from god himself the bible is the word of god all scripture is given by the inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine so sown doctrine originates with god in the mind of god amen and paul said to the testimonials that look here we thank god that you receive the doctrine that we brought forth to you and you receive it as the doctrine of god so far on the other hand false doctrine groans its authority outside of scripture fall doctrine grows its authority from outside scripture two person can be teaching from the same passage and both claim the authority of the bible really the authority of false doctrine comes from satan himself false doctrine is a lie and satan is the father of lie and we mention the scripture in john 8 verses 44 you say you are after your father the devil and the desire of your father you want to do he was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaks a lie he speaks from his own resources for he is a liar and the father of it and this amen so the authority that false doctrine has comes from satan himself it comes from oat anything else outside of bible so true doctrine gets its authority from god through the word then false doctrine get its authority from outside of the bible then when we talk about consistency so when you put the the true doctrine through the test and you look at consistency you recognize that true doctrine is consistent throughout scriptures through doctrine amen the bible says in hebrews 13 verses 9. and the bible talks about strange doctrine and teaching paul wanted amen to tell the church in hebrews about the consistency of the doctrine through scripture paul also warned timothy about accepting different doctrine first timothy 1 3 and 6 and both time the apostle emphasized you that that we should look that timothy should look at the consistency of doctrine and the scripture bears the consistency of doctrine the word when we talk about the true doctrine and sound doctrine it must match up with the word of god so it must be consistent amen we'll also look at the scripture in isaiah 29 8 9-10 whom shall he teach knowledge and whom shall he make to understand doctrine and this was in the old testament and we mentioned that he said whom will he make to understand doctrine them that are win from the milk and drawn from the breasts for precept must be open precepts line open line line open line here a little and there are little so the bible is saying to us that true doctrine who shall we teach true doctrine those that come after the breasts and and those that are able now to eat hard food get into the word of god and instead line must be up online precepts open precepts here a little and dear a little so amen the authority the consistency sorry the consistency of true doctrine of sound doctrine when you put it against scripture you recognize that it is consistent it's preached the same message but on the other hand when we talk about false doctrine we recognize that it is inconsistent false doctrine is inconsistent short scriptures you know sometimes some folks you know they will use one scripture and they will you know this is what their doctrine hinges on but i want us to know that in order to identify false doctrine we have got to look at the consistency when we put it through the consistent test we recognize that sound doctrine we recognize that true doctrine amen is consistent throughout the word of god but when we look at the false doctrine it is inconsistent amen when we look even in the book of acts that we mentioned acts 16 and he brought them out and said sirs what must we do to be safe and the opposite to them believe in the lord and those will be saved some folks just take this time they make their doctrine and say that all somebody must do in order to be saved is to believe in the lord jesus christ but it was the same apostle in in further down in the scripture that says they took the man and his family and baptized them i want us to understand that to identify this false doctrine we may need to put it in a test against the word of god and when you see that it is inconsistent in the word of god that is the time that you are going to know that look here i need not to listen to this person because what he's saying is really false then we say that true doctrine will is beneficial to spiritual health in other words it give cause want to grow spiritually sun doctrine makes one spiritually healthy spiritually mature and become knowledgeable christian second timothy 2 verse 15 knowledge of the word to overcome the wicked one you know when jesus christ was was tempted by the adversary it was the word that jesus christ used to overcome to overcame the adversary and it is similar to us as christians as a being in christ and we're doing those we don't know the word so so so so fully you're gonna find out that sometimes some things up now we don't know the word but then when we become mature christian and so induction will bring us to that mature stage we will know from the world be able to resist the adversary because now we are able to quote scriptures all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are called according to his purpose so when the adversary would come in like a flood and try to mess up our mind and mess up our thoughts and mess up the things that we are trying to achieve under god we can say that all things work together for good where it might look painful and and the adversary might cause you to feel down but look here all things work together for good to them and we can use the word to comfort ourselves and so the doctrine true doctrine sound doctrine brings spiritual growth right and the things that we used to do we do them no more so if you look even at yourself and you know that you're involved in in in truth you find out that some things that you used to do you're just not doing them anymore any man being christ the bible say is a new creation but you're going to find out that you know a certain time after a certain time pass you're going to find out that you change because your thinking is changed and i'm going to go down into it because when final that you will do the things that you think i don't want to run ahead of myself but you will do the things that you think the things that you have on your mind that is the thing that you will do and you're going to find out that when we as children of god when we grow whatever things are lovely whatever things are honest whatever things are of good report if there be any virtue if there be any prayers think on these things so when we when we start grow spiritually recognize that yes your thought change and you start think about things that are more of god but on the other side false doctrine don't promote spiritual growth false doctrine lead to spiritual weakness because remember i said last week that this false teaching and false doctrine about where to do those who you want to the studio and when you get involved you're going to find that no everybody around you is doing a particular thing that hey it will just be looking like the norm for you to do that thing and and you're going to find out that when you get swede into false teaching and false belief that they will cause you to do things that is not scriptural and that they will turn you from the true and living god the the next test that we said that we should do to identify true doctrine from false doctrine is to look at how people are living i see a video the other night and that video is as if the people were in a building called church people were in their church clothes and is a dancehall and them says dance our church and india had a lot of people i see another video some time ago and these people were downtown and they were they were doing the dances of the world they were dancing to the music of the world and i am saying to us that church when it comes to true doctrine true doctrine will cause people to live godly sown doctrine has value for godly living truth never stands on its own but always has an implication in life doctrine is always meant to lead to doxology worship and purpose for living all scripture is given by the inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof paul then charged titles to teach what occurs with sound doctrine reminding him that such doctrine is excellent and profitable for the people titles 3 verse 8 and titus 2 verse 1. so sound doctrine promotes godly living without god expects people to live for him and how is it that we are going to live for him the doctrine must tell us how to live for him when we look at adoption and we're going to look at the makeup because there are some things that is really on the periphery but they are important because while the apostles doctrine mainly talks about jesus christ and about his death and burial and resurrection and ascension we are going to find out that there are some things that like like how we live and whole we dress i know these things come together to form one big doctrine so to speak that the apostle presented to us and you can't talk about doctrine and and living by the word without talking about love you can't talk about doctrine and living by the word we don't talk about how we attire ourselves it is just a part of the entire thing and as people of god we can make up our faces when we hear somebody come and talk about living it is coming from the word and somebody talking about dressing the bible might not say certain things but we can find the principles in scriptures to guide us how we fast so godly so so doctrine true doctrine promotes godly living amen while on the other side false doctrine promotes ungodly living false doctrine leads to ungodly living and jude 1 verses jude 1 verse 4 as verse 4 tells us that false doctrine leads to ungodly living by causing forks to believe lies i want the church to understand tonight that doctrine is a serious thing and as children of god living in this day and age we must be able to identify must be able to identify what good doctrine teaches what it entails and what false doctrine entails this is all we are going to be able to identify the enemy you cannot be on a battlefield somebody and cannot be able to identify the enemy the enemy will sneak up on you even if is a wolf and him have a sheep clothing for him come near you my jesus you're going to recognize that when you are in the spirit you will know that the spirit your spirit and that spirit can't bear chiamish so it can be of god so while it's important to come to church and while it's important to be dear and to worship god whenever you get the chance i want you to understand that as people of god we must be living in the spirit because the bible tells us that there is wolf in sheep clothing and you have got to be aware that the adversary will not relent and he will go through all the lengths and breadth of trickery to deceive some and a sins of god in this time we are too near to our heavenly home to be deceived too near to see jesus first face to be deceived we have got to make up our minds we have got to be to to be convinced in our souls that look here what we are involving is truth and nothing can draw us away i wonder how is it that some folks you have experienced the holy ghost and this is all cruel satan is you know some folks have experienced the holy ghost but have gone to a place that tells them that look here the holy ghost um once you believe god as you believe god saw yes you have the holy ghost without any evidence of speaking in tongues and there are some i have seen folks that receive the holy ghost and has gone to another place that don't believe in the holy spirit anyhow at all this is the reality that we must understand and accept that this is the reality around us and we can't afford to allow any not this time not know not when the signs origin tropical storm earthquake things does happening oh jesus all that is happening in the middle east everything is not no we can't allow anything to draw us away no amen somebody so we also made mention about the the unbiblical the extra biblical the biblical base and we just mentioned last week that we as individuals that we must understand that even though the thing that is not written verbatim in the bible we must recognize that once the principle is there it is enough for us to take as part of our doctrine it's enough for us to live by so we may mention and the bible did not say don't smoke don't smoke a split don't smoke a cigarette but the bible tells us that our body is the temple of the lord so we can use it for smoking and we can use it for other things the principle is there and i am saying to us that from the principle is there it makes sense that we obey the principle we also look at the scripture in jeremiah 31 31-33 he said behold the days comet say the lord that i will make a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of judah not according to the covenant that i made with their fathers when in the day that i took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of egypt with my covenant they break although i was and husband unto them say the lord but this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days say the lord i will put my laws in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and i will be their god and they shall be look here i want us to understand that if it's not written word for word in the bible god put the holy ghost do you know and people that are living for god you can identify do you know that there are some things that is now written in the bible but to hold god convict you about it you can't do it and i'm saying to us that folks are fighting the spirit their consciences are alive through the holy ghost and they are fighting the holy ghost so when you dress a certain way i mentioned it last week and you put on certain things and you have to be fighting your conscience that is alive because you have the holy ghost you have to be fighting your conscience and say look here yeah man look preparing it we can't wait and you're fighting your conscience you're going against the leading of the lord if you have to fight your conscience to do it don't do it so i want the church to know tonight that not everything will be written in the bible it will not be written word for word but we have got to know of that from the principle is dear one of the ways to please god the bible says is that we are to walk in the spirit that we might not fulfill the lush of the flesh galatians 5 verse 16. church i want us to know tonight that it might not be mentioned verbatim in scriptures but once the principle is there we can take it as doctrine if it is holiness the bible tells us about it if it is modesty the bible tells us about it if it's how to love how to live to please god enough is in the scriptures amen for us to live for god bless the name of jesus so sown doctrine then is important amen sound doctrine is important i want us to know that doctrine is important i said two weeks ago three weeks ago when we ha this subject that the bible spend so much time jesus inspired men and and men wrote amen and jesus himself while he walked this earth spoke about doctrine if doctrine was not so important then the bible would not place an emphasis on doctrine i want us to know that when you hear folks telling you that you should put away the things that your forefather have given unto you i want you to know that that is coming out of hell itself and folks when you hear folks saying that you can put away your doctrine understand that they are going against the world because the word tell us that we should abide in the apostles doctrine so why is sound doctrine important we look earlier on last week and we recap and we said that you know you're supposed to look at the the different things uh what the sound doctrine and change what the true reduction entails and then what the false doctrine entails but why is sound doctrine important sound action is important because our feet is based on a specific message you're taking notes sound doctrine is important because our faith is based on a specific message and we're going to look at hebrews 11 verses 6. i want us to know that sound doctrine is important our faith is based on a specific message we must bear in mind that we serve god by faith the bible says in hebrews 11 verses 6 but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that comment to god must believe that god is and that god is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him for he that commit to god must believe that he is that god exists and that god is a rewarder of them that seek him so when we come to god the first thing that we do as individual is that we believe if you don't believe that god exists you can't come to god so the first thing that we do as men when we hear the word of god is the word of god cause us to believe that there is a god and that god egg this song doctrine is important because our faith is based on a specific message so when we believe god and we believe on him by hearing his word then doctrinal we get is important because of the message the specific message the bible tells us in romans 10 verses 17 so then faith comes by hearing hallelujah and hearing by the word of god so then faith comes by hearing and that by the word of god remember now the first scripture tells us that any man comes to god must first believe that god is but you can only believe on god when you hear the word so fear then comes by hearing and that by the word of god when the word of god is teach when the word of god is preached then men understand and men know belief in the true and living god that god exists and it is because of the word of god and it's important that the word be ministered because when men hear the word they believe so then it is by hearing the word of god that we believe in the message that is presented about jesus it is by hearing the word of god that we believe in the message that is presented about jesus amen sound doctrine is important because our faith is based on our on a specific message we are saying that sound action is important because of our faith our faith is based on a specific message to the overall teaching of the church it contains many elements but the primary message should be found in first corinthians 15 3 to 4. for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also receive how that christ died for our sins according to the scripture and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according hallelujah to the scriptures this is the message this is the message first corinthians 15 3-4 christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and he was buried rose again on the third day according to not based on overseeing not based on what other men say but according to the scripture this same scripture that we said is profitable for doctrine is profitable for reproof it's profitable for correction and instruction in righteousness so christ died for our sins according to the scripture and he was buried rose again on the third day according to the scriptures what a message this is the message this is when we heard that um we were in sin and a man died came and died and gave his life for our sins gave his life in our state this is why we believe because the message was ministered was preached unto us it is important to our existence the church it is important for receive this message is important for the saving of soul it was the message that was preached on the day of pentecost and it is the message that should be preaching today but the problem that we are having is that there are so many preachers that are not preaching this message hallelujah i sat and i listed an interview the other day homosexual was in the church and this person was saying that look here i preach the word i don't offend them in church where is the message about salvation and that is why i am telling church that we spend our time and we watch some of these i would rather i would rather i see to teach sunday school than to be preaching to millions and teaching to millions and when they called me to preach and teach they said to me look your comments are nothing about baptism in jesus name don't mention about infilling of the holy ghost and speaking in tongues and living a holy life don't mention that but just tell people how god will bless them tell people how that god will keep them tell people how god is going to bring them out but when it comes to the message hallelujah the message is not being preached anymore and i want to challenge preachers i want to challenge preachers that preach on this side of the vineyard make sure that you stick to the message this is the ambiguous good news and it is of utmost importance change the message listen this change the message and the basis of our faith is shift from christ to something else so because we hear the word our faith is now in christ uh how christ died for us that is the message that we heard he rose again on the third day according to the scriptures but if we change the message oh glory the the the focus is now shifted from christ and shifted to something else the message has changed today we are living in a time church the people of god where the message has changed it is not about the debt burial resurrection and ascension of jesus christ it is about me myself and i it is about my asset it is about wealth yes god is going to give you wealth yes so a seed oh glory to god i come to bind some spirits in the name of jesus look here holy ghost i'm not preaching but look here dear some look here there's some gentleman that lived in close proximity to my house and i've seen that man for years one room made out of concrete and this man has a fridge and a stove and this man he was not see he's not safe but look here this is all weak in the false teachers and preachers are they got this man to sell his stove in one store selling fridge in one fridge and give them the money i passed sunday after sunday see this man blue and wood fire and the time is sought will you tell them about the truth tell them about jesus christ dying for them they don't want to hear that but tell them about how they are going to get the blessing tell them to sue a seed and they are going to get a blessing that is what men are believing no and preachers and these seminaries when you are through in some of these seminaries these men know what to come and tell you these men under the leading of satan know what to come and tell you and cause men to believe and i'm saying to us church that if we are not careful we will find ourselves in the same position so it is not about the message of jesus christ dying and his burial and his resurrection and his ascension but it is about me myself and i it is about my asset it is about wealth sowing a seed it is about having hope in the things of this world and the message has shifted preachers and teachers the focus should be on the debt burial and resurrection of jesus christ i wonder why in such a time the lord does impress upon my spirit to come and talk about doctrine i believe that the time is ripe and god is getting ready to take a people out of this world and we have got to hold on to some doctrine we have got to hold on to that which is passed down unto us if we are not careful even the very elect might be deceived so our eternal destiny depends upon hearing the word of truth christ died for our sins according to scriptures he was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures this is the gospel of our salvation let us look at ephesians 1 verses 13. christ died and rose again in whom he also trusted after that he heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that he believed he was sealed with that holy spirit of promise so you trusted after you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation the death burial resurrection and ascension of jesus christ in whom also after that he believed you were sealed with that holy spirit of promise then let us go down to ii thessalonians 2 13 to 14 but we are born to give thanks always to god for you bridging beloved by the lord because god from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth to which he called you by our gospel to obtain to the obtaining of the glory of the lord jesus christ so what scripture is saying to us that we believe when we hear the word and christ seal us our eternal destiny depends upon hearing the word of truth christ died for our sins according to the scriptures he was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures it is when we hear we believe faith comes by hearing and that by the word of god amen somebody so sound doctrine is important because our faith is based upon a specific message amen number two why sound action is important it is important because the gospel is a sacred truth sound doctrine is important because the gospel is a sacred choice and we dare not tamper with what god has given to us we dare not tamper with god's communication to the world the bible is the the the instruction and they said the acronym is the basic instruction before leaving hurt right so god give his word to us and we dare not tamper with it and what we are seeing now is that these false teachers and false prophet and false prophetess they have no evil they might use a scripture but they're changing up the essence of the word of god they taking the truth and they turn it into a lie to deceive men so our duty as preachers and teachers and witnesses is to deliver the message we see a message that we talk about christ died according to the scriptures buried rules again on the third day according to the scripture our responsibility our duty is to teach the world paul said it to timothy preach the word in season and out of season and our responsibility is to present the gospel as teachers and preachers and witnesses our responsibility is to deliver the message and not to change it because the gospel is a sacred trust jew let's look at jude three and four jude conveys an urgency in guarding the secret choice it's a beloved when i gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contain for the faith which was one deliver once delivered unto the saiyans why for there are certain men corrupting unawares who were before of all are deemed to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of god into lasciviousness allies to sin and denying the only lord god and our lord jesus christ he said i felt i had to write and to urge you to contain for the faith to contain the accuracy the idea of strenuously fighting for something to give everything that you got for this thing why because there are certain men crypt in unaware scripting we are not crept into the world that we are in crept into the host of god and their soul purpose is to bring down the host of god i bring our mind back to the story of troy troy walls were unbreachable and the other nation that they were in warwick they make this big horse and the warriors went inside of the horse to hide themselves and the people of troy pushed this big horse in there and they were celebrating that god gave them victory over their opponents not knowing that in the night these warriors came out and they attacked the city from within and tried fell i want us to understand that jude from that time saw it and jude was saying to us who are in the church that look here their men will creep in unawares just come into our midst and they would want to turn the grace of god into a license to commit fornication to commit adultery to sin and just behave as if it is nothing and denying the holy lord god and our lord jesus christ the epistle of jude was written to jewish christians that were living in jerusalem at that time in the opening passage jude explained that he had initially intended to write a general letter about salvation but then he said that he felt burdened to write and tell folks that they must contain for the faith that they hold to so jude concern was the faith the good news the same thing that we were talking about the death burial resurrection and ascension of jesus christ the gospel which at that time was under attack from false teachers who were spreading dangerous heirses i want us to understand that so it was in the beginning so it shall be in the end from that time men were there trying to destroy the works of the church trying to destroy the church but i heard jesus said upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail that scripture i just earned my heart from me shall not prevail against it so from that time the apostles wrote i said look here the time is going to come when they will not endure soul doctrine and jews and men will creep in unaware i want us to know that it happened from that time and today church it is no different it is still happening no the church is still under attack by false teachers i want you to know that if a man set up something called a church and he set up a building and and and him do some things and then go there and read the bible people go and consider it as a church and when they knew things that is contrary to the scriptures and people go there and see it and know them god says what kind of church this it is an attack on the church so we this side might look at it and say but it is an attack on the church because guess what people are not going to separate and say look here that church is they're going to put us all as the church and i want you to understand that when we see those things it is an attack on the church these first teachers these false prophetess these false prophets they are teaching lies that come from satan himself and it is an attack on the church so it was in the beginning so it shall be in the end from the days that the church was founded from the days that the church was established the church has been under attack because of false prophets false teachers false preachers false prophetess whatever they want to be false apostles whatever category they want to put themselves in if you are not teaching the message of the death burial and resurrection resurrection and ascension of jesus christ if you are not preaching a message and you are preaching something else something that is hinged on things in this world you have changed the focus from jesus christ and you're not teaching you're not preaching the truth today right now this faith that you are in you have to fight for it you must fight for it fight and you must fight and you said contain for the faith fight as if your life depends on it fight because your salvation depends on it fight because this is the only truth fight because it is a sacred trust that is handed down to us since this faith was entrusted to god holy people all believers whether that be church leaders whether it be sins you consider yourself to be just a seeing the least among the apostles whoever you might be but you are in the church you are called to defend the truth of jesus christ to defend the truth of these jesus christ doesn't mean that you have to mean an argument with somebody but to defend the truth of jesus christ like we said last week you're supposed to know what you believe and why you believe it and you're supposed to stand upon that though we are an angel preach any other gospel unto you let him be a curse so you can talk but you're not talking to me because i am fully persuaded that what i am in in the truth i am not searching for anything else so if somebody's searching and i want to give you here fine but i am not searching because i have met the man christ jesus if you have known me before i knew him then you would have understand why i'm telling you that i have found the man christ jesus let us look at gallatians and we say it gallatians 1 6 to 9 though we are an angel preach any other gospel unto you let him be you say i'm marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of christ and to another gospel the same death burial and resurrection of jesus christ that we've been talking about which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel paul talk about what you said you will talk about it and paul know and said there will be some that pervert the gospel of christ but though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you then that which we have preached until you let him be a curse you know what happened to some of us some of us have spiritual colleague spiritual running belly spiritual indigestion because you listen to he she and the old lady and and when we are trying to bring you and not bring you in the truth you open up your hair and you listen a lie and so you're confused because one preacher is telling you this and the other preacher is telling you that and you're not understanding that you are listening to somebody that is turning the word twisting the word of god as we said before so i say no again if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that he had received let him be a curse the faith that is entrusted to us by god this faith that we must contend for is grounded in jesus christ he is the messiah he is the son of the living god he is emmanuel god with us he is the word in beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god the world was made manifested and dwell among us and we beheld he is the word and he is the one that gave up his life in our stead when the righteousness of god demanded justice jesus christ was the one that gave up his life in our state in him we live in him we move in him we have our beings jesus is his name and today we that are in the church of god must contend for the faith we are in the church because of his death burial resurrection and ascension and as people of god we must contain for the faith so induction is important because it was entrusted to us as people of god god entrusted this gospel to us the teaching and the preaching and and the witnessing whatever it is god entrusted he called you to this family call you to this flock because he trusts you and and and trust you with this doctrine and instead look your son you know that you accepted this is time for you to tell somebody else don't worry i don't the gospel is a sacred trust the third thing why sun doctrine is important it is because what we believe affects what we do so doctrine is important because what we believe affects what we do have you ever heard the same believe kills and believe cure is a popular saying in jamaica in other words what you believe create a reality sound doctrine is then important because what we believe affects what we do behavior is an extension of theology and there is a direct correlation between what we think and how we act for example a christian and a sinner take for a christian and a sinner the sinner will do sinful things and it is just a norm to a sinner smoke a spliff drink till they get drunk and such they like and it's just an arm because this is all they think and because of how they think these are the things that they do on the other hand if we look on the christian the christian will do things that are christ-like because the thought process have changed let us look at ii corinthians 4 verses 4. so know that we are saved we wonder why people live in sin yeah we were in sydney but know that we are saved we are wondering why people live in sin first corinthians 4 verses 4. he said in whom the god of this world had blinded their minds blind and the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god should shine unto them satan who is the god of this world has blinded their minds of those who don't believe they are unable to see the glorious light of the good news they don't understand this message about the glory of christ who is the exact likeness of god so while we're wondering why the sinners can't see like how we see it it is because the god of this world has blinded their eyes but know that we are saved our thinking has no change and so such were some of us our behavior was similar because it was how we think but know that we are in christ our thinking is different amen the bible says be transformed by the renewing of your mind and so it is because of the renewing of our mind why our behavior has changed our behavior is an extension of what we believe the scripture in first timothy 10 sorry first timothy 1 9 to 10. knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous man but for the lawless and disobedient for the ungodly and for sinners for unholy and profane for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers for man slayers for warmongers for them that defile themselves with mankind for men stealers for liars for pejored for per perpetrated persons and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine the la the scripture concludes with whatever else is contrary to soul doctrine in other words true teaching promotes righteousness sin flourishes where soul doctrine is opposed this is why i told us last week that look here when you get drawn away when you get drawn into something that is not true you will find yourself doing some things that is contrary to the word of god sound doctrine will tell us the ways of god and transform our minds that we might be able to live how god wants us to live we live what we believe so induction is important because we live what we believe when we teach when we preach when you are in a place that preaches and teaches the truth you will not live the truth you will not live the way that christ wants you to live and so that is why soul induction is important so induction is important also point four it is important because we must ascertain truth in a world of falsehood amen sound action is important we must ascertain truth in a world of falsehood the bible tells us in ii corinthians 4 verse 4 that satan is the god of this world then in john 4 8 verses 44 tells us that there is no truth in him so if he is the god of this world and there is no truth in him it means that everything if it's not true it's a lie if it's not true is false and if you look around you look in the physical look in the physical and you will see the falseness presenting itself when you look at mankind no it's false eyelash faster false breaths false bottom men turning themselves to woman false identity women want to be man father's identity everything that surrounds us is false because the god of this world they are doing after the similitude of the god of this world which is satan which is the father father is the father of lies and so just look around you it's just false so they have taken the symmetry of their father the devil but even in the spiritual it is happening first john 4 verse 1 tells us let us find that one first john 4 verses 1. says beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of god because many false prophets have gone out into the world in matthew 13 verses 25 there are tears among the wheat they said master should we take up the tears and say no let's say this try to eat let both grow together until the day of harvest acts 20 and 29. so far i know this that after my departing shall grieve yours no look look here you see after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not spearing the flock the best way to distinguish food from falsehood john 14 verses 6. jesus said unto him i am the way the truth and the life no man commit unto the father but by me to know jesus is to know truth first john 2 verses 22. who is a liar but he that denied that jesus is the christ he is he is antichrist that denied the father and the son and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free so induction is important because we must ascertain truth in our words of in our world are falsehood everything around us church is presenting itself because the art of being true to their father which is the god of this world is the god of falsehood and i want us to know that as the church we have got to remain in the truth jesus is the truth i am the way the truth and the life no man commit to the father but by me point five soul induction is important because at the end of sown doctrine is life it is important it is important watch your steps it is important because at the end of sound doctrine is like so watch your step watch where your work watch what you take heed to watch who you live we mentioned it last week but important that we mention it again because at the end of seoul doctrine is life watch your life watch a step watch your doctrine closely preserve yourself in them because if you do you will see both yourself and them that here the first timothy 4 verses 16. preaching another gospel which is not another gospel will not carry a man's soul to heaven will not cause a man to see to be saved but it will cause a man to be condemned the word of wisdom in proverbs 22 28 say remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set if we can apply this to sound doctrine today the lesson would be that we must preserve keep it intact and you will never stray from the truth sound doctrine is important because it leads to life and that is life eternal so biblical doctrine then helps us to understand the will of god for our lives it teaches us the nature and character of god it teaches us the plan of salvation through faith it instructs the church of what to do or what not to do and what is expected of the church and it tells us of god's standard of holiness it tells us of god's standard of holiness for our lives god expects us to live a certain way and he expects us to know how to live and he place it in the world this is all i want you to live it's not about what you want what is what about what god wants when we accept the bible as god word second timothy 3 verses 16 all scripture is given by the inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction is in righteousness when we accept the bible as god's word we are on our good part we are on our good part to know that yes our doctrine is is in the lord our doctrine is centered around jesus christ second peter 1 20 and 21 knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation for the prophecy come not in all time by the will of men but holy men of god speak as they were moved by the holy ghost we have a solid foundation for our doctrine the wise man built his house upon the rock and the rain came stumbling down the rain came down and the splashes went up and this horse stood firm the foolish man built his horse upon the sun and the rain came tumbling down and his horse fell down i want you to understand that if you are in something that is not built upon the rock and the rock is jesus christ you are going to find yourself in problem because you are not in the truth but if it is centered on jesus build upon jesus is death burial and resurrection you're gonna find that you are in the truth when you talk about the death and the burial and the resurrection and ascension of jesus christ you are in truth and truth is important because the truth shall set you free we have a solid foundation for our doctrine the wise man bill is also upon the rock are you convinced and i asked this question about two weeks or three weeks ago when we began are you convinced that what you are in is the truth or do you think that there is something else i want to tell the church tonight i want to convince somebody tonight that you have a solid foundation on which your doctrine is established having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets jesus himself being the chief karna stone what we preach what we teach when we come from the book of acts when we come from the the new testament scriptures and and we we we talk about the debt and the burial and the ascension the resurrection and ascension of jesus christ when we talk about living holy and we talk about loving god all these come together these are the same things that jesus preached about these are the things that the prophet spoke about these are the things that the apostles spoke about and the scriptures said having been built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets jesus christ himself being the chief cornerstone i want us to understand tonight that church we have a good footing a good foundation on which to build i want you to know that if the foundation is not sure if the foundation is not well laid out you are going to have a problem and we spend the past couple of weeks talking about why doctrine is important talking about how to identify true against false doctrine so as we continue we will look at what the apostles doctrine is how much time we have so we're just doing a a quick look at what the apostles doctrine is next week we will get into the apostles doctrine and i question the lord god why go so basic you know we want to talk about some things and and you know what why go so basic and i believe that the basic things are important to god the the things that you know we consider that look here we are they are important to god this is what the church is established and and i'm just going with the leading of the holy ghost what is the apostles doctrine we had a stable established earlier on that doctrine is simply you know teachings right simply instructions and it comes from the a source of our charity so so what really it depends on who you consider to be that source of our charity but if that source of our charity is not coming from the scripture you are going to have a problem so when we say apostles doctrine we are referring to the teachings and instructions of the apostles as they receive it from jesus acts 2 verses 4 2. let us look at that one the bible tells us that the first church that was ever established received the apostles doctrine and that they continued in the apostle doctrine acts 2 verses 41 then they that gladly received his word were baptized so this was after the day of pentecost peter got up and preached and we are going to look at it peter got up and preached and after he preached they said what shall we do peter told them what was what they should do and the bible says and the same day they were added unto them about three thousand souls and go to forty two and they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in the breaking of bread and in prayers and they continue steadfastly in the teachings and the instructions of the apostle so the original apostles you know where they were unpicked by jesus christ when when when judas betrayed jesus we know that you know jesus hanged himself and there was a opening and you know they cast a lot and matthias i think was was what was the apostle and then the paul was also considered as an apostle and we we're not getting into who is considered to an apostle and a work of apostle you know and there are different school of thoughts and that but you know these men they were selected as apostles and they were with jesus christ and they they received the teachings of jesus christ these teachings that they received from jesus christ were the same things that they taught the people the time the apostles spent was documented in the four gospels matthew mark luke and john the implementation of that teaching can be found in the remainder of the new testament from acts go to revelation when you look from from when we look at the gospels you know they they they document what took place during jesus's time on earth but from us right back to revelation all that we find in those books were the teachings of jesus christ the instructions of how we are to live the instructions of what we should do to be a vital component of the apostles doctrine is the plan of salvation that is what does it takes or what should a man do in order to receive from the right to come in response to his life of sin god's plan for salvation for mankind is comprised in basic components belief repentance water baptism in feeling of the holy spirit and living a holy life five basic components and when you go through the books of acts right back through to revelation you will find the apostles preach about these components you you might not see verbatim if you're looking jew jude might not tell you about repentance and water baptism but jude talked about contending for the faith which was the same thing that was preached and accepted by man so we will look at each briefly because the teach water baptism might take some time to teach repentance and infilling of the holy spirit it is going to take some time and to teach holiness again it won't take some time but what i'm going to do under the holy ghost is that to touch some points in some of these and and to to have us to understand that look here this is the apostles doctrine this is what they teach and this is what we believe and this is what we should should embrace and this is what we should contend for but then in the coming weeks we are going to look at the other doctrines and see how is it that they want to infiltrate who is it that they want to cause us to to to put away god has brought us into so five basic things water baptism repentance belief repentance water baptism in feeling of the holy spirit and a holy life so we will review um each briefly so belief in god is the first step in obtaining eternal salvation and i read the scripture in earlier on hebrews 11 verses 6 for he that comment to god must first believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him once belief is in the midst god have what to work with once a person believe god then god has what to work with the action is to discover what god desires of your life and then to put those desires into a place in your life the only place to discover this plan for your life is through the word of god which is the same word that we have been talking about so once we believe god any man comes to god must first believe and then faith come by hearing and hearing the word of god we mentioned that scripture earlier on so faith plays a vital role into deceiving of the soul of a man without fear the bible says it is impossible to please god i'm gonna stop here no and next week when we get back we will pick up right here and we will talk about faith and and the importance of faith in our salvation and then we look at the whole aspect of sin because you can't preach to a man and don't make him know that look here you are in sin it it it it might be harsh if we tell somebody that look here you're a sinner and and people don't want to hear that they're a sinner but the fact of the matter is that they are sinners and you know we want to just look at the whole aspect of a man being a sinner and the way they have seen his death but the gift of god is eternal life and we just want us we're not getting deep into everything we just find us go through them and then you know we look at some of the other doctrines so god bless you tonight we want to thank you for tuning in and you know we pray god richest blessing up upon your soul not just physical blessing but spiritual blessing may the lord strengthen you in the inner man and i may strengthen you guide you in the inner man let us just bow our heads as i dismiss in prayer lord again we thank you for your words we thank you god for all that was said we pray jesus christ because we are in serious times and lord jesus it is your intention to save souls we are not here teaching for sure but we are here teaching because we want men to be saved and we pray that in a time like this we are the adversaries seeking whom he may devour where there are wolves in sheep clothing that as your people we stand for truth we stand for holiness we stand for righteousness we stand almighty god defending this heritage that has been passed down to us we pray mighty god that even our very life and our very speech hallelujah will say to others that we are a child of god we ask god that you continue to touch everyone that tunes in we ask god that you bless every soul lord we pray god for anyone that is sick and feeling pain we pray that right where they are right now that you will just grant a touch and that you will heal and that you will set free we pray god even for that person that is not saved and for that person that is searching we pray mighty god that you will reveal yourself to them and that you will grant repentance and cause that person to accept you for whom to know is to have life eternal continue to bless us we pray as we give you thanks right now in jesus name amen in jesus name god bless you god richard bless you may the lord keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you by way of announcement as you know this coming sunday is group one and group two and by now you would have known that you know there is only room for 50 persons in the service and 25 of those persons are already accounted for so the first 25 that calls from group one and then the first 25 that call from group two you are the ones that will be allowed to come in the service god bless you let us continue to pray don't know been praying but don't know if things will ever get back to the norm where we can just come together as as one congregation and and one time but we prayed and it might never get back that way but look here look up for your redemption droid night god bless you again in jesus name
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 912
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Chapel, Gospel, Good, preaching, anointing, Holy, Ghost, Ministry, bible, study
Id: -zXxK4LbxXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 54sec (6054 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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