Aubrey Plaza Rewatches Parks & Rec, White Lotus, Ingrid Goes West & More | Vanity Fair

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I think when I said I was stalking her I put her picture on my um home screen on my phone so at one point she like looked at my phone and was like is that me and I was like no it was just little things like that I didn't like go to her house and steal her dog or anything like that hello I'm Aubry Plaza Aubry Plaza I don't know why it sounds weird when I say it today I'm going to be watching some scenes that I've shot throughout my career and talking I made my own sound effects [Music] tell me what Ann did wrong please I need to know nothing it's none of my business oh my goodness Parks and Rec an actor called Chris Pratt you might know him from Guardians of the Galaxy and the Jurassic Park franchise and what did he just do Sonic the Hedgehog what kind of music is this it's rock and roll my friend what kind of sticks in your brain loud fast smooth handsome rock that band is really blowing up right now they're number one on iTunes wow it's really weird to watch myself this was how many years ago oh my God over 10 years ago I've seen too much I've done too much poor guy who's that guy I don't even remember that guy one of the fun part about Parks and Rec was just all the day players that we got to mess with they would come in and we'd just be doing this to them and see how they react I'll make sure you don't have to go to any meetings if anyone comes to see you I'll scare them away is it just me or is my voice like 10 pitches higher than sound completely different life is beating me down it's like my voice is like lower am I like 11 years old in this show wait April if you had to choose between these two ties you're hired Nick Offerman is one of the funniest actors I've ever worked with he is ridiculous and I think Ron Swanson and April Ludgate are kind of it's like they've kind of met their match because they they ultimately both don't care about anything so playing scenes with Nick was always so fun because there was a different Rhythm to those scenes where we just it'd be like slow and quiet and satanic I think it was kind of an organic thing because I a lot of the show was like that like April and Andy that was an organic thing that was an idea that we had come up with no one was planning on that relationship to happen and then we just kind of decided like oh well actually you know April would probably like him because he's so insane and so we just kind of went went with that so it was probably something like that with Ron and April you find like little things and then it's and then it they would build off of it and then and then here they are [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is your guys favorite I think mine was the eruzione I just wanted to say this is the first time that I'm watching this because I have not yet watched all the episodes and I wasn't planning to until I was until like 10 years from now so this is a first timer for me unless I'm producing something I'll like watch it 100 million times but if I'm just acting in it I generally don't watch it or at the premiere or something I'll be like well I'm just gonna you know I'll just go they can watch it I like to go in I think that glass which one was that camp I don't remember babe I'll buy a case I have a question there I am we shot this at a Vineyard in Sicily unfortunately the wine was not real how do I play drunk I have a kind of sense memory approach and I do a lot of research so I know what it feels like to be to be very very drunk and I conjure up those moments and I relive them over and over again and then I do a physical exercise sometimes I spin around in circles it really depends on the level of drunkenness at this scene I did not spin around a ton I think in the next scene when you find us later and I'm at dinner and I'm really really drunk that I was spinning around at that point but this scene is more like okay I'm just getting started it's day drinking and it's a little more like I'm buzzed which is a you know that's a different uh level of drunkenness have you two ever slept with the same girl what just curious oh my hair did a weird thing oh just a continuity thing I'm gonna be criticizing everything that I can't watch myself okay what am I swirling what is that of cheese stick I like to use props I'm watching this for the first time it's blowing my mind I'm like this is what it looks like in college come on be honest well it wasn't exactly a lot of overlap you know different dating pools Mike White and I knew each other before the show we had been kind of working on something else that got kind of messed up by the pandemic and so we had been wanting to work together for a while and after the first season of White Lotus you just decided to throw me in there and yeah he just called me up and asked and told me he was writing a part for me so it was very simple it doesn't always happen like that really you never invited a girl over to your dorm room played naked twister bacon twister come on you guys never had one orgy the most helpful thing on this shoot for me was just getting to know these people we had lots of dinners every night you know I was very very into the group dinners we had a lot of those and just yeah just getting to know each other talking about our past relationships and our relationships you guys ever watch each other have sex oh my God it was me Andy yeah Harper what is with these questions as a character you have a real objective and you have a lot of stuff brewing and I think especially with this foursome it was definitely fun to kind of mess with Daphne and Cameron because I was kind of playing Harper like to the top of my intelligence and playing her as someone that is on another level kind of intellectually than them I think this scene is a good example of just all the colors of Harper because this is kind of when you start to see things unravel a bit like she's a Chaos Agent I think that's what's most fun about this whole sequence is is just like kind of trying to capture that like sloppy drunk kind of thing when you're just like oh it's like cringy no like don't say that but we've all done it I mean it was college right we didn't have our own room so probably so I guess old habits die hard huh she Downs it [Music] the crazy eyes always get me in that shot when I'm just like say I mean it's really just well this is a great scene to pick because this is the first scene that Lizzie and I shot in the movie so this is the first time that you know we were on camera together and then our characters were interacting and it was a very it was a very very good one because we instantly got to kind of laugh and start to figure out what was going on here [Music] I was really drawn to that character because she represents something it's almost a generational like there's an entire generation of people that grew grew up with social media and have that have had to navigate the toxicity of social media so I just felt like it was a very timely character but also just as a person I've I was drawn to just how how many layers there there are to her and I loved that the movie kind of gets to peel back those layers and you get to see her really vulnerable and then you get to see her kind of being really aggressive and almost being kind of silly at times and I just I loved the kind of misunderstood quality of of that character [Music] [Music] and I mean I just can't go on enough about her Casting Elizabeth Olsen in this movie was made the movie work in my opinion because there's just something so magnetic about her that character of Taylor it had to be someone that was Obsession worthy and I just think that Lizzie is that kind of person she's like perfect I think when I said I was stalking her like I put her picture on my home screen on my phone so at one point she like looked at my phone and was like is that me and I was like no it was just little things like that I didn't like go to her house and steal her dog or anything like that it was more just kind of little creepy things like you know taking pictures of her and staring at them for hours [Music] this scene I believe it was I think they call it poor man's process where it's like you're in the car and they're kind of just shaking it I'm pretty sure we were just like in it and then I was like pretending to drive and then maybe they were putting like headlights in the back or something it's hard to say [Music] so what can I I got you is there anywhere you don't work they're called jobs something I felt like you would know anything about why am I so angry god Julie Powers is so angry it's like I couldn't be any angrier at him for no reason this character was really fun to play this is like one of the first roles I ever had I had no idea what was going on I just couldn't believe I was in a movie at that point it was so fun because every scene I just had to come in really hot just really aggressive and I don't know why it was just so easy for me to do that by the way I can't believe you asked Ramona after I specifically told you not to how she doing that with her mother how are you doing that with your mouth never mind how I'm doing it what do you have to say for yourself I'm gonna caramel macchiato you know what maybe it's high time you took look in the mirror before you wreak havoc on another girl the cast of this movie is incredible and we were all young and we were just having fun I think it didn't it felt like Camp I think I was spoiled early on to get to work on a movie like this with all those incredible people I had no idea what was going to happen to all these people I definitely I mean I feel like I've had a lot of experiences like that in my life like even Parks and Rec is like that where you look around at that cast and you're like look at all the incredible things everyone's done I mean this cast was just every single person has gone on to do an amazing things I think we all felt that like there was something special going on we were experiencing something really rare and unique I definitely think we all felt that and speaking of pretty much I hear the girl that kicked your heart in the ass is walking the streets of Toronto again so I can just get my coffee over here it was definitely weird to go in the booth and be Julie Powers again but but it also kind of you just kind of fall back into it it's like in there somewhere she's in there somewhere but it took me probably like a minute to kind of like recalibrate my my energy and then I was like oh there she is it's like riding a bike you know well there you have it folks thank you so much for watching and go to bed foreign
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 780,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aubrey, aubrey plaza, aubrey plaza funny, aubrey plaza ingrid goes west, aubrey plaza interview, aubrey plaza movies, aubrey plaza parks and rec, aubrey plaza rewatches, aubrey plaza scene selection, aubrey plaza scott pilgrim, aubrey plaza the white lotus, aubrey plaza vanity fair, aubrey plaza white lotus, ingrid goes west, movies, parks and rec, parks and recreation, plaza, scene selection, the white lotus, vanity fair, vanity fair scene selection, white lotus
Id: NTYfh3rB4W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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