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[Music] [Music] in the fifth century a group of nomadic Warriors ruled and ravaged the European continent the Huns as they were called were led by a man named aella atilla's personal hun Army rarely needed Weaponry in battle they were the weapon [Music] [Music] come their strength and Agility were legendary and their enemies were no match for The Hun's sheer Brute Force thus every battle was a victory Sumatra sua wesi was one of ael's sons and his most skilled and talented assassin he protected his brother Batel when he was in trouble and when a battle was all but lost for the loss of men imminent Sumatra quickly even the [Music] [Music] odds while atilla's power and riches were endless his Ultimate Prize was to possess the staff of Moses prophecies foretold of the staff's power to raise the dead other myths promised incredible riches invincibility and immortality for anyone who wielded the staff [Music] [Music] [Music] a ritual was performed to bestow upon his Warrior Sons the dark power of the staff [Music] [Music] what then the Glorious staff was broken into three [Music] pieces to ensure its power was kept hidden AA scattered the staff's pieces across the globe the map and instructions on locating them were safely protected and guarded by his HS [Music] forever [Music] keep your eyes open yes Captain if you were in heavy battle and you knew you were going to have your dick shut off or lose your arm which would you choose i' keep my arms can't fight the enemy with your dick although I'd hate to have my dick shot off I found it I found it it's right here not even close it's upside down no wonder they kicked you out of the Foreign Legion that's [Music] it all right guys let's do this that's a warning warning my ass watch yourself [Music] [Music] you know what it says what get the [ __ ] out of here no I think it says sleep is an illusion death is a dream something like that scavenger found need hardware for containment send in the [Music] birds private make sure that crate secure pilot send a rope down we need to get the rest of my men [Music] where you going pilot my team's down there another bird is on the way orders are to protect the package negative we're not leaving without them [Music] you land this thing and pick them up Captain I have orders and so do you gold team send another bird to pick up scavengers out of pieces they'll be fine oh so you're back for us okay let's get out of here you two very brave Soldiers you served your country well it's never a good thing to know too much but incidentally Miss Nicks it's sleep is a doorway death is a dream close very close but what do that have to do with anything you two ask way too many questions I thought you were coming back for us no we are the cleanup crew [Music] meet ni y copy copy y copy Captain help me turn to around turn around it's a [ __ ] order sorry Captain the bird was shot down they make it out [Music] [Music] [Music] alive [Music] well Captain I understand that congratulations are in order by God you want something done you send in the best huh I think the best would have gotten the men home alive sir yeah I heard about that I'm very sorry have the families been notified yet uh not that I'm aware of no I'd like to do that I'm gladly all right [Music] sure what the hell is was that something that was fused to it a long time ago pry it off actually we may want to be more careful this is an exceptional find we we could learn a lot from it stop wasting my time but General this is a remain of a nomad a Warrior from the days of AA danan you see they Al altered their bodies to become ultimate weapons they were great protectors and fierce Warriors this is a rare find indeed Professor I don't give a [ __ ] what it is or where it's been now you can pry it off you can fry it off or you can [ __ ] it off okay I don't care just clean it up and do it quickly and when you're done you and the good doctor here can play with it all you want gladly affirmative good Scholars and scientists disgraced archaeologist when are you going to learn that the military's job is profit and War and science that's somebody else's luxury way does he really think you'd [ __ ] it come on even I have my standards so um what do you want me to do with it do you want me to dispose of it no you don't pry fry or [ __ ] an archaeological find like this do your best not to damage it the general knows the deal he gets my expertise in his little treasure hunts his personal Crusades and we get full Military Support on my archaeological dicks it's up to us to preserve and learn from the past the general is not interested in that history will thank us the bombing commenced several days ago and the rebel forces have dispersed however there is still no trace of Uranian dictator ala Gahan who is said to have gone into hiding 6 weeks ago when the US military first took action here alag Gahan is said to have been responsible for the deaths of over 163 people this is Anna Falcon for BNN news well well well overall I would have to say that was a resounding success except we didn't catch the bad guy and I lost two of my best soldiers you did your job and you did it well what was my job I've done so many of these Expeditions I've lost track of their purpose are you questioning me no sir I just find it ironic that I've lost more men doing this than I have on the battlefield every decision carries with it a great deal of risk casualties of War this isn't War Sir we're creating chaos where there should be none I am disappointed Captain you are not seeing the big picture here you have found what could be the missing piece of the puzzle that is going to give us victory victory of becoming the only dominant Global power and he leads on Gan oh Gahan he's in a rat hole somewhere don't worry we'll find that little bastard we have to bomb every terrorist [ __ ] hole across the world and what then we blame him for the problems we create and we go home like Heroes I didn't sign up for that I give the orders and you obey that's why I'm requesting a transfer sir I've completed your missions I'm done your request is denied why I need a delivery and then and then I will consider giving you your transfer h ah right a [Music] this for sh this get out get the [ __ ] out get the [ __ ] up get the [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] out [Music] [Music] this was designed by a Craftsman there are no visible hinges and it's unclear where the opening is but there is this space for a key I had the computer workup specs on what might open it and I uh crudely fabricated this but then let's use it there was a butt that's why you don't touch [ __ ] to continue this is a work of art with the first key broken off the second key should fit in and unlock the mechanisms perfectly what's wrong I'm waiting for if you put the key in that's it you want to do the honors oh I think you've got it covered you don't think I'd do this unless I was absolutely sure it was [Music] uh safe not funny you're still in one piece aren't you well that's a good thing for both of us that's it all that worked for a a goldplated stick it's not just any stick it happens to be the missing piece in the staff of Moses that staff was destroyed when the Babylonians tore down Solomon's Temple it was the General belief but myth and reality are sometimes very separate things wouldn't it have been easier to find the Holy Grail we obtained that during World War II bring it closer great work let's get this thing into safekeeping Fleetwood prepped her into at the queue I have a Syle to team to transport it there you two do whatever it is you do with the rest of this stuff I hate it when he does that what we have here is the kind of thing that could shake up the scientific Community let alone theology this is divine eternal the mother Lord and it's for us to protect it not to have but it could be ours eventually I'm sorry Professor but when you have what shouldn't exist in your grasp Nothing Else Matters we only have a piece of it this is bigger than all of us besides you realize the military owns you now that you have become a part of their little projects nobody owns me I'm freelance and I have the 1099 to prove it the general trusts you otherwise he wouldn't have told you this much what would he do if he didn't trust me Costa Rica and it wouldn't be for a fication either keep an eye on the doctor the plans have changed Costa Rica not yet Costa Rica go to Costa Rica if I want to Costa Rica be a [Music] vacation [Music] [Applause] [Music] f [Music] [Music] oh this is stay Al your eyes I don't know boss just be ready know about this you got the big gun don't worry [Music] you [Music] stop there's a breach in sector 12 heavy casualties do we know who did this not yet General we're sending in a separate team now all right make sure that they know the Intruder does not leave the base yes sir and bring me [Music] veto stand back back Captain what the [ __ ] apparently he doesn't like visitors then why don't we leave him alone because he gets [Music] results he's out of bullets let's go the general needs to see you it's urgent get the [ __ ] out of here now we need to take you to the general now you're not real time go on your feet Soldier yes professor professor listen back get a hold of yourself okay poor baby now what happened was it's a monster a monster Professor listen try calm down you can tell me all about it later everyone's dead including Buckingham so give me the bad news the project Genesis has been compromised the staff and The Nomad were taken if we had a breach it had come from the doctor's side or yours my men wouldn't cross me give the order the Intruder is still in the building make sure that everyone including your boy don't let it Escape so meet tell me about this monster there he [Music] [Music] is [Music] he should be dead first team [Music] activated see you're trying to tell me this thing came back to life perhaps we've been trying to figure out the staff secrets for years many men many hours and we just saw its power resurrect a 1500 year old Warrior there is your super soldier and he just ran off with the key or maybe he is the [Music] key [Music] [Applause] thought I had the night off YouTube dismissed it's a great team so what have you heard about the boss man loyal guess the job done not much else yeah I heard that too and I also heard he loses his men about as often as I lose my car keys look there eight of us one of him this piece of cake look I'm just saying suicide bombers have better eyes than us yeah and how often you lose your keys few times a week and you're our driver your point hey I'm a [ __ ] great driver what's the mission pick one anyone wait this not one of those tricks where you try to uh stap my fingers for taking a piece huh no just hang out to for later all right thanks oh man a few words like it a man of no words actually hadn't said a peak even though I know he's not deaf I tried telling him my life story once drove him so crazy he paid me to stop let's get it in well the mission originally was simple transport a package to these [Music] coordinates little cap MCV I haven't heard that in years I served with your father never stopped talking about his little girl well not a little girl anymore Captain he was a good man hell of a soldier I know I wish he was still here glad to see you following his footsteps he always had my back I'll have yours unfortunately plans have changed Len up [Music] I know most of you are unproven in battle but you've been handpicked because you're the best of what you do the enemy that we're facing is not an army of terrorists but a single assassin capable of handling anything that we throw his way we know little of his origin nationality or affiliation our objective is the retrieval of this it was stolen from our Labs at 0,00 hours it's believed to contain information encoded on it to help with the Uranian fight in operation Sandstorm overseas we already sent out a team we lost track of them about an hour ago he shoots at things that are in there and I'm not quite sure what side he's really are he can be trusted are you sure he can handle this send a dead man in to do a dead man's job helping us on the mission will be Professor fleetwood's assistant Corporal Anderson meet excuse me just call me meet Corporal Anderson has been Gathering most of the intel on the Assassin any questions where is our Target's location sir we believe the target is 40 km West we find him get the package and deliver it back to the rendevu point at sanir Bulldog alive or dead sir either way is acceptable actually alive would be much better live it is it's rock and [Music] roll [Music] for I am picking up the Target on thermal imaging Captain all right heavy activity do well W yo Spence what's up with the gum found you can tell a lot about a person about the type of gum they chew like me I chose ice breakers right cuz my little game breaks the ice I'd have taken you for a juicy fruit girl that's funny cuz uh actually you're the one who chose Juicy Fruit cold I asked what's dentine mean means you're meticulous you like to be ready and fresh at all times yeah you got them and Mason you got Carefree so you're a rooll with the punches kind of guy copy that MCV chose chicklets cuz I'm a chick yeah I don't have anything else for that actually nobody ever chooses that sorry kind a wild card and green my man of no words he declined any gum cuz he had his own pack Anderson what did you get again it didn't oh gu cuz that means you're better than us I didn't need a pack of gum to tell me that [Music] F holy [ __ ] all right everyone quiet Mason what do you have on thermal imaging yeah this motherfucker's fast he's circling us but he's just postering he never gets close than 30 ft there's only one right check that all right forette bulldog and meat you guys stay here everyone else come with me no hot shot [ __ ] guys fight if you must reactive engaged and fall back if I say so frankly we'll take this guy in no time this isn't some Superman [ __ ] bullets will not fly off your chest the enemy will eat you up [ __ ] you out and come back for more follow my lead and we'll get out of this yes sir three skulls three bodies no Jeep where's the other Soldier maybe this [ __ ] got hungry incoming 6:00 cover [Applause] [Music] me [Music] fall back what about the package Captain I can wait let's move why the [ __ ] didn't you tell us what we were up against meat you knew it was a tough opponent you saw the tapes yeah I didn't know bullets would fly right through and we could have used that information you wouldn't have believed me anyways okay all right all right maybe you would have believed me what the [ __ ] is that thing and how do we stop it you should know you brought it back with you from where operation Sandstorm how it's not important anymore okay i s what it's a nomadic Warrior from ancient times you're testing my patience you little [ __ ] truth shouldn't have be dead by now I mean you shot him and you heard him and he's still coming at us okay all right so why don't you tell us what the truth is Captain I mean you are the captain right how do we stop it uh Captain incoming Captain he's got a problem licky boat we're losing fuel fast we need to [Applause] St okay what I meant to say was We're stopped and I need to fix it [ __ ] what about the reserve tank it's Jam boss man ity was sitting ducks out here let's go after it how bad is it transmission's gone Fuel and brake line is cut I'd say it's looking pretty shitty right about now well can you fix it with what magic I'm all out of Tricks cap you got 20 while we look for this thing keep an eye on him take it whoa you leaving me here with the boy wonder he isn't one of us as a matter of fact I don't even know if he's one of them he can't even protect himself can point and shoot and right now we need all the muscle we can spare sorry Bulldog let's move it out do you even know how to use one of [Music] those great a single damn person on this team other than myself who isn't [ __ ] batshit crazy are you going to let us in on your plan yeah we find the package and we get the hell out we could do it before it makes you so sure we can do it now we improvise we need to call for backup we are not equipped to handle that thing on our own we're in mckv if we can't handle it no one can he's Due West all right hold Mason Bernett green to the right mckv Spencer you come with me [ __ ] ready up for [Music] help signals weak piece of [ __ ] he coming stand down man down we found him we found him Hold Your Position we're coming to you a where are the others that one's dead that thing's Immortal Hold Your [Music] Fire go back it's knocking them off one by one it's time to head to our rendevu Point your captain is going to fail if there is anything that you've learned in your time here it's to never underestimate him he will not [Music] fail which him are you referring [Music] to dog status negative I even use the bandaid where others they didn't make it we need to move where's Anderson oh yeah oh that's right Jesus man can a guy take a leak you left your post I had to take a leak I give an order you follow it we lost men today next time we're under attack and I find you writing Love Letters to the professor that stupid [ __ ] book of yours I'll toss you out myself you understand that I'll don't take orders from you my daddy will ruin you oh yeah who's your daddy Fleetwood yeah well when you're with us you're one of us you take orders from me is that clear is that clear okay yes sir yes sir get your ass up and get to the vehicle I Captain are you okay K do you see something the obest toast let's get the gear we'll take the Jeep let's [Music] go why does he keep coming after us if he has what he we still a [Music] threat oh [ __ ] [Music] Bulldog you dead no sir then Ram this [ __ ] yes [Music] sir oh look not so tough now huh huh huh [ __ ] huh cut it out watch this guys watch this a you [Music] [ __ ] just [ __ ] die Ma you guys get the [ __ ] out of here I got this go go go hey beautiful you want a [Music] bang that's the round de point you okay I've been better just me a second okay you know Captain I disagree with what they say about you you don't know anything about my reputation yeah do it's pretty damn Flawless you get results Captain you lost men MCV I'm still here I just want you to know that I'm proud to be on your team and I got your back grenade go it's said get out of here finish the mission come r a [Music] run [Music] nice [ __ ] shot thank sir [Music] oh [ __ ] he's not dead go go [Music] go I'm captain Ernest veto this is Sergeant Kate MCV corpal Tom Sharp corporal tburg we have priority clearance we need immediate access to the cube need you guys to detain the Assassin as long as possible I need your clearance go first Bravo 5150 thank you Captain you're in good hands now captain we're in a jail cell what the hell just wait sounds like he gave up go go go go go stop right there [ __ ] [Music] oh sh sh you sure you know what you're doing yeah let's go stay with me run to that Captain isn't there a switch how about that that'll work okay so fill me in what is all this what was all that upstairs This Place St Amira doesn't exist not on the map not on radar so who are all those people military opposing as police it's a fake front in case anybody found it by accident the enemy ever invaded they wouldn't think twice [ __ ] it's built in the 50s the underground has the largest military fallout shelter ever constructed main compound runs the entire United States President his military advisers they can access at anytime anywhere I've never heard of this and I've heard just about every military urban legend there is yeah well things were a bit more paranoid in the ' 50s even though the enemy today is much bigger so where are we going the cube that's the rendevu point that's where we meet the general for found project Genesis how does he know to meet us there my access code alerted in well how do we know that's thing ain't still following us it is it just broke through it's head in our Direction Why Don't We Just give him the stick back if he wants it so badly negative can't do that why don't you ever break the rules captain no I don't well I guess that's what makes us different cuz I do you don't expect me to believe that do you oh come on you said yourself we lost too many lives tonight that's not the mission okay then so tell me why is this stick so important it's classified I'm not even clear to know that you and everybody body is classified CP look I follow orders if I assume you do too otherwise you wouldn't have made it with me this far well it's one thing to follow orders it's another thing to know the difference between right and wrong ones there is no right and wrong you just choose history judges your actions you sound like my dad they taught me everything I know come on [Music] Captain hurry up Captain Ernest veto Bravo [Music] 5150 Captain Ernest veto Bravo 5150 you're not through Captain we don't have much time [Music] let welcome to the cube soldiers I assume the mission is complete yes sir may I it's beautiful come your son me didn't make it he's quite the artist son hardly boy we uh always had that that's good for you what happened to them well they're the ones we trying to save soldiers stuck in limbo on foot in this world the other know knows where we've been searching for a cure for our best soldiers that have been damaged in battle something that'll bring them back or to enhance the ones we have come how are you going to Sayan this staff of Moses that doesn't look like much yeah that's what we thought at first too remember the a Bomb Manhattan Project 1945 explosion heard around the world well that was this misfire boy we had to spend that one for years every which way we could that's when we realized that we didn't know everything that's why it was so hard to put all the pieces together Decades of research and development you two you two you brought us the final missing piece General the Assassin Nomad whatever it is it's right outside the door yeah we know well isn't that a priority it can wait now that we're all here let's get down to business everyone from the knight's Templar to Franken Roosevelt himself searched for the staff of Moses but only we found the map who would have thought that it was engraved on the skull of Moses himself and how does that help us in war today I had lofty ideals Captain I thought if I could harness its power of immortality I could create an invincible Army if it could bring back one man why not why not the greatest soldiers that ever lived but then the wars the wars uh they got uninteresting hell it wasn't long before we didn't even have anyone left to fight so we had to create new enemies and I went treasure running what about them you'll [Music] see what are you doing I am letting him [Music] in Kill the hostile [Music] [Music] a why don't we get one of those prototype technically they don't exist and they don't usually work something's wrong it isn't working my God I can't believe this this is Till's son I think that he is the key you told me the blood was what we needed what the hell's going on Professor for it to work you must drink directly from the staff General this isn't about soldiers now what's going on here the truth General he is dying 5 years ago I was diag diagnosed with inoperable cancer I fought it but unless I have a little help it's over for me all my plans and all my dreams done there's one thing that can save me and buy me the time that I need this Mission had a means to an end I don't want to die veto you're crazy we have one loose end to tie up now the mission's over not yet kill her what kill MCV she knows everything and she is Expendable no no sir disobeying orders it's not like you the mission was to deliver project Genesis we did that it's over this mission is over when I say it is over now kill her I'm not like you come on captain we're both military men here all those men that you led into battle and never came home they died for a lie [ __ ] that's [ __ ] did you think they they just mysteriously disappeared died did you think it was a coincidence those are your lies my God look at you it's so tormented by your demons you don't even see what's right in front of you I am the demon that torments you my men died for a cause that cause became me now you are a soldier you are my Soldier you obey orders that's what you do now kill her negative sir then you are expendable too don't it needs to be the nomad's blood not yours you see Captain the staff was to resurrect Atilla from beyond the grave and his son this Nomad was just the tool to bring him back hey what is it what are you doing it's for [Music] insurance go go go go go [Applause] destroy your father [Music] what's going on that's father vers son now nice family what are you doing I'm going to buy some time come on we would plan out a b we have to get out of here before it goes [Music] on on [Music] [Applause] [Music] what you okay I felt better mission complete for now your dad would have been proud of you today how do you know that yeah trust me I know so what kind of gum did you choose I didn't no I'm more of a chocolate [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] guy [Music] [Applause] [Music] give me 10 I'm not going down again won't give your s yes captain no sir not your soldier as you are of out of town and no one's got to win because I will [Applause] not how will I follow how will I [Music] [Music] follow [Music] [Applause] ready a open fire won't take you High 21 Sal make [Applause] [Music] sound up me out you can't shoot the down because I [Applause] I will not [Music] follow I will not follow I will not [Music] [Applause] [Music] follow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because I will I follow [Applause] I will not [Music] follow [Music] [Applause] [Music] follow I will I you how will I [Applause] follow let's [Applause] go
Channel: The Asylum Movie Channel
Views: 55,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2023 Movies, Action Movies, Asylum Movies, Blockbuster Movies, Disaster Movies, Full Asylum Movies, Full Free Movies, Full Movies, Full Sci-Fi Movies, Hollywood Movies, Mockbuster Movies, Shark Movies, Sharknado, Syfy Channel, The Asylum, YouTube Movies, Z Nation, movie, action, drama, free movie, full movie, the asylum, disaster movie, B-grade, city, adventure movie, america, American, earth, thriller, full hd, horror, full movie 2024
Id: r5Wv8BxWswM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 42sec (5142 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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