Monster Hunters | Full Movie | Action Adventure | Tom Sizemore | EXCLUSIVE!

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what [Music] [Music] getting closer ain't you I knew it I knew it I knew [Music] it I knew it I'm not crazy I knew it I knew it been cing for days [Music] [Music] h [Music] come on come on go ahead that was crazy I'm not crazy 40° 40 40 North 115 damn still half an hour still Shepherd's there it's early D for Shepherd come in shepher damn it s if if you're listening if if anyone is listening at 0600 a vessel of Unknown Origin has crashed landed in uh 40° North 115 West shepher I told you I told everyone and now I have proof it's been circling for days and they they've finally arrived they've arrived they're they're they're here come on where [Music] here in 1947 mankind learned that we are far from alone in the Galaxy the decades to follow we discovered dozens of of intelligent extraterrestrial species with the capability of reaching Earth some of them are friendly but some of them are not so the US developed the alien defense unit if you're hearing this it's because you've been selected to join this Elite Force together we work in secret to study communicate with and if necessary defeat these alien entities they can be powerful allies or terrifying threats now it's up to you to know the difference and to defend our planet if and when the time comes welcome to the [Music] Adu oh 700 come in this is early bird for the worm hello Dale come in Dale shepher you out there bud come on don't make me come looking for you I told you to lay off of that moonshine of yours or I'd have to come out and confiscate it all right Dale this isn't funny shepher over over and out Mayweather good morning sir than could change Shephard I'm sure you're aware that reported sightings in your sector were 10 times a monthly average last night right yes I have a call into my guy at NORAD don't bother NORAD the Air Force wasn't flying and our satellites didn't get a picture or anything but a lot of desert you think something came down and we missed it well since Roswell nothing falls from the sky that is in TCT tracked before J public could pick up a smartphone andap a picture but hundreds of people have been calling from your sector reporting that they see some Fireball in the sky a fireball now is there anything of your security details last night anything to suggest this no sir business as usual nothing come on nothing weird well I mean now that you mention it we do have a local guy out here that radios me and all clear every morning like clockwork it's not exactly confirmation of an alien invasion or anything but I haven't heard from him today and I don't much like the coincidence you know if he saw a fireball he's the kind of guy that would go looking for it well you know usually I'd avoid getting my Intel from the tin foiled hat Community but sometimes you got to hand it to him right now that's the best league we have so let's go with it well check it out Pronto sir now if something did come down it was invisible until it was in your airspace I need you to confirm and contain any conceivable Alien Force or give me an all clear otherwise you know what the protocol is I do I'm sure it's just um some piece of alien junk that we don't want to fall into the wrong hands we've seen what happens when these extraterrestrials make it Planet side there is a big difference when they're just visiting when they come in peace they normally make a show of it it's when they're sneaky that I start to get isy so use precaution because when it goes the other way it goes bad so Colonel Mor especially this Fair child should be inbound now one other thing shepher I expedited the transfer of your new specialist she should be there shortly utilizer the Adu is um it's changing they're pushing the old grunts like us out and um bringing in these new Xeno anthropologists alien experts think that these young kids can talk to these bigheaded monsters I don't know that's not exactly accurate shepher say hello to Melissa Mora Master Sergeant ma'am I'm looking forward to hearing what you find out there I'm sure you're aware but your team has significantly expanded our understanding of alien culture and Technology happy to help here's to one last fine before you retire oh well that depends depends on what we find with all due respect I'm not done yet there's still plenty to do here retirement seems a ways off could be sooner than you think but before you go Shephard Fair child is the best and the brightest of this new generation Army Air Force MIT it wasn't challenging enough for her so I'm sending her to you I need you to take an active role in her training because when all this shit's over with she's going to be your replacement thank [Music] [Music] you so what are you in for how do you mean well I was on the fire team that relocated the spacecraft from the digging turkey that's how I found out that aliens are you know real we got a guy on base that brought his date to the test site idiot point is if you end up on this detail you either screw up or you see something that you're not supposed to I see so which is it for you I requested it life outside our solar system is a statistical likelihood once I realized that I knew do anything to make first Contact I've seen enough alien weapon to know that if I'm the one making the first Contact it's going to be with this bad boy you know what I mean don't you think a first Contact should be more delicate than that not if you want to survive it why do you think no one ever mentions a second contact that's something I hope I can change well good luck with that let's go newbie go welcome to the alien defense unit don't let the looks fool of you there's more underground than there's above it's hot out here this is just where we hang out and eat and sleep and train and live and probably die you'll get used to it where do I find Shepherd this way you must be specialist Fairchild reporting for Duty Sergeant uh sir I've already been briefed on the anomaly in your sector that's our sector Now isn't it specialist yes sir I've taken a closer look at the satellite imagery and there seems to be something causing a blind spot in your our sector sir there's no technology on Earth that I'm aware of that can do that I sent in a request to the USGS for a seismic report it's possible whatever fell who mans this comms room you do sir sorry for asking but I noticed that most of the staff here is combat oriented don't you think the unit would benefit from more of science Personnel we have Bob uh oh yes engineer Robert Drake I mean he's a civilian only on paper Bob's got phds in science that don't even exist yet sir if you don't mind why we're on the topic of personnel I think it's best that we don't inform the men that I'm replacing you until it actually happens I would like to observe the unit first noted where's Bob I'm PT with Mato sir King getting his pack sir gentlemen this here's specialist Fairchild welcome her to the unit welcome specialist Fair child thanks better make a good impression on her she's going to take over once they boot me out of here you two kid up you're with me we're Wheels in five get Mato on the radio let's get Bob out here for a meet and greet okay everybody stand by for orders dismissed where we heading I am headed up to my friend Dale's place I'm going to have a look around I think you should stay here you want me to stay here you know if something's on the ground I want to see it Pronto I want to ID it someone's got to go through the call logs from last night for mentions of a fireball now you're the specialist PL out the sightings maybe we can come up with a flight path you've got your orders shouldn't I go with you specialist you're my trainee I don't know what Mayweather told you but I haven't retired yet and until your training is over you're with me until I say so you're here to learn not lead understood yes sir permission to speak freely sir denied there's a ship out there I should be the one to find it I guess that's the difference between us I hope we don't find anything you got this let's go walk in the park oh [ __ ] can we please be done now come on Bob how are we supposed to fight when the aliens attack if you can't even handle a little cardio you'll really be screwed when you have 100 lb of gear on you attack why do you think what why does everyone always think that it's an attack huh they've been here before there there's been crashes mistakes misunderstandings and yeah a fight or two but there's never been an attack we'd be dead then what will it look like when if the aliens come back honestly I don't know that's why I need to be in the lab not out here training for combat well why am I the only one that you do this to huh because everyone else has been through boot you haven't maybe they're studying us the aliens studying us yeah all right if they're so Advanced why would they give [ __ ] about us why do we study ants figure out how to kill him Roman go from a tail shepher wants that egad Bob back at the base ASAP everyone's on standby we just got here what's going on don't know shephers off site with sammon King full kit he want you ready to rock copy copy on our way okay what's that mean ready ready to rock means on your feet Bob and let's go take a look through that alien arsenal of yours come on double time give me a sec I'm leaving the weights here okay let's see what we got to work with that everything everything that I've got that's operational heavily modified of course all the tech that we recovered is ancient found in archaeological digs and in Frozen ice and if it wasn't for for that Roswell crash and everything we found afterwards I might not have been able to get any of this stuff to work you've seen the Roswell UFO it's not unidentified anymore everyone knows that and yes I've seen seven I even got to go inside one once it was cramped little guys huh three fingers that Tech right there is the same stuff that the spaceships use to generate anti-gravity for navigation in a gravity Gauntlet you found that underneath the pyramids once upon a time that thing would literally just reach out and shape the earth move massive objects all by manipulating the force of gravity I think anyways well if you ask me that's all we need right there let's pack this baby up and spank these ants with a fist full of gravity hurah well it's missing a power source it needs well more amps than the human race has conceived since the Industrial Revolution so uh right now it's kind of just an ornament it's it's just a reminder reminder of what 3,000 years ago while we were rubbing sticks together to make fire they harnessed the power of gravity and we can't even turn it on so it's a reminder that we're contending with forces far beyond what we even hope to be one day but I swear I'm going to get that baby to work establish wireless connection and take control average the report sightings and display Vector adjust for shephard's heading Now display new seismic data and overlay something did fall shepher this is fair child I think you need to stop the truck Shephard did you read stop the truck Fair Child come in Fair child it's j did she say something came down guys hold here for just a second hey Dale [Music] got some blood here [Music] Shep oh pack this up for Bob sounds like Dale might be getting a signal Dale you in [Music] there there something there's something here SHP possible contamination hey why don't you get on his radio see if you can uh get in touch with Bas I'll be that could be he's got a better signal out bill what' you find out here there's nothing here get in the truck we get in the [Music] truck KN [Music] down that's shepher to face it's glowing we're under attack boy that's what I'm talking about you bringing this baby with us well we we kind of can't I I still have to figure out how to power that out in the field I'd have to plug it directly into the grid to get enough power for more than one shot this seems to be a reoccurring issue with you Bob well do you have anything that works Mato what your 20 specialist Fair T need to in the radio room now copy copy in the warehouse on our way who I don't know I swear I have stuff that works okay fult with thate listen to this [Music] it's I've been recording every signal that's strong enough to come through this is the only one we're under [Applause] attack holy [ __ ] that was 5 minutes ago I already sent it to Mayweather I caught a recording off the citizens bandn Shephard must have found a work in frequency he said attack that that doesn't make any sense looks like your theory was wrong Bob cuz it makes perfect sense to me May mother's calling I guess you're in charge now better go answer it fair child I've listened to the transmission hate to ask but any word from shepher yet or is he still MIA not since the last transmission serve it's clear we've got an alien crash but we believe the potential alien craft is jamming the signal somehow so it's possible he's out there but unable to make contact I sent his last transmission to the Joint Chiefs they're calling it proof enough to initiate the helient measure Fair child looks like you're training and cut short your mission clock is ticking so what do you recommend anything it's in my opinion sir that the recordings tell us what we already know something went down last night between between the flight PA and Shepherd's last location I think we have a small enough search radius for the three of us and the team here to cover it within a reasonable Mission window whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm not going anywhere I don't need to be out there I need to be here I'll need Bob's technical expertise at the crash site to accurately assess the threat there's no one on Earth where qualified to identify alien technology whato is it lance corporal yes sir your orders are to locate at the crash site and recover your commanding officer or confirm his death I need containment and elimination of the alien threat before Sundown or I assume you know the protocol right Fair child I do sir good because there's no time left to waste find the rest of your team and get them back safe I'm counting on all of you good luck May weather out what did he mean protocol what's protocol the Helen measure a thermonuclear Warhead launched from an orbital satellite are you serious only in the event that the alien threat spreads beyond our ability to contain it why didn't I know about this it's because you're a civilian Bob you don't have the clearance if I would have known that I I wouldn't have brought my entire collection here the contents of that warehouse is irreplaceable literally all my work countless alien artifacts I I mean nothing would survive that blast that's the point Bob we're here that that nuclear blast that'll eradicate this entire area not to mention kill hundreds of thousands of people it's not going to come to that did you hear that thing on the recording something is out there and we don't know what it is I mean breathing the same air as it could be lethal for all we know it's a biological attack so we follow protocol and we wear our masks and what if the aliens just kill us I hear you have a whole alien Arsenal is that true yes good then bring it we have our orders secure the crash side identify the threat and eliminate it what about shepher shouldn't we be heading to Dell's if he's alive his orders are the same as ours identify and contain I want to know what we're up against before we run into it whatever is jamming the signal is coming from that crash if Bob can disable it then we can use the satellites to find Shepherd's vehicle and hopefully figure out what we're dealing with that means the crash site is our first priority round up bring everything that you need that includes you Bob let's go wait no what did I I'm not going [Music] anywhere Road ends here we'll have to go the rest on foot this should be it right put on your mask and stay sharp you don't know how many targets we might be dealing with those alien guns of Bob's work right oh yeah good should be just over that Ridge make it safe and hold position we're right behind you Bob let's go Bob going to need you out here I'll bring up the van Van's close enough Bob let's go you know you might have to follow orders but I'm technically just a civilian remember cut the [ __ ] Bob we both know your choices were here or myo under Groom Lake I read your file your whole file even your unredacted thesis I thought they erased all my academic work with what you know they'll never let you go back to civilian life your deal was a hole in the ground or a place where you can work and see the sky even if things are falling out of it I meant what I said to Mayweather there's no no one on earth more qualified with alien Tech than you come on Bob where's your scientific curiosity you're the expert we need you out here well no by Sundown is plenty of time for us to get outside the blast radius if we go now not without transpose Bob if we are going to find Shephard and complete our mission I need you to shut off whatever jamming the signal I'll check the gear Bob I don't need your gear right now I need your eyes and I need your brain and I need your feet come on I'll go when it's clear Mato we clear no Tangles we're clear we're clear let's go coming this is why I don't come out here there's a lot of [ __ ] on the ground don't touch anything all right the atmosphere is clear all good it's okay to take off your masks all good no sign of Shepherd either oh my God look at that thing Mato Ramon head up and take a look copy come on Rome let's go visual on the C this get it [Music] [ __ ] fire C what are you doing on your feet fall back where is it I can't see anything cover Mato holding fire no hit open up the over Ro come on I'm coming watch your eyes open fire anything from Shepherd's team yet I'm still waiting every ey the sky we've got is on the Nevada desert yet we can't see a thing have you considered sending in a diplomatic agent Someone Like You no no more um I haven't I could play a shepherd's last transmission but it sure as [ __ ] doesn't sound like diplomacy and now that we're on a helium protocol nothing or no one can go in around till it's over what I'd like to do is I send in a battalion along with maybe 25 guys like me when I was 30 teach these ets a lesson you know something like um come in peace or go in pieces yeah like that but another day dismissed now for now we're here I didn't know where to shoot so I grabbed something that could shoot everywhere at once cloaked not Tech biological like a like a chameleon it's not really my expertise Bob we okay yeah I just I had to overload the gear to generate enough charge for that set of glass yeah we got it right we got one but something tells me that wasn't what Shephard encountered what we heard over that transmission was big and loud this one didn't make a sound Bendis wide perimeter this might not be our only threat what do you want me to look for I don't know Footprints tail we good R is dead the other are probably dead too we don't know that shepher knows the protocol if he's alive for all we know he's probably already heading back to base or getting clear or he needs our help you need to call Mayweather why he needs to launch a nuke and we need to get out of here are you nuts I am not losing another man out here thousands of people will die we still have time to evacuate the region no no not completely look shepher didn't even make it get here he was attacked by something else and there's more of these things out here let's just nuke him and be done with it hello we're still here then let's not be I'll call Mayweather you can't watch me okay you can't something's jamming the signal it's probably out there in the crash site we still have a mission to do here and we still have time there could be something down there that can help us right now I need you on Perimeter so Bob can get to work every minute we spend arguing out here puts us in danger are they still trying to study us Bob tell me what are they going to learn from this huh I don't know okay I don't know it's more important what we learn here we'll find Shephard soon well I hope so shepher would know what to do right now Bob we are not going to find eff for our targets unless we figure out what's jamming the signal what do you got for me uh the bestest way to do that would be to shut off power to the ship but with every alien craft that I've seen and I've seen every single one that we know of there's there's a a power cell it's small efficient enough to run effectively forever it could be anywhere out there in the wreckage and still beeding signal jammer okay then let's find it [Music] a I can hear you you son of a [ __ ] I'm coming for you Bob tell me you found something not really uh from the debris that I found I I can conclude that it came from the same origin but but it's different how well for starters I didn't see a cockpit or or or any co-pilots for that matter um I I saw inside there were like three cells maybe for cargo for holding I can figure it out I just need to kill the power how much longer hold tight Bob we're running out of time threats Ed and we need to move to containment I don't know maybe we head to Dale's camp and track it from there no no no no we split up you get to the van and you find shepher I'll go back on board and I'll find a way to kill the signal jammer I just have to find the power cell I don't like the idea of splitting up yeah but we have to yeah we need to find this thing okay yeah yeah of of course what is that are you getting signal out here or no signal yet but I'm scanning the data sphere around the ship to see if I can pick anything up so far it's just scrambled code what do you know about the DAT for everything you do I read your work remember yeah but I just I just did the math you you made a wireless alien supercomputer you did it before me can I see it Bob I'll let you know if I find anything get back to work that's it let's wrap it up moving out now you and me yes Bob still has work to do if he doesn't find that power supply and disable the Jammer we'll never find shepher in time if Bob's right there could be at least two more of those things out here Bendis you stay with him it's critical to allow him to finish for [Music] more what this [Music] to oh down there Bob what' you do I found [Applause] it take cover it's coming [Music] they let go where are you going I [Music] shepher you're alive not for long unless you have a plan here put this on how live long and prosper what like this cover us look out behind you incoming come on I power now where' he go here you got it you got [Music] [Laughter] it it worked got it you had that thing this whole time hey Matta back off we're vulnerable out here no [ __ ] hey don't you get it [Music] Bob we're the ants us okay glad to see you all right sir where we at well Mayweather started the mission CL when you went MIA this morning we're halfway to Helen with two Tango down the crash secured well it's left of it anyways I thought we were dealing with one of these monsters but three there's another one out there it got King and Sam's and it's growing every time it eats it gets bigger and this thing's hungry considering how fast it got to Dale's Camp it could be anywhere by now what do you suggest well Bob was able to deactivate whatever was jamming the signals I just touched it I'm sorry it's not your fault Bob at least when the ship blew up it took the signal jammer with it if it's as big as you say it is we can use the satellites to scan the surrounding areas and track it oh no it's a negative it travels underground there has to be a way to find it listen this thing Shug Dr standard fire a whole belt full of ordinance you got anything in your collection with a little more kick everything that I had that worked was in the van that giant smashed everything trying to get inside but if I can get that back to the lab I I can get something for you yeah ta anything to add menis and Roman are dead who's going to be next CHF Let's Make It Count then okay let's load up we're rtb in five but first show me the spaceship I've heard so much about how can we be sure there's nothing left in there Bob said he saw three Apartments so they look like holding cells could be breeding Chambers cryogenic pods this could be a zoo for all we know big one didn't come out until Bob disabled the power to the ship like it was being held somehow this could be some kind of containment vessel you think something rounded them up and shot them into space possibly you see that blue oily stuff over there that was on Dale's trailer and on the truck everywhere that oil son of a [ __ ] goes that stuff that's how we track this thing if this thing is leaving this stuff behind all I need to do is get a sample back to the lab for analysis and upload it to Mayweather I just need to tell them what we're looking for now that we have the satellites back we can use every one of them to track it let's get back to the lab come on specialist sir we're getting really close to Mission failure which means we won't have time to clear the heing blast we're not going to let that happen listen Sam's injured it and if he injured it we can kill it you just have to find it all right move out I want Mayweather to hear your prison Theory maybe he'll kick it over to Xeno anthropology see if it tracks with any of the known ETS would that delay the healing measure well possibly we'll try but either way we still need to track this thing down now I just need to access the lab and enough processing power to recalibrate the ad new satellite network if I can get the cell wire to the base grid we'll have all the power we'll need all I want to hear is that your weapons are going to work Bob after a day like today retirement doesn't look so bad Shephard did the aliens say anything they did not H well I think it's clear that this isn't a matter of translation this is a matter of War Shepherd I'm glad to see you're all right sorry I can't say the same for the the men you lost today but we don't have time to mourn we're about to begin a very costly evacuation of the surrounding area have you contain the threat we have not sir you need to do that now sir we're doing everything we can specialist fairchild's working on a way of tracking the last remaining alien Target send analysis and calibrate the satellites for new search parameters Bob has a working alien Arsenal thanks to a power supply that he recovered from the crash site we know we can hurt it display progress soon we'll be able to find it the way I see it there's still four of us and one of them I don't see it like that I see you have to do it now we'll kill it Shephard Shephard do you copy shepher I assure you my team has everything under sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry that was me it's coming right back up I promise anyone can hear me it's already here mat [Applause] [Music] Matel confirm that last Bob I didn't copy where's the Goddamn power working on it come on okay this is the one this is the one come on watch your head he got from the ceiling bed guys it's just me okay [Music] anyone what is going on out there hello here status update shepher what the hell's going on over there uh we're having a little power issue sir shepher it's here shepher have you look at an alien threat sir we have a 20 on the target going to have to call you back shepher where it's in the lab good we're going to keep it there I'll trap it do you have any explosive ordinance I can think of something yeah shepher fairchild's in the lab well we'll have to get her out then for he's up do the trick for sure shepher for fair child we're going to blow the get out if you can B we either do this now or we don't do this at all if we don't give Mayweather a call back and give him the all clear he's going to launch that nuke look we're going to try to get Fair child out of there hey but if we have to choose the charges at all cost all right buddy we're going to take that thing out but we may have to go with it give understand yeah should have stayed in my hole under the ground careful what you wish for you copy it's in the morg go the what not I love you badass Bob take the charge I'll cover you hurry no call Mayweather he's already trying to call us there's a massive T in your airace I'm sending the a forces to Port now what command approach the spacecraft stay FY up there these slimy sons of [ __ ] dropped a full load of monsters on us today so they're not here to ask for sugar I need full cens on that saucer send everything you get to our team on the ground Roger going in for a closer look Jesus look at the size of that thing sensors active s the line I'm picking up all kinds of readings from that ship it's scanning it's looking for the crash ship I thought they said it here think about it all the monsters we fa today that isn't what you expect from an intelligent species they wanted to kill us they would have done it a long time ago that crash ship was not back it was a prison a prison for aliens so dangerous they were rounded up and launched into space it was never supposed to land here what's it doing here now same thing we're doing containment it's their version of The heling Measure but we killed all the aliens well maybe we missed [Applause] one it's cing energy it's charging charging what isn't it obvious it's a weapon Target is hostile repeat Target H oh my God Bob's right these power readings are off the charts if the Air Force doesn't take down the Mother Ship before it charges up it can destroy the whole planet tell telling me they're the most advanced Minds in the universe and they're going to come here and blow us up for their mistake this is your mess and we're cleaning up Sir the mother ship has engaged the Air Force we're losing Pilots Mora if I ask you to take an alien craft and go get Shephard and his team to safety maybe we can kick these ETS in their ass while you're at it how fast could you get there extremely fast sir good do it get our people to safety if you can multiple targets inbound let them what do you want from us shepher come in colel sir we have a new threat I'm aware I just sent evacu coordinates to Fairchild you need to get there now you're done there negative sir I'm sorry sh you did everything you could there's no fighting that thing there's only one option left now we're targeting The Craft Mayweather 5 minutes to Helen impact Mayweather he launched the nuke he's got Evac waiting for us but I we've got 5 minutes time to move everybody's answer to everything nuke it nuke it just nuke it you know what they mastered Interstellar travel and you know we just fired at it a firecracker listen smart boy it's over it's time to go at least it's going to be a hell of a show I promise you it's not Bob wait what do you mean it's not okay helon is now get out of there now Bob we need to go now I'm telling you it won't matter what do you mean that nuke might as well be a paper plane when it hits the shields of that ship if we leave now we'll still be dead when that Mother Ship fires along with everyone on Earth how do you know this I'm an expert I am the expert I've studied every single ship that's found its way to our Planet 51 was the first time they showed up at the Roswell no aggression they just wanted their pilot back but they sure were scared of us and we already had the nuke in 77 shots fired at us but we never landed a hit on them we didn't know it then but the same thing Shields 82 was a crash landing because the gravity well failed Shephard you have to trust me on this I mean it's one thing to Nuke a single alien down here on the ground right but that missile it won't even penetrate the shields of that Mother Ship unless unless we can fix it how you've seen the size of that thing right yeah the only way it can maintain its structural Integrity in our atmosphere is anti-gravity the same as the Roswell craft the same as every other craft and the same as the con shepher I have a plan two birds one stone every one of those ships it it manipulates it it bends gravity around it right and it generates a a gravity well underneath it it's the weak spot call Mayweather back now call Mayweather back tell them to change the target the base not the ship we we'll redirect it right up the gravity well how the hell are we going to redirect a nuke from down here we're going to catch it ow I'll tell you how I'll tell you with that and with this the only way to make sure we destroy the ship is if we use the gravity Gauntlet from below it but we have to stay here oh God Bob I hope you're right Shepherd de Mayweather shepher did you get your team out of there that's a negative sir need to get out of there he's right Shephard it's now or never shepher you need to get out of there now shepher it's already too late you got to go no we have on good authority this nuke is not going to eliminate the threat what Authority science the only one we've got that knows anything about alien technology we need you to redirect the helon target the base not the ship you wanted to miss no no we want it to hit but my team has a plan we're going to we're going to redirect the shot please sir you have to trust us the only way to make sure we kill that ship is to hit it from below we were able to test the method earlier we have an alien weapon that will work we just we've got to stay down here to redirect the nuke Colonel sir shepher if I do this there's no going back you understand that right so I'm going to ask you again are you sure yes sir I am sure changing the missile trajectory now see you in five we're going to give those three-fingered freaks a taste of their own medicine we're going to give them a spanking with gravity and we're going to show them you do our mess with planet Earth heading into the warehouse well at least it's contained for now shepher we need the power supply that thing just swallowed in order to make the gauntlet work let's go get it does that thing work need power I can run a line from the grid go get it oh [ __ ] I'll distract him hey [Music] hey wor with [Music] Bob oh [ __ ] sheer sheer hey hey hey hey you hungry hungry eat this Sher you okay Sher you okay you okay did coming the nuke's coming look oh my God is that what I think it is power okay Bob this one's for [Music] you they're shooting at the nuke hurry I don't got it I help scramble scramble negative Airman new orders are to protect that nuke at all costs come oner that's about fire how are we supposed to fight these things we got one of their ships just keep them off that bomb got ay on a payload keep them off me got one you're clear sry on target nor to ground team you're all clear up here go ahead and say hi he it worked oh Bob it worked oh man let's get out of here Bob big idiot forgot to chew I've been digested and almost disintegrated Bob your plan worked imagine that may weather's going to be pissed oh why would he be pissed he just saved the planet you think we're going to get any more funding we have to for next time if this is what they do for a missing ship imagine what happens next oh God I don't want to I don't want to imagine yeah well unfortunately it's our job to imagine what happens next and to be better prepared for it because I'm never leaving my workshop again not bad day [Music] oneing in pieces hey a welcome a party here Shephard nice shot too how you doing over there as well how'd you get here so fast after you hit the bullseye I uh hopped the flight here with aam Mara she was uh nice enough to let me hop on the fastest ship we got in the Galaxy I know that [ __ ] it's the Roswell CRA wait that's my ship that's the government ship [ __ ] but if you ask real nice I think aent Mari here just might you know give you a spin hey Fair child I'm very impressed nice job and I can't wait to have you take over here yeah hey shepher yes sir I said a welcoming party not a retirement party look around you you got it sir this is going to be nice I got to feel we're going to be here for a while we going to be here for a [Music] while [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give me 10 I'm not going down again heing walk your s yes captain no sir not your soldier as you are of no one's to [Music] [Applause] win I will not follow how will I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] follow open take you salute make sound [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me out you can't shoot down [Applause] because I will not [Music] follow I will not follow I will I follow [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Zo [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I I will not [Music] follow I will not [Music] [Applause] follow [Applause] I will will [Applause] I [Music] [Applause] I let's [Applause] go
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 54,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, monster hunter movie
Id: jHcN1lzuOIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 21sec (5241 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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