ATTACK Helicopters Chase Me & Cause a Plane Crash?! (Teardown Mods)

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okay my little gold gun is going to actually take out the helicopters haha you loser oh I think the plane is falling this is so cinematic looking [Music] oh man look at this we finally quit YouTube and we've got ourselves a nine to five office job and I'm totally not gonna be miserable and I'm gonna uh thought of something wait why don't we randomly we've got a weird feeling 20 years ago I forgot to take my VHS copy of Home Alone back to Blockbuster I mean surely they're not gonna want to charge me for that or anything and what was that sound hello I'm here to start my job you know I better go up to our uh our office floor I'm sure the uh the noise that we heard was nothing right I hear a helicopter oh um oh no I think it's Blockbuster okay you know I just run run oh what the heck really over a movie I'm sure you can find a copy of it for like 25 cents on eBay you know let's go up to our office it doesn't see us right now so I think we're good okay uh let's go I think we're on floor number four oh boy uh it is currently hovering around the building um you know what we're just gonna at casual just uh we'll go to our cubicle and uh we'll get to work uh I hope the boss doesn't know about this what's that oh my goodness it's firing again hey you're gonna get me fired really uh wait where is it okay I probably might want to try to take care of this thing uh before it does get me fired wait what's it doing oh dear okay you know what um think think well thankfully in my back pocket I do keep my handy rocket launcher yep here it is okay you know what we're going to the top floor and we're gonna go take care of that thing okay buddy uh there's got to be some sort of roof access over here hey you he keeps going up okay where are the stairs how do I get to the roof from here hey stay away from me uh oh I missed uh oh okay um it's now firing's very you know uh take care of it uh oh oh you gotta be kidding me I missed it again okay just stop moving for five seconds oh geez it's gonna fire again okay on high below this okay uh can I not fire through this with my rocket oh my God I just missed again how do I keep did it just blow me through the top floor okay um that's definitely a thing uh it is also oh it's a laggy mess um okay you know what uh just just get in the elevator maybe we should go home real quick this is fine okay uh we're just gonna slip away let's get in our truck here and we're just gonna we're gonna drive out of here this is completely fine uh we'll just go this way oh I forgot to put my Turbo boosters uh I hope hitting the pillars on the bottom of this building does not collapse you know what maybe we should just walk okay well we're home uh what's that sound uh oh um okay how many helicopters they need to bring here oh okay you know I'm having problems functioning with the doors oh my goodness are we really gonna do this and I get up to our apartment I've got more goodies up there all right we are on floor number uh eight okay I want you guys to say hello to my little friend Hall we gotta make a hole here there we go uh oh these aren't the explosive rounds hold on here we go huh okay now we're ready to fight let's go uh take care of these hell helicopters why don't oh no I hit the neighbor's house sorry Chuck nothing you can do about that oh wait are those just going through okay oh I think they see us here uh we're just firing through the helicopters oh they're crashing into each other right now wait do they have like an oh Jesus fell out of my house uh no that's fine do they have Invincible helicopters you can't tell me my explosive rounds aren't taking care of these things oh goodness okay no that is that's not working there's a swarm of helicopters chasing me around the neighborhood I gotta get him to run into the building at least uh nope that does not seem to be a thing uh oh okay uh thing okay we gotta go to Desperate Measures I need to go behind the front desk in the lobby uh there's another thing uh yeah we're gonna have to say goodbye to the apartment there we go we got the uh the old Nuclear Strike okay we're gonna call it in okay certainly we can take out those stupid helicopters now oh my goodness uh they're swarming all right here we go oh oh uh I kind of Hit the apartment boys look at that oh my goodness it didn't actually take out the helicopters okay here we go again and yeah yeah um wait what why did they still fly how am I supposed to take out the stupid okay um do we have a plan z um wait I've got one more thing what about the Midas touch okay this should weigh him down oh my goodness we've done a lot of damage uh to the apartment building okay let's give him the old Midas Touch uh here we go and we're freezing him or turning them into gold uh this ought to be able to why is this not working no okay oh there it is wait dude that works so good why is this the only effective thing we literally shot them with nukes and okay my little gold gun is going to actually take out the helicopters and freeze them there we go and they're gonna fall down and they're fine you've got to be kidding me they break now oh okay we might want to watch that and boom yeah buddy uh can I okay I could freeze those two I was about to say uh there's a bit of an issue here if I can't freeze those they're not firing at us anymore right okay if I recall right there is a blockbuster inside of the North Pine Mall I mean I think it's now like a Starbucks or something but maybe they have some secrets and maybe there's a place I can return my copy of Home Alone uh did you guys hear something it sounded like a growl okay thanks uh where was it was it all the third no wait maybe it was this store uh oh it's the old Cafe hey do you guys have any uh old remnants of the Blockbuster maybe it's buried in the walls uh I kind of see oh what's this in a minute any person do I know VHS copy return thing has got to be here somewhere uh it's trash uh I just heard that growling sound again what the heck is that noise what is that sound oh my goodness uh okay that is terrifying okay run run run there is a dinosaur chasing us through the mall okay uh wait no we still have to find the VHS tape maybe it's the Blockbuster dinosaur or it's an indominus Rex but wait why did it get quiet haha you loser oh uh is there another one outside okay was that the reflection oh it is Chase you guys okay uh oh okay go upstairs uh they can't walk up the stairs can it uh okay oh that is absolutely terrifying okay go over here okay uh Blockbuster Blockbuster wait where does this lead oh oh this has gotta definitely be where the Blockbuster was okay look for the VHS copies uh there's a return here um you know what what are we doing I give up maybe we should go back and try to fight the thing oh we can drop those things on its head uh okay those big obnoxious Square lights we'll just uh we'll cut them down and we'll have it fall and kill the uh how do I get out you know what is this no that's not a way out how do I get those things to fall down come on does this work a hunting rifle holy man that actually works okay uh we'll have it run across here oh wow they're both inside the mall okay come on come on get close get close oh there we go oh okay well I hit it in the head it didn't actually do anything I was kind of hoping it was gonna go through it uh here Make Them All Fall Down uh we're gonna create a bunch of obstacles uh for the indominus Rex down there and hopefully you can get the fall over and we'll go in for the kill shot did one kill the other one this oh wow that is extremely uh not effective wait well hey so you're telling me we could have avoided all this damage by just placing a couple uh well-placed shots with the uh the old hunting rifle wow you guys did a lot of damage to the uh the front of the store ah was that another Braille oh yeah okay we've got quite a few more trying to come in okay that means we can probably only do one thing uh we can do it Star Wars style and we can hide in the stomach of the A1 or we could call it an uh I guess another Nuclear Strike okay I hope I can get them before they get in here and get me uh okay they're under the awning here we go uh buddy oh that might be a crashing of the computer hold on what does that look like oh it's so bright and pretty hey I think we actually did it hold on let's go look at the remnants here does this mean that I don't have to return the uh the VHS tape back to Blockbuster oh well we've uh We've made a mess of them all right okay we're back on our favorite map of all time hey lady you are in my seat you can go back there all right so nothing bad's gonna happen now uh we got away from the indominus Rex actually we destroyed them uh we destroyed mostly attack helicopters so they shouldn't be showing back up oh no now I'm paranoid uh oh am I hearing a chopper um uh okay you know what we gotta get visibility on this I think we're being followed uh oh wait how's the chopper catching up with the uh the jet here that makes zero sense uh oh um okay they don't wait do they know well obviously I know I'm in here wait if I'm gonna die I'm dying in first class you get over there they don't know we're in here right they're just they're patrolling they're scanning uh they also don't seem to know oh they're getting close wait they're right below us we could probably freeze it's a part of the airplane here this is proven to work on real quick yep works on the Karen's head okay we're gonna make the uh the plane really heavy here I mean it looks awesome right now I mean look at that okay keep freezing we gotta add weight to the plane in order to make it drop from the sky uh all the weight oh my goodness this freezes everything oh I heard a beep come on come how is there what how are we still up right now uh maybe I need to freeze one of the engines that's probably what it is wait does the door still work uh oh oops wrong gun uh oh uh I heard a button I think they know where okay just blow a hole inside of it here uh we need to freeze the engine uh we also probably need to get out of here like ASAP because the plane might be going down oh my goodness that barely worked on the outside of the plane okay uh we got a freezy engine here oh here we go minus touch Midas Touch uh freeze the oh my goodness freeze the whole thing uh oh oh you can feel the the weight is shifting on the plane okay freeze the outer portion oh uh part of it just broke off um this is fine reset portion how is this not working look the engine is like buckling and falling apart out oh is it it might be falling now oh and it's still got one engine to keep itself up freeze it okay that should in theory drop it right on the helicopters below oh I just heard something break where did this second plane come in what you've been I've never had that happen before okay so a second plane just came in and smashed right into the original plane and now we're falling oh my goodness we're falling we just fell through the blades of the attack helicopters below us um yeah there was a mid-air collision between two big planes I don't know where that second one came from I was playing with the Midas touch uh have we touched the ground yet are we still [Β __Β ] there's a Karen stuck to the ceiling I think we're still falling right now uh we better get to the opening oh yeah we're still falling okay you know what we're gonna Skydive out and we are going to take care of these bad boys here I don't know what this is what wait oh that's a leaf blower that probably is not gonna work okay torch them that is just not working one bit okay oh my goodness how is this thing still flying right now it feels like it's sideways it's like the whole plane just shifted over it's also really golden here I like this all right are we falling oh my goodness we haven't failed yet okay here we go freeze the planes or the helicopters uh there it goes I think the plane is falling this is so cinematic looking okay and last one is Frozen uh something else is firing at us right now no no no no to die I think they're trying to hit us before we hit the ground oh geez okay this is fine uh you know what we have defeated those things they all just hit the ground I think we won
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 161,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teardown, teardown mods, teardown gameplay, teardown planes, teardown survival, teardown haunted survival, teardown destruction, teardown plane destruction, destruction, destruction game, plane destruction, teardown shark, plane crash, airplane crash, plane in half, teardown download, camodo gaming, teardown game, teardown vehicles, tear down, sandbox games, physics game, camodo gaming teardown, teardown plane, airplane, teardown plane crash, plane crash survival
Id: JZqd6BYW7tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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