MASSIVE UPDATE! Crashing the New Truck & Rock Crawlers in Beamng Drive

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oh we're ripping up the hill Oh coming down I'm gonna get a lot of speed through here oh my goodness this is cool dude look at that view that just kind of shows you how ginormous the map is oh my goodness yeah okay uh tearing it up on this road with traffic is not a good idea folks we have a brand new update here in BeamNG drive and I hope you guys want to do some off-roading because we have five new vehicles here we have the wydra you have an auto Bella that is a mean looking buggy you have the rock Basher the SP Dune kicker and last but certainly not least the auto Bella stand beko I think I'm saying that right that thing is a uh a bit of a monster so yeah we've got plenty of stuff to check out here today I can't get over how cool this thing looks I think this might be a amphibious craft Yep this might be one of the best things you know what's really good is the variations uh on this thing so hold on let's go to the configurations page and check this thing out you have the mud Master oh my goodness I don't think we're gonna get stuck in any holes anytime soon but yeah we're also on the brand new map Johnson Valley which is absolutely massive and there are a lot of trails to hit there's tracks to race on there's even gas stations which by the way gas stations are functional in this map and West Coast USA which I kind of figured was gonna be a feature after seeing all the pictures of gas stations on their Twitter and I don't know which one to drive first uh honestly I'm gonna take the safe route and we're gonna go with the uh the Dune kicker here a nice Trophy Truck oh my goodness this thing uh this thing's got a lot of roll to it this is good though uh it feels really nice huh let's get out of the little complex here by the way there is a track behind us there's also a fairly decent sized uh like Mountain so yeah is there a Main Road oh I think that's the main road right there let's make a bit of an entrance on it there we go oh goodness oh oh no we're fine uh just flip it right back over and she's good to go yeah we got a bit of traffic up here so yeah this is really really beautiful looking yo this thing kind of reminds me of a lot of like the different like mod maps like there's a dune section out there that kind of reminds me of the ghost desert which is really cool to see uh oh look here's one of the gas stations uh can I get gas in this thing I don't know if I can get gas in this one uh hello no I mean my tank is pretty much full but oh this is like one of the cutest gas stations I've ever seen a freaking dinosaur also how are the gas prices wow those actually look fairly realistic I mean this thing is just teeming with opportunity also they really really like the rocks on this map so expect mini exploded tires so yeah this section over here is what I was talking about they're like this kind of reminds me of ghost desert I wonder we rip across this in this uh particular vehicle I feel like we're gonna catch and flip but let's see what happens here dude that's so cool like I'm ready to like play some multiplayer uh in this map I feel like we could come up with some really cool challenges here yeah buddy just ripping over the dunes oh okay I had a kind of a bad landing there but you know we're fine maybe we need something with a little bit bigger tires I don't know maybe this Auto Bella here by the way look at the interior on this uh one thing I did notice check this out there's a lot of functionality to the interior on this thing so you have your uh differentials here so you got your front and rear uh you've got your transfer case here uh you got your gear uh your high and low down here the range box yeah on vehicles like this I believe you should be able to like inflate is it the suspension hold on let's inflate oh we're definitely going up what am I inflating here am I inflating the uh the tired haunts deflate real quick uh it's got to be the suspension itself right or is it the tires I don't know those tires look pretty flat actually I think that's actually the tires uh probably for the different terrain sets that's actually really cool though we can inflate them again nice not gonna lie this is really awesome now this thing has a lot of really cool configurations too including a fire truck and there is a police variant to this particular vehicle and it looks like an absolute tank and we got to do an episode where we take down suspects in it okay this thing does pretty well on the open areas here home what's this look like from the interior a very good uh sight lines you got the uh passenger seat there sometimes uh with these big like rally raid looking Vehicles there's like a third seat uh there's one in the middle oh oh oh wow by the way this thing does have a trailer hitch on it so I don't know what you'd be pulling with it you better have an off-roading trailer ready to go oh that is glorious looking the next up is the uh the auto Bella here uh oh wow this thing is nice uh I bet you this thing's gonna tear across the desert oh my goodness okay I might have found a new favorite vehicle in the update uh yeah this is sweet hold on I bet you this has got some uh really good pickup all right let's gas it up hey look at the way this thing leans that is okay I'm just gonna take out the fence this is fine hey let's try that again uh oh is there a track I think there's a track over here maybe we should make a lap around that I like how people are driving their uh their passenger cars on here this is like track day except for bring your uh Grandma's car to a big uh race track that looks like the starting line is here uh I think we're supposed to go the other way on it's Loop this all right yeah definitely okay so here's the track so here we go let's go ahead and give a uh get a lap around here just get a feel for what it's like yo this Auto Bella is sweet oh my goodness this thing just rips around the tracks pretty stable I wish the back end was a little more tele-happy uh but for the most part it's really controllable up up up okay I want to just rip around this corner uh come on turn turn yeah it understeers quite a bit but I mean it feels good feels really planted here on the off-road and oh oh no I think we broke the uh I broke the suspension on the side okay maybe you can't tear over jumps at full speed but I mean it's pretty close we just bend it oh we're still going uh I mean it's off-roader it better be tough it better be able to Tumble over a couple times yeah buddy I bet you this is the thing that everybody was like do we really need this and then once you play with it it's like Yep this is great oh we're ripping up the hill Oh coming down I'm gonna get a lot of speed through here oh my goodness this is cool it's a nice little track too uh jumping over here oh over the Finish oh we're going in the pit area yeah we're gonna need a little bit of maintenance on the vehicle hold on we might land in the tent no never mind so here's another one the rock Basher now I feel like we need to find a nice rocky area for this this is cool I like the little navigation unit in the side uh you got your light switches here we can turn those on it's got the overheads oh the overheads are really nice hold on let's go to the time oh yeah is that actually sufficient light oh it is oh my goodness yeah you could definitely do uh maybe like a rally at night that's thing especially that light bar on the top lets off a ton of light honestly that is uh that's really really good I like that a lot oh that's really good right there that's uh Sunrise that's uh that's nice that's actually gorgeous looking yeah you forget how good beams lighting is like sometimes you have to adjust it to like the sunset sunrise area that way you can get a lot of the neat effects okay you gotta get off the road here we're not meant to be on the roads with these things I want to go find a nice rocky area there's a uh a big hill ahead of us here there's just a ton of Dunes by the way let me give you guys a little overview of the map itself like there is a lot it kind of looks like there's a dune area over here and up here it looks like a salt flat but I don't know I think that's out of the map it really does look flat through there and then of course you have some extreme areas through here looks like there's quite a few missions set up for uh rock crawling and look at this there's a dune rally up here at the top so you got a lot of New Missions uh for this map and we're gonna set a waypoint to those Dunes real quick and uh go over there and maybe run up the hill oh yeah definitely pretty treacherous but man this rock bash is really good like if you guys had to choose say the update only had one of the vehicles which one would it be and why let me know down in the comment section below I mean the Autobell is cool but the Autobell is like an addition to a vehicle so does it really count as a completely new vehicle I mean it kinda is but I'm gonna say this rock bash is really good I do like the trophy truck I mean we've had like pre-runners before it doesn't feel a whole lot different it's definitely a nice addition but the more I drive this rock Basher and watching the suspension work the more I love this thing this is cool Yep this is absolutely gorgeous uh we're almost to our actually I thought this is gonna be a lot higher I wonder if we can go over to that mountain over there uh looks like there is a path that goes that way are we going up that yeah I don't have to stay to the trails here we can just shoot right across in this thing this is oh here come the Rocks okay yeah this is where you have to be a little bit more careful and trust me they are really proud of their rocks uh if you've watched or paid attention to the Twitter account oh my goodness oh it's going low range oh yeah look at this this thing handles it with ease uh it's gonna be kind of nice and even over these rocks that is beautiful like I can sit there and do police chases all day but this is like perfectly relaxing like let's just go rock crawling and having some fun here okay going up the big hill here oh yeah it's just taking it with these uh we can take a left here and go almost straight up the uh the little clear for the mountain here that is beautiful absolutely beautiful oh let's get up to the top and I want to say we conquered this hill there's gotta be like a peak or so actually it Peaks back there like look at this this is cool up we just lost a panel oh I kind of want to just park it up here this looks like like the perfect screenshot all right let's keep crawling up here to the top uh where is the actual Peak I think the peak's kind of right in front of us okay it's definitely gonna get a little more treacherous through here hold on let's go through the middle uh oh yeah look at this up ahead of us okay come on let's just crawl up here oh yep okay this is officially like the best crawler like it's pretty much zero effort it's making it look like I'm competent at rock crawling I tell you it takes a lot of effort from a vehicle to make it look like I know what I'm doing okay I want to say this is pretty much the peak right about well every time I say that I look over I'm like well it's a little higher over there maybe I should go a little further dude look at that view that just kind of shows you how ginormous the map is like look over there that's the uh little starting area that we were at I think there's a small town somewhere too I could be wrong there's two gas stations oh my goodness after all that that's how we tip it over on you got to get the buds out real quick go over and just tip this thing back there we go oh we ripped off a panel probably should have grabbed it by that yep and I was doing all that talking about like oh this is making me look like I know what I'm doing and then I uh I do that wait a minute why are these painted am I no like two three one that may be a marker for the trail Itself by the way look at the trail look at the tire marks here ooh that is that's pretty extreme um I don't know what the markers are for it anybody knows uh down in the comment section uh we got three rocks that are marked you get a one uh there's a two and also there's a three right here honestly you could probably do a video on each of the new vehicles oh there's another marked Trail okay that's It's gotta be definitely maybe it's how hard the trail is like maybe a three is the more extreme is there a one here so the two I'm thinking that's maybe what it is because yeah the three where it goes It goes straight up the side of that uh the mountain there it definitely looks a lot harder than what we're on right now so I'm thinking it is definitely a marker for like how hard the trail is or the crawl I should say I'm sorry this is absolutely freaking awesome right now I hope this is entertaining I've been just climbing rocks this whole half of the episode and I finally flipped it back over but man that is uh that's glorious looking all right so I have a heck of a challenge can we get down in this thing it's not a good idea to spawn this thing up here uh the more normal looking version I like that massive like four-wheeled Beast that looks like it's ready for uh any sort of mud and okay this was definitely a mistake I think we need more than one little roll bar to protect us on this okay that was a mistake let's go with the little bit bigger one here they have the Scout which just looks ridiculous like the mud Master you just want that for safety right like the Scout would flip over like at least if this one flips over you got a bit of a roll cage yeah this is not what this is meant for but we are doing it anyways here it goes bye well at least we get the pretty Sunrise to look at while we tumble down to our death okay we definitely need to find a mud map in order to test this thing to its full capabilities okay so I had to spawn in to figure out where it called it the settlement like I guess this is a settlement out in Johnson Valley which is just a house and a trailer out here I was curious Anna we got any barn finds no there's no barn finds so yeah this is uh this is by the main road which by the way uh look at this this is the longest stretch of road on any of the default BeamNG Maps it's for a straight line so if we uh if we teleport out here by the way there's a lot of traffic on this road uh what's going on here all right here we go oh my goodness oh this is glorious looking extremely dangerous oh here comes oncoming uh oh okay here's the straight part probably was not wise to do this with traffic but yeah here it is uh the long straight road this leads all the way into the map I kind of like this I kind of feel like every map should have a lead in and a lead out so say if you hit a certain area of one of the other default Maps you'll travel over to another map this is supposed to be I think like Southern California so like if you were in West Coast uh what if you took one of the highways out and it led to like this road and oh my goodness yep okay uh tearing it up on this road with traffic is not a good idea just not enough space here but uh let's give you guys a little overview look at that and it leads all the way over and there's the settlement area and there's where like the staging areas for the rallies are but overall really digging the new map really digging the new cars this is available now go check it out and uh let me know what kind of episodes you want to see with said new vehicles
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 215,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng, beamng drive, beamng 0.27, beamng drive 0.27, beamng update 0.27, beamng drive update 0.27, beamng new cars, beamng drive dunekicker, beamng rockbasher, beamng drive stembecco, johnson valley, beamng graphics, beamng drive graphics, beamng map, beamng map overview, neilogical, beamng update, beamng drive update, beamng Wydra, beamng johnson valley, beamng drive crashes, beamng drive camodo gaming, camodo gaming
Id: X9P4Sym02FQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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