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three hit 48 members they turn actually taught me to pop it up a one two three four five bits applause layers gone Singh can you touch the brake pedal for a moment Hey and there's the table looking ominous here is low so we can do this intro so this is the outer stone and you know condole what is the right word hit the thumbs up for the Atlas stone on anvil verse bulletproof anyway well done to you guys you made today happen but what proof is back folks oh yeah this is the new toy it's new buttons what do they do high charge new toy oh yes it's gonna save us feels amazing right now big shout-out to sender submit who sent us the stone onion and stroller stones in the game I've been told so link in description if you want to grab your own and like get real buff and good now gone soon the winch is fantastic it is good but this is as fantasy well its key because without it we can't actually drop anything so and I think basically metal we've ever made that's any good like aka the giant die that table means all from mark yeah who's just a legend here in Perth shout out to you my brother mark well are a good man anyway so this is where I shall give you a quick little demo yeah I love dem all right so we just we'd pull out the safety pin which is now itself yeah this some winch has the ability to lift half a ton a lot away is like a small elephant we're not dropping it just so you know just so you know you need to get thinking because we got half a ton to work with this year so get excited up the top test the drop and where we go Paper Scissors rock I'm dropping folks it's quite an effective way to work things out isn't it Stanford how heavy is LA Atlas done well let me tell you Scott issue equivalent of 15 bowling balls five giant darts three and a half am bills and many many many partridge in a pear trees you're not gonna believe this out of both of your ears there's like many bells get it on are you excited about how this thing is gonna just fall on sand oh just because normally it's about the Artem but like when this thing hits it's gonna be like a meteor crater no I hear John oh um now this thing does like 15 meters per minute so therefore it should take about three minutes to get up here oh my hand doesn't care Bofur how flip and good thing this is at the top got me right for the quick release few boys ready for the test I think so that yeah alright should I pull the pin Oh safety is there we are good this is momentous moment everyone and three two one oh hello Oh pull a little harder apparently the old false start that was a bit nerve-wracking three two one joy never mind I know what I was doing wrong alright attempt number three stop me three two one here it comes Oh bang that was an old my teeth ugh look at the crater Wow but it's all good listen powerful feeling releasing that you just got a do-it pals in the hands did you say the camera actually shake yes and the winch down I reckon we need three attempts at the drop to make sure we hit the crater every time but I think we can make it fun I've brought a watermelon and I brought a basketball Eric and each time we put something here to get minced just to make the drops a bit more fun yeah agreed all right heron that melon is about to have an experience quick like challenge this week 250,000 and we will get out Thor's hammer the new toy very big and put it on bulletproof glass and when I say put it on I mean drop it and smash it to smithereens 250 doesn't want to get around that folks just yeah go switch hands my thumb's getting sore yeah hey you're looking Aaron it really shifts out stepford the melon won't be soon though now it'll be blown to smithereens here we go everyone out with stone verse melon I'm gonna make this watermelon disappear right that is a watermelon smoothie everywhere where did the melon go Scott it's absolutely no longer a thing and it was in the right spot gone sense [Music] now for our next test drop the basketball la Papa CH oh that is very very full of air so if this test is on the money gone son table in stone down it's amazing how fast things go when you don't miss things constant this could be a new era for us because we've taken out human error [Applause] it's my great privilege to bring to you the shared air this week and we gotta try and get you some chalky gone we're not you but the people yeah so you need a riot any chance you can get me a Snickers on the way home yes Sen and we want to see photos yeah if you do get something if you can get someone to bring you some chalky make sure you include it in the thread as well as the link send it to us and we'll share our faves all right you guys good pin coming out we all right here we good oh that's so good when that happens we are live iron set sail for basketball harridan pull the lever not the wrong lever ball went boom boom is good bulletproof glasses up next göransson that was many decibels sad I know the peeps out there thinking that's coming it's coming now all right down Derrick stop bulletproof in place GoPros brave atlas stone looming but it just realize you haven't done a contest I'm gonna do on right now how heavy is that stone and you know what we're gonna do the exact measurement in pounds just so you Americans feel a little loved with your stupid system and I'm yeah first one to guess it correctly well Pena quick prediction ball going down we'll hit middle of table thanks for coming but what's gonna happen is balls just gonna shatter a lot but before it does it's gonna flip and push the whole shade of glass through the table that's what I reckon all right Aaron atlas stone away helps you come Stanford that's Dan might either that was down get on out there son and then come down with punch it's go time folks we are good it is time to get out of that area and be safe hey godson yo Sanford what do you thinks gonna happen atlas stone coming down hitting glass and pulling glass through I'm just gonna go with atlas stone caught caught yes no chance this Atlas stone is a boost I'm pulling the safety pin out here we go here we go here we go here we go whoo the atlas stones first big test drop in Herron drop him good good [Music] [Music] oh that is straight through the glass there is just a home what happened to the bowl shivers brat I forgot to hit recalling this really yeah because I didn't thumbs up for being a battler yeah hey gone sand remember when we put that GoPro underneath is a brave soldier yes I don't like his chances of seeing another day is he cooked oh my god I can see him there's glass everywhere have to be so careful he's rolling it's not through the Poli [Music] [Applause] just come all the way yeah how good is this this is the perfect ball shape kinda looks like the thing of Star Wars you know everyone's trying to get into the Death Star yeah yeah I'm with ya that's crazy man just so much force the ball survived I thought the ball is gonna be cooked I really want to see Thor's hammer against those hammers like it's more condensed it's more bullet like we're just like then it weighs like what the whole lot more so that maybe that's a chance of getting through the bleep ah let's see if we can recover all mr. Atlas funds is that point of impact another sheet that is so cool the stone has literally cut out like a cruise stone size cookie just stay still there's kind of like swirls no it's it's really cool to look at me I have a storm you know an atlas storm and that is that's not snow down there huh that's some glass literally some scratches that's it though that's all for sure the stoner beat I thought it's cooked yeah me too that's just said no give me a bigger challenge what is a bigger challenge people need to send it in send it in everywhere maybe a safe maybe a truck a safe free and everybody folks get around it good yeah awesome amazing finally enlighten you guys on the winch which have been working on for months yeah that's cool yep 44 car thank you for hanging around anything ah look guys I've been trialing conditioner in the shower it's life changing boys
Channel: How Ridiculous
Views: 8,711,230
Rating: 4.870553 out of 5
Keywords: how ridiculous, magnus effect, oobleck, rc cars, how ridiculous rc car, bowling ball vs trampoline, bowling ball, giant dart, trampoline, bowling ball vs oobleck, anvil vs car, how ridiculous giant dart, basketball, how ridiculous darts, basketball connect 4, bowling, anvil vs fridge, 44 club, anvil, anvil vs, wrecking ball, invincible, smash, Atlas stone, Atlas Stone bulletproof glass, How ridiculous atlas Stone, thor hammer bulletproof glass, thor hammer
Id: a-g47vhry94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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