Athens Scams: A Twist On The Scam Harald Baldr Exposed

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sorry sorry Marcus kids Channel I was pretty messed up it just sat down to play his accordion and I kicked his cup away and knocked his ten cents that he had in there [Music] this kid is slick this this is his scam this is the same kid I kicked over the cup or I thought I kicked over the cup but that's his little scam he leaves his cup out there and people come by they're not watching and either he kicks it over or he puts it right in their path so that they kick it over and then they feel bad they help him pick up his change and add some change to it so let's see how this works say she just kicked it over and he acts like he's surprised even though he put it there on purpose you see everybody feels bad for him now I'm sitting here for like a minute or two and it's already happening twice you would think if he wasn't doing that on purpose he would put the cup you know in a place where people wouldn't keep kicking it over but that's not his stick his stick is to let it get kicked over so that he can get extra money let's see it again oh that was close ah she knocked it down but she didn't care enough to help him pick it up so this kid stick is kind of like the Harold Boulder video I just watched in Florence where these guys take these cheap prints or paintings or whatever and lay them down on the ground where people are walking and looking up and looking at the stores and they put them in the path of the people walking and then the people step on them and the scammers act surprised and like you just stepped all over their priceless Mona Lisa or something like that and try to hit you up for money to pay for the damage that you've done so to speak so this is just kind of another take on that nobody's kicking it over so he puts it out a little further I think if you spend as much time practicing the accordion as he did trying to get people to kick that Cup over maybe he would make some legitimate money from just playing the accordion look at his foot he's he's trying to inch it out even farther into the street boom the kid kicked it over poor guy it's funny I wonder what happens when the FedEx truck runs it over he sees on filming him I wonder if he speaks English you speak English I like your little thing you put it out there people kick it and then it's very good I gave you money before when I kick it for you remember I kicked it before I gave you money before I have one hour before you remember I was coming this way and I kicked it and I said oh I'm sorry and I gave you money yes how much do you make doing this in the day how many euros in the day to do this yeah 20 euros 30 euros ten euros in one day all day that's better than nothing take care says he makes 10 euros doing that which is not bad because the average salary is probably like 20 euros a day over here for just working in a shop or something along those lines so here this kids doing the same scam Wow I think he got a better a better spot here because he has the bench it's kind of sticking out in the roadway so let's see how long it takes them to get this thing kicked over again I mean these kids are not even playing the accordion they're just kind of waiting for the thing to get kicked over there we go I missed it at least this guy knows how to play the guitar he's singing this guy's just tapping his thumbs on the accordion oh he didn't even care that guy and they use a small see-through cup so that most people don't even see it in their way [Applause] [Music] ah he missed it [Music] [Music] this guy see me uh he kicked it over but no extra lose for him [Music] he sees on filming him but he don't care if anything he'll probably try to get a euro or two out of me for filming him they kicked this can over so there you have it in my previous video walking up here I kicked over the kids cup and I felt really bad about it that little did I know that I just got scammed so he got a whopping 50 cents out of me so live and learn but I guess that's just one of the little scams around here so that's my video on the scams in Athens that's a tiny one of course you know you're not gonna ruin your vacation if you kick this kids can over and happen to give him a euro or something like that so but I just thought it was pretty funny to see that and realize that I didn't realize till the on my way back through here that that was just his little scheme to get his thing kicked over on purpose
Channel: To Go Is To Know
Views: 348,563
Rating: 4.6703229 out of 5
Keywords: Athens scams, athens greece scams, harald baldr scammed, harald baldr scammer, athens pickpockets, greek scams, athens scammers, greece scams, to go is to know, harald baldr scams, greek scammers, europe scams, athens, greece, athens greece, greece scammers, I got scammed, tourist scams, con artist, how to avoid scams, scam city, how to beat a street scammer, tourist scams europe, athens tourist scams, europe tourist scams, gypsy scams europe
Id: oVpE3j0R72Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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