Athens, Greece - 10 Things You Need To Know ☀️

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Athens is known for his richest story captivating landmarks and is widely recognized as the birthplace of democracy so if you're planning a visit to this historic and vibrant destination then stay tuned because today I'll unveil the top 10 things you need to know to help you plan your trip before we begin make sure to subscribe to the channel and hit that notification Bell so you won't miss any of the best traveling guides and reviews for your next bucket list Adventure number 10 weather and best time to visit Athens experiences a Mediterranean climate which means hot dry Summers and milled Winters the best time to visit is during spring from April to June and Autumn from September to October when the weather is pleasant and the city is less crowded if you don't mind the Heats and larger crowds summer can still be a great time to explore the city be prepared for high temperatures and plan your activities accordingly number nine must visit sites Athens is a gold mine of ancient history and archaeological wonders you cannot miss the iconic Acropolis home to The Majestic Parthenon which stands as a symbol of democracy and Greek civilization other significant sites include the ancient Agora Temple of Olympian zurs and the fascinating National archaeological Museum number eight getting around the city the City offers an extensive public transportation system that includes Metro trans and buses the Metro is particularly efficient and a convenient way to navigate the city consider purchasing the Athens City Pass which provides unlimited access to public transportation and discounted entry to various attractions number seven local Cuisine and dining etiquette Greek cuisine is a delight for food lovers so make sure to try traditional dishes such as musaka Souvlaki spanakupita and my favorite the Greek salad when dining out remember that Greeks enjoy a leisurely meal so be prepared for relaxed pace it's also common to leave a small tip for good service typically around five to ten percent of the bill number six Safety and Security Athens is generally a safe City for travelers but like any major city it's essential to take precautions keep an eye on your belongings especially in crowded areas as well as public transportation and be cautious of pickpockets number five Greek language and basic phrases while many locals in Athens speak English learning a few basic Greek phrases can go a long way in connecting with locals start with simple greetings like Kelly Mera for good morning efaristo thank you and paracalo please the effort to communicate in their language is always appreciated and well received number four explore beyond the city Athens is a fantastic base for exploring nearby destinations so if you're spending more than two days you can take a day trip to Cape sunyan to witness the stunning Temple of Poseidon or a catamaran cruise to explore and relax along the Riviera alternatively embark on a short ferry ride to the nearby islands of igena Hydra or poros for a taste of the Greek island life number three clean and Safe Water tap water in Athens is perfectly safe to drink the city's water supply comes from local lakes this means you can confidently refill your water bottles from the top and enjoy refreshing hydration throughout your stay not only is it convenient but it also helps reduce plastic waste number two currency and payment the currency used in Athens is the Europe most businesses accept major credit cards but it's advisable to carry some cash for small purchases and places that might not accept cards ATMs are widely available throughout the city allowing you to withdraw cash as needed it's also important to notify your bank of your travel plans to avoid any issues with your card usage number one dress code and etiquette Athens is a Cosmopolitan City and casual attire is generally acceptable however when visiting religious sites and formal establishments it's advisable to dress modestly and respectfully remember to cover your shoulders and knees now that you know all the essentials to help you plan your trip I'd like to know in the comments if you guys have more tips to share or if you have any questions if you like this video give it a big thumbs up subscribe to my channel and be sure to turn on the notification Bell so you won't miss any of my travel guides and Adventures keep on traveling and I'll see you guys in the next video foreign
Channel: The BOLD Traveller
Views: 69,776
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Keywords: Athens, Greece, 10 Things You Need To Know, The Bold Traveller, 10 Things, Best Things To Do In Athens, Best Time To Visit Athens, Things To Know Before You Go To Athens, When To Visit Athens, Athens Attractions, Athens Greece, Athens Greece Metro, Athens Greece Travel Guide, Athens Public Transport, Athens Things To Do, Athens Travel, Athens Travel Guide, Athens Travel Tips, Athens Vlog, Getting Around Athens, Things To Do In Athens, What To Do In Athens., BTd&x%
Id: z-gdrcDakus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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