What NOT to Do in Vienna, Austria

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Cru Squad fellow Travelers Mark here with Walter's world and today we are here at PR the amusa park here in Vienna Austria and today we're going to talk about our some of the don'ts of visiting Vienna because there's a lot of things you want to do like yes you do want to go take the reen Rod you want to take the fairy s when you come here to pra and you do want to go see all the great museums that are here and all these things but there are some don'ts you want to know okay and my first don't and one that will actually gets you in trouble with the locals is don't be allowed tourists look when you're here in Vienna I I mean it is a quiet City I mean it's quiet like here at the cafes people have conversations and they're quiet and they're just sitting there enjoying their coffee and they're amazing cakes and stuff like that but it's quiet you're on the public transportation it's quiet you see a group of school kids walking down the street it's quiet I'm like oh my goodness I it's amazingly quiet here and you as a tourist are expected to be quiet as well so if you think everyone wants to hear your FaceTime conversation with your boyfriend back home uh at the cafe no they don't if they do you think they want to hear your conversation with your parents back home saying oh Mom I'm having a great time here you's got all these cool museums man this is awesome yeah no no one's going to like that and don't be surprised the locals come and actually call you out on say hey hush I'll they'll do it we go sh like they'll do that to you they're like hey I'm doing something here don't interrupt my conversation and stuff so do have a heads up for that cuz that's one thing that I see the locals get a bit frustrated with the tourists for another thing that really frustrates the Locos with the tourist is actually to do with the escalators in the uban or the subway and that is don't stand on the left side of the escalator look when you take the escalators up or down to the ubas or the trains or anything espon anything here in Vienna remember on the right you stand and it goes down if you want to go fast you go on the left so if you're on the left or your bags on the left the Local's going to get pissed off at you and they're going to say something they might push your bag out of the way or something cuz hey we're coming through here all right so help out the austrians the vnes that are going to work and just move your bags over and stay on the right side don't stand on the left okay now I guess as I'm talking about the Metro the uban the subway here I guess there's a don't I should tell you from that that is don't just walk on to the subway without getting a ticket now you may say well Mark of course I mean you have to get a ticket to get on a train well actually here in Vienna it's open well if at the fair care it's open public transportation so there's not someone checking your tickets there's not a Turn Style you just walk on and so if you don't have a ticket you can actually walk on and ride around but the thing is is don't think there's nobody checking because occasionally there are people that go around invest and they'll check and say hey let me see your ticket is it validated when it is and things like that and you can get an on the- fine spot if you don't have a ticket I mean I've taught here a couple times now and my students sometimes like to temp fade and not get a ticket and you know half the time they get nailed and there's no oh I'm a tourist I didn't know I have a ticket what for the subway where there's ticket things at every entrance and there's a thing where you can punch your stuff your card in your ticket in yeah they're not going to fall for that okay so don't forget that also I guess I would say another thing another do don't think the Vulcan ticket or the week ticket that you get for the for the Vienna Sten Bond the uban Subway buses stuff don't think that that's seven days I know it says Vulcan ticket but it's not it's a week so a week is Monday to Sunday it is not 7even days consecutive so if you're coming for a weekend make sure you look and see what you want to get cuz maybe what you need is a 48h hour ticket and then on Monday you pick up the week ticket that gets you through the next week now the next note I have for you is don't go on the grass yes I know I'm standing here in the grass right now but this grass here at prowder you can be on at a lot of the city parks and a lot of the places you might visit you'll see this big open Green Space you think oh great I'm going to go leave relax there and then you'll see a sign that says says do not go on the grass or stay off the grass or it's a picture of someone like walking on the grass saying no don't do that look I've seen tons of tourists especially at badier the schlo beler where all the Clint museum is the the Clint paintings are people will walk across the boundaries go out on there look don't walk on the grass you're not supposed to be there people follow rules here and so you will get maybe a yelling at or something like that or kicked out of places because you're going where you're not supposed to okay and since I've seen so many tourists do the grass thing I thought I definitely need to point that one out to you now my next show for you cuz I forgot to talk about this when I was talking about the subway is don't feel that you have to take cabs or Ubers here in Vienna you can no problem they're easy to get they're all over no big deal and and they actually are pretty honest too which is nice but the thing is is the public transportation system here in Vienna goes everywhere and when I say everywhere I mean everywhere like you will get there with a train a bus a Metro something like that and it is significantly faster taking Transportation so make sure you check and see do I take an esbon is that faster to go to V MIT or should I take the ubon there or the ler whichever stop you want you know you want to think about these things because really I mean public transportation here is one of the best things I mean this is honestly probably the best public transportation city in Europe which means probably one of the best transportation cities in the world so don't feel that you have to take Ubers or cabs here I mean you can but you don't have to oh also don't feel like you have to take the cat like the the the the EXP the expensive train in from the airport you can just take normal espon 7 S7 in you'll be fine save yourself € that way okay now sadly my next D for you is actually don't expect Vienna to be a cheap visit okay now it's that super expensive but it is a little bit pricier than a lot of the other capitals around Europe so do kind of plan your pocketbook and your spending money accordingly now there are things you can do to save money when you are here like doing the public transportation which I think is a very fair price was like €17 for a whole week I'm like totally cool with that you have that um you can eat a little kiosk and get a hot dog or a quesa Craner or something you may say why do I want to get a hot dog well look on your Oscar Meyer wieners well wiener is Vina which means vienes and ven is Vienna in German so vas wieners wiener sandwiches as my grandma used to say hot dog is something you can have here for just a couple two or three maybe four Euros you can have a big huge hot dog in there or a quak Craner which the cheese brw there's all kinds of little things you can do go to the nshm and get a kebab there or get some of the food that's there and so like from the Stalls the restaurants a little bit more pricey but the Stalls you get some good food for some good prices so do look around and find some deals because it's in general if you're going to be going to the cafes and having your coffee and your your your your pastries and stuff like that what you have to do and you're going to have yourit schnitzel and schetzel and all these kind of foods it does add up over time so it can be kind of a a more expensive place to come than a Prague or a budha P or other places in Central Europe so just have a heads up for that now the thing is it's usually when you think oh well if it's expensive then we must have really good service well that's my next don't for you don't expect over-the-top friendly service here in Vienna I mean here in Vienna it's more like I am blessing you to be coming to your table not all the time and there's some good waiters we had some good waiters here but some other ones it's kind of like 50/50 where they're like yeah I'll get to you when I get to you cuz here you do tip here but the waiters don't make they're living off the tips cuz they get paid a wage and then tips on top so you'll go places and you'll wait for your menu and you'll wait for your order and then your bill I mean don't don't ever think they're going to bring your bill to you you have to ask for it to be brought to you and the thing is is I've seen a lot of tourists get really frustrated with this and I've talked about this in other Vienna videos and other Austria videos and it's important to know that those waiters and the the service staff they've been trained to do this they went to school for these things so they're usually very well versed in the food what's what so if you have questions you ask them hey you know I I I want to have V stitzel but I'm I'm trying not to eat beef and and ve and stuff like that what do you recommend oh well you could go with the Putin stitzel the turkey one I mean they'll know stuff that that that you might want to know because they're so well trained so they're very professional but it gets frustrating because they don't really seem to care all the time that you're in a hurry or stuff like that okay but the thing that's cool is they don't pressure you they don't rush you out the door you know when you're in the US or UK or places they're like okay what do you want to eat here's your food get out right he like oh you want some okay good you want to order later it's totally fine I mean they don't judge you they're like yeah you want to stay and have aetel and a schnitzel that's totally fine stay for some stops afterwards totally fine we're cool with that cuz they're not rushing you out the door that's why when you see a table that says reserved it's not like it's resed from 700 to 9900 it's reserved from 700 until the restaurant closes cuz they expect people to stay longer okay so don't expect short eating times just have a heads up now if you do need to go quicker I mean you might want to stand up and go ask your waiter hey could we pay please and have that and I guess I should say another thing and this is also in our dones of Austria video you can see that for more General Austria things but since some many tours come just to Vienna and don't see the rest of this beautiful country I want to make sure I mention it here is don't think you can pay with credit card everywhere in Vienna you can pay with a lot of places don't get me wrong but a lot of smaller places like if you want your kids to ride the rides and stuff like here at PR you're paying some cash here you want to grab a a quac Craner or a donor Kebab on the street or grab a bottle of water you need to have coins to do those things or cash because they're not taking cards now speaking of spending your money when you are here and how you'd spend it a lot of people want to go to the Saka hotel to have Saka to it's a special kind of chocolate cake that's from the Saka hotel that's where it's invented that's why it's called the soaka torch and they have that and you'll see people lined up waiting to go inside my D for that is don't feel like you have to wait in line to go have Saka Tor if you just go around I mean honestly around the corner there's there's moar Cafe and you can have the same you know Saka tour there at I mean with a fraction of the tourists and I mean I've always gone there and we just get a table right outside I'll have my hot chocolate cuz I don't drink coffee and my and my you know my Saka to and do that and if you don't want Saker Tor don't worry there's tons of other great desserts here you'll eat a lot of great desserts here in Austria especially here in Vienna there's a whole Cafe culture here you really have to do but don't feel you have to go to the soccer hotel to have your soccer tour have it at any of the cafes cuz Cafe culture here is the bomb you got to go and just chill out drink eat and just enjoy the culture of the city now the next couple don'ts I want to talk about are more to De with specific sites so when you go downtown you go to Stefan plots okay Steven Square you're going to go to Stefon dber St Stevens's Cathedral it is the symbol of the city that is the main Church you're going to go to and you're going to go in and you're going to see how beautiful it is inside and if you can get a chance take the tour of the Catacombs okay but my don't for for that is don't freak out when you see rooms full of human bones because that was a thing they clean the bones up and stacked them up so you will see rooms full of human bones so if that bothers you maybe don't do the catacomb tour also you don't take pictures down there as well hence why I'm not putting pictures up here for that so do have a heads up another D for a musty sight here sh Brun Palace that is the summer residence of the hopb bgs big huge yellow Palace you see it all the postcards and stuff like that totally cool place great Gardens to go and enjoy just go walk through there little zoo in the back for the kids I know Caleb loved that when he was little when we were here you have a lot of stuff there and they have a lot of options for the palace last time I was there there was three options there was the short tour the medium tour and the oh my God how long is this tour tour my D for you is don't take the long tour unless you really want to know everything about the Hobbs you're better off taking the short tour the middle tour to get enough of what you need to know okay because man I've seen tours come out of the long one or like that was a long tour so go through the short medium one and then you can go enjoy the gardens more and have more time there cuz honestly for me that's one of the best places just to relax I mean when I used to go to school here I would go there just to relax the garden I wouldn't go in I would just go to the back of the garden go sit in one of the benches do my homework it was really cool and then another D I have for the museums is don't think that the only thing to see in the museums in Vienna are the exhibits cuz you know you go to some uh museums and it's all geared so you enjoy that one picture well here in Vienna some of these museums the buildings themselves are worth seeing the architecture all around town is great inside and out and for example I was at the Natural History Museum which is a nice museum but man I actually was more impressed with the interior of the museum the building of it and the the structure and the art that was part of the actual like facade and interior facades that I was like dang this is actually cooler than the collection and you see that in a lot of places schlo badier where all the Clems are you got to go there it's great but the thing is it's a whole Palace as well so you're kind of like wow I'm getting like I get to visit a palace and get to see an art museum at the same time this is kind of cool and so you do have that so make sure you don't just focus on the art focus on the Ambiance as well now when you go around Vienna you will notice there are quite a few Beggars that are out I mean not a ton but you will pass some of them at the churches in the churches outside the churches by the stations and stuff like that and what I would say to you is don't give to the Beggars and I'm not saying I'm a heartless person no I'm saying there's a very good social system here in Austria so the Beggars are probably taken care of and they probably don't need the money like they say they do I mean I know we saw a guy that had an oxygen tank he had the the oxygen tubes going in his mouth or in his nose going up this way and then we saw him later walking around just fine like yeah I don't think you really need that we saw a guy that had a had a what do you call it a cane kind of thing like a crutch and he was walking around you know like oh and then later on he's walking fine I saw him going to the Metro I'm like come on man and so that's why I me even the the local police will tell you don't give to the Beggars you will see the local police talking to the the the the people on the streets stuff like that to see what they're up to so just kind of stay away I mean they don't really bother you too much but just have a heads up so you're ready for that and my last D for you has to deal with night life and that is don't think that they don't have something for you here in Vienna it doesn't matter if you like classical concerts you want to see worldclass musicians you want to see a band that's famous that you scream for you want to go see the Opera you want to see a play you want to go out to the clubs have a bar go to a cafe watch people on the streets there's plenty of nightlife stuff to do here for all kinds of people depending what you want now I will have one caveat though if you want to have more of the clubbing party drinking kind of stuff you there are a few things for that but there's better cities for that if you're looking for a big city Party weekend go up to Prague go over to Bros laava go to Budapest or Munich that's more of the yeah kind of weekend kind of things for outdoor night life and stuff whereas here it's more refined culture kind of stuff you could have a lot more of that so that's just something I thought I'd let you know before you do come here so I hope this helps you know a bit more about the don'ts of coming to Vienna I hope it gets you better prepared for coming here we have a few other videos on Austria 10 culture shocks people have when they come to Austria the don'ts have coming to Austria five mistakes we see tour us make all the time here in Vienna all on our website at walterworks you to everybody to watch thank you for all your likes subscriptions and again another big thank you to all our patrons on patreon who help make honest travel videos like this possible we want to say thank you for that and if you want to find out how you can help us Key Making honest fun travel videos without 4,000 commercials like of me trying to sell you stuff go to patreon.com to find out how bye from Vienna
Channel: Wolters World
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Keywords: travel, europe, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Walters World
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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