Atheist Comedian turns to God after hearing these 5 words.

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i was addicted to cocaine and alcohol but i quit doing that nine months and 10 months into our marriage almost a year i quit and then that just kind of put put me on a road of um of of recovery i was not a nice man i was an angry bitter jaded cynical foul-mouthed human being um uh very condescending at home i just could not stop the rage just couldn't i mean i'd go weeks months but then eventually i'd explode and break a bunch of things and scream and holler like a like a banshee i have a phobia of dairy if it's been in the refrigerator too long i don't care if it's well or not i just i get a point i throw it out so anyway she finds this piece of cheese in the trash and i open the new one and it just starts why do you why did you throw it away i don't want it and then she says well it's perfectly good i go fine you eat it you know and then it just escalates and i end up on a chair yelling at her i don't want it can you hear me are you deaf i don't want it i don't want it i don't want it i don't want it she falls to her knees and she's sobbing god it was 30 years ago no anyway put my son to bed that night and he goes daddy you win i know what he mean he goes you yell mommy cries you win wow went downstairs i told tammy i said i need help i have an issue with uh anger and that kind of set me on the um self-help journey and then i went through new age buddhism i went through i went i was seeking i was examining my life yeah you're doing 12-step and they're talking about a higher power you're an atheist so you're kind of like what do i find well that was it and i said look if i'm making up a deity that makes me delusional i mean i understand god exists or he doesn't i don't believe he does but i also opened my mind to crack i i i say i moved from atheism to agnosticism i knew i didn't know and i did the prayers they told me to pray so i did the third step prayer which is i did this every day for years uh remove me from god god i use god remove me from the bondage of self so that i may better do thy will take away my difficulties so that victory over them others may bear witness to thy strength and power in their way of life god has answered those prayers because i go around the world now and uh to share about how my difficulties were taken away and i also did the serenity prayer grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change courage courage change the things i can and wisdom to know the difference courage and wisdom eventually you'll learn courage and wisdom come from god you know you're on all these steps toward god but you're not there yet so how did you how did you get there how did you your life really began to change uh tammy was having an affair and uh when i found out about it she was in california we were living in arizona and i'm not breaking any trust she shared this on a video um and uh i told her get home i found out i called her you know and said get home and i was getting self-righteous and it was one of those moments where it's finally it's not me finally i you know i got i got you know and had she come home that night which she was supposed to i don't know if i'd be married today because i was loaded for bear and uh i wrestled with god that night paced my room like a caged cat waiting for her to get home and uh every time i'd get self-righteous that little voice would go off inside me really remember the time you stood on a stool in the kitchen and you remember the time you smashed all the dishes remember the time you know and the dozens of them so she didn't come home until eight o'clock the next morning and i picked her up at the airport and it's exhausted she put my arms around her gave her kiss on the cheek and i said she goes that's it i go baby we're a mess we have two kids at home that need parents if this is what you want then you can have them i'm not going to stand in your way but if it's not what you want we need to do a lot of work and get through this together and i told her flat out i'll take 50 of the blame for this mess and i said if it goes to 51 49 we're not going to get through it she was involved with him for maybe three more months the most gut-wrenching heartbreaking period of my life wow i remember being in vegas and she was in jersey and i knew she was she showed dogs and i remember this specifically i had 102 phone calls to her hotel room that week all hang ups because i want him to pick up the phone but i tried to let her ruin its course and in that summer that she was in ohio with the kids and i was in arizona this man that i had met gave me bible tapes and i never opened any of them up until that summer i had about a year and a half of manila envelopes with bible tapes in them and the first one i opened up with ecclesiastes just exhilarated me meaningless meaningless all is meaningless uh what i got out of that first tape first sermon i ever really listened to 45 minutes life without god will have no meaning without meaning in your life there's no purpose without purpose you might as well off yourself suicide and uh i just jumped because that was my eight-year conclusion i would didn't know it i didn't know there was a name for it but i was a nihilist i was listening to all these tapes and i was moving i was really something was stirring in me and when i heard genesis sermon on genesis genesis 1 1 in the beginning god created and i found out later francis shaffer called it the most pregnant verse in the bible it gives birth to everything else in the beginning god and i fell in my face i called my friend phillip and i said there's a god i know in my heart and soul there's a god he goes yeah i know i've been trying to tell you for like a year and a half and i go yeah but i didn't know that he goes what's your problem i go blasphemy cursing him denying him and i threw this tears i said why would he want me and he says have you gotten to the cross i go what's that he goes oh can't ruin the ending you know and i started listening to everything i could on jesus and the cross and the prodigal son to this day tears me up the thought of the father running with open arms to the fallen one and then the normal reaction by the good son why does he get and i realized at that point that christianity is the only world view that tells the strong among us to reach back and pick up the weak pick up the human debris you know i've always said when the world breaks a man or a human being they just toss them in the trash heap and they and they leave them there when god breaks a man it's for a reason and build them back up i know that there's somebody watching today that a lot of people probably that you know maybe their marriage is on the rocks maybe they're fighting an addiction maybe they're angry and they don't know that god is maybe real and they're not really sure how to move forward with their life or get out of the situation they find themselves in what what what encouragement could you give that person pray whether you believe or not fake it you know and uh seek jesus said knock i'll answer seek so swallow your pride get on your knees say i can't do it anymore [Music] you
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 452,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100Huntley, Crossroads, Christians, Jesus, Christian Testimony, Christian Testimonies 2021, atheist, atheist vs christian, atheist debate, atheist experience, christianity, skeptic, skepticism, agnosticism, is god real, evidence for god, testimony, new age to jesus testimony, jesus testimony, my testimony, new age to jesus, my jesus testimony, christian testimonies, salvation testimony, christian youtuber, born again christian, my christian testimony, jeff allen, jeff allen comedy
Id: S2qbTeymLz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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