JUST IN: Ted Cruz Excoriates Pelosi For Mask Mandate, Takes Aim At CDC Over Changed Guidance

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Godbessyolie 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

It appears the great mistake by science is not clearly changing the name enough. Republicans, like Cruz, entire claim is that if we are vaccinated then we don't need masks from Covid-19. The problem is that that is true for Covid-19 Alpha. That is not true for Covid-19 Delta. It really should have been given a more distinctive name so these political games wouldn't be a thing, but scientists are not political thinkers. Scientists follow the facts, and the facts told them that this new virus is a mutation of the previous strain, so it is still in the Covid-19 family. To say "I won't wear a mask to guard against Covid-19 because I'm vaccinated" completely ignores the fact that Delta occurred after the vaccine release. Does the vaccine still help against Delta? Yes. Does the vaccine make you immune from Delta? No. Can you still be a carrier of Delta to infect everyone around you if you happen to unknowingly have it? Yes. Do masks reduce the odds of contamination of the Delta variant? Yes. Cruz is completely ignoring this difference and in doing so invalidates his entire speech.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ShadeParadox 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
lord acton wrote a series of letters to bishop creighton letters that would echo down across the centuries lord acton wrote i cannot accept your canon that we are to judge pope and king unlike other men with a favorable presumption that they did no wrong if there is any presumption it is the other way against holders of power increasing as the power increases historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely great men are almost exclusively bad men even where they exercise influence and not authority still more when you super add the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority mr president those words were true in 1887 and they're true today if you want to understand how power corrupts an absolute power corrupts absolutely look no further than the other chamber in the united states capital speaker nancy pelosi is drunk on power the orders that speaker pelosi is issuing are abusive and unprecedented speaker pelosi has decreed to members of the house of representatives elected by the people that if you dare walk onto the floor of the house of representatives without a mask i speaker pelosi shall find you who the hell is she to be fining members of the house but you know what she's not done with that she's not done with disrespecting our constitution disrespecting our democratic system that elects leaders she goes further to the good men and women who work here in the united states capital we are surrounded by men and women who have chosen to come and work for the public good and here's what speaker pelosi has decreed if you dare walk in the hallway without a mask i speaker pelosi will arrest you i will put you in jail i will fine you that is an absolute and complete abuse of power she has no authority to disrespect the men and women who work here to threaten you with physical harm to threaten you with imprisonment and why does she do so she does so for one reason political theater as president we are coming through a very difficult year and a half our nation and the world has endured a pandemic we have collectively taken extraordinary steps to defeat this pandemic and we are coming out on the other side we saw our nation we saw the private sector come together with remarkable inventiveness and produce vaccines in record times and we have seen hundreds of millions of people getting those vaccines we are in the process of beating this pandemic not too long ago the cdc recognized what was obvious then and is obvious now vaccines work and if you're vaccinated you don't need to wear a mask the cdc issued that ruling and i remember that day well you know i had been vaccinated a couple of months before then and after allowing the time for the vaccine to become effective i decided i was going to stop wearing a mask why is that because vaccines work because i believe in science so i stopped wearing a mask and there were a handful of senators in the senate floor who had been vaccinated who stopped wearing masks then the cdc like the oracle of delphi issued its proclamation hold on to your seats now the cdc said vaccines work that if you're vaccinated you don't need a mask and it was truly miraculous in this chamber watching what occurred as within days every senator in the chamber began removing their masks one after the other after the other not just republicans democrats too we all had our masks off mr president i ask you the day before the oracle of fouchy spoke did vaccines not work did science not operate no it was obvious then and it was obvious on the day that the oracle of the cdc spoke that vaccines work which is why every democrat took their masks off but fast forward to this week the cdc issues a new proclamation apparently according to the cdc vaccines don't work anymore that science thing inoperative we got more important things to worry about like politics as an aside mr president has there ever been an institution in american public life that has more discredited itself more rapidly than the cdc a year and a half ago the cdc was one of the most respected medical and scientific organizations on the face of the planet today the cdc has willingly allowed itself to be politicized to behave as an arm of the dnc and their credibility is in tatters it is a joke we have seen the emails from dr fauci where he said in the midst of the pandemic mass don't work they're not effective people shouldn't use them then we saw him say oh no no mass work but i lied to the american people when i said they didn't work because i didn't want them to wear masks because i wanted first responders to get them now pause for a second and think what the heck is a scientific leader doing lying to the american people supposedly for our own good the willingness to twist facts to meet political expediency has been stunning the cdc's ruling this week it's not accompanied by any data they did not roll out studies they did not roll out facts they did not say suddenly vaccines aren't working instead they just said trust us we have double super secret studies that we're not going to tell you based on double super secret super data that we're not going to show you but trust us because we behave like political hacks and obey us anyway and by the way the cdc plays an interesting little game cdc says these are recommendations these are just recommendations and then they're faithful little foot soldiers the democratic officeholders come in and make those recommendations mandates there's no one more willing to do so than speaker pelosi and then by the way the local government democrats that mandate you must obey the cdc they throw their hands up and say hey we're just following the cdc and the cdc says hey we're just making recommendations and no one's accountable for anything this makes no sense one of the things the cdc rolled out this week is an edict that in schools everybody must be masked child adult doesn't matter if you're vaccinated doesn't matter you must wear a mask why who knows not based on science not based on medicine this virus has been unusual we've seen in certain populations covet 19 can be profoundly deadly if you're very elderly if you have serious comorbidities this virus can and has been deadly but we've also seen among children that the odds of children getting seriously ill from covid19 are extremely low we've seen that children have not proven to be a meaningful vector in the spread of this disease the science doesn't support special rules for schools but you know what does the politics because the teachers union bosses came to the cdc and said we want this rule in place and the partisan enforcers at the cdc said ma'am yes ma'am we will issue the order demanded by the union bosses mr president give me any plausible argument that that is science that that is medicine that that is anything but rank politics if a democratic politician wants to say we're going to obey the union boss is fine that's their that's their prerogative to do so they can be held accountable by the voters but the cdc is supposed to be following science this is an abuse of power let me point out my view i think we should not have government mandates concerning covet 19. there should be no vaccine mandates joe biden wants to mandate federal employees must get the vaccine who the heck is the federal government to tell people they must stick a needle in their arm and inject themselves with a vaccine we should have no vaccine mandates we should have no mask mandates we should have no vaccine passports and let me be clear i'm someone who believes in vaccines i've been vaccinated heidi's been vaccinated my parents have been vaccinated heidi's parents have been vaccinated but i also believe in individual choice i believe in freedom i believe in responsibility it's your choice if you want to get vaccinated it's not some drunk on power democrat in washington's choice to force you to do it doesn't anyone in the democratic party believe in medical autonomy doesn't anyone in the democratic party believe in medical privacy are you so willing to exert power that it doesn't matter what the people say you know one of the great ironies of the cdc's order it will decrease the rate of vaccination in the united states the cdc is telling america hey this vaccine stuff doesn't work very well because you know if you get a vaccine doesn't matter you got to put the same mask on you got to behave exactly the same when the cdc rightly said if you're vaccinated take your mask off it encouraged people to get vaccinated hey i want to take my mask off hey i want to i want to live my life i want to go back to doing things that i like to do and let me point out one particularly ridiculous argument this week one of the commentators on one of the news networks said anyone and i'm paraphrasing here but i'm paraphrasing pretty closely anyone who isn't vaccinated is arrogant and rude and inconsiderate and i want to point out how imbecilic that argument is so let's go back to this thing called science which actually works so here's the science if you've been vaccinated the odds of your getting covid19 are exceptionally low depending on which vaccine you got the percentages vary but let's say on the order of three to five percent and even if you do get coved 19 the odds of you're getting a serious case of covet 19 a case of covet 19 resulting in hospitalization or death are extremely low this vaccine has been very very successful if you understand that basic fact then the next fact follows from it if someone is an unvaccinated has covid they are little to no threat to someone who is vaccinated if you've gotten your vaccine you ought to be fine the odds are very low that you're at jeopardy now could someone who's unvaccinated give kova to someone else who's unvaccinated absolutely that's a very real risk that's why we're encouraging people to get vaccinated but you know what the person who's unvaccinated it's their damn choice we don't have to be a nanny state making decisions for everybody else i tell you my family my dad didn't want to get vaccinated my father like the presiding officer right now is a pastor my dad is 82. when i got vaccinated i called him i said dad i want you to get vaccinated he said no i don't want to i don't trust that it's new i don't know i don't want to i spent about a month trying to convince my dad to get vaccinated my father can be pretty stubborn i know that's hard to believe for those of you all who know my dad you know exactly that is the case but ultimately i told my dad i said look you've been largely staying home during this pandemic you want to get out you want to be preaching in churches again you want to be traveling you want to be with people get the vaccine and you'll have the freedom to go do that and you know what he did and he did he's now back in the pulpit he's back preaching he has freedom again that was his choice why don't democrats believe in individual choice anymore why did democrats believe they could abuse power and let me be clear nancy pelosi is telling someone who is an employee of the house if you're vaccinated and you don't wear your mask she will arrest you and throw you in jail how dare she that is an abuse of power and i'll tell you the american people are watching this political theater play out in washington and they understand what's coming next they understand the same cdc that said even though there's no science to back it up even though there's no data to back it up because the teachers union bosses want masks for everyone in schools will decree it they understand the risk of what's coming next is that authoritarian status democrats will order more shutdowns we'll order businesses shut down we'll order schools shut down we'll order churches shut down as we look at the past year and a half few things are clear then the shutdowns were a catastrophic mistake the politicians that ordered the shutdowns committed a catastrophic mistake they destroyed millions of small businesses restaurants bars stores gone out of business you look at great cities like new york city that became practically a wasteland you look at something like broadway you think of all the actors and actresses all of the writers and musicians all of the sound and lighting engineers all the carpenters everyone who worked in broadway with the dictatorial flick of a pen their jobs were destroyed the american people are watching democrats and recognize they're ready to do that again for people who go to church we've seen democratic office holders discriminate against churches and say worshiping god in church as a public health medicine we've also seen the hypocrisy of the so-called experts saying if you go outside and march and chant black lives matter zero risk of covet transmission perfectly safe if you go to church and sing hallelujah oh my god everyone's going to die people understand the hypocrisy of that this virus isn't political i recognize perhaps you could tongue-in-cheek make an argument that since it's originated in wuhan china maybe it's a communist but the last i checked viruses don't have political views you know who does have political views politicians who are interested in their own power and want to convey a narrative regardless of the facts what speaker pelosi is doing is wrong what the cdc is doing corrupting science with politics is wrong and it's time for the united states senate and the united states house to stand on the side of the american people to stand on the side of freedom and to say it's your choice to go to work to go to school to go to church to live your life free of lord acton's abuse of absolute power i yield the floor
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 1,663,632
Rating: 4.8268371 out of 5
Keywords: Sen. Ted Cruz, Speaker Pelosi, mask mandate
Id: j0d4mtaDSho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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