ATEM Mini Pro/Extreme Updates! SRT, Multiview over USB and more! ATEM 9.5

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black magic just released what I think is the most significant update to the A10 minis adding SRT support multi view output over USB and network storage to support instant replay let's take a closer look hi I'm Aaron Peri so this update applies to all of the at0 Mini Pro and extreme models so that includes the A10 mini pro pro ISO extreme extreme ISO and the SDI Pro ISO and SDI extreme ISO so basically all the A10 Minis that have the recording and streaming features not the original A10 mini or the cheapest SDI version First head to Blackmagic click on support up at the top scroll down click on ATM live production switchers scroll down here until you see the ATM switcher 9.5 update go ahead and download that and install it once you have it installed open the ATM setup app it should find your ATMs on the network or over USB click on this icon and it will run the update and install the latest version you should then see version 9.5 in the software here then you'll want to open the software control app and that's where we'll be able to check out all the new features first let's talk about the new USB routing options it used to be the case that the output option only had outputs one and two so that would be either the two HDMI ports on the extreme or the one HDMI port on the ATM Mini Pro or the two SDI ports on the SDI model in this update the ATM mini gets a new webcam out option and the mini you can choose between showing the multiv view of the program or the preview it used to be that the webcam was always set to the program output and that's the only thing you would be able to get over the USB output now you can actually change it to show multi view on your computer instead this actually opens up a couple of really interesting things so of course you can decide it to multiv view and now your webcam input can show The multiv View on your computer which is already pretty interesting because that means you can actually save yourself from bringing an extra monitor if you don't need a dedicated monitor for multiv viw you just want to use the computer instead this is just quick time pulled up and I've got the Blackmagic design webcam Source selected here but it gets better cuz now you can actually do a couple of interesting things with zoom I have a separate video about this on my channel already the idea is if I'm doing a zoom presentation I want to present my camera in Zoom share my slides from my computer in Zoom but then record a layout with my computer and the slides in the ATM to a drive or stream that directly in the older video I used a hack which was either using external capture card or looping out one of the HDMI outputs to one of the inputs neither of those are great those were just a workaround but now we can actually do this properly let me show you how to do this in the A10 mini and as well as the at10 mini extreme so let's say I'm doing a zoom meeting and I want to share my camera in zoom and also my slides now I've got a keynote file created for this demo I'm going to go ahead and share just the keynote screen in Zoom this is of course what I would want in Zoom I want zoom to be sharing the keynote presentation and I want the camera in Zoom to be only my face now if I want to record this in the ATM previously I was stuck the problem is that the ATM will only record whatever is in program and previously the program was the only thing it could send out USB so if I wanted to record my slides I would have to put my slides in the program program but then Zoom sees my computer as its camera so now what I can do is I can go into the output menu up here go to webcam out and change this to preview once I select preview as long as I make sure that my my camera is on the preview that's what Zoom will see in the camera slot so Zoom is getting my camera feed and the ATM is recording the computer screen now to make this actually work well I would actually need to use a second Monitor and and put the slides full screen on the second monitor so let me go ahead and do that really quick I'm going to actually screen share this over to my Apple TV wirelessly and now that I've got my screen mirrored wirelessly I'm going to set it as a separate display over here and I'm going to plug in the Apple TV into input four of the A10 mini now I can take my keynote file and just drag it over to the second screen make it full screen and now I can actually go ahead and create a layout with a picture and picture to make this work so let me go back into the software control because the at mini doesn't have Super Source the best we can do here is a picture and picture layout so I can go ahead and use an upstream key set it to dve will scale down the camera to about a quarter of the size make sure that's set to camera one and let's turn that on air if I didn't need it to be a rectangle I can actually use pattern and make it a circle for example we can shift this over until it looks about in the right position and then I will move this over into a good spot on my slides let's say it's the top Corner over over in the right one other note about Upstream key this top row of buttons puts the Upstream key on air and this bottom one basically controls preview so with it not turned on I actually do see the picture and picture in the preview window but if I turn on this button here the picture and picture goes away in the preview so now I've got the clean camera in preview and I've got the layout in the program now of course there's only one USB port on the mini which means I can't actually record this to a drive as well as use it in Zoom but I could stream this to a unlisted YouTube video and just download the recording later so now that the setup is created if I go back to my computer screen you'll see I can control the slides here and I have zoom showing just my clean camera feed up here and the ATM is has got the nice layout which it can then stream to YouTube or some other platform now let's do this all again but this time with the at mini extreme which is actually a lot more useful so now I'm connected over to the at10 mini extreme and if we look at the outputs menu you can see the webcam output now actually lets us choose any of the cameras or other sources so this is the way I actually wanted it to work and now that we have two USB ports we can actually do this properly so I'm going to go ahead and choose camera one as the output of the webcam that gives us the clean camera feed in Zoom now I can go set up a nice layout using the Super Source in the at mini extreme let's first set the Super Source in program and then we'll go configure it over here so in box one I do want my camera box two is going to be camera 4 which is my slides I'm going to make sure it's not cropped and it's scaled in a little bit so this looks pretty good I'm happy with this layout and this is what I want to record but not send to zoom so back on the zoom side we see that Zoom has clean copy of my camera because the webcam out is set to camera one but in the extreme we are recording in streaming the program feed which is Super Source and because the extreme does have two USB ports One USB is going to my computer and the other is plugged into a drive which I can now do a recording of and because it's the extreme ISO I can do an ISO recording which records a clean feed of my camera the computer screen as well as the Super Source layout so let's just do a quick recording in the extreme and then it'll show you what the look like on the drive which actually brings me to the next feature in the previous version of the ATM software the only way to get access to the files on the drive was to either physically remove the drive or use an FTP client but now actually you can just go into finder or File Explorer windows and if you open up this network tab you should see your ATM mini extreme on the network now I'm going to go ahead and open that up it connects to it and now I see the drive that's plugged in if I open that I can now see that I've got all the recordings I've got on this drive here's Zoom recording I just made and we can see that the program file that was recorded is the Super Source and we also have the individual ISO files of all my cameras there's the clean copy of my camera there's my other top down there's the other angle and of course the slides here so it's definitely more convenient to be able to access this using finder or file explorer but that's actually not the real reason they did this the actual reason they did this is so that the A10 mini ISO can be an ISO recorder for the instant replay feature in resolve I've done done a couple of quick tests of the instant replay feature and I do plan on doing a deeper dive video in the future so make sure you look for a link below to that so in a blank resolve project I can go ahead and click up here in the import media folder and if I navigate to the network folder go into the ATM extreme onto that drive go into my replay folder and the video ISO files I'm going to go ahead and open this folder my ATM mini extreme is already recording to that folder on the drive and now all of the ISO files are showing up in resolve as in progress recordings and now you can see that in resolve you can see all the cameras recording live and this is where I would go in and click point of interest and this is how I can use the instant replay feature in resolve accessing the files on the drive plugged into the at Min extreme and the last feature in the update that I want to mention is of course the SRT feature I actually have a whole video on my channel already that talks about the differences between SRT and rtmp in detail I'll leave a link to that down below but essentially SRT means that the ATM can now work a lot better in bad Network conditions it'll be much more reliable for streams and even lower latency YouTube has also started rolling out limited access to SRT ingestion I expect it'll be live on all channels in the near future I've actually streamed via SRT to YouTube on my channel already and so far it works great so to set this up go over to the output tab click on live stream and then choose custom URL h264 gives you a place where you can type in an SRT URL now so go grab the SRT URL for your YouTube channel or whatever SRT device you're streaming to for example I could also stream SRT to my web presenter so I can just type in SRT here and then the IP address of my web presenter and since I don't have a streaming key set up on the web presenter if I just click on air it's going to just start pushing via SRT to that device I'm very excited to see SRT support come to the A10 mini line because I wasn't sure it was going to happen after the interview I did last year at NAB it's taken a while for them to launch this but it's very excellent to see it and the last thing I want to say about this is just think about how old the at0 mini pro is this update was released in June 2024 for the A10 mini pro that came out in April 2020 this is a 4-year-old device and they were able to update it to add all these incredible features 4 years later this is something that I really appreciate about Blackmagic they really do have long-term support of their Hardware they did not go out and try to sell you a new version of an ATM mini pro that has these new features instead they just added it in a free software update and I've said it before but I'll say it again the A10 mini pro especially now that it's $295 for the pro is by far the cheapest 4 channel recorder you will find on the market not only is it a 4 channel recorder but now you can also Mount that drive over the network and use it for instant replay workflows using resolve and that is your quick update on the new features in the A10 mini 9.5 update please leave a comment down below if you have any questions or join me on one of my weekly live streams on Sundays for a live demo of any of these new features as always thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Aaron Parecki
Views: 36,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aK4S4wrmhF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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