Learn ATEM Mini Software (Software Control Tutorial)

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hello everyone and welcome to an introduction to the ATM setup application and the ATM software control application my name is f Moses and if you don't already follow my YouTube channel I teach people how to use the Blackmagic ATM switchers and how to use a whole bunch of live streaming gear you can find me on YouTube at Zen Moses let's jump right into this I'm going to show off first the ATM setup software which is a separate application and then the ATM software control so you'll see here I've got both of them open the ATM setup application gets installed alongside the software control so anytime that you install this it's a simple download it's on Blackmagic design.com go to the support page and if you click on the ATM switchers you'll see this available as a download the ATM setup application is very very simple there's not a whole lot that you can do there uh there's not even really anything in the ATM preferences there if you're on a Mac or a PC there should not be anything in the menu bar to access the only thing you really need to click on is this guy right here and this is where you can name your ATM so mine is just labeled ATM SDI extreme ISO that's the one that I have connected and plugged in today it's running software version 8.8 so if I wanted to update that uh I could check and see what the most recent update available is there is a 9.5 update so this could potentially get updated at the time of this video I'm just sticking to an older version at the moment this is also where your network settings are so your DHCP if you are setting it automatically based on the network and you're expecting the ATM to just find its own IP address you can leave it on DHCP however for anyone that is uh monitoring their Network understands what IP addresses are available to use on their Network you can go in and set a static IP address in which case you can set your own IP address subnet mask Gateway and you can set your DNS information I do recommend that if you're working with an IT company or a company that has an IT department on site you may want to contact them to work with your own IP address to make sure that it is whitelisted and able to stream on the network alternatively you can put your own router in place and then you can have your own IP address set within that router and that way you can plug in anywhere and you'll be able to use your ATM on the network once that that router has been whitelisted on the network just below these settings there is a connection priority setting so you can see here ethernet and mobile so you do have the option if you wanted it to prioritize a mobile connection you can take your mobile phone and you can connect it using the USBC cable to your ATM and you could stream over mobile as long as you have hotspot enabled on your phone if you want it to prioritize ethernet and your encoding over the ethernet connection on the ATM then you would of course leave it on the ethernet setting right here now this panel below it these are some settings that a lot of people tend to miss so that's why I wanted to cover these uh most importantly the the three right here so switching mode you have program preview or cut bus there are two types of switching modes when you use the ATM program preview in which case you would put something into program or preview and then cut between the two so uh cut bus being that you're cutting directly to that so I'm going to show you right over here on the ATM software control I have a preview row that's up here up top and I have a program row that's on the bottom I can put stuff into preview so green is preview it means it's not live it's it's not red hot uh think of red as red is live do not touch it so when I put something in preview like say camera 3 right now and I have camera 3 selected and I want it to replace camera 1 which is currently in program uh right now I would hit either the cut button over here which Cuts directly to it uh the auto button which will fade at a rate of what this rate is set to so if I want it set to 1 second I can set it to one second if I want it set to 2 seconds uh I can set it to two and just type that in press Auto and you can see it's a longer fade between those so camera 3 is preview it's kind of on Deck camera one is live it's in program right now those cut and auto buttons will take it live for me Additionally you can click and drag this fader bar and you can drag that for whatever amount of time you wish it will Crossfade those two so that is the program preview type of switching uh if I were in Cut bus what'll happen is I would simply just click on the camera that I want to take live right in the program section down here or additionally on the ATM you literally just hit the numbers and it just takes that input live on the spot depending on how you have your buttons set if cut is highlighted on your ATM switcher itself then it will hard cut uh if Auto is selected then it will auto fade it'll do a Crossfade between whatever is currently in program and whatever you press so cut bus is like an immediate thing program preview is more of a cautious put something on Deck put it in preview and then choose when to take it live so just know there's two types of switching that is all set in this ATM setup application right here so if you're stuck or you're trying to figure out how to change that this is where it's at just below that we have a picture and picture cure another setting that people don't really know about and they wonder why they can't get things to work right so if you have picture and picture you might be familiar where you've got one camera shot and then maybe up in a corner you have another camera shot this is dictating whether or not that's going to drop off the screen when you transition or stay on screen so if there's like my shot of me down here in this window and let's say we had something up in the corner uh that's where it would dictate whether or not when I transition if that stays on screen so stay on with transition obviously keeps it on when you transition to the next thing drop with transition will drop that picture and picture image from View and it will just transition to whatever you had in preview and then third but last but not least uh chroma ke so if you are doing like a a green screen chroma key it will drop it with the transition if this is selected if you want that to stay on like if you're cutting between multiple cameras that need to have a green screen keyed out uh then it will stay on transition if and only if this option is selected at the very bottom there's one final setting uh for button brightness button brightness so this is the LED lights that are inside the buttons on your ATM I've got it down to 15% that's just my default one because they get really bright when you have them up to 100% they kind of stand out and especially if you're in a dark room uh they kind of get annoying hurts your eyes a little bit so I keep it down also if for whatever reason those lights uh may or may not cause additional heat in the ATM I like keeping it down just in case I know they're LEDs they shouldn't emit a ton of heat but it's just one more way that we can keep the lights down and keep this device from getting to one so when you want to save your settings you can save them right there and you're done if you wanted to add another ATM that was on your network you could hit the plus sign here you can add the IP address of that ATM and so you could access multiple ATMs at a time at that point you'll see little arrows that kind of come up right off to the sides and you can Cy between those ATMs so that is pretty much it on the ATM setup application let's hop over to the ATM software control because this is really where you're going to live for most of your projects I'm going to start the ATM software control in the top menu bar now if you're on a PC that menu bar is going to be within the window itself most likely uh if you're on a Mac like me then you'll see it all the way up here in the top right so ATM software control when I click on that I've got a an about uh if I wanted to know what version I'm on SO ATM software control I'm on version 9.4 uh the most recent is 9.5 at the time of recording this video so I am due for an upgrade if I wanted to uh if I click out of that I've got my preferences there's some more settings here this is also a way that you can control your transitions whether you want to do ab direct cutting uh or if you want that program preview you can select that right in here you've also got your language so if you are using in a different country or if you prefer or speak a different language you can change the ATM software control to these various languages that you have available to you and then midi control uh this is a little bit more advanced and outside of what we're going to talk about today but you can turn that on and off from this options menu mapping mapping is very interesting so if you wanted to remap uh let's say input one which is the one button on the ATM to take camera 8 for whatever reason you could do that you can remap the cameras to a different button right here in these settings I'm going to leave this on as default I want my one to be one I want two to be two and so on and so forth but if for whatever reason you were doing that uh you could certainly do that if your input is tied into a certain camera it that is a Blackmagic camera if you're doing all black Magics you have the ability to send a camera control feed back to the cameras and I'm going to talk about this for a moment uh back to cameras that control things like Focus that control the color uh that control the brightness so there's there's a lot of settings that you can send back to Blackmagic cameras and Blackmagic only this does not work with Sony or Canon or anyone else uh you can set the camera in here so that it knows what camera is plugged into that input so let's uh jump back over um so I can say oh you know input number one is a micro Studio camera 4K G2 and I can tell it what camera that's going to be tied into so just know that that's there but it's only helpful if you're using Blackmagic cameras it's not as necessary if you're using any other cameras so I'll hit okay so that does it for this menu uh let's go over to the file menu so file restore you have the ability to save past settings and information with an ATM uh including the graphics that you could load in each time that that you open it up so like let's say that you're working on a live stream event and you want to be able to load in the same settings as yesterday uh you can restore and it will restore It'll ask you where uh what folder to go to and what file to pull up uh but you can restore from an XML file which will bring all that information back in So if you had like a past project you wanted to save all those settings you can restore that save so if you wanted to save uh you can save new file so I'm just going to save this Untitled to the desktop here and you can choose what settings to save so in my switcher right now everything is just selected so it's going to save literally everything under the Sun but if I wanted to choose just saving the the colors that I used in the color generators uh or you know some of the settings with the Upstream keyers I can save all that into a file I'm going to hit save and you'll see it puts it here right on my desktop I get a media pool file which saves the graphic that I had in my media a pool so I just have one for demonstration purposes today uh you can see that saves it as well as we have our XML file right here and that's all of the information that it loads back in to tell the ATM all about the settings and how it was set in the past so you can restore that using that file uh also in this menu uh you've got save so like if you made some changes and you want to resave that same file you can just hit save again and then you've got this startup State option I recommend having this uh selected because if you power down your ATM and you want it to start up the same exact way next time you want it to save kind of what you had like if you had a super source and all these settings you did you want to save that startup state so it will start back up with the same settings the next time I recommend doing save startup State you can always clear it if you want to clear it out and start over fresh but just know that this is all right here here I have it set to autosave in hopes that when I do power it down it starts back up with a lot of the same settings macros okay so macros I have a separate video on that and I'll just talk very briefly on this you can see I actually have a few macros that I've pre-programmed in here but basically these run multi actions at the Press of one button so if you have the a1m extreme models you've got six macros on the keypad but you can run a whole bunch more got all these pages that I can cycle through so I could create tons of these things uh these are shortcuts for doing multiple actions at a time so for example let's say I wanted it to cut from camera 1 to camera 2 I wanted it to take a certain graphic and put it into the media player one bring that graphic up on screen pause for 5 seconds take that graphic down and then cut to a different camera angle I can do that all with a macro and macros are super helpful I'm not going to get too far into it because they just you can really go far down the rabbit hole but just know that macros are here and you can create them so like I can click an empty spot hit the plus sign give it a name press record at this point it's going to record every action that I do so if I tell it something like put camera 3 in preview then cut it into program it will record that and then this macro I can recall uh I can edit it so if I just want to change the name of it or I can delete it and so if I want to recall it I have to go to this Run tab and then you can either click this and hit play to run it or if you check off the recall and run it will just run it when you click on it so that's just kind of a a brief rundown and again macros go really really deep I'll make other videos on them later but just know that that's here and that's accessible from this top menu bar you can also do shift command M on a Mac and there should be some keyboard shortcuts on a PC as well to access that outputs so every ATM is different right my ATM is an extreme ISO it's an SDI model so it has four outputs so I can see what all of these outputs are from here and I can set them so if I want output one to be camera one but I want output two to be maybe my multi view but I want output three to be camera 6 I can do all of that from this menu so just know that your outputs are are not going to be controlled from the panel itself especially since there's four different outputs you do have a video out section where you can control the outputs on just your first output so like if I go to Output one here let's say I want this to Output camera one and it it changed the check mark over because I pressed the camera one button on the video out on the ATM itself uh I can do that but I can't change outputs 2 three and four from the ATM so if you have more than one output which if you have an extreme model or higher you're going to this is where you control the output then we've got our stream uh we can start streaming from here typically I just start it by pressing the on air button on the ATM itself but you can start it and then display status so if you select that you'll get a status down here in the bottom right hand corner where you can determine what uh megabit per second what bit rate it's streaming at and whether or not the stream is okay so that's right here you can also load streaming settings so if you had saved a custom XML file uh with an rtmp destination that you wanted to stream to that's where you would load this in again Advanced portion for another day lastly record so display status I can display the status of my record it goes down here in the bottom right hand corner it will tell me if it's recording to my solid state drive and how much time has elapsed uh that's just to turn that display on or off you can choose to record in all cameras and you can choose to ISO record all inputs so if you have an ISO model you can record isos isolated files of every single camera input that you can either re-edit later in D Vinci resolve or you can pull those files and sync them up into an editor of your choice so all that's accessible from this top menu let's dive into the actual software control itself and again I will try my best to hit as much as I can here but you know there's only so much that we can cover in this one video let's talk about the ATM software control so when you're first in the ATM software control it's going to look relatively similar to the ATM panel itself you've got your program row at the top you've got your preview row which is identical and they are exactly what they say your preview row is what you're previewing so if you have a multi view you can preview what you're going to take live and if you have program which is your live stream output uh that could be going to your encoder uh that could be going to one of your outputs that could be going uh to a number of places to your your USB output uh that's what's live that that is what's being taken into programs so think of the program as your live show uh anytime it's red it is hot it is on air preview so if I click Like camera 6 here it turns green this is telling me hey camera 6 is on Deck it's ready to go but you have to tell me when to take it live and that's where you would either press the cut button or the auto button uh cut meaning it's a hard Cut Auto meaning it's a fade and the fade is determined by this rate down here which you can tell at how many seconds I believe up to just around the 8C Mark is the slowest and then of course you can pull and drag this fader right here and actually do it manually yourself at whatever interval you choose so this will go based on the amount of time it takes you to drag this from one side to the next uh it will Crossfade with whatever video was currently in program it'll take that down it'll bring your preview video into the program so just know that depending on how you cut if you're used to hard cuts and just pressing number four on the ATM and it cuts to camera 4 you're going to have to use the program row if you're switching from here uh if you're used to a cut bus or I'm sorry a program preview style where you put something into preview first uh like camer 7 then you use the preview row and then of course transition from down here also in this row you've got BLK just stands for black so if you're transitioning to black screen ssrc that is super source so you won't have that unless you have an extreme model or higher uh the Super Source it will allow you to either preview it if you're in the preview row like this or cut to it if you are in the program rle co1 and two what are these they are colors uh they're over here in the pallets in the color generators we'll talk about that when we get over to the pallets mp1 mp2 what are they media player one and media player 2 again we'll talk about that when we get over to the media tab over here here all right under the next transition this is where you have your Upstream ke in this case I have four Upstream kees available to me to use if I were taking them live and on air I can press the on air button this is of course associated with Kure one so that's Upstream K 1 is on uh if I wanted Upstream Kure 2 on I would press this to take it on air under transition style there are multiple transitions the usually most of the time you're just going to use either a cut or what's considered a mix which is like your cross fade uh it's going to fade between the two uh you can use a dip or a wipe there are settings for those and they're in the transitions tab right over here not going to go through all of them but I will just show you those settings in a little bit uh and then over here your your T bar or your your crossbar um this is if you are cutting between what's in preview and program you don't have to use that again you can use the cut or Auto buttons and just do it from here and then dsk1 dsk2 what are they down stream cure Downstream Kure 1 and downstream cure 2 if you're fading it on you would hit Auto if you're fading it off you would hit it again or if you are hard cutting and just turning that cure on or off you would simply select the on air button you can also tie it from there that's a video for another time uh Fade to Black again your rate at which it will fade to black I typically don't recommend using Fade to Black in later software updates you can actually disable the fade to black button it's super easy to hit it's the corner button on the A10 panel so I don't like using that but if you're at the end of your show and you want to fade to black you could hit that FTB button and it will immediately Fade to Black and you will see FTB on your ATM blinking it'll blink in here too to let you know that it's on because it's so easy to accidentally hit that uh I'm really glad at least that they have it blinking so you can be like oh yeah that should not be on um all righty from here uh we've got two different sections to navigate to we can either navigate to our pallet section on the right side or we have our tabs on the bottom uh the little settings gear down here gets us into some settings I'm going to start with that first and then we'll go through the tabs and the pallets really quickly so when I hit the settings down here remember this is not the ATM setup application that's a different application this is settings within the ATM software control so you're going to have different control over settings here first is the switcher video standard so for those of you that are using computer monitors which I I recommend not using that using video production monitors but if you are change this setting right here uh to a frame rate that's compatible with your computer monitor not all computer monitors are going to be able to display 23.98 frames per second uh you might have to change it between like 2997 or 30 or maybe even 60 depending on the monitor so that might be a a must for you depending on your setup typically I'm streaming at 2997 but it really just depends on the client and what their needs are and what we're going to record that video in for later use uh once you select that you can hit set it will just kind of jump out of it real quick and reset the ATM you can of course go right back into it in other ATMs you can select separately the multi- view video standard it's great out here because you cannot do it with this model of ATM so there are settings you can adjust with other ATMs this is not one of them the ones that you can adjust with this ATM so the the software control is used for every ATM that's out there it's the same software it's just certain features aren't available camera control so if you are sending a camera control feed back to black magic cameras and black magic cameras only this is where you tell it which out put is going back to the cameras so the beauty of the camera control when using Blackmagic cameras is you can say Okay output let's just say output four on this Alpha 4 is an SDI output I'm going to send that back to all of my Blackmagic cameras and when you're using Blackmagic cameras that one feed from output 4 you can take it into a splitter and split it off to all your cameras and that's a program return feed so one if you have the cameras that allow you to preview the program it will actually show the program what's live on your camera if you want so you can see which camera's live but two it will send the information that the camera needs to adjust the settings for color to adjust the settings for Focus Zoom if you have a power zoom lens and things of that nature so just know that this is right in this setting here and this is really important to know that it's here you would tell it which output is outputting that camera control signal again this only works with black magic ceras not with Sony not with Canon only black magic okay uh media media tab so media pool if you have an ATM that is compatible with playing back Clips like some of the ATM constellation switchers uh this is where you'll be able to set the the frames that are used so you have a limited amount of frames I'm not going to get into it on this A10 because it's not a feature of this A10 audio very very important here so under the general tab this is a huge problem uh a huge issue or mistake that a lot of people make line versus mic um so you have two mic inputs mic one and mic 2 and if you plug your audio in and it sounds awful and there's like a nasty Buzz or something there's a good chance that you have it set wrong that you're maybe sending a microphone feed instead of a line feed or vice versa so just understand what audio feed you're sending into those mic inputs set that here uh whether it's line or mic you would choose that in this General tab audio follow video settings if you have audio follow video turned on you can either hard cut the audio when switching or you can add a transition to the audio to fade the audio subtly as you switch there's a setting for that in here split the audio so if I was in my audio tab you can see all my audio inputs if I were to split all of these you'll get a left and a right and they are split so you can IND visually adjust them uh most of the time all my audio is just coming in through one audio mixer so I'm not really messing with this but know that you can do that for each individual camera input mic input or you can actually choose all of them all from here multi view all right so every ATM is going to be a little bit different uh the ATM mini is not going to have a multi view the extreme will have a little more flexibility you've got a view control so right in here you can click this view to change like how many boxes are available to you uh you can hit audio meters if you want them all on on every single thing uh you can also turn them off manually from right here frame guid so if you want a guide to see uh on your multi view like your kind of your safe area you can turn those on or off and that will display on your multi view and then in here you can choose like what is showing up so right now it's just defaulting the cameras 1 2 3 and four Super Source my program Media Player 1 and two recording status streaming status but you can change all of this and customize that from this window sources okay so labeling things is a fantastic idea uh I like to label things so I know what's what so for example on my outputs tab I might label output two to be like like normally I'll keep the number in there so I know which number output it is and maybe this is going to a projector and let's say output three is going to a confidence monitor I'll shorten it call conmon um if I save those now when I go to my outputs I can see what output is what and I really like having that labeling ability so that is from the settings sources and then depending on what you've got so like inputs like let's say camera one I'll keep one but let's say this is our static wide shot right if I hit save then if I want to send output one if I want to send static wide there I know exactly what I'm sending it so you see how labeling stuff is really useful and then you can always go and reset this by hitting the reset button resets all the labels back same with media one of my recommendations is Media Player 1 and two that's a mouseful it's a lot of letters on the screen and it tends to cover up the graphics in the in the media player section so I typically change these to mp1 an mp2 so it doesn't take up as much room on screen and when I hit save in my uh Media Player on my multi view that's all it's going to show so in my multiv view here when I see media players and it has that label on the bottom of them it's not going to take up the whole screen I can actually read the lower third graphic that I might have loaded in there so that's your sources you've also got some uh shortcut labels so uh let's say camera one cam 1 is like the default label but let's say I call this wide and I think you only get four characters for this but if I label that wide and in my switcher I will now see it as wide in here so I can know exactly what camera is what then I can always go back in relabel this cam one later hit save uh but that's a really cool feature that I think everybody should take advantage of hyper decks if you are recording or playing back from a hyper deck and you're queing that up from the ATM you'll have to go in here and input the IP address so the ATM and the hyper deck have to be on the same network and you'll type the IP address in and then you'll hit the connect button that's a video for a later time as well I do have one on the YouTube channel that you can check that walks through some hyperdex setup but this is where you would set that up in the ATM settings then remote uh this is rarely rarely used and I'm not going to go over this but if you were using a an rs422 Port uh to connect and and control some ptzs and things um I'm not as familiar with this and so I will be the first one to say that is not my area of expertise you're typically not going into this setting very much all right so that is all of our ATM preferences if you go to the connection tab that's where I can connect to a different ATM via IP address there's really nothing else for me to cover in that top menu bar are we've covered the entire window here we've covered the uh settings here let's go over to our pallets and then we'll dive into these tabs and then we will complete our ATM software control training okay pallets this is where you're setting a ton of stuff so like color generators I have two colors that I can just use as a full screen color as a background for the Super Source if you click on this you can drag around your little color slider there and CH it out to any color you wish you can also adjust the Hue saturation and luminance from here which will of course change the color that you get so you can tweak that all from right here those are also right here so if you're taking them live they're right here on the panel colors one and two if you're taking them live Super Source I have another video on this not going to go too far in depth but just know that you have some preset layouts you can choose up to four boxes to put on screen this is only with the extreme models sorry folks with the A10 mini Pros they don't have this feature you got to get the extremes to take advantage of this and then you can position and tell it what source so let's say like box one you can say box one is camera one box two is camera 3 uh you can position it on the X and Y AIS and then resize them and if you wanted to crop them you could so you could have like a a small vertical uh cropped video of a person speaking off to the side of your PowerPoint slides that gives you the freedom and flexibility to adjust that and you check or uncheck to enable each individual box there's settings for the art so if you have a background image or if you have an image you're overlaying you would choose where that is so right now it's choosing the media player one and it's setting it as a background if it was a foreground meaning the image had some cutouts and some transparency this is where you tell it it's a foreground image uh and then you can copy and paste settings so like if you want to copy settings from one box to another this is a quick way to like move box one to where box two was just know that you have that ability all your Upstream ke so 1 2 3 4 they are all the same they function the same way but this is where you choose based on Luma chroma pattern dve they all function a little bit differently again another video for another time but this allows you to control your Upstream ke when you're dis displaying other graphics on screen or if you're using it as like a chrom AC here to remove a green screen all that's done from in here and then you take it on air from right here cool transitions so transitions like I said before you can set a duration of how long the trans transition is this is 1 second uh of a mix but I can also adjust a dip like a dip to a color and then it'll dip back out uh a wipe transition you could choose the style of wipe you can kind of tweak the shape and and how that works uh and then you've got your dve stinger unfortunately uh black magic has not given us a stinger so that is not something that we have available to us Downstream keys I'm usually using this for lower thirds a lot so there's settings here to uh mask them you can top left bottom right uh you can crop them in essentially uh pre- multiply key this is where you're going to tweak your transparency to get that transparency right when it overlays over top of something like a lower third over top of a person then you've got ke two so you can set them both from here and then you would take them on screen from this area right over here lastly Fade to Black uh if you want the audio to fade out as well when you Fade to Black you can check this off in your rate of how long it fades to Black so that is your whole pallet section media section so you have two media players we're going to cover them over here real quick but just know that you can also select which still image you have 1 through 20 you'll see it here 1 through 20 that's your limitation on this ATM other ATMs have different amounts that allow they allow for you to load in um but you can select them and change them out from here or you can go into your media and for example here I have this image in 10 uh if I want to drag just click and drag to Media Player one or click and drag to Media Player 2 and um you'll see here they've been selected in one or two so if you're going to take your image live like let's say we've got a a holding image we could put that in media player one and then of course we already have media player one in program right now but you could cut that image when and if you are ready hyperdeck so no hyper decks are connected at this time but if they were connected this is the tab where you're going to see them this is the tab where you select the video that you want to play and all of the settings and information are going to be right over there again another video it's on the YouTube channel definitely check it out it's going to show you how this works this settings gear will also take you into uh some hyperdex settings but we don't have any connected at the moment last but not least output uh the output tab is important so if you are streaming using the ATMs built-in encoder from here is where you would choose the platform that you're streaming to and you will type in your streaming server as well as your streaming key then if you have uh anything else that you need to set typically it's just your quality levels so streaming low medium and high hyperdeck low medium and high I have another video on the YouTube channel about the bit rates and what bit rates these are going to be at but no just keep this in mind when you record to a solid state drive directly from the ATM it will record at the bit rate that you set here so if you want the highest possible recording you're going to have to go for hyperdeck high typically uh I have it on streaming High just to compress it a little bit for me so I'm not giving the client a massive file uh the isos will still be in that highest quality setting but the program record just the live stream record will be recorded in this quality so even though it's in the live stream Tab and not the record tab know that that's an important setting that you'll have to adjust when you are live streaming record so I can label this my record recording I can give it a name I can tell it which drive to record to if I have more than one plugged in display status is just displaying it down here at the very bottom of the screen if I have Blackmagic cameras that are connected to receive a return control signal the record in all cameras if I wanted it to record in camera should be checked again this is just a Blackmagic only setting it will not work in other cameras ISO record all inputs so if you want to ISO record every camera camera input to your solid state drive that has to be checked off capture still uh capture still is actually pretty useful sometimes if let's say you have a client that has a PowerPoint slide and it's feeding into the ATM already and you want to basically capture that and freeze frame it so you can use it later all you have to do is take that input into program so like let's say your PowerPoint computer is plugged into camera 3 so take it live so to speak before the show don't do it live and then you can hit capture still and what this does is it will capture a still in the first available media player slot so I can capture that still and then I can take it into uh media player one or two and take that image live just a fun little thing that we have here uh it comes into play every once in a while it's it's not super crucial but just know that that feature is available and then we have a Time code generator option so we can generate based on time of day or Free Run um and then you can set free run to start at a certain time code if you wanted to um so that's all set from here that is your pallets media hyperdeck and output last but not least all right you ready for this drum roll please uh we have our uh media tab so I was going over this a little bit if you're pulling media from your computer you can browse your computer from here and then let's say like I've got um something on my desktop here I'm going to allow access to it so like let's say I had an image here on my desktop I could pull in that image right here into the ATM that's how you can navigate to it since I'm on a Mac and I can see all my other files on the desktop I could literally just click and drag them in but just know that that's an option when you're navigating and trying to get your media into the media pool if you want to preview something you can preview it down here so you can preview a file like let's say if it's it's selected here it will uh preview one of these before you drag it in to make sure you bring in the right image uh and then once you have them in here you can set them to the proper media player one or two by clicking and draging or again you can go back here to um media and then you can set it from here that capture still is also an option in the media tab so you have two places that you can do it next up is audio I'm not going to teach you how to do all of your audio here uh but you can you'll have audio levels based on your camera inputs so you'll see if you have audio coming in through a camera or if you're using mic one or mic 2 you can add delay to it here so if I want to add a few frames of delay up to eight frames I can do that from this window right here if you want to add an EQ you click on the EQ and here's your window and you can adjust your EQ and then you've got your faders right here so if you're justing your levels uh your pan left and right right is down here and on or off this is important so everyone's saying that they don't have any audio but they see levels chances are this on is not selected you have to turn mic one on for that audio to go into your program into your live stream headphones you can adjust your headphone volume here you can mute your headphones from here you've got your master output so if you need to just kind of ride the master levels you can do that from here and lastly is audio files video AFV when AFV is turned on no it is not America's Funniest Home Videos AFV audio follows video that means right now so this is turned on with camera 5 if I cut to camera 5 it will turn the audio on if I cut away from camera 5 it will turn the audio off there's a few scenarios where that can be helpful we'll talk about that at a later time if you want to listen to and solo this audio in the headphones you can select down here using the headphones icon to listen to the audio feed coming in so that's your audio section here last but not least this is our final one this is just for Blackmagic cameras so the camera tab this is only when you have camera control set up with Blackmagic cameras you will get the ability to shade them and so you can adjust the color balance both uh all of the RGB levels you can reset it here so you can reset lift gamma gain reset all of them on this side uh you've got some options that you can adjust I'm not going to go too far into this uh but lift gamma gain all of it can be set from right here your gain you can also dial it in from here if you're going to up the gain of a camera that is your ISO essentially your shutter speed and your white balance can also be adjusted all from here your Zoom if you have a compatible power zoom lens attached to your black magic camera you can zoom it from here and uh basically your you're focused everything is just adjusted from in here and it'll tell you what camera is on air and uh you can jump between various cameras at the top or you can just go in here and just click on it yourself so that is for a later time when we've got some black magic cameras hooked up I personally don't shoot on Blackmagic cameras so that one's not as useful for me but that's kind of it for the ATM software control and ATM setup application again both of these come with the uh the download so if you go over to Black Magic's website I'll actually uh let's let's show you all what that looks like here if we go to Blackmagic design.com bring it back up right Blackmagic design if you go to support select the ATM live production switchers right here and then you'll see it down here so uh the most recent update 9.5 you can hit Mac or Windows you do not have to register you can just click this download only button at the bottom and then you can download and install it from there so that was a lot and it's a lot to take in it's a lot to learn I hope that you found something new today in this video I hope that you enjoyed this video and uh that is it for the ATM setup application and software control application thank you so much for watching and we will see you next time
Channel: Zephan Moses
Views: 1,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atem mini software control tutorial, atem mini software control, atem mini software setup, atem mini software control download, atem mini software, atem software control media, atem software control setup, atem software tutorial, atem mini software download, atem software control download, atem mini pro tutorial, atem software control, atem mini pro iso tutorial, atem mini extreme iso tutorial, atem software control tutorial, blackmagic software, blackmagic software control
Id: XVuwLCd2loo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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