At Grandma's House | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] watch me [Music] grandma well done [Music] [Applause] Caillou what's the matter Caillou that boy on the skateboard reminded me of when I had an accident grandma do you want to tell me about it it might make you feel better it was when I had a skateboard from Leo for my birthday I couldn't wait to try it out but mommy said I had to wait until we got the special knee and wrist pads did you need a helmet too Caillou yes but I already had my bike helmet I was too excited to wait so I put my bike helmet on and went into the garden I took the skateboard to the top of the path and tried to go a bit [Music] faster the wheel hit a stone and the skateboard threw me off I poked my hand out and I bumped my wrist on the ground what did you do I was crying and holding my arm and I went to find [Music] Mommy oh Caillou what's the matter did you hurt your wrist I fell off my skateboard Caillou I told you to wait I'm sorry it's okay let's go and get you fixed up mommy had to take me to the Doctor Who told me that I had sprained my wrist that's not broken but it's still really hurt Grandma I know it hurts Caillou I sprained my wrist once too well you want a skateboard too grandma no Caillou I slipped on some ice did you have a sling like me yes Caillou I had to keep my arm res in in a sling for a few weeks until it was better thanks Grandma I feel better now have you used your skateboard again cou no Grandma I'm too scared about falling off but if you wear all your safety gear you can practice and you won't hurt yourself if you fall oh that looks so much fun I wish I was your forage Caillou I definitely want to learn to skateboard gosh my arms are tired I must have pushed Rosie on that swing 100 times why don't we all have a banana and then we'll have some more energy so Caillou what were you telling Grandma about about when I fell off my skateboard and hurt my wrist it's made Caillou scared of skateboarding again but it does look so much fun yes it does when I was a young boy I had a pair of roller skates I fell over a lot but I kept practicing until I could skate without falling over it was my favorite thing to do maybe you should give it another go Caillou yes I think I will but I'm going to wear all the special pads this time when Caillou got home he dressed in his helmet knee pads and wrist guards go Caillou oh Caillou are you okay I'm fine mommy my guards worked try again Caillou you almost had it I did it it was World Book Day all the kids were so excited to dress up as their favorite characters but no one was as excited as Caillou who came dressed as a pirate all right now class gather around settle down settle down now as you know from your wonderful costumes today is world book [Music] day but it's not just about dressing up in costume it's about getting your imaginations going through Reading so here are some vouchers you can spend them on whatever book you like at the store after school wow Leo look at this Caillou and his friends couldn't wait to spend their vouchers they thought long and hard about what book they wanted to buy Caillou and his friends were exchanging vouchers there were so many different colors and pictures oh cool yours has a dinosaur on it look at Clementine's it has a wolf on it [Music] graia ready for takeoff 5 4 3 2 [Music] [Music] 1 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] too [Music] [Music] boring [Applause] [Music] a too scary land AO that's where we'll find our treasure ay I captain [Music] Caillou Captain Caillou Caillou Caillou uh what did you guys get with their imaginations truly fired up Caillou and his friends couldn't wait to get reading Caillou was excited to take his book home and have all the adventures of a pirate it was school sports day and Caillou was excited to get started all his family had come out to watch him compete all right kids the race is about to start line up at your marks on your marks get set go Caillou shot out from the crowd he was ahead of the [Music] rest oh no Caillou dropped his [Music] [Applause] egg Caillou tried and tried to keep his eggs steady but he couldn't do it oh [Applause] Caillou you can do it just keep going take it easy slow and steady Caillou [Music] Zoom just when he thought it was all over Caillou decided he wasn't going to give up go cou go Caillou Caillou reached the finish line and he was so proud of himself as his friends lifted him into the air kou felt so happy he realized that it was the taking part that counted I did [Music] it you did so well in the race Caillou not as well as you Clen you were so fast I couldn't catch you thanks Caillou but you're a winner too you completed the race even though it was hard you carried on wow thanks that was a lot of fun congratul ulations Caillou mommy daddy look what I got very good Caillou we knew you could do it all right what's next looks like Rosie's proud of her big [Music] brother [Music] all right Caillou I'll be back in a minute make sure you get nice and clean okay Mommy good luck on your mission Captain [Music] Caillou oh hi there what's your name uh hi I'm Caillou oh Legend tells of a great Explorer by the name of Caillou really oh yes it says that he is the one to find the lost treasure and return it to us wow will you help us great Caillou you got it let's find that [Music] [Laughter] treasure hey look let's look inside [Music] are you sure about this Captain Caillou come on we'll be okay if we stick [Music] together look over there could it be the come on let's find out [Music] [Laughter] okay ready one two three we did it yeah [Music] hey what's that it's a [Music] shark Master it's gaining on us cou are you all cleaned up uh almost good so there's still some time for Captain Caillou to sail the [Music] [Applause] [Music] Seas well Deputy Teddy I think the town is going to be safe now we caught the Rexy Bandit Sheriff Caillou come quick howdy Clementine what's wrong Sheriff Caillou an outlaw is trying to rob the bank oh no what are we waiting [Music] for let's [Music] ride faster Gilbert yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that was fun now I just need to get out of here before the sheriff arrives haha not so fast Cowboy well well well looky here that money isn't yours it is now I'm the sheriff in these parts and I say you have to give it [Music] back [Music] if you don't take the money back I'll take you to jail well this town ain't big enough for the both of [Music] us [Music] draw [Music] [Laughter] [Music] splash [Music] splash faster Gilbert they're gaining on us wo Sheriff you did it the town is safe again thank you don't thank me partner thank Deputy Teddy the toughest bear in the [Music] west I'll get you for this Sheriff call you Yeehaw Sheriff oh sheriff I thought you all might be hungry after saving the day so I brought you some Cowboy Cookies wow thanks mommy these ought to keep you full of energy for your next adventure [Music] yeah and Sheriff Caillou is always ready save the [Music] [Applause] [Music] day come on over folks get your lemonade here I like a lemonade please oops uh that'll be $1 please Mister [Applause] [Music] how's it going Caillou it's going great mommy look how much I've made already that's wonderful Caillou it looks busy do you need any help no thank you Mommy I've got this all under control okay well you call us if you need anything we'll be right over here $1 $2 $3 $4 [Music] $5 oh wow a puppy oh he is a scall wag pepper off come this way I am sorry young man I hope he didn't bother you oh no I love [Music] dogs Please can I play with him a bit longer what do you think [Music] pepper and what is your name young man I'm Caillou well Caillou you go off and play and I'll have a glass of that delicious looking lemonade let's go [Music] pepper hey Mommy look what I found oh wow Caillou what's his name pepper because he's black see Ru [Music] Ru looks like someone is a little excited yeah he's really friendly do you want to pet him Rosie here [Music] pepper that was a big kiss oh Rosie Caillou don't forget this they've had a wonderful time together haven't you Caillou yeah thank you well thank you for taking him off my hands Caillou I haven't had such a restful day out in a long time and I think pepper enjoyed himself too I think pepper needs to cool down I know pepper let's go play in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] fountain all right Caillou tell us about your weekend what did you get up to well we were having a barbecue Mommy and Daddy went to the store and bought all kinds of stuff to cook burgers hot dogs even the vegetables look tasty but me and my friends needed to work up an appetite slip [Music] [Applause] [Music] inside now it's your turn [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] clam water [Music] fight [Music] oh I'll get you for that Clen [Music] [Applause] [Music] m H [Music] [Laughter] gotcha it was a lot of fun Clementine got me so wet but I had an idea of how to get her [Music] back 3 2 1 [Music] go the water from the holes covered Leo and Clementine but it was so powerful I couldn't control it it kept firing and I accidentally hit [Music] Gilbert all right everyone it's time to eat [Music] oh I'm sorry [Music] [Laughter] Daddy oh not so fast [Music] Caillou food [Music] fight it was the best barbecue ever when all the fighting had stopped we were all really hungry so mommy and daddy let us have ice cream before bed and that's how I spent my weekend I had a lot of food at the barbecue all over my face today mommy and daddy had taken Caillou and Rosie to enjoy a funfilled day at the water park Caillou was being a good older brother and was teaching Rosie how to swim okay Rosie all you have to do is kick your legs really fast like this now you try great job Rosie Caillou you're a very good teacher look those children are fighting a pirate ship looks like they could use your help Caillou Captain Caillou to the [Music] rescue hold on Caillou you need to put some sunscreen on first but I want to go and battle the Pirates you won't be able to fight the Pirates if if you get a sunburn okay mommy but hurry we can't let the Pirates take over the water park it's cold hold still Caillou perfect what meow Mommy I can't fight the Pirates looking like this they'll laugh at me okay Captain Caillou come here there now you're ready to go and save the day come on Rosie let's go sink the pirate [Music] ship Ready Aim [Music] Fire Yi watch out Caillou the Pirates are fighting back don't worry I'll get him [Music] [Applause] [Music] Man Overboard did it we did it Rosie we stopped the pirates from taking over the water park after all that excitement I bet you two could do with the rest how about we take a ride down the lazy river that sounds like fun this is very relaxing it's a bit slow can't it go any faster why don't we have a race to that palm tree Caillou [Music] okay here I come Caillou [Music] W I did it I won well done Caillou why is the line moving so slowly be patient Caillou This is the biggest slide at the water park it'll be worth the wait the biggest can't we go on the second biggest slide don't worry Caillou there are two slides next to each other so we can go down together oh okay are you ready mommy I'm a little scared could you hold my hand of course mommy I'll protect you okay three two one [Music] [Applause] go see Caillou that wasn't so bad was it thanks for holding my hand Caillou you're very brave that was Splash [Music] tactic today Caillou was visiting the petting zoo with mommy daddy and Rosie huh it's okay Rosie they're just sheep sheep are soft and friendly you [Music] see yuck go [Music] kisses hey thank you hey get out of here you buzz off go and get your own ice [Music] cream what's the matter Caillou oh you dropped your ice cream it's okay we can get you another one it's not my ice cream it's my nose a greedy Beast stung me oh dear poor Caillou here this will make you feel better why why did it sting me mommy well it probably thought you were trying to hurt it Caillou uh I did try and hit it but it was trying to eat my ice cream Caillou you shouldn't try and hit bees they're very special little creatures come on let's follow him and see where he goes is that his house that's right Caillou a bee's house is called a hive that's a big house for just one little bee actually thousands of bees live in there listen carefully and you can hear [Music] them it sounds like an airplane what are those ones doing they're collecting nectar which they use to make honey bees love sweet things like ice cream exactly that bee didn't want to hurt you it just wanted to share some of your ice cream these should learn to say please come on I know something fun we can do to cheer you up look a horsey almost Caillou that's a donkey excuse me can me and my sister ride the donkey sure you can wao this is high up here these will keep you safe hold on to your sister Caillou we don't want either of you falling [Music] off wow he must be very strong to carry both of us that's right donkeys may be small but they are very strong like [Music] me it was a special day in Caillou's family it was Rosie's birthday and all the family were outside enjoying the sunshine and having a party mommy mommy please can I go play in the bounce house now okay Caillou but be careful and don't forget to remove your [Music] shoes but I don't want to take my shoes off better do as we're told Caillou [Music] oh Caillou had a great time in the Bon house but the other kids started to get too [Music] rough hey hey stop that safely back on Solid Ground Caillou looked around for another game to play Hey Caillou are you all right Caillou put on a brave face after all there were other activities he could [Music] do hey let's go play pin the tail on the Donkey Caillou and his friends began to play pin the tail on the donkey they got very [Music] dizzy Leo that's not where Tails go okay okay you try Caillou [Music] oh no that's not where Tails go either hey look they're bringing out the [Music] cake all right now kids gather around Rosie don't forget to make a wish Rosie made her special birthday wish and blew out her candles all at once and [Music] then how about some presents oh me first me first can I Mommy okay Caillou what have you [Music] got here you go Rosie happy birthday [Music] Rosie couldn't believe her luck her very own teddy bear teddy good job Caillou what a great gift one more thing [Music] Rosie dear Rosie happy birthday have the best day love from your brother Caillou oh Caillou that's lovely and so well written isn't that nice [Music] Rosie hey kids it's time for the [Music] pinata Rosie gets first hit go [Music] Rosie [Music] it was the best birthday Rosie ever had and Caillou had a pretty good day too
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 70,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 40sec (2380 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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