Video Call Chaos 📹 | Peppa Pig Tales Full Episodes

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[Music] I think you're on mute we can't hear you today Mummy Pig is on a video call ah well let's Circle back later in the [Music] meantime sorry just going to mute myself for a moment everyone hello Mommy we're bored can you play with us yay I'm a bit busy I'm afraid I'm on a video call ooh we want to do a video call why don't you ask Daddy Pig to set one up for you come on George Daddy Pig has set up a video call with Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig hello Peppa and hello George I want to be on screen [Music] George yay George can you hear us Where's Peppa I'm here Peppa has joined the call from Daddy Pig's tablet let's Circle back Granny and Grandpa Circle back what does that mean must be one of these Circle buttons oh this isn't right grandpa pig has turned on a filter you're robot [Music] and George is a Snowman and I'm a spaghetti [Music] monster there are lots of silly filters to choose [Music] from that's better where you off to Peppa now there are two peppers on the video call it's making a bit of an echo pepper let's call mommy you're on mute oop even I know that one sorry everyone where's Daddy I'm here tiny SHO now everyone is on the video call and everyone is a dinosaur dinner's ready everyone so time to hang up bye Granny and Grandpa byebye speak soon oh uh bye maybe that's enough sque for today we'll Circle back later hi today Peppa is going to Peppa rabbit B bye [Music] [Laughter] mommy today Peppa is already at Rebecca Rabbit's burrow she's come to play a new video game called carrot catcher do you want to play yes please I'm amazingly really excellent at games oh dear Peppa doesn't know how to begin the game um I am I'm amazingly really excellent at games but maybe it would be more fun if you started the game Rebecca oh yes I knew that first you pick your bunny then you hop around and catch the carrots oh yes um Peppa is amazingly really excellent at video games but she might need a bit of help with this one how do you catch the carrots please Rebecca like this yay I'm good at this oh my turn wow Rebecca rabbit is amazingly really excellent at this game wow you're really good at catching carrots Rebecca I've had lots of practice do you want to play together now we can be a team yes woohoo got it yay here's one there's one wee new high score hooray Peppa and Rebecca make a very good team Rosie Robbie what are you doing hello you two have you seen the twins they've run off with our Lune we'll catch them we're good at catching carrots and baby [Music] bunnies B one Rosie cuta here's another one Robbie got it m still good Peppa and Rebecca are very good carrot catchers yay hooray lunch is safe for you in fact Peppa and Rebecca are amazingly really excellent carrot catches back soon mommy bye daddy pig has to pick something up from work so Peppa and George have come with him to his office sorry Mr rabbit George really likes all the buttons in the lift oh dear all that button pushing has broken the lift whoopsie George don't worry George I'm a bit of an expert at lifts you know ah uh the buttons in the lift aren't working hello welcome to the lift is this lift magic no it's voice activated which means we just have to tell it where to go much easier oh hello lift we would like to go to my office please the lift is is working again y floor two office of bees but it hasn't taken them to Daddy Pig's office no not office of bees office please Flor Six office cheese I love cheese I said office floor 16 a fish silly magic lift the lft doesn't seem to understand Daddy Pig's voice I'll try can we go to Daddy's job now arriving at the top [Music] um not the top daddy's job please Peppa and her family keep trying to get to Daddy Pig's office but the magic lift takes them to the wrong floors and spooky floors hello and even paring floors but none of them are the right floor until my office [Music] hooray hello mommy pig we just had a little trouble with the lift be there soon Pepper and George really love the magic lift uh uh uh but daddy pig much prefers to take the stage today Peppa and her classmates are visiting a Chocolate Factory can I try some chocolate please Miss Rabbit you can Peppa but we've got to make it first oh Peppa is very excited to make chocolate how do we make it Miss Rabbit with this machine hello machine can you make me some chocolate please thank you machine yay now can I try some of it please not yet Peppa we need to decorate it first follow me everyone is very excited to decorate the chocolate too you can decorate one chocolate bar each ooh it looks like a muddy puzzle yes but don't jump in it Peppa and you can add whatever decorations you like from the table as long as it's yummy mine is a carroty chocolate bar sque delicious mine is a Cheesy chocolate bar squeak yum yum and mine is a spaghetti chocolate bar oh because strawberry laces look like spaghetti phw scrumptious can I try some chocolate now please Miss Rabbit almost pepp the chocolate needs to cool in the fridge first the fridge is very cold and makes the liquid chocolate Harden into bars and [Applause] done can we please try some chocolate now Miss Rabbit not yet pep oh wait yes you [Applause] [Music] can delicious [Music] scram didly option sque H is something wrong Peppa no I just really liked it when the chocolate was all runny like a muddy puddle oh ho then it's lucky I have one more treat for you all it's a chocolate fountain it's just like a giant chocolate muddy puddle and look of nice healthy fruit to dip to thank you Miss rabbit Peppa loves muddy puddles especially when they're made out of chocolate today Peppa and her family are at a science museum they are very excited to see an exhibit all about magnets oh these aren't magnets they're fish the fish are made of metal pepper so we can fish them out with these magnets fishing rods just like on Grandpa Pig's boat just be careful magnets can be quite sticky F Peppa and George are catching lots of metal fish and metal glasses and metal keys and all sorts of metal objects stop huh may I have my watch back please whoops sorry to very much bye bye there we are oh maybe not use the magnets to raise place your magnetic slime to the end of the track what magnetic slime maybe this button will give us the Slime Splat magnets ready wo steady go the Slime has little bits of metal in it so it can stick to the magnets I'm winning I'm winning and the winner is oh uh um I can't see who the winner is what was that oh look George but what do pictures of us have to do with magnets h h ha wao the board uses magnets and little bits of metal so you can draw on the pictures how creative George tiny [Music] sh what do you think Daddy I look great Peppa ah not again everyone loves learning about magnets at the science museum well everyone except daddy pig today Peppa and her family are at the supermarket they're going to pay for their shopping at the till huh sorry got to nip to the L use the self checkout if you like the self checkout lets you scan and pay for your shopping all by yourself it's a big shopping robot would you twoo like to scan the shopping yes please hello customers hello shopping robots please Place bags in the bagging area um B yes George mommy's handbag is a bag this bag is the wrong bag the shopping robot needs shopping bags this bag is the right bag please scan shopping Peppa and George like scanning the shopping item not scanned try again oh um be item still not scanned try again there is a rather long queue waiting to use the shopping robot item not scanned it's not worth working item not scanned item not scanned item item item item items scanned yay please put 10 cartons of juice in the bagging area 10 we don't need that much juice um cancel juice more juice added please put 60 cartons of juice in the bagging area canel H oh this should do it Mummy Pig is very good with computers and shopping robots how do we beat this mommy the pineapple doesn't have a little sticker to scan we have to find it on the screen pine cones no pine nuts no ah pineapple here we go yay item is too light oh um how about now too heavy error error error error this one error error how about [Music] now stop press the button on the side everyone in the supermarket is trying to help too many errors oh oh no the shopping robot is broken sorry everyone I'm back who's next [Music] me oh terrific everyone loves going shopping please scan shopping but not everyone loves the shopping robot today Peppa and her friends are going to the Sweet Shop hello Miss Rabbit I'd like to buy everything in the Sweet Shop please here is my my coin Peppa and her friends each have one coin to buy a suite with here is my coin too and mine and mine wow what a lot of money but I'm afraid it's not enough to buy everything in the shop oh yes one coin is perfect for trying my new sweet making machines [Music] though just choose a machine pop your coin in the slot and push the big red button M strawberry laces but strawberries are fruits not sweets my sweets are made with delicious real fruit much tastier and much healthier yummy strawberries they look like hair you're right I've got a strawberry ponytail my turn my turn Emily Elephant has found a rainbow lollipop machine for this machine you have to push the buttons to choose your favorite fruity flavors H yellow banana ooh you love red apples and pink raspberries and blue blueberries and green apples you like all the food [Music] flavors so fruy look it's a big binning bowl that's a candy floss machine why don't you pop your coin in and give it a go oo it tastes like coconut it looks just like you Suzy and now it looks even more like you what is that only one way to find [Music] out but I thought this was a sweee machine not a money machine can I use this to buy some real sweeties you don't need to that coin is a sweetie pepper it's a chocolate coin chocolate hooray Peppa loves a sweet treat from the Sweet Shop everyone loves a sweet treat from the sweet shop today Peppa and George are helping daddy pig tidy some old boxes what's this daddy Ah that's it's my trusty old camera pepper you press the button to take a picture Jee and it prints the photo out look I can see it can I have a go please say [Music] cheese Now Peppa is taking photos with the camera this camera is really fun camera have fun but there isn't much photo paper left so use it wisely George loves taking lots of [Music] photos oh dear it's run out of photo paper oh but I love taking pictures H why don't we use my phone's camera instead it can even add filters to a photo Daddy Pig's phone camera has given George a pretend mustache come on George let's take more photos Peppa and George are having lots of fun taking pictures the phone camera has given Mummy Pig a flowery filter say cheese oh and Grandpa Pig has a very fine hat yeah oh Peppa George and daddy pig have come to the park to take even more photos ooh hello Mr and Mrs [Music] bird oh say cheese Mr B cheese what up funny photo daddy pig wants to take a photo with Peppa and George by the Ducks say cheese everybody 1 2 3 cheese Peppa and George are sticking all the photos from the day into a scrapbook look at this one George hey but some of the photos are blurry oh the photos don't have to be perfect they just have to remind you of a lovely day everyone loves taking photos and everyone has had a very lovely day tonight mommy and daddy pig are going out for a Valentine's Day meal mommy pig has ordered a taxi it's almost here hooray wao your Rider Waits madam oh um Mummy Pig has accidentally ordered a special taxi called a limousine a limo how romantic tickly where are we off to sir and madams Granny and Grandpa Pig's house if you please miss rabbit Peppa and George are going there for dinner dinner [Music] okay calm down you two this music reminds me of Venice what a wonderful trip that was now it's a disco limo oh we did didn't have this in Venice a care for a chocolate mommy pig oh don't mind if I can we have some daddy chocolate um okay but not too many Peppa and George love [Music] chocolate maybe a little too much I guess I'll have this one then can we have the disco music again just until granny and grandpa's house [Music] please oh yes hi happy disco Valentine's Day everyone wee [Music] come on we're having a Valentine's Day [Music] [Music] disco it's just like that time in Paris Grandpa Pig everyone loves celebrating Valentine's Day but mommy and daddy pig love their disco limo ride most of all yummy tasty food yummy tasty today on the cruise Peppa and her family are at a very special type of restaurant this is a special type of restaurant called a buffet just take a plate and choose the food you want to eat and enjoy oh goody the restaurant buffet has lots of different foods to choose from what would you like to eat Peppa spaghetti is my favorite right you are but we mustn't take too much we can always come back and get some more oh good idea and what would you like George juice thirsty are you I think we can rustle up some orange juice let's see here aha the orange juice machine is very loud and it hasn't made very much orange juice at all oh yes we'll just have to make some more Del ious I can't wait to [Music] finished you were hungry Peppa can I get some more now please oh of course let's go hooray Grandpa Pig is still trying to make George a cup of orange juice oh dear could we have some more oranges please Miss Rabbit right away Peppa has found a very special pancake machine just one pancake Please Mr Robot I can always come back and get more M Splendid aha granny pig is very excited to eat her spaghetti oh thank you pancake robot but now Peppa is thirsty too can I get some juice as well granny of course Grandpa Pig can get you some I do wonder what's taking him so [Music] long Grandpa Pig has finally made a cup of orange juice in fact Grandpa Pig has made lots of cups of orange juice oh the machine has finally stopped making Orange juice fuel silly Grandpa you don't need to make all the juice you can always come back and get more Peppa loves the buffet restaurant and George really loves orange juice it is dinner time but dinner has been burned oh dear do you think we can still eat it I think we should treat treat ourselves to a takeaway yay we choose what kind of food we like and it gets delivered to our house there's Chinese Takeaway Indian takeaway or sushi can we have this one please Peppa wants to order Chinese Takeaway let's have this and this and don't forget the special surprise Peppa and her family have ordered lots of delicious food what happens now well first the restaurant has to cook the food and then they'll deliver it oh but how do they know where we live I gave them our address when we ordered the takeaway but how will it get here Miss Rabbit will bring it on her bike oh look she's nearly here let's go and find her huh Peppa and George have gone to the wrong [Music] door here's your takeaway Peppa I hope you enjoy it thank you got to dash lots of food to deliver rice noodles vegetable rolls and a special surprise for afterwards Pepper and George don't know what the special special surprise is M I love rice and I love my spicy noodles they're my favorite ooh they might be my favorite too can I try some yes but just try a tiny bit M I love noodles oh they are a bit spicy spicy noodles are not Peppa's favorite here try a vegetable spring roll M vegetable spring rolls are my [Music] favorite Peppa and her family have finished their Chinese Takeaway are you ready for the special surprise hooray these are called fortune cookies they have a special message inside that brings you good luck ooh this good luck tastes amazing Peppa loves Chinese Takeaway everyone loves Chinese Takeaway
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 574,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, TV, cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, toddler, video for kids
Id: br1KIVkeBZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 48sec (1968 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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