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hey everybody this is Maxine Taylor Georgia's first licensed astrologer back with you for another edition of astrology 101 and this time we're going to be talking about the moon and Mercury as they run around the zodiac we're going to look at where they are in your chart now you know that your son is either a Taurus or a Capricorn son or an Aries son but you may not know what sign the moon is in in your chart by looking at the chart I can tell you what sign your moon is in at some point we will go over that but right now let's talk about what the moon is illustrating in your chart if the Sun is daddy's message the moon is mommy's message the moon is our subconscious mind it is our sense of security and wherever it falls in your birth chart this is where your mother told you either by word or deed either by her presence or her absence this is where she told you to look for your emotional security now you notice I'm not saying this is where she told you you would find it huh this is where she told you look for it it's very interesting because there is a little catch-22 as we go around the zodiac the moon deals with our moods with our emotions think of the moon it's flexible it's changeable it grows and then it gets full and it pops and then it wanes and we run out of energy on the dark of the Moon which is when we look up at the sky and we can't find the moon and then it starts growing and the energy grows again so the root of the Moon rules the public as well well let's personalize this shall we okay looking at the chart if you have the moon it looks like a sliver of moon if you have the moon in your first house wherever the moon is is what you are in be drawn to it is the part of you that says I want to protect it well in your first house you're very self protective aren't you you're going to want to protect you you may be changeable right but let's talk about mommy's message mom says look to yourself for your own emotional security needs the catch-22 is that mom is already sitting there in your first house and so she is influencing you and she says verbally or non-verbally protect yourself what she really means is do it my way because this first house is the most important area of the chart in that it's the most personal point in the chart it describes you and so you are innately cell-free self protective and you say me first is there anything wrong with that no not at all that was mothers message to you let's keep on going the moon in the second house well mother's messages get the money honey and what she tells you is that you are to look to your things and possessions and money for emotional security now again she doesn't say you'll find it she says look for it there and so the moon rules the public and perhaps you're supposed to in this lifetime earn your money by dealing with the public but because the moon waxes and wanes there can be a waxing and waning of your own finances now the second house deals with your possessions and your values and so your mother is your possession people with a moon in the second house feel that they their mother belongs to them there may be five other siblings but people with a moon in the second house say you belong to me and our mother's values color ours enormous Lea you might say well isn't that true the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world yes but in the case of the moon and the second house even more so the moon in the third house and I sure do hope you're following along using your own chart mother's messages to think to look to your ideas for your emotional security but the moon is emotional and so there's a very emotional tone to your ideas you don't just remember what happened you remember how you felt about what happened and so when you have planets in the third house you have to talk you have to communicate with the moon in the third house you have to communicate your emotions the feelings of an event and a lot of people don't understand that if they're very left brain they don't get it an example of the moon and the third house expressing emotionally would be oh he walked into the room I couldn't believe it my heart started beating OH and then he came over to me oh that's the emotional memory without the moon in the third house might not even remember him seriously okay moon in the fourth house this is the moon's natural placement in the zodiac and so when you have the moon in the fourth house mother's message is to look to home and family for your emotional security needs and you do there is a very strong emotional attachment to home in family that owns you that runs you and you might say well what's wrong with that nothing if it stands in your way of doing what you came here to do then you want to look at it and determine consciously if you want to put that much attention on it however with the moon in the fourth house your home and family come first to you and your mother is the nurturing parent and when I say come first it's not like Mars or the Sun down there but is a gut reaction that you can't even think with the moon wherever the moon is because we're going to get to mercury in a minute the moon mercury is your conscious mind this is your subconscious mind the moon is what comes to you instinctively it's your knee-jerk reaction so there's no thought involved it's emotion explains a lot don't you think okay so we've dealt with the moon in the fourth and mommy's message is find look to your emotional for your emotional security with your home and family I almost tripped up and said find it you won't find it necessarily but that's what you keep doing you keep looking for it and looking for it and looking for it and looking for it until one day you wake up and say this isn't working what do I want to change and that is when you start moving forward in your spiritual evolution this can occur when you're a child by the way okay moon in the fifth house well we know that the fifth house is the house of fun and games all right it's enjoyment of all in in every single expression and I was trying to find a tactful way of putting it but if you love to go to the movies that's the fifth house if you love to play basketball that's the fifth house if you like to lay out on the couch and watch TV that's the fifth house it's fun now the fifth house is also children and so there is an emotional attachment to children true story though one of my clients has the moon in her fifth house she's a career woman she married and questioned whether she even wanted children because her moon is in the sign Aquarius which tends to be a rather impersonal placement for the moon she gave birth to a baby girl and all of her nurturing instincts all of her maternal instincts surfaced and she could not probably to this day still cannot bear to be separated from her little and so if it has not been triggered don't worry it will be the moon in the fifth house is mommy's message that says play enjoy yourself and have children can you see the catch-22 from where you're sitting the moon and the fifth house the moon is mommy the fifth house is children so your mother's like a child to you and your child is like a mother to you I've been doing charts since 1966 and I have seen this time and time again so if you have the moon in the fifth house you are drawn to children and you will nurture your parent like a child and your child will be your mommy the reversal of roles very very interesting moon in the sixth house well you have an instinctive need to be busy to be needed to have a job and again anything in that sixth house if someone says I need you they're really saying I love you and so mommy's message is to be busy at all times to have a job to be of service now with the moon there is an emotional attachment to whatever house it is in and so our message is to do what you really feel led to do what you really want to do what you're passionate about what you're emotional about and so there you are with a moon on your sixth you will be a mommy at work and one of your employees may remind you of your mother not because your employee looks like your mother because it could be a male who reminds you of your mother but it would be the emotional attachment that he represents or she very very interesting okay moon in the seventh well the seventh house is partnership it's relationships it's the one-on-one relationship it's also open enemies not trying to start World War three here but Mama's messages get married get married get married have that partnership look to your spouse to your business partners to other people for your emotional security so what happens you have to have that one-on-one relationship however the catch-22 is that there is an emotional marriage to mommy I think I just dropped a bomb on you the moon and the seventh says you are so emotionally attached to your mother as an equal that you're looking for mom in your relationships and when I say you're looking for her this is not conscious the moon is subconscious and there can be an adversarial relationship with mother why because the seventh house is our open enemies not our hidden enemies our open enemies and the twelfth house the behind-the-scenes house those are our hidden enemies because they're hidden from our own conscious mind it's the subconscious moon in the eighth house now remember anything in the eighth house is going to be transformed in this lifetime it's a fabulous placement for everything that you want to reform and transform and so your relationship with your mother your mother role your beliefs your programming with your mother is going to be transformed in this lifetime you take that to the bank now mommy's message is to look to the cause of events the secrets behind them for your security so you're not interested in what's going on out front above the table you're a detective and you're looking beneath the table to see what's really happening you're going to the source and the greatest secrets that we have are where we come from birth and where we go and we leave here death and so with a moon in the 8th house it's all or nothing you don't do things half way because you are emotionally attached to getting to the cause of the secrets and that's what Mama's message is find the secret and keep it to yourself moon in the ninth house well Mama's message is to expand your horizons and spread your wings and soar follow the Sun chase the far horizon her message is you will look to your beliefs your principles the big picture for your emotional security I love it there I don't have it there I love it there ok moon in the 10th house well mother then is our out front parent mother's message is to look to your career look to being a leader for your emotional security but the catch on that is she's already the leader and so in your career as you're climbing to the top you will attract people to you who represent mother and depending on your relationship with your mother that's how you'll react to them and you might say well why would I do that because it's subconscious it's instinctive and when you see it in your chart that's when it starts losing hold over you losing it loses the power over you and you can create it your way the moon in the eleventh house I love this mama's messages be a friend and so you are instinctively drawn to groups you're instinctively drawn to people because the eleventh house is other people's children and as I said in our first show who are the other people's children the entire world everyone is someone else's child and this makes you a humanitarian but here's your catch-22 your mother says she wants to be the friend looked to her as your friend and you will be a mother to your friends a mother in groups very interesting it also shows that you are looking to your friends to be mom all this is subconscious can you see how powerful this is and the last placement for the moon the 12th house of the subconscious we have the subconscious mind the moon in the twelfth house of the subconscious you can see that there's a lot of processing that goes on subconsciously that you may not even be aware of but Mama's messages pull back and retreat and give yourself privacy at least once a day and so there is a very strong influence of mother particularly when she leaves the earth because then she will be in the spirit world and she will be communicating encouraging you to listen within listen to that little voice that's speaking to you listen to the divinity within you so that is the moon through the signs and I hope that you have found that part interesting that's the subconscious mind well let's deal with a conscious mind the next planet that we'll be dealing with is mercury and mercury is our conscious mind wherever mercury is in your birth chart that's what you think about and talk about so let's let's do mercury alright if this is a very simple one my handwriting is horribly illegible Mercury's supposed to look something like that I put it in blue because it's the conscious mind so wherever mercury is is what to think about and talk about is this going to be easier would all right mercury is in your first house you think about yourself and you talk about now you remember I told you that if you have first house planets I want you at my next party because you're the one who's going to break the ice mercury in the first house is not shy about talking about themselves this is great on a social level don't you think okay mercury in the second house again my handwriting I apologize you think about money and you talk about money well this is really cool you think about your possessions and what you have and how you can get more of them and you bring great ideas to money making projects in that cool now mercury let me try and do this so it's legible sort of mercury in the third house is really strong because it is that is it's a natural house in the zodiac and so you think and you talk whatever crosses your brain you may not have a filter it depends on what sign mercury is in and we'll do that in future shows but whatever crosses your brain you're going to express so you're a talker and if you were programmed not to share your ideas not to talk your mind is going round and round around around the whole time and even if you don't say anything you've got that mind going you may even have a smart crack to say but you keep it to yourself mercury in the fourth house you think and talk about your home and family you consciously want to be with family members you're the one who sends Christmas cards to family members with mercury appear in the eleventh you send them to your friends if you even think about it because the eleventh house is the humanitarian that doesn't really deal with details per se so you think about your family and you talk to family you communicate with them it's a great placement I think all right mercury in the fifth house well you think about fun and you talk about it and talking is to you right you have a child if you have children who is a thinker and a talker I remember doing a chart on a lady and she had a bunch of planets in the fifth house and when I got to mercury I said your child is really a talker she said oh that's an understatement the boy is a motormouth and that's what happens because this is your child's first house it's your fifth house of children it's your child's first house so you think about creative projects you think about parties to throw you think about your kids and you know if you have a packed 50 thousand you have children my suggestion is when they're little combine your fun with theirs and it will amplify both mercury in the sixth house okay mercury in the sixth house is very powerful because that is Mercury's natural house now did you remember I just said it was the third House of the zodiac it's both of them mercury rules the third house and the sixth house because mercury is the ruler of Gemini which is I'm this is for the advanced people is the ruler of the third house and it's the ruler of Virgo which is the natural ruler the sixth house so in your work with mercury in the sixth house you've got to communicate you're probably a teacher a thinker you want to travel mercury gets bored easily even depending on the sign it's and it's still going to get bored and so you think about your job you're the one who can't fall asleep right away because your mind is going around and round and round with ideas that you want to implement at work well that's really cool okay hmm mercury in the seventh house you think about your partner and you talk about your partner is this a business partnership of personal partnership yes and yes you go out there to other people and you want to talk with them and they will talk because the other people in your life the yet others are ruled by this seventh house so your seventh is their first house and you attract stalkers you attract people who talk about themselves and guess what you get to listen and they love you for it because when you put the other people in your life first if you have planets in your seventh house you attract people who put themselves first and so if you will put them first it will work out beautifully they'll love you now if you also have planets in your first house this can create a problem right because you want equal time and if the partnership is a balanced one you will each have equal time if not it can be a pulling apart okay mercury in the eighth house of transformation oh my goodness mercury in the eighth house is going to undergo a transformation in this lifetime your thinking is undergoing a transformation and you are a detective you want to look beneath the surface at what's going on that eighth house is the secrets of the zodiac mercury in the ninth house you think big thoughts you think of higher education travel and you'd love to communicate with people at a distance mercury in the tenth you think about a career you think about being on top and when you are on top you need to communicate so you're a sharer of information mercury in the eleventh house you think about your friends you talk to your friends and you were attracted to you very talkative friends and mercury in the twelfth you may not even be aware of it but what do you think about ask to be filtered through the subconscious first your subconscious mind has to approve of it so to speak and so before you can give an answer to something you have to sleep on it to find out if you're going to do it or not to decide if you're going to now very often we have a retrograde mercury you may have heard about that that's when mercury appears to be moving backwards in the heavens it is not it only appears to be moving backwards but things here on planet Earth are confused when we have a retrograde mercury this is the time that you do not begin new projects but instead you tie up the loose ends of unfinished projects you don't sign contracts during this time instead you plan because once mercury comes out of retrograde at once it goes direct and begins to appear moving forward what you thought you wanted you may not want anymore and that's just how it is so what you'll do is be aware that about three times a year mercury is going to go retrograde you will know it because the car breaks down the computer doesn't work all kind of machinery starts failing on you and a word to the wise yes you're not supposed to start a new project but if your car breaks down in the middle of the road and you need that car to complete your journey you buy a car even though Mercury's retrograde if your refrigerator dies you have to have a new one so consider the new purchase simply the tying up of loose ends of an old unfinished project that's how I look at it anyway and you will you can look on any astrological calendar and it will tell you when mercury is going to go direct so you may be saying to yourself well how do I know if I have mercury retrograde in my birth chart and if you're a student of astrology and really want to get to the nitty-gritty check out this book now that I've cast it what do I do with it it's available on Amazon it was a number one best seller and this came about because my students years ago we didn't have computers would say to me I've cast the chart now what do I do with it how do I interpret it and that's where the title of the book came about if you have any questions that you would like to ask me please feel free to contact me at Maxine Taylor comm next time we get together we are going to look at Venus and Mars as they move around the chart I say move around they're stationary in your chart what Venus is is love what Mars is is passion so until next time this is Maxine Taylor saying may the stars shine brightly on you and yours [Music]
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Keywords: Astrology, Maxine Taylor, astrological chart, astrologer, birth chart, astrological, astrology, learn astrology, astrology for beginners, astrology signs, horoscope, weekly astrology, is astrology real, astrology houses, astrolology, beginner astrology, astrology for the soul, astronomy, leo, scorpio, aries, taurus, virgo, capricorn, forecast, cancer, astrology 101, gay astrology, aquarius, spirituality, 2019 astrology, astrology work, astrology 2019, vedic astrology
Id: NMupkYpLLhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 18 2015
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