Astrology 101 - How To Interpret Your Birth Chart

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first licensed astrologer since 1968 welcome to astrology 101. you know everybody loves to hear about astrology and everybody loves to hear about themselves i am going to show you in the series of classes that i'm going to be sharing with you how to interpret the birth chart very very simply when i started studying astrology in 1966 we didn't have the internet we didn't have computers we used to cast the horoscope by hand and it took hours to interpret it and i thought at the time there has to be an easier way because i'm about simplifying things and sure enough i found an easier way so the information that i'm going to be sharing with you is found in my number one best-selling book on amazon now that i've cast it what do i do with it some of you may already have a copy i hope you'll follow along and if you have your own birth chart now would be a really good time to pull it out of the drawer because what i'm going to do is start from ground zero and i'm going to explain step by simple step how to interpret your own birth chart i years ago asked a friend of mine why she wanted to sit in on my classes because i'd already read her chart to her and she said maxine nobody gets tired of hearing about themselves so if you've had your chart read hear it again for the first time follow along as i take you step by step around the zodiac now as you can see right over here we have a wonderful zodiac that describes what a blank chart looks like so let me tell you exactly what you're looking at as you notice the chart is divided like a pie into 12 pieces we know it's 12 because we start here at house number one these are called houses these divisions are houses and by the way as you can see each house deals with a different area of life and we will run around the chart and talk about them so we have 12 houses and here they are numbered very simply counterclockwise and so in your own personal chart you have 12 houses now we have 10 planets two nodes and 12 houses this means that when we actually look at the chart some of those houses are going to be empty that doesn't mean that part of life is devoid of any energy it means it's simply not as important as the houses that have planets in them and we will take that as i said step by step but first let's look at a wonderful description of each of the houses let's start first of all with the first house this is the most personal point in the chart this is the house that describes your physical appearance your personality it describes you more than your sun sign in fact and when we get to it there's going to be a sign a zodiacal sign on each cusp each edge the sign that is right here if this were a clock dial this would be nine o'clock the sign that lands here is called your rising sign and that rising sign describes you more powerfully even than your sun sign so you can see the importance of the first house very often there are no planets in the first house if you've got your birth chart in front of you right now and you have an empty first house you may be saying does this mean i have no personality no not at all what it means is this is not the lifetime in which you chose to be assertive and to take charge and to to put yourself first there's nothing wrong with doing that there's no judgment in astrology it simply is and so here we have the first house it describes you more personally than any other house let's move on to the second house and this is the one everybody wants me to look at when i do their horoscopes this is the house of money and possessions and people can be our possessions chairs tables cash money very very important but these possessions determine our value structure and so if you have nothing in your second house don't worry it doesn't mean you're going to be living in a box under a bridge what it means is that money per se is not part of your focus because when we get to it you'll see that the horoscope is a snapshot of you taken of the heavens at your exact moment of birth and many of you know that in order to do your own chart i have to have your exact minute of birth the month day and year and the city where you were born some of you already knew that okay so we're going to get to that snapshot the third house very very important this is the house that deals with communication it's our mouth and our mind it's what we think about how we communicate it deals with short trips and if you have any planets in your third house you know you get bored easily and you want to take short trips and you're a talker and if you are not programmed to express your ideas you're certainly thinking them the fourth house very very important this fourth house is the foundation of your life it deals with home and family it deals with emotional security needs and it deals with the nurturing parent which traditionally is mother although nowadays there are a lot of men who stay home while their wives go to work so we are not sure whether it's mother or father until we actually look at the person's chart so if you have planets in your fourth house and you've been wondering is this my mother or my father if i sit down with you and interpret your chart i should be able to help you determine that okay so this is very very important people with fourth house planets love to touch base with family members they love to touch base at home if they go out to dinner they will stop at home first i used to ask a friend of mine why do you have to go home before we go out to dinner are you afraid the house won't be standing i thought i was being funny he was taking it seriously okay fifth house the house of fun and games and this is all kind of fun and games yes let your imagination go wild do you like sports do you love to play a musical instrument do you just love to sit in front of the tv with a bowl of popcorn and the remote that's fun fun and games now uh the fifth house also deals with children so if you have children they're going to show up in this fifth house very often our pets are our children and i read them in the fifth house if that particular person has a pet that is like a child to them the sixth house very important house this house deals with your work your health and your service whatever service you provide to the planet and when we look at this sixth house um if you have any planets in your sixth house you're a worker you want to be needed you want to be busy all the time and you don't want to just cross those t's and dot those eyes you want to be contributing you want to feel that you're needed in fact if you have planets in your sixth house if someone says to you i need you what they're really saying is i love you and i'm going to go over this again so that by the time we are finished with these shows you're going to be able to interpret not just your own chart but everybody else's okay seventh house very very important the seventh house is directly opposite the first the first house is you so the seventh house deals with all of your relationships um from business relationships to personal relationships it deals with the public's public it deals with open enemies it deals with litigation which is very very interesting because the seventh house deals with marriage or at least a legal union and so the seventh house deals with legal unions you meet someone you have a legal union everything's wonderful and then you decide oh this isn't working the seventh house is the house of open enemies and so that partner can become an adversary and so then you take the relationship to court or to an attorney once again the seventh house to dissolve it on the other hand you may have a relationship that goes on for 20 30 40 wonderful years while the two of you learn about each other and help each other grow again it depends on the planets in the seventh house which we will touch on of course eighth house wow this is the most powerful house in the entire zodiac it deals with transformation the eighth house is the house of secrets and if you've got anything in your eighth house people entrust you with their secrets you may not want them you get them and you have to keep them to yourself the eighth house is the house of power and control and you will learn in this lifetime to let go of control and simply take charge that's the highest version of this house the eighth house also deals with joint finances other people's money and if you have anything in the eighth house you're wonderful at helping people create money ninth house deals with our principles our belief systems our philosophy it deals with long trips whereas the third house deals with short trips can you see how it's a very balanced circle and so anything in the ninth house helps you stand back see the big picture you see the forest in spite of the trees the tenth house oh this is the one that the world sees this is your public image this is your career a lot of people are retired and say i don't have a career i beg to differ yes you do it can be simply nurturing your grandchildren it can be teaching something at a local ymca or it can be gardening whatever it is you don't have to earn money for it that is your public image and the 10th house is traditionally the out front parent the person who teaches you how to deal with the world the fourth house parent teaches you about home and family the 10th house parent teaches you how to deal with other people now it can be your mother it doesn't have to be the father figure again it's up to you what you chose to create in this lifetime it is mirrored and reflected and illustrated in the chart 11th house deals with our friends and group activities this is the house of the humanitarian and you're going to find that if you have any planets in the 11th house i can tell you right now and i'll probably say it again you ask yourself at least once a week am i crazy or is the world crazy because you are so far ahead of your time you are the humanitarian and you see how important it is to create peace and harmony for the whole because when you do it for the whole the individuals within the whole also feel it most people don't think that way and so you have always felt that you were different you are i mean that as a compliment pat yourself on the back for that one and the last house is the 12th house and this deals with behind the scenes activities of all kinds and i know your mind is going round and round on that one uh-huh all kinds when i look at the united states chart or the chart of other countries very often there's a huge amount of 12th house activities for obvious reasons they don't share everything surprise they keep it private behind the scenes okay now it rules the subconscious it rules the spirit world and if you have any planets in your 12th house you have to have time alone at least once a day just to dream are you a dreamer you can take those dreams and make them reality because that 12th house is filled with communication with what we call the other side and so you're a natural mystic okay now that's the blank chart i want to take you through the planets and we're going to put each planet one by one in each of the houses follow along if you have your birth chart hopefully this will be eye opening and you will hear it again for the first time we're going to start with the first planet which is the sun obviously because that is the sign we know in fact you know your sun sign if you were born on a certain day you know if you're an aries or a taurus or a gemini but did you know that all of the planets fall in different signs and they express differently because of that so you know your sun sign it's very rare that i find somebody in my talks who doesn't know their sun sign they know their birthday if they don't know their birthday we're in trouble okay so the sun is the center of our universe isn't it i don't know if you can see that yellow it really is pretty um wherever the sun is is the center of your life now there's a an esoteric interpretation uh as well as a psychological interpretation of each planet the sun is the ego and the sun is the creative force and you might say that's great now how do we interpret that in the chart well i'm going to tell you the sun is also daddy's message to you so if the sun is in your first house the center of your forgetting whatever sign it's in the center of your life is you your body your personality your appearance so you're going to say me first because the first house of the zodiac is a me first house and you might say well that makes me sound very selfish oh no it doesn't i want you at my next party because you're the one who lights up the room you're able to talk about yourself you're able to share ideas about yourself and that breaks the ice for everyone in other words as i go through i i tend to be a very positive person i'm an ordained minister with universal brotherhood and i see everything as positive even the so-called bad planets or bad aspects there's no such animal it's just energy and we'll get to that in a little bit so the center of your life is you and your father your daddy's message is put yourself first this is by his presence or his absence either he did put himself first or he didn't now some people say to me i never met my father i was adopted wonderful your adopted father is the one that you're looking at here whoever you consider to be your father grandfathers grandmothers very often raised children and so it can be grandfather however there is a daddy involved on some level if the father is not present it is by his absence that he gives the child the message you're on your own kid and you need to put you first and i say bravo go for it put yourself first there is nothing in the chart that you want to squelch this is your road map for this lifetime do it okay let's say you have the sun in the second house of money so the center of your life is money and possessions and wherever the sun is it lights it up the sun is the giver of life now you might be saying well i've got the sun in the second house but i never seem to have enough money what i have found is that people with a second house son always feel that they don't have enough money it's really funny does it mean they're going to win the lottery i don't know but it's worth a try isn't it daddy's message is get the money honey make sure that you get the possessions make sure that you hang on to things because this is the house of things all right third house this is the house of the conscious mind and wherever the sun is in your chart as i said that's the center of your life well you've got great ideas it's like you have um uh a bulb that goes off in your head this is to the sun in the third house daddy taught you to talk and certainly to think you get bored very very easily you've got to be on the move at all times because this is the house of mental curiosity this house also describes your siblings brothers and sisters the oldest one in particular and i'm going to explain what i'm talking about for the advanced student in just a minute because i'm going to go into charts within charts this is not meant to get complex it's meant to simplify okay let's put the sun in the fourth house very exciting placement now the sun is uh a masculine planet and it represents daddy so right away we think oh the fourth house parent the nurturing parent the one who taught you how to deal with family members is your father by his presence or his absence however with the sun in the fourth house the center of your life is your home and your family and security needs i also want to add that the fourth house is the end of life i don't mean that moment just prior to lifting off and taking off but i'm talking about um the mature part of your life and what that son in the fourth house says is it gets better and better and better and those of you who don't have your birth chart in front of you now are probably wishing you did um and let me mention this if you will contact me at my website tell me that you would like a printout of your chart so that you can follow along i'll be happy to do that at no charge for you okay now let's look at the sun in the fifth house wow when i see the sun in the fifth house i know that this is a person who loves to have fun and they're very good at having fun are they an athlete maybe i don't know but fun is what it's all about so the center of their lives is fun creativity they could be artistic but they know that life is a game and they want to play it now this is the house of children and what's so interesting is that this son in the fifth house tells us that you your child puts himself first this is the child's first house remember the first house of the zodiac this is you this is your child's first house and so we can say that daddy's message was to have fun but daddy is a surrogate child to you how did he teach you to have fun he was childlike and your first child is going to be his or her own authority figure hope that's not too complex okay moving along sixth house if you have the son in the sixth house you are such a doer the center of your life is service it's being needed it's being busy all the time and daddy's message was get a job but the son is the authority figure the two luminaries the sun and the moon those are our authority figures and so that son there says whatever job you have you need to be the boss whatever project you're working on you need to be the boss okay makes sense doesn't it now let's talk about the seventh house of partnership with the sun in the seventh house the center of your life is partnership on all levels you've got to have that one-on-one relationship now daddy's message is get married get married get married not literally but that's the message also very often there is an emotional attachment to your father so that you are equals very very interesting the son in the eighth house this is the house of transformation and what the sun there says is that your ego is going to undergo a transformation in this lifetime that you're able to help other people with their values and their money it is awesome and daddy's message keep private keep your secrets to yourself because anything in the eighth house is going to be transformed the son in the ninth house center of your life is the big picture your philosophy of life your principles daddy's message is go long get on a plane and go the sun in the tenth house ah this tells us that daddy is the out front person he's the out front parent he's the one who said be on top make sure that you're the boss however what you have probably found is that every time you climb up to the top someone else is there already representing daddy to you isn't that interesting there's always a little catch 22 on these things you may have noticed that okay the sun in the 11th house i love the sun in the 11th now the center of your life then because remember that's what the sun is the center of our lives center of your life is friendship but it's humanity it's dealing with other people's children if the fifth house is your children the 11th house is other people's children who are other people's children everybody the entire world is someone else's child and so this is why you see the good in the whole and use it toward the betterment of the whole it makes you a humanitarian okay and daddy's message is be a friend and there's the son in the 12th house so the center of your life is nobody's business it's private you need your solitude and your privacy the center of your life is very spiritual you've got to be alone once a day just to process what's been going on you cherish your privacy you love it now i promise to talk about charts within charts so here we go the seventh house is partnership let's look at it as marriage okay it doesn't matter what type of marriage it is a marriage this seventh house is your first spouse your first husband or wife if you want to if you've been married more than once you count two more houses this is your second spouse two more houses this eleventh house is your third spouse and by the time you hit the first house you have met your match because you're looking at yourself aren't you and you might say oh my goodness there's so much involved yes when you have a horoscope interpreted you can see everyone in your chart so let's just take a look at your first spouse this is his i'll say his for generic purposes this is his personality this is his money this is his mind this is his home his kids his job oh that's you your money etc etc etc if you have two spouses there's the second spouse that's his personality and temperament his money his ideas etc etc etc and so you can go around the wheel you can do it with children as well if you have one three children here's your first child in the fifth house the seventh house is your second child so your second child and your first spouse are teaching you the same exact messages there's your third child if you're married twice you and have three kids they are both the third child and the second spouse are both teaching you what you need to know that's it for this segment please join me next time when we go through the moon and mercury and all the other planets
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Keywords: Astrology, Maxine Taylor, astrological chart, astrologer, birth chart, astrological, astrology, learn astrology, astrology for beginners, astrology signs, horoscope, weekly astrology, is astrology real, astrology houses, astrolology, beginner astrology, astrology for the soul, astronomy, leo, scorpio, aries, taurus, virgo, capricorn, cancer, astrology 101, aquarius, astrology work, astrology 2019, vedic astrology, 2020 astrology, 2020 predictions, astrological predictions
Id: jt1wqG-ojv8
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Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 18 2015
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