Astrology for Beginners: How to Read a Birth Chart 🌝

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Hey guys! Welcome back to Lavendaire. I'm continuing this series of fun tools for self discovery on my channel, so if you missed the first video, I talked about tarot cards and how to use them, as a beginner because I'm a beginner. Today I'm super excited to talk about astrology. Astrology is something that I've been into most of my life, literally, since I was a kid. And it's not that I'm an expert at it or anything, but I got more into astrology and how to read a birth chart last year when I read the book "The Inner Sky" by Steven Forrest. I learned a lot about how to read the birth chart, a lot about astrology and the meanings. And I realized, I know more about astrology than the average person. So this video is for the average person. If you're an expert, you don't need to watch this. But I just want to explain astrology in more depth than simply your sun sign. So get ready for a fun video! First things first, let's clarify: Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial bodies, so it's based on facts and research. And astrology is the interpretation of celestial bodies, meaning: It's the way we interpret what's in the sky. It's the poetry, it's the art. It's very subjective, so that's why I think astrology is very fun because it's very subjective, but it's really cool that everything has a meaning and it's not exactly scientific, but it's more of an art. So what is a birth chart? Your astrological birth chart is basically a snapshot of the sky at the time and location that you were born. So depending on where in the world you were born and the exact time, it's the picture of what's in the sky. It's kind of a map of all the planets, the sun, and the moon. So it's very important to be specific on the exact time that you were born, because every hour or two, your birth chart changes because the sky is moving – no, Earth is moving – and so the snapshot of the sky is moving. That's why you want to make sure you have the right time that you were born when you're getting your accurate birth chart reading. Side note: If you are Chinese, I know there's a superstition in Chinese culture because of feng shui and all this stuff, to never give your birth date/time details to anyone out there. This is why I don't want to post my exact birth chart or anything. But it's because we believe that, once someone knows your exact birth date, birth time, then they will know a lot about your fate and people can use it against you. So this is something that I personally – because my mom influenced me – I would personally want to keep it a little more secretive, so just letting you guys know. So how do you get your birth chart reading? There are plenty of websites where you can input this information into. CafΓ© Astrology is one, is another. And there are also a lot of mobile apps that you can use to get your birth chart. My favorite astrology app is Co-Star. That one is very modern and chic and it outlines your birth chart and all the details in a very clean way. So check those out - I'll link those down below. Now let's talk about the primal triad, which is your sun, your moon, and your ascendant. Sometimes, people also refer to the ascendant as your "rising" sign. These are the three more important signs, generally speaking, in your birth chart. So you might see other people who are really into astrology, they'll list all three signs, because all three are important, more than just listing your sun sign. Your sun sign just depends on the day you were born, in what season you were in. I was born in October, so I am a Libra. By the way, I have this journal where I've taken a lot of notes from the astrology book that I read, so I might refer to this every now and then. Generally speaking, your sun sign represents your ego, your personality, your self image. It is the core of who you are. Your moon sign represents your emotional self. Your moon is your sensitivity, your emotions, your feelings, your mood, your heart. Sometimes people relate more to their moon sign than their sun sign because your moon is your emotional self and so you feel more with that sign. And whatever sign you are in your moon, that is a clue to what will make you happy and what will make you feel fulfilled. So I am a Sagittarius moon and Sagittarius are all about adventure, exploring, trying new things, and I can really relate to that a lot of the time as well. Your ascendant or "rising" sign is essentially your mask to the world. It is how other people perceive you. Think of it as first impressions. Other people might see you in a certain way when they first meet you, and then when they get to know you, they realize, "Oh, you're really like a different kind of person." So your ascendant is how you appear to others. And just so you guys know, my rising sign is Gemini. By the way, to not make this video too long, I'm not going to go into the details of the meaning of each sign, each planet and all of that, because there are tons of resources online about that. I'm actually going to create a simple notes that you can read my blog post, just quick keywords and notes regarding each sign or planet or house. After you've gotten your birth chart, you can take note of your sign, your moon, and your rising sign. And then you can look at the notes I put on my blog post and see what each sign corresponds to. A way you can make sense of your primal triad signs is to put it into a sentence like this: "I am a __, with the soul of a __, wearing the mask of a __." Depending on your sign, you'll find the meaning and the archetype of your sign, and just plug in the words. For example, for me: I am an artist, with the soul of a Philosopher, wearing the mask of a Teacher. That's because an artist is what a Libra is, the Philosopher is an archetype of the Sagittarius moon, and the teacher is one of the archetypes for a Gemini. I hope that made sense and I hope that helped. So that was the basics. Are you ready to dive deeper? Let's go! Let's talk about the components of the birth chart. As I mentioned, there are 12 signs. These are what you've heard before – the Aries, Scorpio, Libra, Leo – all of those, I don't know them in order. And then there are ten planets, and by "planets", we also include the sun and the moon as planets even though they're not exactly planets – but "celestial bodies" is what I'm saying. Then there are 12 houses on the birth chart. Think of the 12 houses as a clock on the birth chart. There's literally 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 – all the way to 12. And each house represents a specific area of life. The different astrological signs correspond to different personalities, different characteristics. The planets correspond to different mind functions, mental functions, whether it's your ego, your communication, your thinking, your aggression, things like that. And then the houses represent the area of life, whether it's the house of personality, house of marriage, house of career, house of friends, house of troubles. It just goes on and on. Alright, so let's make sense of it all. When you're looking at a birth chart, you're going to see a circle graph with a bunch of planets scattered throughout the graph. And then you're going to see along the border of the circle, the different signs – there are 12 signs. And if you look in the middle, you'll see different notations for the numbers. Roman numerals will tell you whether it's first house, second house, third house, fourth house – all the houses. So, when looking at the birth chart, start with the planets. Look at the planets one by one. A planet tells you the What. Remember, the planet means the mental function, whether it's your communication, your aggression, or something else. The sign that it lands in tells you the How and the Why. The sign, remember, is the personality, the characteristic – and that will help you decipher the Wow and the Why of that mental function. And lastly: The house that planet is in tells you what are of life this is mostly happening in – Where's most of this activity going in? And that's the basics of it. It's not exactly easy or very intuitive. At first, you're going to have to practice understanding the birth chart and how the different planets and signs work together. And there's definitely more detail to reading a birth chart that I'm not going to go into in this video because it's too advanced and I barely understand it. But I hope that that gives you basic info on how to start deciphering what these planets and these signs and these houses really mean. How let's talk about the general shape of your birth chart because I feel like this is a pretty easy but very interesting way to look at it. When you're looking at your birth chart, you see a circle and then you see the horizontal line and a vertical line. If you have more planets aggregated in a certain area, it means something. If you have more planets on the upper hemisphere of your chart, then that is called "objectivity" and that means a lot of your life's battles, challenges, activity – a lot of your life moments and events are public, and your learning or growth will be on a public stage, a public scale. It'll be more outward. If you have more planets on the lower side, the southern hemisphere of your chart, then that is called "subjectivity" and that means most of your life's battles and challenges will be within. Upper hemisphere is public and lower hemisphere is private. Personally, my birth chart, I have a lot of planets in the lower, southern hemisphere, meaning that a lot of my life's battles and challenges are private, things that I have to go through internally, from within. And it might not make sense at first because you're like, "Wait, you're a YouTuber. Your life and career is so public." Yes, it's so public, but all of the big things that I have to go through seem to be me dealing with myself, my own insecurity, my confidence issues, things like that – your fears. It's basically saying most of your life's battles will be in here. So I just thought that was interesting because some people, their battles and challenges are really public and outward, and some are private. Another thing you can look at is whether your planets are falling to the left or right side of that graph, whether it's west or east. Left would be west, right would be east. Left side means freedom and the right side is fate. This is something that I don't understand completely, but I believe it means something like: If most of your planets are on the freedom side, that means your life is a blank slate and you have a bit more free will to take your life anywhere you want to take it. If more of your planets fall to the right side, which is the side of fate – the east side – then that means a lot of your life's situations are predetermined, if you believe in fate. But you still have the choice to be flexible and take it wherever you want. But it just means that a little bit more is predetermined. And if you have your planets on the left side of the circle, then that means your life is a blank slate and you're free to create it. My planets are actually more on the side of fate. I want to talk to a real astrologer to understand this concept a little more, but I just thought that was a little interesting, something that I wanted to share with you guys. Next, let's talk about lunar nodes because I think this is also really fun. If you look at your birth chart, you'll find this notation – there are two: one is a lunar south node and one is a lunar north node. Wherever that node is, the sign that it is in – the south node means that that is your past, that is who you used to be. It's where you've been. It's your karma, your karmic past. It's your instinctive, automatic behavior. It's who you are naturally. It's your comfort zone. It's your safe route. It's telling you where you've been, and then your lunar north node tells you where you should go if you want to have the most growth. Your south node and your north node are 180 degrees apart. They're literally across from each other on the birth chart, meaning that that is the most you can grow. You're just trying to stretch yourself to be the complete opposite of what you used to be. Your south tells you where you've been. Your north tells you where you should go, where you kind of have to grow towards. So look at the signs that are in your south node and the signs in your north node and it'll give you a clue on how you can become more like the north node sign, how you can grow in that direction and leave the south node personality behind because it's kind of like "been there, done that". If you want to grow, if you want something new, if you want a challenge, then you look to that north node. While we're here, let me check my birth chart because I forgot what my south and north nodes were. Side note: You might not always find both the south and the north node on your birth chart. Sometimes, like on mine, I only see the north node. Just look for the north node and know that your south node is directly across from the north node, it's 180 degrees. Oh my god, this is so interesting. I just looked up what my south and north node meant. You can Google that because I'm not an expert, but anyway: My south node is in Leo and my north node is in Aquarius, meaning Leo is my past – who I've been, been-there-done-that – and Aquarius is where I need to head to. Leo is the sign of the performer, the child and the king, the one that wants all the attention, all the love. And so I believe that, in my past, I lacked love from parents and I have that desire, that need for attention, which is partly why I started a YouTube channel and performing. And that is who I used to be, that is who I was as a child. Those were my holes, those were my wounds, needing attention. And Aquarius is a sign of individuality, of independence, of being weird and not caring about what other people think of you. You see how it's so different? Leo is the sign of wanting to be liked and wanting to be loved. And then Aquarius is the sign of "Who cares about all that? I'm just going to be myself." That is really my life path, I guess. I can totally already see how that's relevant in my life because I have to learn to be more like the Aquarius: Be myself and not care about what people think of me, not need love and attention from anyone else. Just give myself self love and that's it. Alright, I'm going to leave it at that, but I hope you guys liked that because I think this is super interesting. I can't believe I haven't made a video on astrology before. I think I used to think it was a little too weird, a little too left-field, but it's pretty mainstream now and it's pretty accepted. Anyway, if you have any questions, leave them down below. And I'm going to continue on this series, but if you have any other topics you want me to cover, let me know down below. Love you guys so much! Bye!
Channel: Lavendaire
Views: 8,461,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: astrology, astrology for beginners, how to read a birth chart, how to read birth chart astrology, astrology birth chart, natal chart, astrology basics, how to read natal chart, astrology chart, learn astrology, astrology lessons, birth chart, horoscope, zodiac, zodiac signs, beginner astrology, astrological chart, astrology signs, astrology planets, astrology houses, astrology meaning, astrology explained, moon sign, rising sign, tarot, libra, leo, aquarius, gemini, sagittarius
Id: EPUd7pQHKuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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