Astra Militarum vs Tyranids Warhammer 40k Battle Report Ep 107

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hello and welcome to another mini wargaming battle report today the tyranids try and assimilate the Astro militarum let's dive in to the [Music] game we play and call it work mini work gamings Warhammer 40K battle report and let's go over my, 1500 points of Astra militarum so I decided to take some something really fun which is humans because against the tyranid onslaught it is the humans that will have to stem the tide leading this Force I have a tank commander armed with a vanquisher battle Cannon last Cannon and two sponson multi meltar in the battle line section we have three squads of cadan shock troops armed with plasma guns and melag Guns as well then we have two basilisks in a basilisk artillery battery radar rain down shells upon the enemy a hellhound armed with a melter Cannon to really hit some of those big monsters hard a lemon Russ exterminator always makes it into my guard lists because of its awesome ability to make the rest of my guns have better armor piercing the big baddy of the list a storm blade armed with a Plasma Blast gun two twin heavy flamers and double last cannons and last but not least to score some points in the mission a couple of units of drop tempestous Scions let's see what the bugs have brought to the battle hello and welcome to this 1500 points of num nom goodness of the nids so if I'm bringing the nids I have to bring the Swarm Lord probably one of my favorite looking models in the game probably not the smartest choice but he's got four Swords he's swarm Lord how can you not love the Swarm Lord exactly the one and only bioengineered killing machine that sword swathing psychop Fant next we have two units of 10 garles for that Swift movement across the field I'm going to have to be careful of the minefields rule as well with that then we've got 10 hormons just to rip across the board and I did just go for big monsters in this list because why not so I've got two Exar for providing heavy fire which is going to be needed against all these tanks I've got a norm assimilator a norn assimilator sorry a norn Emissary a piore two Ripper swarms and a biovore as well that is my entire list 1500 points on the snots I love that snotty goodness let's dive into the game today we are playing our Prime R sights of power the objectives in no man's land can be empowered to score more primary points as the game goes on we are playing Search and Destroy meaning that both forces will be head-to-head across from each other and will have to move into the battlefield to take advantage of the flanks our special rule minefields means that if we roll a six on an advanced roll we will suffer a mortal wound meaning that that quick movement through the battlefield might prove fatal the score of course will be held on one of these awesome scoreboards printed at the mini wargaming you can get one with any logo and any dice if you want as well but it's going to keep track of the score that's the scoreboard so Ben and I going to roll for attacker and Defender winner uh chooses oh it's a draw all rolled again at two how about two four would you like to attack or defend Defender picks their deployment Zone and starts deploying first I will go Defender and what side would you like I'm going to go I'm going to go this side oh he wants that side okay so with that we'll come back after deployment folks and here we are after deployment the astrom of the have decided to deploy in a defensive formation as they tend to do it's actually really cool even even though it's like relatively open there's actually quite a lot of terrain on the board like and there's ups and downs and you know cover to use and a big thing in the middle that the tyranid will definitely use to mask their advance I put my big ban blady tank here Guardsman Guardsman hellhound exterminator my tank commander who is a grand strategist we can give two orders per turn that's his enhancement and then I do have a basisk a basisk and another unit of Guardsman with two units of Scions tucked away in strateg in deep strike Reserve let's see what the tyrers have done all right so we have big old Messa bugs which is just lovely to see so we got the two Exane at the back here that are going to hopefully provide some form of fire power across both sides of the table I've been quite aggressive with my Approach because that's just what NS do they don't really think they the norns are just standing out the open CH they're not characters which is interesting so they can't Empower but they can pick object Ives and be very hard to kill next to them exactly and that's not good for me so we've got yet the two norn twins here we've got some hormons to rush up the board as soon as possible we have then got swarmy backing them up he's the only character he is my tank commander is the only character it's going to be an interesting fight for this sights of power then we've got the blob of gargo who are going to then just give me a lot of maneuverability and then this is a so just protecting this objective and then we've got the biovore here as well and the Ripper swarms are currently in deep strike I love it with that let's see who goes first okay big roll see who goes first we are both playing tactical Mission cards are you ready Ben look at you flexing flexing out the six oh yeah how's that feel yeah good okay I've got some so with that let's go into turn number one my two cards today or round one they're like let's go tempting Target hold an objective of No Man's Land the Ben is going to pick and arid denal get into the middle of the board and clear it of enemies so that'll be cool which one are you picking for my tempting Target that one I feel there is Shenanigans a foot here voice oh my good okay so with that now we go into my command phase I have two orders to give to my tank commander you can order Squadron units so he's going to go ahead and order oh my goodness it's going to be hilarious I think I might just give him to take cover so he gets plus one save just to try keep him alive good luck we'll see um and then he's going to order the hellhound to get plus three inches of movement yeah move move move let's go turn number one we each get a command point to get started I've got my secondaries underway okay very exciting stuff so your know ersary is going to pick this middle objective correct to do its special thing it's singular purpose yep so it gets 15 objective control and a four up FAL pain next to the middle objective there five up five up I wish it was four it's oh it's only a it's only a five up okay and then over here you have your assimilator who's going to single-minded purpose yep that's is that the name of the singular purpose is singular purpose ah yes see I remember these things on my tank commander what what did my tank commander ever do to you yet I was going to say we'll find it we'll find it he hasn't done it okay yet so take a look at the guard we'll come back off to the movement phase we also forgot to mention because you're playing The Invasion swarm you have a hyper adaptation which one did you pick hyperaggression so that's going to give me lethal hits whenever I attack monsters or Vehicles well I wonder why oh yeah after the movement phase we had our first casualty to the minefields I rolled a six on an advance and one of them blew up of course it's the first time I've really seen that army that rule come into play so quickly that was hilarious uh that just trundled forward 6 in forward uh 9 in forward the hellhound move up to get my a denial and attempting Target but does provide a springboard for a lot of these tranity bug goodness uh the Exterminator moved back a little bit the tank commander just made sure he's holding that objective just in case those Guardsmen all die the bass lisks back here just holding the line ready to just shoot a lot and then these Guardsmen just moving up the flank getting in their little guns in range of the aorn assimilator before it starts flipping tanks over so with that let's go into the shooting phase we have some bugs to kill we're going to start off the battle with the ex lemon rust exterminator cuz he has been called to deal with a bug problem and he's going to start shooting at some hormon so his autoc Cannon heavy bolters uh stubber into them and then the hunter killer will go into your norn assimilator the big close comedy one okay three heavy bolts into the homog gones hitting on fours nice I got one sustained hit very good toughness three so three is wound so that would be three at AP1 six up save two will go through yep two damage each po that's eight homs remaining correct nice heavy stubber three shots cuz I'm just out of uh RAB fire range miss miss miss and then the Exterminator four eight shots hitting on fours rapid fire but also twin link probably should have shot the norn with this cuz it's three damage each but that's okay two and linked just one one at AP1 six yeah take that three damage hit oh my God now because I hit them uh I'm also going to shoot the hunter killer hunter killer missile at your big guy mhm okay hunter killer hits on Force ah missed oh of course sad so now we're going to go ahead and pick one of the units that got hit by the Exterminator basically autoc Cannon and they suffer minus one to their saves well basically all my guns get plus one AP against that unit which is really cool so I am going to go ahead and pick the hormon yeah yeah we're going to do some kadan Shock troops they're going to shoot plasma gun they're just going to shoot everything of the hor guns whatever it's just a bunch of guns eight Long Range Guns so that's seven rifles and one plasma good last rifles hitting on fours yeah and wounding on fours but because of my exterminator ooh three at AP1 coolest last guns in all of the land sixes again two more will go down and then the plasma gun o hits does not wound sad so we're going to go ahead with this basisk he's going to go ahead and shoot uh stubbor and big gun into there and then we're going to go hunter kill into your norn assimilator so let's do the hunter killer first let's set the stage oh that's a lethal hit cuz I didn't move it just automatically wounds you go hunter killer yeah how many ap3 five up five up save ooh that's going to be D6 damage roll to four okay so four damage go through to the norn assimilator from a lucky hunter killer shot and now we got the rest of the guns I've got the stubber shooting into some hormon hitting on fours oh one lethal H yeah but it's AP1 as well because my exterminator pick that Target so it's a but you are in cover though six so yeah so this is the horon SI oh six bounced off the six and now an A big the big battle cannon from the let's go basilisk both sh a cannon D6 plus three shots that's six shots also at five so Bloss gives me plus one so seven shots I can see the target which allows me to hit on threes cuz I'm heavy a yay and twos two wounds AT AP an additional plus one so with ap2 plus the Exterminator even with cover it just kills the the three yeah there's one left e what a sneaky little guy okay so next we're going to shoot the hellhound the hellhound is going to shoot everything into this norn simulator cuz my tank command is important to me and it's looking at my tank commander with those beady eyes num melta Cannon melt multi Mela and hunter killer missile into the norn assimilator so U melta Cannon's D3 shots so I get two shots there two shots from the multi melow they're essentially the exact same Prof file except for the melta cannon has melta 4 instead of melta 2 uh but I'm outside of 9 in so I won't get the melta rule anyway so hitting on fours nice do you have uh what's your toughness 11 so I need fives to wound cuz I only strength nine and no wounds H to kill a missile Force missed as well useless but I did I did hit you with the hellhound so now now you will not gain the benefit of cover on the norn so it just means anything else that shoots you no cover cool so we're going to continue to move across to things that do not have a choice these Guardsmen over here are within 24 in of the norn that I've been shooting so they're just going to shoot a plasma gun and seven Las guns I'm going to overcharge the plasma gun yes yes does he hit no does he blow himself up he does not yeah good job seven little lasun shots oh yeah baby nothing also because uh my cadan shock troops were on this objective it is now stickied they sticky objectives and now we go to the tank commander the tank commander is going to go ahead and shoot both multi meltas and a vanquisher cannon at your norn assimilator mhm the hunter killer missile will go there as well the heavy stubber and the heavy Bolter that he's armed with because I couldn't find the last Cannon are going to shoot into your lone horag so mean yep he deserves to die let's do the uh heavy stubber into your hor go fours to hit ooh fancy and a no no not so Fancy no no I was going to say no oh yeah got one hit wounds but it's ap2 because of my exterminator can't save it uh you do get cover though six cuz I am shooting across all this stuff you Su my battleship you're dead hooray tank commander gets the kill gets the medal for the kill and all the other Guardsman did work go into igny is that how that is that yeah not infamy igny good okay time for the big tank commander guns let's go the best gun in all the land the H killer missile hits oh my goodness it is strength 14 needs a three t yeah ap3 with no cover okay so okay go hunter kill a missile five up five up save oh TS it t it force field zenos zenos filth double multi meltar over here hitting on Force okay he's he's went to Gunnery school and meeting fives though oh that's one at ap4 ignore cover six up use that one last time yeah good job good job it's going to be D6 roll the one roll the one oh no I'm going to hold on to just that one I could roll it but I'm not going to Vanquish a cannon into the norn assimilated needing a four to hit a three boom predicted missed and that is my tank commander the next artillery battery ranged in already by the tank commander is going to open up so I'm going to go ahead and shoot the bassless cannon at your biovore a yeah I hope You' not seen it the hunter killer missile is going to go for your norn as well okay so let's do the Hun killer missile first from y allo wounds and there these basilisks have done work today excellent come on take another invulnerable save please and thank you on the same assimilator yeah D6 damage big six big six oh no off the table count as a one no I'm fine with that come on two ah yes a good chunk of damage there actually the Vanquish Cannon is six plus D6 damage if it goes through so it's pretty spicy damn if it hits you hard sriracha sauce on the Bor is back here oh let's go D6 plus three for six shots no blast here needing threes to hit because I got plus one but minus one cuz you are out of line of sight so four is to hit two automatic wounds okay and and one that I'm thinking needs not not a one okay okay you will survive cuz you have five wounds on him right yes AP it will not kill him ap2 but you are the benefit of cover so it's usually threes so oh no okay that'll be four damage well the bore lived but I knew that he was there he has to die and now the moment you've all been waiting for folks it's ban blade time B blade time being that my target has been this norn assimilator I'm just going to shoot everything at it last time Matthew played his norn Emissary against me it was annoying so I want to kill it I want to kill it fast okay so after I've just selected my targets you're going to use a command Point yes rapid regeneration so it's going to give this guy a little bit more durability he's going to get a five up fail no pin cuz he's within range of the synaptic the norn is also a synapse creature so five up feel no pain and I am going to get my storm blade to overcharge its Plasma Blast gun and it gets roll hit rolls within half range this going to be exciting D6 plus three bow six shots hits on fours with r [Applause] rolls okay four hits It's only strength 10 however so needing fives to wound one save at ap3 okay so five up a hazardous roll for the tank he's okay he events the plasma two last cannons needing fours to hit o they both Miss why and the hunter killer missile but for some reason he's also equipped with h hits doesn't Auto wound though so need three to wound does wound okay woo that almost didn't want to be a three save a buddy old pal what are you doing to me love it come on survive and the stubbor because it does have a stubbor missed how dare you miss where's Lord leontis to give you plus one to hit when you need him well well well that is the end of my turn you have survived relatively unscathed lost the hormigon the norn simulator has taken some damage but with that let's go to the scoreboard as we move into the end of the turn you did spend your command point I still have mine however I do get attempting Target and aronov for 10 primary points uh 10 secondaries not primaries what am I doing here I've been playing this game long enough I should know better there we go but uh I also killed because we're playing Luca rules I'm just going to call it Luca rules now instead of the 10 points for painted we play you get one point for killing you get two points for killing something in the first battle round you get four points for killing the enemy warlord and you get three points for having a unit behind your Enemy Lines at the end of the game as the tertiary objectives instead so I did Kill the hormon which gives me two points there and with that we go into tyranid turn number one you get two command uh I get two command points you have swarm Lord which will give you two command points let's see what cards you get okay so overwhelming Force I am going to have to take out at least two of your guys on an objective so I can see some targets I could definitely hit the second one though the capture any Outpost that is going to be quite tricky it is worth eight points though so it's going to be a juicy one and that is going to be taking the hill right here the bridge yeah yeah that bridge quite literally a tactical Bridge yeah well you've got your turn you have like an idea of what you want to do and um we'll come back off to the movement phase cuz you do have a lot of bugs to move up I um you're going to try kill a hellhound to at least get some points maybe some Guardsmen to get some more points it's going be pretty much impossible for you to get to this hill over here yeah um but you know it's not you can always try improbable yeah so with that let's go onto the I wish I wish I could still OverWatch with Titanic cuz I have heavy flamers on this thing I just want you to get close and get roasted on my twin heavy flavors that would be so much fun I would love this that would be great bugs on a stick I can taste the ior and uh with that movement face Come on B what are you doing what are you doing buddy let's go let's go you're making me laugh too much this is too fun this is too fun okay okay so gargoyles have all pushed forward I did lose one to did to a Minefield he blew up of course one for one one for one an eye for an eye an ey for an eye so I've aggressively pushed these guys up here to just deal out as much damage as I can they have got the assault key word so that's why I advanc them so they're still going to be able to shoot and then pull back a little bit I had to move both of the exra cranes to give them line of sight because I positioned them quite defensively in that first turn which did work out quite well but now they have moved so they're going to be uh not hitting as as accurately unfortunately but better don't have them out I have moved this Trio of Carnage forward to contest that middle objective and that is going to be fun I think uh some things are going to pop and that is pretty much it that is all my movement really parore and biovore didn't really move much nope they're going to Abba it up pop po yeah so this unit of gargoyles are going to make use of their hits on vehicles and monsters so they're going to be hitting that with lethal hits nine shots hitting on for one sixes so one at what AP zero oh cool save he's okay next unit of 10 I think I'm just going to fire into the there's no point soften that up I think I'm just going to fire into the ban blade again the storm blade stor blade it is not a ban blade please actually As I push up my glasses well actually it's a storm bread yeah I don't know what pattern it is but someone in chat could tell me exactly what pattern of storm blade this is and I would appreciate that as the Tread Head that I am I like it ready so we're looking for Sexes here ooh that's a couple of sixes and then sixes one two more that's five saves from gargoyles on a super heavy what is this madness oh look you save them all he's fine he's fine but you know chip damage will be the difference between it living and dying however you do get 6-in moves with the Gargoyles if you so wish okay first X scen is going to shoot into these boys over here you've changed targets all of a sudden yeah well what did they ever do to you nothing yet that's true nothing yet so D6 plus three blast so that's going to be four plus 37 and I only have nine in that unit so it's plus one so you get eight shots let's go free to hit oh oh dear okay um he needs to go back to Matthew Matthew okay if you watch this which I know you won't why are your extra cream so Bing no I'm just kidding what happened that is bad I think they're just angry that they're not red anymore they're green now so being green they haven't matured yet actually mellow they're not ripened that's my theory and I'm sticking to it yeah I think it's a good theory banana and if you agree with this Theory leave a comment down below so this is going to be strength it versus toughest three so oh what's the what's the AP on this minus three okay so five up save goes to cover goes to you killed a dude look at that congratulations thank you extra cream okay 50 point unit 700 Point Unit actually doesn't matter how many points this is this is terrible you killed a single Guardsman so wait you haven't learned your lesson yet no apparently not apparently not sex cre now wants to shoot yeah this Guardsman unit no oh no as he said with an inflection in his voice this unit yes this this one yes correct okay the one closer to my objective correct so D6 so one do I rule that plus as a reminder you did say you wanted the two command points to flip my tanks over in combat better yeah just just saying if I get this though that could potentially kill that unit which is kind of needed for my side oh no but well it's near the objective so I'm going to command rule this okay6 okay oh okay add four to that I'll do psychological warfare everybody okay it's great fun so hitting on threes okay not bad won't kill the unit but much better you still have a norn with brain bullets yeah that's I'm looking forward to doing okay twos TW oh come on four of them go down that will keep a few of them alive one 2 3 4 next we have an assimilator he is oh by the way we I did we roll it off camera we you took a battleshock test I did with three Dice and rolled two twos in a one mhm which battles shocked your norn yeah uh-oh oh dear that makes me sad not really kind of but not really okay right so two attacks yep on the hell hind is it hell hound y so hitting on twos nice both go through strength 12 yeah three to wound ooh is it devastating wounds it is not but it's now harpooned so after the bear has shot this weapon select one enemy monster or vehicle hit by one or more of those attacks until the end of that turn each time the bear selects this unit I can add two to my charge roll nice so you get closer to it what's the AP on these AP minus three what I get six UPS oh r action Priceless by the way you can buy these scar dice over on no I'm not it at all okay okay so the norn Emissary is going to take out these he's going to attempt to take out these guys with his neur I like how you shifted your tone there yeah cuz I mean I've seen I've rolled Soo far so 2d6 yep so is it blast it is so I only have over five now okay so you get plus one there very cool ballistic skill two Yeah couple misses of course of course so shrink six that's five of them yep at ap2 mhm okay I got a couple of that have cover and a couple that don't so I'm going to start with the folks that have some cover and then I'm going to go there's three that have cover three that are very much in the open so we start with three six UPS oh you got he needs to you need a Zen moment moment let's do it again no okay three so he had cover dead he had cover dead and he had cover dead okay everybody else was in the open right swarm Lo has a cool synaptic pulse yeah son optic PSE so D6 plus three o of course there's my six wow nicely rolled you're shooting into the hellhound yeah nice so it's a torrent mhm nice so three of them mhm and what's the four of them oh four of them sorry see that AP minus one damage to four UPS one goes through two damage on the hellhound so now we've got a bore shooting mhm where is he going to shoot he's going to shoot into these boys hopefully hopefully taking them up we shall see yep D3 that's three that's good just three shots yep it is blast but you've got three guys left so it's going to be ballistic skill four indirect fire yep yep gets one okay that's going to be strength six against two so there we go what's the AP on this AP minus one so ignore with the cover nope one more goes down poor little Sergeant quite enough actually you know what I'm going to do I'm going to show you a cool little trick folks he's going to die it doesn't actually matter in this case because this is not a character if it was a character what I would want to do is kill him keep them out of coherency kill the last model in the squad and then automatically spend 2 CP to reinforcements them next turn so I could orchestrated their death but this is not a character that's a sergeant so that won't happen cuz I'll do this then one of them dies and then he's in coherency with himself so then he would stay alive I am fully clear correct by myself yeah right so so I will kill the sergeant instead so we're going to do some charges here M where are you charging it's risky but I'm going to say send the assimilator over to deal with this here I should have killed that plasma gun yeah then these two are going to take care of the the hell or so you think no you will you definely yeah I think swarm by himself would just eat the the hell hound um okay so let's go with the big charge first yep big charge big money oh 10 will he make it with a 10 should have measured the four but I'm pretty sure you within 11 just measure up to 11 and then yeah 10's right here he comes in he's like hi boys let's go uhoh he kills that tree sure I like yeah he's big monster kills the tree now we have another one which one first uh let's go with the big boy the nor 6 in that should be enough yep mhm however that might block the Swarm Lord I was just thinking the same thing uhoh swarmlord's going to need a big charge to get around now now oh in might not be enough I don't think so yeah sadly but surely but if we do it the other way around let's see will the back of his base pass this here he needed 6 in up there so the back of his base will it move past him yeah so let's do say you charge the Swarm Lord in first then you charge him cuz you know yeah we're all friends the assimilator is going to fight first he's only got six Ms left is that on his a lower bracket uh no one to five nice still still hitting still hitting at maximum potential so monstr sizing Talent yep six attacks hitting on two three so two two SWS AT AP minus two you got them yeah and that's when I'll spend my two common points for reinforcements that Squad will be back next turn and would you like to consolidate in any direction I'll consolidate over towards if you consolidate you have to get into Base to Base with him does that mean uh it means I would get to attack you and then when I shoot next turn I would suffer the minus uh for shooting go for it go for it yeah like that that also means you can't shoot into me is that I can still Yes monsters can always be shot at in combat as it's just a minus one to hit them cool well something something's better than nothing nice bone Sabers twin link it attacks hitting on to from oh three Auto wounds okay swarmlord's just really excited about yep three Auto wounds and what's the strength strength nine okay so I believe that's on toughness 10 so you need fives with rolls cuz you are twin linked twin link roll M only three what's the AP three ones H AP minus two oh so I get five up saves here nope how much damage each three damage it does boom uh so far so good does he explode deadly the he does yes go hellhound full of gasoline dead yay yay fantastic that's what I want well well well hellhound is deadly demise D6 okay good talk everybody let's Okay so on my ban blade and by banade I mean stormhammer of course three wounds on my Leman rust exterminator Five Wounds on your norn assimilator with only six wounds remaining a six big six two big six yeah big six does my fail no pain work against this uh is he does he have a f b he does against Mortal WS oh it does no all right don't do it four UPS four UPS get out of here oh my goodness he takes one blast it haha he was reading the norn Emissary rules the norn assimilator does not have that it is very dead it is does he deadly demise now let's do it let's do it come on come on a so close no chain reactions here oh my goodness good job hell hound good job that was great okay okay now we do the Swarm Lord swarm Lord takes come on big six let's go yes willingness into existence this is incredible just nothing I can do does he have a feel open B nope no nope so he is taking one H 12 mortal okay okay okay another one let's do three three for three this is the fa no big six again a four only okay well this one gets fa no yes he does okay I'm okay with you taking one okay I take three okay because you did roll six and failed one you know what I mean like that was technically on him if that makes sense so you could take one moral WS cuz we did mess that up and you did roll really well in that first roll so let's not waste that first roll I appreciate that I appreciate that considering Ela did six well I think that was well worth the sacrifice MH it was just primed with explosives and this was a very long clip but that was awesome well with those fireworks we end your first turn um any comments I'm going to zoom into your face stop rolling sexist place for everything well that's good okay let's go to the scoreboard to the scoreboard you do get uh two units you killed the Guardsman and the hellhound so that will give you five points for overwhelming force and you do have capture any new Outpost which you can keep or you can throw away I am probably going to throw that away yep that is a good idea cuz you if not you get card locked and it's terrible um that would normally give you a command point but because swarm lord gave you a command Point already you do not get an additional command point on top of that so you do up to five secondary points there's been a lot of fireworks as we move on to battle round number two men we order you to extend battle lines and bring down the creatures that assail our positions bring it down extend battle lines taking objectives and killing monsters seems about right well I don't have any battles shocks to make in the battles shock phase but now Ben's going to make me take my shadow and the warp tests oh okay so every unit in my Army will now have to take a battle shock test now it's not really going to change how many primary I scored which is three points on primary mhm because of the fact that I hold that uh because of my cadan troops but it means it limits my access to strategems and all that good stuff it also after my tank commander has given plus one ballistic skill to my exterminator and plus one ballistic skill to this um to this uh um Earth Shaker actually no plus three no yeah plus one ballistic skill here it also means if they battle shock they don't get to benefit from their order so that's going to be um spicy as well leadership s tank commander oh he holds there's no neurot Tyrant on the field no okay then we got a tank he's okay he follows his Leader's example very nice let's do these Kaden Shar trcks yeah they're okay as well with an eight so the back around the tank commander they holding the line they're feeling safe let's do this bass down here oh he will be battles shocked good thing I didn't give him an order battle shocked on him then we go into the Exterminator Hold the Line oh he's a little rattled he's a little rattled he definitely rattled okay now the big tank big tank says oh he's rattles as well yes the last unit I have on the field they are completely cool that's because kadia does not does does stand stand yeah yeah I was thinking cetra does not kneel and I kind of mixed both it's fine it's fine it's fine yeah you know what and this turn I'm just going to stay still with most of my stuff and we're going to shoot and try kill some bugs y well there we have it we'll come back off to the movement phase I'm probably going to move the Guardsman around I might move the tank commander around just to try and like start pushing up into the middle middle at some point but I think he's going to stay still for one turn just to make his shooting a little bit more better yeah they're going love when your brain does like thank you for good word better that's it it's the only word I could think of I'm talking faster than my brain can keep up but I knew what I wanted to say uh with that AST the time turn two well I finished my movement phase I did want to make sure I remember to say I did spend my two command points on reinforcement so battle round two I get a command point you get one so you're up to three now and I do go up to three on the primary because I didn't Empower any of the objectives in no man's land and then over here what we have our Guardsmen have moved up ready to tackle some of these gargoyles my SS have come down over here ready to tackle those gargoyles these reinforcements have come in ready to tackle some gargoyles battle shocked and battle shocked I'm staying still to at least get my lethal hits and then everything else is essentially staying still on this flank over here we had the Guardsman essentially run up they had to run CU they were just out of 9 in of that objective to hold it they didn't explode with minefields and then the other sign unit has come down here with his melted gun plasma gun ready to try and take on the Swarm Lord fantastic yeah let's go actually it was I just have to say thank you to the dedication and the sacrifice of the hellhound thanks to who uh I think we shall call him Benny oh course cool cool we will begin with these Scions that have dropped down shooting it to the nine strong Squad of gargoyles so here we go we've got a one two hot shot Las guns very cool very cool hitting on threes they do roll hit rolls because you are in range of an objective nice and they are strength three so four is to wound ooh three wound at AP1 please oh they have a six up however you do have a few in cover so if you want to put it on the cover guys yeah at least three of them in cover back there okay so this cover so sixes two of them we'll go down know they're kind of mixed in but we know what's going we know we know we have a bolt pistol he's equipped with a bolt pistol no Mark a Dave here misses does he does he roll he does does he hit on a on wound on a three he does no AP on this though save no he kills one more cargo PL let's see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 rapid fire plasma gun ooh three rolls yeah and twos two more dead gargoyles there are four gargoyles remaining one melt gun misses hits melts a gaun well they have done shooting so now we're going to go to the other unit on that side of the board and we flipped the camera angle just to make you dizzy there we go and now we're going to shoot at swarmlord cuz he seems like a prime target for some hot shot last guns yeah hot shot last guns I going to play rapid regeneration ah boo yay okay so you that is one command Point yep one command point and that's going to give me five up F no pants yes cuz you are a synaptic so that's one go down to two command points left let's go for hot shot last guns hitting on threes you are in range of an objective marker so rolls and wounding on sixes nothing type of roll in there well you know I did roll a 50,000 sixes it's just it's going to average equaling it's equaling Super Bowl pistol from the sergeant hits needs a six oh that wanted to be a six too I'm going to overcharge the plasma gun yes oh oh come on come on AIM true does he blow himself up no and then the Mel gun hit ooh it wounds that's the important one yep invulnerable save on the Swarm Lord oh he's okay just bounces off harmlessly so we're going to go ahead and start with this unit of Guardsman they're going to use a strategy for a command Point um and maybe maybe they will maybe they won't I don't really want to cuz I want my strateg for reinforcements so I can just bring constant reinforcements into the battlefield so I'm I'm going to shoot them into this unit mhm yeah I'm not going to shoot into them I'm going to go ahead and start with this big tank might as well let's have some fun big tank is going to do all of its heavy flamers into this unit of gargoyles two last cannons and Mega Blast cannon into the Swarm Lord the two heavy flamers into the Gargoyles 2d6 hits six hits needing threes to wound but they are twin LED I kill four four of them go down he's trying very hard not to damage Matthew's models I'm being very careful he is being very careful which is very nice of him I wouldn't treat them that way cuz they're all zenos scum anyway I'm not serious Matthew I treat your models with respect okay then we have two last cannons into swarm Lord hitting on I believe fours one hit needing not to one and then Mega Blast Cannon D6 plus 3 blast oh yeah eight shots and I'm definitely overcharging uh that's just going to happen definitely want those amazing amazing damage four super blast gunshots okay hitting on fours cuz it's not heavy but because you're within half range I roll hit rolls and I didn't move so I get lethal hits nice okay one I'm just going to roll over this again looking for six sixes baby ah only two Auto wounds and your toughness is 10 okay four UPS to wound nope just two from the Plasma Blast gun okay so that's going to go to my invulnerable two invols four up four up saves oh no he's good he takes four damage you could use a command Point roll here to roll a save if you so wish yeah yeah I will nice roll save yeah he's good goes down to one Comm on point remaining it good roll well swarm Lord you're proving to be a tougher bug to squash than I thought right been drinking all protein good it is now time for tank commander done done done we did talk about it about how my big vanquisher gun has more damage for all of you internet keyboard Warriors that have said that I baited out a roll but uh we did talk about it and Ben wanted to keep the roll there I said you can keep it for him and he's like no so okay the heavy Bolter though and the stubber are going to go into gar coils back here so we'll do the stubber first one Auto wound and two at ap0 so two saves on them shooting through stuff gives cover five UPS two more gargo go down and then we'll do the heavy Bolter oh missed and then we'll go ahead and do some multimelta SL vanquisher Cannon goodness so multi meltar time four shots oh he hit three times he needs fives to wound though die monster die no now it all comes down to the vanquisher cannon it's the Cinematic moment we've all been waiting for does he hit he oo wounds oh no yes it's up to you to take the save now done does he need oh oh take it on the chest a swarm Lord being a boss I love it awesome L okay with other shooting we've got some other Guardsmen over here I think I have a plasma gun that might overcharge into swarm Lord over there and everybody else is going to shoot into those guards those gargoyles I was going to say Guardsmen that's definitely not you can do that if you want no our je to the culton they just shoot their friends they've been working for the hive mind the whole time excellent so we've got one plasma gun overcharging into swarmlord long range plasma gun from the reinforcements he hits very nice very nice needs a five yeah take an invulnerable save Mr swarm Lord against a guard man that force field around him so strong do I kill myself no okay and then everybody else into gargoyles melted gun hits kills a gargoyle seven L guns and a pistol walked into a bar ouch six hits eh they wound on fours that's four saves I am shooting through covers so you do get your five UPS so I haven't used any of my crazy Shenanigans as of yet four dice four dice okay so here oh I got them good job reinforcements dead exterminator time so I'm going to shoot into swarm Lord just with my just with everything as well stubber heavy bolters the whole n yards cuz these guys want to charge on and take that objective away from you and just be in a position so let's do some heavy bolters first normally he would had plus one ballista skill but he battles shooked at the wrong time well well okay uh Force oh look at that yeah good roll buddy that's four lethals and four sustained cuz they're heavy Boulders needing sixes to them because you're tough is 10 yeah take five AT AP only one to get three UPS there Mr swarmy oh oh my goodness gracious who that's a STK contrast apparently force field does not mean armor takes a tank shot to the chest and it holders well well um that'll be eight damage please eight five up F no pains thanks to Rapid regeneration oo a decent roll but not enough as the Swarm Lord might deadly demise no he does not okay I wanted him to blow up on his nor he his own person okay good swarm Lord gone no more characters means no empowering objectives so we're now on even footing when it comes to scoring and we still have a very nasty Gorn to get rid of and the Terminator has squashed the big bug he earned his pay so I'm going to shoot them into your exocore I've got a plasma gun and 1 two 3 four five bolters that can reach and by bolters I mean last guns they definitely don't have bolters I am going to overcharge this plasma gun though he missed does he kill himself no okay it was the opposite he rolled a four and a one but the wrong way round five little ass guns two hits on sixes ooh one save on your exor cream please three up ha flashlight yeah good job uh this basilisk that has a plus one ballistic skill and I'm going to shoot actually I'm going to shoot the non- ballistic skill one that is Battle shocked I'm going to shoot at your Biore that's back there that I've been shooting D6 plus 3 I think yeah nine shots and three fours goes to threes goes back to fours that'll be two lethal hits and one so three saves please so I have at ap2 but it's only AP1 four UPS four UPS come on ooh that will get him bore goes down and last but not least the one that did have the order cuz he's not battles shocked shooting at the pyrovore that's right let's go he's back there let's try get him out of here o eight shots for anybody who doesn't know how this works the order gives you plus one ballistic skill which will then increase his ballistic skill to a a three plus because of heavy then you can also apply the plus one to hit to a two plus but he is shooting indirectly so he does go back down to threes now if you had a scout Sentinel spotting he would ignore the minus one to hit penalty from Adine sight shooting which can make guard artillery incredibly um accurate uh so he does hit a couple of times only strength eight against toughness six on threes so that would be five at ap2 but you are in cover which uh means you get only minus one four ups and that would be oo t damage in total as the artillery ranges in on the support bugs and on this side of the table we're going to do a charge Guardsman charge they did it they're in let's go hopefully I can kill them and uh they don't rapidly regenerate because that would uh that' be nice for me be very good for you yeah well Bor are one of the best units in the game so then I need to try and kill them and the Guardsmen so I have 1 2 3 4 5 six seven little Guardsmen that are going to jump in with their just their bayonets hitting on fours two hits wounding on Force One wound and then I've got the sergeant after that no AP on this up I do kill one of the Gargoyles three attacks from the chain sword hitting on fours yeah okay okay wounding on Force ah he failed both no I well you get to fight me back sir you ready for this 100% ready for this so one attacks each okay and four up one hit one hit strength three tough three four up four I have a five up save though Flack armor no one dice yay I actually killed one of your guys dead that is the end of the astrit arm turn after the massive explosion from the hellhound following it up taking down the Swarm Lord um and the supporting elements still have the exor in play still have the norn Emissary who's very hard to take down and these gargoyles might prove more of a nuisance than a not but with that let's dive in to the scoreboard swarm Lord was 10 wounds so I get two three and I'm playing tactical four so four points for swarm Lords and I do control my home objective and one more in no man's land for another five that's nine points in total for my secondaries bring me up to 19 and swarmlord was the warlord giving me four points on my tertiaries as well and with that we move on to battle round or bottom of two the tyranids get a command point swarmlord is dead so no additional command points from there I get a command Point Let's see the cards okay so I drew secondary Mission area of denial and deploy teleport homers that's there's some pretty good ones yeah you have your rippers so they should be able to come down yeah let's see what the tyranids can do is move into this next turn before the movement phase let's take a look at what the tets have to play with we have two gargoyles we have a norn Emissary we have double xoren and swarms in deep strike so we'll come back after you've done stuff before we get going you do have a use of a strategy I do and the Swarm one Comm on point bring you down to zero and you bring back how many D3 plus three ooh you bring back o nice five of the gargo show up back you come uh what's their OC by the way it is I will just I think they're oc2 because they're battle line that means because that happens before you score which does mean you will take this objective back and you have that objective there which does give you six points and that objective nine points on primary spicy so with that you do get nine points on primary for three objectives being held and you've got some good secondaries end of the moving phase what did you end up doing not a great deal yep stay still stayed still stay still stay still moved as far as I could forward to still hold that objective you're going to charge in and we measured it you can still be within range and fight me in combat mhm you did bring one River swarm to get you Airy denial over here and I left a little Gap in my deployment Zone which we found and the squad of rippers is going to press teleport Homer buttons well that makes me sad but that's okay so let's that's fine let's go to the shoo feels Fair okay shooting phase first exen first exen is going into this making making use of the lethal hits that I do have very nice very nice and I might spend a CP I'm making that five up instead of that's F just fight phase only y so shooting D6 plus three so D6 plus three come on oh nice good eight shots the skill three but because he's heavy he stayed still he's going to be twos nicely done ooh no re rolls there sadly versus toughness more uh y five oh couple of hits nicely done it is ap3 it is inde I am covered with a two plus armor save so that would be a uh three goes to two four up save okay oh one goes through that's three damage bring me down to Five Wounds remaining okay and now we've got the other exra green can get a bead all the way down here through all this cover shoot into the lemon Russ's well D6 plus three six shots this time aing twos oh three lethal hits oh no and that three needing fives to wound oh what a good shot okay four UPS so you ready you ready yep you ready come on exterminator tank takes three more damage he's down at two remaining the norn does have some shooting so he might be not long for this world the psychic tendal neural Lanos is hitting onto into the tank which of course I one hit dun dun dun you have no CP so not that just stays stength 12 yep oh it doesn't wound I'm toughness 12 on a Leman Russ my lied it's toughness 11 that definitely that definitely wounded um what's the AP on this AP minus three okay will it go through H the emperor protects fou xenos Beast It is charging time the nor jumping into my storms storm thingy it's all good yep staying on that objective but basing me here okay I can't OverWatch you I wish I could first round of attacks y this is hitting on twos and that's a lethal hit yep that's nothing I can do there those go through I am toughness 13 on this big tank fives ooh that's three in total mhm that's AP minus two okay what's the damage on these the S flat three oh very nice so one goes through three damage one oh come on sorry but not sorry sorry the other four tacks so it's hitting on twos three hits awesome strength seven okay that do these are AP two minus two damage two two AP two okay so two one more goes through down to thir that still has 15 wounds remaining good job little tank good okay little tank I knew you could do it I knew you could it's you're being very useful engine so now I get to fight over here with these Guardsmen so go guardsman maybe they can kill more than a single gargoyle this time over here we've got gsman on Force go gsman three hits on Force yeah that's including the chain sword cuz it's pretty much the same um two saves please gargo six up standed oh only one well they didn't do much better than last time that's for sure and now there's a bunch of gargles attacking me five of them can make five of them can make it in there fours fours to hit uh much better than my Guardsman better odds there well same odds just better yeah in general oh no oh no fives come on Gman hold two of them will go down the VX Coster and this guy are going to die so with that that is it let's go to the scoreboard as we've got the exor Queens holding the backfield the non Emissary fighting the armored column single-handedly and the ripus Swarms the true winners of this turn getting all of the points so you get a denial with the ripus Swarm you get deployed tet homas with a RI swarm for a grand total of 10 points getting this game to be swung in the tyranid favor for now for so I would hope I'm just I'm just going to cruise out I'm just going to play was it slow ball it's slow play you're going to slow play me till we finish the day that's it that's it you clock out at five scar let's go what time do you finish I'm here all day dude I love it okay so let's go on to turn battle round number three now let's see what the guard can retaliate with well it is turn battle round three I have three to your one now very nice very nice I now hold two objectives very cool one and one so that will bring me up to match your score at nine points well I don't mind a gimme I you have no characters left so that just gives me five points and overwhelming Force killing units on objectives I have a riers swarm a Gorn and an exocrine that can get murdered I do owe you a single battles shock test that is a true batt shock test this time for my Leman Russ exterminator because he is uh feeling a little sickly and he does battle shock ha oh I guess I should orders before that but I would be giving him plus three in of movement and that would be him plus uh oh I don't know if he can order himself my bad he is not regiment so he cannot do that so I will be giving plus one ballist skill to both of my basilisks we'll come back off the movement phase but just killing stuff is the name of the game so let's do that kill stuff operation kill stuff uh I do get to attack you back though I get six attacks sorry I totally forgot to do this last turn hitting on fours and wounding on fives [Applause] nothing we are back after movement these Guardsman fell back cuz they're not brave cowards they're advancing in the opposite direction uh over here we've got this unit putting the melun plas gun in range of the norn and then we got these signs move up and then we got guns we're going to try to kill those gargoyles this tank stayed still and then we've got signs moving up we've got guards moving up the tank commander is now taking a nice spin across this little Bridge he looks so cool he's like you re I could jump re if I went fast I could make a jump I don't know if he could go fast I don't think I don't think that's how that works no it's just a little bump basically well he doesn't fit over that bridge so I had to send him over the big bridge over there okay so with that let's dive into my shooting pH let's start with things that don't have a choice Scions let's go you got this kill kill kill twin link plasma gun and by twin link I mean rapid fire that means I get two shots roll hits cuz you're on an objective and killing on twos one gargoyle goes down melt gun hits no doesn't wound and then the last rifles or the hot shot last pack rifles on Forks so that's two gs of two gargoyles have gone down and a bolt pistol and nothing there so two of them go down dead get get good on get so now we're going to go ahead with these Guardsmen melun plasma gun at the norn mhm all the last guns at the Gargoyles well let's go ahead and do Mel gun go melt gun that's unfortunate overcharging plasma gun however hits one time does it wound it does not does he kill himself he does not uh last guns fours uh fors wound ooh good well played shots two of them in cover though so two can take five ups and then the others are in the open that is also a lie because these guys can't see every they're all in cover all them yep four five UPS cuz you are in cover ooh three of them go down one remains and now this an exterminator oh so minus one to hit cuz you're in combat but minus one to hit cuz I'm bracketed I'm just shooting the norn with my exterminator with everything good job let's go five's hit oh big contrast from murdering the Swarm Lord to being useless just press the big red buttons press just do something do something do anything make something go back so close we're on fire so eight shots from the Exterminator Auto Cannon uh I think it might be I don't think it's heavy but I'll check in a second three hits it is only strength nine though so needing fives and it is Twin link though so just two at minus one however you are in cover cuz there this big thing here so you get your two ups upstair yeah you're good however now I go you and then everything else gets plus one AP against you so the next thing I'm going to do is I have three command points remaining so I'm going to go ahead and shoot with my Scions they are regiment unit I'm going to use fields of fire I'm going to go ahead and pick the norn Emissary so if they uh yeah so now they will shoot and then for the rest of the turn anything else that shoots your norn is also at an additional AP of minus one so I get plus two AP to all my guns shooting at this guy right here it does go down to one command Point left now if swarm Lord swarm Lord was still alive he could have made that um three command points but he's dead yeah I just wanted to rub that in a little B yeah thanks thanks I'm going to go ahead and do twin link plat so rapid fire plasma and melt gun into the norn and then we're going to go ahead and do all the other guns into your Ripper swarm over there there as well overcharge plasma hitting on threes uh minus one to hit though cuz you're on objective uh so you're in combat fours but I get rolls ooh two hits very nice very nice very nice very nice needing FIV to wound a sad does he kill himself no then we got the Mel gun misses roll misses again cuz you're in combat we have the two hot shot last guns into your Ripper swarm with three rolls what's the toughness on the Ripper I think it's probably not too tough two two okay so I wound on threes ooh last gun's wounding on threes this is exciting oh no three ones and a two no no that's not cool and then the little B pistol hits oh my gosh that River swarm just madness he just does not want to die fine be that way oh I for got his uh stubber stubber uh One auto wound and done and you still don't have any minuses yet technically so it's still just a two up save on the norn ha five of f ban a boo got go so now that we have overlapping fields of fire on your norn mhm I'm going to go ahead and do two last guns and two twinlink heavy flamers into it mhm I'm going to do the big Plasma Blast cuz it's a blast gun it cannot shoot into combat so it's going to shoot at that EXO gream Plasma Blast gun D6 Plus ah eight shots nice Plasma Blast gun has a cool rule within 24 in of me I get to reroll hits nice not using rapid regeneration so four is normally hitting on fives ooh two automatic wounds I'm going to keep them and I'm going to roll these R rolls ooh another automatic wound for lethal hits strength 10 what's your toughness 10 okay four ups that is going to be five of them with cover Through the Trees it is a five up save oh that still will be 12 damage in total he is darn two one uh yeah he has one wound remaining he's still alive hazardous ah failed the Hazardous I take three mortal wounds as the Plasma Blast gun overheats well well well twin last cannon into your norn ah Miss Miss and then two twinlink heavy flamers oh just dancing on the fire and I need sixes to wound here uh I they are twin link though one but this is AP 1 2 three so it's who four yeah just your in ball a boo yay oh that's not cool okay silly norn silly now we' got my tank commander it's going to just shoot everything at the nor okay you ready you ready okay let's do the two multi meltar first because they're needing fives oh ooh two hits needing fives again heavy Bolter no miss miss miss stubber within 18 in fives okay sixes no and then we have the one big Mega vanquisher Cannon hits and just it doesn't wound it does that is an invulnerable save for you this is I that no I've got to fa no pan don't I it is 6 Plus D6 I'm going to reroll that okay using the command point to reroll oh oh okay okay I do also have a command Point okay six plus oh 12 damage oh my word he has 15 left though but that was a well- aimed shot Mr tank 12 five UPS cuz you are on your to chosen objective okay so you will take 11 damage what oh oh no oh no he's down to four wounds remaining the norn Emissary is feeling a little sleepy sley I'm just going to go to bed guys I don't want to fight anymore well I think he's just earned his lapels nice well following the inspiration of their tank commander it's time for the bassilus to do some work so I'm going to shoot this basisk at the ex that's wounded and then everything else it has it oh yeah flamor oh yeah burn the bugs burn them oh dear uh TW burn AP1 ignore cover get out of here little bucks imagine the sound they like popcorn the smell oh the smell would be horrendous the ier uh over there we got D6 plus 3 that's seven plus one to hit and minus one so threes one automatic wound and strength eight against toughness 10 on fives so three saves at minus two but you are behind all the cover so minus one so three uh three yep oh co cool cool cool enough damage to kill you he does not explode definition of Overkill this bassilus is going to shoot this River swarm oh no let's get rid of the stuff that scores points no kill him 69ine should I just no no let me roll it I want to roll it I want to roll it B go for it go for it okay does he hit Y he hit a couple of times he can't see you so he's hitting on twos which is exciting and he wns F six times doing 12 damage I got my be enough yeah okay I got I think I got it okay so now now is the fun time the fun stuff you ready oh he's tank shocked I mean he's battle shocked that makes me sad so he's not going to do anything okay so we're going to go all the way on this side and this unit is going to charge that gargoyle uh seven don't know if they make it this unit of Silence will charge in though ooh six are they within seven I don't know so that's where my command Point's going to go I'm going to roll their charge roll yeah 12 let's go Scions mhm I've seen way too many of those icons those six icons as always you can support scar on scar cast and get some cool dice yeah they roll sixes all the time s's going to try and kill a single gargoyle 1 2 3 four and then four attacks for the sergeant they get roll hits in combat against stuff in and just roll hits in general so through fours this time but rrolling hits Scions get good training they're the elite of the regiment and Forest [Applause] that would be four saves four saves and I will get them the Gargoyles are no more they won't get to regenerate any longer and they just sit there and look very proud of themselves for having taken an objective so vital to the war effort we forgot these Guardsman back here they're just going to shoot the norn Emissary they did move I'm overcharging the plasma does the plasma hit nope it wanted to does it overheat no and I've got seven little l rifles fours to fives to hit cuz I'm shooting into combat nope so now the norn gets the swing but it I believe the norn is bracketed he is so can one to his hits from his head okay so six attacks heading on threes this time yep sixes are going to be couple of hits that's it and I'm still toughness 13 strength nine fives nothing there that one okay and then the extra random claws on threes couple of hits and again on FES these are two damage each yep a one does not go through just he's like no I'm done I quit I'm going home at this point yeah I leave I want to go home now tray by the dice by the way if any of you want to come down to mini wargaming and challenge us to a game don't you lose it's fun it's fun Minar challenge also known as I will need therapy after I get to swing back at you I believe I am just at my don't think I'm in my bracket yet so six attacks on fource and on fives yeah one save with no AP two of save he's okay want it to be a one for like 2 seconds did nah let's go to the scoreboard folks we each a command point for reroll I killed a riers swarm on an objective that gives me three points on secondary S three and I just get my Gimme Five Points for assassinate that's eight points 27 points there my primary doesn't change we move into teranet turn number three you also you also killed you also killed my Hellhound On Turn one so you got two points for them okay so we have your turn you get a command point I get a command point you do owe me a battle shock test on the orn uh I think it's three dice because you are synaptic so he yes so fine no problem there still oc5 or does the OC go down when he's bracketed as well uh not that I can see no okay so just still incredibly good so that will give you six points for holding objectives yep going up to 15 primary points let's see what the cards are yes let's give them so I drew secondary Mission defend stronghold so that is just defend my home objective correct yep and then take no prisoner so defend my my base and then kill stuff nice so when Noah's Arc was made they said bring them in two by twos so we had to make sure there was only two left seems fair seems fair by two and let's see what you do so you you need to kill stuff and then you just need to defend your stronghold so basically keep your exocrine alive next turn to make sure that I don't kill it essentially okay very cool so we're going to start with the norn into the ban blade storm blade storm blade yes we went over this before everybody h on threes two three two hits what's the strength strength 12 okay needing fives and toughness 13 that does not wound the very tough hide of the ban blade storm blade okay okay exra creen also trying to go for the kill on the tank has two wounds left does count for an O prisoners point if you get him as well okay he gets six shots into my poor poor lemon Russ exterminator twos to hit oh nice roll to hit no lethals though lethals I've not got any of those no you haven't gotten as many as I would have expected that's for sure it oh two an ap3 AP at minus three okay four UPS if any of these go through he's dead save them both a close but no cigar did you no no he didn't he died he died oh he does yay y was a good okay that's fine I can see your leg okay okay okay deadly demise six we want to die we did it we killed he dies tank silently dies well I get to fight you first in combat you do so I'm going to fight you first in combat go storm blade Force yeah five Treads yeah two two tank treads AP chip damage no AP we're all good we're all good so time to fight six need threes yep looking for sixes though ooh two sixes well done very nice drop those that's unfortunate and then fives oh three what is the AP on these AP minus two okay four UPS one goes through what's the damage three okay takes three can't kill you I don't think and the other gun the other weapons oh another wow he's he's going out with a bang that's for sure h no these two yeah damage two four they're fine completely okay the armor of the emperor is very strong today everything in the emperor is strong today everything the disdain for the zenos is also strong today but you did get some points that is let's go to the scoreboard so at the end of the turn for your points you start to defend your stronghold you get two points for no prisoners being up to 17 secondary points so it is battle round number four now so uh I get a command point you get a command point and I get some primary points as well this time I have 1 two three objectives none of them are controlled by a character but that does give me nine points bringing up to 18 so now we're really seeing that Slow Burn from the from the astroman arm kicking into high gear when everything is dead High command is once again giving great orders based on the state of the game giving me deploy telbo homers so getting into the middle of the board Scion's in a great position to do that as well as securing no man's land a feat that is already underway we're going to do some movement I've got some guard Guardsman to move up onto objectives I'm just basically going to try kill the nor in a simulator and then any sporadic fire I have is going to go into trying to stop you from scoring uh Defending Your stronghold but the nor Emissary is the true Target so moving up Scions and Scions moved up uh they stayed still the tank commander is Happy on his little uh little Bridge Hill she's going to stay there this is going to stay still let's see if we can bring down the norn I am going to press buttons with my I'm not going to press buttons with them yet end of the shooting phase cuz if I want to shoot with them I see you I did pass my battle shock on my big storm blade guy so let's do some shooting we've got some Guardsman shooting first they moved on to the objective they're going to do a melter gun and an overcharge plasma gun at your norn so meled gun meled gun missed plasma gun missed overheat is okay little last guns ooh two hit very nice nothing and we have this unit of gsman firing at the orn so melag gun plasma gun overcharging everybody else so melt gun hits doesn't wound plasma gun one hits doesn't wound doesn't kill himself the other Guardsman ooh One auto wounds very nice very nice nothing just one armor save will I hit yeah five Field open go last gun go yeah okay I find it funny when Las guns do things my good it's the funniest thing all the heavy fire power in the world no damage tiny little flashlight my eyes Okay San unit go scons they get roll hits cuz you're within range of that objective so Mel gun missed Mel that again it hit does it wound no then we have overcharging super plasma o one two hits cuz they hit on threes fives ooh one save at ap3 five up nope okay two damage on this one cuz it is overcharged feel no pain feel no pain does he kill himself no he's okay moving on let's do this unit gsman they just have a plasma gun overcharging and a bunch of L guns in into the norn plasma gun missed does he kill himself no last guns sixes to Auto wound yeah that's it two Auto ons nope good ah then we're going to go ahead and do this big guy double flamers double last Cannon here big Plasma Blast gun into that guy over there let's go overcharging that's it we're just going to go for it yeah okay Plasma Blast gun five shots into the EXO one hit does it move it does an ap3 six up five up cuz you're you you're definitely in cover from there got it double last Cannon ooh one hit nicely done one wound ap3 on on the G ap3 oh de so invol save a your invols on point twin heavy flamer eight hits this time I was hoping it would be I would have gotten a decent amount of hits when I had the multiple armor piercing stacked on you but not today sixes twin link three at AP1 threes well I know how to kill an emissary that's making you roll armor saves not invulnerable saves y they're just one damage each oh my gosh those feel low pain so good well well well we come down to basilisk time oh this is so bassis going to shoot uh like stubbers and Stor bolters and stuff into the norn and the big guns cuz they blast have to go into that guy I only had the range to give one the plus one ballistic skill so we'll do that guy first D6 plus three five shots hitting on twos cuz I can see you and winning on fives cuz it's only strength eight one at ap2 you get cover as well cuz I'm shooting through a bunch of stuff so that's two damage on him one longrange stormbolter miss miss and now we have this guy here same thing D6 plus three into your Exo cream six shots I can see you so three's hit this time do I wound you one armor save ap2 with cover ap2 one so four UPS here he's fine and then a heavy stubber into your big guy ooh One auto wound one hit ooh two saves on the norn Emissary nice okay so now last but not least the tank commander trying to save another one of his precious tanks for his regiment okay let's do the heavy volage first come on tank commander this is what you are paid for five to hit yeah three order wounds go lethals g wounding nope so that's three at AP1 oh completely fine look at that I rolled way too many heavy Bolter shots there cuz the multi meltar are the thing that I have that is the thing that matters I wish I would have saved those sixes for multi meltar wounds I'm fine with this I'm f with this guy okay fine multi meltos he misses all the time oh no so bummed so bums oh well and now big vanquisher cannon yeah Auto wound do it do it tag Commander right this is what you were bre this is what you're trained to do oh no right small victories small victories love it okay so with that we go into the charge phase I am going to go ahead and press buttons cuz I need the buttons now and then uh we're going to charge in go Scions do it this going to charge in yeah protect the tank let's go it's more expensive than the entire Army combined it's it's worth more to the mechanicum than we are well silence will you be able to do a single damage to this norn let's see if you can drum roll please hitting on Force ooh not bad thank you thanks for the drum roll and rolls cuz you on an objective nice nice sixes to wound oh one a single wound come on two up safe sad okay you get to fight me back the ban blade yes do you're going to hit the ban blade or the storm blade uh yeah storm blade ooh couple of lethals in there very nice and all the rest five wound that's four of them four AP minus two four UPS they're okay oh oh I can do it too yeah both durable sponges right so tired yeah uh okay one Auto that's it everybody else missed for he's okay oh yay yay this fun with a capital S I just imagine both of these just fighting each other ripping stuff up it's like this epic duel I love it it's great please I want to kill you please die no I refuse so I'm going to get uh deploy for three and then is it four four sorry yeah four and secure nor man's land for five so that will be a ninepoint turn there bring me up to 36 and you do get your defense stronghold however bringing you up to 20 secondary points as we move in to battle round number four for the tyranids and guess what they still have model that's actually surprising actually really surprising that norn Emissary is just showing off how much it's worth so the 100 quid you spend on it totally worth mhm the survivability right right is that how it works yes buy money now by Me by me n all right so secondaries are really nothing special here tempting Target which scary has decided to quite meanly make it over here he could have put it in the middle just be nice but no no and then Behind Enemy Lines um would have been great if I had any thing to do that with but you know what works great for that Ripper swarms yeah yeah thanks didn't you us have some Ripper swarms yeah they all died oh did they un yeah yeah yeah yeah a popcorn I I remember a reference to popcorn yeah oh that's the tempting Target which we referenced in our little clip as you can see nowhere near the norn cuz that norn is still oc15 unless he fails a batt shog test with three dice cuz it is a synaptic creature nope completely fine he is all good yeah shooting phase what are you shooting I am going to shoot into these guys just for fun because I've got well or should I shoot the B no I can't shoot the BAM you can can I just might as one to hit it m it yeah let's do that okay I could use minus one damage to make your life impossible however I would love sportsmanship I would love it to explode I like the hell hound Bey so I really want to see if it explodes be happy with okay right shoot me D6 shots gets the six nice back up to three so twos normally right and then you're shooting in combat so threes because of the heavy lethals as well so sixes it's an auto so you did hit a lot though needing fives to wound couple of wounds ap3 yep ap3 okay with cover goes to fives kill fives four fours goes to Fours three damage down to six remaining that's right you're shooting your super Lance At Me Now super L super Lance o misses twice that's not very fun no no where is the fun we demand more fun want to reroll one of those with the command Point ni I mean yeah yeah that's the fun oh it hits does it wound need a five again stength 12 oh it wounded what's the AP minus three oh needing a five okay okay let's go B blade this is so tough to watch oh oh M hey Ben go go fetch my salt water cup well that's it for shooting let's go to combat I get to pick something to go first Scions let's go let's go little Scions let's go Scions fighting battling this epic monster with brains all over it fors to hit who look at that that's was that that's pretty spicy I'm okay the more we manifested into existence the more it happens okay okay let's go I'm rivaling Luca Luca levels of sixes here uh sixes again yeah two of them this time doubled Last Time come on come on no AP means no damage okay nor you get to fight me back all right pop this big tank shall we yep sixes will be nice one six couple of hits ni oo she really wants that thing Dead four saves four ups with ap2 ready uh-huh oh she takes six damage and dies you did it I did it you did it I killed something okay okay you ready are you ready come on blow up blow up come on come on come on six no sure you roll that for fun I wish I could reroll a deadly demise the storm blade goes down w w I feel like I did something feel like I did something you killed it what a slugfest finally over let's go to the scoreboard you Ed a CP roll there and I think I am to two there okay so your score you got attempting Target nope and behind me LS no would you like to get rid of one or both both both that because you don't have your swarmlord and it's only turn four gives you a command Point hooray and now we go into battle round number five where I will get a command point you will get a command point and let's draw some cards High command has ordered me to take the objective the Norton Queen has been hoarding all to herself so storm hostile objective and captur me Outpost I only need four points to score maximum secondaries which does mean I'm probably just going to focus on storm hostile objective and captur The Outpost I'm going to redraw that did give me engage on all fronts which then means I just have to move to get points which will help me get my secondaries regardless of what happens with the objective in the middle so three objectives still brings me nine points brings up to 27 that's the maximum amount of secondaries I can score uh sorry primaries because I cannot score any more of those okay movement phase we've got a tank commander who's going to stay right where he is we've got this unit of Scions they're going to go Retreat Retreat and throw a grenade oh smart cuz then I don't get the minus one to hit Y and then everybody else is going to be like hold the line shoot the big monster get it get it dead get her D get get it dead I'm going to order this basilisk to plus one ballis go excellent and we will begin with yes you can fall back and use the grenade Strat so I'm going to fall back and use the grenade Strat six dice for every four plus you take a mortal wound but you do have a four up against that so take one one four up rules of three yay y now I could have done it with that unit as well cuz with an eight I just wanted to Showcase that you can do it with a fullback unit okay now we're going to do them the Scions they're going to try and take the glory cuz they're the elite troops so we've got a Mel gun hits does not wound a overcharging plasma gun One automatically wounds cuz they stayed still one hits and does it wound no so one invulnerable save from the oh that's two damage cuz it's overcharging feel no pains unless you want to use a CP to roll Point Comm on point Comm on point roll oh well done does the plasma G explode oh it does yes the tide is turning dead do a little hot shot last guns go hot shot last guns I'm going to fish for sixes uh only and then sixes again only one save at minus one nope and then the little bolt pistol yeah aut wounds good job lethal hits no fine and now we're going to go to the meat potatoes of my list the Guardsman they're going to shoot at it as well overcharging the plasma plasma gun oh miss miss come on does he kill himself he does not melt gun hits does it wound it does another invulnerable save from a melta gun this time this is my objective you can't take it away from me uh last guns and last pistol ooh two Auto wounds look at that crack Squad that okay there you go two goodness be it K in the eyes a yes one five up f p yeah got one wound left go last gun okay now we got the next sad of gsman bring her down plasma gun overcharging uh two Miss does he kill himself no okay melun hits oh that's an auto wound ha does it go through oh this is with your invulnerable saves you make all of them last gun time oh you're done for now okay okay last guns o yeah I got a couple of hits though wounds come on come on come on ah just one just one all I need is one all I need is one no you thought I was done there more garsin over here no malun this time and it's a long range plasma gun longrange plasma gun overheating ah misses does he kill himself he does not seven the last gun shots oh they hit do they connect no they don't well I'm down to a tank commander and two basilisks put your votes in the comments down below or down vote V scari for being so mean to a guest I'll vote for that one I'll vote for that I'll vote for that it's also a t-shirt you can also order it where you get this dice which is all sixes on all the sides I'm going to go ahead and do this bass Lisk shooting everything at the door Emissary let's go big bassilus tank pow a okay needs threes cuz I can see you ooh one automatic wound needing fives ooh two saves a minus two but you are in cover so three UPS oh that's going to be four damage will the basisk finally take you down does you deadly demise good job Bisk no dead get off my table nor amary how dare you stay alive for that long MVP MVP sponge well now it is the Lost shooting so we're going to do the super basilisk shooting at your exor on that side D3 plus 3 or D6 plus 38 hitting on twos ooh four Auto wounds he's very angry fives four saves of ap2 but you do have covered so three UPS four ups that would be four damage bring him down to eight wounds remaining and last but not least the vanquisher tank vanquisher heavy Bolter stubber and the multim do are out of range so let's do the heavy Bolter first two lethals with two sustained does it wound okay two saves at minus one shooting through cover though so your basic three UPS oh that's going to be four damage just from heavy bolters stark contrast between that and this durability way to end on a high note exec cre Y and the big V can cannon on a three I'm going to use my last command point to roll this hit roll five no he Liv Boo and that's it scoreboard I will be getting storm hosle objective and engage that does bring me up to 40 P secondary points which is the maximum you can do and that is that I did spend my last command point you did spend a command point to roll a save but now we go into your turn number five all right so engaging off fronts not fantastic for what I'm trying to do and investigate signals again not fantastic for what I'm going to do okay so you got a command point I got a command Point you're going to spend a command Point passing my battles shock straight away that's right don't have to worry about battles shock and you're not going to go and press buttons you're going to sit on that objective and try to kill something out of spite I'm going to shoot something I like it who is he shooting at the person that killed okay big mama is it 48 or 36 he might he might actually might just have to move forward a little bit if he has to if he needs to yeah he probably you know what do want to they want to sacrifice that see yeah you know what I'm just move slightly further forward there you go I like it try to keep them within six uh within three of the objective to hold it and uh yeah that's good does get you in range go exoc cream go D6 seven shots threes de this time okay one automatic wound o that was a good roll to hit too yeah strength it so need fives oh one damage and he will take three damage bringing him down a little bit and with that we're off to the scoreboard and then we let's take a look at the points smidge just a smidge please don't please sir can I have some more so you get three points for this that is 18 awesome so that is your score I don't have anything in your deployment Zone you uh you didn't get my warlord at the end there so we can get 402 60 67 70 40 to 70 two 4 73 there that snowball 73 there you go so not bad let's go into a little post game where we chat about it and we talk about it and maybe maybe we make a little memorial for the hellhound that could and in our vault available to our YouTube and Vault members you better believe we continue the Warhammer 40K action today's match will be between Luca and Caston 1500 points of Drew Cari mostly cabal up against a salamander successor chapter the iron Sparks now if you're not a member and you want to check out this game all you have to do is click on the link down below to sign up for a 7-Day free trial Ro you'll have access to it as well as the rest of the content we have in the vault including many many 40K battle reports and other content to go along with them and of course all the other war games we cover here cuz we do pretty much everything under the rainbow here Games Workshop related at mini wargaming thanks again for checking this out and we'll catch you all next time very soon as well okay so before that happens Ben thanks for coming down for game awkward left-handed handshake appreciate it let's talk about it now you are starting a little YouTube channel and you're here doing a really cool like the board challenge yeah that's cool so tell us a little about it and where can folks find you on YouTube so uh on more Warhammer on YouTube and basically the premise of the channel is it's honestly hobby channel so whatever I find interesting at the time that's what I'm going to do but the biggest content that I've been working on the moment is the Box board challenge I'll take a box and paint it up build it in a short period of time as possible not 24-hour period it's just how long does it take me to get these models onto the board because I hopefully hopefully that overwhelm of fighting against the gray so that's the entire point of the the video not so great at battles though apparently or rolling dice dice rolling dice you know one of those things that uh you know if you don't know how to roll the dice properly you can't roll the six it would have been cool if that like I would have roll a six though you know I do that a lot and then one in every six times the whole table goes I roll a 69 you did oh there you go you know what you should have done that at any point in the game I would have been good so let's talk about the game so going into the game you kind of wanted to play vot 10 but we didn't really have the vot 10 ms for you that's your army mhm uh then you wanted to play Orcs And we didn't have enough Orcs so you decided to play nids yeah which is a new Army to me i' I've started my own collection of nids so it was kind of cool to get a Runabout with them it was a struggle though it was a struggle some really just freaking the moments that we're uh I think we're pretty happy with to be fair that was exactly what you play this game for it was honestly there was a lot of cinematic moments this game and I think regardless of the points it's more like did you end up having fun right like and I feel that yes you can play the points and stuff but there was some cool moments in that game that you just take memories away from mhm that hellhound explosion I'm going to remember that I will remember that forever forever that was incredible how many WS total did it do it did like like 20 more it did moral it did a lot of mortal wounds and uh and it killed a norn assimilator which was funny um other than that the table was really cool I love playing all these really cool themed tables so thank you from Adam from Green Leaf terrain he like makes these he's made this really cool necromunda style one that I cannot wait to show off cuz it is the coolest thing um so playing into the guard what was your thought going into the match honestly I was just trying to get experience just trying to get reps I think that's the most important thing when you're playing I said I'm fairly new to playing 40K and I think one of the most important things you can do is just get as many reps as possible don't expect the win just turn up see what your army do see what they're not good at apparently I'm not good at ruling sixes at all I had uh one of my abilities which is from The Invasion Fleet uh Detachment rule hyperaggression which is the best rule I could have taken to this the Detachment rule which was lethal hits on sixes against Monsters and vehicles but did I roll a single six on that Pro probably not probably not I think I maybe rolled it twice yeah not as many as you would have hoped no guard the Synergy with the guard though was phenomenal uh really some units that are really hard to get at as well like just they've got the range they just sit at the back of the board and just shell consistently the guard are impressive think they are they they have a lot of cool elements that a lot of folks don't tend to use the big storm Shadow was really fun that was cool that was like you don't see that tank very often but it was very entertaining um and then of course the Exterminator just goes into every guard list I make cuz making things extra AP is just so powerful um and I do like my tank commander every once in a while tankam comes out to play he's not as fancy as some of the other Leman russes he's more expensive if you kill him he does shoot on death which is really cool so he gets like one lost harrar of his guns I like that um but other than that it was really the Guardsmen that kind of won the day as they held all the objectives and the tanks just kind of stood in the way couldn't get rid of them yeah it was crazy well other than that Ben thanks all for coming down of course the link to Ben's channel will be down in the description below make sure you check that out if you want to come play some games and get a t-shirt that says scari made me cry um you can come down to the [Laughter] studio I derive power from Pain everyone okay so let's it's just in my blood uh other than that thanks a lot for hanging out everybody this was really fun thanks Ben for trying flying all the way down to Canada for this braving the snowstorms and playing some Warhammer with us happy wargaming everyone
Channel: MiniWarGaming
Views: 29,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniwargaming, miniature wargaming, minis, tabletopgames, miniaturetabletopwargaming, warhammer, warhammer40k, 40k, ageofsigmar, warhammer40000, horusheresy, gamesworkshop
Id: Gb2RQuxqIpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 40sec (6700 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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