What is the BEST Guard Artillery? | Astra Militarum | Warhammer 40,000

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hello again and welcome to another morian Glory warmer 40K video in today's episode we shall be going through The Good the Bad and the Ugly of God artillery giving you everything you need to know to bombard your foe from The Humble mortar all the way up to the mighty prayor from the cheapest to the most expensive we're going to be deep dying ing the fine detail on each artillery option giving you the pros and cons so you can make the right decision for your army lists and so without further Ado let's main gun range shatter their skies and dive right into today's [Music] episode let's begin with the lightest and cheapest option that we have have the heavy weapon Squad now strictly speaking heavy weapon squads are not a purely indirect fire unit you can take them with things like Auto cannons and LZ cannons but their best option and their most common configuration is a heavy weapon Squad with three more teams the reason for this is that heavy weapon teams are incredibly fragile it's their number one disadvantage they're only to us three they've already got a five save and they've got two wounds essentially it's a squad of six gsman it's actually less fragile than six gsman because any damage to weapons like a heavy Bolter will kill a base with each shot so they've got no defensive profile worth a dam their weapon is also on the surface not very good it does have blast and heavy and indirect fire and it does have a 48 in range but it's only D6 shots which can be very swingy and it only hits on a five plus and it's strength five AP zero damage one that's not a huge amount of punch what makes mortar heavy weapon squads a favorite amongst G PL to this day even with more powerful options even with new things like the field ORS batteries come out you'll still see people taking a lots of mortars and they're not a bad choice because a they're very very cheap at 60 points a base it's a great way of fulfilling your indirect fight options without breaking the bank and B they can throw a lot of [ __ ] at the wall each mortar is D6 shots that means if you have three of them in a squad that's three D6 each mortar benefits from blast so even if you're going into a fiveman squad of something some minimal objective holding token unit you're getting plus three shots plus one for each blast mortar so that's 3d6 plus three suddenly they're not so swingy suddenly there a bit of reliability coming in there you shoot at a 10-man squad I would argue one of the most common Squad sizes in the game there's a lot of units out there like to which have a minimum Squad size of like 10 these days well that's 3d6 plus six shots and if you start coming into some ridiculously sized hordes you could be getting 3d6 plus 12 shots and that's from one Mort team you can take three of these guys for 180 points for the price of one manticor which we obviously we'll get to later on this episode you can get nine mortars now these artillery pieces are going to perform very different functions and the mantor is going to have to bigger targets but it just gives you an idea of how many numbers how much crap you can throw down range with your mortars so overall their advantage is that they're cheap and they put out a lot of shots their disadvantage is that they're incredibly fragile and they don't do a huge amount of damage even with that amount of shots really their principal Target should be like infantry even with things like born soldiers so when they stay still they get Auto wounds the lack of AP is going to make it difficult for to go after armored targets light infantry is their ideal ideal victim as it were and a push you can go after things like Marines but anything stronger any Vehicles anything with greater than a save like a two up save like Terminators then really going to drop off in terms of Effectiveness there's three other things you need to take into account with heavy weapons squads firstly their covering fire ability doesn't work with mortars as per the FAQ you can no longer use OverWatch on indirect fire weapons used to be great CU you can essentially get a free round of shooting in your opponent's turn with the mortars now you can't do that anymore secondly they've only got a Blitzer skill of five plus this means that in order for them to hit at a reasonable level like a four up you need an officer that's going to cost you points heavy weapon squads start cheap but they have some hidden costs in the case of officers and also Sentinels to use daring Recon but the last factor is a positive one we always want to end on a good note with the unit they're really good in lowlevel games if you're playing a th000 points and you know that the terrain is going to be dense and that you don't have the luxury of being able to like cut out your artillery and you need some indirect fire but you don't want to take away from your infantry you don't want to take away from your tanks you know they're going to be vital as well being able to just pop in a mortar squad or two is amazing it allows you to go after those lowlevel units that your opponent hiding without compromising the other areas of this especially at low points levels when every point is precious moving up the food chain somewhat we have the field ordinance battery like the heavy weapons Squad technically not just an indirect fire unit you do have the heavy L Cannon and the malus rocket launcher which are both Direct direct fire options however like with the heavy weapons Squad you're probably going to default the bombass field guns because these guys are still quite fragile sure they are toughness five versus toughness three on heav weapon Squad and they've got a for Save and they've got six wounds this will make them more resilient to Small Arms fire but any decent kind of anti-tank is just going to pick a base up in a heartbeat as of the case with pretty much all artillery your best defensive bet is to not be seen like Monty Python how not to be seed hide behind a Big Mac off L-shaped ruin now the bombass field gun is blast it's heavy it's indirect fire and it's got a 48 in range it also fires D6 shots and it's got BL skill of five plus it's pretty much identical to a mortar up until this point you can kind of think of it as a big mortar where the big bit comes in is it strength seven it's a minus one and it's two damage so it's better strength better AP better damage it's just a bigger gun overall like with the mortar the D6 shots does make it a little bit swingy against single targets and vehicles and even with the better strength and the AP and damage I still wouldn't really see this as an anti vehicle it's still anti-infantry the D6 shots with black means it's much more reliable going into small medium large squads of foot sloggers and the fact that you get two field guns per battery meaning that you get 2d6 you start getting that exponential return with the blast rule again if you're shooting into a fiveman squad of like Marines with this it's not D6 shots it's actually D6 plus one per gun for a total of 2d6 plus two from the entire battery again it just become so much more reliable one of the best bits about the field ORS battery is its ability rearm reload and fire while this unit is being affected by an order provided it remains stationary this turn all heavy weapons equipped by models in this unit have the sustained hits one ability this means that a unit of field orders batteries with bombass field guns that have stayed still and received an order most likely Take Aim because again like the mors they need that take aim to hit on fours or will be hitting with 2d6 shots plus blast plus lethal hits plus sustained hits this allows the bombass gun to really start layering on the Firepower so all of this sounds good it's just sounds like better than the mortar right I mean it's bigger it's better its ability works it's just what's the catch the issue is it's expensive it's 120 points for each field or battery essentially it's 60 points per gun this means that is double the price of a heavy weapon Squad you do get a lot more but you're still somewhat Limited in your targets you can I feel like you can push the field or's battery a bit further you can push those bombass field guns a bit further you can go with the fact that the damage two and there's AP1 there's potential to use things like fields of fire to get them up to ap2 you can with a bit of support and a bit of pushing get them to go after Vehicles because they're going to wound pretty much anything even tough vehicles on fives even super heav that we on fives not until they get like tough 14 when they're sixes and there's very little toughness 14 in the game they can push for anti vehicle but you're going to have to spend a lot of CP you're going to spend a lot of additional points on like officers and stuff to do it and they're already more expensive overall you do get what you pay for with the fobs but fundamentally you're still going to have to hide them still going to have to order them and they're still really going after infantry anything else we're now going to depart from The Games Workshop guard index and go over to the Forge World guard index because we have a couple of really good artillery pieces in there first one is the Medusa Carriage battery this is widely considered to be one of the best artillery in the game at the moment it's not hard to see why it's got a good defensive profile being toughness seven now we need more than just stray Boulder fired to take care of this thing also got a for Save and six wounds it's still going to get slotted by anti-tank stuff but it can hide just like the other it all your really wants to hide so it's got an okay defensive profile that protects it against some counter battery stuff and some light Small Arms the big thing is that it's slight cheaper than something like a field o battery coming in at 110 points you do only get the one gun but it's a hell of a gun The magusa Siege Cannon is blast it's heavy and it's indirect fire got a 36ers range so a little bit shorter than the m and the field ORS battery but 36 is more than enough to threaten pretty much the entire mid board only gets D6 shots only one gun very very swingy it's only ballistic skill five plus it's still going to need officers to make it good I know what some of you thinking mod when does this thing get good Str 10 AP minus three three damage that's a hell of a gun it's swingy it's unreliable and it's short ranged but it hits like a freight train this thing can go after anything it can go after light infantry and blast will sort out heavy medium infantry it's it's got the Firepower it's got the blast and it's got the strength and the AP start threatening them and the Damage three just start insta squashing things like Terminators and whatnot but it can also go after Vehicles the minus three and the Damage three means that even when you're shooting against something which is going to have a two up save it's going to be in cover because of indirect fire you still knock them down to a four up and all it takes for most Vehicles we got like 10 11 12 wounds all it takes is four medus shots to go through that's a dead vehicle now sure one Meda on its own might struggle to do that in a turn might take two or three turns for it to do it but three Medusa Siege cannons only being 110 Points each that's eminently doable you could take three medusas and have a senior officer command blob like a Creed command blob mayhaps and you would have a battery of guns that could reliably flatten a unit a turn because even if one of them messes up on the D6 you've got two more to save it you've got blast to save it and you should between three of them be able to heavily damage or destroy a vehicle a turn and really combat and effective and unit of infantry as well on top of this their ability isn't great but it's not terrible Siege bombardment in your shooting phase after this unit has shot select one IM unit hit by one or more of these attacks the enemy must take a battle shock test now they have to keep doing this if you hit them with one meduca and they pass then when you hit with the next meder they have to make it again and hit with the third inducer they have to try and make it again so you can force theone just by just making them take batt test after batt test to eventually fail it now that might have an implication it might stop the enemy from holding objective which allows you to get some secondaries maybe they were holding something you moved a scraplet unit of infantry on and you make them fail a batt test suddenly you've extended your battle lines it won't necessarily help you in the enemy's turn Because unless you've take them below half strength or they fail back at the beginning of their turn they'll probably still hold that objective but it's more about how you can leverage it in your turn for what points you're getting but also you might be able to force them take a batt shock test and if they've got a strat that they really want to use on that unit maybe they're tyranids and they want to use the unending swarm strateg that's bring something back they wouldn't be able to do that maybe playing against another Guard Plane once these reinforcements they wouldn't be able to do that it's a great way of denying enemy strategems and it's a good way of getting points but I don't want to oversell it bow shock stuff tends to be fairly middling and fairly niche in terms of what it bring to the table very much consider this ability usable it's present it's not useless like the heavy weapon squad one but it might not have a big impact over the course of the games in summary Mausers are pretty affordable and they come with a big gun but their ability is bit underwhelming and they are very swingy if you're looking for a liability in your artillery then the Earth Shaker Carriage battery is for you it has exactly the same defensive profile as the Medusa but a completely different gun and ability its earthshaker Cannon is the same as you'll find on the Basilisk which we'll be getting to later and it has blast heavy indirect fire it has a Monumental 240 in range yes 240 in it's always in range it's not in range of your table it's probably in range of the table next to you and the one after that as well it fires D6 plus three shots with Ballistic skill five plus strength eight AP minus two and two damage so it's got that reliability with the D6 plus 3 even roller one you're going to get four shots it still suffers from a Bas BL skill of five plus meaning you're going to have to have an officer there to make it hit half decently and probably a sentinel as well but it still maintains a decent strength a and damage it's not as Punchy as a Medusa that's got the better strength and AP and damage but it's more Punchy than something like a field ordinance battery I find Earth shakers to be a really good take all cers Jack of all trades artillery piece they've got reliability they've got strength where they can still wound even the heaviest vehicles on fives they've got AP where even if the enemy gets the benefit of cover they're still going to suffer a little bit they going to take at least one pip of their armor save or you're going to force them to spend a strategy something like armor of contempt and they've still got the damage where they can squash most light and medium Infantry each shot and even if you get up to heavy infantry takes a couple of shots to bring them down against Vehicles damage two will still chip away a nice amount of wounds it won't like flatten Vehicles like the Medusa has the potential to in one or two blasts but a concentrated barage of Earth shakers will produce results what I'd like to do with my Earth shakers is to take a couple of more like swingy artillery pieces maybe like a couple mantal couple producers and then I add on a basilisk or two to give myself that comfort that reliability that assuredness where I know that even if my more swingy stuff lets me down my artillery overall is going to perform because got something that while it's not as powerful is always going to achieve something every time it fires but even better than the earth Sher Cannon damage dealing capabilities we have its actual ability earthshake around in the shooting phase after this mod has shot if one or more of those attacks made with it oo Cannon scored a hit against an infantry unit until the end of your opponent's next turn that infantry unit is shaken while a unit is shaken subtract two from its move and advance and charge roles you can slow the enemy down movement wins games not only making sure that you've got as much movement as possible but by messing with your opponent's movement this ability is amazing ability is game-winning it's probably the best ability we've seen so far if not the best ability on your artillery in general I have won games thanks to EK arounds I have had I've been against multiple death guard opponents Roan opponents people in general just using Elite slow moving infantry like Terminators and Terminator equivalent they've dropped them down they started them on the board and then I've just gone earthshaker rounds earthshaker rounds earthshake rounds and they have been crawling across the board going two or 3 in a turn it basically takes them out of the game without ever actually needing to kill them overall the Earth Shaker carage battery is a fantastic artillery piece it's not too expensive at 120 points the same as the field ordinance battery and it's very reliable and it's got a really good ability there are ones that are more Punchy but there are few IU pieces that you can count on every single time that you fire them this and the Basilisk which we'll be getting to next I would count as my favorite and my personal best artillery pieces there are arguments be made for some of the more powerful ones but I place a premium on reliability anything else the Basilisk is essentially a vehicle mounted Earth Shaker it has exactly the same weapon and exactly the same ability the main difference is is its defensive profile and its ballistic skill so the Basilisk has a movement of 10 now often you're not going to move your artillery because you want to stay still for like lethal hits and stuff but there will be times when you might need to move it onto an objective in a desperate gamble there might be times when you need to get that direct fire off for some reason or another times you just need to move away from an enemy threat movement 10 can help you get out of Dodge it's toughest nine with a three up save and 11 wounds meaning that it's very resistant to counter battery fire a lot of enemy artillery if they take it at all a lot of indirect fire for other factions has been nerfed tends to cap out at about strength eight they tend to have guns that are similar to the earthshaker cannon but that means the wounding on fives and they often don't have the lethal hits that guard have so I find that basist are great if you're worried about enemy artillery and you need something that can be resistant to that counter battery fire the big thing about the earthshaker cannon on the the Basilisk is that it has exactly the same range and abilities and blast 75 blah blah blah the big difference is ballistic skill 4 plus base this means it does not need an officer to make it work and if you do have an officer you're starting to get your artillery hitting on Threes And if you've got Sentinels nearby you could be hitting on two rrolling ones this is the huge huge advantage that your vehicle artillery has over your infantry based artillery at best your infantry stuff will be hitting on three rolling ones most likely they're just hitting on fours but your vehicle arity will very commonly be hitting on threes and it can start getting as accurate as godamn Marines as godamn custodes while still firing from a safe position behind line of sight personally I prefer vehicle artillery over infantry artillery for this sole reason there's either no hidden costs cuz you're like you know what I just need my artillery to H and fors the main thing is I'm taking the movement disruption with the earthshake arounds I'm not going to overinvestment of artillery you can do and you will be rewarded for doing so but speaking speaking of vehicle artillery we then have the mantore this has a movement of 10 and it's even tougher than the basalisk with toughness 10 and a three up save and 11 wounds the mantacore is more of a damage dealer whereas the basilis can still do stuff by disrupting the enemy with movement the manacore is just about punching people in the face pretty hard similar to the Medusa its storm Eagle Rockets are blast heavy and indirect fire they have a 100 120 in range again you're pretty much going to always be in range of not only your table but the next table over interestingly complete side note not relevant for competitive play I have actually seen Manta Co not be in range and that's at the big apocalypse event that I ran last year Thanatos another one that I'm running this year uh where manacor were actually being out ranged by basilis and it created a really interesting Dynamic where the bases were fantastic at counter battery into the manacor manacor were more used for peppering up front lines but anyway I digress it's 120 in range D6 plus one shots ballistic skill four plus strength 10 AP minus 2 damage three if you compare the Manore to the Medusa you're getting better range slightly more reliable shots with D6 plus one rather than just D6 and a better base ballistic skill the tradeoff is your only ap2 versus AP minus 3 you also have I would argue a much better ability on the mantacore which is furious barrage which gives you full rolls to hit when you choose an enemy unit with five models or more this gives the manacore great flexibility it can go into infantry and it'll be heavily rewarded for this blast popping off and then also getting full rolls but it's got the strength and the flat damage to go after Vehicles as well I have used manord when going after vehicles I do find them quite swingy sometimes you just roll that one shot and it's like oh well I've got two shots in total I'm hit on fours and I've got no rolls so if you want your Manore to be effective against vehicles I do feel like you are going to need to invest in orders and you are going to need to invest probably in Sentinels so there are some more hidden costs of the Manore this is bit of a bit of a pisser frankly when you take into account that the Manticore is one of the most expensive artillery pieces that we got it recently was nerfed with going up to 80 points that is eyew watering that makes it 45 more points than a basilisk there are a lot of people out there that argue it's still worth 180 points and we have seen Manors do very well in competitive games seeing them used to win Super major GTS I just feel like they're very expensive when you take all of the costs into account they are expensive but you do get what you pay for when you're considering putting a manticore on your list going to have to think about what other areas of your army you're going to have to cut points from to really get this unit to work at its maximum when it is at its maximum it's very very good finally there is one more artillery piece a lot of you are thinking really Mor another artillery piece I'm pretty sure you've covered all of them haven't you oh My Sweet Summer child there is but one more the pror pror is a Forge World just Giga artillery it's the biggest artillery you can get it's almost but not quite it's almost a super heavy artillery piece it's got movement 10 it's toughness 11 which is the same as a Leman rust it's got a two plus save and it's got 18 wounds it's massive it's based on the cus arm assault transport and it's just got a big gun strap to it the pror comes equipped with the inventively named pror launcher it can fire Firestorm missiles or faux Hammer missiles Firestorm is blast heavy ignores cover indirect fire with 120 H range 2d6 so a little swingy abilistic skill four plus strength six apus one two damage really these things are for going after light infantry because the blast will make the 2d6 less swingy the ignores cover will allow the AP minus one to start you really hurting that light infantry and the two damage means that you can even threaten Marines with this thing she'll be putting them down to like four up save with no other support if you start throwing fields of f here this starts getting real spicy with no save no no other support this thing can put people down to a four up save and with flat damage to it or start squashing Marine squads or you can go for the faux Hammer missiles which are the anti- monster anti- vehicle literally option they've got anti- monster 4 plus anti vehicle 4 plus blast heavy and indirect fire you got 12 in range D6 plus one so a lot less a lot less maximum shot but a little basically the same minimum shots uh ballistic skill four plus the early strength four AP minus 2 three damage so strength four looks kind of crappy but remember it's anti- monster and it's anti- vehicle so actually it's wounding all hard Targets on a four plus at minus two at a flat three damage it's also got a really good ability targeting coordinates while this model is being affected by an order each time makes an attack with its pror launcher it does not the penalty to hit roll for attacking you that's not visible to it this means that with just just one order from something like a lord solar or tank commander this thing hits on twos because it's this a skill four plus with heavy mean it's hitting on a three plus with Take Aim means it goes up hitting on a two plus and yes you can stack Take Aim and heavy I get a lot of people that say that you can't you absolutely can one improves the ballistic skill one improves the dice roll so this thing could hit on two is making it very very accurate I've been on the receiving end of aor and it was somewhat uncomfortable it wasn't amazing it didn't blow me off the table it spent basically two turns three turns of the game going after my Creed dream command blob but it was uncomfortable being hit on twos by enemy artillery and I couldn't really counter that something I could go after I couldn't go after the Sentinels or anything like that it just hit me on TW but the shots weren't that scary the big issue with the PTO is it's expensive it comes in at 275 point this is very expensive considering that it doesn't really have any bonus damage output over a lot of other vehicles it's about as Punchy as Medusa or a manticor it's about as good at killing infantry as a field battery or earthshaker the reason it's so expensive is you're paying for its defensive profile but remember there's not a huge amount of enemy in direct fire in the game except for other guard and so the best way of hiding this thing the best way of protecting this thing is to have it out of line of sight so often you're paying for defensive profile that you're not really going to get the benefit of so that covers all of the pros and cons of each artillery piece but inevitably we want to know which ones are the best and which ones are the worst so let's rank them them starting off at the bottom we have the pror it's just too expensive you're paying for a defensive profile you don't need to pay for and it doesn't do any more damage than other ones out there which cost half if not less than half of its cost next I'm going to put the mortar Squad to might surprise some people a lot of people love mortar people swear by mortars fundamentally mortars aren't bad you can include them in your army and have done and I've had some good success but it doesn't mean that they deserve to be top of the list and frankly they are an anti-infantry choice in a meta that is primarily made up of very elite infantry and vehicles and monsters they just struggle to get through those two-up saves sometimes you can make someone roll as many tups as you want statistically they should get some ones here and there and they just don't so they're not quite working in the current matter if we see hordes resurge more will definitely get a new lease on life in a similar vein I'm going to put the field oners Batteries Now Bobs are very common a lot of players use them because they come in the K Dan box set as well as the Ashman atar combat Patrol and they're a good unit just because they're this far down on the list doesn't mean they're bad honestly all of the Guard artillery is pretty good but there are better options than them there are options that do more punch there are options that are more reliable and whilst you can buff them up into becoming more of a anti-vehicle option things like you know sentinol and Al kinding of get them to go off on those lethal hits and whatnot overall feel like you could put the same amount of effort into other artillery pieces and get more Returns on investment my next choice is going to be very controversial I'm going to put the Manta cor I know I know H people have been winning Super mes with these things I can't keep saying this though it's not a bad unit this is definitely a personal preference here I find manords are expensive and I find that you can basically get the same results for cheaper with meduses they're just swingy and I place a lot of importance on reliability also I'm not just looking at this from the perspective of artillery spam not spam is a totally valid tactic but if we're looking at a bigger picture take all comers hybrid guard lists where you might have just two or three artillery pieces you go for Manta CA it's going to eat into your points elsewhere in your tanks and your infantry but overall they're a fantastic unit and they work really really well and hitting on twos is is is awesome but they're a bit swingy for my liking and I do think you can get better results or the same results for cheaper using Mausers speaking of which we have the Medusa honestly you could put the Medusa and the Manore tied because one is a little bit more reliable with the number of shots but it's more points intensive one is a little swinger but it's more real money intensive the mandot is a forw option unless you've got a 3D printer it's going to cost you a pretty penny but overall I do think that the Medusa does the same job as the manticor for cheaper and as a result it's slightly higher on the list coming in second place taking the silver medal we have the Earth Shaker platform it's an amazing gun it hurts the enemy it slows them down it's a force multiplier it's a damage dealer only really has one disadvantage and one thing which has kept it from taking the gold which is there's a hidden cost of officers so it's not actually any cheaper than taking a basisk when you take into account that you are going to need at least someone like Ursa Creed or someone else to get to hit on fours if not higher but there can only be one and that is the Basilisk all the advantages of the earth Shaker none of the disadvantages it can operate independently in a hybrid list and it can be amazing in an artillery spam list it's just the whole package but there's one thing I want to make abundantly clear the manacore the Basilisk the Earth Shaker and the reducer are all amazing artillery pieces the field ordinance battery and the mortors are decent there's only one stinker which is really the pror and that's just because of its points cost if you were to take the pror launcher and stick it on like a chimera chassis and make it cost 100 and something points I'd probably be invested in it but going back to the manaco the basist the earthshake all of these are great all of them you could put in joint first if I was just injecting my own personal preference and personal bias in there I've ranked them with some higher than the others but they're all really really viable and every single one of those top four are worth your time and are competitive and viable and excellent well at least that's what I think but of course all of this is just like my opinion man let me know what you think down in the comment section below how would you rank these artillery pieces would you put the field ordinance battery higher would you have the mantore on top if you've enjoyed today's video don't forget to smash that like button it really makes a big big difference it boosts the video massively with the algorithm and also subscribe to never miss an episode would you like to know more if so then please consider becoming a channel member or patreon by supporting the channel not only will you be doing your part but you're also be helping me create more content for your viewing pleasure and unlocking a whole host of perks you get everything from a badge next to your name custom emojis but the 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August Bary seriously guys thank you from the bottom of my heart your support is incredible and it makes a huge difference thank you so much that's all for now hope you all enjoyed today's video and of course as always see you guys next time [Music] a
Channel: Mordian Glory
Views: 8,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adeptus Mechanicus, Astra Militarum, Imperial Guard, Imperial Knights, Chaos Daemons, Chaos Knights, Chaos Space Marines, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Drukari, Dark Eldar, Genestealer Cult, Necros, Orks, Tau, Leagues of Votann, meme, Cadia Stands, Cadian Shock Troops, New Reveals, field ordnance battery, Heavy Weapon Squads, Command Squad, Sentinel, Rogal Dorn, Leaks, GW, Death korp of Krieg, Scions, Kasrkin, Arks of Omen, competitive 40k, warhammer 40000 10th edition, 10th edition
Id: U0sah6pDjhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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