Astarion - I'll Do Whatever I Damn Well Please (Updated) | Baldur's Gate 3

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no no no healing suit for you wake up get your hands off me [Music] worm I'm not the one in the [Music] dirt [Music] one last thrust and I'll be free of [Music] you I'll never have to fear you again but if I finish the ritual you started I'll never have to fear anyone ever you think me a fool that I would allow anyone to usurp me speak the words and Ascend in my place the runes I carved into your flesh bind you and all 7,000 souls to the ritual complete it and those bearing the scars will be sacrificed you included you are simply a means to an end I made you to be consumed I am so much more than what you made me I can do this but I need your [Music] [Music] help trust me I know what I'm doing the these people died years ago trust me on that all that's left a feral spawn desperate for blood if we release them how many people will they kill tens of thousands hundreds of thousands but if they die and I Ascend I won't have to rely on the parasite to walk in the sun I'll be free truly completely free isn't that what you [Music] [Music] want all you can see are those eyes you've seen so many times before pleading with you to help [Music] [Music] him and I want to live a full life not some half existence hiding in the shadows for the rest of Eternity please I can't do this alone I need your eyes in a manner of speaking what do you think you are doing I'm making what you made me use the parasite link your mind to mine through your eyes I can see the scars on my back and copy them onto a you would not dare I would and I will you will be consumed and all the power you've lusted after will be mine and sacrifice all these people please no power is worth their anguish asaran help me do this [Music] please your minds join and you're too s become one you can feel the knife in your hand see the scars on his back and taste his hunger for power yes yes I see it what are you doing don't [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] perfect ungrateful child re it child time to take your [Music] place [Music] AK Dominos has anas ofo in [Music] sacrif [Music] [Music] no what are you doing don't you dare there I can feel their power flowing into [Music] [Music] me [Music] tantum [Music] [Music] I I can't feel it that ACH in my stomach that hunger it's [Music] gone I'm free I'm finally free oh oh it feels delicious [Music] I think the answer to that is whatever they damn well [Laughter] please come on let's get out of here I have a brand new world to explore
Channel: Nictat0r
Views: 3,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, bg3, ascended astarion, patch update, dwarf, barbarian, poc, romance, astarion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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