ASSETTO CORSA HOW TO GUIDE | Installing Mods - Tracks - Cars - Weather - Traffic - Shaders & More

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hey guys today we're going to be taking a look at a set of courses how we can get the most out of the experience using mods installing cars installing tracks things like weather effects shaders everything from start to finish by the end of today's video you should be an expert well on your way to modding assetto corsa so let's get going so the first thing we're going to do is open up a web browser head over to and i'll put links down in the description for everything that we're going to be doing today as well just to make it easy for you but instead of we're going to click on the link in the top bar here navigation panel that says content manager now content manager is essentially a replacement ui for a set of courses so instead of launching a set of corsa and playing from there we're actually going to be launching content manager and then when we hit the go button once we set everything up that actually launches the gameplay itself from there so it's a complete replacement ui it does seem quite overwhelming at first there's a lot of things you can do here but the basic functionality is very straightforward and i think actually easier to use than the aceta corsa ui so absolutely essential piece of software and the backbone to everything else that we're going to be doing allows us to install cars install tracks mods custom shaders lighting rain effects you name it pretty much content manager can do it so we can scroll through here you can see a bunch of the features that this does add through the blurb on the website i'm not going to read through all this now we're just going to take you through the essentials we keep scrolling down here and you can see it takes us through custom shaders patch as well which is something we'll be looking at in just a moment keep on scrolling all the way down to the bottom so we can see here a link to download the lite version and it says to unlock the full program version you'll need to transfer any amount of money using one of the following systems now this is an honor-based system so you can get away with transferring a small amount of money i would take this from the mentality of transferring what you can afford rather than what you can get away with it really is fantastic software as you're going to see in just a moment and they really do deserve your support to keep on developing software for the sim racing community so give them a decent donation don't just transfer a couple of bucks but you know if that's all you can afford then that's fine as well what they'll do is they'll email you and unlock code which is going to give you the full functionality of software so we're going to click on download it's going to start our download running and you can see it's a very quick download there's not a whole lot to it it's very simple we're going to go show in folder we're going to unzip the file so extract all extract and you can see that we just have an executable file called content manager and you can see here just how simple this is we've already unpacked the content manager.executable and that is literally all you have to do it does recommend you don't put it in a read-only location so don't put it in your aesthetic corsa file under program files on your c drive i normally just leave this on my desktop to be honest with you that way it syncs across to my other machines as well and i can run it from those two via the cloud so we'll close that off again literally just drag contentmanager.exe off the screen here onto my desktop we'll close off our browser here too and double click on the content manager executable file so when we open up the executable for the first time we'll be presented with this screen automatically detected my default install location for assetto corsa but if you have changed your installation location that's not able to find it for any reason then you can specify exactly where you've got it installed here doesn't matter whether you've got it installed through steam or just through standard windows installation it will detect it also enter your steam id as well so it can link things up there and you can enter your player name too so i'm just going to enter my name like so and then there's a range of different plugins which you can install from here as well so i'm just going to go through and install every single one of these quickly you can see if we scroll down there's quite a few of them to go through now occasionally when you hover over them they do kind of highlight funny like that just a bug in the installation software but nothing to worry about so just get all of those installed and then once you're done click ok so we've got all of those plugins installed now we did get an error message here on cefsharp91 we do have the version 79 installed so it shouldn't be an issue you're not too worried about that we're going to click ok and that now brings up the content manager ui so as i said before this is a complete replacement for the default ui inside assetto course and when we click this little go button here that is going to launch straight into the gameplay so you can see up here a little orange marker saying switch to full version you can see there is a lot of stuff that we can do here in the light version as well so you can definitely have a good experience here but if you really want to get into stuff and get the most out of the game as i said before it is important to activate so we're going to click on switch to full version here and you can see we get a little dialog box here to insert our app key which will be emailed when we make that donation so fully activated now and we have complete access to all the features that content manager has to offer so let me quickly run you through the interface here we're not going to go through absolutely every single setting of course but i just want to cover off the main stuff here where i think most people are going to be spending most of their time so we've got a standard single player mode here allows us to set the time of day real life conditions ideal conditions of course temperature weather settings as well track conditions so between dusty old green slow fast and optimum of course we can add additional cars that we want to race against as well so you can see at the moment only the abarth 500 is selected but we just click on the plus sign to add additional cars in we can adjust the opponent strength here as well so this little slider allows us to adjust the range and you can see here we go from a minimum of say 85 percent to plus 5.2 percent and we can adjust that range as we see fit depending on our skill level or we can have all the cars around the same strength as well should we wish to do so i tend to like to have a wider range just so we get a little bit more variance throughout the field if you're doing a last to first challenge you start off with easy overtakes and it gets harder as you progress through the field opponent aggression adjustment here as well all pretty standard stuff the ability to switch on and off penalties penalties for jumping the start and we also have a little drop down menu here as well that allows us to choose between a gamer intermediate and pro if we choose gaming you can see here there's a couple of assists that it will either enable or disable and you can of course customize this too we have the ability to switch on and off tyre blankets we can also customize all of these settings in here too so automatic shifting automatic clutch auto blip ideal line abs settings traction control settings you name it everything can be adjusted from here and as you can see you can also save presets too so you can save a preset reload it again for next time you can choose between different presets here as well and if you want to send those presets across to a friend so you can do ideal conditions between the two you can do that too so you can set up presets for individual components like what we have here or you can set up a preset for the overall settings for that entire page too you can see across the top here we have practice mode hot lap time attack race track day weekend drift and drag practice modes too so we recommend go through those explore them and just sort of familiarize yourself with exactly what they offer we don't need to go through every single one of them here for the context of today's video we also have the ability to choose between different cars here too so we click on the little garage button here and that brings up a new prompt we can choose between the cars that we have installed simply just choose the car click on it it gives you a little bit of information about the car here too and then you can click ok to choose a car there is also a little preview mode too as well which is really nice same deal for choosing tracks as well click on the change crack button brings up the prompt and we can choose between all of the tracks that we have installed we can jump across the challenges now and that gives us a bunch of different racing modes between time attack drag drift races again there's a huge amount of stuff here to go through we can join online lobbies here as well by clicking on live and join through the sim racing system world sim series track titan or rsr again we don't need to go into all of those now and also of course just standard online kunos lobbies here too so we click on online and that allows us to jump into any one of the online lobbies which are available so we'll go across back into single player mode again for now now if we have a look across the top here you can see a selection of additional tabs here too so our drive tab is where we've been doing everything so far we also have a tab for lap times results media as well so this is where we store our replays this is a completely virgin installation of assetto corsi so i don't have any media in here currently we've got our content tab as well this is where we can go through all the various cars and tracks that we have installed as well as miscellaneous mods tools and so forth we also have the ability to get new mods from here as well and we're having a look at this in just a second we then click across to our settings tab and this is where all the really detailed stuff is so these are our basic settings for content manager we've got tabs for general appearance content custom showroom and so forth and i'm not going to go into all of these settings for now for the most part you're not going to need to do much tweaking in here you know there's a bunch of guides online for optimizing and i'll put some links down in the description below for some of the videos i would definitely recommend watching to you know optimize for different types of usage so if you want photo realism you can do that there's a bunch of different mods which you can install to achieve all sorts of different things and you're going to kind of be on the scope of today's video but i will make some recommendations a little bit later on in the video continue through here you can see all the various different settings that you can change as they pertain to content manager specifically and then if we click across to the asceto courses tab this is where we adjust our settings as they pertain to the sims specifically so this is like a replacement for the settings menu inside the standard ui so we can set our app settings here uh video settings so graphics settings and there are a bunch of guides online i'll recommend some down in the description below for you know optimizing these settings we might run through a couple of things here a little bit later on in the video but again it's going to depend on what you're doing you can see there's a setting for single screen here triple screen vr as well and importantly you can save profiles for each of these two so what i generally do is i set up one for single screen set up one for triple screen set up one for vr and then i can easily switch between them from the menu here so we just go save preset save it in here and it will then show up in the menu and we can choose between so it makes it easy to switch between different profiles without having to go through and set everything up from scratch every time now if we continue down to controls here as well this is where we can map our controls for everything so it's as simple as just choosing wheel steering just turn my wheel throttle push the throttle pedal brake push the brake pedal clutch and handbrake i don't actually have a handbrake on my rig at the moment and you can also adjust your sensitivity and linearity from here as well so say for example if you wanted to make your brake a little bit more sensitive all you need to do is just reduce the maximum threshold here and now i have to push the pedal a lot lighter to get 100 full scale deflection there so easy to fine tune everything from here too we can adjust our gamma our minimum point as well if you need to add in some dead zone you can invert you know all the standard stuff that you would expect from any sort of control configuration interface you can see all of our buttons are showing up here as well so we can map all of those so we've got our axes our buttons so shifter up shift to down and so forth you get the point we don't need to go through all of this here right now we can also of course adjust our force feedback settings from in here to exactly the same as we would within the game although we do have a couple of additional settings in here which we don't get inside the standard ui so then we go across to custom shaders patch and this is where the magic starts to happen in terms of really starting to you know add on top of what you can get from the standard assetto corsa experience so we're going to click on the custom shaders patch tab and you can see here we don't have it installed by default you don't need to go to a different web page to download this all you need to do is just click on install and that is going to install the mod for us so that will take a couple of seconds to install depending on your connection speed of course and you'll be presented with the about and updates page here so you can see this has unlocked a huge list of additional tweaks which we can add in to tweak the graphics and the way things look inside assetto corsa now i know this looks quite overwhelming again there's a ton of guides available i'll drop a couple of links down in the description below for you guys once again the default settings here are pretty good and i'd recommend just going in using these settings as a base point and then you can fine tune and tweak depending on your preference there most of the really interesting stuff happens around lighting effects you can tweak things in here brake disk effects is a really cool one as well allows the brake discs to glow uh particle effects reflection and weather effects as well is a really important one so get in there fiddle around but you can see by default it's put a bunch of settings in and activated most of the things you're going to want depending on the performance of your pc graphics card as well that will determine what you're able to get away with obviously the more stuff you add in the more load that's going to be putting on your system and there are some things like shadow effects and shading for example which do have a disproportionately large impact on performance so again it's just going to be a matter of going in there fiddling around but you don't need to do too much here just to get up and running straight out of the box and you can see by default in here it is also auto updating to the most recent version i normally just change this to updating every day other than every 30 minutes just because i don't want to be polling the network while i'm doing online racing or anything like that so yeah that's all good now there are experimental and beta versions of the custom shaders patch available which have additional features above what we have in the standard release versions and those are available to the developers patreon supporters so i've been on that program for a little while as well probably about six or seven months now and you know sometimes it can be a little bit buggy but it does unlock some pretty cool additional features too so if you really want to experiment and fill around with things i would definitely recommend doing that but you know for basic users that just want to get up and running and don't want to have to fiddle around with stuff too much then you don't necessarily need to do that so that's a rundown on the basic functionality of content manager as well as custom shaders patch now let's get into installing mods tracks and cars so what we're going to do is jump back to our content tab here click on mods now if it is the first time running you will see a little prompt to create a mods directory just click on that and you'll be presented with this screen so we have the available mods here which are the mods which are installed on the pc but not necessarily active and then a list of installed mods which are actually active and running on ascetic corsa on the right hand side and you can obviously move between the two sides depending on what you're wanting to do and you can see here now we've installed the la canyons 1.2 maps that actually comes included with a couple of mods inside the install package and you can see those are in the installed and active column if we were to want to disable them so for example we want to disable the hide pit crew mod so the pit crews show up beside the road then we could just move that so highlight it click disable moves across to available but not currently active and vice versa if we want to enable it we just click enable and it is as simple as that now the one essential mod which i would recommend everybody downloads is a mod called sol and that allows us some additional weather effects on top of what we have with custom shaders patch so things like enhanced rain effects on the windscreen wet track surface you know all those kinds of things which we don't get in the standard vanilla asceto corsa so what we're going to do is open up our web browser once again we're going to go to race department again i'll drop the link down in the description below for you guys but you can just google assetto corsa sol and that'll take you to this page as well make sure you're logged in and we're going to click on download it's going to take us across the download page that is downloading now 244 megabytes so it is a slightly larger download than the previous one and there's a couple of notes here on the developers page on race department as well so it's noting here sol doesn't actually bring rain into assetto corsa it just gives us some additional weather effects and things that we can control on top of what's available through custom shaders patch so again there's a bunch of videos here showcasing how to install step by step guides and so forth we'll quickly run you through in today's video the basic steps now you can see there is a link to the install guide just here and if we scroll down a little bit to page where are we page 8 of 18 it's uh it recommends here that we always install sol by manually copying the files to the ac folder so it's one of the few mods which we do want to manually install rather than installing through content manager that just makes sure that all the files are correctly installed and we don't run into any issues and then there are some notes here around configuration which we'll run through in just a moment too so we'll wait for that download to finish and i'll show you how to get that installed so we're going to open up the soul zip file here and i'll just move this back out of the way again quickly so we're not getting too much going on the screen at once so bring up my installation guide here so it says open the soul zip which we've done in the zip go to the mods and then sol 2.1 so sold 2.1 or whatever version you happen to be on you can see there's a bunch of explanation files here as well as configuration guides and all sorts of stuff here so again you can go into all of this yourself and really get to know exactly all the things you can do there's a massive amount of things that you can do to really tweak and you know get the most out of the experience depending on what you want but we'll open up sol 213 and then it says copy the folders apps content extension and system to the ac root folder so we're going to open up a new window additionally here we'll open it up by side and just squish this down so just uh windows key and the letter e on your keyboard to open up a new explorer window i'm going to go to the installation directory for assetto corsa which in my case is in the steam folder so program files steam steam apps common asceto course up and we're literally just going to grab those four folders and drag them across we should get a prompt to overwrite at some point here as well so it's just going to copy across actually didn't get a prompt to overwrite that time so it was just combining all the files so that's fine and then what i would recommend doing is just closing content manager so we're going to hit close here and then once content manager is up and running again we're going to click on settings we're going to scroll down to weather effects and we're going to choose controller script soul 2.1 or whatever version it was that you just installed and then we can also click reset here now just a quick note on weather and rain effects so rain droplets falling from the sky paddles on the track rain on the windscreen the body of the car and so forth so as of the time of making this video you do need the latest preview build of custom shaders patch which is available through being a patreon supporter of illja and i'll drop a link again in the description below for you guys so for sol 2.1 to work you do need to be running custom shaders patch 0.1.69 or later but for the rain and weather effects to work you need to be running one of the preview builds of that so if you have a look at the list here on the right hand side you can see available versions is listed up to 0.1.75 at the time making this video but you can see i've got 0.1.76 preview installed that is what i downloaded from the patreon supporter page so if you are running sold 2.1 you're going to need to go to version 1.69 or later if you do have auto update to recommended versions that is going to push you down to we can see here 0.1.60 sold 2.1 is not going to work with that installed so you're going to end up with problems with black sky weird shadows and things like that that's often something that i see in forums so just be aware of that if you're running sol 2.1 you're going to need to choose 0.1.69 as your custom shaders patch and if you want those weather effects to work you will need to be a patreon supporter and download one of the preview builds and then once content manager is up and running again we're going to click on settings we're going to scroll down to weather effects and we're going to choose controller script soul 2.1 or whatever version it was that you just installed and then we can also click reset here then once we've done that we also need to enable the ability to control solve from within the ascetocorsa game once it's up and running so to do that we're going to click on the ascetto corsa tab we're going to click on apps and we're going to enable sol planner sol weather app sole config and sol custom weather here that's going to allow us to access those menus from within the game later on so we can configure our settings and then lastly just to make sure we're getting the full impact of sol we're going to click on video so for reflection resolution here i'm going to set 2048 2048 depending on your system you may not get away with that so just fiddle around here see what you can get rendering frequency they recommend you don't go above 2 faces per frame so we're going to set that and then under filter we're going to click on default we're going to change that to sol extra and that should be everything we need to get this working so at this point you've got content manager installed you've got custom shaders patch up and running as well as salt it's time to show you now how to install tracks and additional cars into the game so again there are a huge range of different sources online for downloading tracks and cars we're going to start off with tracks here one of the tracks that i've been wanting to test out for a while now is the new pacific coast track by phoenix mods so again race department is a great source for downloading tracks all we need to do is find the track that we want click on the download button that will download it into our downloads directory and then once fully downloaded we don't need to decompress the archive all we need to do is open up our downloads folder so again windows key e to get a browser window open click on downloads you can see here pacific coast v095 literally just drag and drop it into content manager like so you can see the little arrow here highlights if we drop that down you can see it says we'll just bring that up for you it says installing it's going to ask us which layouts we want to install which is obviously dependent on the track that we're installing we click install you can see here it is decompressing the archive and copying all the files we need successfully installed and now if we click on our change track button go to countries go to usa we can see pch which is pacific coast click ok and it is as simple as that so pretty much the same process again with cars but i'll quickly run you through that as well so again there's a huge variety of places where we can download additional cars for us of course at race sim studio are one of my absolute favorite when it comes to high quality cars their cars are absolutely amazing so they do have a couple of free ones here as well we've got an example of one of those here now the formula hybrid 2017 so we're going to hit up race sim studio we'll just drop a link down the description below for their website as well click on download for free and they'll email you a url where you can download your new cart so we click on download okay so car is downloaded we're going to do exactly the same thing again showing folder and minimize our browser drag it anywhere within content manager and again we can see our little bar lights up we'll drag that across for you so you can see it properly found two items rss formula hybrid click on install again it's unpacking the archive for us and putting all the files in their correct location so we don't have to do it manually so that is really handy so now all we need to do is click on our change car button find race sim studio formula hybrid choose a color and skin click on ok and it is as simple as that so once we've got the car and track selected that we want to drive obviously make sure that you've mapped your controls as well everything is set up ready to go there it is as simple as just clicking on the go button and that is going to launch us straight into the gameplay all right so excuse the weirdness on the screen behind me at the moment i've got a ceno courser on one screen and then my car desktop background on the other so that's what's going on there but i wanted to just quickly show you how to configure mods and stuff once they're installed once you're actually in the game so if we move over to the right hand side to access the quick menu we can click on all apps here and we can see down the side here we have all of our standard apps adjustments for onboard settings field of view triple screens and so forth and then down the bottom here we can see our csp or custom shaders patch apps as well now if we click on sol planner this is where we can control our weather from directly inside the sim and now with triple screens enabled properly again so you can see a bit more around me you can see all the lightning effects and everything happening so let's just have a quick look at how we control soul here so we've got this planning system we can choose between what kind of weather we want so we can select any of these weathers thunderstorm windy you get the idea here even snow is available there should you wish to do so and you can see that generates some nice sort of white around us so yeah it's it works really really well we can also click along this bar to select the time of the day too so say we want to go to the middle of the night just click there you can see that big lightning strike there in front of me i think you guys probably saw that i haven't got my ambient lighting system running or anything at the moment either that's why it's still bright in the room but we go across to afternoon evening sunset and again you get the idea you can set up presets in here as well we might do a separate video where we go into a lot more detail on exactly how this works i just wanted to give you a general overview and that is that all right guys so that pretty much covers everything you need to know to get started at least there are of course a million other things that you can do let us know in the comments down below as well what some of your favorite mods are if you're experienced or if you do have any questions let us know down there as well as we said before there are a bunch of links down in the description to a bunch of videos which go into more detail on specifics as well as some recommendations there too so thank you very much for watching guys leave a thumbs up if you've enjoyed the video make sure you are subscribed as well so you don't miss future ones and that's it guys i'll see you again soon bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Boosted Media
Views: 274,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: assetto corsa, assetto corsa mods, assetto corsa weather, custom shaders patch, sol mod, sol, assetto corsa sol, besat assetto corsa mods, best assetto corsa trackshow to install assetto corsa mods, how to install tracks, how to install cars, assetto corsa cars, assetto corsa tracks, download assetto corsa mods, download assetto corsa tracks, assetto corsa rain, rain mod for assetto corsa, assetto corsa traffic, assetto corsa open world, assetto corsa free roam, sim racing
Id: BciUoeNUykI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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