Don't Hold Off - This Upgrade to Assetto Corsa Is Huge ! ┃Links under vid

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gorgeous Graphics beautiful weather and mind bogglingly smooth frame rates that is what you get with the latest version of Shader patch and pure now is the time to upgrade and in this video I'm going to explain why but first has this video had 1,000 likes and did you regrettably subscribe to this channel rhetorical questions designed to manipulate you into interacting with internet content that you'd rather avoid for those of you that are familiar with modding and a setto cors Shader patch and pure just skip ahead one minute I'm now going to go over some basic information for people that are new so that they know what to get what they need and how to get into this terrible hobby with a setto corser skip ahead one minute if you know it if you don't well stick around right for those of you that don't know aeto corser is currently still the best racing simulator force feedback uh handling at the limit loads of people use it to train Real World Racing driers use it to train it's absolutely superb thankfully kunos made a big mistake when they developed it and made it completely open to modding and then even more thankfully a crazy Russian guy and some other crazy people decided to completely rewrite and redo all the graphics weather and everything else bit of an oversimplification but you can think of it as the graphics updates are called Shader patch and then the weather Sky Box time of day all that kind of stuff is now called Pure it's also worth saying that just about everybody that plays a setto corser now uses a mod called content manager as a way to launch the game manage content do select settings and also you need content manager for pure and Shader patch to work content manager has basically or quite literally replaced AO corses user interface outside of the actual game playay so the three things that you need for a setto corer now are content manager Shader patch and pure all of which are available through patreon you can get Shader patch and content manager through Ila's patreon and you can get pure through Peter Bose's patreon I've probably said their names incorrectly but I'll link to those patreon pages underneath the video now patreon's designed to take a monthly fee from you so if you want to continue to support them and have continued access to updates into the future you can keep your sub going but if you're on a tight budget and you want to keep things below probably £4 you could just subscribe once download the latest Shader patch download the latest pure grab your content manager key from the from ill Year's membership page and then unsubscribe and Bob's your uncle Fanny's your aunt you've got everything you need and you don't need to spend any money and no more money will be coming out of your bank account and Ila and Peter Jose will be crying because you ended up supporting an idiot YouTuber by being a member here instead of supporting people actually doing valuable work for Sim racing and producing content that Sim Racers actually want right so now you generally know what Shader patch pure and content manager are and now we're going to talk about how the latest version is substantially better than previous versions that's not to say that the previous versions weren't amazing I mean if you've been watching YouTube over the years you we've had like rain particle effects trees grass all the details this stuff has looked awesome for ages but for those of you that are like me that spend most your time drinking tea and staring off into the distance wondering how you manage to waste your limited time on this planet with uh forceing back steering wheels and pointless racing games for those of you that do that uh you probably have held off updating Shader patch and pure to the very latest versions despite like myself even subscribing and paying monthly to to patreon I'm just lazy all right guys so if you've held off now though is the time to actually upgrade because with the latest Shader patch and pure I think things have just reached a certain quality level that's absolutely superb and noticeably different than previous versions a key thing as well just from a logistical sense there no longer the separation of having so and pure and having to think about that it is just pure now I didn't really want to bring up sold cuz I don't want to confuse new users but basically pure is all there is now so that's fantastic and uh well Shader patch you know as I said it's always had really good features but I think and what I noticed when I updated to this latest version the image quality just seemed better it it's a lot of small subtle things coming together that make the end result just seem that much more polished and nicer weirdly to me it seems actually that uh anti-alias in or the alasin has reduced in a setto corer with this latest update I'm not sure what setting that is if it is alasin if it's m mapping if it's just lighting and textes I don't know exactly all tweets to the renderer but the game actually just looks a lot smoother and a lot sharper whil it's being smooth which is a rare thing in modern games these days um but then also and crucially I seem to get better frame rate performance as well with this uh latest version of Shader patch and pure specifically even when my frame rates dropped things seem to drop in a more predictable and smoother way so I think the frame timing is something that's also improved with these latest updates which if you've got an OLED screen or maybe if you're playing in VR those sorts of things if you're really Ally retentive and a bit of a weirdo those sorts of things actually have a really big impact on the quality of play and immersion so uh it the end result is just a really big shift in quality and largely it's really just bug fixes and Improvement and polish that that really stand out with the latest version they have of course added loads of new features both in pure and Shader patch I'm not going to go over them all and just read the feature list if you want to know all the individual improvements and changes go on their patreons read all the bullet points for the sake of this video that's going to bore everyone to death though it would take up a lot of time and it is a good technique to use on YouTube to do that um but uh yeah it's just absolutely fantastic you owe it to yourself to try it as you can see in the footage here there is one part of the update to uh Shader patch and pure that um isn't particularly desirable I mean it's fantastic as a Brit I have now experienced what it's like to look at the sun something I've never done before so uh amazing uh they do have a sun blinding effect which is uh very annoying but you can turn that off in the settings and also people different PP filters uh will also adjust that it's it's more there for people to use but as you can see it's great it is quite realistic if you've ever driven in the morning with the sun in your face uh but but it's very annoying when you're trying to race so that's probably the only bad thing you can turn it off as to say uh but all in all just absolutely superb and incredible the quality that aeto corser brings especially if you do online racing you can host servers through content manager and just have people come in or there's other leagues and things taking place and the racing is amazing fundamentally because AC has very realistic handling cars specifically at the limit ignoring kurbing AC King is broken content manager actually Shader patch is working on that um but also the force feedback the handling force feedback addit score is amazing in AC and although the netco is not the best the end result is much better racing than premium expensive services like iRacing for example where you can have a small car contact you can have close r racing even with you hosting it yourself even with even with just online League racing because everything about the physics and the force freb back and everything else accommodates that better so absolutely incredible we have such a gorgeously looking and functioning simulator with all these tracks all these cars anything you can imagine um and we we should be very grateful for it because the alternative is you have Microsoft doing Forza Motorsport which drives worse than stuff from 20 plus years years ago though it it could be worse don't get me wrong graphics are not too bad but it's worse than this this game is running at 4K 120 FPS VR support everything else going on multiple screens movable widgets and then you got for of motor support it's like what is going on 60 FPS it looks doesn't look that good and also just buggy jumping warping and all this other stuff going on and then you have uh like WRC which is chronically unfinished doesn't run well the new games are just so bad compared to what you get from a game from 2014 with the work that moders have done to it th this is the Pinnacle and the essence of what PC gaming and what I think Sim racing has to has to offer really um and it's incredible so big Applause to Ila Peter Bose kunos for originally making the terrible decision of making a set of corser open I don't know how they're going to improve Pro on AC with ac2 we'll have to wait and see um but uh superb you owe it to yourselves now to get content manager if you haven't the latest Shad of patch the latest pure and to then join us in our online races that we've been doing where we've been racing some of the best aceto Corsa mod content this is the Manan trophy here we've been driving the RSS F3 car the RSS F2 car which is surprisingly good and it's been fantastic fun mostly crashing into people that are subscribers of the channel but it's just cathartic so uh yeah thank you for watching this video guys hopefully the information in it was useful for you subscribe click the like button if you haven't or you want to whatever uh but until the next one happy tea drinking take care and goodbye
Channel: GamerMuscleVideos
Views: 51,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation, sim, racing simulator, gamermuscle, fanatec, simlabs, Gamer, assetto corsa, pure, shader patch, graphics, realistic
Id: BR53kTdBWR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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