Asserting Dominance Over Ghosts In Phasmophobia

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uh it's sweet are they louder for everyone now can you guys hear them better oh i hear them better oh i'm testing hello i'm a ghost hunter and i'm here to show you how to catch ghosts named carol baskin and uh paul smith carol baskin's still alive it's her husband that's dead no no carol baskin was in the areas carol martin but whatever basically carol baskin also smells fed her husband to a tiger there's no way she didn't allegedly we do not want to get sued for slander here on these livestreams allegedly allegedly she found her husband rifkin you should ready up oh uh right sorry i played for the first time man i don't know what i'm doing oh you didn't just play a game and we kind of did but we just kind of let jojo die and run out of the house so got it dude hey hey hey hey i was trying i was trying to take a picture i failed miserably and then i said good night kara are you starting it so it's okay yeah okay everyone do not talk until we're all in the game you what the heck you were yeah you were cara's supposed to be the last one you should consider getting a gaming computer no cara is supposed to be the last one in strong flashlight no whoa whoa whoa do not take my strong flashlight oh my god that's fine you can take it you can take it where hey jordan what kind of gaming laptop is this it's right there do you not say right there what do you see do you see this oh is that oh is that my strong flashlight okay it's just not in it was not in the usual that's that's not it that's that's not it's this one up here oh i see i see it to the right i see it now i see it now there we go got it got it it's not in the usual location at all sanity pills don't take those don't take those are we gonna need them in here is this an easy one oh it's an easy one okay yeah um maria jones all right so we want to yell out maria jones as many times as possible jones are you going to talk to it jordan yeah dude oh wait i don't have the spirit box but yeah go grab it should i do that instead of thermometer i was thinking i could they're my god i can take the spirit box oh yeah jojo can do it yeah uh no we can set it up let me find the room though i have that last night well no so we we have a motion sensor you just don't have it on you oh yeah what do you want me to grab can you grab this camera and the motion sensor is this a lighter should i grab the lighter no don't grab the lighter can i set this part rip can grab this camera and the motion sensor got it perfect do you hear lots of fireworks happening no how do i take a picture really that's a video camera why won't this freaking go what am i supposed to do i don't understand with this thing with the blue box uh nothing i can't believe you don't hear a lot of fireworks happening it is crazy i don't know i just don't no nothing dude i don't hear any fireworks around maria jones's house no no oh yeah dude that you're looking good there someone remember the key right yeah okay good all right let's find this [ __ ] i hope we find a legend excuse you i'm sorry i forgot swear jar okay i will give me one sec once we like not die i will oh do i just like plant this thing on a wall or something oh yeah but wait till we yeah we gotta find the room this is um you haven't faced the asylum yet so this is gonna be easy mode finding a room yeah oh okay swear jar oh we're not allowed to swear i played on asylum and we never found the room and we all just made an educated guess because we were there hey this looks like the thing from the truck yeah it's um we we aced asylum last time i played this it was legendary yeah why didn't we bring any salt to like paul smith is a legend by the way star arm thank you for the five seven so much appreciated i'm already up here dude i'm looking for the room yo you guys aren't saying over over i'm not gonna say over over i'm over you staying over there should i not be turning the lights on why is it so hard to find a cold room uh if you turn on all the lights then the breaker will trip off hello ghost would you like to speak to me today are you here give us a sign uh my chat keeps changing the lights tell me if you alive how do we know if we're like going insane or not uh it it doesn't go down that quickly but you have to go to the van hello have you considered turning down the ac yeah probably i can see my breath in my apartment do you speak do you speak bro this is feeling a lot like asylum there is just no cold room yeah we had that problem last time give us a sign yeah dude i got a fake thermometer here i probably need to reboot it wait does my microphone still work and you'll hear me yep yeah yeah good just making sure all right ghost are you around you're here where are you where are you uh once nothing it just if you do it over and over she'll get angry and then it's fun what's her name and respect her as a individual well all it takes is what is the first well i think she just resp wait i think they just responded in the in the in the spirit right really because i said maria and then i went door but i don't know if they said anything should i put this i i've not had any any reduced temperatures yet so oh i found the bone guys anybody have a picture oh yeah i got this i got this can you speak to me again please ghost give me another sign i'm like revisiting everywhere twice now and there's just no drop temps what is going on am i supposed to put this camera like on the desk or something uh yeah once we find it is it possible to bug jojo stop that give us a sign guys are we in the right house i'm like 92 positive that the spirit box spoke to me and then the chat is saying that they're a million percent positive so i think spirit box is one of them you said that was over in this area over here right yeah like near the garage but i'm not getting this neighborhood no reduced you know i'm in the temps right now everyone's sanity's at like 70 i guess i hear uh fireworks now oh yeah you do now what the heck they're like right outside my window yeah yeah lakers bro oh what happened with them lakers won the nba they did the sports yeah they did the whole shebang whole shabami dang dude okay that's where jojo was saying things so the thermometer is bugged then that's weird it's in this it's in the storage room hey guys activities at four so it's in the laundry room thermometer is bugged why laundry it's in the laundry room it's a spooky ghost that is made of sheets whoo ripken give me the camera let me do it how do i do it okay where did you guys find it guys okay that's not the camera this motion sister but you can wait we need the motion sensor we need it yeah put the motion sensor right on this uh door thing like the white part wait not all ghosts make anything cold oh she turned off the lights i thought all ghosts made the temps drop it's just not all are freezing on the wall okay right here yeah she turned off the the lights by the way press f press f f i'm getting conflicting information on whether or not temperatures will always drop to some extent or not okay with the camera press the can't put the camera right here on this corner but make it face towards the laundry room hello can you all hear me yeah make it a green light first i can hear you oh okay nobody was acknowledging my question well i've said several things and i don't know if people can hear me we can hear each other do you know do you know if all all ghosts are supposed to drop temperatures aren't they um that's what i've heard but i'm not sure hey cara rifkin do you read oh yeah what's up can can you not hear when we don't speak over the radio did you hear what i was asking about temperatures i think rifkin is just much louder so she could only hear him cara did you hear what i was asking about temperatures yeah and i responded i said i don't know oh i did not hear that weird okay i don't see oh wait did i see an over just now i assuming more towards the door you said yeah more towards the door if you can okay so one evidence is emf level five and you said spirit box yeah is that a better card like that oh perfect yeah yeah um i was just told in my chat that all ghost drop temperatures just not make it freezing all the time okay that's what i thought so there is definitely a bug with the thermometer then can someone put the book in the laundry room uh i don't have the book on me who has the book i don't know oh i have the book i'm stupid nice uh have we put the crucifix down um i think we should be good someone else want to see if the thermometer changes more for them once you put down the book [Music] that's the motion sensor the motion sensor is going off not working weird okay yeah go put that in the laundry room completed detective ghost presents with a motion sensor oh nice oh am i going in by myself um yeah no i can do that that's okay um i'll go in by myself yeah wait she's hunting right now okay prevent the ghost from hunting with a crucifix um yeah okay yeah i'll go yeah okay i'll go yeah i think josh is going to die again nah she'll be fine i'm scared jordan okay so the only thing that that we can find for to find whether what the final ghost is is either ghost riding or ghost orbs temperatures but temperatures if it's bugged is a problem no it temperature doesn't give anything so it's not yeah it does freezing temps are a thing it does freezing temps are evidence yes no no i know freezing temperatures are evidence but with what we already have which is emf level five and uh uh no no one's turning lights on i don't think we have emf level five and oh you're saying there's there's not a combo that that does yeah frozen temperatures got it got it yeah okay i don't see any ghost orbs is there writing can you ask her to write in the book no writing yet where ghost response to everyone hello ghost oh yeah we got some right in there dude who's screaming in the house what we got some rioting there dude can't run can't run can't run okay we're good then yeah but now we gotta do we do all of them take a picture of it take a picture of the right i think we have to like a ghost thing with uh crucifix what is it pickles dude all right she's hunting good luck wait what oh she's right there in the kitchen somewhere yeah stand on the crucifix what do we do we stand on it how do we prevent it from killing us i just see dude is that is that sparkles i just see him staring at her oh she's running like a little kid how do i use the crucifix it didn't get prevented by a crucifix though wait really that didn't complete why did she start over there what a loser dude it came from upstairs yeah that was weird pick up the crucifix uh it doesn't really matter yeah just come on over let's just we can leave now she was stuck like on the stairs for a long time dude she just looked like a little blob yeah it looks like a little baby carob thing did she she had no features she wasn't she wouldn't know paul smith dude paul smith had features this was just like a little art artistic model doll thing you know the thing that you pose to draw human figures so what type of ghost was it it's an oni you put that in the book or what yeah you just fill out what we saw which is the emf level five spirit box in ghost writing and then it'll kind of auto fill the last one yep yeah lucky for you guys she got stuck before she stubbed your toe what a stupid ghost dude nice we made it we made it do what i put for the third evidence oh spirit box oopsie cara welcome back rifkin's not gonna get the money oh look at the boys i got 50 bucks oh you did okay nice nice yeah you just got to put the ghost you don't have to put the evidence wait why is everyone not like dissing me in the chat what everyone's giving me a not like this in the chat what they do wrong yeah i we thought you we thought you didn't get the ghost put in in which case you wouldn't have gotten the money you didn't get it yeah but you got it wait was it a nugget no no this is wrong oh okay okay bro i'm at 315 wow what can i buy now what can i buy now can i buy a head mounted no i gotta be level eight i could buy a parabolic microphone and where do you guys see the shopkins oh nice very nice is there anything here like i should buy um like a strong flashlight it's good strong flashlights top notch [Music] oh no oh my god are you crab raving me too oh yeah this is the dumbest thing i've ever walked thanks i hate it guys [Music] he looked really good doing that you also look pregnant yeah okay should we do another mission yeah let's do it ready up have you already got it selected yeah we're doing okay has everybody added the stuff in i have yes rifkin have you bought your strong flashlight i can't oh i bought it and i added it to the list that's a thing do i need to do anything with the add thing you have to add if you have a strong flashlight you add it i can't bite him to level three oh okay he's fine all right all right here we go hint don't stay in the dark too long what a hint game what a hint hey jojo jojo i think she's being quiet she was just talking to me tell me don't ghost her and then she ghosts me okay i'm glad you picked up on that can we can we all hear each other are we good hello hello cool cool great i can hear you i accidentally talked during loading and i was very big scared okay are you gonna turn the flashlights on before you pick them up actually all right i'm gonna go emf reader this time cool all right someone grab the book someone grab a spirit box i think i got the motions yes i'm all full i have camera uh flashlight and emf i'm full too okay so what are our objectives this time capture photo the ghost oh heck yeah i'm the i'm the biggest photographer in all of ghostland dude oh motion sensor okay an emf reader oh my god i'm going to do all these all right thomas jackson i got the journal and the spirit box and my flashlight [Music] i'm about to take some pulitzer prize-winning photos oh is the breaker on the front no that's not the breaker it might be under the stairs all good negative it is not all the way to the tippity top you do in order to find fingerprints why is this door locked oh it's a pull not a push [Music] usually it'll be like once we find the ghost room it's surrounding that though [Music] hello just in this hallway but i did go into this room here so maybe in there not sure okay let's see oh my god i was i was saying i called him a tiny ghost and then we were all pointing and laughing at him and then he responded it is cold right here on this landing oh okay nice nice yeah yeah come on emf give me the challenge hold on i'm being told i missed a luigi board i haven't seen the luigi board okay so apparently if it gets down below three celsius that counts as freezing temperatures and it got to point eight that's it 0.2 0.5 oh negative okay we're freezing freezing okay can i put the motion sensor down somewhere oh yeah put it on like this wall oh whoops we don't need ems we need to set up a camera what do you mean we don't need emf we do that's a challenge oh then in that case i'm saying it's not one of the evidence though oh why do i see my breath oh freaking wait freezing temps is never goes with emf what why wouldn't it be why wouldn't emf be one of the evidences oh we have sphere box i forgot yo what do i do i don't see fingerprints anywhere oh we did it what did we do i can set i can set up the book hey there we go all right got it can you write in the book please write in the book i beg you oh i think he just threw a can wait did was that was that the ghost yeah that was a ghost that looks like someone just picked the can up please write on the book check for ghost hello thomas please write in the book oh he's calling us what do you say i don't know i haven't spoken to him that's jojo's job i believe so yeah i have to get a photo he's flashing the light up there i gotta get a photo of my boy oh yeah he is also no uh no writing hello sir can you show yourself please show yourself we have spirit boxes and we're looking for the last one we would request can you please write on the book your presence to sign the declaration of independence please write on the book i beg of you please show thyself do you have fingerprints let's see um do i have the uv light i don't have a uv light can you throw something else can you throw that plant here give us a sign give us a sign give us a say cheese they look like fireflies do i need to like how do i you need to point it at doors and windows and light switches and that's how you'll see it you'll it'll be like pretty please with a cherry on top ghost would you show thyself i'm gonna get the crucifix is one of the challenges crucifix no but just make sure no one dies got it got it um thomas could you show yourself thomas speak to us um well they might not be here so how did the crucifix work like do i just stand on top of it and hope for the best i don't know um you don't need to be anywhere near it as long as you put it where his spawn point is oh okay okay see yeah look on this window as well rifkin and the light switch and stuff so right now we're at uh we're freezing temps in spirit box right yep uh then there's no fingerprints so that's not one of the options so it's either ghost writing or ghost orbs ghost show yourself all right guys my microphone and game work uh broke again sorry oh we can hear you oh no no i'm speaking on discord right now oh yeah yeah yeah every time my game like stutters and like freezes for half a second then my microphone is just not working anymore yeah my game is stuttering too more than usual yeah saw that person on the wall it scared the crap out of me oh you thought it was a ghost huh get baited i don't know if my microphone being broken uh will work if i like say her name or like speak in game so i found the bone oh i got i got this let me take a photo pulitzer prize coming right up get right up in there get right up in there oh yeah right in the bush wait i heard something he did just stay away he said go away oh you said go away okay um all right hello go storms let's see where you are oh yeah pick up the bone as well okay gotta do i picked it up i picked it up huh oh cool was that you who just cleared his throat or was that the ghost that was the ghost any orbs weird weird weird oh he likes people who are alone oh all right well i guess i gotta do it i gotta do it for the pulitzer prize what does that do again what does that do it keeps it from moving around too much okay hello ghost can you show yourself hello ghost would you like to show yourself hello sir uh we have a declaration of independence are you guys following me oh he said he said a word yeah i don't know what to do anymore hello he likes to be alone so yeah he said go away hello can you show yourself that's okay i'm just looking for orbs i can't find any i wonder if we need to angle the camera higher so you can see i don't think so can you show yourself thomas show yourself uh if you see like a little firefly flying around the screen he said next to me oh he's next to you he said next like i'm next dude activities at 4 3 i don't wanna i don't want to uh ask him unalive write in the book can you please write in the book the activities at zero god dang it dude he's flashing the light are the lights on over there no that was that was my man's sparkly lower than sanity else's oh probably because i'm just chilling in the dark for a while he's still 45 he's fine fingerprints we're done yeah fingerprints here you want to take a picture oh yeah where oh that was that was right there man that was right there all right thomas jefferson please show yourself i need to get a photo you dude right there like so many times i did not see this it probably happened when the activity went up it probably didn't happen yet um thomas jefferson i need a photo it's thomas jackson thomas jefferson follow ask him show yourself i hear that you're here show me say cheese give me a photo i'll leave so we have yeah enough evidence want a challenge i need to get ten dollars he keeps saying things to me but he won't show himself i mean we can leave his name's thomas jackson oh my god this man is annoying all right see you later thomas jefferson no pulitzer prize for me it's thomas jefferson okay what an irritating ghost all right everyone write wraith in your journal everyone good everyone raced um yeah if we streamed this we would make more money than welcome back there's some jobs ready for you all right 55 dollars 50 dollars oh wait if you can hear me yes yep can hear ya yeah okay oh yeah you haven't gifted me a sub yet wow wow i'm going wait why type that because she said a bad word i did oh wait what happened to rifkin though did he crash or something uh he got got by thomas jefferson yo it kicked me from the game i'm back hello okay it work i got 55 thanks for gifting a sub car corvus you're welcome huge fan huge fan oh yeah we were right was right yeah we risked our life for 55 bucks yep i know right we're gonna deal with dead things let's go back to starcraft wow that was a roast i can say that okay all right everyone ready up i'm adding stuff i need to thank someone for subs but i can't do it why just do it because it's everyone for the five gifted how did you know that wait how did you know that i didn't stream swiping up to you oh but you were watching oh okay friendly arsenic thanks cara got you yeah i'm stream sniping yep rifkin buy a strong flashlight yeah i can't i need to be level three oh my god you're almost jeez here i'm rich i'll buy one for you wow thanks sugar mom i'm at 370 dollars 370 macaroos i can't believe my pizza is taking this long it's not even being picked up yet what is going on guys have you ever considered using the money to repair the roof no ready up cara oh five the loser [Music] yo let me ask you this question i've been trying to ask you for three games okay what's up i've been working up the courage to ask you to the movies but they'd only bring snacks inside oh okay he's turned into a zombie oh my god i'm fighting with that joke we killed him we you did that i did not do that he's choking on popcorn dude why does my game take so long oh the longest to load is that jordan you have your good looks i need humor okay that's all i got it's all i got all right i'm getting that thermometer again you can set a camera take the emf i got that strong flashlight all right you want to take the uv flashlight again just okay oh dirty water i'm so good at dirty water oh and we need smudge sticks heck yeah yeah witness a ghost event that's pretty straightforward all right oh it's donna donna oh and and then thomas from the last round they've combined forces together this is great hey thanks for the five bucks thank you very much i have a gig internet dude all right do you have the game installed on ssd uh do you have smd instead that might be it that was uncalled for nice haha wait are we doing the same house again it should be different looks pretty same dude for real yeah this is pretty same what you doing [Music] ghost are you here ghost ghost coast ghost is that kara no it's not okay oh my god this flashlight is like oh wait it's getting a little chillier here uh what's the ghost's name is it in here oh she said away or he said away is it in the living room this area okay no it was in the kitchen right here i was standing right here when it happened yeah it's definitely it's right up it's right up here in this like landing area okay okay right here in case he wants to say more oh is that a five you don't sound like a donna oh oh oh um and this is easy just like in the first room when you walk in i still don't see any fingerprints anywhere yo fingerprints aren't always there aren't always fingerprints yeah he's talkative is that freezing temperatures no it's not freezing yet jordan take a picture of the emf when it goes off oh i didn't realize that was a thing yeah do you need the motion sensor oh no we don't all right dirty water yo you gonna drink that dude what are you doing i'm dirty water is the thing all right you know what i'm just gonna turn off the spirit box because he's getting so if annoying die did i get any money from this you can get insurance money but you lose your stuff okay time okay put the book down [Music] wow that was so fast that was the easiest game ever yeah well we need to encounter activities we speed run these dude we speed running to turn on the water i guess turn on the water i did no i'm talking to the ghost oh okay hey guys i'm about to commit arson let's see what happens donna thomas turned off dang it donna i really want to commit arson but the lighter turns off when you throw it give us donna thomas i think she just closed the basement door no no no no no no no no no no no no no no thomas donna we have the crucifix here thomas crystal fix is right here i'm standing on top of it here so do you just stand on it to be safe is that how it works no i don't know give us a sign okay there's your sign something's happening i want some dirty water stop stopping jordan donna that was the ghost that is the ghost i hear it too that is not the ghost that is the donna is mad dude i'm watching your stream donna is why are you stream sniping are you watching his task bar when we're not doing a monster dude 100 wow wow cara let it go dude red rum murder death what do you mean bloody mary how is this cheating oh what's happened to jojo i'm trying to commit arsenal you you should kind of light the curtains on fire dude thomas taunadamus thomas on the dolphins dirty yeah okay i got it i got a pick i got no i got a pick all right let's go no we have to we have to witness a ghost event tell me if that's marked off on the board and i'll leave it's not marked we have to witness donald thomas thomas thomas thomas tana donaton door close hello tony thomas donaton tom why is it on eof5 because she's somewhere near that is sign of donna tom donna thomas thomas because i knew it donna thomas in high school did you actually get the same one you know she was uh she was a real standoffish character um what did you think of i took a photo of that do you not trust me i have like three photos dude why do they have two sets of spatulas why not though maybe they cook a lot cause the wood ones catch fire tana thomas can you show yourself we're getting bored we need a photo otherwise we can't leave you alone all right thomas are you upstairs we just need a witness that goes we need a photo for my pulitzer prize collection please show yourself you ungrateful ghost donna thomas give us a sign give us a sign donna i'm about to wreak havoc on this kitchen all right you like this you'll like this donna that would you like donna oh hey that's a knife man is that what you want is this what you want donna throwing things she's throwing things she don't like that she don't like that donna show yourself now get the frick out here i like how you throw those plates but they don't shatter what an umbrella i want to break the jars wait i'm going to pick up a fork yo oh jojo could you like we can't play it yeah come on baby like my candle i don't know come on donna thomas wait let me hold it let me hold it donna you let you you really want me to keep doing the candle i let the candle with the candle don i can do this all day no i yeah i lit the candle donna i can do this all day do you really want me to be all right if we witness the ghost of it yet is still there donna thomas show yourself yeah it's still there it has it has two uses though donna thomas give us a sign donna thomas oh my god stop making the mf go off you're annoying just turn it off i know somebody left it on there okay i had to shut it off this was unbelievable oh through the light you can throw the candles today oh i got it up wait what the there's a oh i thought the candle was floating that was creepy donna thomas oh you extinguished it what the heck dude donald thomas your feet your feet smell take a bath turn off that thing you turn the water on again like that donna thomas you look like you haven't had a haircut since the beginning of quarantine into a mess huh did you throw it into the water dude this is like some bikini bottom bs amazing whoa that's so cool how's it burning in the water especially the guys that is a special candle oh my god dude i gotta use the bathroom please step out thank you donna oh my god i'm so scared don't show yourself donna what the hell who's doing that that's some sound board hunting it's at a level 10 as soon as i went that actually freaked me out what the hell was this open donna thomas come here oh she's hunting how do you know she's hunting it's at 10. yeah the door's not closed well i don't know it says ken maybe turn the lights off do you see her nah she afraid tauna dom where are you now okay donna thomas not very literate are we donna thomas not very literate are we donna thomas do you even understand words donna thomas hey donna thomas can you hear us my door just made noise donna thomas hello show yourself give us a sign bloody mary i make a wish i wish you would show yourself donna thomas you want to make me a gin thomas you want to know what's even better she's a gin no i know okay i just wanted to make sure you got that yeah that's that's the joke i get it yeah i just wanted to make sure you appreciate it to the full extent that was the name of the movie it was great um is the crucifix still there yes yeah yeah yeah [Music] she's got an awfully deep voice are you gonna leave okay hey donna thomas jesus so i did a game recently where like the hunt would happen but we wouldn't see the ghost and no one would die and we tried it like 10 times i'm gonna take the crucifix away maybe that'll help could be hit yeah it could be could be dawn thomas thomas dawn thomas david thomas thunder thomas donald thomas donna thomas donna thomas donna thomas donna thomas thomas thomas thomas thomas stop saying things in the spirit box and just show yourself okay i think she's just very shy i don't think she's gonna come out okay it was at 10 for a split second there's nothing happening yo donna thomas you suck and you're stupid you're dumb donna thomas i give up i give up on donna donna's too scared of disappointing too scared of my incredible pulitzer prize-winning photography jojo if you're talking we can't hear you no i was just reading the book okay i'm sorry we couldn't get you that picture bro i'm very sad here couldn't even win this a ghost event just went off really probably yeah yeah jordan's sanity's at like three percent whatever i'm out you guys got your books filled out i mean no i'm not gonna try silence too much welcome back there's some jobs ready for you man my pizza is really taking its sweet time fifty dollars let's go oh you're level three now you can do it do i need to buy us do we still have it or do i need to buy it you need to buy it okay oh someone else has it now someone else is the host oh really oh select yo but it looked to be me hmm which one should i do oh we could do high school i'm not in the mood why are you not on the move for high school i'm down for high school grand high school you look like you're still in high school high school grand finale oh i'm about to graduate college what do you mean all right grand finale [Music] oh is this our last name yeah i assume my uh pizza will be here in some point okay i want pizza i want pizza too and it doesn't seem to be happening all right i'll put sanity pills in as well as a thermometer a nice drunk flesh light also ah dude 420 i'm so rich why is that number funny i don't know why i just heard other people say it mostly the kids all right i added everything i own into the equipment list whoa oh my god that's even worse than beach whoa all right i think sparkles has to gift himself hold on if we have to i live near the beach wait if we have to give him a sub when we swear does he have to give us a sub when he's a huge nerd how's this work thank you for gifting a sub you have gift a total of two subs in the channel wow that's pretty cool wow that's gnarly yeah i wish i had a tesla in college frosty thank you for that let's try money dude it's not streaming money i just save a lot of money dang bro yeah she doesn't have to pay rent oh headmaster she's got a thousand subs dude she's basically a thousand error a thousand there my pizza was cancelled what why what the heck damn dude bro oh my god [Laughter] bunch of dicks gotta order food now i gotta order food now not 100 guys i gotta order food again give me a moment this is a crisis dude i understand man that sucks bro i've been waiting on this for like an hour and a half and then they're like and we're just gonna cancel it what what trash out of principle like can you never order from them again it was called the five cheese honey pepperoni pizza and it's delicious i don't know how i feel about that one dude it is absolutely delicious and i cannot believe that they've done me dirty like this man the five cheese and the pepperoni i'm with you the honey is where you lose oh the honey is actually the best part you just don't even realize it you just don't even think about it until you have it and you're like wait why does this work so well believe me i'm like i'm like a pizza i'm like a pizza connoisseur and it's it works it works don't understand yeah sorry i'm holding you guys up because i have to order a new meal moment or crucifix and motion sensor i'm just going to look for ghost orbs right off the bat i got the motion sensor what to do what to do so how does the crucifix works like if you put it down you it's like a wall type thing or what no you put it down where the ghost is spawning and it'll prevent a hunt but like what if it's already hunting can you like throw it down to stop it or something no you know what i'm gonna treat myself i'm gonna treat myself yeah do that yeah dude i found no orbs you earned it man look at you you've been doing great jordan you deserve to starve yourself for an hour so you deserve to treat yourself the world's greatest ghost hunter so you uploaded like what two videos today you deserve no how many went up today six six videos went up today dude you really deserve that ah yeah dude treat yourself dude you deserve it like you deserve breakfast tomorrow too you know what i'm saying you've like made it those points i'm gonna eat minecraft cereal tomorrow morning what is minecraft cereal just rocks no it's minecraft cereal dude i don't know if you're being serious or not i'm being serious i have minecraft it's a real thing yes i got a i got a pr package of minecraft cereal and i've been slowly eating it is it good yeah dude it it smells like french toast when you open the package oh where's my strong who took my flashlight flashlight oh i thought i put mine in maybe i didn't took my story you took my strong flashlight i can't believe you've done this okay with our accent this is destiny my postmates order was cancelled the ghost is getting oh my god oh my god what is this is he a dead man for canceling the order oh my god this is an inside joke but what goodness oh my god dude kenneth from the grave comes back to ruin my postmates order okay this is unbelievable anyway does everyone have unbelievable i do not i only got the motion sensor what else i need what about the uv plastic god you got it cool okay you have the motion sensor all right what are sanity pills is this just part of the opioid crisis yeah we need someone to grab the emf thing okay somebody has the crucifix or no no we can grab it later okay all right i have the motion sensor and the uv flashlight this is this is insane this is insane oh i hate this alright i'm gonna i just want you all to know i am i am not going to survive this round kenneth is going to single me out and eliminate me first chance he gets yeah you know if he likes alone or everyone he just doesn't like me that's all there is to it are you talking about kenneth smith yes kenneth does not like me understood spirit body mind kenneth how are you there last time i did uh high school we had a ouija board i'm gonna go see if it's in the same spot i thought you were like talking about just being in high school and you're gonna tell us a story oh yeah one time i was in high school and i got murdered by a ghost and now you guys speak to the embodiment of the ghost um taking over my soul wow yeah ayo kenneth 1v1 me at high school this has been a long time coming yeah you said 1v1 that's incorrect bro kenneth you know that you know our rivalry has existed for a year now okay this is this is it's about time that we square off all right let's dance dude we've been avoiding each other for too long it's time we confront our demons here dude all right man stop running from me just show yourself bro i know you got my food in here somewhere dude you took my lunch you took my lunch and you squandered it alright bro i don't stand for that i didn't stand up for myself earlier but i'll tell you dude i'm not gonna take it this time this is where we get even all right i'm a one-two swing at you with my pulitzer prize winning camera work and you ain't gonna know what hit you dude kenneth get your freaking face out here bro you want to join the pin 15 club yeah i want a 1v1 tennis i gotta write it on your hand wait did we already check everything nope not even right that's right there's an close i forgot hey yo kenny boy yo kenny boy do i have the the not strong one yeah it might be upstairs very possible dude you guys check the uh the right side of the the place from when you walk in yeah yeah we went through everything all right all right so where was the upstairs again is it this way walk back around yeah to the left we gonna find kenny boy up there let me add him let me add him all right we got beef to settle here smith are you following us it's probably not going to be fingerprints right now right no not yet oh here it is where's the uh where's the way to it's just keep walking down that hallway parallel to the stair entrance i did i did bring some sanity pills in the van by the way oh yeah we have a lot nice nice smith are you here give us a sign heyo with those ghostly noodle arms of yours the hell is this oh i found him i found my boy he's not my boy but he's in here oh this is this is where we got him oh we got him cornered it's four degrees celsius we got him cornered in here he doesn't know what's about to hit him second floor classroom left side of the building come on show yourself kenny come on kenny get yourself out here dude i got you on camera all right all your ghost friends they're gonna be so upset when people have discovered your presence bro speak to me speak to me speak to me where should i put the motion anywhere in here dude anywhere he's too scared he's not gonna show himself is that okay is that okay spot fingerprints fingerprints oh did you find them where at i don't take a pic take a pic wait you don't see him on the window on the window at the crouch to see him i had to crouch to see him you cried if you crashed you see him on the window here let me tell you oh i see this i saw i saw it i saw it oh there it is wait can you angle the angle the thing lower angle it down angle it down down more down more down down angle it's different between our our views apparently give us a sign there you go right there perfect and got it nice okay i'm going put my stuff in front of the van so was it freezing temperature no not yet at least the door just moved hog hell no oh i don't like being alone why are you alone are you alone oh come down here prefer if we get some freezing temps knock another one off the bucket list how the heck where's the exit oh come on come on man should i is there anything i should grab out of the van um i think we'll do you be fine book with you negative who has the book does jojo have the book i have the book and i place it down in there oh okay perfect yeah it's on the teacher's desk should i put it somewhere else oh sick gopro hey uh hey yo kenneth do you want to write in the book please give us a sign show yourself give us a sign please give us a sign oh yeah we got some on live on live and live on live and live yeah yeah yeah that's looking good right there dude nice oh okay he wrote in the book oh he wrote oh he definitely wrote pog wait he just changed the camera what the heck i don't see any ghost orbs yet i have a i can only be ah can only be a spirit or a revenant kenneth isn't even a demon what a wimp bro what a wimp all right so so it's either emf or spirit box i think yeah have you guys been talking to it oh he just threw a little book off the desk trying to intimidate me what are you gonna call the principal you're gonna call the principal on me a little scared are we dude we'll scare the square up i see why jordan's gonna make it out yes the phone was ringing oh yeah you're making loud noises at me dude yeah what you gonna do i'm here i don't want to go in this room i don't i don't want to go in we'll be fine i mean you got my food huh you got my food where's the emf thing oh you guys have it this man's got my food and he won't give it to me like here or whatever you got my food and you won't give it to me oh yeah we need to we need to put the crucifix down by the way who's got that like you can throw that yeah right here if you want oh sick oh well it's upside down yeah [Music] oh kenny boy what's up you ain't looking too intimidating he's so creepy looking i got a sick photo of that i got a sick photo of that pulitzer prize right here so do we get out of here now or what we don't have the third bit of evidence wait the emf didn't go off yeah the emf didn't go off i got a photo of the other one then yeah it has to be a spirit box naked rubber boy going at rifkin over there dude it just looks like a naked rubber thing hey i'll take you to the van wait so what's our what's our final clue we we have to get it to speak in the spirit box otherwise we don't know okay yeah i might want to be alone so like just do it by yourself for those of you in the van i have a head camera on if you all want hello kenneth would you like to speak to me say a word if you would if you would you're getting a lot of what a lot of nothing detected i can't hear anything because rift can keep speaking a lot of nothing detected yeah hello sir anything detected hey yo kenny boy how you doing can y'all see my head camera in the van yes yeah nice oh my god oh no what have you done this is really bad uh-oh yeah that's really bad definitely i just accidentally pursed this is so bad this is really bad hey cara can you give this one i said let's be friends i'm sorry i got scared at hearing footsteps when you're standing god hear anything when you were um talking to him nope nope unless unless jojo needs to take her soapy mouth and go elsewhere and i try again give me a sign you give me a moment i'm working with it here okay yo you absolute loser face show yourself activities at once come on say something man this man's won't say something i'll move the camera one sec oh he's calling activities you used to call me on my home phone late night when you need some hot call me on the school phone where's that camera oh so what do you want with the camera uh this man's just calling the phone all the time oh yeah that looks great that looks good uh yeah oh geez that was a loud one yeesh it's free it wait was that freezing in here this man is going to die is it emf 10 no i was only four whatever you did the activity no but i think i saw my breath yo kenneth chill brought you i might have been it might have been the the spooky boy if it gets below three celsius it's probably freezing it hasn't how does jordan have 100 sanity because i have my wits about me with my boy kenneth here dude yeah oh he took a stand no no i didn't take anything dude how did you do it what was it five you guys i think it was four jordan jordan you've been at 100 sanity it keeps going up heck yeah bro heck yeah well i've said maybe jojo go in the room and talk to it or something i guess it it has to be five right that's the only it's either emf or spirit box it won't respond so let's just go with let's go with emf that's close enough all right he's a revenant which means you cannot run from him you will have to hide if he hung oh well i guess we're good though what else do we need to do with the like crucifix or anything has that has that been done yet no not yet what how is jordan at 100 so i don't understand because i'm the world's greatest ghost hunter when i'm against kenneth i'm at my peak okay this is peak performance you keep going up bro am i over 100 sanity i've never been clearer you're very sane right now yeah you better believe it this ghost doesn't know what he's dealing with are we sure that the are we sure the crucifix is going to do its work here you can try and move it closer to the desk since that where that's where we saw him spawn yeah i saw him spawn behind the desk like by the truck activity of two so how does it work if he starts hunting and we don't prevent it you still have to hide in a room or something they're like on the desk or something okay that's fine level five activity he's probably not gonna hunt very much because jordan is too sane yeah you better believe it dude hey kenneth kenneth you're gonna try to hunt dude i'ma block your spawn with this crucifix where this man's at where this man's at dude i got this pencil hey yo they call me john wick because i've demonetized with a pencil before i can't even pick it up it's a level three come on let me pick this up let me pick this up why won't he why won't he do things what a wimp i knew you were a wimp king come take a camera kenneth i knew you were a wimp i knew you had your guts coming back [Music] hey did you guys did that work did the crucifix go off no no what the heck dude he was just chilling right in front of me how did that not work oh really uh no i didn't i was on the wrong thing [Music] i saw his shadow [Music] yeah kenny he's just he dude he's so he's so scared of me it's not even funny oh hey guys i've just been chilling with my friend kenneth in here how you doing i don't want to be here oh dude you want to say hi to kenneth he's chilling in here at least he was i don't know why the crucifix isn't working where is it he's not hunting he's just it's like level eight he's not going to level 10. yeah but i've just seen him so many times and the crucifix doesn't work all right i i feel like i've established i've established my dominance over my boy here all right all right i've established my dominance i've established my dominance i'm good we can go even if the crucifix isn't working on his picture he stole his soul get me out of here i just i just walked through them dude i told you kenneth is no big deal bro i'm telling you there's nothing to worry so much it's about good but i hate it dude i i headbutted him i had butted him into submission bro i'm gonna be honest jordan is standing on something that looks like he's got his man parts it should show up on the board yeah you can go into your thing and see the photos yeah you guys see my my shadowy do you see the one with uh rifkin right next to the ghost yeah thanks i hate it that's really funny that's really funny he turned around and he said nope dude this was like there was like a frame i can't believe i got this photo he was only there for like a second for some reason i i can't see your pulitzer prize winner but uh here let me stand there stand there it's different for everyone oh it is oh yeah i don't see i i i don't see that it's local it's local i'll screenshot it looks like i'll put in the group chat you got it on rivkinstream okay okay i'll get it right now i'm just okay he'll be in the discord oh okay dude i've never asserted alpha dominance over our ghost like that ever before i like i just was chilling with him he that picture is good ripken go into your journal there's gonna be a better picture what press j and then oh dude that was yeah that's just me like looking and staring kenneth down that's too good i'll screenshot that one that's a really good picture show it to stream once it comes up it just kind of looks like the brown coat and the brown desk like it just looks like he's standing at attention very excited to see the ghost very lucky genetically [Laughter] by the way how do i show this to you you are blessed sir hold on i need to open original hold up share the link wow i told you i needed my humor but apparently you don't even need your good looks damn he's deaf so i put revenant right and that's it yeah your evidence should be enough yep yep dude i like actually screamed that wasn't fake i hate this and you didn't hunt that's so i'm so mad oh well crushed i'm closing up shop everyone ready uh-huh did you order more pizza no i decided to order like sushi because i yeah welcome back i've got some jobs ready for you 70 buckaroos heck yeah oh my photos made money sushi because what because why i have to know how the story did i miss oh just because i was like well i'm gonna treat myself because i deserve it after getting the pizza taken away from me hell yeah dude um man i just crushed kenneth like never seen before yo check it out the pictures are for yourself yeah the pictures are over there [Laughter] yeah no sadly i don't like i see the classroom but i don't see me the the member or kenneth yeah i just see oh he's so veiny i just see my beautiful shadowy photos and then rifkin kenneth is so veiny that's a hand that's just a hand guys that's just a hand everything i know i keep looking at it i'm like i thought we were ghost hunting not going on dates dude all right i gifted you a sub oh thank you very much i think it's just someone no it's it's come through now heck yeah okay everybody i think i've um i think that was my grand finale i am also tired and hungry i may just end right now okay anybody continuing stream i am i'm probably gonna end it too to be honest okie dokie i like being alone that's fine i i thrive off of um it's fine it's fine i mean it isn't your name solo so yeah that makes sense that is true okay for making me play this awful game oh dude it was great all right i guess see you all next time enjoy your sushi bro all right everybody well thank you for tuning in to uh plasmaphobia where we just absolutely asserted dominance over kenneth kenneth will never ever fail a postmates delivery ever again ever so thank you all for watching like if you liked watching on youtube subscribe to kevin sparkles2 hit the bell follow slash captainsparklez if you aren't doing so already and um playlist for more plasmaphobia link in the description that's it i'll see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 111,294
Rating: 4.9659429 out of 5
Keywords: phasmaphobia, ghosts, spooky, scary, video game
Id: 2-BhojRQR2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 46sec (5386 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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