Trick Shotting In Phasmophobia

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hello everybody i almost just tried to go into f5 mode in plasmaphobia that that doesn't really work but um yes welcome back i'm doing this intro because we can't mute once we've joined the game lobby because we'll just hear each other talking so welcome to more plasmaphobia if you're watching on youtube you can go to captainsparklez drop a follow tune into these live also sub to captain sparkles2 the subs have been popping off over the last few days and that's pretty cool maybe captainsparklez2 will be the same channel or sorry the second channel to hit a million subs that'd be pretty pretty gnarly um but anyway subbie kevin sparkles too hit the bell like the video if you like playlist in the description if you want to catch more plasmaphobia and also if you like the hat it's probably up and live right now um if you're watching on youtube because it'll be a couple days later if you're watching on stream saturday this will be up new hat check it out and uh that's pretty much it let's join the lobby ruin it okay all right make it five make it five make it five whoa it dislike it doesn't look like you did the force oh my god come on come on we have to do it again [Laughter] oh first try look at that okay okay we gotta get our four now we gotta get our four no oh not quite oh ah what you know i bet you when the people fit in the game like hey you can throw pink hands this wasn't what they thought would happen probably not but i appreciate that yeah okay come on come on come on same thing grab that other one too what hold on i got this i can make this happen no no i'm wondering if like wait a minute well how do they stack that way that was weird dude that was oh they're not that way anymore what never mind they were like angled and stacked it was gnarly okay there's two oh oh there he goes oh he's mastered it now dude he's mastered it you have to not move wait wait wait so we should take him and hand them to him yeah yeah yeah yeah no car you blocked it you blocked it what are you talking about your paint can blocked his throat oh no oh no oh my god it's right below you right below you it's right below you oh that didn't work oh you got to move okay it's all right you stack the three then we just keep handing to you so you don't have to realign yeah okay brilliant brilliant all right here we go oh you got it yeah okay one more one more one more well it seems like you just did the same place i just picked a part like a tail on the roof and was like yeah oh this is amazing this is beautiful we've peaked no moment in the game can ever line up no we did it boys the curvature like honestly i would love for just a random person to join and just see us [Laughter] i can't believe glue missed this this is the thumbnail this is the thumbnail she's messing she's messing oh yeah yeah you guys group group up i need to i definitely need to screenshot this for the thumbnail hold up scott you're in the dark right now you're too you're you're dimly lit yeah we got to get light on this okay brilliant oh this is it this is the framing right here oh yeah there we go oh my god my entire chair just like cleanse it clap it oh this is a proud i'm gonna head off guys this was a good time thanks guys i'll see you all we can't we can't top this all right let me see add strong flashlight everything i had a thermometer i'm reading thermometer all right we ready to roll oh there's four in there okay uh do we need sanity pills or no we're on farmhouse so we're good uh i brought one yeah oh we brought three we're gonna we're gonna it's still on amateur though so like there's nothing to worry about have you played pro i have how is it it's it's hard what what's the difference what do they do they just attack you immediately oh like you walk in the house and they're just like it's time for you to go there's jordan then we wait about half an hour and canada will eventually join us yep yeah that's how it goes summoning dance oh yeah something else all right hey we're all here let's go and a crucifix all right charles garcia not picky uh i've got a camera thermometer and i'll put them do you want to grab smart box i could do yeah yeah for sure for sure i've got a thermometer then the bit and my torch oh wait is this a headline to the camera yeah put it on oh my do i have it on oh wow stylish what is that broadcast to like what's the benefit of that versus something else it broadcasts to here oh so it's just like an easier way to find oh it does the it does the infinite loop that's it hold on look at the look at the monitor yeah wait move infinitely oh i can't see it you gotta reorient like oh yeah yeah you probably see it oh my god it's amazing this is amazing oh sick yes flashlights are helpful remember the first game you play this and you have to do it without a flashlight oh yeah that was the worst thing oh it is super cold here oh nice okay so that means freezing temperatures one dude we are so fast right here yeah it's negative hello ghost can you show yourself i'm gonna put the victory we all need to beat ghosts say hello to my little friend get out get out of here i'm trying to hello ghost can you show yourself ghost hello can you tell me your favorite dog breed ghost ghost can you show me a sign can you show yourself we got a we got a response away uh i believe it's in a way oh okay i'll go get this um do we have to light the smudge sticks or is it good but she has lucky oh there's charles garcia right there take a photo take a photo oh shoot i wasn't no it was just a shadow it wasn't super clear wouldn't want to pull it surprised ah okay yeah um so we got a spirit box we have freezing temperatures and is there any orbs because he's not written in the book uh emf 3 he knocked over that can he just knocked over again charles you don't like you don't like cans huh right that's getting a little annoying can we just thank you what did we do if he starts hunting like we're all literally in the cell right do we run uh we just we just yell his name loudly uh while running around in a circle okay in hopes that the crucifix works yeah definitely oh wait do you get paid for each photo oh yeah yeah he was he was a shadowy boy just standing like right over here i didn't have my camera out though which is a bummer oh wait um show yourself charles oh he just said a word i didn't catch what it was hello can you say something hello are you there [Music] oh you better believe i got a pic dude he looks a lot like kenneth smith yeah he does look like kenneth okay i don't see any fingerprints anywhere oh that was scary oh there he is oh hey what's up what's up dude oh i got some clear photos there have we put a book down or we know all three um we have a spirit box and we have freezing temps but we we don't have like we haven't tried writing yet have we no okay it's not emf level five i didn't see any fingerprints i mean it could be five it just hasn't happened yet yeah we can't i might grab this obviously no no it can't be it doesn't work with the oh okay got it the combination it didn't move stuff though that is true well we would see ghost storms with the poltergeist i'm pretty sure right oh no no yeah but none of us have been not like the camera so it's either ghost riding uh fingerprints or ghost orb in the um okay just so that we can try like it's only worked for like 30 meters around it so whoa this head mounted camera is cool can you see ghost orbs on it yeah you can oh that's nifty oh right they should uv light the cam um you should shine the uv light at the knocked over can see if anything shows i don't think that would show anything really it wouldn't i think there's only fingerprints on windows doors and light switches oh okay i'm dumb should i bring anything else in either i don't think you can carry two flashlights okay all right and we go with the uv light okay um did you set up the camera again can you put the camera back up okay how do you move the tripod because i don't think it was picking uh so you press f to put the camera on the tripod and you pick up the tripod with e and then you have to place it hello ghost can you write in the book mr garcia i've heard you were a great author i'd like to read some of your work no okay thank you for the summoning dance jordan you are welcome i'm trying to get charles garcia to say hello oh hey he just flicked the can uh windows and light switches could also have fingerprints yeah there's wait maybe if i ask them to turn off the lights turn off the lights charles garcia no writing in the journal no nope nothing huh garcia give us a sign what was that noise uh not sure no i'm gonna shut this door oh oh there's a head a full on hand here turn the light off oh they're holding yeah we got a handprint we got a handprint [Music] charles garcia oh wait wait wait can you come back can you come back come back i gotta take a picture good charles garcia charles garcia charles garcia charles garcia okay see ya later oh right [Music] charles garcia charles garcia okay charles garcia charles charles garcia b by bobia charles garcia that's a beautiful song jargon yeah thank you i'm glad you appreciate it charles charles does he like charlie hey charlie you out there we we need you to come hunt us okay we didn't even need to explore the second floor man it's too easy charles garcia i'm so scared that i'm gonna have to hide and run away from you i'm gonna have to run i'm gonna have to run from charles garcia actually charles garcia you're gonna be so scared of me that you're gonna have to run away as soon as you see me dude you see this lighter in my hand you've got a log cabin these two don't mix all right you sure you want to deal with that huh charles garcia there's a gas canister over there charles garcia i am i am slowly making my way over to these gas tanks with a lighter in my hand okay help charles we i see you calling are you trying to are you trying to stop me propane and lighters huh charles you want to go in the kitchen what you think charles charles you're not gonna have a place to haunt if i do this you better stop me mr garcia i'm getting anyway dude you're so right charles garcia watch there actually be someone watching one of us named charles garcia and he's like oh no but i said ghost name yeah yeah it's a great living name yeah wonderful of a name imagine being dead and being called charles garcia i could never charles garcia i keep getting closer dude charles garcia bro how has he not responded yet uh it's back at zero it only got up to two charles garcia charles garcia charles garcia charles garcia and he only showed up when we were all in the room do we maybe all need to be here i'm getting ready so that if it starts flashing i can just push to the left and back out but cassie's going right here yeah i'm getting it charles garcia dude not really seeing you right now charles garcia charles garcia charles garcia the worst garcia dude i heard that it was from the kitchen i heard that from the what are you talking about dude he was like right behind me he was right behind me charles garcia are you trying to call me on my cell phone was the first time we played and jordan kept making that like nice oh fast this is problem why did the crucifix fail man we had two crucifixes in there how did that work why did the crucifix fail that was sad i lost my money take a picture of my body dude i i've heard different like some people say you keep the flashlight on because then it'll tell you when it's over but we have like two crucifixes in there we gotta put it right now oh my god how did that not do the thing what in the world uh we got to put it by the dorks that's where he comes through my money my money dude oh my god no it's not it's the crucifix just has to be in the room oh my god unlucky i love it welcome back i've got some jobs ready for you yes game hello hello i hope my insurance kicked oh hell oh never mind client time down wait did it hey did i not lose my money did i not lose my money i didn't lose any money i just i just combat logged everybody i just combat logged boys you gotta love that dude heck yeah insurance fraud we must be very quiet we must be very quiet uh not yet i'm waiting on a thumbnail uh okay what about thumbnails she's waiting i have a thermometer um i'll take the emf reader another prevent the ghost from hunting wow we don't we don't need three i don't think we need three thermometers whatever dude yeah it's handy if we split at least until we find it yeah it feels so good to use which which one is this oh it's a little house okay i guess we don't need it whoa i just landed that dude that was a sick sick thermometer flip trick oh shoot what was the ghost name hello ghost show yourself hello ghost give me a sign give me a sign are you there um i think i found the room yeah i found the room i found the room which one where do you have the is this downstairs there we go oh i know how to get money dude don't worry you're a master of that oh yeah dude top 10 richest ghost hunters of 2020 hello ghost are you there yeah i'm getting a three here sorry i don't see freezing tim oh yikes the phone just buzzed oh yeah vibrate mode phones too that's cool yeah ghost can you show yourself give us a sign oh nice did we get any level five or freezing temps no freezers no we've only got three okay i'm gonna throw this down it's still on so i'll go on i'm gonna go grab the other crucifix so we can basically cover this room all right i'll i'll talk to the ghost while you guys are going all right all right i'll just wait outside all right hello ghost are you there can you talk to me say a word tell me a word show yourself yet uh no it's just it's three that's what i'm currently doing it hasn't responded yet it says it doesn't say anything other than just no responses uh hello ghost are you there it's turning on the radio oh does it it's like bumble bee uh where do you want to put these two spaces maybe yeah just put one on both and then like this room is small enough that it should get caught no matter what yeah i think so too still three three oh freezing temps really yeah i see your breath oh wait oh that's smudged it's a smudge stick i'm very smart keep checking for freezing tint i don't have a thermometer [Music] what was that hello it's thing of three this is hilarity let's not use upsets me trying to figure out what is this is this supposed to be an aston martin 177 oh my god hey they have they they seem to like cars in this they have car magazines car posters okay i think it's all before means nice dude i didn't know that was a thing i could do i just walked out wait how did you get up there from the bottom what i can't get up how you get on the bed dude there you go oh there we go heck yeah we're on the bed hey ghost do you mind that we're on the bed ask it like are you here are you here oh we got spirit box there we go so it's a spirit heck yeah okay so we need to we need to make it angry right yeah to prevent the hunt yeah okay well i got away with insurance fraud last time so i'm willing to take the bullet oh wait we could put another crucifix in the hallway actually i think we only have one oh okay oh there are two off the bed or something okay bit in the hallway outside the door oh all right i see it yeah he's here uh yep i got a picture picture of a very very pixelated shadow that counted as stopping a hunt uh okay all right i'm uh i'm gonna make it i'ma make it happen let's do it charles anderson charles anderson charles anderson charles anderson charlie anderson charles anderson charles anderson charles anderson charles anderson come on out come on out hello charles anderson i need you to show yourself so we can get money charles anderson i'm risking my life here i really need you to make this worth my while bro mr anderson oh my sanity is very low i'm running i don't need the sanity pills we did it charles anderson thanks for your cooperation charles anderson we're gonna get a lot of money because we're unprofessional too oh i like that professional oh my god that's legit okay everyone have their uh ghost spirit whoa my sanity drops to zero yeah your name is like two percent that's crazy forget how mine's so low it must just decrease way quicker on pro yeah don't disconnect don't disconnect whoa 225 yeah that's insane dude we gotta do pro more often oh my god that also didn't feel harder like yeah i think the smaller maps just aren't crazy difficult but that on like with your sanity dropping that quickly on asylum oh god oh so we only have um tanglewood grafton farmhouse and asylum but they're all on amateur except the silent which is on intermediate oh god do we want to try asylum on intermediate i don't know are we ready for that i don't think we're good um i don't know that we're good enough for asylum to take us for ages to find that remember had to do it twice last time yeah yeah should we do grafton farmhouse then did we just do that or we did the other farmhouse there's there's two farmhouses okay i'm not sure which one we did last is there any other stuff i should buy with my seven hundred thirty dollars all right all of us do we want another one of those cans i mean one for each of us would be pretty cool okay i have made the purchase oh my goodness how much are they because i can buy one as well 60 bucks so cheap oh i'll buy two whoa big spender okay dude oh yeah that means we can all have one okay perfect perfect i'm ready why does my character feel like it's got so much shorter like i'm just i'm at like jordan's shoulder height but you two are smaller than me this is gonna be oh no he's back i think you were just like on a box uh yeah i have to stand on apple boxes often yeah okay guys ready up bam i'm ready we here we go wow that loaded so fast oh i was thinking i was gonna have some words with the with the chat but nope because we've been here before yeah are we doing the same one i don't know i thought we were doing a new one picked what we had i tried to i picked what we should what difficulty is this motion sensor and smudge sticks amateur ah we're not gonna get any money dude i don't work for free dude i it only gave me three options and this was like the middle of oh my boy kenneth is back i asserted my dominance over him last time put it on your head put your head come on oh is the head cam like just an a freebie yep yep oh okay how do you put it on just click at your birthday you have it oh that's sick what else should i do oh yeah we were here before yeah we did do oh yeah i got it don't you worry i got a head mounted and i got the oh don't question me kenneth last time i asserted my dominance over you i'm going to do the same this time no dude i absolutely rocked kenneth's world bro my sanity was not decreasing because i was just too good oh okay no dude it wasn't a bug kenneth just yo kenneth cancelled my pizza and then he had the audacity to show himself in the school and he was like oh no i can't do this i was freezing for a sec by the stairs so freezing temps is one then temperature yeah freezing hey kenneth can you show yourself give me a sign if it says nothing detected does that mean no spirit box for he's not willing to sure right now okay are you there ghost hey kenny boy can you show yourself hello ghost how are you doing today hello ghost i am so scared are you there it's not looking promising for spirit box do you see like give us a sign give us a sign it's it's nothing it's not a does it doesn't say nothing detected it does yeah okay then yeah it's not spare box i'll take a look i'm gonna go emf unless someone else has that on them [Music] well i guess everything we need is already in there then yeah we just need to put sticks down but i assume you can't put both the smudge sticks and the crucifix in the same spot you can here i got it all right i'll put them down yeah you need to like them okay the lighter hello can you write in the book hello please write in the book location uh it's probably in the oh wait i'm getting a three like here oh the piece box is upstairs oh that was definitely kennyboy uh do we have two crucifix still all right well then we should probably because we just took one and relocated it we should put them in both places i'm bringing back the other crucifix big gone foul demon it's very satisfying the plunk that the crucifix makes when you throw it down true yeah zlatan just doesn't fire down area seems to be like cold what are other challenges do we need to get it to hunt do we have a cruise fix thing i don't think one is what do the motion sensors do for you uh they just detect the presence of something but does that other than challenges does that do anything really oh okay actually all we need to do is yeah motion sensor is the only thing left so we've got freezing temperatures were there were there any other things uh no motion sensor has not uh gotten marked off yet it still still needs to be done okay what was that oh what's the name kenneth kenneth martin yep motion sensor worked okay we're done no we don't we don't know what kind of ghost it is do we don't know what it is uh it was the one on the inside that went off so he's right in that corner near the gas canisters can you give us a sign hello are you there show yourself talk to me talk to me baby since emf is one of the [Music] objectives that is true yes oh that's very ghostly oh my god how is he gonna be able to write into it when it's moving can you angle the camera back to the under the stairs i thought i saw an orb i mean if we're wearing it can you just can you look at our heads i can but i just see like the big light or the big he was oh i thought that was a sound from one of you guys i did too hopefully people are telling me to take a picture of a voodoo doll where where is this you definitely played a musical note uh have you shined your flashlight at all the light switches yeah you just turn this one on again what one the one in here what i see you turning your flashlight on and off oh yeah sorry about that just trying to scare me all right we got an orb i still don't know where this voodoo doll is dude i got such a good photo of him that is gonna be that's cover photo of ghosts weekly he looks like a butcher yeah dude he's a he's a chunky boy that's for sure so we just need one more thing right uh no he's not well we know where he spawned like right here should we move the crucifix onto it i mean it's like right there but yeah you could could do i know it says i'm like so i just want i still have no idea where this voodoo doll is that people keep telling me to take a photo of okay so it won't be fingerprints neither ghost writing spirit box or email he's writing in the book he's threatening to pick oh he's sick all right that means we did it okay we're too good we're good at this yeah cara we need to get one hard level yeah i'll get some harder levels going yay dang we just crushed that is jordan's willingness to just die that makes it work for us yeah yeah dude i have no regard for my life you really don't and it's fantastic to work with you're welcome i'm so selfless welcome back i've prepared some jobs for you okay let's see uh oh you oh you're supposed to pick up the voodoo doll too got it oh no did it bug no or money oh no no dude your item's been returned ah my money at least it was only amateur oh my god that's so sad it's so sad i guess it makes up for the one where i unlived are we gonna switch to not beta okay uh we are so pro let's do it all right i'm ready yeah i believe oh did i bring my pills yeah we brought four sanity oh look at us oh we're so that's my unpause sign everybody oh all right everyone get a camera it's a girl photo ema creator motion sensor why oh no it's a girl the girl ghosts are so scary to me i don't know why you start questioning your own dressing i'm out your own mortality when that happens yeah oh no i don't think of myself as the ghost you know the phrase uh hell hath no fury like a woman's sport excuse you as heck heck no fury yeah heck no heck have no anger i managed wow unprofessional and we're playing on professional difficulty okay cool yeah i'm the professional here so i got it wait once i put the key in my inventory the door just opens remotely this makes sense whoa that's so perfect i want to find a ouija board i still haven't used a luigi board yo scott you want to stack some paint cans you know i did wait a minute let me throw something out we should find it we should try to find it we don't always have one though oh my god you've just thrown them all on the floor i think we found the room okay we'll be there in a minute we're just doing important stuff all right i tried and my stack didn't work what it's nine degrees in here yeah this is the room coming it's upstairs yeah be there in a moment i'm gonna grab my tripod yeah oh dude yeah here it is oh it's like two yeah there she is yeah oh it's three oh it's actually going down a little there's two point eight here two point four i want to get on the bed like last time no emf it did say that's one of the challenges so emf's going to go off at some point yeah well oh 0.8 i just got 0.9 all right does that mean freezing uh zero is freezing yeah right if it's below oh yeah i see my breath uh no i don't because i took the emf oh i'm on the bed heck yeah i'll go get it because i don't need the thermometer none of us okay oh scott wait for me oh gosh wait ewwah did someone bring the crucifix already i haven't all right i got a motion sensor in the uv light iii god um okay what else do we need i'm looking for fingerprints right now okay i'm just seeing if i can get em five i'm gonna get more stuff oh yeah it's like oh did you get the smudge stick already yeah it's is it what oh yeah it's going great i think so i don't see it smoking is the weird thing but no i don't care if we're all together yes everyone it said okay oh oh god i guess i can just keep it like that and then we can has anyone gotten spirit box oh no i'll go grab them i'll go grab i mean i can go grab something too yeah just just be the bait i seem to have dropped my flashlight and i cannot find it oh we've built some tasks already yeah scott uh you you have the spirit box right now no i don't have it okay i'm grabbing it then what have we finished uh we finished the motion sensor and the emf reader we just need to picture the ghost and figure out what the ghost is wait where where is the spirit box everyone take some pills oh i have it here you go okay uh grab some pills first take some pills wait are we that low might as well we're at the piano anyway they're expensive no they're not just take them do i take them with me or because i don't have room to take them with eat them right now okay i'm just gonna crunch on those pills i just literally munched an entire container of pills that's sure to be healthy yep i will look at orbs [Music] yes uh i don't have an extra on me so i guess i can't pick up another flashlight oh right you can't carry two give me a sign are you there hello ghost are you there give me a sign nice night yeah i have no idea what i have no idea what the guest the ghost just said i heard yes yeah that's what i heard do you wanna take oh you've got a camera as well okay i'm gonna go grab a sanity pill okay i can do that i'll grab it um let's see so we're not gonna have emf level five we can only have orbs writing and fingerprints i think okay okay we need to check fingerprints and orbs thank you i'll take a look at the orbs i guess i'll leave then because i can't really contribute right now um not seeing anything in the room what the hell was that chat clip that what was that uh let me start screaming your name what okay oh that's cute so the only thing we're waiting on right now is the uh the motion sensor right turn the lights on we we have to go to the breaker oh the breaker box do you know where it is jordan i know where the basement is i assume it's there yeah but what else are we trying to get now i think that's it we know it's the mayor oh we need to get a picture of the ghost picture oh okay that's my specialty you know it's not here no professional oh okay we're good everyone okay dang that was a lengthy one yeah i saw her come out of the bedroom that was disgusting yeah i hated are we on pro yeah oh then we will make so much money even if we don't have the picture that's true i was like you know what human body shield with you guys we weren't we weren't in the living room i no no right when you were exiting she was in the living room with you guys what oh that's what she took so long she came all the way down the stairs yeah oh man i want to get a photo shoot yeah i want to see what she looks like i'm really curious she just looks like a crawling little like four-year-old yeah that makes me hate it more all right well uh we all got our books that's a mayor okay closing the door yep yes welcome back i've got some jobs ready for you all right how much money how much money come on come on do not freeze us oh no not real we're not even on the beta anymore oh no dude is it doing it again are we gonna lose out on this much money oh my god we can't even play anymore bro the game just doesn't want to pay out that's what's going on the ghost hunting association is broke but they refuse to admit it to the rest of the world so people keep doing the jobs and then they don't get payouts and the game is just like well i mean it's just because you crashed obviously the van crashed on the way home and that's the problem dang it all right everybody an abrupt end to our story in the youtube video the game just won't function i had to i was crashing i re-downloaded it or reinstalled it uh still crashing can't join lobbies i don't know if the servers are down or if the game just universally borked itself on everybody's computers at once but um yeah that's uh that's what's going on right now so big sad but either way thank you for tuning in if you're watching on youtube make sure to follow captainsparklez and um yeah uh subscribe to captainsparklez2 hit the bell also like the video if you liked uh playlist in the description if you want to catch more plasmaphobia and uh yeah that's pretty much it for now we'll see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 96,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phasmaphobia, ghosts, spooky, scary, video game
Id: n8fpnLC0sro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 37sec (4177 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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