Bodies Dropping In Phasmophobia

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all right okay we uh we ready do we have all the things we need to see here we say what's up oh i i was i was gonna say that i thought dude i thought we were gonna like call in discord i was like i was waiting for you guys to call but then i realized this literally is always yeah yeah you got to do proximity pretty much everything is now an in-game proximity no discord is obsolete yeah also ready ready up tap yeah ready oh ready up you guys are so professional that was quick hey everybody welcome back it's been a while make sure to check out our sponsor the like button down below the video if you're watching on youtube also stuff to capture sparkles too hit the bell playlist for more plasmaphobia if you're interested in that sort of thing and follow sparkles for all the good stuff pretty swick okay i'm getting thermometer and what do i usually get camera number one photographer mommy and then there and then where motion sensor emf thermometer i got this i got this thermometer all right i'll take uh upstairs this is not the upstairs house that's that's exactly right yeah i was just making sure you're on your toes i think it's the basement ghost to just close the door wait really just open and close oh my goodness i didn't get any cold temps but it just opened and closed this door i mean oh yeah no it's it's basement i'm pretty sure i went out of 12 here which is low for early round wait wait let's see though let's see it's not super low now hold up hold up it's not super low i saw 12 for a moment but it's not 12 anymore no no i think it's better and less this is weird like at the top of the stairs it's 11. you know it seems more buttery but not at the bottom yeah it's very very buttery very smooth maybe a living room what's very buttery and smooth wait i'll check the bedrooms did i check the bedroom i think it might be is it always it's always a living room ghost every time i am in this house it is always a living room ghost yeah it's down to 11. i'm pretty sure it's living room yeah i got to 10. oh yep down to 10. he's going back up over go down go down below i need the challenge i need the challenge come on the challenge i'll get what okay harvey so uh put the book in here the book in the living room oh we found the place we did we did unless they changed it so yeah okay there we go i'll put it respectfully on the table all right now let's try to talk to it get some more stuff bring out your walkie talkie all right guys i'm gonna grab some more materials because i still remember her ghost hunt i'm still the number one ghost hunter the world has ever seen i am gonna get i don't know what i'm gonna get because everybody grabbed other things grab the emf reader i'll get salt so i am salty boy and i will get through siptics and we'll go off mates [Music] on dog we don't turn off push-to-talk out here we don't turn off push-to-talk we keep that push-to-talk on boys i'm here i'm here go ask it to give you a sign oh oh oh yeah yeah hey ghost uh give me a sign i'm forgetting how to put down salt i haven't played this in a while are you friendly hey ghost are you friendly he likes being alone though he goes like alone oh you think so okay the first time i asked them something they said nothing was detected all right try again on your own all right all right talk to it talk to it say hello no no no just just if it starts hunting run around in circles yelling as loud as you can calling its name hey cara hey cara yeah yes oh yeah orbs what's up what oh i thought you weren't wearing the head can you are somebody's not wearing a head cam is it apple it's go storms all right filling my friend's bathtub with ten thousand orbeez they're never friendly though why would you bother like you expect it's just gonna be like oh yeah totally friendly just all right leave my house uh we'll be chill yes they normally say something like that you have a spear box oh yeah that's kind of toxic they probably play ranked star wars okay we're not freezing temps though right no we are not no we are not hey ghost can you write in book give sign show yourself show yourself we would really appreciate it what is this thing right in the book oh somebody yanked the book look at that foot it's a mighty fine specimen of a foot grab the emf there as well that is some salt what yeah it's salt give us a sign hey ghost give us a sign show your self we find fingerprints yeah no i checked it touched the door and i couldn't find anything hmm did you try the window [Music] oh shoot i need the camera how much emf oh ghost riding oh nice oh just a three oh oh the noises are loud whoa yo that's my job all right bone is all set we're all good getting that bonus nice nice i'm gonna go check my sanity because i bet it's pretty low the emf five or freezing temps i can't oh that's a hunsky doodle going on right now that's a hunt that's no bueno for them i think it's a shade okay so let's see though let's see do we got anything so the only thing it could be is freezing time slot emf 5 right now is that harvey just uh running around oh no did harvey go down is harvey down or cara down oh no dude just did he just get oh my god [Music] oh never tell me the odds of that one gosh that is so funny oh we can't see it that's weird does he not have head cam on i don't know oh my god what oh no well we each get uh double sanity pills sanity pills eat your sanity pills so what's the uh what's the last one we've got ghostwriting ghost orbs in what um i don't know the other one oh dear i'm gonna try talking to it i'm gonna try talking to it okay oh wait what could it be ems spirit box oh it can't be spirit bug i think it's emf only thing it could be is emf why can it not be spirit box because it's just it's not one of the options what is the other one freezing temps oh okay yeah i think black said something about emf5 i think we should just go is it is it no okay let me check the uh thermometer where's the thermometer on the ground here it's three it's still over three it's the same place do they really yes oh my god oh what a mess you guys what a mess what a disaster all right hold on just checking it's not freezing by now then it's not gonna get freezing yeah yeah it's okay it's emf tmf all right peace out you terrible house dang imagine having two people go down on our first house i know and this is like the easiest house all right well it's a [ __ ] that's some shady business good time to go if it's freezing tips i'll be very sad me too you took the thermometer right uh-huh i didn't do that i had that yeah i had a feeling i had i had zero seconds to do that that's okay it's okay it's okay you wouldn't have gotten oh and it's like it only would have been 210 dollars well i got 35 so oh because of the not being alive [Music] and i was just staring at the ghost in the face and it was like hesitating to kill me oh you just let it happen oh got it what did it look like what kind of ghost uh what did it look like what did the ghost look like it was naked it was actually naked guy oh it was the gross like naked demon skinny naked guy i wouldn't always that one always makes me think i'm gonna get a a community guideline strike when i see it yeah i tried i i heard him up here with me and harvey but then it started hunting what's our next one yeah it's fun in the hallway behind me a little bit um all right here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go bro everybody i can't wait to eat the other brownies i can't oh my god dude imagine imagine just sitting down and eating like the three other brownies that i have they're not that big right they're kind of like mini brownies you know so like each one of those brownies is probably like a quarter of another brownie you know there's a new map yeah it's relatively i've not the prison you mean there's no new maps oh i'm excited for the prison oh there's the objectives guys i have three more brownies should i eat all three of them today absolutely some notes on the white board uh how many calories are they definitely depends on how much i would guess they're like 150 calories a piece maybe two maybe 200 maybe 200 i don't know you're going to eat 600 calories in one sitting i've already eaten a brownie today too though 800 calories yeah you know i'm just pretty brownies oh yeah yeah yeah but it's okay i i only eat one meal a day i only eat dinner i only eat dinner and then i have extras hello what do i pick up real quick pick i do that's creepy uh you could take a thermometer you could take a spirit box you could take a book you could take um just a whole bunch of yeah options you want dude you are the maker of your destiny oh my goodness i forgot oh god i forgot something important yeah i forgot the headcam car is gonna be so mad i'm so mad at you no i don't eat breakfast i used to eat breakfast i've been eating cereal every now and again but my cereal only has one more there's only one oh did you oh what the heck yeah okay you can't be mad that i didn't see that that is a an interesting bone spot i'm impressed yep yeah guys i was eating expired cereal for a while but i'm pretty much done with it so i'm back to no breakfast no brekkie for me you know a wheat i have leftover pasta from last night in the fridge that i can eat i have to eat that today otherwise it's gonna be bad because it's gonna be oh my god i'm gonna have to mukbang between now and vault hunters guys i'm gonna have to eat the pasta i'm gonna have to eat the pasta on stream after we're done with plasmaphobia before before vault hunters begins oh my goodness it's pretty small so we should be done with it really quickly but i'm gonna have to do it oh my goodness okay then we're gonna have to rinse out the dish upstairs put it in the dishwasher come back down there's gonna be a lot of trips upstairs it's just oh my goodness i'm so sorry it's gonna be a whole time oh is it in the attic oh it's an attic ghost you hate that can you show thine self can you show yourself please hello give me a give me a sign i must say hello give you a nice photo i take great photo i don't even charge for them somebody else pays bill hello ghost can you hold my [ __ ] please thank you very much i would like it if you showed up now oh they are okay let's go all right are you there show yourself please show self hello uh i guess i must uh return they're not showing themselves spooky that's me turning on and off my flashlight all right i'm gonna grab some stuff you know i can't pass up the caulking guys i actually have to because my leak didn't get fully fixed with the window replacement i gotta have the contractor coming over next week he's gotta bring lots of caulk it's gonna be just a lot of caulk at my house and they're gonna they're gonna use it to seal up the windows around the areas on the on the on the dick they're going to use the car on medic and make sure it's waterproof okay it'd be good okay so what else the motion sensor no dirty water uh and what do we do here i can bring this thing here i am in the van yeah it is not done what is just they have to use the [ __ ] to seal my dick okay the the you do the the car gun you do this it's a seal medic okay my okay all right you guys understand all right nice does it i knew it was the big brain to throw that down i see i knew it chat chat i knew it see this is why i do it because it wins games hey what did you do i threw down the [ __ ] oh okay yeah oh we just need dirty water now this is impressive i'm not sure you should do that what everybody i'm child friendly we're talking about construction related projects and materials i don't know what else you want about bro and they really liked the [ __ ] did they yeah yeah i was talking about construction projects with my chat they enjoyed construction projects i love chairs did anybody check for fingerprints construction projects i did i don't know where to check though definitely everywhere so we just have emf5 currently right oh shoot i forgot to turn uh to open the book uh you just crouched down an f maybe there is a light sorry like the the thing to write like the demon and stuff i forgot it is not freezing though it's still above three it's jay oh balls balls we gotta go bud we gotta go we gotta go buds bulls [Music] so [Music] everything's gonna be fine there's no way the ghost will come in here there's no way my sanity is at zero it's probably at zero i'm gonna have to get sanity bills i've been in here a long time please stop hunting i forgot my camera though that was a mistake oh my god it's still going this needs to stop yeah this is long we're alive i'm alive are we alive is harvey alive good job cara i think it's the other side i'm pretty sure yeah um harvey do you have a book uh i do have i think i need sanity pills i'm gonna head out uh uh i'm gonna try spirit box i don't know if you guys have done that hey aka jace thank you for gifting another sub jace been going ham today it's flashcraft and camping on clouds thank you for the subs and ethan destroyer thank you for the 200 bits not like this i like this what i was at the door and it shot on me oh that sucks why are you whispering because it's scary i didn't i said frick you guys are missing we're not done i saw yours you guys are mishearing i said frick is beer dub meister want some beer stop making noise what's this that was so scary did you see it why what's wrong it was so loud it was so so loud the whole time bro i was at the door and then the door just shot on me i was like you kidding me right now you kidding me i'm at zero zero boys let's see what we get yeah oh yeah we're we're quite yeah we could have been doo-dooed on there we could have been has anybody uh spirit boxed okay so we can try again i'm gonna bring a new one in god that was so scary there's some salt on the stairs by the way if you want to do that hey uh harvey you're gonna want to go out and get some sanity pills otherwise you gonna be wrecked on the next hunt i'm gonna try to speed on any percentage glitch list to get to the van okay okay yeah do it do it do it by the way is it on the loaner and everyone mother frick oh no oh god oh god oh for no rock oh it's in front of us it's bad it's better that's bad that's not what we like oh no oh that was such bad timing dog oh oh that was the worst we couldn't do a thing we couldn't do a thing thank you carl i'm sorry that was that wow are you there show yourself give us a sign he threw the [ __ ] can you show yourself are you friendly how old are you he threw the [ __ ] again are you here i mean hold the [ __ ] i do need some for my dick to waterproof it i don't think it's spirit box yeah it's unfortunate mother frick mother we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go well we gotta go hobby we're going it's on the stairs i'm so dead oh jesus christ oh jesus christ oh he got god he got god oh no dude oh no well we're gonna did did you take you took a pill right i took a pill i did take himself okay cool cool saved my life well then man this ain't good this ain't good at all let's get that uh book we're gonna bring the book over he's the next what's that oh he's not he's not doing that mmm frick we have any thermometer let me check the temps real quick yeah i don't know this ain't looking this ain't looking too promising i'll be honest with you dude okay so it's not freezing temps we haven't seen em five it's not the book it's not the spirit box i'm what what could it be like i've been looking around for fingerprints can we use the rule of elimination yeah we should go back to the van and think on things we just ponder for a bit because if we ponder in here our sanity goes bye-bye and then we we go we die so we go to the van and the and the sanity doesn't go down is that what you're saying yeah pretty much pretty much it okay okay we need to check actually for ghost orbs too of course okay thank goodness thank goodness no hunt we should really use the process of elimination i feel there's only so many weird things uh a scary ghost could do in this game right yeah that that's true that's true okay someone did someone say emf5 wait did you say emf5 i did i saw it i was holding it oh yeah oh okay it was there's five oh wait there is the oh wait we wrote that one down already um oh okay and we need two more things of evidence yeah yeah okay so that's where the ghost is though so if there's orbs we would see them you know no herbs on but your cans [Music] keeps throwing cans just knocked over a couple bottles of paint playing with that paint was that paint yeah it was paint that wasn't the cost looks like soda oh um okay i wonder if it is a revenant i wonder if it caught jack but remnant would be freezing four percent oh wow look at our sanity yeah nice not great do we have any more pills oh we don't have any more pills oh geez um this might be a guess and go is this gonna be a bit of a battle royale i suppose yeah this might be a guess and dip out so um let's look at our options let's look at our options so what we've got is the mf5 for one we know that it's not spirit box although i've had spirit box people issue before i couldn't find fingerprints but it could be fingerprints we know it's not ghost orbs at least i think it would have done ghostwriting if it was ghostwriting so i don't think it's ghostwriting it's not freezing temps so my guess would almost be like let me see is this a thing that can be comboed up that's not a combo what would it be what are you clicking oh you can hear that too i was just fidgeting the emf revenant would be ghost writing and fingerprints but it didn't do ghost writing um freezing tends to be banshees not freezing temps though for sure i feel like fingerprints would be hard to find in the attic so i'd be down with saying fingerprints is one couldn't be spirit box with it okay and then couldn't be ghost or with it and maybe it cut it caught jack i don't know i we could say revenant or you just say revenant okay all right let's just guess revenant see what happens as as the ghost type because i i have oni and jin what do you mean you've owning a gin that's the two ghost types i have well well what are your selections i did emf5 which we know you saw ghost writing and fingerprints oh okay hold on hold on let me change that yeah or i guess a poltergeist does throw things around but what would a poltergeist be again let me just double check what poltergeist is and see if it's like not possible okay oh guys poltergeist isn't emf level five so that's impossible it's not a poltergeist all right so um oh that could be cara throwing it right because ghosts can throw stuff all right let's just go revenant let's just go revenant revving it yeah all right revenant ghost select whatever you want here we go jojo [Music] it caught me so fast it was so fast oh god this is the first time i've had over a hundred dollars before let's go nice man i don't have levels i don't have anything so i'll be back okay what do you wait what do you mean you'll be back oh oh i see i thought i thought she meant equipment it's time oh prison time yeah it's prison time let me buy all my stuff back oh i can add some stuff i haven't added anything in i got to have some skin in the game i will put skin in the game here okay i have sixteen thousand dollars i can get skin in the game it's okay i have equity in this company now i will i added stuff in uh zodia thank you for the twitter bits recently i've been inspired to stream by multiple streamers mainly you wanted to ask you for some tips for older older new streamers oh you being old as i turned 20 this year to feel too old to record and stream content you're on the younger end a lot of people who are streaming so that's that's incorrect i added one strong question uh have fun be consistent i don't really know how to build an audience on twitch because i didn't do that so have fun be consistent me people do stuff have a good time that's pretty much all i can say angel mom thank you for gifting a sub much appreciated um i think i did there you go now you got it all right all right prison time bobby's never played this night before um all right i'm ready up oh yes let me do that okay we good all right let's go wait do we only have three strong flashlight oh no oh no that would be that'd be bad i'll be back fluff bike david thanks for subbing dude pretty swick by the way everybody if you're not already following the stream make sure you're doing that pretty swick um silicone glazer thank you for the sub gifter ski i hate to inform us but we only have three strong flashlights what really i saw four yes there were only three car what have you done i definitely saw what have you done it's all ruined game over okay capture photo emf reader and dirty water oh dirty water i hate to see it all right uh hobby i think it might help if you look at the map real quick at the end yeah the right at the bottom is the front door [Music] you want to take left i'll take right um but are you talking about cell blocks or what like the left side and i'll take the right side but like downstairs you mean yeah jack always takes upstairs okay and i didn't realize here that our tasks are assigned so sure i will take you said the right or left side left left left okay uh we're leaving upstairs to you yellow any ghost in here hello do you read we're leaving upstairs to you okay hello he's in he goes in visitation area no no okay no coil no no i see everything fine here everything's shield and then i take left side all right guys you ready for you're ready for this there we go you love to hear it you love to hear it all right we got nothing in here it's not looking like i gotta check the uh other place though so hold on wait you saw 10 where you see 10 where the freak you see 10 in here in here there go in there ladies and gentlemen we've got it we've got it in the library it's a very educated ghost it's it says library on the wall where's the library jack it's right here straight ahead through those double doors and you'll find it okay so what you need to do on this map what you need to do on this map is you need to go up to one of the sliding metal doors and then you just grab it and you just make your mouse go back and forth really quickly and it makes great noises do it do it do it do it do it go up to this one over here over here over here right here no no no no right here right here right here yeah where's the library what why you sound so i don't hear it yeah he hears it though he hears it jesus man okay it's great to watch somebody else do it for once okay libraries right here oh it's freezing it is very freezing temperature okay oh freezing [Music] it was the library very freezing temperature do you not you're not hearing it yeah there you go there you go it just sounds like it's opening very fast don't worry about it don't worry about it library it is the life where's the funny you just aren't cultured was that a spooky noise by the way uh jay trudeau thank you for the sub prime minister of canada watches these streams that's for sure dude pretty slick pretty sweet need a cell door emote yeah dude we streamed in prison here dirty water oh my god that's so all sick what else dirty water photo of ghost do that what else are we gonna bring in a brilliant second creasy fix yes to fix this problem please don't all right no harvey could never take over the camera and drop it working for me what it says all right does someone just hijack my camera yes oh my goodness how's the book wait mike i don't have my camera to take a photo of the book because it was stolen throw the camera down abby you're gonna go to prison for this you're gonna go to prison for theft jonah wants his camera back where is it where's me got it i got it i got it why is the small baby in prison i wonder what she did okay wait actually where's the mf yet what did the baby do to get to a prison yeah baby tax evasion for sure holy moly wait wait wait okay so where do i uh what do you want me to get do we get uh okay so ghost writing freezing temps it could be a demon it's either demon or yuri harvey could do it he's in there alone yeah check that book yeah cameras look fine dude should be orbs is my guess do we have a tripod down on the spirit um um did anybody put a tripod in the room there is not here look look with my eyes um the only thing left is bone but it's you know a big map big place for a bone are you guys gonna get out before a hunt takes place you have anything planned for tomorrow jordan oh harvey i am having a chef come to my house and and he's gonna cook a 10 course meal and it's gonna be amazing that's what i'm doing oh nice yeah dude it's going to be 10. also harvey is so dead oh he's going to be dead wait where is he where is he where is he hiding he's hiding in the wait library the what what is he doing oh it's not the that might be that might be the change no no that's that's not that yeah that's the changing room okay maybe he's hiding in the corner though i can't see where he is he's not on any of the cams yeah no i i know you're looking at the map but oh he's in the room next to the library because the library is yeah all right i think he'll be fine he's good he's good he doesn't you guys must have been so close to the door when that happened yeah guys it's not jordan ramsey it's another one i don't know where he was all right you good get out get out get out wait what is it a yuri yeah i'm going i'm going to the uh to the van go to the button call emergency meeting you're going the wrong way [Laughter] okay we'll tell you when to keep going no no no no no keep going and then at the door turn right turn right now yeah now go through the now just go through the big doors go through the big doors right there in front of you yeah go all the way out keep keep following the sound of my voice straight out the front sound of your voice yes follow the sound of my voice oh my gosh we made it guys i read out the menu on stream the other day oh i can't wait i can't wait oh it's gonna be so good dude it's gonna be so good i've never had this in my life before and we're we're finishing off a bad stupid year in style daniel the noob thank you for three months of summage much appreciated dude there you go what's the occasion for hiring a chef it's new year's dog and i haven't eaten a restaurant in nine months that's the occasion been bad nobody died all right is that the first round or nobody's gone down nice nice yeah and it was the prison instead of a house i got a reggie roadhouse another farmhouse or prison what is happening here oh it's both you and harvey are the same body this is creepy jack do you see this don't move you guys don't move look at this this is creep no no he moved something happened something happened sorry but uh add another stronger oh the strong fleshlight is here good well i should buy here i'm gonna buy a flight rucker thank you for six months of savage much appreciated yeah yes exactly if you cannot go to the restaurant you bring a restaurant okay that is bland i'll get i'll put one away okay okay you can add it is there anything carter returned as well because i could buy other stuff anything else they're pretty good i do strong flashlight yes there you go yeah yeah yeah we're good all right sparkles that's three i am ready [Music] the more contagious strain of the crown is now over here in the u.s it's very exciting we're gonna make it number one uh you dude ahi [Music] where was it colorado i think colorado is the first place that it showed up dude okay okay eating this burrito it was good ooh what kind of burrito like this little wet burrito thing that has sauce a little wet burrito thing with sauce yeah exactly wow i couldn't have described it better if i tried yeah it's really good nice daddy um oh it's in san diego now local place six six six six well probably dox me if i said the actual name all right cool local local wet burrito place with sauce got it got it so many good ingredients i've said what do i get em okay um oh assistant by tomorrow it's gonna be in every state so that'll be great that'll be great eight out of eight staying out of state all right let's go let's check out let's find the let's find those temps dude i was i was reading a little article on how the vaccine works though and so sounds like unless the crown goes and does it there's a real doozy of a switcheroo with its rna then then we should be like okay with the vaccine yeah sparkles that's a big uh negative so yeah it'd have to do a big switch rooney with its rna and then and then it would be a problem but for now it seems like the vaccine still should be uh pretty slick pretty slick on it you know just gotta you know get the vaccines and stuff like that i do indeed i've covered pretty much all of downstairs so yeah i go upstairs [Music] this is it we actually found it yep [Music] are you here you must do okay leave now hey jack you want to see if this uh dresser protects you from a ghost okay hold on let me try this not again are you here all right for sure for sure come on did you see can you get this oh it doesn't work anymore what happened it doesn't work anymore not all the way up you can just get up the drawer i think they patched it on wait what's that it's been no it's been on it's been on it's been on yeah okay all right i'm gonna get something hey pat oh you got a ghost pick leonard thank you for the two bits that menu sounded delicious have to admit being jealous i am having asian hotpot for new year's that still sounds pretty good dude i'd be down with some hot pop fosho faux show anybody found the bone yet by the way what else could it be emf 5 or spare bucks hello please give sign to us yes okay um let's see freezing temperatures that's the only one that we technically have right now right uh no we have fingerprints and freezing temperatures oh okay okay thank you all right we'll write that down ah emf three three i'ma look for the bone jack i don't like that that was very very crappy sounding they're on my neck okay it's targeting me dude i'm not nicked okay um say are you friendly oh it is spirit box what do you know oh my god hobby look hobby bobby look [Music] okay i want to leave now you had an axe very shadowy axe man i got the boom nice nice we aced it then we got everything i'm gonna close the door respectfully there you go close it respectfully okay i think great's got a crush on me i think so too elite for dogs it's just built into the game they just have good microphones and stuff that's pretty much it all right uh sneak squid thank you for the 32 months of right subage aereo thank you for 295 bits i have duty tomorrow happy new years i don't know exactly what duty is but um i hope it goes well for you and happy new year to you dude what i like about um what's up oh anything added to the things um oh i just add everything i got okay i will add a strong flashlight if i i don't know okay if i it's just three is there only three or it could be four it's four flashlights in there uh is this photo oh it's just oh that's ready yeah are you ready all right sure i make ready up let's do it oh dude we're just speeding through this oh no not jury duty oh no we're doing we're doing really good i mean uh dark carnage thank you for five months of savage love watching your streams keep up the awesome work in keeping us entertained i will try to do it thank you very much mate thank you very much okay what do we have here dude what do we have hello he likes everyone salty robert robert robinson robert robinson robert ayo robert robertson robert robinson what's up you there oh wait the ball is going down the stairs wait is this a thing that happens often yeah oh the jump was there a jump scare so do we need to go upstairs [Music] all right i'm coming to it with the cam number one camera photographer here we go i just saw a twelve oh yeah let's get that luigi board so we were playing high school the other day jordan and we walked in and i could i knew no one was upset switch to radio and uh all of a sudden this ball just comes bouncing down the staircase from high school it terrified me i've never seen it happen before yeah no one was dead wow interesting mad spooky [Music] um walk through salt walk through salt come on is it in every one or solo oh and we got book week i accidentally wrote freezing temperatures because i thought the salt was the snow well we only have two right we have fingerprints in ghost writing are you there can you hear me where are you give me a sign i don't think it's spirit box i don't think it's uh spirit box it's walking around though it's doing the footprints it wants to solve where's the emf harvey should have it wait harvey hello boom okay very nice very nice all right oh i'm dropping too many things yes very good very good hello i try once more are you there are you there where are you where are you are you there is anybody listening to me am i talking to myself am i alone in the universe is all this insignificant does nothing really matter in the whole scheme of things is anybody out there it's only emf ii hmm i don't know did it say it's an everybody ghost or a singular ghost could try asking with everybody in there i'm scared to go in there because it's definitely a revenant bro i have spirit box so many times there's no way yeah like it would be insane are you here um yes i mean it likes everybody so we can just chill and try it with more people yeah oh wait it is a revenant on emf5 i thought box that's why i was so scared to go in you had a bad experience before i gotcha our game is usually this fast like this is amazing yeah you know if you've got a squad that knows what to do yeah uh when you're pro like us when you're playing with level yeah you know level 160 plus yeah that's when it goes quick yeah uh-huh all right everyone uh adds your equipment and then i'll tell you what's the car flipped around the six and the four or the four and the one or whatever the equipment all right barbie add your stuff what's our contract boom i'm contributing i think yay good job and then uh [Music] asylum give me that pro ass bro babe let's go um i i'm gonna start it up and then go real quick but i will take upstairs right side when i get back if it's all about me ready up jordan i'm ready up uh yes okay cool cool cool hey uh [ __ ] lover thank you for 30 months of savage unlively fox sinban with four months drag with two months haha potatoes out here gifting a sub hey haha potatoes you gotta you gotta do your next resub on vault hunters okay i wanna see what you look like with an absolute unit of a resub in the arena okay all right nice nice glad we got that settled okay here we go let's see let's grab that let me grab that alright grab that okay very nice powder afk thank you for the uh two months ago um right yeah they're like hammering something in my apartment why do i have a person at the front door all right um uh his package is packaged okay cool all right what direction is who heading what jesus christ what who's heading what where i'm going to the left all right i will go right upstairs uh jack said he was gonna go right upstairs i will go downstairs but jack hasn't opened any doors here he's in the bathroom now in the bathroom i just checked there's no dirty water or jack okay um boss cobra thank you for the sub manga lover for life thank you for the two hundo bits and rocket pig thank you for 13 a month of savage no no no no the chef is tomorrow okay that is tomorrow is new year's you know i am downstairs right side watch it be a hallway ghost i will be very sad boy what is this corner [Music] the lights were already on i think it's a gin upper left upper left yeah nice nice nice nice nice nice uh do you have what do you have on you already okay i'm on the way with that cam tripod are you an adult are you a big kid now where are you i see it's not talking to me are you here oh free sometimes nice nice nice not exactly how i wanted you yeah we're good can you hear me are you there where are you okay nothing detect nothing detect um when are we vault sensing after this probably pretty soonish um yeah look at harvey doing work doing work doing work look at him go look at him go wow he beauty he grace uh ghost event crucifix and salty boy all righty then cool cool bring another book in sorry i'm back you were having a day there what's up you're you're going you're going ham with your dancing thank you thank you thank you no problem that was an interesting experience all right you look possessed uh we have fingerprints by the way oh nice nice nice oh you better believe it okay take a picture of the light switch can you give us a sign pretty please yes put down crucifix walking and uh hello please please show yourself god where are you located ghost wait i dropped my camera i mean my my flashlight where'd it go oh it's gone forever oh nobody have it can you show yourself does it like everyone i didn't check jack doesn't like everyone um all right harvey make it right in the book make it what tell it to write in the book it was alert in case you didn't hear me got me a little bit dumb oh you got it just be like hey give us a sign hey show yourself hey give us a give us a sign expose yourself expose yourself as questionable but yeah yourself show your true self um i think there might be orbs can someone move the camera to face that wall instead okay this one i got it oh i forgot how to pick up oops oh wait there you go that works too yeah we good we good wait did you get the oats oh to face that wall i see oh if i press to the right okay a few footprints over there right in the book someone bring an emf over here i saw like weird lines zipping i'll point it at a different direction there you go try that does this ghost just not want to expose themselves or something yeah probably a little creepy baby dude a little super creepy baby oh my goodness little creepy baby right there dude what the heck oh my ew that was disgusting man dude i'll streak it i've never seen that before it was like doing a moonwalk though oh my god okay hold on oh that was some sick ghost photos that's a five right there we got it oh oh nice okay cool where was that last night yeah banshee he was running yeah wait i wonder if that's the last thing small child oh my god thank you i'm glad you think the new youtube video is 10 out of 10. appreciate it it's a little goofy banshee all right cool if i were a banshee do i need any evidence added or is that no because i only need the ghost itself banshee all right cool cool cool kagura de moury thank you for the five months tea bag you thank you for subbing i shrine for three months hey kevin my husband and i wish you a happy new year stay happy and healthy same to you i appreciate it inga potato with 200 bits potato users unite also wishing everyone watching a nice day slash really happy new year yeah same two yes but anyways all right guys are we good are we good to go oh i see it didn't want to hunt extra brownie points these only worth guys dollars yeah that's only worth well here it's worth thirty well plus multiplier yeah big multiplier oh okay patricia garcia patricia garcia why did you just throwing pills on the floor dude go back in what are you doing you're making a mess what the heck man can't take you anywhere wolves thank you for the two hundo bits any idea when you uh vault vault hunters probably in the next like 15 minutes we'll start in that ballpark it's just chasing hobby it's so funny ace thank you for the six months always a huge fan of you helped me through a lot of the uh crown thank you for always being positive i tried dude i tried it as well yeah so do we need harvey to be in here so that it hunts yeah we do need here harvey get your butt in here we need you i no it was chasing you get your butt in here dude oh yeah yeah i just threw both of the uh crucify over in this area this seemed to be where it spawned patricia garcia patricia garcia patricia garcia patricia garcia patricia garcia garcia patricia garcia patricia hello so spooky bloody mary scary scary oh my god i'm so freaking out right now oh god no dude don't do it don't hunt don't hunt like this oh no run scared run scared ah scary hide hunts patricia yikers patricia what are you doing you can't hunt me like this oh god harvey make patricia hunt oh no the footprint's over here now patricia those are awfully large feet for a small little child and they're facing in the wrong directions oh that's unfortunate that hurt looks pain if we say tommy in it three times then the big one hey patricia hey patricia are you yelling children names hey uh so i wonder if we prevented out there yes go do that if it was prevented oh is that actually the indicator oh god it's hunting it's hunting it's hunting no it's not is that oh it was not refreshed with a nice cold drink uh all right ghost hunter friends i believe i have one more in me before i must move on to the afterlife okay wow this is an interesting summoning ritual you got going on here yeah do you like it yeah it's great yeah i was trying to write hello but then i i i yeah i didn't have enough materials to write the other letters so i it just says [Music] yeah we should do give us a sign spelled out with all our materials that would probably get the ghost all right has everyone uh got banshee yeah yeet sky strike thank you for 250 bits much appreciated there you go very sweet very sweet phenomenous gaming with four months on that resub dude oh nice oh so much nice i probably have one more than me and then i'm gonna be doing another thing unless we're okay same here same here yeah i want to do high school i want to do high school do it i do have a pro high school all right everyone has your equipment and i'll top us [Music] oh i did it i did three strong flashlights that's a lot whoa that's more than two are you guys making this your lg then yeah lg okay lg what i can still go into 530 but lg last game oh i i wasn't hip with the lingo it doesn't really save any syllables so i don't know why it's kind of like brb you know brb that whole thing yeah yeah i i gotta resume i gotta resume a thing i did earlier in the day and then was i i had to go and not do it and then i had to come back so yeah there you go nice vault hunting everybody hey make sure you have liked the video if you're watching on youtube subscribe to kevin sparkles too hit the bell check the playlist for more and i'm going to do a minecraft challenge thingy i love minecraft challenges i have a minecraft challenge after this too what's the challenge the challenge is you have to beat the game and there's anvils falling from the sky and it's extreme and scary what about blindfolded beat the game blindfolded that sounds fun i should beat the game without my computer turned on that would be that would be hecka next level bro it would be a hard one the catch is he'll just do it on his phone on pocket edition [Music] hello ghost can you give sign ring telephone call me on my cell phone [Music] it actually looks just like my high school it seriously looks just like my high school and it's weird i can't believe your high school was incredibly dirty and abandoned i not quite that that's not but but you know it was this i can't hear you like this was the exact i bet you i bet you the person the person who uh sorry sorry i was saying i bet that the person who developed this game went to santa barbara high school no santa barbara high school definitely hello ghost please ring ring foam ring ring ring not moaning myrtle no another moaning myrtle oh nope hey dude not luck not walking out can you please ring phone and usually we'd have a phone ring by now yeah it's weird maybe it's not actually in a phone ringing room oh you find it i love chemistry no no i'm just very excited because it reminds me i see that i like in my own high school such as chemistry i like chemistry i did like chemistry too i was gonna i was gonna do chemical engineering but then i decided to be a youtuber slash streamer um i didn't check the downstairs that's where we're headed right now oh there's a ring we got a phone ring ring where was that it was like around this car area maybe i think it was downstairs how did we like it was it no i think it was right right around this area yeah we did but that's kind of i maybe it's upstairs though because we were in the gym and it sounded pretty loud all right no i have not temperatured anything oh i feel like it's upstairs honestly like something above the gym yeah maybe back left then i'm checking now i do wish it were a gym ghost though it was a canadian who created this game he obviously went to santa barbara high school dude or some photos of it or something like that and he was like ah that i'm gonna put that in my game kind of i'd be down to make this the finale the lg ghost you know in the gym that'd be cool yeah that would have been cool but it didn't do unfortunate unfortunate what if selfish goes by the way guys make sure to play on the fallen kingdom server at it's a great place to be and you ain't gonna want to miss it pretty rude i will be starting content soon just waiting on that go ahead you know have you gotten this side where the heck is it it wouldn't be a bathroom ghost because phone rang okay all right i forgot there's uh you know no phones in the bathroom right right right give us a sign all right all right could it be downstairs like library man high school what a mistake unless it was like one of the first rooms i checked and the thermometer hadn't gone down yet oh gosh i'm gonna yeah it might be like the first room i checked hi raiders hi raiders i will try to go away because i don't have push stock high raiders hi thank you so much for the raid uber i appreciate it thank you man heck yeah raids thank you yeah this is lg they make they make phones and tvs and stuff is it this one here like this is the first room i checked oh i'm going to be so mad if it's this attempts to said no it's not it's not though what the heck is this by the library wait what this just flashed what did the foyer just flashed is it in the foyer no it's not also there's no phone in here spoiler light try what your thermometer your thermometer might be bugged let me try it why it usually rings the phone so many times yes it's weird the egg we just needed to hunt and then we'll see where it comes from yeah it's not here oh okay where is it let's find it let's find it where is he coming down this hall i think oh no it's coming down this hall okay it's there is there see him oh he's on our tail he's on our tail i hope it's not a revenant otherwise we're in trouble i hope it's not revenant hopefully yep yep oh my god [Music] never look back never surrender i mean if we just hugged them we should have gotten to the gym if we just hug the corner we'll be good i think he's on to somebody else now oh no he's still on us no he's still in a second okay cut the corner we're good we're good it's coming back this way i'm gonna look this way bro this is messed up wait no no no no but i think it came from the downstairs right yeah i know i'm just gonna move i just got back in here so it came from over here it came from this side i'm trying to be in your in your yep he coming he coming in from here downstairs yeah yeah yep [Music] man i just can't get that photo boom oh the quick flick he pulls it off pulitzer prize winner um that's why he takes the camera so the reason it's cold right now is because it's like following us it might not actually be oh okay so head over to the other side okay back right i guess something like that dude oh yeah it's very cold in this hallway normally its path is like cold when so i'm pretty sure that it's back right which is weird because we somehow like we we did this where is it you found the room okay it's background harvey that was you my man hi what's up it was literally the only room that was still closed that was i would you were doing that oh i was letting harvey do the right side i was doing the left side rip oh no i apologize i apologize guys i didn't realize that there's anything there because all the rooms look the same and i didn't see any indicators that's not good i'm bad let's cut through the gym and try to go back to what's happening i've already taken my pill so i'm gonna i'm just gonna go outside i think and yeah do that oh that's a good point you know sanity i should probably do that yes i'll also do that i'ma try get some stuff down okay oh god oh god i feel like it's gonna be there all over that photo counted oh my god again hello hey i've dropped my my flashlight somewhere oh oh there it is no okay it's on the good anything oh god [Music] um somewhere it was right before it pop up appeals here okay we got this we are good we're good we're good no problemos venomous gaming thank you for the four months steamed iguana seven once thanks for getting us through this hard year it's been a rough one but had some new beginnings that we can all hopefully keep up next year hopefully hopefully we'll thanks sticking around it's casper thank you for the sub gimmick maybe two months subject figured it out resubbed heck yeah dude heck yeah all right jack you good okay i think the breaker just died feel free to bring that cam over uh light strong lights are back are you there can you hear me where are you motherfreaking frick balls [Music] corpse that was very unfortunate timing on my part good god [Music] oh okay [Music] dip into the gym can't touch this can't touch this that's what i thought loser i got so many exits i got so many exits you can't touch it dude we're really out here playing this ghost like god we just can't get to this room it's just empire it defends his room so hard our campus are you here and all right um i see no fingerprints motherfreaking heck bruh is he wrecked no he's fine he's fine he's fine he's fine he's fine just keep running just keep swimming just keep swimming oh my god take this corner really sharp harvey make it really short i'll do i'll do one glance all right [Music] maybe we're not chilling i still hear it yeah i don't i don't like that oh my god it knows it knows how to go up the stairs i thought we cut it i thought we'd cut it we can go down the stairs it's fine all right [Music] we're good we're good everything's fine now all right nice nice nice we are literally never going to get in that room yeah my guess it's a mare it's a mare every time this happens it just keeps going and going and going it's very frustrating i can't believe this ghost doesn't know how to social distance at all it's unfortunate it's not fingerprints it's always a mayor i can't who is it zero sanity wow yeah it's very cold in this hallway very interesting i like this atmosphere right now are we good i hear i hear i hear the corpse husband again oh do you yeah i hear that it's very funny one okay it's not going freezing okay oh there he is oh okay we're here we're live i just turned the lights on oh my god oh my god bro i can't even i can't i heard it i heard that sound too okay who is it zero sanity who's who's triggering this i hit my pills earlier oh oh dope no no yeah we're all we need to make sure oh no okay you need to make sure the hunt what ends when you're near the room so we can get in and get stuff done because it's gonna hunt any minute again by any second now right right right you gotta be you gotta be freaking me bro it's um okay whoa was it emf fiving was very loud i dropped i dropped my oh my god harvey you keep dropping it bro you keep dropping it i keep dropping i don't know oh my goodness that's no i still hear it we should go back yeah we should we should we should i have nothing right now oh my god the power of christ compels you hold that cross hold that cross oh of course compels you all right pick up your flashlight harvey i got it got it sick pull sick pull i have the most buttery fingers of all time i swear all right oh here we go oh my god we're right here guys this is good this is good we're in it we're in it to win it we're in it to win it there you go okay all right balls oh okay what else give us a sign right in the book do things do the stuff uh uh fingerprints anywhere please no fingerprints whatsoever are you there right in the back he's right there oh okay he'd be chilling he'd be chilling okay cool okay pull right in the middle oh my god you wrote the book you wrote the book you heard in the book oh the book nice okay leave or die so much so much yeah jack what are we looking at what are we looking at i don't think is okay that would make sense because i really haven't had much of a chance alone okay okay all right good luck are you there we got it we got it go go go let's go oh my god wait why are we going this way let's just go out there i don't know what do you mean it's fine i'm going to go out the front i got it it's great timing great timing bro that was a clutch that was a clutch lg right there dude hey guys hey guys what a sick lg still in the hands that's when you know we're doing well hello it's it's a bit of a clutch considering that we all have like zero sanity right it's coming it coming he coming he coming wait what oh i i walked the wrong way that that's that's unlocked the door oh this is the right door okay okay okay understandable they lock doors i get it nice okay oh we made it what was that what was the spirit again it's an onion [Music] yeah yeah sad no dirty water but that is yeah high school that's impossible there we go all right this is the best phasma photovia session i've ever performed him nice i'd love to hear it oh yeah oh yeah nice oh yeah it was good that was good all right cool good games everybody play again harvey at any point yeah ggs i'm pretty much always down to spasmo so cara okay mind as well because i also like that's another game that i like cool cool um tomorrow 3pm if you're free i mean we should do some code names i do not think i shall be bt right but uh right see you later hi jordan all right bye everyone [Music] all right everybody thank you for tuning in to plasmaphobia we will be jumping into vault hunters now but make sure that you like if you're watching on youtube check the playlist if you want to catch more plasmaphobia subscribe to captainsparkles2 follow it slash captain sparkles and also play on the fallen kingdom server absolutely swick okay see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 61,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plasmaphobia, phasmaphobia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 51sec (6231 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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