Assassin's Creed Valhalla: The ULTIMATE Starter Guide!

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assassin's creed valhalla has been out for over a month now but i know a lot of you are jumping in for the first time whether you just grabbed the game on sale or you're getting it for christmas so for those of you who are starting for the first time i've gathered a ton of spoiler-free tips that i picked up over my 100 hours of playtime valhalla is a massive and sometimes overwhelming game so these should make your life easier you'll be leveling up a lot in valhalla the max power level is 400 and there's even more mastery levels after that for a lot of people they want to know how do i level up as quickly as possible and in my experience the most xp you get is by completing quests that are listed in your journal for the most part these are going to be story missions narrative arcs you know you'll know exactly what to do here and they give you a huge chunk of experience at each step and there's multiple chapters per quest these almost always leveled me up every single time i did one and it's self-explanatory it's obvious but yeah just play the story the next best source for me is mysteries these are going to be the blue opportunity markers on your map some of these take less than five minutes and they net a solid chunk of experience depending on the type but honestly you don't have to just go for the mysteries in general if you go to a location that has an opportunity it could be wealth or an artifact you're gonna find something that nets you experience so just do these in valhalla there doesn't seem to be a reliable way to grind there have been some exploits and there may even be some new ones that pop up after i publish this video but ubisoft does a good job of patching these quickly so if you're watching this far in the future just keep playing the story and completing those opportunities you really can't go wrong here the looting and gear systems in this game don't work like a lot of open world loot heavy action rpg games for example you're not going to find new pieces of gear just from killing enemies 99 of new gear is found through wealth opportunities these are those golden dots on the map so unless you're looking for these actively sometimes you can go hours at a time without finding a new piece of gear so a great way to find new gear is to grab sync points these have been in the series forever they reveal more of your map the next one is to pay experienced traveler these are the question marks on your map find these guys pay them and ask them to show you a piece of gear on the map or you can buy a map from the cartographer in the settlement that's a little bit later in the game so this is probably not a beginner's tip but still it's worth noting once you find an armor or weapon piece that you really like don't feel like you need to save resources for later i would go ahead and upgrade it and enhance it as much as you possibly can every single piece can be upgraded and enhanced all the way to the max level so you're not gonna find a duplicate piece later that is just a better version of something that you already looted every single individual piece is unique in this game speaking of upgrading there are two types of gear progression enhancing at the blacksmith in your settlement increases the number of times that you can upgrade and requires ingots upgrading pieces of gear increases the stats on that gear and that requires iron and leather for the upgrades you can find iron on obsidian croppings or hunt animals for leather but those options to me are very slow i think the best way to find these resources is from chests when you zoom into the map on any single location you'll notice these faint golden markers these are the chests that you're looking for and probably one of the most important things you're going to hear in this entire video make sure you loot every single one of these chests in every single location that you visit because you're going to run out of these resources sooner than you think especially iron the higher the region level where these chests are located the more iron and leather you're going to find so while in the beginning it might not see worth team worth it you're going to get like i don't know 15 of each resource later in the game you're gonna get over a hundred of each resource from every single chest since we're playing as a viking in valhalla one of the most common things we'll be doing is raiding and this is a great activity it's fun but it's important for upgrading your settlement and for finding new gear raids are represented by these red icons on the map these are like the primary rating locations but you can also just roll up and raid any enemy location along a river keep in mind however if you want to play as more of an assassin you can do these stealthily just make sure that you don't press the raid button or blow your horn to you know call your yom's vikings to raid the location with you until you're ready to complete it and keep in mind if you do do these stealthily you're still gonna have to call your yams vikings in in order to open the raw materials chest that's just how it works finally like i said in the last section remember to grab all of those optional chests you'll think me later because this stuff is really important for upgrading and just for getting supplies in order to build new buildings in your settlement now let's dive into this skill tree and man this thing can feel overwhelming especially at the beginning you have over 400 points to spend by the end of the game you're gonna level up over 200 times the main thing for me is to take a deep breath and remember that this is flexible you can always refund your points for zero cost it doesn't cost you anything to just completely reset this tree also you guys are all going to hit max level if you keep playing this game some of the last arcs in the game for the story require a very high level so don't think that this is an rpg where you only have a certain amount of points to spend and you should save them for things that you really want you'll get every single skill in this game eventually but as you're leveling up the best thing that i've found to do is to go for those major skills first they're the giant nodes that give you actual you know gameplay abilities i would call them so these impact gameplay and make you feel more powerful than just raw stat boosts there's also the center option called fate which lets the game kind of choose your path for you and it almost always does the same thing it just branches out from the middle if you ever get tired of specifically choosing every single time which skills you want to go where that's just something that i ran into just use fate it's honestly not a bad option now let's dive into combat with some general tips first off experiment with as many dual wielding combinations as you can there's some really cool and unique combos nothing really stands out to me as just incredibly overpowered but keep in mind when you get the option to dual wield spears it is very very powerful and it keeps you at a distance from your enemies so i would definitely try that out even 100 hours into the game i find myself the best way to really defeat any enemy is just to build stun through their stun meter and then pull off a stun finisher the best way to do that is to put on weapons that build stun most efficiently so for me that's going to be the hammer i love using hammers and then use the weak point system with the bow if you aim at any target you're gonna see these glowing orangey red regions and sometimes it's a bit difficult to hit these weak spots so if you're having trouble use a light bow and just fire as often as humanly possible if you're ever having trouble with combat remember that shields are in this game they're back from origins and you can block most enemy attacks even kind of the orange looking attacks that look like they might be unblockable the only attacks that you can't block are the red ones also if you just spend time to learn the parry timing and dodge timing it really makes life easier in terms of skills that i think are great in the early game in the wolf side of the skill tree grab sprint attack it's just good to have that to open up a fight raven skills like backstab and brush with death are really helpful especially comboing those together learning when to dodge at the right time will slow down time it makes a lot of tough encounters much easier and then backstab gives you extra damage if you're behind your enemy and then in the bear tree stomp and perfect attack you always want to execute a stun finisher if you can then perfect attack just makes sense you're always going to be using combos so getting bonus damage for that is a no-brainer if you're looking to play more stealthily i would say there's more options in this game than the last few in terms of skills you're looking for raven and wolf skills to give you just more options in stealth for example in the early game in the raven part of the tree look for advanced assassination so you can execute literally any stronger enemy that you come across and chain assassination so if you have two enemies close to each other you can go ahead and kill them both without being detected in terms of wolf skills stealth recon is so helpful for managing enemies in a restricted area and seeing where everyone is and then emergency aim if you happen to get detected if you aim your bow this will slow down time and allow you to line up a headshot speaking of headshots this is self-explanatory but the predator bow is the best option for ranged stealth and it's really fun to line up these headshots now let's dive into abilities these are scattered all over the map as books of knowledge and they require adrenaline in combat in order to pull off some abilities you're not even gonna find until you know dozens of hours into the game so i wouldn't stress about specific ones but i will share some of my favorite abilities that can be found in the early game for melee harpoon impalement it's just works against every single enemy type it stuns them it's really useful against bosses and zealots if you ever need a breather just use this and you have it also in groups if you want to throw one enemy into another it usually kills them both or if you're near a ledge it throws them off this one can be found in veninus in the letta chestershire so this is within the first few hours of you getting to england my favorite ranged ability is thorn of slumber this one is very useful in stealth but also just for crowd control if there's one enemy that's just really hard to deal with put them to sleep take care of the rest and then return to that one this one is found in the very first region of norway i'm not going to try to pronounce that but it's in gritter sand this one area so if you miss it when you go to england you can actually fast travel back to norway almost immediately so don't stress and then my favorite utility ability is incendiary powder trap ugh if there's one thing you hear from this entire video get this thing because it allows you to bypass a lot of the environmental puzzles in this game which can get a little tedious this essentially blows up walls that you would otherwise have to find oil jars and then place them down and then shoot them with an arrow or throw them and you can find this in walden in grantbridgeshire which again is very early in the game let's take a minute to talk about exploration so once you get to england and start exploring the world this massive map my best advice is to use the long ship as much as possible as you travel along each river you'll unlock fast travel points at docks automatically as you pass by them this map is absolutely massive so when you accumulate all of these fast travel points it makes it much easier to grab every single opportunity or get to where you're going more quickly so that would be my recommendation if you're having trouble navigating with the long ship or like turning around for example use the follow river option it just automates the process and will give you a lot less headaches a lot of the chests that you're looking for in valhalla are in buildings that have bar doors or they require a key it's almost like these play as puzzles and these can be a real headache early on if you don't know what you're looking for so if you ever need a key to open a door just use odin's site most of the time it'll reveal it somewhere on your hud or you can use sunim if you need to get into a building most of the time i want to say like 70 of the entrances are through the roof you have to look for this weak spot where it looks like there's some i don't know hay or something strung together like covering a hole that is what you're looking for sometimes you'll need to use an arrow to break open a door so in that case you're going to look for windows or one of these weak spots in a wall you can knock it down with your weapon or another arrow and then shoot the thing that's kind of barring the door there and then finally for walls that need to be blown up like i said in the last section just get incendiary powder trap and keep it on at all times it's a real game changer it makes things much easier let's talk about your settlement so raven's thorpe offers a bunch of services but you're able to choose to build some things before others and i see a lot of people asking me like what is the most important thing to build so there are six levels of your settlement and at the initial level level one i would say you should probably build the blacksmith first to upgrade weapons and armor that's really important then i would build your stable and aviary so you can spend silver to upgrade your mount speed so that makes you know exploration and getting around the map much easier and then the trading post just for general supplies or if you need to sell things to get some silver to buy something once you get to tier 2 i would build the hidden ones bureau that'll unlock a mission path that you probably won't even have the proper level for until you get to tier two so i would wait to build that until now and then grab the fishing hut the hunter's hut the tattoo parlor and the shipyard it gives you a nice mix of customization options but also some story missions that will net you some xp and then by tier three i would say the best one to build here is the cartographer for maps if you're ever looking for something specific that is a great place to go now obviously there are a ton more buildings than this and some of them are useful in different areas of the game but most of them feed into the feast mechanic in order to use this you go to the longhouse and ring the bell in the front in exchange for a little bit of silver it'll give you a buff that lasts for several hours depending on which buildings you've made in the settlement just as a general rule as you're going through this game i would do a feast before every single new story arc because each of them takes about as long as this lasts one final quick tip for the settlement if you ever run out of rations or you need some arrows just fast travel back to here there are so many berries and things that you can collect to increase your rations but also some arrows in locations that will just respawn infinitely you don't have to run around the world looking for this stuff just fast travel back to your settlement last but not least let's talk about the story and reminder no spoilers here i'm just going to talk in generalities early on you're gonna be introduced to the alliance map you talk to ranvi in the longhouse and she'll have you pick an area of the map to find peace with for the raven clan once you pledge to one of these territories it sucks you into a story sequence that takes about two to four hours each i get so many questions about the story so i'll just go ahead and answer these without any spoilers if you're wondering which order should you do these arcs in there's really no defined order it's up to you so i really wouldn't worry too much after you complete a certain number of arcs it will unlock new arcs and then there will be a point in the game where you're like oh my god i have like five or six arcs to do don't worry about the order however you might get in a situation where you've played like three or four arcs in a row and you just haven't learned anything new about the main plot so if you're in that situation and you just like i wanna get more about the main story choose locations that involve sigurd or basum if you want to continue the main plot if you're wondering how long is the story how long does it take to beat this game there are more than 20 total arcs in this game and i would say they average about three hours each so if you're only focusing on the story i'd say the average player would take about 60 hours to complete the main quest line if they're only focusing on those missions it's a pretty long game if you're wondering are there any optional arcs in the game that i don't have to do there are only two very specific arcs that are optional and they're not in england or norway technically this means that yes you have to complete every single territory arc that is on your map in england and in norway now there's a specific moment in the game where the seer character gives you a couple arcs and it's a little confusing to know when you're supposed to do these they feel kind of random but keep in mind these are optional you don't have to do these arcs however if you're like me and you want to get every single part of the story it just never feels like there's a good time to do these so my best advice is to either save these for after you finish the story or just bite the bullet and decide i'm gonna do these arcs in one sitting i'm just gonna push through and do them and get the story out of these and then move on there's never gonna be a time where it feels right to do these so just do them and that is everything that i think you need to know before you hop into valhalla for the first time so i hope this was helpful for you guys i hope this makes you feel ready to dive into this massive game so if it was if you haven't already make sure you're subbed to the channel and hit the bell to stay tuned get live notifications every time i upload a new video also be sure to follow me on social media i'm at jv on yt on twitter and on instagram if you want to chat more about valhalla cyberpunk whatever it might be join our community discord server at jv on yt links for everything is in the description below big thanks to my youtube members my ultra fans dave grass dead walker bill cam cullen and jacob super fans kamal casey tipsy sergey and tarl kaye my fans john matthew spyro jvo level 42 tia joe and allura and supporters nos nightmare sung v toxic taren glenn adam blaze mr hollow quickness ferkin abhishek and shug for supporting the channel if you want to support me further click the join button below this video in exchange for your support you'll unlock custom badges and emotes to use in streams and in chat check the link in the description for more information thank you guys so much for watching have a great christmas and i'll talk to you next time uh
Channel: jayvee
Views: 582,609
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Keywords: JV2017, JV2017gameplay, jayvee, ac valhalla, assassins creed valhalla, ac valhalla jayvee, assassins creed valhalla jayvee, new games 2020, open world games, ac valhalla update, new ac valhalla update, assassins creed valhalla update, ac valhalla dlc, assassins creed valhalla dlc, ac valhalla new update, ac valhalla guide, assassins creed valhalla guide, ac valhalla tips, assassins creed valhalla tips, ac valhalla starter guide, ac valhalla beginners guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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