Assassin's Creed Valhalla: OVERPOWERED EARLY (Walkthrough/Gameplay)

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uh what up guys your boy karthus and today we're doing a video that makes you overpowered early everything i put in this video is extremely easy to get to i'll go play by play how to do it so that way you don't have to think or do much about it all you have to do is watch the video and you'll be good to go we're going to start off by getting four weapons and then a set of armor so let's go ahead and dive right in guys starting off we're going to go all the way west this is the very beginning of the game go all the way west and we're going to go to this encampment over here this fortress whatever you want to call it you can start going straight in through the front if you want you will aggro a lot of people if you're going through the front so i like to take the side over here either way we're going to aggro people it's not that big of a deal we're not here to fight we're just here to run in grab the item and get out as you see we're hugging the wall up to our left is going to be the path we want to go out so to our right is the item you'll see a big man here just try to get his attention to make him do like a heavy attack once he does that just run past him and grab the item [Music] now you have the england sex now i went over this dagger in a previous video it's very very strong if you want to stop parrying and start dodging now before we head out because we are going to go to england make sure you grab every gold item that you see here and then move on out to england and when you get to england go ahead and set up your settlement this way we have a fast travel spot so we don't have to ride all the way back because we are going to be going deep for some of these items don't worry it doesn't take very long to get there and it's very very easy to get past everybody so let's go ahead and get started first off we're gonna go all the way southwest into wessex and we're going to the city of winchester we'll be grabbing a powerful dagger by the name of sutenger's claw i know you're probably worried about losing your stamina but if you go ahead and guide your horse to get on or your mount to get onto the main trail you get your stamina back and you stay at full speed okay once we're in winchester go ahead and find the furthest left high point this is where we want to be i'm gonna go ahead and climb up here and begin to synchronize just for a fast travel now looking back on the map now that we're in town we want to go for this item right here it's very very close as you can see that was the high point we were just at and we want to find this hole in the ground now if you can't find the holy ground just get on the map itself and look for the stairs right here it's right next to us and that's what we want to go for go ahead and jump on in i'm going to show you where the item is and then i'll show you how to get to it most of you probably already have this but if you don't this should help so the item is set behind this wall and you have a locked door blocking your path go back to the water and dive in and follow this exact route and you should be there in no time since avor swims at an olympic level he swims extremely fast for no reason i mean i don't know anybody swims as fast if they do then i'd be thoroughly impressed i mean look at him just rip through here now it's pretty self-explanatory what to do right here go ahead and open the door work your way back across you'll see to your left that there is a wall that can be destroyed all that's behind there is just you know materials to be able to craft and everything and upgrade your gear if you want to go ahead and do that do that it's going to be there you might as well it's extra treasure so what we want to do is grab one of these walk back across go into the door that we just unlocked here veer left jump down and blow up the other destroyable wall while in here don't forget to grab one of the codexes it's laying right there on the table [Music] now this is the other dagger that i went over before in my previous video we all know what it does it adds extra critical damage which is huge and when you get the dagger right off the bat it comes flawless so you only have to upgrade it one more time for it to be mythical as you can see right here the dual dagger build is op it's absolutely busted so if you're okay with just getting these two items go the dual dagger build is honestly my favorite build in the game i feel like it's very very fast paced and puts up a high dps so if you want to be a dagger guy these are the two daggers you want like i went over in the previous video you can get the compass but that's completely up to you okay the next area starting from the main point we want to go east to east anglia and right here in this little areas where you want to be so now we're going for the third weapon don't worry about this area too much it will be a little bit over your level but you don't have to fight anybody and you don't have to sneak around either you can pretty much do what i'm doing right now just run straight in grab the item and run straight out [Music] so the carolingian long sword is a really good early game weapon and it goes into the late game too because of the high critical damage that this thing could put out with a five stack this weapon has huge attacks with awesome run down features like we're showing here you can sweep attack pretty much everybody it really really shows the stuff in big crowds as you see we got massive damage going on here i find this weapon to be a lot of fun especially when i'm in like a crowd like this and i do believe this may have the fastest attack speed out of all the two-handed weapons now the next area we want to go to is up in the northeast and lincolnshire and we want to head right here into this little area now before you go make sure that you have the skill advanced assassination there's a guy that we have to kill that has a key on him and the only way you can kill him early is with this ability now that we're here make sure you do as exactly as i do and coming from this side right here it makes everything a lot easier there are many guards and you have to be able to sneak past them and kill the big man are we rushing in what are we going sneaky beaky like stay frosty cheers big fella make sure you loot the key unlock this and get the hell out of there i really enjoy the battle sparth i think it's really really good it's obviously at its strongest when you are surrounded by enemies the more enemies you're surrounded by the higher up your attack goes this weapon has insane base damage you see we're going to be crushing people into pieces axes are great in this game i feel like they did a really good job with the way that they look and how they feel and how to play i mean if we're going to play a viking game you might as well play the max i feel like that was one of their main weapons of course they did the whole sword and board and everything like that the axes were pretty much a staple of being a viking there are a couple other really strong axes in the game this is one of the easier ones to get to earlier there's another one called lagatha's x which is all the way to the top north if you want to go up there i can make a video on that later i'm sure you can find one but what it does is it stacks crit the more enemies around you and this stacks damage to more enemies that around you so them together are broken okay now we're gonna head northwest to shropshire i'm not sure if i'm saying that right but i really don't care this is where you want to go right here it's like a little bandit camp or something like that now what you see here is how you want to position yourself on the map if you look to my right you're going to see the front gate if you come right here and just move the path that i'm going no one will be aggro now what we're doing here is grabbing our first piece of armor and the armor set that we're actually going for is the brigadine armor set which is honestly one of the best armors if not the best armor in the game for pretty much every situation [Music] all right guys instead of fast traveling back let's just go ahead and exit the camp here we'll follow the river to the north zoom in until you see a set of cross horns or a little drinking game i'm going to push to the left right there now you can see we're zoomed in you want to find these stairs on the map so go to the stairs you'll see a boat sitting in front of a destroyable wall go up to the boat and just shoot one of the barrels now once you get inside it's very very hard to get lost because it's a very linear path just follow it all the way through you'll see a wall that you can break open it's made of wood and then after that you just pull out a stone and the item will be to your left now the next thing we want to get is just southeast a little bit of where we're at and it's an ability that we're going to need to be able to get the next item so you want to stop off here first because we're going to head this direction anyways while here you're going to need to find a key the reason we're finding keys because you come into the back door be able to get in the back doors a lot easier to go in the front door here you can come in the front door but there are a lot of guards in the front door once you have the key come around the back side open it up you'll see the guards and just run past them because most of them have their back turn run straight in grab the item and you can run straight out now moving forward we're going to go a little bit more southeast to kent into a place called beamsfield or bemisfield i'm not sure what what it actually is i think it's a logging town but what we're trying to do here is grab two keys you're gonna need two keys to be able to unlock the chest so all you have to do is be pretty stealthy and you should be all right follow the exact path and you will not aggro anybody i am very very sneaky sir i fear you're underestimating the sneakiness sir sneaky sneaky sir so as you can see once we grab the key we just hug the wall to come back out we're going to veer right and if you want you can stay in stealth the whole way but once you touch the bushes or the trees over here you can start sprinting and no one will aggro on you the rest of the way is pretty much easy so what we're going for now is the second key because you need two keys to unlock this chest there's only one guard at each building that we're going to so it's going to be very very simple to get around them just follow this path as i'm doing right now there's going to be a window to our right we're going to jump right in grab the key turn around jump back out push left as fast as we can now we're going to go up to the last building you don't really have to stealth if you don't want to you can just sprint into the building and not worry about this guy aggroing on you because as soon as we get this item we're just gonna get out of here so if you wanna run go for it [Music] now instead of teleporting back we're just going to veer more to the east over into canterbury we're obviously going to try to get the synchronization from the high point once you have it just jump straight off follow this path exactly no one will aggro on you so you don't have to stealth around just run into the church go to the left bookshelf or scroll shelf whatever you want to call this climb up to the top pull out your bow and shoot the lock [Music] climb one of these columns the door is now open go in go to the back go downstairs and this is why we got the ability earlier because now we're going to blow up the ground and there you go [Music] now from where you're at you can push even further east we're gonna get the last piece of the brigadine armor it's on the coastline you'll see i'm on the back side of this fortress or area just jump off you'll see there's a cave underneath now there's a second way down if you want to go through the stairs but you have to go through a lot of guards i find this to be the fastest and the most effective way to get through just swim to the edge over here climb up and veer left you may aggro guards but it's not a big deal we're gonna use the ability that we got earlier and shoot into the ground once you're underground the guards will lose aggro and you can just fast travel out of here now you have the full brigadine set now this is one of my favorite armors in the game just based on how high your damage and defense is now you do have to have multiple targets around you to be able to proc this but let me show you how defensive tanky you can be [Music] like are you kidding me get out of here anyways that pretty much sums it up guys if you enjoyed it please like subscribe and comment it helps this channel a lot helps me out a lot in the future i'm going to do cyberpunk so be looking forward to those videos anyways you guys have a great day and i will see you in the future later guys [Music] you
Channel: Khaathus
Views: 352,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Assassin's Creed, Valhalla, Sword, AC Valhalla, axe, danish, danish axe, bearded axe, Sutt, Suttungr's Claw, Yngling Seax, Carolingian Longsword, Battle Sparth, cent, wessex, alfred, fenrir, Brigandine Armor, Two Handed, Over Powered, Easy, best weapon, how to get, location, best armor, Helmet, ending, how to unlock, Drengr, Berserker, Skills, Bear, Raven, Wolf, Build, armor build, weapon build, over powered build, Ability, abilities, Best Bow, Best axe, best sword, best dagger, best spear
Id: 24aYljo4sG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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