Dying Light Game Movie (All Cutscenes) 1080p HD

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hud activated commence briefing data on the subject suleiman a local political figure hired to maintain order after the outbreak his brother hassan died in a disease-related incident before we were able to evacuate him suleiman blamed the gre for hassan's death he stole a highly sensitive file which became his bargaining chip against the gre with instructions to publicize it if anything happened to him data on the subject the stolen file it details the incomplete process of synthesizing a cure for the virus if implemented in its current state the produced substance may be extremely toxic also the file contains full description of the varion structure any attempt to use it would result in countless lives lost it must be recovered further information current status suleiman sent the file to an associate unknown to us with instructions to publicize it at his command at any time to counter that we instituted a city-wide communication jam preventing him from publicizing the file your gre issued radio can overcome that jamming it is your lifeline do not lose it suleiman has since gone underground and begun using a different name we have reason to believe he now leads one of the two main factions operating within the city you are to find suleiman and locate the stolen file in order to save mankind from a disaster of unprecedented proportions i told you that wasn't a normal drop shoot break his legs then take him to rides back up all of you stop loud noises draw them fall back fall back let's get them up and the bite on one arm but i'm bringing in someone who might still survive one of us we'll see you pinch him you're scared not scared and pinch him he blinked what he blinked again what if he's a zombie [ __ ] my head so oh you sleep for three days like a dead man then scare children off to a great start 31 where am i in paradise can't you sing okay enough joking around head to room 190. what do you mean 31 ask the boss and you are crane 31 oh right um how's your head my head got it listen up until the bar says so you are not on the list so go talk to him asap and let's get things moving now if you'll excuse me hey i'm looking for the are you the boss what am i too young you got the problem with my age no i you wanted to talk to me that's better do you remember anything know what you are yeah i can i can see this is some kind of shelter we call it the tower brecken and his runners put it all together a couple of months ago and we've been here ever hunting since drops scavenging and rescuing people yeah i wanted to thank that girl you could because if not for her you'd already be chewing somebody's knee bone your antenna was totally crushed by the way only thing jade could salvage was your radio oh great so can i get that back please actually i think i need it more than you do believe me pal that's not the case fine take it you know why runners put their lives in danger for guys like you so now you take the answer meant for someone else and you won't even share your gear with us i don't have time to deal with your [ __ ] i've lost contact with one of our guys thanks to the [ __ ] up radios we're stuck with do something for me would you i don't want to see you or your precious radio anymore so go be useful somewhere else we don't tolerate lazy [ __ ] here in the tower hey be fair i'm not i'm not lazy i'm just hey boss save it that last guy i mentioned he's only on the 13th floor but you might as well be trapped in a mine cavern come back later and i'm not the boss too young remember i'm rahim bragging's in charge here where do you think you're going the 13th floor i'm getting some stuff for raheem 13. [ __ ] there's going to be some dirty work but we all got to pull our weight round here huh jesus how many people died here green here where were you we've been waiting for your report it's been over 70 hours i lost my radio for a while don't worry my cover's intact no contact with the tower's leader yet unable to confirm identity i'm taking steps to blend in acknowledged time is of the essence crane remember that there's there's one more thing i i got bitten i've shown no symptoms but the people here say i'm infected then you'd better get your hands on some anderson asap oh somebody you're all right man i cut my arm getting away from him oh god you had to kill him didn't you god damn it that was that was my brother i came down to see him and he's easy it's all right now i'll i'll get help hey rahim this is crane i'm down here on 13. listen this guy of yours got [ __ ] up pretty bad getting away from a zombie oh [ __ ] 31 is it is it safe down there yeah it's safe enough now okay don't move i'm sending lena downstairs hey hold still lena will be here any minute goss you've got to find some gauze oh and alcohol combine them that will stop the bleeding i try to stay calm okay i'll be right back okay i think that's everything i'm gonna find let's give this a shot okay who's hurt he's bleeding pretty bad let me see him gauze and alcohol huh pretty primitive but it'll work thanks for the help i'll take care of him from here done 31. not bad for a new guy perhaps i misjudged you i just want to help out and repay you guys for what you did for me well good come find me and we'll talk about how you can do that all right taken care of piece of cake what else you got for me well let me think raheem you are just smart enough to be dangerous you know that omar told me about your plans for the nest explosive charges really what explosives oh please say that you can't tell a convincing lie to save your life i know what i'm doing yeah you think you can't die you're not my mom no i'm not our mom's dead so you might want to be a little nicer to me since i'm the only family you have left especially now that amir is gone you're jade right right i just wanted to thank you for what you did for me and tell you how sorry i am for your loss i owe you and amir in my life yeah you do you want to return the favor keep my [ __ ] brother from killing himself no explosives raheem so so is that enough do i get to talk to brecken now first go change your clothes i left some new ones for you in your room you're in 194 wrong with what i'm wearing you need something that fits the job brecken wants you to do call me when you've changed okay raheem i'm ready where do i find brecken not so fast if you're going to earn your keep we have to find out if you've got the skills so get your ass up to the gym jim what are you talking about it's on the top floor just a couple flights up you want to feel right at home welcome to our gym first things first you've got to learn how to run what do you mean learn how to run just do what i say all right now jump down to the very bottom are you nuts and kill myself don't be a wimp come on you can't be serious watch this jesus don't move i'll get help ha i was just [ __ ] with you son of a [ __ ] what you can't take a joke come on get your ass down here christ on a crutch holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] it's a rush isn't it but don't blow your lord just yet there's more to survive outside you got to take advantage of the terrain most eaters suck at climbing so the harder the terrain is the better for you i've got some typical situations set up for you let's see how you handle them the low narrow sometimes eaters will have a tough time following you okay that's enough you've got some serious natural talents man either that you've done this before you've done this before hardly the closest i ever came to this was running track in high school well then you're a [ __ ] prodigy never seen anything like it what is happening to me oh [ __ ] talk to me what's going on something went wrong raheem what just happened to me oh [ __ ] i bet you're having your first seizure just get back over here raheem what the [ __ ] was that does this mean i'm i'm turning most likely no at least not yet seizures remind you that you're infected you better go see dr zerado he'll check you out probably give you a shot of anticin before you head out to cesara talk to the quartermaster he'll uh gear you up so you can go outside without getting your head bitten off oh you're the new scout raheem radioed me about you yeah that's me name's crane i'm not gonna bother learning your name till you survive a few days but here this is for you by the way word around the tower is you're just another deadbeat in line for food or anticin by which i mean the people here don't much like you but don't blame them it's easy to get paranoid when you're isolated and since somebody's jamming communications to the outside there's plenty of paranoia to go around whole damn city with nobody to call for help but ourselves you bring me some supplies from the airdrops though and you'll see people change their tunes in a hurry that shit's a game changer ah thanks i'll bear that in mind listen is there anything else i'm in a bit of a rush also if you're looking to get more popular you can try helping folks do a few favors they might like you more might even find a woman keep your warm at night going outside yeah okay new guy be careful out there we've lost too many you've already dr zeta set up in a semi-trailer on a fenced-in plane court when you leave the tower hang a left and head to south you can't miss it it's crane kid all right all right crane just keep moving there's no time to take in the sights and try not to make too much noise sound attracts those [ __ ] if you ever figure out how to climb on top of a van doctor hello anybody there camden are you there damn it uh so i'm supposed to get a vaccine what no no suppressant it's called antison suppresses the symptoms here sit antison postpones the inevitable best the gre could do inevitable so there's no cure it's a variation of rabies there's no cure right now but you see i've been running tests on both antizin and infected tissue a cure is possible definitely possible oh [ __ ] you really think you can figure it out with dr camden's help yes i think so now where did i put that injector who's dr camden a colleague trapped in sector zero where the outbreak first well broke out we've been collaborating via radio though we would have made more progress if the connection were better also if my earlier experiments had borne fruit i tried injecting recombined versions of the virus into chunks of meat and leaving them around the city hoping some of the infected would eat them so i could observe and document the results but they didn't bore no fruit i'm ashamed that i wasted so much time on it no reason to hold any anderson in reserve now in any case all right i'm quite busy so on your way now what was i doing checked me out and gave me another shot okay great to hold you for a while which is good because i'm starting to get used to the idea of bossing you around so time for a real trial go talk to spike you'll find him your serious truck he's got the first real job for you hey spike i'm crane just what i need more unskilled labor all right shut up and pay attention there are two types of airdrops one is food first aid supplies survival gear and such the other kind is filled with antizin the gre sends in a one-way video feed that lets us know when they're on the way look the trouble is the airdrops with anderson keep getting raided by ryze's thugs and without anterson we're basically screwed ryze and his boys only operate during the day because going out after dark is a dandy way to get killed but the next two anderson drops are coming down right at sunset tonight and brecken means to go after them this may be our only chance to reach the airdrop what's my part here well as i said going out at night is basically suicide or it would be if i hadn't been setting up safe zones and traps out there for weeks now which i have now brecken and his team will be okay tonight so long as you get out there now and arm those traps that's your part all right what are these traps and how do i arm them you'll see i'll be talking you through it just remember without these traps brecken won't survive the night and if he doesn't come back with anderson we are lost before you head out there grab some firecrackers made them myself they make a fine distraction if you get in trouble okay first the car open the hood connect the battery that'll arm the trap jade here is anyone outside right now urgent help needed um i'm outside i'm working for spike ukraine right listen our runners trying to secure one of our safe houses for brecken's mission he's in a courtyard by vepa and mama surrounded by zombies we gotta help him all right i'm on it oh man i think it's too late for this guy [ __ ] all right okay it's done [ __ ] you had no choice he wasn't human anymore now hurry you still need to turn on the lights that's the only way to make this place safe at night crane here report okay i met this doctor scientist type they've got him set up in a sort of research trailer and he's working on a cure for the virus his name is zera hello do you copy affirmative secondary objective added maintain your cover and secure all of his research acknowledge your stolen file still takes top priority though right affirmative we find it unlikely that a single researcher working out of a trailer could produce any significant results but if he does we want to see it jade it's done good we'll need to prepare more places like that one we've got more spots picked out for future safe zones spike will mark them on your map later and crane thank you back to you spike right now you need to get back to our main task and on the next trap there's another car close by got it infected are all over the street so what does that tell you keep off the street try to stay on the rooftops where they can't reach you they're all around the car spike you still have some firecrackers don't you just throw some into the crowd those dead bastards are easily distracted spike these freaks are everywhere if i need to use a trap how do i activate it [ __ ] okay it's quite a contraption you got here ah okay lights are all set you waited gee thanks just try and get back here in one piece all right i don't want to have to train somebody to replace you [ __ ] spike the whole goddamn district went down what the hell's going on right listen there's a power substation here go check it out hey this blackout has really put us in a tight spot we're defenseless here plus the safe zones and some of my traps are down too we need to get that power up and running asap i'm going as fast as i can spike [ __ ] what is this so oh all right i've got the substation reset but if the grid shorted once you know it could happen again right you leave the electrical engineering to me okay just get your ass to a safe zone you're gonna have to spend the night there oh [ __ ] hey doc this is kyle crane what can i do for you i just saw this freaking weird zombies covered in big green blisters it it hauled ass as soon as it spotted me you know anything about it not enough information i'm spike what's going on something bad happened we need to talk okay give me a sec keep a lookout for the colored smoke it means spike what's up crane first of all you did great out there from now on if you need something come see me and to start with use a uv flashlight and a remote control you run up on a volatile give him a face full of uv or lead him into a trap which you can trigger with that remote you got it got it perfect now for the bad news despite your efforts brecken's mission failed [ __ ] is he okay he's alive but you need to get back to the tower jay called all the scouts in and that means you okay wonderful finally get to meet brecken in person crane here report i'm about to have a meeting with the towers leader acknowledged confirm his identity and contact us immediately crane listen reckon and a team of runners went after an airdrop last night he lost the rest of his team to bite us and then ryze's men ambushed him beat into a pulp and stole the drop now brecken wants to go after the next drop himself but we can't let him and you've got to back me up okay for god's sake you can't even walk straight we need you alive you idiot okay we're going in act confident brecken lina maybe you can get through to him jade who's your friend kyle crane look brekken the last thing we need is for you to go back out there we can figure out another way without jeopardizing you right crane i'll go i'll do it right yes crane will go he'll be happy too jesus no offense friend but you're as green as grass you can't just crane will manage he'll start in the right spot and lina's right you need to be here taking care of the towers convincing them the world's not over yet maybe one more try before we go to rice yeah okay fine good luck crane jade a moment sure head for the cauldron i'll be in touch shortly look there's something else we need to discuss brecken was hurt pretty bad out there worse than he wants people to know he took a blow to the head now he's starting to have seizures and i don't have any lower tracks i doubt anyone does anti-seizure drugs were being passed out like candy when the infection first started and the stores ran out weeks ago yes that's right how do you know that look what do you need me to do lina there's a man in town named gazi he's not altogether there if you know what i mean his mother had epilepsy so he used to pick up medicine for her each month she died two years ago but kazi kept going to the store to pick up her prescription he likes his routine and ghazi can be very insistent so they kept giving it to him you think he's been stockpiling it all this time if he hasn't i don't know where else we're going to get it from ghazi lives under the overpass and don't mention his mother's death he won't understand guys are you there if mama ain't happy nobody happy so you better make mama happy jazzy me too we have the same name are you from the video store no my name's crane crane crane rhymes with train and brain and sane and grain and rain and plane and the other kind of plane and and can i come in no no it's impossible impossible this is my special day with mom it's mother's day and it's the most important day of the whole world are you from the video store why do you keep asking me that because you're supposed to bring my movie about me it's called charlie and it's all about me and how smart i am look guys if i bring you your movie will you let me come in sure then you could watch with us it is mother's day and if mama ain't happy nobody happy oh and and she also wants chocolate mama wants chocolate no no wait a minute that's too much don't argue with cozy it doesn't work that that's what the drugstore people say [ __ ] not now charlie charlie c for charlie one gotcha yes here's your movie and your chocolates wait her mom see this oh guzzy wins again i forgot right here then i'll just let myself in through the roof so hello ghazi shh the movie i thought mama's watching all right i've got your anti-seizure medicine thanks ah how'd things go with cassie well he may be challenged but he's very good at getting what he wants did you meet his mom yeah she seemed happy if mama ain't happy and nobody happy speaking of which brecken asked me to pass this on to you with his thanks train here report tower boss is named brecken and he's definitely not your man the other likely suspect is this warlord basically local guy calls himself rise he's hoarding anderson and then gouging the hell out of anybody who wants to buy some i'm on a mission to get antis in from the airdrop if i don't succeed they'll have to come up with something else acknowledged good job crane you're doing well stay on task and we'll be in touch be sure to call us immediately if and when you get that anderson great three quarters of all air drops fall in the cauldron so if you start from there you'll have the best chance of getting to that drop before rice's men do on my way jade i'm getting close to the drop zone find some shelter and wait most of the drops seem to fall exactly in that area there's a crate it looks intact i'll check out what's inside damn it nothing here did you see that yeah two drops they landed elsewhere unfortunately but you're not that far away get to those crates before anyone else does [ __ ] too late jade rice's man got here first [ __ ] okay don't try to fight them just find the second one look for the smoke from the flare the crate should be close by crane it's too close to sunset you need to turn back now dude i'm almost there i can do this crane here i'm about to recover an antigen drop good crane this offers us a new strategy time to turn your attention to rise listen closely it's very possible that rise is our man so if you find an air drop containing anderson destroy it what what why it will force interaction with rise you can go under brecken's auspices as an ambassador if you will but there are civilians depending on this stuff our plan is focused on the greater good remember that jade i'm at the airdrop there's no antis in here all right get back here and be careful oh [ __ ] they must have heard me uh reckon come on i mean we need anderson i know but buying from rise you can't be serious for god's sakes i'll go i'm not scared absolutely not we've discussed that we didn't discuss it you just decided that i'll go are you serious well this rice guy has never seen my face before clean slate right did you guys give crane to me the room please you sure you're up for this it has to be done doesn't it well i'm not going to argue race's place is over here just find out what this will cost us and come back in one piece can you hear me jade yeah a copy something wrong no no it's um listen crane we all appreciate what you're doing and i know you're doing it to redeem yourself because amir died saving your life look i'm doing it because if we don't get antisone from rice people will start to die you know i met tamir right after the outbreak i didn't know him for that long but he was the best most decent man i've ever known but i just want you to know that i don't blame you amir knew the risk and crane we know that you too are taking a risk to do this for us i look jade we'll talk when i get back with the antison okay okay just just come back in one piece all right back away this doesn't concern you yes wish me luck kid good luck brother you're going to need it don't you don't shoot hands up what the [ __ ] do you want i'm here to see rice bracken sent me that [ __ ] on the tower all right what does he want i've come to make a deal what kind of deal the kind i make with rice not with his flunkies all right let him through how long have we been friends or smile we have been friends for a very long time that is why i'm so surprised that you would steal from me haven't i seen you somewhere before now i give you a choice very simple your right hand or your left left was that my left you have the look of the tower about you what do you want i'm here to make a deal a deal foreign desperate times and what do you offer in return your services your loyalty perhaps i shall take both talk to kareem he's one of ours do what he asks of you and your eyes will consider giving your people some antigen understood i don't seem to have a choice perceptive there you are i said you'll be coming by i'm karim crane an american i have an uncle there lives in texas you're from texas you a cowboy i'm from chicago okay al capone we'll be in constant contact over the radio that way i can make sure you get where you need to go and where's that exactly you're going to be climbing antenna towers and switching on shortwave radio modulators most of my men are too slow too fat or too drunk to climb a tower like that without killing themselves if i do this i'll get the answers in that's between you and rice i know better than to speak for him just don't fail he doesn't handle disappointment very well crane report just met rise there's no question that's suleiman guy's a psychopath he's gone from ruthless politician to [ __ ] warlord is he aware of your affiliation with us no he thinks i'm just a guy from the tower in fact he's making me jump through hoops before he'll give me any antizin acknowledged continue to do as he asks remember we need that file great crane out these modulators will help boost the signal so ryze can communicate with outwards at the far reaches of town that's a benefit for everyone not just rise perhaps maybe more dream i'm at the first antenna if the power's not done you'll have to turn it off oh i'm shouting because this [ __ ] up infected [ __ ] with guts hanging out of his mouth spit a bunch of toxic snot at me not a bad reason oh [ __ ] kareem someone already scavenged this thing for parts there's nothing up here to switch on [ __ ] i was afraid of that all right head to the next antenna tower it's not too far from there just use the zip line and head east you'll see it hey kareem what do i do if the second transmitter is trashed the better question is and the answer is probably die horribly cream i'm at the second antenna tower the fence is electrified i think someone's inside that will be a and probably his son christoph i find them tiresome don't let them stand in your way you've got to get inside and turn on the transmitter what the [ __ ] do you want i need to climb the tower why the hell would you want to do that for ryze he asked me to rice you don't look like one of his crew i'm fine i'll just radio back and tell ryze that you wouldn't let me through what [ __ ] no no no i didn't say that you want to climb fine go go i won't do this anymore will you keep your voice down i don't care who hears me christoph what's wrong with you we're trying to stay alive here these guys are killers yes i sure hope this [ __ ] climb was worth it and this thing's still intact let's see if it was worth the hassle hey kareem second transmitter's up and running is it working kareem do you hear me loud and clear nice job you know the way back right right hmm so it was you wasn't it yeah that was me and now i'm on my way to see rise again that's the deal good job this helps everybody but especially dr and dr camden they can hear each other without static for the first time since whatever see you back at the tower i'll be there as soon as i can hey great if you got a second i want to patch you to somebody who really wants to talk to you huh who is this kyle crane who wants to know my name is troy i lead a small group of survivors over in sector zero we call ourselves the embers sector zero is completely sealed off mr crane until you restored radio communication we didn't know if anyone else in the city was alive i just wanted to let you know how grateful we are you've given us a small measure of hope uh well i'm happy to help if there's ever any way we can help you mr green please don't hesitate to ask well you not only did the job carry master view but you made it back in one piece bravo can i get some antis antisense now did you think i would be satisfied so easily you still have plenty to prove look we really need the drugs let me have them now and then i'll come back and do whatever you'll get antazine when i say you get it not one second before but as i have established i am not unreasonable do all that i ask of you and i will give you not one but two crates of antazine all right fine what do you want me to do this will be different from your exploits on the antennas it will require a bit more persuasion the imposing of one's will the creation of one's own rules that is what makes a man do you live by your own rules crane or are you merely someone else's puppet i believe i know the answer talk to karim before i decide you are no longer worth the trouble ah my friend rice likes you i can tell yeah how because you are still among the living the task at hand is as easy as can be you simply have to make a few pickups from some nearby settlements which ones the first is jafar's wheel station it's just east of here but bear in mind not everyone you talk to today will be in a cooperative state of mind i'm sure you can be convincing though no i guess i'll have to be grain here report another job for rice this one's pretty dirty he's forcing me to collect the money he's extorting from a nearby village just do what he asks and stay close to him remember what's at stake yeah crane out you jafar oh and my name isn't important what's important is that ryze sent me and that you owe him some money i've never seen you before for all i know you're just some random [ __ ] [ __ ] off i tell you what how about i break both your legs and drag you through the streets back to rice's place huh and then he can explain to you that you should have cooperated okay okay jesus you are one of ryze's thugs you guys are the only ones who'd act this shitty here here's your money take it if i have to come back here you won't get any more attitude me casa sukas just don't hurt me all right kareem it's me so i just threatened to break an old man's legs and it worked didn't it next you collect the tribute from the fisherman's village head east to the tunnel entrance their messenger always meets us there crying how you doing mate i'm running errands for ryze he wields a lot of power scares a lot of people damn right he does listen eight times getting short we're almost out of anterson as much as i hate to admit it i'm getting worried i'm doing the best i can out here breaking i know i know i understand i just want you to be aware of the stakes i'm infected too remember believe me i'm motivated all right all right here's hoping you can make it back to the tower soon what the [ __ ] was that the cream i just saw something i've never seen before this huge bloated infected just [ __ ] exploded yeah we call them bombers some of our guys use them to kill other infect shoot them and they take out everything in a three meter radius you kidding me keep your distance and you'll be fine but what about the courier was he there no i didn't i didn't see anybody just [ __ ] zombies all right you'll have to go to the village directly i suppose look for a man named okay kareem i'm outside the village but there's a whole horde of infected in there so clear them out we get paid for protection do some protecting i don't know if i can take out that many by myself sure you can because if you don't you'll have to deal with rice you remember what i said about rice when he's disappointed i gotta get that gate closed before more of those [ __ ] get inside yes who goes there i'm here on rice's behalf i'm supposed to pick something up oh my god that's one of rice's men what do i do just tell him to go away do it nice and neatly he'll leave us alone better yet into the cursor he'll know what to do please we don't know anything go talk to gerser he lives above the storm hey anybody in there shh not so loud you'll draw the monsters look i got rid of them but you better reinforce that gate before more show up you got rid of them all of them rye sent me you gersol oh you were for rise i should have known this was too good to be true you've taken enough you can't have any more freaking tell him lila please just let me talk to the man you can't just push us around like this [ __ ] gonna kick your ass do it [ __ ] kick his ass for god's sake look i don't want any trouble but we already paid this month you're gonna bleed us dry that is entirely not my problem ryze wants his payment so you make the payment and things get bad for you and your woman you can't threaten us kick his ass [ __ ] give me a break kyla all right fine here this is all of it ugh a real man would have kicked his ass i'll leave you to it sounds like you have bigger problems than money okay kareem i got gursel's money i [ __ ] hate myself now but i got the money the self-hatred fades eventually just one pickup to go at the ferry station on the old pier there's a ferry there was until the navy sent it to the bottom of the bay dozens of people were stranded there waiting for another one that never came so there's a settlement there head east and you'll find it are there any boats left yes but any boat that tries to leave the bay gets blown right out of the water i'm here to make a pickup for rise back already we just paid off you bloodsuckers don't shoot the messenger i'm just trying to get by like everybody else yeah so are we ryze said he'd protect us if we paid him but so far all he's done is take our money there's no protection just threats you any different look all i want to do is get this over with what's it gonna take huh don't need to point out how easy it would be to set this entire place on fire jesus christ you people are [ __ ] monsters all my money's in that satchel take it and get the [ __ ] out for what it's worth this isn't something i want to do i'd rather be helping you guys and yet you're still doing it aren't you okay kareem i made the collection at the ferry station and i'm pretty sure i'm going to hell join the club now come back and claim your prize good job today great drink do you copy a copy what's wrong someone's turned on the 18th floor we're doing our best to contain a situation but you can't god went off the grid somewhere near the market how is that my problem i'm making it your problem see if you can find them or don't bother coming back kareem i think i found your lost patrol something ripped them limb from limb search the bodies look for some blueprints in a small envelope and don't damage them they're worth more than all those dead [ __ ] put together did you find the envelope not yet wait a sec holy [ __ ] okay i got it good bring it back to me right away you're going to be a hero around here so i think it's safe to say that rice isn't the most popular person in town huh no but he is the most feared and you know the old saying it is better to be fair than loved if one cannot be both uh machiavelli correct smart fellow that one all right here are the blueprints excellent you're a lot more dependable than most of these drunks rise is waiting for you maybe we can work together again sometime god i hope not if you show them compassion they will see it i should send every one of you to the pit ah the tower lucky returns do you have something for me friend yes i do now it's time for you to give me what you promised two crates of anderson i think not your loyalty to the tower is nothing but blind obedience crane a coward submission to false hierarchies you follow their rules as thoughtlessly as you follow mine like a good little dog look we had a deal your people need the undersea now more than ever i would surmise but a man who follows someone else's rules is no man at all here i will allow you this match you promised me two crates of it this is only five vials if you want more i present you with an opportunity the athlete the scorpion jay daldemir she's one of your number bring her to me i have an arena where men fight for our amusement i would have this scorpion fight for us i'm curious how long it will take for someone of her caliber to break what no now forget it i'm not doing it i hear no conviction in your voice grant you have not yet made your choice i can tell will you be a dog and save the dwellers of the tower or will you be a man and save the midden go and think about it train here report i'm no longer cooperating with ryze he wanted me to kidnap jade aldemir and dump her with him so he can make her fight in his pit yes and was that it what do you mean was that it i'm not a [ __ ] human trafficker you seem to have forgotten how much is riding on this file crane if ryze wants one girl then give her to him you'll be there to keep an eye on her won't you what the [ __ ] kind of humanitarian outfit are you guys and for that matter if this project file can save the world why keep it a [ __ ] secret we're not paying you to be insubordinate crane get this done [ __ ] you [ __ ] there's a lot to be done around the tower i hope you find some time to take a look at the board do you have the answers in give it to me so what happened one person turned and had a couple of other people trapped we could have sealed off that one apartment but brecken wanted to save as many lives as possible it went bad somebody had to make the call and now we've lost the entire floor including including a couple of kids you'd better talk to brecken i have to get these meds to lina this is where we get the announcements about the antecedent drops and they've just stopped there were cats in there lena had to step up maybe she should be in charge what the [ __ ] crane i'm no leader i'm a goddamn parkour instructor we saw the free running wait that was you reckon you showed these people how to survive do you know my pockets were full of when i showed up in her own [ __ ] business cards i was hoping to drum up some more students maybe get enough so i could save up and buy a house instead of that proxy little flat i've been renting listen i'm gonna talk to rice myself whoa whoa hey hang on a minute reckon these people still need you okay just just give me some time all right there's there's gotta be another way a better way fine i'll wait but not for long raheem rahim what are you doing up here hey crain can i trust you how much you had to drink kid or not yeah yeah yeah what's up see that skyscraper scout from the volatile nest in there we take that out and then running missions at night we could totally do that so i'm thinking if we planted some explosives oh jesus rahim you're not still on that crane we have to do this as long as that nest is there we'll never be able to gather up enough antis it would work we make a good team [ __ ] don't drop me don't drop me oh [ __ ] see told you we made a good team look raheem we don't have any explosives none the closest thing to what you're talking about are spikes firecrackers it's impossible you don't know what it's like all i can do is watch stop my ass and watch everything happen and do nothing i don't want to die here crain not like this not helpless if i go out i'd rather go out doing something what's this i was set to fly out on sunday they quarantined us on thursday i already had my bags packed i'll get look i'll keep my eyes open okay if there's some way we can make this happen whatever this is crane do you copy what do you want crane i want you to start the anderson drops again at least near the tower these people need help we put you in hurran to find our file not to play mother teresa or does this mean you've reconsidered ryze's proposal perhaps miss aldermere would even be willing to cooperate test her skills in a new environment you start giving us some antizone and then then we'll talk about what ryze wants oh it's us now is it well i'm afraid your request is out of the question in any case things have gotten a bit strained with the ministry resuming the air drops would not be politically advantageous at the moment you [ __ ] take the [ __ ] cake you know that you and your [ __ ] file i'll locate the file for you but i'm going to take a good long look at it before i decide what to do about it crane this is jade do you copy loud and clear what can i do for you i don't know how much time we have so the short version i need your help rice has turned an abandoned school into a supply dump and i think it may be where he's storing his anderson if you and i sneak in there we should get all the meds the tower needs are you with me yeah i'm with you great look for me in one of the box cars on the train trestle near the school okay and listen jade if we don't find that answers in i'll need to talk to you about something about what another option but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it right now let's see what we can find in that school hey come here you should see this something is going on at the school tyre's men have been hauling boxes out of that place for hours we need to get a closer look what's in the boxes if it's antithen we need it [ __ ] god [ __ ] to here that guy should die in a fire we [ __ ] where'd she go how many bandits are inside i only saw the ones that went in after but i'm sure there's more we should use different entrances we'll cover more ground and we'll make less noise moving separately okay jade i'm inside check the classrooms that's the most likely place for them to store supplies they should be marked somehow military jargon is pretty straightforward so it shouldn't be hard to notice to be at night did any of you idiots need to check the basement of course not because the key is still up here get your [ __ ] together again guys there's somebody in here get back here or find a safe house you've got about one hour jade no luck with any antisense looks like we'll have to talk about that other option i still have classroom c to search though the basement's pretty big find the key i'll meet you down there give me a hand here would you yeah sure god crane you're such an oath why don't you just stick your head out the door and shout here we are come get us hey sometimes there's nothing wrong with the direct approach holy [ __ ] that's plastic explosives right all right listen you take this stuff and get back to the tower i'll deal with these [ __ ] don't be ridiculous we'll fight them together and risk letting them keep this much ordinance no just go i got this meet me back at the tower promise me you won't let rahim near that high what yeah of course i promise i promise just go so wow crane you said we needed to talk about other options if we didn't find any anderson and we will but right now let's deal with these explosives okay okay listen i'll give the explosives to syed and you talk to raheem make sure he stays away from that hive will do don't worry don't worry right told me about the explosives you guys found how perfect is that jade gave them to him syed used to be on a bomb squad so he knows about that stuff yeah kid that was a lucky find would have been better to turn up some antison though my buddy omar is making sure saeed put the good timers on those things we have to be able to get our asses out of there before they blow whoa we there there's no we in this i mean yeah that nest needs to go and now it's possible but but if it gets done i'm doing it on my own but it's my plan and i will execute it perfectly i promise but ah [ __ ] there's no use arguing with you is there fine i'll contact you as soon as science finished with the charges for him do we have a deal i guess do we have a deal yes we have a deal okay one more thing i keep seeing this bizarre kind of infected is dr zara out at his trailer i'd like to talk to him about it nah he's down in sick bay visiting dr lina thanks kid i'll see you soon hey doc you got a minute oh it's uh kane yes uh how can i help you a crane remember when i told you about that weird infected i saw you know the one who took one look at me and hauled ass away well i just saw another one and it did the same thing i believe i have heard your colleagues talk about those creatures bolters they call them apparently they favor certain areas of town over others but only appear at night i don't suppose you could catch one and bring me a sample of its flesh you see a thought occurred to me a long shot i realize but if these creatures favor areas where i left my experimental bait well let's not get ahead of ourselves please do obtain a sample but it has to be fresh so you have to get it back to me quickly okay and where exactly do i find these things i'm told that quartermaster chap has been keeping track of them what can i do for you dog zara says you know where i should look for these uh bolters super fast infected covered in big green blisters oh yeah yeah i can point you in the right direction here here and here though you ask me if trouble don't come looking for you no reason to go looking for trouble words to live by thanks hey what's up spike just fyi if you need me i'll be at the ferris station helping morgan prep the barge strangest thing he said he got shaken down by some young man who sounded an awful lot like you you wouldn't know anything about that would you oh yeah i gotta run i'll talk to you later spike okay rock comes your chunk of zombie guts that must be angels ah crane come in come in did you get the samples i asked for excellent excellent i was just telling dr camden about it glad to have you working with us you uh sound like an impressive interesting stuff what passes for blood in this creature photosensitive quite deadly if used on a weapon i'd wager but i digress my last bit of reagent here and a reserved vial of oh my word this tissue it's testing positive for the recombined virus camden do you know what this means the main experiment when i dosed the meat samples with the altered strain it's had an effect this could explain all the different mutations but i can't camden could he has the equipment but we have no way to get the research to him you can talk to him on the radio why not share the info that way there's too be dead and gone much he finished water water everywhere and not a drop to drink what if i delivered this stuff to you dr camden by hand the data and the tissue samples both grain getting from there to here would be insanely dangerous yeah but it could mean a cure right you don't know how much this means dear boy to me to all of us i'll contact you when everything's ready you must go now much to do much to do wait you what [ __ ] hell rahim that was my job oh right because you're more qualified to handle explosives than i am you're just a god damn tourist but listen we messed up messed up bad all right what happened where are you we're on the overpass and it's all going to [ __ ] listen head to the train yard find a place to hide i'm on my way behind you behind you rahim rahim god damn it reckon reckon do you copy yeah i copy what is it i'm on my way to get rahim rahim he's here in the tower no he's not he and omar want to blow that nest and now they're in trouble it's like what [ __ ] where'd they get the explosives well i look i stole them from rise jesus i'm close i'll get him to safety you're doing well better hear me you save him so i can kick his [ __ ] ass does jake know about this she'll go out and i don't need her getting herself killed too god damn it raheem where the hell are you reckon it's me i found omar's body on the overpass but no trace of rahim [ __ ] any idea where he'd go i told him to hide in the train yard you find him you hear me that little bastard better be alive that's right keep coming you [ __ ] i'll send you all to hell um uh i didn't think i'd make it so i armed the bombs they'll blow in less than five minutes oh [ __ ] kid you're bleeding huh oh i cut to myself it's not the [ __ ] just plant the bongs all right don't move you got it i'll be right back raheem can you hear me where the [ __ ] am i going with these things there's a sewer entrance here in the terminal near the west wall use that tunnel it'll take you straight to the hive okay i'm back on the surface see that big ass covered over to your right through it once you get into the building and up the ramp and get up to the floor above you you need to put the bomb on one of the big support columns first one set okay pay attention find some stairs like the first one all right got it it worked man hey your plan worked kid raheem hey do you copy come on rahim it's me kid i did it oh come on i should have seen it the whole damn building came down oh [ __ ] no no no no no right here it's me it's me kids jesus stupid [ __ ] kid oh god jade crane do you copy what's going on brecken raheem is dead [ __ ] get back here don't say a word to jade not yet how did he die i had to kill him it was too late he turned i had no choice i swear but he was my friend too he was the best one i had here i know i know he frustrated the [ __ ] out of me sometimes i loved him like it was my own kin another dead friend another dead brother i trusted him i trusted him with those explosives god maybe if i didn't leave him there he'd he'd still be alive i had oh no jade jade wait jade god damn it just just give her time she needs to grieve sarah [ __ ] get down oh there reckon sarah has been kidnapped his trailer's on fire god damn it you see what happens when you [ __ ] with rice you should never have hit at school some of our people spotted a big knot of bandits heading back to rice's garrison that's gotta be where they took sarah you go there and you find him and you bring him back alive you hear me crane look i know i've been hard on you but after what happened to raheem and now dr sarah you have to understand reckon there's no apologies necessary and don't worry i'll bring zara back in one piece just be careful okay i'm sorry about raheem i know you were close hell i love that stupid kid too reckon the garrison's shut down the doors are sealed off i don't think i can get in find another way in there check the back but don't take any stupid chances those bastards will rig you apart if they get the opportunity okay i found an entrance i can't see it was easy though i'm going in just keep your eyes open good luck in there it was somewhere around here crane here i could really use some gre support right now that's too bad agent crane this is the ministry of defense the [ __ ] what the hell is going on what happened to the gre the global relief efforts position here has been diminished we are in charge now and we have declared a code one target zone where just hang on you can't just carpet bomb this place there are still hundreds of innocent people in here maybe thousands irrelevant we're doing this to protect billions of lives surely you can understand that okay just just listen there's this scientist in here named sarah and he's been doing research on a cure and he's really close i've seen the research if you bomb the city acknowledged the chances of one scientist in a wrecked city coming up with useful results are negligible at best but you have 48 hours so who is it who's that blackstock it's me green thank god listen this is important i'm not safe anymore obviously but my research must not die with me you're not gonna die doc but right now we have to get out of here so please lower your voice oh oh yes all right but understand my research it must reach dr camden that's why i gave the packages to jade i know you said you would deliver them but she was there and time being of the essence doc so it takes no more than a false hope of rescue to loosen the good doctor's lips and the scorpion down spur no resource with pleasure and these two what should we do with them you'll never find her never and i'll never talk you'll get nothing from me i'm less concerned with making you talk doctor than i am in preventing your escape sadistic [ __ ] he's an old man give the doctor some first aid and take her into the pit stand him up oh [ __ ] dark you come to us like a snake in the grass here in a city of lies you are the biggest liar of them all you talking about answer me [ __ ] yes lose control that is what you americans are so good at after all not bad we're at the corpses leave crave yes sir right oh god ah god words of your feet here will spread such a shame you'll be a corpse by then is this your first female attempt at controlling your own destiny claim too little too late i fear impressive for a walking dead man oh me oh oh you have provided some quality entertainment for my man too bad it's a one-time performance this will only prolong the inevitable but try to make the best of it huh let no one say i never gave you anything crane your skills no longer come as a surprise crane the gre selects its operatives well lower the platform drop the weapon chaos chaos is the one true order of things but to pretend otherwise is the sheerest folly allow me to demonstrate assam can you hear me you just doomed thousands of innocent people that's what you get with your [ __ ] chaos you don't know what was on that fight do you cry for me the gre plans to weaponize the virus not cure it they're only interested in profit not saving lives and by following their rules you have become their trained monkey pathetic all right kill him doc come on let's get you out of here green save these people they don't deserve all of this you give me the torch what are you swine waiting for shoot him i'm sorry doc there you are no not again oh [ __ ] no not now sarah sarah's dad yes oh where am i i had to hide you at the pier half of ryze's men are after you whatever you've done let's really put them on the wall path i have to talk to jade zara he gave her his research she took it to camden or she tried to camden radioed that rises thugs had found his lab so he flooded it with biters and barricaded himself in the middle now he's trapped then the connection failed we haven't been able to raise him since i'm going after her how is she getting in that part of town is sealed off there's a group called the saviors that smuggles people through they have a den at nico's bar in the cauldron near the highway the contact's name is chang do you have enough runners to cover airdrops the airdrop stopped 36 hours ago there won't be any more we're out of time crane [ __ ] all right i don't know if i can fix this but i'm sure it's all going to try you know most men in your situation will crawl into a hole and hide hats off to you and good luck hey crane here's your gear best regards from kareem kareem huh if you see him thank him for me crane one more thing mate do you remember that girl from sector zero troy yeah she called to thank me after i got the antenna towers working you should contact her when you get there good idea thanks brecken right you take care what do you want i'm looking for the saviors don't know what you're talking about i'm one of brecken's man from the tower i don't care where you're from get your ass out of here arl stop being so [ __ ] polite listen i know you're smuggling people out of the slums there's a girl who came through jade i think you better get the hell out of here no just listen i cut rise up and now his old goddamn gang is after me i could use some cooperation here you you're the one who chopped rice's hand off yeah and now i have to get to sector zero what's your name crane well crane you're in for some heartbreak if you think going to sector zero will get you off rice's shitless but wait here i got a guy here who claims he's the one who took chris's hand off great yeah that's what he said really are you sure okay right come here okay we'll get you to the other side right when right now what about payment what you did to rice that's more than enough payment for us go to the collapsed tunnel that led to old town knock at the door that leads to the sewers someone will take good care of you will do thanks nah man thank you green yeah that's me good to meet you i'm hazard i'm going to be helping you change your scenery so did you take jade through too ooh she's from here dark hair pretty tough as nails ah maybe don't know we don't always ask names so okay from here on out you're on your own the route is marked i'll stay in touch over radio it's been a pleasure my friend we need to do this one by one and this man needs to go first but he just got here we've been here for hours i don't meet the rules wait here so hey friend sorry but uh i had no choice rise has me by the balls what what did you do what i had to what can i say the world is an unforgiving place [ __ ] go go reckon do you copy crane here what's going on mate tell everyone to stay away from the saviors they sold me out to rice i barely made it out alive [ __ ] i hope you're okay be sure to contact troy when you get to sector zero she's the only friendly face you have over there got it will do keep your fingers crossed for me okay here goes nothing jade it's crane do you copy jade it's crane can you hear me damn it all right it's time for some local talent troy this is crane do you copy crane it's great to hear from you what can i help you with yeah i'm in your neck of the woods now and i'd love to put our heads together where can i find you you're here fantastic have you seen a pair of towers one taller than the other with scaffolding around them we call that our loft head that way and we'll be waiting dr camden do you copy crane here camden can you hear me yes yes i hear you what's going on when sector's zero is jade with you no she hasn't been able to reach me yet and even if she does manage to get here it won't be easy getting in i had to barricade myself inside because of rising stocks you okay trapped inside my lab but safe you coming my way not yet doctor first i have to find jade and recover zera's research okay i'll sit tight then not like there's anywhere for me to go be careful out there uh hey you're crane right yeah that's me i'm michael troy's waiting for you in the loft good to have you here crane crying it's a pleasure mate uh i'm savvy need anything technical i'm your man i've almost rigged a way to break through the chrome jamming come on say hello to troy hey i'm kyle crane it's good to finally put a face with the voice you're looking for jade aldemare aren't you yeah yeah have you seen her you know where she is jade this is troy do you copy go ahead try jade it's crane now i know you're headed for dr camden but his clinic's surrounded by zombies and rice's thugs so just let me come and help you stay away from me i hear your voice and all i can see is my brother please just hear me out okay but the thing is the gre hired me all right i was supposed to find out where ryze sent this this classified file but but that doesn't matter anymore because the ministry contacted me dude they were going to firebomb the city but i talked them into waiting because they want that research that you're carrying now we need to figure out some way to let them know that we've got it jade jade crane the last time i spoke to her she was at the university it's too east from here if what you just said is even a little bit true you have to find her hey buddy have you seen a woman named jadal damir she's got long dark hair she's tough as nails she was talking to what's his name over there thanks jade jade are you here who are you what do you want no sign of jade damn it jade this is crane do you copy jade can you hear me nothing troy this is crane do you copy crane i was just about to contact you savvy broke through the jamming and i think you better get back here you have to see this why what do i what do i have to see you have to see it for yourself just get back here all right i'm serious no matter how many times i watch it i still can't believe it an internal global relief effort document surfaced today that if verified implicates the gre in a far-reaching criminal conspiracy instead of trying to find a cure for the haran virus according to the file the gre had plans to weaponize it and sell it to the highest bidder world wide backlash has no no skip to the important bit i was the last survivor left in the quarantine i can't believe i made it out i can't believe i'm still alive we mourn all those who didn't survive but as the president said in the speech here earlier today life is for the living military troops have searched for survivors all over the quarantine but now there's no one left besides the infected according to colonel tanner once his decontamination process is finished the infection will be completely obliterated the ministry did this they're making their excuses to the rest of the world for destroying a city look crane before you go charging out of here we already had an idea of how to send a message we were going to plant explosives in a building and set off fires in a pattern something the zombies could never do trouble is we got the runner michael over to the right building but he can't get through to the top floors too many biters as much as i hate to admit it none of the rest of us are strong enough to do this job well we've got to do something right [ __ ] now or you me jade and everybody else are gonna get blown to bits i tell michael i'm on my way and while i'm doing that can you get in touch with jade try to get her to meet me you have my word all right second apartment's done damn you're better at this [ __ ] than i am next you need oh [ __ ] what's wrong michael i've got some company michael get out of there get to safety no i can hold him off you've got to finish the job i'm not going anywhere until this is done is that a child crying [ __ ] what is this yes okay all done great and uh if you could get back down here i wouldn't turn down a helping hand at this point listen hey are you sneaky [ __ ] jesus christ michael listen if i don't make it you have to get off me grab the detonator get the hell out of here and blow this place michael get the [ __ ] out of there and head back to troy right now just leave the detonator michael michael [ __ ] [ __ ] great we see it great job thanks i hope it's enough you had any contact with jade great jade is that you crane i heard what you did i see what you did so do you believe me now that i'm on your side some [ __ ] [ __ ] crane if you're really on our side you've got to contact the gre they must stop the ministry from bombing the city i know but i lost my one and only way to reach them guys listen savvy's figured out a way to break through the jamming he just needs your help to do it okay jade you heard that we have to meet yeah all right meet me in that red building on emerald canal we'll go from there and crane be careful the infected here are even more ferocious than the ones in the slums jade jade troy this is crane ryze is taking jd he has her in some museum somewhere do you know what he's talking about museum yes ryze is using it as its headquarters crane you can't go there that place was built as a fortress you'd be walking into a massive trap no no it's not subtle enough to be a trap there's got to be a way to sneak in right i mean some way to surprise him let me think uh tariq maybe he's the museum's curator he should know something about the dungeons hidden beneath the fortress great i'll talk to him all right there's a building with a rooftop garden you'll find tariq there and listen if you get the chance find yourself some new weapons you'll need them tariq what do you want we don't have anything here but a few scraps of food relax troy sent me troy thank god i've been a nervous wreck since i found this kid he's got nobody to look out for him but i'm not so good with kids you know that's not why i'm here but troy promised she'd send someone i need to get into the museum the museum but troy told me someone would come to help she promised okay tariq you tell me how to get into the museum and maybe i can sort out your problem here okay rise controls the museum he would kill you on site well then i can't have him see me now troy said you used to be the curator and then if anybody would know a way in it'd be you so how do i do it do you have scuba gear perhaps no too bad there's an entrance under the surface of emerald pond but it would be a long swim under the water you would most likely drown yeah well most likely isn't definitely so i guess i'll give it a try uh uh oh my god my lungs troy i hear you amen that was the easiest part of this you realize that's right you really suck at pep talks troy not my job but good luck oh [ __ ] you see that just quiet i heard something ah we meet again the last time we met you took something of mine now i took something of yours i don't negotiate with [ __ ] rise i get out of here with jade or i take your other hand too your choice you cannot simply demand to have her crane you must make a showing of effort first is that the best you got rise i can do this all [ __ ] day poor jade she's so lonely without you she's waiting for you come and get her come on she won't wait for you forever he's killing everyone she's running out of time you get here too late and there won't be much jade oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what have they done to you fine crane to here knock me over the head before he dumped me in here just give me a minute i'll be right as rain you do not have the luxury of a minute scorpion in fact what little time you have you owe to me thanks to your repair of my antennas crane i've listened to every word any of you have said how do you suppose i found you ms aldemi or the good doctor gaming how do you think i broke the connection between the sectors i am the director of this figure now that i have there is research the gre will do as a commander which renders the two of you useless tahir you took a french crane as i recall that being referred to but look at you now consider this a character strengthening exercise come on dude let's get out of here oh jade jade are you hurt they didn't bite you did they i'm fine i'm fine just give me a second sweet little jade is far from fine crane she was bitten and infected hours ago a noble of her to try and hide it from you biter got me on the leg you didn't need to know once again you find yourself with a choice clay your precious scorpion is about to turn but so are you who will receive the entity who has a hope of living through this encounter it's up to you now jade here you take this come on listen i've still got some in my system you need this worse than i do i just want you to promise me one thing when the time comes you're the one who takes me out what pray with me dead crane crane can you hear me tade where are you jade i need you to hear me crane not everybody would have offered that vial the way you did but it's too late for that now it's too late for me for a while i blamed you for amir's death i wanted to kill you but i realized it was time for amir it was time for him to go oh my god no not this again everybody's life is finite crane you can't deny it it's pointless we get here and eventually we die and there's nothing we can do the only thing we can do is make what happens in between count uh green save these people they don't deserve all of this oh my god no not this again oh amir's life counted and now he's gone rahim is life counted and now he's gone if sacrificing my life means saving everyone in her then that's what i want to do don't take that away from me craig i was born premature the doctors didn't think i was going to live but i fought i struggled and i fought and i worked and worked and worked i became a champion i became the scorpion i left my mark on the world get the door open no not this again was i i'm so sorry i didn't mean to one of us has to live kyle you just remember what you promised me all of this and still you had your choice made for you disappointing you you you and you get in there and kill them this is the natural order of things kill that son of a [ __ ] you americans don't know when to quit do you it's too late your whole world's about to turn to [ __ ] and there's nothing you can do to stop it you can't win huh where is ryze you will never know boy tell me where is going it is not for you to seek out your eyes don't worry the pain will soon be over time to die boy oh look at that jada lost her life for this thing it's just lying on the floor i guess rice must have dropped it when he was trying not to get shot huh oh [ __ ] this is just the tissue samples where's the other package you're looking pretty [ __ ] up huh yeah those don't look like the kinds of wounds you recover from so then kill me no no i shouldn't i should just leave you here to suffer that's what you deserve yes then why don't you because you're not the kind of loose end you leave untied troy it's crane you're alive troy j jade's dead oh i'm sorry i'm really sorry crane i mean it what happened rise he he forced us jade saved my life troy again she died saving me crane you've still got to call off the ministry that's why jade sacrificed herself so you could do this so you could save the rest of us is savvy there has he figured out how to get a message through yes but to do it you need to meet me i have to give you an amplifier that savvy says can help us break through the signal jamming i'll wait for you in the safe zone halfway to the antenna what you'll need to mount the amp okay troy on my way dr camden it's crane do you copy great good to hear you're still alive did you find jade yeah yeah i found her listen i also found dr zara's tissue samples and i'll bring them to you but at first there's something else i need to do okay great but remember we don't have a lot of time i know doc but i'm about to buy us time i'll be in touch so what do i have to do you need to install it at the highest place possible that way we'll have the best chance to break through okay so let me guess i need to head out to that giant antenna tower at the edge of town the fastest way is through the sewers savvy will guide you over the radio so contact him when you get to the other side and crane when you install the amp make sure to set the correct frequency on your radio pull this off and the entire world will hear you let's hope so see you troy beautiful weather this must be the place one day i'm gonna do this and end up landing on a bag of rusty knives i just know it hey savvy you there yeah man you okay i'm above ground and still in one piece oh good now listen you'll need the keycard to the substation otherwise there'll be no power to the antenna okay where do i get this card you'll have to search the containers it'll be in one of them would i have to search the place you mean the card might not even be here no no it's it's there mate it's just the last guy who tried to do something like this made it to one of the containers before we uh lost contact with him yes [ __ ] finally got it savvy i got the key card great now go to the substation it's close to the antenna mast inside the fence use the cod to get inside savvy i'm in okay good turn on the transformer done awesome yeah just get to the top no sweat of course he waits till i'm all the way up here to stop raining anyone who can hear me please listen my name is kyle crane and i'm sending this message from inside the haran quarantine colonel tanner and the ministry of defense have lied to you there are still survivors inside the walls they plan to firebomb heron but if those bombs drop you will know tanner and the ministry are cold-blooded murderers that was too close crane is that you do you copy how the hell do you want we want to offer you a chance to get out of that horrible place oh yeah and why would you do that i never found out who had your precious file you don't even have to pay the rest of my fee water under the bridge kyle we're best off just to move past that all you need to do is to bring dr zara's research with you and we'll send a nice safe helicopter to extract you realize i know what was in the file i knew you were going to exploit the virus crane oh my god you need the cure now for a spin don't you that's the only way you could get out of this try to convince everyone you were working toward a cure the whole time don't be ridiculous bring us the research and everything will be fine you want the research just [ __ ] wait for my signal savvy you there the amplifiers installed brilliant crane now just zipline down that tunnel i mentioned is near where you land dr camden this is kyle crane can you hear me i can hear you are you on your way i'm ready to work just bring me the samples that's exactly what i intend to do doc just remember i'm surrounded by an army of infected affirmative expect me soon good not like i'm going anywhere you must be crane yeah i can see you through the security cameras yeah that's me name's crane use the elevator push the button for the bottom floor got it i was sad to hear about dr zara he and i were thrilled to get the chance to study the heron virus and not to mention the gre paid us quite handsomely oh by the way we're on backup power now so we have minimal functionality i needed extra power for my last experiment and the generators overheated and shut down i uh hope you don't mind me reminiscing out loud like this it's uh it's been quite a number of weeks since i've had the prospect of talking to an actual live human in person oh and the door leading to the main corridor can only be opened manually you'll uh you'll have to get to the security room and throw the switch on my way all right now go down the main corridor the lab is on the left when the outbreak happened sarah and i stayed in the quarantine to work on the cure you know who was supposed to protect us khadir suleiman rise himself worked out just perfectly okay the only way into the lab is through the decontamination room the entrance is to the right everything went straight to hell a guy with monstrous tendencies to a full-blown you'll have to run the decontamination protocol to unlock the doors it won't work without full power though that's where the generators come in head to the offices once you're there i'll point you in the right direction all right i'm on it sarah and i got to safety with the help of a gre operative a man very similar to you the operative who helped us was supposed to evacuate alongside us but you can uh guess how well that worked out since sarah and i both got stuck here oh be extra careful now i never cleared the infected from that part of the facility i got separated from the two of them but i made it here to this clinic i really had no other option to work on finding a cure watch it opening the door sarah and the operative fell in with brecken's crowd i guess i would have as well if i've been able to get i'm sorry about this but the only way to get to the generator is through the ventilation shafts the shafts lead to the stock room and from there you can reach the hallway and then the generators man i hope two is enough good job all right now head back to the decontamination room you know i suspect even if sarah had been able to leave the quarantine he wouldn't have he and the operative both felt the need oh uh push the button by the door to begin the process all right now you can come in crane glad to be finally shaking hands with you now let's have those tissue samples shall we doc you mind if i show you a photo no no no just just just one minute all right we'll just let that run that's gonna take quite a while now what uh what was it you wanted to say hey that's him that that that's the gre operative i was telling you about what's his name amir yes yes amir goreshi what are you doing with a picture of him we uh we had a mutual friend those samples are still viable that's good with some luck your trip here won't have been for nothing uh where's the rest of the data by the way i know zara prepared two packages i'll have to get back to you on that doc right now i have some gre [ __ ] to confront gre brain you watch yourself around them their public face is a lie in epic proportions those people are all heartless lying bastards i hear you doug and thanks i'll be in listen touch i gotta reiterate you better watch your back your front and both sides with those gre bastards they'll screw you if they get the chance i know doc i'll be careful i just need to figure out where things stand hey troy i give the samples to dr camden now i'm gonna go have a little talk with the gre and what are you going to tell them everything i'll meet you later troy this is crane do you copy kyle crane you can hear me can you not rise where are you exactly where i should be atop my own tower of course mine is not quite complete but it still stands as a monument to chaos to entropy to what it means to be ruled only by oneself i'll kill you for what you did to jade for everything i would [ __ ] kill you that would be your attitude you see we are at war you and i a war of opposing philosophies a war to see whose vision of the world proves true come you know what forget it there is no war there's only your [ __ ] up outlook go to hell oh i have made a deal with our gre brothers using your very own communicator no less i know i have all of dr sarah's research data they call it the keys to the kingdom very shortly a helicopter will come and take me away imagine the damage i shall be able to do outside the confines of these walls of course if you think you can stop me you crazy son of a [ __ ] that is what i had hoped to hear come and find me green let us finish oh [ __ ] what the hell i knew you could not resist great no would you just shut up you're the last thing i want to hear what hear me what a brilliant idea consider yourself a member of an exclusive club where are you hiding you [ __ ] so face to face again i guess that means i don't need this anymore with or without it suleiman you're dead come now crane do not pretend you don't care how many lives depend on this disc hundreds thousands perhaps billions you are right about one thing crane suleiman he's dead he died with his brother in this city you don't even belong here crain you don't know what suffering is alongside me yes go on you cannot resist do it i won't fight you just as you can die here do it [ __ ] you [ __ ] you want me to make my own rules rule number one you're gonna spend the rest of your goddamn life in [ __ ] agony do not leave me like this cram prove you are a man jesus take your face well you just shut the [ __ ] up hmm wait to take me to a hospital i give you the honor of deciding your own fate hand me the disc so that there is at least a chance that haran might live and i will make your death painless or resist the city along with you you have until the count of five one two all right here [ __ ] what do you want rice already told us he had that dead scientist data all we're interested in is the cure we're offering you a chance here get the rest of the research and come with us i can think of a lot of reasons to tell you to go [ __ ] yourself but why don't we just pretend for a minute that you don't think i'm stupid you need the cure it's here in the city somewhere and as long as it is you won't try to pull any ministry style [ __ ] what happens to these people you don't belong here this is just a job for you no not anymore it's not i'll be in touch when i've decided what to do next the analysis just finished on the tissue samples the results are well i don't think the word phenomenal is too strong crane if you can recover sarah's data i'm certain a cure is within reach all right hey we'll talk about it next time i see you rice is dead finally [ __ ] got what he deserved same with those [ __ ] at the gre thanks to dr camden and zara's research data there might actually be a cure someday we'll just have to wait and see i don't know what happens next but i do know one thing this is where i'm supposed to be
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 2,230,787
Rating: 4.747735 out of 5
Keywords: machinima, dying light all cutscenes, diying light game movie, dying light story, dying light gameplay, dying light coop, dying light love story, jade dying light, dying light full movie, dying light movie, dying light walkthrough part 1, dying light campaign, dying light full campaign
Id: 1yqUDPFs0SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 37sec (10357 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 28 2015
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